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Current Concepts in the Scientific

and Clinical Rationale Behind
Exercises for Glenohumeral and
Scapulothoracic Musculature

he biomechanical analysis of rehabilitation exercises has advantageous rehabilitation programs.
gained recent attention. As our knowledge of specific muscle The purpose of this paper is to provide
an overview of the biomechanical and
biomechanics and function has increased, we have seen
clinical implications associated with the
a gradual progression towards more scientifically based rehabilitation of the glenohumeral and
rehabilitation exercises. Several investigators have sought to describe scapulothoracic joints. We will review
common rehabilitation exercises using kinematics, kinetics, and the function and biomechanics of each
electromyographic (EMG) data in an attempt to better understand the muscle, with specific emphasis on many
implications of each exercise on the soft tissues of the glenohumeral commonly performed rehabilitation ex-
ercises. The goal of this is to provide the
and scapulothoracic joints. Advances in the understanding of
clinician with a thorough overview of the
the biomechanical factors of rehabilita- to emphasize the necessity of evidence- available information to develop safe,
tion have led to the enhancement of based practice, few studies have been potentially effective, and appropriate ex-
rehabilitation programs that seek conducted to determine the efficacy ercise programs for injury rehabilitation
to facilitate recovery, while plac- of specific shoulder rehabilitation and prevention.
ing minimal strain on specific exercises. Thus, knowledge of
healing structures. anatomy, biomechanics, and func- HEJ7JEH9K<<CKI9B;I
Though the fields of orthope- tion of specific musculature is criti-

dics and sports medicine have evolved cal in an attempt to develop the most he rotator cuff has been shown
to be a substantial dynamic stabiliz-
TIODEFI?I0 The biomechanical analysis of re- programs. The purpose of this paper is to provide er of the glenohumeral joint in mul-
habilitation exercises has led to more scientifically the clinician with a thorough overview of the avail- tiple shoulder positions.49,88 Appropriate
based rehabilitation programs. Several investiga- able literature relevant to develop safe, effective, rehabilitation progression and strength-
tors have sought to quantify the biomechanics and and appropriate exercise programs for injury ening of the rotator cuff muscles are
electromyographic data of common rehabilitation rehabilitation and prevention of the glenohumeral
important to provide appropriate force
and scapulothoracic joints.
exercises in an attempt to fully understand their to help elevate and move the arm, com-
clinical indications and usefulness. Furthermore, TB;L;BE<;L?:;D9;0 Level 5. J Orthop Sports
press and center the humeral head within
the effect of pathology on normal shoulder bio- Phys Ther 2009; 39(2):105-117. doi:10.2519/
jospt.2009.2835 the glenoid fossa during shoulder move-
mechanics has been documented. It is important
ments (providing dynamic stability), and
to consider the anatomical, biomechanical, and TA;OMEH:I0 electromyography, infraspinatus,
clinical implications when designing exercise serratus anterior, supraspinatus, trapezius provide a counterforce to humeral head
superior translation resulting from del-

Coordinator of Rehabilitation Research and Education, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Division of Sports Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; Rehabilitation
Coordinator/Assistant Athletic Trainer, Boston Red Sox Baseball Club, Boston, MA. 2 Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento,
CA. 3 Clinical Director, Champion Sports Medicine, Director of Rehabilitative Research, American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL. Address correspondence to Dr Michael
M. Reinold, Rehabilitation Coordinator/Assistant Athletic Trainer, Boston Red Sox Baseball Club, Fenway Park, 4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA 02215. Email:

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 2 | february 2009 | 105
toid activity (minimizing subacromial of shoulder elevation during abduction scapula to specifically strengthen the
impingement).6,8,9,21,34,50,60,65,74 In addi- and scaption exercises.59 supraspinatus. 38
tion, rotator cuff muscles are frequently These EMG data clearly illustrate Jobe38 was the first to recommend ele-
treated either conservatively or surgically aberrant muscle-firing patterns in in- vation in the scapular plane (30° anterior
secondary to injuries. dividuals with shoulder pathology. It is to the frontal plane) with glenohumer-
Exercise designed to strengthen the often the goal of rehabilitation special- al IR, or the “empty can” exercise, to
muscles of the rotator cuff are often pre- ists to prescribe exercises to normalize or strengthen the supraspinatus muscle.
scribed to patients with pathologies such prevent these abnormal firing patterns. Other authors37,40,66,69,70,77 have suggested
as subacromial impingement. During Proper selection of exercises to activate the “full can” position, or elevation in the
scapular plane abduction in healthy sub- muscle function for each muscle of the scapular plane with glenohumeral ER,
jects, the humeral head translates 1 to 3 rotator cuff should be considered during to best strengthen and test the supraspi-
mm in the superior direction from 0° to rehabilitation. natus muscle. Furthermore, compared
30° of abduction, slightly inferiorly from to the empty can exercise, Blackburn5
30° to 60° of abduction, and in the su- IkfhWif_dWjki reported significantly greater supraspi-
perior or inferior direction during 60° to The supraspinatus compresses, abducts, natus activity during prone horizontal
90° of abduction.26,50,67 Other data dem- and generates a small ER torque to the abduction at 100° with full ER, or prone
onstrate that, during passive scapular glenohumeral joint. Supraspinatus activi- full can, position. The results of studies
plane abduction, the humeral head trans- ty increases as resistance increases during comparing these exercises provide in-
lates superiorly 0.6 to 1.8 mm between abduction/scaption movements, peaking consistent results due to methodological
0° to 150°.25,26 But during active scapular at 30° to 60° of elevation for any given limitations, including lack of statistical
plane abduction the humeral head re- resistance. At lower elevation angles, su- analysis,38,79 lack of data for all 3 exercis-
mains nearly centered in the glenoid fos- praspinatus activity increases, providing es,40,54,79,87 and absence of data on deltoid
sa throughout the range of movement.26 additional humeral head compression muscle activity.87
These data illustrate the importance of within the glenoid fossa to counter the Recently, Reinold et al69 comprehen-
rotator cuff strength and muscle balance humeral head superior translation occur- sively evaluated the EMG signal of the
to resist humeral head superior transla- ring with contraction of the deltoid.1 Due supraspinatus and deltoid musculature
tion and help center the humeral head to a decreasing moment arm with abduc- during the full can, empty can, and
within the glenoid fossa during shoulder tion, the supraspinatus is a more effective prone full can exercises in an attempt
elevation.74 With rotator cuff pathology, abductor in the scapular plane at smaller to clarify the muscular activation during
altered kinematics and muscle activ- abduction angles.34,50,65 these exercises. The results showed that
ity are present,31 and superior humeral Relatively high supraspinatus activity all 3 exercises provide a similar amount
head translation increases and subacro- has been measured in several common of supraspinatus activity ranging from
mial space decreases.24 Moreover, during rotator cuff exercises3,5,17,33,54,63,70,75,79,87 62% to 67% of maximal voluntary iso-
scapular plane shoulder abduction from and in several exercises that are not metric contraction (MVIC). However,
30° to 90°, infraspinatus and subscapu- commonly thought of as rotator cuff ex- the full can exercise demonstrated a
laris activity was found to be significantly ercises, such as standing forward scap- significantly lower amount of middle
less in individuals with subacromial im- ular punch, rowing exercises, push-up and posterior deltoid activity compared
pingement compared to those without exercises, and 2-hand overhead medi- to the 2 other exercises. This is clinically
impingement.68 cine ball throws.13,17,32,81 These results significant when trying to strengthen
Subjects with shoulder laxity and in- suggest the importance of the rotator the supraspinatus while simultaneously
stability have also been shown to have cuff in providing dynamic glenohumeral minimizing potentially disadvanta-
altered kinematics and firing patterns of stability by centering the humeral head geous superior sheer force due to del-
the rotator cuff.7,35,45,46,55,64,72 Compared to within the glenoid fossa during all up- toid activity.
healthy subjects, patients with general- per extremity functional movements. In patients with shoulder pain,
ized joint laxity demonstrated increased This is an important concept for the weakness of the rotator cuff, or inef-
subscapularis activity during internal clinician to understand. The muscle’s ficient dynamic stabilization, it is the
rotation (IR) exercise and decreased su- ability to generate abduction torque in authors’ opinion that activities that
praspinatus and subscapularis activity the scapular plane appears to be great- produce higher levels of deltoid activ-
during external rotation (ER) exercise.7,43 est with the shoulder in neutral rotation ity in relation to supraspinatus activity,
Compared to healthy subjects, those with or in slight IR or ER.50,65 This biome- such as the empty can and prone full
anterior instability exhibited less su- chanical advantage has led to the devel- can exercise, may be detrimental. This
praspinatus activity between 30° to 60° opment of exercises in the plane of the is due to the increased amount of supe-

