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in a c u r sed wor ld

r a ider s & rogu es

in a c u r sed wor ld
r a ider s & rogu es

r a ider s & rogu es in a c u r sed wor ld

I long for the land that is not,
For all that is, I am weary of wanting.
The moon speaks to me in silvern runes
About the land that is not.
The land where all our wishes become
wondrously fulfilled,
The land where all our fetters fall.

Christian Granath, Tomas Härenstam,
Nils Karlén, Kosta Kostulas

Tomas Härenstam

Erik Granström

Nils Gulliksson

Christian Granath, Nils Karlén, Kosta Kostulas


Christian Granath Niklas Brandt


Simon Stålenhag Martin Dunelind


John M. Kahane

© 2017 Fria Ligan AB.

k apitel 4

Did you hear the story of the Forbidden Lands? Beyond the
mountains, beyond the mists of the north? Once, it was called
the Ravenland, our promised land. These days, strange
creatures haunt those valleys, beasts that should not be, for the
land is cursed.

nce, Zygofer the Spellbinder was one mon-king and his daughter. Adventurers. Trea-
of us, leading the passage through the sure hunters. Scoundrels. Not heroes, far from it,
mountains into the new land. But when but men and women who dare travel the land as
faced by the savage orcs, he opened dark gates to they choose and make their own mark on it, un-
seek the help of demons. That was his undoing. bound by any fate or story set for them. They hunt
Zygofer turned on us and placed himself on the for ancient treasures, they fight whomsoever gets
throne of the Ravenland, his daughter Therania in their way, they build a new world for them-
by his side. selves on the ruins of the old.
To keep their vile corruption from spreading, They are the raiders of the Forbidden Lands.
our wise king built a great wall across the moun-
tain pass and forbade all to ever speak of what
had happened. Since that day, the Spellbinder’s
domain is known as the Forbidden Lands. FORBIDDEN
To this day, the demon-king and his daughter LANDS
still rule there. Using the feared Rust Brothers
and the demonic Blood Mist sucking the life out of Welcome to the Forbidden Lands. In this ta-
anyone who dared stray too far from their hearth, bletop roleplaying game, you are not heroes
Zygofer and Therania have kept the human folks sent on missions dictated by others – instead,
who still live north of the wall under their heel. you are raiders and rogues bent on making your
Yet, not all is lost. For now. the Blood Mist has own mark on a cursed world. You will wander
lifted and there are those who dare defy the de- the wild lands, discover lost tombs, fight ter-

chapter 1
rible monsters, and, if you live long enough, up to the GM to decide everything that hap-
build your own stronghold to defend. During pens in the game – and above all, not how your
your adventures, you will uncover the secrets story is supposed to end. That is decided in the
of dark powers lurking in the shadows, and, in game. That is why you are playing the game, to
the end, you can be the ones to decide the fate find out how your story ends.
of the Forbidden Lands. Make sure the players help move the story
forward! Being the GM can be overwhelming
and fraught with responsibility, as if the whole
THE PLAYERS game rests on your shoulders. It does not.
All the players, except one, portray an adventur- There are plenty of tools and materials you
er, a player character (PC). You decide what your can use in the Gamemaster’s Guide (the second
PC thinks and feels, what she does and says – book in this box). And perhaps the most im-
but not what happens to her. It is your job as a portant piece of advice: have the courage to let
player to immerse yourself in your PC. She may the players help you. If your imagination runs
be an adventurer from a faraway fantasy world – dry when you are about to describe an NPC or
but she is still, at heart, a person with feelings a ruin? Let a player describe it instead.
and dreams, just like you. Imagine that you are
your player character. Try to imagine – how
would you react if you were in her shoes? What
would you do? The player characters are always
the protagonists of the story. The game is about WHAT DO YOU DO?
you. Your decisions, your lives. There is no one to hold your hand and show
you where to go in the Forbidden Lands. It is
up to you and the other players to decide where
THE GAMEMASTER you are going, together. The GM will let you
The final player is the Gamemaster, the GM. make fantastic discoveries and face tough chal-
She describes the Forbidden Lands to you, she lenges, but in the end the stories of the game
plays the people you meet during your jour- are created by you, they are not written down
neys, she controls the monsters roaming the beforehand. You have control over your adven-
forests, she decides where the treasure is bur- turers’ lives, and in the end the fate of all of
ied. The game is a conversation between the the Forbidden Lands. And there is plenty to do:
players and the GM, back and forth, until a
critical situation arises where the outcome is
uncertain. Then it’s time to break out the dice EXPLORE THE WORLD
– read more about this in Chapter 3. The demonic Blood Mist that covered the
It is the GM’s job to put obstacles in your lands for three centuries, and sucked the life
path and challenge your PCs, force them to out of anyone daring to wander too far from
show what they’re really made of. But it is not their village, has suddenly and inexplicably

lifted. You, and other restless souls like you, land for centuries and contact between the
are finally free to leave your homes and travel various parts of the Forbidden Lands has been
far and wide in the Forbidden Lands, looking sporadic. The history of the land has been for-
for treasures and adventures. gotten or become myth.
To explore the Forbidden Lands, you will use During the course of the game, you will dis-
the big map in the box. It is divided into ten dif- cover the history and secrets of the Forbidden
ferent types of terrain and has a hexagonal grid Lands piece by piece. This happens through so
that will help you navigate through the wilder- called legends, short stories about a place, a per-
ness. How all this works is described in Chapter son, or an artefact. The GM will give you these
7. All the tools the GM needs to create exciting legends in the form of handouts, and by collect-
encounters along the way for your adventurers ing them you will be able to piece together the
are available in the Gamemaster’s Guide. true history of the Forbidden Lands.


If you look closer at the big map, you will find FOUR ELVEN GEMSTONES
small symbols in many of the grids. They de- Dark powers are stirring in the Forbidden
note three kinds of adventure sites – villages, Lands. Zygofer’s henchmen, the feared Rust
castles, and dungeons. An adventure site is an Brothers, still haunt the land, but the spell-
exciting location your adventurer can visit, binder himself has not been seen for centuries.
filled with intrigue, horror and treasure. Exact- His enemies and his allies are setting plans in
ly which adventure site goes with every specific motion. The Blood Mist covering the land has
symbol on the map is up to the GM to decide. lifted and the deathly calm that has reigned for
There are three complete adventure sites so long is about to shatter.
described in the Gamemaster’s Guide, as well While the adventurers are free to roam the
as a plethora of tools for the GM to create her land as they see fit, there is a larger scheme be-
own adventure sites using dice. Another large hind the scenes that they can get involved in.
number of adventure sites are available in the In the campaign called Raven’s Purge, sold as
campaign book, Raven’s Purge, which is sold a separate book, the adventurers hunt for four
separately, and even more will be published by powerful artifacts, adorned with Elven gem-
Free League Publishing over time. stones that together have the potential to de-
cide the future of the Forbidden Lands.
Raven’s Purge is not a linear story and it
UNVEIL THE SECRETS has no set goal that the adventurers are ex-
OF THE LAND pected to follow. Instead, it is a rich tapestry
When the game begins, your adventurers don’t of legends, locations, characters and events
know much more than you players know your- that the players can interact with in a multi-
selves. The Blood Mist has been covering the tude of ways.

chapter 1

BUILD YOUR STRONGHOLD Recently, the Blood Mist disappeared
If the player characters make it back from the without explanation, and everywhere people
ancient ruins alive, they will hopefully bring look over their shoulder anxiously. The brav-
gold and other treasures with them. Eventu- est sharpen their blades and prepare to leave.
ally, they might feel the need to spend that They can’t bear the oppressive weight of their
treasure on something lasting – a stronghold homes and hearths any longer. Perhaps they
of their own. hope to find that which was lost and take
Having conquered an old castle or dun- back what was theirs, perhaps they are simply
geon, the player characters can turn it into driven by an insatiable lust to see what lies
their stronghold. Using fast and effective rules beyond the horizon, to discover if the myths
found in Chapter 8, the players can then de- are true, to conquer that which remains or
velop their stronghold, adding features such has been stolen, and carve out their own
as a forge, mill or herbal garden, or stronger place as lords of some abandoned castle ruin.
defenses. Humans have inhabited the villages of
The stronghold is a place to rest between Ravenland for generations, and still they are
adventures and a safe haven against the beasts considered intruders by elves and dwarves,
that ravage the land. However, the stronghold who have yet to forget the ancient and bloody
needs upkeep and it might also invite the at- wars between humans and the elder kin. The
tention of others, looking to steal the player elves sent their servants, the orcs, to war, but
characters’ riches. left them on their own when the battles be-
came too savage, a betrayal that lives on in
the songs of the orcs.
The Blood Mist may be gone, but the
land may have become even more dangerous
RAVENLAND – because of it. In the last stages of the Alder

THE FORBIDDEN Wars, when the king of Alderland beyond the

wall sent armies to subdue his former gover-
LAND nor, the sorcerer Zygofer, it is said that the
Ravenland is a ravaged and fragmented king- wizard desperately opened gateways to de-
dom. The area where you grew up is famil- mon worlds from which hordes of indescrib-
iar to you, but the rest of the land you know able horrors poured out into the land. Many
only through stories and tales. During ten claim that the Blood Mist followed the in-
human generations, travelers were devoured vasion. What is certain is that one can run
by the Blood Mist, a red and ravenous haze into beasts that never should have existed in
that rose from the ground at night. Very few the forests and among the ruins: complete-
dared venture outside after nightfall and few- ly alien or twisted combinations of various
er still know for certain what lies beyond the creatures that never should have existed.
horizon. It is said Zygofer is still alive, trans-

chapter 1
formed into a demon and worshipped as a god
by the priesthood of the Rust Brothers close TOOLS OF THE
to Alderstone in the west. There are whispers GAME
about half-demons and undead created to fi-
nally conquer Ravenland. At the same time, Forbidden Lands demands a lot when it comes
the elves are standing fast in the woods and to your capacity for improvisation and creativ-
the dwarves in their mountains, while orcs ity. Yet the game also provides a number of
no longer serve or spare anyone. On the tools to help you create your own story.
plains by the ocean in the east, forces are
gathering to crush Zygofer once and for all,
in the name of the old gods. Others simply CHARACTER SHEETS
want to live in peace – these may be the rem- As an adventurer in the Forbidden Lands, you
nants of human settlements now living in are a unique individual, someone unafraid to
hidden villages, half-elf druids, the wolfkin leave the poor but safe haven of home. You have
of the woods, or halflings in their burrows. attributes and abilities far beyond the capacity
Ravenland is holding its breath for to- of regular folk, and you have big dreams and
morrow. strong relationships that drive you forward. All
this is documented on your character sheet.
There is an example of a completed character
sheet on page xx, and there is a blank sheet

