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Integration of Business Functions Marking Matrix – Coursework (80% weighting)

Component Weighting Mark/Comment

Choice of organisation 5%

Discussion on leadership, time 15%

frame and changes and how they
have influenced the organisation

Application of concepts/theories
/models. Reflection and critique 50%
of concepts/theories/models and
application to:
Key Areas
• Discussion on leadership
• STEEP model applied
• Stakeholders discussed
• Organisational culture
possibly discussed.

Discussion of areas linked to

SWOT and factors that underpin
competencies or changing
• Discussion on systems,
organisation, structure.

USE of Models – not all are

expected but how they are
applied is important
• STEEP , Porter, SWOT.

Discussion re role of business 20%
Report Structure and referencing
- Structure, flow, presentation, 10%
academic writing style, evidence
of proof reading and use of
Harvard style of referencing.


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