106 | february 2009 | volume 39 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
there are several reasons why the full
can exercise may be preferred over the
empty can exercise during rehabilitation
and supraspinatus testing. Anatomically,
the IR of the humerus during the empty
can exercise does not allow the greater
tuberosity to clear from under the acro-
mion during arm elevation, which may
increase subacromial impingement risk
because of decreased subacromial space
Biomechanically, shoulder abduction
<?=KH;'$Direction of the magnitude of the resultant force vector for different glenohumeral joint positions as a performed in extreme IR progressively
function of different muscle activity, (A) deltoid activity, (B) rotator cuff activity, (C) combined deltoid and rotator decreases the abduction moment arm of
cuff activity. Reprinted with permission from Morrey et al.61
the supraspinatus from 0° to 90° of ab-
duction.50 A diminished mechanical ad-
vantage may result in the supraspinatus
needing to generate more force, thus in-
creasing the tensile stresses in the injured
or healing tendon. This may also make
the exercise more challenging for patients
with weakness, facilitating compensatory
movements such as a shoulder “shrug.”
Scapular kinematics are also different
between these exercises, with scapular
IR, or “winging” (which occurs in the
transverse plane with the scapular me-
dial border moving posterior away from
the trunk) and anterior tilt (which occurs
in the sagittal plane with the scapular in-
ferior angle moving posterior away from
the trunk) being greater with the empty
can compared to the full can exercise.78
This occurs in part because IR of the
humerus in the empty can position ten-
sions both the posteroinferior capsule of
<?=KH;($The position of the resultant force vector of the rotator cuff and deltoid for different positions of arm the glenohumeral joint and the rotator
elevation with (N) neutral rotation, (I) internal rotation, and (X) external rotation. Reprinted with permission from cuff (primarily the infraspinatus). Ten-
Poppen and Walker.66
sion in these structures contributes to
anterior tilt and IR of the scapula, which
rior humeral head migration that may bursal thickening, and may result in contribute to scapular protraction. This
be observed when the rotator cuff does tendon degeneration and eventual fail- is clinically important because scapular
not adequately compress the humerus ure.21 Clinically, superior humeral head protraction has been shown to decrease
within the glenoid fossa to counteract, migration may be disadvantageous to the width of the subacromial space, in-
or oppose, the superior pull of the del- patients with rotator cuff pathology or creasing the risk of subacromial impinge-
toid (<?=KH; ').61 Poppen and Walker66 a deficiency in glenohumeral dynamic ment.76 In contrast, scapular retraction
have shown that the empty can exercise stabilization that are symptomatic. This has been shown to both increase sub-
results in a greater superior-orientated may partially explain why the empty can acromial space width76 and increase su-
force vector than the full can exercise position often elicits a certain amount praspinatus strength potential (enhanced
(<?=KH; (). This superior humeral head of pain and discomfort in patients. mechanical advantage), when compared
migration may result in subacromial In addition to the altered ratio of su- to a more protracted position.41 These
impingement, subdeltoid bursa trauma, praspinatus to deltoid muscle activity, data also emphasize the importance of