The lore and setting of Forbidden Lands is rich
and detailed, a new take on classic fantasy that
we really hope you will enjoy. However, we also
realize that many players already have their
favorite fantasy worlds to play in, be it from
other games, books or movies or homemade
Thus, we have made the Forbidden Lands
rules and the sandbox campaign structure very at the end of this book. Additional character
easy to port to other settings. The adventure sheets can be purchased in stores or on the Free
sites can easily be placed in any other fantasy League website. There you can also download
setting with minor tweaks. All you need is a character sheets for free to print. How you cre-
hexagonal map of the world you want to play ate your character will be described in the next
in, and you’re good to go. chapter.

the Gamemaster’s Guide, the GM will find all
the tools needed to create exciting encounters
along the way for your adventurers.
The box also contains a sheet of stickers.
These are used to mark adventure sites on the
map once your adventurers have discovered
them. There are also stickers for grave sites to
be placed on the map if one of your adventurers
MAP & STICKERS dies. By using the stickers during the game, the
The beautiful game map in the box, showing map will be unique for your own game, a living
the Forbidden Lands in all their glory, is the and permanent record chronicling your adven-
centerpiece of the game. The map is divided tures in the Forbidden Lands.
into 10 different terrain types, and uses a hex- The game map is double-sided, so it can
agonal grid to regulate movement. How this be used more than once, and several sets with
works is explained further in Chapter 7. In map and stickers can be bought separately in
case you play many campaigns.

2D6 AND D66 As an adventurer in the Forbidden Lands you
Players and GM will sometimes will have to take risks. Sooner or later, you
roll 2D6 and D66. 2D6 means you will end up in situations where the outcome is
roll two six-sided dice and add uncertain, no matter how skilled you are. It’s
the results. D66 means you roll time to break out the dice.
two D6, preferably of different Regular six-sided dice (also called D6) are
colors. The first die represents required to play Forbidden Lands, preferably
the tens digit and the second 10-15 in three different colors. You will also
die represents the ones digit. need at least one four–sided (D4) die, one
That generates a result between
11 and 66. You can even roll D666,
by rolling three six-sided dice.
The first die then counts as the
hundreds digit, the second as
the tens digit and the third as
the ones digit. That generates a
result between 111 and 666.

chapter 1
You can start playing Forbidden Lands quickly. The Gamemaster should familiar-
ize herself with both the Players’ Guide and the Gamemaster’s Guide, but for the
players it is enough to familiarize themselves with the basics in this book.
1. You start by creating your player characters. Grab a character sheet and
follow the instructions in Chapter 2 of this book.
2. Discuss together where on the map you want the game to begin. A good
place to start is the village XX, an adventure site described in the Gamemas-
ter’s Guide. Under the GM’s direction, you choose which symbol for VILLAGE
on the map should represent the village XX in your specific campaign. Anoth-
er option is to start the game out in the wilderness, perhaps already on your
way to an enticing ruin in the distance...

When both these steps are completed, you can start playing!


eight-sided (D8) die, one ten-sided (D10) die,
and one twelve-sided (D12) die.
A TYPICAL GAME SESSION A set of dice specifically created for Forbid-
A game session in the Forbidden den Lands is available for separate purchase. You
Lands can differ a from time to will manage with one of those sets, but having
time, but this is the most com- two might make playing the game easier. The
mon sequence of events. special dice have unique symbols on some sides.
1. Get the map, your character Read more in Chapter 3 about how to use them.
sheets, dice, and the custom
cards if you are using them.
2. Summarize the last session.
3. Play your characters. Live
their lives and act as if they
were actual people – but
play daringly and push the
limits of your character!
Close the session at an ap-
propriate moment – maybe
with a cliffhanger? CUSTOM CARDS
4. Finish with a proper dis- Another valuable accessory for Forbidden Lands
cussion about the session. is a unique deck of cards, sold separately. The
Discuss which of your actions deck contains cards describing powerful arti-
are worthy of awarding Expe- facts, mounts, initiative in combat, and for ma-
rience Points for (page xx). neuvers in close combat – read more about how
5. Decide if you want to change to use the cards in combat in Chapter 5. The
your relationships to other cards are not necessary to play Forbidden Lands,
characters, and if you want but they will make the game run more smoothly.
to change your character’s
Dark Secret (page xx).

A typical game session lasts

3–4 hours. Longer games of five SHE & HE
hours or more should be divid- Forbidden Lands takes place in a faraway
ed into two parts with a break fantasy world, not our own world’s past.
– every shorter part counts as Therefore, we are not bound by the norms
a separate game session. and hierarchies of our history. The monsters
of the Forbidden Lands do not differentiate
between men and women, and neither does


chapter 1
the Blood Mist. To give both sexes space in hobby. Roleplaying is a unique form of gam-
the text, but still be consistent, we are using ing, or cultural expression if you prefer to call
“she” to denote the GM and all nameless it that, that combines tabletop gaming with
player characters, while “he” is used for all storytelling. Roleplaying games let you create
nameless NPCs. It might as well read “he or your own story with your friends, supported
she” in all these instances, but that would be by the rules, unlike books, movies, tv, or even
too unwieldy. video games can.
The advantages of roleplaying games are
also their challenges - the freedom to create
the story yourselves can be overwhelming. But
Forbidden Lands contains plenty of exciting
WHAT IS A ROLE- events, places and people you can populate your

PLAYING GAME? story with, and very specific tools for the GM
to use. And if you need advice or ideas, there
If you have made your way here without know- is a forum for Forbidden Lands as well as our
ing what a roleplaying game is, congratula- other games on our website, freeleaguepublish-
tions! Welcome to a rewarding and creative Welcome!



Vincerra lay dead below the cliff until they found her three
days later. Almost lovingly, her head rested on the chimera,
fingers gripping the sword that had pierced the liver of the
beast. Blood rendered Vincerra’s hair the color of wine, filling
her cast-off helmet in a toast to transience.

ou are no hero. You don’t fight to pro- proved through experience, but you can also
tect the realm or to put the true king discover how her personality changes and is
on the throne. You hunt through an- formed in a way that cannot be measured by
cient ruins for treasure, you help those who numbers on a paper. This is when your player
help you, you make your own mark on the character truly comes alive.
Forbidden Lands. Your fate isn’t determined
for you by someone else. You choose your own CHARACTER SHEET: To create your player
path. You are an adventurer. character, you need a character sheet. You can
The adventurer you play is called your play- download it from the Free League website.
er character (PC). She is your tool, your eyes
and ears in the game world. But your PC is
also dependent on you making wise decisions
and not putting her in harm’s way. Take your KIN
PC seriously and play her as if she is an actual Many different creatures live in the Forbidden
person. The game is more fun that way. At the Lands, from ordinary humans to horrifying
same time, you shouldn’t try to protect your demonic monstrosities. There are seven dif-
PC from every single danger. The point of the ferent kin you can choose between for your
game is to create an exciting story – for that to player character: human, elf, half-elf, dwarf,
succeed, you have to take risks. halfling, wolfkin, and orc. Humans are the
During the course of the game, your PC most common kin, but you can choose freely.
will change and develop. Her skills can be im- Some kin are described briefly below, and in


chapter 2
more detail in Chapter XX in the Gamemas-
Your choice of kin affects your attributes The standard method for creating a
(below). Every kin also has a unique kin tal- character in Forbidden Lands described
ent that no other kin can have. For each kin, in this chapter is quick and effective,
typical professions are also listed. You are not you can create a unique character in
strictly bound to follow these however – there 15–30 minutes. If you want to spend
are always unique individuals who walk unusu- more time creating your character,
al paths in life. you can use the alternate method de-
scribed in the pamphlet called Legends
& Adventurers which is included in this
box. This method will allow you to give
your player character a deeper back-
HOW TO CREATE story from the start of the game.
How you create your player
character is explained in detail
in this chapter. The summary
below is a helpful overview.
Grab a character sheet, a pencil,
and follow these steps:
1. Choose your kin.
2. Pick your profession.
3. Decide on your age.
4. Spend points on your
5. Spend points on your skills.
6. Choose your starting tal-
7. Determine your Pride.
8. Choose a Dark Secret.
9. Define your relationships to
the other player characters.
10. Pick your gear.
11. Decide your appearance.
12. Choose your name.


your adventurer
against the elves, dwarves and orcs in the
armies from Alderland who invaded Raven-
land against the will of the raven god. Or they
sought sanctuary from the war, as refugees
and settlers. You came walking from Alderland
across the mountains in the south or riding
from Aslene in the west, were put through the
meat grinder of war, and stayed after the din of
battle faded, the roads were closed and demons
feasted on whatever remained.
When the Blood Mist fell like a shroud
across Ravenland, your ancestors were forced
to huddle together for ten generations, till
the soil, and simply try to survive. But now
Art: Human the Mist has lifted, and the world has opened
up again. You have exchanged the plow for a
sword. You were born here, and you will take
that which others won’t give you.


Halinde, Nirmena, Sindia, Talene
Orovald, Pasinder, Vergevil

Humans came to Ravenland, as it once was At the dawn of time, you fell like a rain of glim-
known, as intruders. You know it and you can mering rubies, scattered across the land by the
see it in the eyes of the other kin, whether they Red Wanderer of the Heavens. Your task was to
hate you openly, fear you or just tolerate you cover the barren land in life, for the Wanderer
because you are useful to them. To them, you wished to lay his eyes on beauty. You clothed
are intruders and will remain so even after yourself in flesh and brought plants from the
generations have passed. Your ancestors fought ground so that soon you could walk singing


chapter 2
through the lush forests of Ravenland, to the orcs in exchange, but humans were false and
joy of the Wanderer. Clay drew animals from soon attacked you, with demons in tow. Since
the mud, fish and toads from the mires, and you were few in number, you sent the orcs into
birds from the clouds, and the Great Crafts- battle, but those craven creatures failed you.
man gave you the task of shepherding them. Your elders claim that everything will return
The dwarves aided you by preparing the ground to the way things were if you only wait, that
for your art. humankind will die off and wither away just
Then the humans arrived. Their raven god like time eats away at all the stoneless. But the
bought half the land for them and gave you the younger among you do not wait. Ravenland is
your heritage. The despicable ones have stolen
it and befouled it. You will cleanse it.


