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 Right to life

 Right to education
 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.
 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude
The state or position of being responsible, a person or thing for
which one is responsible. It also refers to the state or quality of being
responsible or something for which one is responsible such as a duty,
obligation, what is expected of us or burden (Lyons, D., 1970, "The
Correlativity of Rights and Duties).
Civic responsibilities refer to the social force that binds you to
the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instil a sense
of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every
opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John
D.Rockefeller Jr. The concept of responsibilities establishes an
interesting comparison between the transition from “moral rights” to
“legal rights” and the need to transform “moral duties” into “legal
duties and it is paramount to the success of democracy.

Rights and responsibilities of journalists

The right to information, to free speech and criticism is one of the
basic human rights. The duties and rights of journalists derive from
the public's right to know facts and opinions.
The responsibility of journalists towards the public has priority
over any other responsibility, particularly the responsibility to their
employers and the state organs. When fulfilling their information task,
the journalists adopt their own free will in certain rules they intend to
observe; these rules are formulated in the “Declaration of duties".
However, these duties can only be fulfilled if the necessary
preconditions for the journalists' independence and the dignity of their
profession are given; they are the subject of the following
"Declaration of the rights".
To have free access to all sources of information, and to be free
to publish all the facts that are of public interest; journalist can be
directed to withhold public or secret information or private affairs
only exceptionally, and only if clear grounds are given for that
Journalist must not be forced to professionally do something or
express any opinion that might be in contradiction with the principles
of the profession or his/her conscience. He/she should not encounter
any harm of his/her refusal.
Journalists have the right to reject all sorts of suggestions,
proposals, requests and instructions that remain outside or conflict
with or are not openly described in that basic policy.
Journalists, particularly those who are employed at an editorial
and managerial level, should be informed about important decisions
that affect and determine the functioning of the media organization;
whenever it is necessary they should take part in making these
Relevant to their function and responsibilities, journalists have
the right to organize. They also have the right to sign contracts
individually to safeguard their moral and material interests. The
journalists should be paid a salary commensurate with their social
role, their skill and the amount of work required. Their salaries should
also guarantee their economic independence.
According to the principle of protection of sources, the
journalists cannot be compelled to reveal his or her sources or testify
about them. This principle may be waived with the source’s consent.
The journalist may reveal the identity of his or her source in cases
where he or she has been clearly misled by the source.
The journalist uses press freedom conscientiously and honestly to
further the public's right to be informed and have access to accurate
news. For this purpose, the journalist should fight all kinds of
censorship and self-censorship and inform the public concerning this
question. Information, news and free thought are of a social nature that
separates them from all other commercial commodities and services.
The journalist carries all responsibility for the news and information
he or she makes public. The limits and contents of journalists' freedom
are primarily determined by their responsibility and professional
principles. The responsibility of the journalist to the public supersedes
all other responsibilities, including to employer and public authorities.
1) They should follow the truth regardless of the consequences
arising from it, and they show full respect for the right of the public to
know the truth.
2) They should defend freedom of information and all the rights
derived from this freedom; the right to comment and criticism, as well
as independence and the dignity of their profession.
3) They should publish only such information, documents and
pictures the sources of which are known to them. They don't suppress any
information or important elements of information, nor do they

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