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 2 | february 2009 | 107
strengthening the scapular retractors and until it is about 1.3 cm at 60° abduction.65 of infraspinatus and teres minor activity
maintaining a scapular retracted posture These data imply that the infraspinatus is progressively decreases as the shoulder
during shoulder exercises. The authors a more effective external rotator at lower moves into an abducted position, while
routinely instruct patients to emphasize shoulder abduction angles. The teres mi- activity of the supraspinatus and deltoid
an upright posture and a retracted posi- nor has a relatively constant ER moment increases. This suggests that as the arm
tion of the scapula during all shoulder arm (approximately 2.1 cm) and the abil- moves into a position of increased vulner-
and scapula strengthening exercises. ity to generate torque throughout shoul- ability away from the body, the supraspi-
Thus, the full can exercise appears to der abduction movement, which implies natus and deltoid are active to assist in
be the most advantageous exercise while that shoulder abduction angle does not the ER movement, while providing some
the empty can exercise is not commonly affect the effectiveness of the teres minor degree of glenohumeral stability through
recommended. The prone full can exer- to generate ER torque.65 muscular contraction.
cise warrants further consideration be- Several studies have been designed to While standing ER exercises per-
cause the exercise results in greater EMG test the results of the model; but, as in formed at 90° of shoulder abduction may
signal of the posterior deltoid than the studies on the supraspinatus, variations have a functional advantage over exercis-
middle deltoid, which may result in less in experimental methodology have result- es performed at 0° of shoulder abduction
superior sheer force. The prone full can ed in conflicting results and controversy or performed in the scapular plane, due
exercise may also be beneficial because of in exercise selection.3,5,17,19,27,33,44,54,63,70,77,79,81 to the close replication in sporting activi-
scapular muscle recruitment. Several exercises have been recommend- ties, the combination of shoulder abduc-
ed based on EMG data, including shoul- tion and ER places strain on the shoulder
?d\hWif_dWjkiWdZJ[h[iC_deh der ER in the side-lying,3,70,79 standing,27,70 capsule, particularly the anterior band of
The infraspinatus and teres minor com- or prone3,70 positions performed at 0°,3,70 the inferior glenohumeral ligament.30,85,86
prise the posterior cuff, which provides 45°,27,70 and 90°3,70 of abduction. Another The clinician must carefully consider this
glenohumeral compression and resists exercise that has been shown to generate when designing programs for patients
superior and anterior humeral head a high EMG signal of the infraspinatus with capsulolabral pathology.
translation by exerting an inferoposteri- and teres minor is prone horizontal ab- Side-lying ER may be the optimal ex-
or force on the humeral head.74 The pos- duction with ER.5,79 ercise to strengthen the external rotators
terior cuff muscles provide glenohumeral Reinold et al70 analyzed several dif- based on the previously mentioned stud-
ER, which functionally helps clear the ferent exercises commonly used to ies. The inclusion of this exercise should
greater tuberosity from under the cora- strengthen the shoulder external rota- be considered in all exercise programs
coacromial arch during overhead move- tors to determine the most effective attempting to increase ER strength or
ments, thus minimizing subacromial exercise and position to recruit muscle decrease capsular strain.
impingement. activity of the posterior rotator cuff. The Theoretically, ER performed at 0° of
Based on 3-D biomechanical shoulder authors report that the exercise that elic- shoulder abduction with a towel roll be-
models, the maximum predicted isomet- ited the most combined EMG signal for tween the rib cage and the arm provides
ric infraspinatus force was 723 N for ER the infraspinatus and teres minor was both the low capsular strain and also a
at 90° of abduction and 909 N for ER at shoulder ER in side-lying (infraspina- good balance between the muscles that
0° of abduction.34 The maximum predict- tus, 62% maximal voluntary isometric externally rotate the arm and the muscles
ed teres minor force was much less than contraction [MVIC]; teres minor, 67% that adduct the arm to hold the towel.
for the infraspinatus during maximum MVIC), followed closely by standing ER Our clinical experience has shown that
ER at both 90° (111 N) and 0° abduction in the scapular plane at 45° of abduction adding a towel roll to the ER exercise
(159 N).34 The effectiveness of the muscles (infraspinatus, 53% MVIC; teres minor, provides assistance to the patient by en-
of the posterior rotator cuff to externally 55% MVIC), and finally prone ER in the suring that proper technique is observed
rotate the arm depends on glenohumeral 90° abducted position (infraspinatus, without muscle substitution. Reinold et
position. The superior, middle, and infe- 50% MVIC; teres minor, 48% MVIC). al70 report that adding a towel roll to the
rior heads of the infraspinatus have their Exercises in the 90° abducted posi- exercise consistently exhibited a tendency
largest ER moment arm (approximate- tion are often incorporated to simulate towards higher activity of the posterior
ly 2.2 cm) and generate their greatest the position and strain on the shoulder rotator cuff muscles as well. An increase
torque at 0° abduction.65 As the abduc- during overhead activities such as throw- of 20% to 25% in EMG signal of the in-
tion angle increases, the moment arms of ing. This position produced moderate fraspinatus and teres minor was noted
the inferior and middle heads stay rela- activity of the external rotators but also when using the towel roll compared to
tively constant, while the moment arm of increased activity of the deltoid and su- no towel roll.
the superior head progressively decreases praspinatus. It appears that the amount What is not readily apparent is the