Erimi, Kriblenda, Simene, Vorovallia
Harakrond, Orgodan, Radnar, Vergello

You are the best of two kin. You were born from
humans and elves after these two kin traded
hostages during The Shift. You were conceived
because those things that are good, strong and
vibrant always find their way to each other.
Your elven ancestors taught you the ways of
magic, granted you wisdom and long life, but
you declined their torpid languor. Your human
ancestors gave you vigor, but you declined their
foolishness and falsehood in disgust, as well as
their smell and crude appearance. Both your an-
cestral kin, elves as well as humans, have failed
you, and they are the subject of both ridicule and


your adventurer
bitter shame among you. The half-elves are the DWARF
crown of creation and you will strike forth to fi- In the beginning, the god Huge gave your an-
nally mould the world into what the gods, or you cestors a small pebble and the task of building
yourselves, intended. a world around it. They stoked their forges
and sang their stone songs so their words took
hold and the sphere grew. Over many genera-
KEY ATTRIBUTE: Wits tions, the dwarves expanded the sphere. Soon,
KIN TALENT: xx the curve of the world was barely visible. And
TYPICAL PROFESSIONS: Druid, Rogue, so, you will continue building until the sphere
Spellbinder reaches the god’s fiery hearth in the sky. The
TYPICAL MALE NAMES: Um eum re, lazy and useless elves were given the task of
quiati voluptate niatis dipsant growing grass and trees across the surface of the
TYPICAL FEMALE NAMES: Um eum re, sphere, to keep it moist and prepare it for new
quiati voluptate niatis dipsant layers, like the carpenter who prepares a wooden
surface before it is glued to another. Thus, the
elves have a task to fulfill and you tolerate them.
The humans are different. They interrupt-
ed your holy task of building the world. Your
ancestors were tricked into taking the orcs as
servants in exchange for a piece of the land you
have forged, but the useless beasts betrayed you
as soon as the inevitable war broke out. Humans
are false and many, but so are lice, while you are
the chosen workers of the god Huge. You chase
the vermin with weapon in hand, and the work
continues. Only the younger of your kin are lured
into the harsh light of the world, and run around
Ny bild: halvalv like wheezing humans without goal or purpose.


strel, Peddler
leva, Skorinda, Torbenia, Trindi
man, Hargamar, Tyrgar, Wulfred


chapter 2
and nods, even though they hate and slander
each other as soon as the opportunity arises.
You can’t stand it anymore. You’re going
out into the world and never coming back
again. You want blood on your knife and gold
in your purse, to eat dangerously spicy food
and see streets that no one cares to sweep, in
villages where no one grins without reason.


Peddler, Rogue
Gilina, Lylla, Mollia, Sanarsi
Hender, Horgeman, Vilgo

Everyone is happy and tubby in your family.
They sing humorous songs in the inns, and
drink and smoke, but when darkness falls they
vomit in the flowerbeds and go home to beat
their children. Your crazy aunt is locked up,
and no one wants to acknowledge your even
more twisted relatives even though everybody
knows they are out there in the woods. You
clean the flowerbeds and oil the wooden facade
of your burrow so the neighbors will see it and
be forced to go out as well, and everyone smiles


your adventurer
Huntress, so they died like weak pups. All the
rot in the world springs from its weakness. You
and your pack live as was intended. You hunt.
You howl together and do not beat wood or tin
cans because your own voices have grown weak.
Enough is enough. You are leaving to teach
the weaklings how everyone should live. And
if someone says that the wolfkin did not roam
the first forests, they will feel your claws at
their throat and you will taste their blood.


Gaeta, Keawa, Lagini
Jabari, Kekoa, Naako

Elves and dwarves enslaved your ancestors. But
when the war came, they needed the courage
and strong arms of the orcs. Then they fled
when the tide of war turned against them.
Now, you are free. You will kill all the humans
that have slaughtered your brothers. They killed
them with horrible sorcery and with demons
from their unclean dreams. You despise the
elves. Dwarves are wretches. This is the time of
WOLFKIN the orcs. You are many and you are strong, and
Weaklings, all of them. Need to go inside and you will show them a land where the orcs are in
warm their paws by the fire after a day in the charge. The clans grow. You will make Raven-
woods. Need to boil the meat so they can stom- land great again. But first, you will go out into
ach it. They couldn’t stand the breath of the the world to ravage and have some fun.


chapter 2
TYPICAL PROFESSIONS: Fighter, Ranger, Orcs are feared and hated by
Rogue most other kin. Playing an orc
TYPICAL FEMALE NAMES: Gerina, Hiria, will therefore present unique
Okande, Shala, Sirsene challenges to your and your
TYPICAL MALE NAMES: Archa, Gol-Garra, group. If you want to play an
Hrassa, Hrod, Nanga orc, it’s a good idea to discuss it
with your group first.

The next step is to select a profession
for your character. All the player char-
acters are adventurers, but you have
learned a thing or two before the game
begins. Your choice of profession will
determine much about your character.
Your profession will influence your at-
tributes, your skills, your starting gear and
what special talents you can learn.
There are eight professions to choose
from, all described on the following pag-
es. Each kin lists typical professions for
that kin, but you are free to choose any
profession you like.


your adventurer
Ever since the god Clay shaped the world, you
and the brothers and sisters of your order have
been tasked with safeguarding nature. You
maintain the balance of the world. Your hand
can be gentle or cruel, depending on what the sit-
uation requires, but you always act with respect
and exercise judgment. You hold the forces of
nature in your hands – the earth, the weather, Ny bild: druid
the plants and the animals all listen to your voice.
You are a Druid.


SKILLS: Endurance, Survival, Insight,
Healing, Animal Handling

✥✥ You are a moralizing know-it-all who thinks

you always know the will of the gods.
Choose an option below or create your own: RELATIONSHIPS
✥✥ You are nobler than other people and the Choose an option below or create your own:
gods love you more. … doesn’t understand her role in the world.
✥✥ ou sense unnatural phenomena before You shall guide, but not teach.
anyone else. … is drawn to dark arts and must be kept
✥✥ Demons fear you instinctively. under close watch. If needed, it’s your duty
to stop her.
DARK SECRET … is a slender oak that can grow into so-
Choose an option below or create your own: mething great, given the right care.
✥✥ You enjoy groveling in the mud and to live
off what others would never eat. GEAR
✥✥ As everyone and everything are part of Staff or knife, one item of your choice from
Clay’s creation, you lack respect for other’s the list of trade goods (page xx), D6 Silver.
property. Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D8


chapter 2
You have followed the way of the sword as long as you
can remember. Wiped the blood of countless enemies
from your blade, felt many wounds heal into ugly scars
on your body. You fear battle, yet you yearn for it. The
battle is your life. Your task is to protect your weaker
friends from all enemies and you take that task very se-
riously – but the truth is, you live for the thrill of battle
itself. When the fight is over you clean your blade, and
get ready for the next fray. You are a Fighter.


SKILLS: Might, Endurance, Melee,
Crafting, Move

Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ You never back away from a fight. RELATIONSHIPS
✥✥ You can endure any injury. Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ You never betray your friends. … is the weak link of the group. Can you teach
DARK SECRET … has saved your life several times. How will
Choose an option below or create your own: you repay her?
✥✥ You sometimes take to the bottle to chase … is creepy. You never know what she thinks.
away the memories of all those you have
killed. GEAR
✥✥ Secretly you enjoy inflicting pain and A two-handed weapon of your choice, or a
injury on others. one-handed weapon and a shield, Studded
✥✥ Once, you killed a Rust Brother, and you leather or chainmail armor, two items of your
are now wanted by them. choice from the list of trade goods, D6 Silver.
Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D6


your adventurer
When the road is long, when the wind is fierce or the
night is black, everyone needs a light in the darkness. A
reminder of past deeds or treasures waiting to be found.
Whether through song, poetry or prose, it’s your job to
spread a little hope and joy by the campfire. You have
the ability to chase away despair and inject courage and
hope into the hearts of your friends. And if you should
all one day meet your final fate, your chronicles will let
the world know of your adventures. You are a Minstrel. New art: Minstrel


SKILLS: Lore, Insight, Manipulation,
Performance, Healing

Choose an option below or create your own: ✥✥ You once served the Rust Brothers as their
✥✥ Your song can make the coldest heart turn jester, but managed to escape.
✥✥ You remember all the tales and legends of RELATIONSHIPS
the Forbidden Lands. Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ You friends trust you with their lives if … is the hero of your chronicle, but does not
they need to. realize it.
… does not understand her own good, and
DARK SECRET needs your guidance.
Choose an option below or create your own: … is doomed. It’s only a matter of time.
✥✥ You are haunted by doubt and don’t believe
in the songs you sing. GEAR
✥✥ You are secretly deeply in love with an Lute or flute, Knife, two items of your choice
NPC or another PC. from the list of trade goods, D8 Silver.
Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D6


chapter 2
Bargaining, buying for little and selling for more,
turning two silvers into three, has always been
your way to survive. While the Blood Mist lay
thick across the lands, trade between the villages
was limited and very local. Now, the mist has
lifted, and the Forbidden Lands and its treasures
are yours for the taking or buying, then selling to
the highest bidder. You are a Peddler.


SKILLS: Crafting, Sleight of Hand,
Scouting, Insight, Manipulation

Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ You have honest blue eyes.
✥✥ You can make anyone trust you.
✥✥ When you have the scent of gold, nothing RELATIONSHIPS
can stop you. Choose an option below or create your own:
… owes you silver but doesn’t seem to want to
DARK SECRET repay it.
Choose an option below or create your own: … saved your life once. What does she want in
✥✥ You owe someone powerful silver. A lot of return?
silver. … is your ticket to fame and riches. Stay close.
✥✥ You conned a Rust Brother and you are
now wanted by them. GEAR
✥✥ You don’t trust anyone and think they all Knife, three items of your choice from the list
want to take your silver. of trade goods, D12 Silver.
Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D8


your adventurer
The wild lands are your home. In the forests and the moun-
tains, on the open plains and by the winding rivers – that’s
where you find inner peace. People say that the wilds
are dangerous, that they are evil. Granted, you have seen the
monsters that roam the lands. But you know how to
move unseen and unheard, and to kill effectively if
you need to. And when you bring home your prey
to the camp and it’s time to eat, no one is
complaining. You are a Ranger.


