General Linear Model

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Nama : Rini Awaliyah

NIM : K14160074
Mata Kuliah : Sistem Informasi Bisnis
Dosen : Anita Primasari Widiani, SP, M.Si

General Linear Model

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
sangat rajin IQ tinggi 91,96 4,094 26
sangatrajin IQ lumayan 88,92 2,682 26
sangat rajin IQ biasa 86,15 3,472 26
rajin IQ tinggi 78,58 3,022 26
rajin IQ lumayan 77,04 2,375 26
rajin IQ biasa 74,96 2,891 26
agak rajin IQ tinggi 68,50 4,207 26
agak rajin IQ lumayan 66,23 2,819 26
agak rajin IQ biasa 64,12 2,819 26
malas IQ tinggi 41,92 9,273 26
malas IQ lumayan 36,46 6,635 26
malas IQ biasa 30,54 7,146 26

Multivariate Testsa
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.
Rajin Pillai's Trace ,987 575,268b 3,000 23,000 ,000
Wilks' Lambda ,013 575,268 3,000 23,000 ,000
Hotelling's Trace 75,035 575,268 3,000 23,000 ,000
Roy's Largest Root 75,035 575,268 3,000 23,000 ,000
IQ Pillai's Trace ,956 262,263b 2,000 24,000 ,000
Wilks' Lambda ,044 262,263 2,000 24,000 ,000
Hotelling's Trace 21,855 262,263 2,000 24,000 ,000
Roy's Largest Root 21,855 262,263 2,000 24,000 ,000
Rajin * IQ Pillai's Trace ,783 12,059b 6,000 20,000 ,000
Wilks' Lambda ,217 12,059 6,000 20,000 ,000
Hotelling's Trace 3,618 12,059 6,000 20,000 ,000
Roy's Largest Root 3,618 12,059 6,000 20,000 ,000

a. Design: Intercept
Within Subjects Design: Rajin + IQ + Rajin * IQ
b. Exact statistic
Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya
Measure: MEASURE_1
Within Subjects Mauchly's Approx. Chi- Greenhouse-
Effect W Square df Sig. Geisser
Rajin ,320 26,998 5 ,000 ,566
IQ ,968 ,776 2 ,678 ,969
Rajin * IQ ,066 62,027 20 ,000 ,595

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F
Rajin Sphericity Assumed 118891,000 3 39630,333 717,739
Greenhouse-Geisser 118891,000 1,698 70012,239 717,739
Huynh-Feldt 118891,000 1,809 65723,909 717,739
Lower-bound 118891,000 1,000 118891,000 717,739
Error(Rajin) Sphericity Assumed 4141,167 75 55,216
Greenhouse-Geisser 4141,167 42,454 97,546
Huynh-Feldt 4141,167 45,224 91,571
Lower-bound 4141,167 25,000 165,647
IQ Sphericity Assumed 2062,981 2 1031,490 296,941
Greenhouse-Geisser 2062,981 1,938 1064,319 296,941
Huynh-Feldt 2062,981 2,000 1031,490 296,941
Lower-bound 2062,981 1,000 2062,981 296,941
Error(IQ) Sphericity Assumed 173,686 50 3,474
Greenhouse-Geisser 173,686 48,458 3,584
Huynh-Feldt 173,686 50,000 3,474
Lower-bound 173,686 25,000 6,947
Rajin * IQ Sphericity Assumed 482,865 6 80,478 16,663
Greenhouse-Geisser 482,865 3,570 135,261 16,663
Huynh-Feldt 482,865 4,238 113,942 16,663
Lower-bound 482,865 1,000 482,865 16,663
Error(Rajin*IQ) Sphericity Assumed 724,468 150 4,830
Greenhouse-Geisser 724,468 89,247 8,118
Huynh-Feldt 724,468 105,946 6,838
Lower-bound 724,468 25,000 28,979
Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts
Measure: MEASURE_1
Type III Sum of
Source Rajin IQ Squares df Mean Square F
Rajin Linear 110982,669 1 110982,669 1362,198
Quadratic 6192,628 1 6192,628 127,224
Cubic 1715,703 1 1715,703 48,332
Error(Rajin) Linear 2036,831 25 81,473
Quadratic 1216,872 25 48,675
Cubic 887,464 25 35,499
IQ Linear 2062,620 1 2062,620 537,114
Quadratic ,361 1 ,361 ,116
Error(IQ) Linear 96,005 25 3,840
Quadratic 77,681 25 3,107
Rajin * IQ Linear Linear 199,062 1 199,062 24,069
Quadratic ,488 1 ,488 ,127
Quadratic Linear 274,620 1 274,620 33,819
Quadratic ,040 1 ,040 ,015
Cubic Linear 6,947 1 6,947 1,395
Quadratic 1,708 1 1,708 1,483
Error(Rajin*IQ) Linear Linear 206,763 25 8,271
Quadratic 96,087 25 3,843
Quadratic Linear 203,005 25 8,120
Quadratic 65,335 25 2,613
Cubic Linear 124,478 25 4,979
Quadratic 28,800 25 1,152