108 | february 2009 | volume 39 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
significant role of the infraspinatus as tivity similar to that of the infraspina- angle does not appear to affect the ability
a shoulder abductor in the scapular tus during horizontal abduction. This of the lower subscapularis (innervated by
plane. 34,50,65 From 3-D biomechanical hypothesis is supported by EMG and the lower subscapularis nerve) to gener-
shoulder models, predicted infraspina- magnetic resonance imaging data, which ate IR torque.65 However, lower sub-
tus force during maximum isometric show that teres minor activity during scapularis muscle activity is affected by
effort scapular plane abduction (90° flexion, abduction, and scapular abduc- abduction angle, where some EMG data
position) was 205 N, nearly twice the tion is drastically less than infraspinatus show significantly greater activity with
predicted force from the supraspinatus activity.1,3,5,54,77,79 Even though the teres IR at 0° abduction compared to IR at 90°
in this position.34 Liu et al50 reported minor generates an adduction torque, it abduction,17 while EMG data of another
that in scapular plane abduction with is active during these different elevation- study show greater activity with IR ex-
neutral rotation the infraspinatus has an type movements, as it likely acts to en- ercise performed at 90° compared to 0°
abductor moment arm that was small at hance joint stability by resisting superior abduction.39 Performing IR at 0° abduc-
0° abduction, but increased to 1 cm at humeral head translation and providing tion produces similar amounts of upper
15° abduction, and remained fairly con- humeral head compression within the and lower subscapularis activity.17,28,39
stant throughout increasing abduction glenoid fossa.74 This is especially likely Although biomechanical data remain
angles. Moreover, infraspinatus activity the case at lower shoulder abduction inconclusive as to which position to per-
increases as resistance increases, peaking angles and when abduction and scapu- form IR exercises (0° versus 90° abduc-
at 30° to 60° for any given resistance.1 As lar abduction movements are performed tion), during IR at 0° abduction the action
resistance increases, infraspinatus activ- against greater resistance.1 In contrast to of the subscapularis is assisted by several
ity increases to help generate a higher the movements of shoulder abduction, large muscles, such as the pectoralis ma-
shoulder scapular abduction torque, and, scapular abduction, and flexion, teres mi- jor, latissimus dorsi, and teres major.17
at lower elevation angles, infraspinatus nor activity is much higher during prone Clinically, this may allow for compensa-
activity increases to resist superior hu- horizontal abduction at 100° abduction tion of larger muscles during the exercise
meral head translation due to the action with ER, exhibiting similar activity as the in the presence of subscapularis weak-
of the deltoid.74 infraspinatus.5,54,70,77,79 ness. Decker et al17 demonstrated that IR
In contrast to the infraspinatus, the at 90° abduction produced less pectoralis
teres minor generates a weak shoulder IkXiYWfkbWh_i major activity compared to 0° abduction.
adductor torque due to its relatively The subscapularis provides glenohumer- The authors’ findings revealed that pecto-
lower attachments to the scapula and hu- al compression, IR, and anterior stability ralis major and latissimus dorsi activity
merus.34,50,65 A 3-D biomechanical mod- of the shoulder. From 3-D biomechanical increased when performing IR exercises
el of the shoulder reveals that the teres shoulder models, predicted subscapu- in an adducted position or while mov-
minor does not generate scapular plane laris force during maximum effort IR ing into an adducted position during the
abduction torque when it contracts, but, was 1725 N at 90° abduction and 1297 exercise. Thus, IR at 90° abduction may
rather, generates an adduction torque N at 0° abduction.34 Its superior, middle, be performed if attempting to strengthen
and 94 N of force during maximum effort and inferior heads all have their larg- the subscapularis while minimizing larg-
scapular plane adduction. 34 In addition, est IR moment arm (approximately 2.5 er muscle group activity.
Otis et al65 reported that the adductor cm) and torque generation at 0° abduc- The subscapularis is active in numer-
moment arm of the teres minor was ap- tion.65 As the abduction angle increases, ous shoulder exercises other than specific
proximately 0.2 cm at 45° of IR and ap- the moment arms of the inferior and IR of the shoulder. Decker et al17 reported
proximately 0.1 cm at 45° of ER. These middle heads stay relatively constant, high subscapularis activity during the
data imply that the teres minor is a weak while the moment arm of the superior push-up with plus and dynamic-hug ex-
adductor of the humerus, regardless of head progressively decreases until it is ercises. These authors also described an-
the rotational position of the humerus. about 1.3 cm at 60° abduction.65 These other exercise that consistently produced
In addition, because of its posterior posi- data imply that the upper portion of the high levels of subscapularis activity, which
tion at the shoulder, it also helps gener- subscapularis muscle (innervated by the they called the “diagonal exercise” (<?=KH;
ate a weak horizontal abduction torque. upper subscapularis nerve) may be a 3). Relatively high subscapularis activ-
Therefore, although its activity is simi- more effective internal rotator at lower ity has been measured while performing
lar to the infraspinatus during ER, it is abduction angles compared to higher ab- side-lying shoulder abduction, standing
hypothesized that the teres minor would duction angles. However, there is no sig- shoulder extension from 90° to 0°, mili-
not be as active as the infraspinatus dur- nificant difference in upper subscapularis tary press, D2 diagonal proprioceptive
ing scapular abduction, abduction, and activity among IR exercises performed at neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) pattern
flexion movements, but would show ac- 0°, 45°, or 90° abduction.17,39 Abduction flexion and extension, and PNF scapular

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 2 | february 2009 | 109
bell flys, military press, and push-
The abductor moment arm is ap-
proximately 0 cm for the anterior del-
toid and 1.4 cm for the middle deltoid
when the shoulder is in 0° abduction
and neutral rotation in the scapular
plane.50,65 The magnitude of these mo-
ment arms progressively increases with
shoulder abduction, such that, by 60°
of abduction, they are approximately
1.5 to 2 cm for the anterior deltoid and
2.7 to 3.2 cm for the middle deltoid.
From 0° to 40°of abduction the moment
arms for the anterior and middle del-
toids are less than the moment arms for
the supraspinatus, subscapularis, and
<?=KH;)$Diagnonal exercise for the subscapularis begins in shoulder external rotation at 90° abduction in the infraspinatus.50,65 These data suggest
coronal plane (A) and internal rotation and horizontal adduction are performed simultaneously (B), similar to a that the anterior and middle deltoid
tennis swing. are not effective shoulder abductors at
low abduction angles and the shoulder
clock, depression, elevation, protraction, scapularis all have an abductor moment in neutral rotation, especially the ante-
and retraction movements.17,33,44,63,75,79 arm (greatest for the superior head and rior deltoid. This is in contrast to the
The subscapularis also generates least for the inferior head) that varies as a supraspinatus and to a lesser extent the
an abduction torque during arm eleva- function of humeral rotation. The lengths infraspinatus and subscapularis, which
tion.50,65 From 3-D biomechanical shoul- of the moment arm for the 3 muscle heads are more effective shoulder abductors
der models, predicted subscapularis force are approximately 0.4 to 2.2 cm at 45° of at low abduction angles. These biome-
during maximum effort scapular plane ER, 0.4 to 1.4 cm in neutral rotation, and chanical data are consistent with EMG
abduction at 90° was 283 N, approxi- 0.4 to 0.5 cm at 45° of IR. These data sug- data, in which anterior and middle del-
mately 2.5 times the predicted force for gest that the subscapularis is most effec- toid activity generally peaks between
the supraspinatus in this position.34 This tive as a scapular plane abductor with the 60° to 90° of abduction in the scapular
was similar to that of the infraspinatus, shoulder in ER and least effective with plane, while supraspinatus, infraspina-
highlighting the theoretical force couple the shoulder in IR. Therefore, the simul- tus, and subscapularis activity generally
that the 2 muscles provide to center the taneous activation of the subscapularis peaks between 30° and 60° of shoulder
humeral head within the glenoid fossa and infraspinatus during arm elevation abduction in the scapular plane.1
during abduction. Liu et al50 reported generates both an abductor moment and The abductor moment arm for the
that in scapular plane abduction with an inferiorly directed force to the humer- anterior deltoid changes considerably
neutral rotation the subscapularis had a al head to resist superior humeral head with humeral rotation, increasing with
peak abductor moment arm of 1 cm at 0° translation.74 In addition, a simultane- ER and decreasing with IR.50 At 60° ER
abduction, which slowly decreased to 0 ous activation neutralizes the IR and ER and 0° abduction, a position similar to
cm at 60° abduction. Moreover, the ab- torques these muscles generate, further the beginning of the full can exercise, the
ductor moment arm of the subscapularis enhancing joint stability. anterior deltoid moment arm is 1.5 cm
generally decreased as abduction was per- (compared to 0 cm in neutral rotation),
formed with greater shoulder IR,50 such DELTOID which makes the anterior deltoid an ef-
as performing the empty can exercise. In fective abductor even at small abduction