SKILLS: Stealth, Move, Marksmanship,
Scouting, Survival

Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ You can survive alone in the wilds for
✥✥ Your arrow always hits its mark. Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ The animals of the forests are your friends … always makes a lot of noise. Stay away from
and do you no harm. her.
… is always hungry and eats all the food you
Choose an option below or create your own: … has no respect for nature and its creatures.
✥✥ You feel uncomfortable among other
people and prefer to be alone. GEAR
✥✥ The old wound from the claw of a demonic One ranged weapon of your choice, three items
beast never really healed. of your choice from the list of trade goods, D6
✥✥ Once, you left a wounded friend to die in Silver. Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D8, Ar-
the woods to save yourself. rows D10


chapter 2
The legends say that the animals in ancient time
mocked the humans for having only two legs. For
that reason, your ancestors allied themselves with
the horses on the great plains. Now, you have six legs
together and hands to wield spear and bow. You
ride faster than anyone, you strike, and you are gone
before the enemy has realized what happened. You
love the open plains as the fiery blood of Aslene runs Ny bild: ryttare
through your veins. You are a Rider.


SKILLS: Endurance, Melee, Marksman-
ship, Survival, Animal Handling

Choose an option below or create your own: RELATIONSHIPS
✥✥ Aslenians are nobler than other humans. Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ On your horse, you are faster than the wind. … has the soul of a slave and need to be set free.
✥✥ Horse or no horse, you never lose your … is a loyal friend for whom you would give
balance. your life if it came to that.
… shows you no respect and needs to be taught
DARK SECRET a lesson sooner or later.
Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ You enjoy setting things on fire – ostensi- GEAR
bly in the name of the god Horn, but you A riding horse (choose one from the Forbidden
like it, too. Lands custom card deck if you have it), spear
✥✥ Your horse is more important to you than or handaxe, short bow or sling, two items of
any human. Others cannot understand your choice from the list of trade goods, D6
your bond. Silver. Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D8,
✥✥ You panic in closed and cramped chambers. Arrows D10


your adventurer
No one will ever give you what you wish for. To get
what you want, you will have to take it for yourself.
This is a lesson that you learned at a young age,
and already as a child you became very skilled at
liberating others from belongings that you needed
more. Before, people used to spit at you and kick you.
Now, as an adventurer with the Forbidden Lands
at your feet, your expertise in the arts of moving
silently in the shadows has become highly sought
after. You are a Rogue.


SKILLS: Melee, Stealth, Sleight of
Hand, Move, Manipulation

Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ No one has a softer step than you. RELATIONSHIPS
✥✥ You only steal from those who deserve it. Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ No one can catch you. … despises you and what you do, and thinks
she is better than you.
DARK SECRET … treats you like a child to be chastised. Very
Choose an option below or create your own: annoying.
✥✥ You compulsively steal valuables you catch … always grabs the best treasures for herself.
sight of. Time to teach her a lesson?
✥✥ Once, you stole something valuable from
a Rust Brother and you are now wanted by GEAR
them. Dagger, two items of your choice from the list
✥✥ You can’t help but to spend all of the Silver of trade goods, D10 Silver.
you acquire. Resource Dice: Food D6, Water D6


chapter 2
Let them stare at you in fear and disgust. Let them shy
away from you, afraid that your dark arts will infect them.
They fear you, but they need you. Who else can force nature
itself to bend to their will? Who else can make fire roar,
water freeze and the earth shake? You, and only you, have
seen what is beyond the veils of the world and stared into
the inner core of existence. This insight is your burden to
bear, so that others don’t have to. You are a Spellbinder.


SKILLS: Crafting, Sleight of Hand, Lore,
Insight, Manipulation

Choose an option below or create your own:
✥✥ Nothing scares you, as you have seen the
world behind the veil.
✥✥ Whoever threatens you will die a painful
✥✥ You have read many books and you know RELATIONSHIPS
the ways of the world. Choose an option below or create your own:
… looks at you sideways and seems afraid of you.
DARK SECRET … doesn’t realize her own inner strength. Can
Choose an option below or create your own: you bring it forth?
✥✥ You are haunted by visions of the world … doubts your magical powers. How rude!
behind the veil.
✥✥ Your yearning for more magical power is GEAR
stronger than anything else. Staff or knife, one item of your choice from
✥✥ The beast Zytera haunts you in your the list of trade goods, D8 Silver.
dreams and makes you obey. Resource Dice: Food D6, Water D8


your adventurer
STARTING SCORES: When you create your
AGE player character, you can distribute a number
The next step is choosing your age. Many ad- of points across your attributes. How many
venturers leave their village at a young age, but points is determined by your age – see the ta-
sometimes older individuals are forced out to ble below. You can assign no less than 2 and no
hunt for treasure among the ruins. more than 4 points to any attribute. However,
Age is divided into three categories: young, you can assign 5 points to the attribute listed as
middle-aged, and old. You choose your age freely. the “key attribute” for your kin or your profes-
Write down your choice on your character sheet. sion. If the same attribute is key for both your
Your chosen age category affects your attributes kin and your profession, you can assign up to 6
and your skills. Read more about these below. points to this attribute.
Elves don’t age in the normal sense of the
word. Technically, they all counts are Adult.


The player Josie creates a new character. Young 15
She chooses an adult half-elf Spellbinder. Adult 14
Old 13

Your adventurer has four attributes that indi- STRENGTH
cates your basic physical and mental capabili- Raw muscle force and size. Strength is de-
ties. Your attributes are used when you roll dice creased by damage, and recovered with food.
to perform actions in the game, but also how
much Misery of various kinds you can with-
stand before you become broken. Read more AGILITY
about this in Chapter 5. Body control, speed, and motor skills. Agili-

Young 16–25 16–30 20–40 16–25 13–20 13–20
Adult 26–50 31–100 41–80 26–60 21–40 21–45
Old 51+ 100+ 81+ 61+ 41+ 46+


chapter 2
ty is decreased by fatigue, and recovered with bute for the skill in question. Read more about
water. how skills work in the next chapter.


WITS your player character, you distribute a number
Sensory perception, vigilance, and intelli- of points to your skills. How many points is
gence. Wits is decreased by confusion, and re- determined by your age – see the table below.
covered with sleep. You can assign no more than 3 points to the
skills listed for your profession. You can assign
no more than 1 point to any other skill. Apart
EMPATHY from that, you can assign points in any way
Your personal charisma, empathy, and ability you see fit. You can increase your skill levels
to manipulate others. Empathy is decreased during the game (see page XX).
by doubt, and recovered by sharing stories and
songs with friends.


Josie has 14 points to spend on her attributes Young 8
and gives her character Strength 3, Agility 3, Adult 10
Wits 5 and Empathy 3. Old 12

SKILLS Josie has 10 skill points to spend and gives
Your skills are knowledge and abilities you have her half-elf Spellbinder MELEE 1, CRAFTING
acquired during your life as an adventurer or 2, LORE 3, INSIGHT 2, and MANIPULATION 2.
before that. They are important, as they deter-
mine, along with your attributes, how effective-
ly you can perform certain actions in the game.
There are sixteen skills in the game, and they
are all described in detail in the next chapter. TALENTS
They are measured by skill level on a scale from Talents are tricks and abilities that give you a
0 to 5. The higher the number, the better. small advantage in the game. They are more
specialized than skills and provides you with a
WITHOUT SKILL LEVEL: You can always roll way of fine-tuning your character. Talents are
for a skill even if you have no level in that skill described in Chapter 4. There are also special
– in that case you only use the associated attri- talents for your kin and your profession. At the


your adventurer
start of the game, you get a number of talents
that depend on you kin, your profession and PRIDE
your age: Adventurers are not like other people. Leaving
✥✥ Your kin talent home and family to set out on the way of the
✥✥ A professional talent of your choice sword requires both courage and a conviction
✥✥ A number of general talents of your choice that you are an individual beyond the norm.
depending on your age (see below) This is represented in the game by your Pride –
something specific that you are very proud of.
Every talent has three ranks. You normally It can be an ability, an event in your past, or
start the game with rank 1 in each talent, but something else. Your profession provides three
you can choose to forego one general talent suggestions, but you are free to make up your
for starting the game with rank 2 in another own Pride.
talent. You can increase your talent levels and Once per game session you can activate
learn new talents during the game. your Pride, when you roll for a skill in a sit-
uation where your Pride is relevant. The GM
has the final say, but she should give you the
benefit of the doubt. When activating your
Pride, you get to roll an extra D12 and include
Young 1 the result in a dice roll. If you fail the roll de-
Adult 2 spite this, you must remove your Pride. You
Old 3 then need to play one entire session without
a Pride, before you get to choose a new Pride
for your character. Read more on how you use
your Pride in Chapter 3.
MAGIC TALENTS: A special category of the
profession talents are the magic talents. These EXAMPLE
are needed to cast spells and generally only Josie decides that her Spellbinder’s Pride
available to Druids and Spellbinders. Read will be: “Nothing scares me, as I have seen
more about magic in Chapter 6. the world behind the veil.”

Josie’s character gets the xx kin talent and
chooses the professional tal-

ent. As an adult, she gets to choose two general

talents. She uses one to increase her rank in Every player character in Forbidden Lands has
PATH OF BLOOD to 2, and the other to get rank a story. Many of the colorful individuals try-
1 in QUICK-FOOTED. ing their luck among the ruins have a check-
ered past, filled with danger and experiences.


chapter 2
You are one of those people. You have experi-
enced something before the game begins that RELATIONSHIPS
has left its mark on you or still threatens you As an adventurer, you look for riches in the
in some way. This is called a Dark Secret. wild, but you are also an individual with per-
There are three suggestions for Dark Secrets sonal relationships with the other player char-
for every profession – choose one of these or acters. You have been part of the same adven-
make up your own, if you prefer that. The Dark turing group for a while and you know each
Secrets that you and the other PCs have are first other fairly well.
and foremost tools for the GM to create stories When you create your player character, you
with, but can also affect how many Experience should describe your relationship with each
Points you get after a game session (page xx). of the other player characters you know, with
a short sentence for each on your character
EXAMPLE sheet. There are suggestions to choose from
Josie decides that her character’s Dark Se- for each profession. You can also use them as
cret will be: My yearning for more magical inspiration for your own ideas.
power is stronger than anything else. These relationships affect how you are
awarded Experience Points. Your choices are
also important for the GM, since he can use
them to create tense situations in the game (see
the Gamemaster’s Guide).