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1
Transformed Variable: Average
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept 1405396,154 1 1405396,154 19457,996 ,000
Error 1805,679 25 72,227
Estimated Marginal Means

1. Rajin
Measure: MEASURE_1
95% Confidence Interval
Rajin Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 89,013 ,632 87,712 90,313
2 76,859 ,472 75,886 77,831
3 66,282 ,607 65,033 67,532
4 36,308 1,435 33,352 39,264

Pairwise Comparisons
Measure: MEASURE_1
95% Confidence Interval for
Mean Difference Differenceb
(I) Rajin (J) Rajin (I-J) Std. Error Sig.b Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 2 12,154* ,801 ,000 9,859 14,448
3 22,731* ,745 ,000 20,595 24,866
4 52,705 1,573 ,000 48,197 57,213
2 1 -12,154 ,801 ,000 -14,448 -9,859
3 10,577* ,724 ,000 8,504 12,650
4 40,551* 1,369 ,000 36,630 44,472
3 1 -22,731 ,745 ,000 -24,866 -20,595
2 -10,577 ,724 ,000 -12,650 -8,504
4 29,974* 1,557 ,000 25,513 34,436
4 1 -52,705* 1,573 ,000 -57,213 -48,197
2 -40,551 1,369 ,000 -44,472 -36,630
3 -29,974 1,557 ,000 -34,436 -25,513

Based on estimated marginal means

*. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.
b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.

Multivariate Tests
Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.
Pillai's trace ,987 575,268 3,000 23,000 ,000
Wilks' lambda ,013 575,268a 3,000 23,000 ,000
Hotelling's trace 75,035 575,268 3,000 23,000 ,000
Roy's largest root 75,035 575,268 3,000 23,000 ,000
Each F tests the multivariate effect of Rajin. These tests are based on the linearly independent
pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. Exact statistic

2. IQ

Measure: MEASURE_1
95% Confidence Interval
IQ Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 70,240 ,581 69,044 71,436
2 67,163 ,411 66,318 68,009
3 63,942 ,505 62,901 64,983

Pairwise Comparisons
Measure: MEASURE_1
95% Confidence Interval for
Mean Difference Differenceb
(I) IQ (J) IQ (I-J) Std. Error Sig.b Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 2 3,077 ,234 ,000 2,475 3,678
3 6,298* ,272 ,000 5,601 6,995
2 1 -3,077 ,234 ,000 -3,678 -2,475
3 3,221 ,268 ,000 2,535 3,908
3 1 -6,298 ,272 ,000 -6,995 -5,601
2 -3,221* ,268 ,000 -3,908 -2,535

Based on estimated marginal means

*. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.
b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.

Multivariate Tests
Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.
Pillai's trace ,956 262,263a 2,000 24,000 ,000
Wilks' lambda ,044 262,263 2,000 24,000 ,000
Hotelling's trace 21,855 262,263 2,000 24,000 ,000
Roy's largest root 21,855 262,263a 2,000 24,000 ,000

Each F tests the multivariate effect of IQ. These tests are based on the linearly independent pairwise
comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
a. Exact statistic
3. Rajin * IQ
Measure: MEASURE_1
95% Confidence Interval
Rajin IQ Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 1 91,962 ,803 90,308 93,615
2 88,923 ,526 87,840 90,006
3 86,154 ,681 84,751 87,556
2 1 78,577 ,593 77,356 79,798
2 77,038 ,466 76,079 77,998
3 74,962 ,567 73,794 76,129
3 1 68,500 ,825 66,801 70,199
2 66,231 ,553 65,092 67,369
3 64,115 ,553 62,977 65,254
4 1 41,923 1,819 38,178 45,669
2 36,462 1,301 33,782 39,141
3 30,538 1,401 27,652 33,425

Profile Plots

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