contrast, the abductor moment arm of he deltoid plays an important angles.50 By 60° abduction with ER, its
the subscapularis generally increased as role in shoulder biomechanics and moment arm increased to approximately
abduction was performed with greater during glenohumeral and scapu- 2.5 cm (compared to approximately 1.5
shoulder ER, similar to performing the lothoracic exercises. Extensive research to 2 cm in neutral rotation).50 In con-
full can exercise. has been conducted on deltoid activity trast, at 60° IR at 0° abduction, a po-
Otis et al65 reported that the superior, during upper extremity weight-lifting sition similar to the beginning of the
middle, and inferior heads of the sub- exercises, such as bench press, dumb- empty can exercise, its moment arm was

110 | february 2009 | volume 39 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
0 cm (the same as with neutral rotation), ment arm of the anterior deltoid progres- I97FKBEJ>EH79?9CKI9B;I
which suggests that in this position sively increases as abduction increases,

the anterior deltoid is not an effective and it becomes a more effective abduc- he primary muscles that con-
abductor.50 tor. It is also important to remember trol scapular movements include the
It has been reported that, given a peak that muscle force is generated not only to trapezius, serratus anterior, levator
isometric abduction torque of 25 N·m at generate joint torque, but also to provide scapulae, rhomboids, and pectoralis mi-
0° abduction and neutral rotation, up to stabilization, such as joint compression. nor. Appropriate scapular muscle strength
35% to 65% of this torque may be gener- Also of interest is the 608-N force that, and balance are important because the
ated by the middle deltoid, 30% by the collectively, the subscapularis (283 N), scapula and humerus move together in
subscapularis, 25% by the supraspinatus, infraspinatus (205 N), and supraspinatus coordination during arm movement,
10% by the infraspinatus, 2% by the an- (117 N) generate. These larges forces are referred to as scapulohumeral rhythm.
terior deltoid, and 0% by the posterior generated not only to abduct the shoul- During humeral elevation, the scapula
deltoid.50 Interestingly, the rotator cuff der but also to compress and stabilize upwardly rotates in the frontal plane,
provides a significant contribution to the the joint, and neutralize the superiorly rotating approximately 1° for every 2°
abduction torque. The ineffectiveness directed force generated by the deltoid at of humeral elevation until 120° humeral
of the anterior and posterior deltoids to lower abduction angles. elevation, and thereafter rotates approxi-
generate abduction torque with neutral It should also be noted that deltoid mately 1° for every 1° humeral elevation
rotation may appear surprising.50,65 How- muscle force in different shoulder posi- until maximal arm elevation, achieving
ever, it is important to understand that tions may also affect shoulder stability. at least 45° to 55° of upward rotation.52,58
the low abduction torque for the anterior All 3 heads of the deltoid generate a force During humeral elevation, in addition to
deltoid does not mean that this muscle is that increases shoulder stability at 60° scapular upward rotation, the scapula also
only minimally active. In fact, because the abduction in the scapular plane (helps to normally tilts posteriorly approximately
anterior deltoid has an abductor moment stabilize the humeral head in the glenoid 20° to 40° in the sagittal plane and exter-
arm near 0 cm, the muscle could be very fossa) but decreases shoulder stability at nally rotates approximately 15° to 35° in
active and generate very high force but 60° abduction in the frontal plane (tends the transverse plane.52,58
very little torque (in 0° abduction this to translate the humeral head anterior).48 When the normal 3-D scapular move-
force attempts to translate the humeral These data provide evidence for the use ments are disrupted by abnormal scapular
head superiorly). of scapular abduction exercises instead of muscle-firing patterns, fatigue, or injury,
The aforementioned torque data are abduction exercises for individuals with it has been hypothesized that the shoulder
complemented and supported by muscle anterior instability. complex functions less efficiently, leading
force data from Hughes and An.34 These Thus, it appears that the 3 heads of to injuries to the shoulder, including the
authors reported predicted forces from the deltoid have different roles during glenohumeral joint.10,11,12,18,58,76,80,82 During
the deltoid and rotator cuff during maxi- upper extremity movements and, there- arm elevation in the scapular plane, in-
mum effort abduction with the arm 90° fore, different implications for exercise dividuals with subacromial impingement
abducted and in neutral rotation. Poste- selection. The middle deltoid may have exhibit decreased scapular upward rota-
rior deltoid and teres minor forces were the most significant impact on superior tion, increased scapular IR (winging) and
only 2 N and 0 N, respectively, which humeral head migration, and exercises anterior tilt, and decreased subacromial
further demonstrates the ineffectiveness with high levels of middle deltoid activity space width, compared to those without
of these muscles as shoulder abductors. (as well as anterior deltoid activity), such subacromial impingement.24,51 Altered
In contrast, middle deltoid force was the as the empty can exercise, should likely scapular muscle activity is commonly as-
highest at 434 N, which suggests a high be minimized for most patients. Con- sociated with impingement syndrome.
contribution of this muscle during abduc- versely, high levels of posterior deltoid For example, upper and lower trapezius
tion. The anterior deltoid generated the activity may not be as disadvantageous activity increased and serratus anterior
second highest force of 323 N. This may as high levels of middle or anterior del- activity decreased in individuals with im-
appear surprising given the low abductor toid activity. It does not appear that the pingement as compared to those without
torque for this muscle reported above, posterior deltoid has a significant role in impingement.51 Therefore, it is important
but it should be re-emphasized that force providing abduction or superior humeral to include the scapulothoracic muscula-
and torque are not the same, and that the head migration. Thus, exercises such as ture in the rehabilitation of patients with
shoulder was positioned at 90° abduction the prone full can, which generates high shoulder pathology.42
in the study by Hughes and An,34 in con- levels of rotator cuff and posterior deltoid
trast to 0° abduction in the study by Liu activity, may be both safe and effective for I[hhWjki7dj[h_eh
et al.50 As previously mentioned, the mo- rotator cuff strengthening. The serratus anterior works with the