When traveling in the Forbidden Lands,
you need the right gear. Villages are far
apart, and you need to be able to survive alone
the wilds. You must write down all the items
you are carrying on your character sheet. Write
down one item per row on the sheet. If it’s not
listed on your sheet, you don’t have it with you.

STARTING GEAR: Your profession determines

what gear you can choose from at the start of
the game. As a rule, you get one or more items
from the list of trade goods on page xx. If it
says, “a weapon of your choice,” pick one from


your adventurer
the weapon tables in Chapter 5 – you cannot
choose a magical artifact.
In addition to these items, you are assumed
to have a knapsack and a water skin. Gear used
to carry other gear does not count toward your
encumbrance and does not need to be noted COINS
down. Monetary transactions in the Forbidden
Lands are generally made with silver coins or
just “silver” (see the boxed text on this page
for more information). Copper coins are used
for smaller transactions and for larger sums,
COINS IN gold is used. Ten copper coins equal one silver,
THE FORBIDDEN LANDS and ten silver coins equal one gold coin. Coins
xx counts as tiny items and don’t encumber you
(see below).
You roll a die determined by your profes-
sion to see how many silver you have at the
start of the game. You don’t need to spend
these to pay for your starting gear, but you can
use them to buy extra gear at the start of the
game if you like.

You can carry a number of regular items
equal to your Strength doubled. Use your base
Strength score, not the temporary rating re-
duced by taking damage (page xx).


An item designated as HEAVY counts as two
regular items, and will take up two rows on
your character sheet instead of one. At the
opposite end of the spectrum, there are items
that are designated as LIGHT – they count as


chapter 2
half of a regular item, and so you can list two Whenever you consume a consumable – that
LIGHT items on one row on your sheet. is, every time you eat a ration of food, drink
a ration of water, shoot an arrow, or light a
torch – you roll the Resource Die for the con-
TINY ITEMS sumable. If the die shows 1 or 2, you must de-
Items that are even smaller than LIGHT are crease the Resource Die one step – for example
called TINY. They are so small they don’t affect from a D8 to a D6. When you roll a D4 and
your encumbrance at all. The rule of thumb is: get a 1–2 result, your stash of the consumable
if the item can be hidden in a closed fist, it’s is fully depleted.
TINY. TINY items also need to be listed on your
character sheet.

You can temporarily carry more than your
normal encumbrance limit (Strength x 2
items). In this case, you need to make a roll
for the ENDURANCE skill whenever you want to
move more than a few steps. The same applies Starting Resource Dice are indicated by your
if you are hauling around something heavy. If profession. You don’t roll these when creating
the roll fails, you must either drop what you your character, instead simply note the die
are carrying, stay where you are, or suffer 1 type on your character sheet.
point of fatigue (page xx) and keep going for
a while longer. ENCUMBRANCE: For encumbrance, each type
of consumable counts as one item, no matter
what your current Resource Die is. When you
lose your last Resource Die for a particular
consumable, this consumable no longer counts
CONSUMABLES toward your encumbrance at all.
A special category of items in the game are
called consumables. These are food, water, ar- STOCKPILES: Having a D12 Resource Die
rows and torches. You don’t count individual means you are carrying as much of the con-
units of these items; instead, each consumable sumable as a single individual can. Of course,
is rated with a Resource Die, from D4 to D12, your group might come across larger stockpiles
that measures how much of that consumable of a particular consumable, such as a wagon
you are carrying. Each type of consumable has filled with food. In cases like this, the GM de-
a box on the character sheet where you note cides how long the stockpile lasts.
your Resource Die for it.


your adventurer
Josie gives her character a staff and a lan- EXPERIENCE
tern. She rolls a D8 for silver and gets 5. She Life as an adventurer brings many challenges,
gets a D6 Resource Die for food and a D8 for and if you survive you can be certain you will
water. change and maybe even learn a thing or two
along the way.
The things you learn during the game are
measured in Experience Points (XP). You re-
ceive XP after the end of each game session.
APPEARANCE Talk it through and let the whole group discuss
You can describe your player character’s face, what has happened. For each of the below ques-
body and clothing on your character sheet. tions that you can reply “yes” to, you get one
Consider your kin, your profession and your XP:
age, and freely choose an appearance that you ✥✥ Did you participate in the game session?
think fits your adventurer. You get one XP just for being there.
✥✥ Did you travel through at least one hex
on the game map that you had not visited
✥✥ Did you discover a new adventure site?
NAME ✥✥ Did you defeat one or more monsters?
Finally, you give your adventurer a name. ✥✥ Did you find a treasure?
Every kin (page xx) has a list of five male and ✥✥ Did you activate your Pride?
five female names that are typical for that kin. ✥✥ Did you somehow suffer from your Dark
Choose one of these names, or make up your Secret?
own if you prefer. ✥✥ Did you risk your life for another PC?
✥✥ Did you perform an extraordinary action
NICKNAMES: A common custom in the For- of some kind?
bidden Lands is to take a nickname, often
one that says something about your appear- The GM has the final word when it comes to
ance, your personality, or your personal his- how many XP each character should get, but
tory. You can choose a nickname at the start let all the players have their say. Write down
of the game, or add one later if you prefer. the XP on your character sheet.
A number of typical nicknames are listed by
your profession. MAGIC TALENTS: To increase your rank in a
magic talent, or to learn a new one, you need to
EXAMPLE find a willing teacher with a higher rank in the
Josie names her spellbinder Nirmena. talent than you, in addition to spending XP.
Read more about magic in Chapter 6.


chapter 2
You can use your XP for three things: If you activate your Pride in a skill roll, but
✥✥ Raise a skill one point, up to the maxi- still fail, your must immediately erase your
mum of 5. Costs 5 XP per skill point. Pride. You must then play one entire game ses-
✥✥ Learn a new talent of your choice. Costs sion without a Pride, and after that you get to
3 XP. choose a new Pride for yourself. Read more on
✥✥ Raise a talent one rank, up to the maxi- how you use your Pride in Chapter 3.
mum of rank 3. Costs 3 XP per rank.

You can spend XP after a finished game ses- CHANGE YOUR DARK SECRET
sion, not during play. Erase your used XP If you, after the end of a game session, feel that
from your character sheet. your Dark Secret is no longer relevant, you can
erase it and come up with a new one. Perhaps
your secret has been revealed, or the ominous
threat is no longer an issue. Come up with a
new Dark Secret together with the GM. Try to
DEVELOP YOUR connect the new Dark Secret to something that

CHARACTER has happened during the course of the game.

Experience Points are not the only way to

change your PC during the course of the game. CHANGE RELATIONSHIPS
You can also change your Pride, your Dark Se- After the end of a game session, you are free to
cret and your relationships to the other PCs. redefine your relationships to the other PCs as
you see fit.

As an adventurer in the Forbidden Lands,
word of your deeds will spread far and wide –
assuming you live long enough. This is repre-
sented by your Reputation score, which will
determine the chances of you being recognized
and can affect social conflicts.
Your Reputation score only tells you how
well known you are, not if you are feared or
admired – that depends on the type of deeds


your adventurer
for which you are known. Your starting Repu- NPCS can also have a Reputation score. When
tation score depends on your age (see the table you meet such an NPC, roll dice in the same
below). way as outlined above to determine if you have
heard of this person.


Young 0 When you try to MANIPULATE someone, your
Adult 1 respective Reputation scores can affect the
Old 2 outcome. Read more about the MANIPULATION

skill in Chapter 3.


BEING RECOGNIZED During the course of the game, your Reputa-
When you arrive at a new settlement in the tion score will increase. After a game session in
Forbidden Lands, there is a chance that the which you have performed a great deed of some
people there have heard of you. You must be kind, one which was made known to the world
presented by name for this to happen. and will be spoken of for years to come, your
Roll a number of D6 equal to your Repu- Reputation score increases one point. What
tation score. If you roll one or more sixes (the counts as a “great deed” is up to the GM, but
x symbol on the custom dice), your Reputa- here are some examples:
tion precedes you and people have heard of you ✥✥ A prominent NPC was killed, or saved
and your deeds. Whether they react negatively from certain death.
or positively depends on which deeds you are ✥✥ A feared monster was slain.
known for, and is for the GM to decide. ✥✥ A legendary treasure or artifact was found
or stolen.
KIN: If the settlement you visit is primarily ✥✥ The deed permanently altered the overall
populated by another kin than your own, your situation in an adventure site.
Reputation score counts as two steps lower ✥✥ The deed will have significant conse-
than normal. quences for one of the major powers in the
Forbidden Lands.
THE GROUP: When an entire fellowship of
adventurers arrives at a new settlement, you If the deed can be considered “good” or “evil”
don’t roll for Reputation for each PC. Instead, makes no difference with regard to your Repu-
roll only for the adventurer with the highest tation score.
Reputation score. The roll applies to the en-
tire group.


chapter 2

The lava ate his stilts and Berde’s fear didn’t leave him until
he reached the ledge. The thief whistled silently to himself,
kicked off the smoldering clogs that remained and ventured
into the hold as a servant among others, directing his steps
without haste towards the treasury.

roleplaying game is a conversation. to your skill level plus your current score in the
The Gamemaster describes the scene, attribute that is connected to that skill. If you
you describe how your PCs behave, the have some sort of gear that may be helpful, you
GM described how any NPCs react, you reply, will get extra dice from that as well.
and it goes back and forth. That is how the sto- Then you roll all the dice at once.
ry is told and progresses. But sooner or later, a
decisive situation will arise, a point of no re-
turn, a conflict that conversation alone cannot SIXES MEAN SUCCESS
resolve. Then it’s time to break out the dice and To succeed with your action, you must roll at
use one of your skills. least one six. A six is called a success, and these
are marked in the rules with a symbol of two
crossed swords: x. If you roll more than one x
you can perform stunts (page xx and onward).
There are sixteen (16) skills in total in the
game, and they are all described later in this ONES WEAR YOU DOWN
chapter. Every skill is connected to one of the Ones can be bad for you – they can mean
four attributes: Strength, Agility, Wits, and that you suffer damage, exhaustion, or fear, or
Empathy. that your weapon has been damaged. Ones have
When you perform an action, you first de- no effect on your first roll, only if you choose
scribe what your player character does or says. to push your roll (see below). A one is called a
Then you grab a number of six-sided dice equal bane, and is marked with a skull symbol: l.