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 2 | february 2009 | 111

<?=KH;+$Bilateral serratus anterior punch to 120° abduction begins with hands by the side (A) before extending
elbows and elevating shoulders up to 120° of elevation and full protraction (B).
<?=KH;*$Dynamic hug exercise for the serratus
anterior begins with the elbows in approximately 45° scaption with ER above 120°.16,20,32,62,63 tion occurs after the elbows fully extend
of flexion, the shoulder abducted 60° and internally Serratus anterior activity tends to increase (push-up plus).53 Moreover, serratus
rotated 45° (A). The humerus is then horizontally
in a somewhat linear fashion with arm el- anterior activity was lowest in the wall
adducted by following an arc movement similar to
a hugging action, until full shoulder protraction is evation.2,20,29,52,62 However, increasing arm push-up plus, exhibited moderate activi-
reached (B). elevation increases subacromial impinge- ty during the push-up plus on knees, and
ment risk,15,71 and arm elevation at lower relatively high activity during the stan-
pectoralis minor to protract the scapula abduction angles also generates relatively dard push-up plus.16,53 Compared to the
and with the upper and lower trapezius high serratus anterior activity.20 standard push-up, performing a push-
to upwardly rotate the scapula. The ser- It is interesting that performing up plus with the feet elevated produced
ratus anterior is an important muscle be- shoulder IR and ER at 90° of abduction significantly greater serratus anterior
cause it contributes to all components of generates relatively high serratus ante- activity.47 These findings demonstrate
normal 3-D scapular movements during rior activity, because these exercises are that serratus anterior activity increases
arm elevation, which includes upward usually thought to primarily work rotator as the positional (gravitational) chal-
rotation, posterior tilt, and external ro- cuff muscles.20,63 However, during IR and lenge increases.
tation.52,58 The serratus anterior is also ER at 90° abduction the serratus ante- Decker et al16 compared several com-
important in athletics, such as during rior helps stabilize the scapula. It should mon exercises designed to recruit the ser-
overhead throwing, to accelerate the be noted that the rotator cuff muscles ratus anterior. The authors identified that
scapula during the acceleration phase of also act to move the scapula (where they the 3 exercises that produced the great-
throwing. The serratus anterior also helps originate) in addition to the humerus. est serratus anterior EMG signal were the
stabilize the medial border and inferior For example, the force exerted by the su- push-up with a plus, dynamic hug (<?=KH;
angle of the scapula, preventing scapular praspinatus at the supraspinous fossa has 4), and punch exercises (similar to a jab-
IR (winging) and anterior tilt. the ability to downwardly rotate the scap- bing protraction motion).
Several exercises elicit high serratus ula if this force is not counterbalanced by Ekstrom20 also looked at the activity
anterior activity, such as D1 and D2 di- the scapulothoracic musculature. of the serratus anterior during common
agonal PNF pattern flexion, D2 diagonal Not surprising is high serratus ante- exercises. His data indicated that the
PNF pattern extension, supine scapular rior activity generated during a push-up serratus anterior is more active when
protraction, supine upward scapular exercise. When performing the stan- performing a movement that simultane-
punch, military press, push-up plus, gle- dard push-up, push-up on knees, and ously creates scapular upward rotation
nohumeral IR and ER at 90° abduction, wall push-up, serratus anterior activity and protraction, as with the serratus an-
and shoulder flexion, abduction, and is greater when full scapular protrac- terior punch performed at 120° of abduc-