DIFFERENT COLORS rately. The symbol x is engraved directly onto
Whether a certain dice you have rolled origi- these dice. Every dice set contains nine D6s,
nates from your attribute, your skill, or your four of which are Base Dice (white), three Skill
gear, may be important. For that reason, you Dice (maroon), and two Weapon Dice (black),
should use dice of three different colors. The as well as one D8, one D10, and one D12 (more
dice from attributes are called Base Dice, the on how these are used later in this chapter).
dice from skills are called Skill Dice, and the You can play the game with one of these sets,
dice from gear are called Gear Dice or Weapon but it might be easier if you have two sets or
Dice (specifically for weapons). even three.


There is a set of beautifully engraved custom If you don’t have the skill required for the par-
dice available for Forbidden Lands, sold sepa- ticular action you want to perform, you can
roll anyway – simply roll your Base Dice and
any applicable Gear Dice.

Josie’s Spellbinder Nirmena is exploring a
THE 16 SKILLS ruined castle along with her fellow adven-
Might (STRENGTH) turers. Suddenly, an undead ghoul comes
Endurance (STRENGTH) out of the shadows and lifts its rusty sword
Melee (STRENGTH) to strike Nirmena. She turns and runs to-
Crafting (STRENGTH) ward a tower to find safety there, but stops
Stealth (AGILITY) in her tracks as the floor has collapsed in
Sleight of Hand (AGILITY) front of her. She decides to leap across the
Move (AGILITY) chasm. Nirmena has Agility 3 but no skill
Marksmanship (AGILITY) level in MOVE. She gets to roll only the Base
Scouting (WITS) Dice to make the jump.
Lore (WITS)
Survival (WITS)
Manipulation (EMPATHY) If you roll no x something goes wrong. For
Performance (EMPATHY) some reason, you failed to achieve your goal,
Healing (EMPATHY) feel free to elaborate on why with the help of
Animal Handling (EMPATHY) the GM. She might even let a failed roll have
further consequences to move the story for-
ward in a dramatic way.


chapter 3
If you are desperate to succeed with a dice roll,
you can choose to push it. This means that you
grab all the dice that did not come up as a six

l) and roll them again. You get a

(x) or a one (
new chance to roll x.
You cannot choose any dice to reroll. When
you push, you must roll all dice that did not
come up as x or l.
Usually, you would only push a roll if you
failed it – although you can push your roll even
if you rolled sixes first, to get more x to be
able to perform stunts. But pushing a roll is
not without risk – read more about that below.
How a pushed roll plays out in story terms
depends on what kind of action you are per-
forming. It doesn’t have to be a physical effort,


It’s hard to succeed in the
Forbidden Lands. If you lack the
right gear or friends that can
help you, there is a great risk of
spectacular failure. With that in
Failure must not stop the story completely. mind, you should never roll dice
Even when you fail, there must be a way for- unless it is absolutely neces-
ward – perhaps at a cost of time, risk, or silver, sary. Save the dice for dramatic
but still a way. The GM has the final say on situations or tough challenges.
the consequences of failure in that particular In any other situation, the GM
situation. should simply allow you to per-
You have one last chance if you really want form whatever action you wish.
to succeed – you can push the roll.


it might be about complete mental focus or an
emotional struggle.

SKILL DICE: When you push a roll, ones from

the Skill Dice do not count as l and can be re-
rolled even if they do come up as a one. Hence,
the symbol l does not appear on the Skill
Dice in the custom dice set for the game.

WEAPON DICE: If you push your roll, you

must also push any Weapon Dice or Gear Dice.

ONLY ONCE: You can only push your roll once.

If you don’t succeed on your second try, you
just have to deal with the consequences.

When you push yourself hard, there is a risk
DESCRIBE YOUR ACTION that you will suffer damage or exhaustion, or
You create a story together in that your weapon will be destroyed. After you
Forbidden Lands. A dice roll is a have pushed your roll, look at all the dice on
dramatic peak – first you should the table. In the first roll, l had no effect, but
describe what you are trying to when you push they become active. It doesn’t
achieve, so that everyone knows matter if the l came up in the first roll or the
what is at stake. Then you roll second.
your dice. Interpret the result ✥✥ For every l you have rolled on a Base
and describe what happens. Die when you push, you suffer one point
Describe what you do, what you of Misery to the attribute you have used
say, or what you are thinking. (read more about Misery and its various
How any adversary reacts. If you forms in Chapter 5).
push your roll, describe how. Do ✥✥ For every l you have rolled on a Weapons
it yourself, don’t wait for the GM Die when you push, your weapon’s bonus
– the GM should only stop you is lowered by one (read more about that
if you go beyond the results you below).
have rolled.
Remember that ones on the Skill Dice never
count as l (see above).


chapter 3
To push yourself to the brink of your abilities
is risky, but it can also have positive effects – it
gives you the force of will required to use the CHANCE OF SUCCESS
powerful kin talents and profession talents. When you roll a lot of dice,
Read more about these in Chapter 4. it can be hard to predict the
For every l you roll on the Base Dice chance of success. The table
(Weapon Dice do not count) when you push, below shows the chance of
you get a Willpower Point (WP) in addition to success when rolling with 1–10
any Misery you suffer. The Willpower Points dice. The third column shows
are required to use your powerful kin talents the chance of success if you
and profession talents. push the roll.
The GM has her own pool of Willpower
Points, and can push rolls to get more WP just NUMBER CHANCE PUSHED
like players. Read more about this in Chapter 4. OF DICE OF SUCCESS ROLL
1 17% 29%
EXAMPLE 2 31% 50%
Josie rolls her three Base Dice for Nirmena’s 3 42% 64%
jump. None of them come up x and one shows
4 52% 74%
l. Nirmena throws herself across the chasm 5 60% 81%
but midway realizes that it’s too far to the other
side. Josie decides to push the roll. She rerolls 6 67% 87%
her two Base Dice that didn’t show l. One 7 72% 90%
of them now come up with a x! Nirmena 8 77% 93%
stretches out her hand and just barely catches 9 81% 95%
the edge on the other side of the chasm. Panting,
10 84% 96%
she climbs up, temporarily safe. Because of the
l rolled, she suffers one point of fatigue, and
her Agility is thus temporarily decreased to 2.
She also gains one Willpower Point.

to achieve the same goal. You need to try some-

thing different or wait until the circumstances
have changed in a substantial way. Or let an-
ONLY ONE CHANCE other player character try.
As a rule, you only have one chance to succeed This rule does not apply to combat, where
with any action. Once you have rolled the dice you can attack the same enemy over and over
– and pushed the roll – you may not roll again until he is sprawled bloody on the ground.


Modification +1 means you roll one extra Skill
GROUP ROLLS Die, +2 means you roll two extra Skill Dice,
When you face a challenge with your fellow and so on. Modification –1 means you roll one
adventurers, you don’t roll dice separately. Skill Die fewer than normal, –2 means two
Instead, you choose who among you is best fewer, and so on.
suited to take on this challenge. The others Modifications only ever affect Skill Dice –
may help her (see below) if it’s relevant to the never Base Dice or Gear Dice.
situation. If the roll fails, it counts as a fail- Several modifications can apply to the
ure for all of you – you are not allowed to try same roll – add them together. A modification
one time each. of +2 and one of –1 add up to +1.
This rule does not apply in combat, where
every adventurer is free to attack any enemy NEGATIVE DICE: If, after modifications, you
you like. end up with exactly zero Skill Dice, you just
roll your Base Dice (and any applicable Gear
Dice). If you go below zero, you must roll this
negative number of Skill Dice. These dice are
called negative dice. Any x on negative dice
eliminate an equal number of x on Base or
Gear Dice. If you push your roll you must re-
roll negative Skill Dice too (except the ones
showing x of course).
You can get modifications in several dif-
ferent ways: through talents, through the dif-
ficulty of the action itself, and through help
from others.

Normally, the GM doesn’t assess how diffi-
cult an action is. You only roll dice in chal-
MODIFICATION lenging situations – period. But sometimes,
Sometimes, external factors help you to suc- the GM might want to underscore that ex-
ceed. This gives you extra Skill Dice to roll. ternal factors either help or hinder an action.
Other times, something hampers your action. Use this table for guidance:
This gives you fewer Skill Dice to roll than
normal. This is called modification.


chapter 3
A Breeze +3
Simple +2
Easy +1
Normal 0
Demanding –1
Hard –2
Insane –3

There are also cases when modifications are

imposed by the rules, like when you aim care-
fully with a ranged weapon (page xx), shoot at
long distance, or if you’re in a bad bargaining
position when you attempt to MANIPULATE
someone. Some talents can also give you a pos-
itive modification in certain situations.


Other PCs or NPCs can help you succeed at a
skill roll. This must be declared right away, be-
fore you roll your dice. It must also make sense
in the story – the individual helping you must groups instead of individually is often an easy
be physically present and have the capacity to way to manage large numbers of NPCs in con-
support your action. The GM has the final say. flicts.
For each person helping you, you get a +1
modification. No more than three people can EXAMPLE
help you with a single roll, meaning your max- Nirmena tries to help her fellow adventurer,
imum modification from assistance is +3. the dwarf Tyrgar, to climb up the old ruined
In combat, helping counts like the same tower. Tyrgar has Agility 2 and skill level 2
type of action as the one you are supporting in MOVE. Thus, he gets to roll two Base Dice
(fast or slow). and three Skill Dice (two for his skill level
NPCs can help each other in the same and one for the help from Nirmena). He rolls
way as player characters. Letting NPCs act in one x and makes the climb.


undead has Wits 1 and skill level 2 in SCOUT,
OPPOSED ROLLS and rolls one Base Die and two Skill Dice.
Sometimes rolling a six isn’t enough to suc- Nirmena rolls one x but so does the guard.
ceed with your skill roll. In some cases, you Nirmena stumbles, but Josie decides to push
have to beat your foe in an opposed roll. To win the roll. She gets lucky and rolls another x!
an opposed roll, you have to roll successfully She manages to stay silent, and sneaks past
and roll more x than your adversary. Every six the undead without being spotted.
your adversary rolls eliminates one of your six-
es. Only you (the attacker) can push your roll.
Sometimes you and your adversary roll
for different skills, sometimes the same. Op-
posed rolls are common when you MANIPU- NPCS AND SKILLS
LATE or use STEALTH, and when someone uses Non-Player Characters use skills in the same
those skills against you. The GM can also use way as player characters. The GM rolls dice for
opposed rolls when she deems it appropriate, them, and they can push their rolls just like
like rolling MIGHT vs MIGHT to determine the PCs can. But the GM only has to roll for ac-
outcome of an arm-wrestle. tions that affect a PC directly – for example,
if the NPC is attacking a player character or
EXAMPLE is attempting to save her. When an NPC per-
Moving through the old tower, Nirmena forms an action that does not directly affect a
spots another undead guard. She tries to PC, the GM can simply decide what happens,
sneak by it, into the ancient library beyond. without rolling dice.
Nirmena has a current Agility score of 2
and skill level 1 in STEALTH, and thus gets to
roll two Base Dice and one Skill Die. The

To increase your chance of success you can use
gear. Gear can take the form of a weapon in
combat, a rope to climb, or an old book to un-
derstand a legend. You will find many weapons
in Chapter 5 and lists of other gear in Chapter 7.
Useful gear give you Gear Dice. This is
called the Gear Bonus. When it comes to weap-
ons, the terms commonly used are Weapon
Dice and Weapons Bonus. You roll Gear Dice
together with Base Dice and Skill Dice, and
they are counted the same way: sixes equal x.


chapter 3
GEAR GETS WORN and magic items that adds an extra D8, D10,
When you use gear and push your roll (see or even, in rare cases, a D12! Rare items of this
above), there is a risk your gear may be dam- kind are described in the Gamemaster’s Guide.
aged. For every l you roll with your Gear Dice Items that give you artifact dice to roll are
when pushing the roll, the item’s Gear Bonus divided into three categories, depending on the
is decreased by one. It simply doesn’t work as type of dice they give:
well anymore – a weapon dulls, a rope frays, the ✥✥ D8: Rare
fragile pages of a book fall out and crumble to ✥✥ D10: Epic
pieces. If the Gear Bonus reaches zero, the item ✥✥ D12: Legendary
is broken and cannot be used again at all. When you roll an artifact die, any result of
Luckily, damaged gear can be repaired. It 6 or higher counts as x. Really high results
takes a few hours of work and a successful roll count as several x. See the table below.
with the CRAFTING skill. If the roll is success-
ful, the Gear Bonus is increased by one point for
every x. If the roll fails, the Gear Bonus is per-
manently decreased to its current score. If the RESULT D8 D10 D12

Gear Bonus has been reduced to zero and the 6 x x x

attempt at repair fails, the item is permanently 7 x x x

destroyed. Observe that Advanced items require 8 xx xx xx
special talents to repair (page xx).
9 – xx xx

10 – xxx xxx
11 – – xxx
To climb up to the next level of the tower, Nir-
mena uses a rope. She thus gets to roll two Base 12 – – xxxx

Dice (current Agility 2) and two Gear Dice

(the rope has a +2 bonus). She has a bit of bad
luck and fails the roll, and decides to push. She
makes the roll, but one of the Gear Dice comes The Forbidden Lands custom dice (sold sepa-
up a l . The rope is scraped against a sharp rately) has the number of x engraved directly
rock and nearly breaks. Its Gear Bonus is re- on the dice.
duced to +1.

ARTIFACT DICE Once per game session, you can use your Pride
Usually, gear only adds extra D6 to your roll. (page xx) to succeed on a skill roll. You can ac-
However, there are master crafted artifacts tivate your Pride even after you have rolled the


dice, and pushed your roll. When you use your
Pride, you roll a D12 and add the result to your
If you fail despite this use of your Pride,
you have to cross out your Pride. You must play
a whole game session without Pride, then you
can choose a new one. Read more about Pride
in Chapter 2.

This section describes the 16 skills for this

You use MIGHT to lift or push something heavy.
If your roll succeeds, you perform this feat of ENDURANCE (STRENGTH)
strength without a problem. When the road is long and hard, when your legs
can’t carry you any longer, roll for ENDURANCE.
Roll for this skill when you travel in extreme
MIGHT weather or when you are forced to suffer bitter
cold. If you succeed, you push through the pain
and can fight on, for a while longer.

To be able to defend yourself with weapon in
hand is important to all adventurers in the For-
bidden Lands, regardless of their profession,
though it is more important for a warrior, of
course. Roll MELEE when you attack or parry in
close combat. If the roll succeeds, you hit your
adversary and do weapon damage (page XX).
Read more about close combat in Chapter 5.
How weapons are used is also described there.


chapter 3

CRAFTING (STRENGTH) be modified negatively. All these requirements

You often have to make your own gear in the and prerequisites can be found in the crafting
Forbidden Lands, and repair it if it breaks. To table in Chapter 7. Observe that some raw ma-
do so requires the CRAFTING skill. terials might be items which in turn must be
REPAIR: Repairing a broken item generally If your roll is successful, you make the item,
takes a few hours and a successful CRAFTING of the same quality as listed in the equipment
roll. If the roll succeeds, the item is repaired. If
the item has a Gear Bonus, it will increase one
step for every x rolled. You cannot go above
the original Gear Bonus. If the roll fails, the
Gear Bonus is permanently decreased to the SIMPLE AND ADVANCED ITEMS
current level. If the Gear Bonus had been de- All items in the game fall into
creased to zero and the repair fails, the item is one of two categories: SIMPLE
permanently destroyed. Observe that Advanced and ADVANCED. SIMPLE items
items require specific talents to repair (see the are items anyone can make and
boxed text). repair with the CRAFTING skill,
while ADVANCED items require
CRAFT: Creating new items requires far more specific talents to make or
work than repairing existing ones does. It re- repair. Every item in the Gear
quires a CRAFTING roll (and the right talent, for List in Chapter 7 is categorized,
ADVANCED items) just like repairing, but you and the talent required for AD-
also need raw material, in most cases special VANCED items is listed for each

tools, and usually a lot more time. Some items item.

are very complicated to craft and the roll will


list on page xx. If you fail, the item is unusable, you increase your chance of success. If you
the raw materials are spent, and you must in- spend twice as much time as the require-
crease your CRAFTING skill by one point before ment, you get a +1 modification on your roll,
you at- tempt to craft the same item again. and if you spend four times as much time
you get a +2 modification. You cannot get a
ADDITIONAL TIME: By spend- higher modification than +2 by spending ad-
ing more time than the mini- ditional time.
mum required to craft an item,
MASTER CRAFTING: Skilled craftsmen can
create items above and beyond what a normal
craftsman can. Using talents, you can create
items with better game stats than normal.
Read more in Chapter 4.

You can attempt to craft items that
are not listed in the weapons and
gear lists. You can determine the
item’s properties and the require-
ments to craft it in consultation
with the GM. The GM has the final

RAW MATERIALS It is often wise to avoid combat and sneak
Raw materials are divided into past the enemy instead. Roll an opposed roll
categories and are counted in (page xx) with your STEALTH skill against your
pieces, for example a piece of adversary’s SCOUT. If you win, you manage to
iron or a piece of cloth. You can sneak past them without being spotted. You
find raw materials in the Gear can also use this skill to remain hidden and
Lists in Chapter 7. avoid discovery when you are stationary. A
third way to use this skill is to make a sneak
attack (page xx).


chapter 3
When you and the other adven- MARKSMANSHIP

turers use STEALTH side by side,

each and every one of you does
not roll for the skill. Instead,
only the PC with the lowest
skill level rolls, and the result
applies to the whole group. You
also get a modification of –1 for MOVE (AGILITY)
every adventurer in the group When you are going to jump, climb, move
after the first one, down to a fast, or perform any other action that re-
maximum modification of –3, quires speed or motor control, you roll MOVE.
since the risk of being heard or You can also use MOVE to duck in close com-
seen increases when you are bat and run away from conflict (read more in
Chapter 5).


When you are trying to steal the queen’s jewel
STEALTH unnoticed, pick a lock, or perform any other
action that requires fine motor skills, you roll

Using a bow and arrow, slingshot, or
a simple rock, you can stop enemies at
a distance and can avoid bloodying your
hands. Roll MARKSMANSHIP when you fire
a weapon at an enemy at a distance. If you
succeed the shot hits its target and you
do weapon damage (page xx) to your en-
emy. Read more about ranged combat
in Chapter 5.


As an adventurer in the Forbidden Lands you
always have to be on your guard, or you won’t
GROUP SCOUTING live long. You use your SCOUTING skill to dis-
When you and the other ad- cover anyone sneaking up on you (opposed roll,
venturers scout at the same see above).
time, you do not roll separately. You can also use this skill when you see
Instead, only the PC with the something or someone at a distance, and want
highest SCOUTING skill level to know more about it. If the roll is successful,
rolls, and that result applies to you see what it is and can determine whether
the whole group. However, you or not it is a threat to you. The GM decides
get a –1 modification for every exactly what you see.
adventurer in the group other
than the first, to a maximum
modification of –3, since it is
harder to observe your sur- DON’T USE SCOUTING
roundings with people around TO FIND HIDDEN THINGS
you. These rules also apply The SCOUTING skill is not used to find
when you SCOUT for someone hidden things like secret doors or
using STEALTH. hidden clues. If you describe how
your PC searches the right place, the
GM should simply let you discover
what you are looking for if it is at all
possible to find.

Myths and legends are not simply tales to
amuse around the campfire, they often con-
tain important knowledge about the For-
bidden Lands that has been passed down
through generations. Roll LORE whenever
you find an old ruin or an artifact and want
to know more about it, or when your knowl-
edge of the cultures or history of the land is
put to the test.


chapter 3
SURVIVAL Life in the Forbidden Lands is bloody, but you
can often reach your goals without violence,
through charm, threats, or sensible reason-
ing. There are many methods to make another
person see things your way. Roll an opposed
roll (page xx) with your MANIPULATION against
your adversary’s INSIGHT. Your chances are af-
fected both by your bargaining position and
your Reputation (page xx).

The Forbidden Lands are dangerous INSIGHT

ground, where wild beasts roam the

land. The ignorant can lose their lives by
choosing the wrong path through the woods
or drinking from the wrong water source.
You can roll SURVIVAL in a number of
different situations when you are trav-
eling in the wilderness.
Chapter 7.