112 | february 2009 | volume 39 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
tion and during a diagonal exercise that from 90° to 180°.2,20,29,62,75,84 Significantly
incorporated protraction with shoulder greater lower trapezius activity has been
flexion, horizontal adduction, and exter- reported during the prone ER at 90° ab-
nal rotation. It appears that the punch ex- duction exercise compared to the empty
ercise can be enhanced by starting at 0° can exercise.3 As previously mentioned,
abduction and extending the elbow, while the lower trapezius is an extremely im-
elevating and protracting the shoulder portant muscle in shoulder function due
(<?=KH;+). to its role in scapular upward rotation,
Hardwick et al29 compared the wall external rotation, and posterior tilt.
push-up plus, full can, and a wall slide Ekstrom et al20 reported that the great-
exercise. The wall slide begins by slightly est EMG signal amplitude of the lower
leaning against the wall with the ulnar trapezius occurred during the prone full
border of the forearms in contact with can, prone ER at 90°, and prone horizon-
the wall, elbows flexed 90°, and shoul- <?=KH;,$The proper alignment of the upper tal abduction at 90° with ER exercises.
extremity during the prone horizontal abduction
ders abducted 90° in the scapular plane. Based on these results, it appears that
exercise with external rotation. Note how the upper
From this position the arms slide up the extremity is aligned with the muscle fiber orientation
the prone full can exercise should not be
wall in the scapular plane, while leaning of the lower trapezius. performed at a set degree of abduction,
into the wall. Interestingly, the wall slide but should be individualized based on the
produce similar serratus anterior activity tern flexion, standing scapular dynamic alignment of the lower trapezius fibers
compared to scapular abduction above hug, PNF scapular clock, military press, (<?=KH;,). In the authors’ experience, this
120° abduction with no resistance. One 2-hand overhead medicine ball throw, is typically around 120° of abduction but
advantage of the wall slide compared to and scapular abduction and abduction may fluctuate, depending on the specific
scapular abduction is that, anecdotally, below 80°, at 90°, and above 120° with patient and body type.
patients report that the wall slide is less ER.13,16,20,62,75 During scapular abduction, It is often clinically beneficial to en-
painful to perform.29 This may be be- upper trapezius activity progressively in- hance the ratio of lower trapezius-to-up-
cause during the wall slide the upper ex- creases from 0° to 60°, remains relatively per trapezius strength.11 In the opinion of
tremities are supported against the wall, constant from 60° to 120°, and contin- the authors, poor posture and muscle im-
making it easier to perform while also as- ues to progressively increase from 120° balance often seen in patients with a va-
sisting with compression of the humeral to 180°.2 riety of shoulder pathologies is often the
head within the glenoid. Thus, this may Relatively high middle trapezius ac- result of poor muscle balance between
be an effective exercise to perform dur- tivity occurs with shoulder shrug, prone the upper and lower trapezius, with the
ing the earlier protective phases of some rowing, and prone horizontal abduction upper trapezius being more dominant.
rehabilitation programs. at 90° and 135° abduction with ER and McCabe et al56 report that bilateral ER
IR.20,62 Some authors have reported rela- at 0° abduction resulted in the greatest
JhWf[p_ki tively high middle trapezius activity dur- lower trapezius-upper trapezius ratio
General functions of the trapezius include ing scapular abduction at 90° and above compared to several other similar trape-
scapular upward rotation and elevation 120°,2,16,20 while authors of another study zius exercises (<?=KH;-). Cools et al11 also
for the upper trapezius, retraction for the showed low EMG signal amplitude of the identified side-lying ER and prone hori-
middle trapezius, and upward rotation middle trapezius during this exercise.62 zontal abduction at 90° abduction and
and depression for the lower trapezius. Relatively high lower trapezius activity ER as 2 beneficial exercises to enhance
In addition, the inferomedial-directed occurs in the prone rowing, prone hori- the ratio of lower trapezius to upper tra-
fibers of the lower trapezius may also zontal abduction at 90° and 135° abduc- pezius activity.
contribute to posterior tilt and external tion with ER and IR, prone and standing
rotation of the scapula during arm eleva- ER at 90° abduction, D2 diagonal PNF H^ecXe_ZiWdZB[lWjehIYWfkbW[
tion,52 which decreases subacromial im- pattern flexion and extension, PNF scap- Both the rhomboids and levator scap-
pingement risk24,51 and makes the lower ular clock, standing high scapular rows, ulae function as scapular retractors,
trapezius an important area of focus in and scapular abduction, flexion, and ab- downward rotators, and elevators. Ex-
rehabilitation. Relatively high upper duction below 80° and above 120° with ercises used to strengthen rotator cuff
trapezius activity occurs in the shoulder ER.20,62,63,75 Lower trapezius activity tends and scapulothoracic musculature are
shrug, prone rowing, prone horizontal to be relatively low at angles less than 90° also effective in eliciting activity of the
abduction at 90° and 135° of abduction of scapular abduction, abduction, and rhomboids and levator scapulae. Rela-
with ER and IR, D1 diagonal PNF pat- flexion, and then increases exponentially tively high rhomboid activity has been

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 2 | february 2009 | 113
H;9ECC;D:7J?EDI to grow, we are seeing advances in exer-
cise selection and the integration of the

he preceding review can be used whole-body kinetic-chain approach to
to identify appropriate rehabilitation strengthening and rehabilitating injuries.
exercises for specific muscles. Based This may involve strengthening multiple
on the reported studies and the collective joints simultaneously and during move-
experience of the authors, we recommend ment patterns that mimic athletic and
that exercises should be selected based on functional daily activities of living. The
the appropriate anatomical, biomechani- authors often employ these techniques
cal, and clinical implications. We have when our patients improve in strength
identified a set of exercises that the cur- yet continue to have symptoms during
rent authors use clinically for rehabilita- activities. In addition, we often attempt
tion and injury prevention (TABLE). These to further challenge our patients by per-
exercises have been selected based on the forming many of the recommended exer-
results of the numerous studies previous- cise on various unstable surfaces (such as
ly cited and take into consideration these foam or physioballs), with altered bases
implications for each exercise described. of support (such as sitting, standing, or
Furthermore, the authors encourage the single-leg balancing), in an attempt to
clinician to carefully consider emphasiz- recruit whole-body muscle patterns that
ing posture and scapular retraction dur- interact together to perform active range
ing the performance of glenohumeral and of motion while stabilizing other areas of
scapulothoracic exercises. the body. We believe that these concepts
A common recommendation in reha- are important to consider in addition to
<?=KH;-$Bilateral external rotation for infraspinatus
and lower trapezius strengthening involves grasping bilitation is to limit the amount of weight straight-plane, isolated movements of
exercise tubing with both hands and externally used during glenohumeral and scapu- specific muscle groups, and that strength,
rotating. Emphasis should be placed on providing lothoracic exercises to assure that the ap- posture, balance, and neuromuscular
scapular retraction and posterior tilting. propriate muscles are being utilized and control are all vital components to any
not larger compensatory muscles. Two injury prevention of rehabilitation pro-
reported during D2 diagonal PNF pat- recent studies have analyzed this theory gram. Future research on the validity of
tern flexion and extension, standing and appear to prove the recommenda- these techniques is needed to justify their
shoulder ER at 0° and 90° abduction, tion inaccurate and not necessary. Alpert use. We believe that this is the next step
standing shoulder IR at 90° abduction, et al7 studied the rotator cuff and deltoid in the evolution of research on the clini-
standing shoulder extension from 90° muscles during scapular plane elevation cal and biomechanical implications of
to 0°, prone shoulder horizontal abduc- and noted that EMG signal amplitude exercise selection for the glenohumeral
tion at 90° abduction with IR, scapular of the smaller rotator cuff muscles and and scapulothoracic musculature.
abduction, abduction, and shoulder flex- larger deltoid muscles increased linearly
ion above 120° with ER, prone rowing, in relation to the amount of weight used. 9ED9BKI?ED
and standing high, mid, and low scapu- This finding is consistent with that of

lar rows.62,63 Relatively high rhomboids Dark et al,14 who showed similar results thorough understanding of
and levator scapulae activity has been for the rotator cuff, deltoid, pectoralis, the biomechanical factors as-
reported with scapular abduction above and latissimus dorsi during ER and IR sociated with normal shoulder
120° with ER, prone horizontal abduc- at 0° abduction. Thus, it appears that movement, as well as during commonly
tion at 90° abduction with ER and IR, larger muscle groups do not overpower performed exercises, is necessary to
prone rowing, and prone extension at smaller groups, such as the rotator cuff. safely and effectively design appropriate
90° flexion.62 Therefore, the prone ex- Weight selection should be based on the programs. We have reviewed the normal
tension exercise may be performed in individual goals and performance of each biomechanics of the glenohumeral and
addition to many of the previously men- patient. It does not appear necessary to scapulothoracic muscles during func-
tioned exercises for other scapulotho- limit the amount of weight performed tional activities, common exercises, and
racic muscles. Other specific exercises during these rotator cuff exercises. in the presence of pathology. These find-
to activate the rhomboids and levator As our understanding of the anatomi- ings can be used by the clinician to design
scapulae muscles are not often neces- cal and biomechanical implications asso- appropriate rehabilitation and injury
sary to perform. ciated with exercise selection continues prevention programs. T

114 | february 2009 | volume 39 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
Recommended Exercises for Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic Muscles
Based on Anatomical, Biomechanical, and Clinical Implications

CkiYb[ ;n[hY_i[ 7dWjec_YWb?cfb_YWj_edi 8_ec[Y^Wd_YWb?cfb_YWj_edi 9b_d_YWb?cfb_YWj_edi

Supraspinatus 1. Full can 1. Enhances scapular position and 1. Decreased deltoid involvement 1. Minimizes chance of superior humeral head migration by
subacromial space compared to empty can deltoid overpowering supraspinatus
2. Prone full can 2. Enhances scapular position and 2. High posterior deltoid activity 2. High supraspinatus activity and also good exercise for
subacromial space with similar supraspinatus activity lower trapezius
Infraspinatus 1. Side-lying ER 1. Position of shoulder stability, 1. Increased moment arm of 1. Most effective exercise in recruiting infraspinatus activity.
and teres minimal capsular strain muscle at 0° abduction. Good when cautious with static stability
minor Greatest EMG activity
2. Prone ER at 90° 2. Challenging position for stability, 2. High EMG activity 2. Strengthens in a challenging position for shoulder stability.
abduction higher capsular strain Also good exercise for lower trapezius
3. ER with towel roll 3. Allows for proper form without 3. Increased EMG activity with 3. Enhances muscle recruitment and synergy with adductors
compensation addition of towel, also incorpo-
rates adductors
Subscapularis 1. IR at 0° abduction 1. Position of shoulder stability 1. Similar subscapularis activity 1. Effective exercise, good when cautious with static stability
between 0° and 90° abduction
2. IR at 90° abduction 2. Position of shoulder instability 2. Enhances scapular position and 2. Strengthens in a challenging position for shoulder stability
subacromial space. Less
pectoralis activity
3. IR diagonal exercise 3. Replicates more functional activity 3. High EMG activity 3. Effective strengthening in a functional movement pattern
Serratus anterior 1. Push-up with plus 1. Easy position to produce 1. High EMG activity 1. Effective exercise to provide resistance against protraction,
resistance against protraction also good exercise for subscapularis
2. Dynamic hug 2. Performed below 90° abduction 2. High EMG activity 2. Easily perform in patients with difficulty elevating arms or
performing push-up. Also good exercise for subscapularis
3. Serratus punch 120° 3. Combines protraction with 3. High EMG activity 3. Good dynamic activity to combine upward rotation and
upward rotation protraction function
Lower trapezius 1. Prone full can 1. Can properly align exercise with 1. High EMG activity 1. Effective exercise, also good exercise for supraspinatus
muscle fibers
2. Prone ER at 90° 2. Prone exercise below 90° 2. High EMG activity 2. Effective exercise, also good exercise for infraspinatus and
abduction abduction teres minor
3. Prone horizontal 3. Prone exercise below 90° 3. Good ratio of lower to upper 3. Effective exercise, also good exercise for middle trapezius
abduction at 90° abduction trapezius activity
abduction with ER
4. Bilateral ER 4. Scapular control without arm 4. Good ratio of lower to upper 4. Effective exercise, also good for infraspinatus and teres minor
elevation trapezius activity
Middle trapezius 1. Prone row 1. Prone exercise below 90° 1. High EMG activity 1. Effective exercise, good ratios of upper, middle, and lower
abduction trapezius activity
2. Prone horizontal 2. Prone exercise below 90° 2. High EMG activity 2. Effective exercise, also good exercise for lower trapezius
abduction at 90° abduction
abduction with ER
Upper trapezius 1. Shrug 1. Scapular control without arm 1. High EMG activity 1. Effective exercise
2. Prone row 2. Prone exercise below 90° 2. High EMG activity 2. Good ratios of upper, middle, and lower trapezius activity
3. Prone horizontal 3. Prone exercise below 90° 3. High EMG activity 3. Effective exercise, also good exercise for lower trapezius
abduction at 90° abduction
abduction with ER
Rhomboids and 1. Prone row 1. Prone exercise below 90° 1. High EMG activity 1. Effective exercise, good ratios of upper, middle, and lower
levator scapulae abduction trapezius activity
2. Prone horizontal 2. Prone exercise below 90° 2. High EMG activity 2. Effective exercise, also good for lower and middle trapezius
abduction at 90° abduction
abduction with ER
3. Prone extension with ER 3. Prone exercise below 90° abduction 3. High EMG activity 3. Effective exercise, unique movement to enhance scapular control
Abbreviations: EMG, electromyography; ER, external rotation; IR, internal rotation.

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