Being able to read other people and see through
lies and deceit can be an important ability for
an adventurer. Roll INSIGHT when someone is
trying to MANIPULATE you (opposed roll). Read
more below. NOT MIND CONTROL
You can also use this skill to determine When you MANIPULATE some-
an NPC’s state of mind. You must be close one, you do not take control of
to the NPC and spend a few minutes observ- their mind. What you are trying
ing him. If your roll is successful, the GM to convince your adversary
must tell you which is the NPC’s strongest about must be somewhat rea-
emotion right now – for example hate, fear, sonable, otherwise the GM can
contempt, or love. disallow it.


person who has suffered so much Misery (page
xx) that one of his four attributes has been
reduced to zero is broken, and cannot act
any further. If you apply your HEALING

skills to him and your roll succeeds, he gets

back on his feet and immediately recovers a
number of attribute points equal to the num-
ber of x you roll. No resources are required for
this recovery.
Please note that you can treat all kinds of
Misery – not just damage, but also fatigue,
confusion, and doubt. Read more about Mis-
MANIPULATION ery in Chapter 5.

If you succeed, your adversary must either do SAVE A LIFE: The most important application
what you want or immediately attack you phys- of HEALING is giving first aid and saving the life
ically. of a fallen comrade who has suffered a critical
Even if your adversary chooses to do what injury (page xx). A failed roll at this point could
you want, he can still demand something in mean the end for your patient, so be careful!
return. The GM decides what that entails, but Read more about critical injuries on page xx.
it should be reasonable enough for you to be
able to meet those demands. It is up to you to
accept the agreement or not. PERFORMANCE (EMPATHY)
Singing and performing are highly valued in
BEING MANIPULATED: NPCs and other PCs the Forbidden Lands. The land is permeated
can MANIPULATE you. If their roll succeeds, by legends and myths, passed on by the people
you must attack or offer a deal of some kind. through generations. The PERFORMANCE skill
Then it is up to the GM (or the other player) can be used in several ways.
whether your adversary accepts or not.
RECOVERY: PERFORMANCE can be used to heal
doubt (decreased Empathy) for the adventur-
HEALING (EMPATHY) ers. Read more in Chapter 5.
The Forbidden Lands are a dangerous place, and TAUNT ENEMIES: You can use a slow action
as an adventurer, there is a significant risk that (page xx) to taunt an enemy in combat. The
you and your friends will be injured, sooner or enemy must be in SHORT range and be able to
later. This is when the HEALING skill is useful. It understand your language. You cannot taunt
can be used in two different ways: monsters or animals. Roll an opposed roll for


chapter 3
PERFORMANCE versus INSIGHT. If you succeed, able. An attempt to do this takes at least a few
choose one of the following effects: minutes.
✥✥ The enemy is angered and has to direct his
next attack towards you, if at all possible. TAME WILD ANIMALS: When you encounter
✥✥ The enemy is distracted, and his next roll is a wild animal in the forest you can attempt
modified by –1. If you roll more x than you to discourage it from attacking by communi-
initially needed to win, the enemy’s next roll cating on a primal level. You must be at CLOSE

is modified by an additional –1 for every x. range or closer, and you must be aware of the
animal’s presence. Roll an opposed roll for AN-
Feel free to embellish your insults at the enemy IMAL HANDLING against the animal’s STRENGTH

at the gaming table! – larger animals are harder to frighten off.

Through a longer period of work, you can
also use ANIMAL HANDLING to tame a wild
ANIMAL HANDLING (EMPATHY) animal. The animal must be caught, and to
The Forbidden Lands are full of horrible beasts successfully tame it you must use ANIMAL

and monsters, but there are also plenty of regular HANDLING successfully as many times as the
animals in the forests, on the plains, and in the animal’s STRENGTH, spread out over an equal
mountains – these can be dangerous as well. An- number of weeks. You must spend several
imals are either wild or tame. The ANIMAL HAN- hours every day taming the animal, or the pro-
DLING skill can be used in several different ways: cess begins anew.
Please note that you cannot tame mon-
RIDE: Any adventurers can sit on a horse or an- sters, only animals (see the table on page xx of
other type of mount without falling off, but the Gamemaster’s Guide).
more advanced maneuvers can require a skill
roll. ANIMAL HANDLING replaces MOVE when
you attempt difficult jumps or other maneuvers
on horseback. Use the horse’s AGILITY in these
cases to determine the number of base dice for
the roll, not your EMPATHY. You can push
the roll, but you run the risk of exhaust-
ing the horse.


ANIMAL HANDLING, you can attempt
to command a tame animal to do your
bidding. The actions you want it to
perform must be simple and within the
framework of the animal’s normal be-
havior. The GM decides what is reason-



Bredeman the minstrel sang through broken teeth and lips to

please his captors, in a voice much too large for his scrawny
body. Not until blood poured from the ears of the warriors and
giant Handra fell from her bench, did the horsemen realize
what was going on. By then it was already too late.

s adventurers in the Forbidden Lands and profession talents are more powerful than
you work towards a common goal, but general talents, but they require that you spend
you also need to find your own niche, Willpower Points (WP). You gain Willpower
something no one else can do. Such tricks and Points by pushing dice rolls (page xx).
abilities are called talents. Talents can change
how you use skills, how you recover from Mis-
ery, or allow you to do things that would be LEVELS
impossible for others. When you first learn a talent, it is at level 1.
During the game, you will gain Experience
Points (XP), which you can use to increase the
STARTING TALENTS level of your talents, up to a maximum of three.
At the start of the game, you can choose a num- Increasing your talent level one step costs 3 XP.
ber of talents based on your kin, your profession, Every talent describes what the various levels
and your age. Read more about this in Chapter mean and what benefits they provide. Observe
2. You can increase the level of your talents and that kin talents only have one level.
learn more talents during the course of the game.

TYPES OF TALENTS By spending XP, you can also learn new tal-
There are three kinds of talents: kin talents, ents. When you have gained 3 XP, you can
profession talents, and general talents. Kin trade them for a new talent. You can choose


chapter 4
a new talent for your profession, or a general
talent. You can’t learn profession talents from
other professions, nor can you learn kin talents
from other kin.

Your kin gives you a special talent. You have the
talent from birth, and it cannot be traded for
another. You can never learn a kin talent from
another kin. Kin talents only have one level.


Humans are new to the Forbidden Lands and
are seen as intruders by the other kin. But no
other kin can adapt to new situations and liv-
ing conditions the way the humans can. If you
spend a Willpower Point when you are about to THE HALF-ELF TALENT:
roll for a skill, you can roll for any skill of your PSYCHIC POWER
choice to achieve the same result. You must be The dual heritage of the half-elves makes them
able to motivate how you use the chosen skill. particularly suited to channel their force of
The GM has final say, but should give you will to achieve feats beyond the natural. Every
some leeway. time you spend one or more Willpower Points
to activate a talent or cast a spell, the first WP
count as two. If you spend two WP it counts as
THE ELF TALENT: INNER PEACE three, and so on. Note that this also increases
Elves have a connection to the inner nature of the risk of magic mishaps (page xx).
their own being far beyond that of any of the
other kin. Their immortality makes them less
susceptible to the trials of the world compared THE DWARF TALENT: TRUE GRIT
to the other kin. By spending a Willpower Dwarves are far more stubborn than oth-
Point, you can enter a state of deep medita- ers, and can fight on when other kin have no
tion. This lasts for a Quarter of a day (page xx) strength left. You can push a dice roll several
during which you must remain undisturbed. times (page xx) by spending Willpower Points.
When you emerge from the meditation, you Every point spent allows you to push the roll
have healed all Misery and any critical injuries. one more time.


combat, all your attacks against your prey are
modified by +1 until the creature is broken or
until you choose to let your prey go. You can-
WILLPOWER FOR NPCS not attack other opponents when you are hunt-
Unlike PCs, NPCs don’t have indi- ing your designated prey.
vidual Willpower Points. Instead,
the GM has a pool of WP to
activate kin talents and profes- THE ORC TALENT:
sional talents for all NPCs. At the UNBREAK ABLE
start of each game session, the The orcs were created to serve. Their bodies
GM gets a number of WP equal are strong, and they are very resilient when
to the players’ total amount. The it comes to pain and punishment. When you
GM can earn more WP by push- are broken by any kind of Misery (xx), you can
ing rolls just like players, but she spend Willpower Points to immediately get
cannot save any WP from one back on your feet. For every point you spend,
session to the next. you recover one point of the broken attribute.
You cannot use this talent unless you are bro-
ken. The talent does not affect critical injuries.


Halflings are notoriously hard to get a grip on,
and they can easily evade even the most tena- THE DRUID’S
cious of pursuers. You can spend Willpower TALENTS
Points in combat to avoid being hit by physical
attacks (see Chapter 5). Every WP spent elimi- As a Druid, you can learn the following three
nates one x the attacker rolls. profession talents. The Druid’s talents are all
about magic, and determine which spells you
can cast. You get level 1 in one of these talents
THE WOLFKIN TALENT: at character creation. Read more about magic
The wolfkin have a powerful sense of smell and
can track their prey for days once they have
caught their scent. You can spend Willpower THE PATH OF HEALING
Points to designate a person or a creature as Your calling is to use the forces of nature to heal
your prey. Your prey must be within line of and nurture the injured and the lost souls. The
sight, or there must be a scent to follow. You level of this talent determines which spells you
can follow your prey’s scent up to a week. In can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.


chapter 4
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can cast level 1 spells from
the Healing discipline. THE FIGHTER’S
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2 TALENTS
spells from the Healing discipline.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3 The following three profession talents are
spells from the Healing discipline. available to Warriors. You get level 1 in one of
these talents at character creation.


You are one with the feral creatures of the THE PATH OF THE BLADE
world and can assume their attributes or even You are one with your blade. You practice with
take their form. The level of this talent deter- your weapon every day and know all its quali-
mines which spells you can use. Read more ties, as if it were part of your own body.
about magic in Chapter 6. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you hit with a close
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can cast level 1 spells from combat attack, you can spend a Willpower
the Shapeshifting discipline. Point to find a weakness in your oppo-
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2 nent’s armor or natural armor. The armor
spells from the Shapeshifting discipline. has no effect against your attack.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3 ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Once you have used up all your
spells from the Shapeshifting discipline. actions during the turn, you can spend a WP
to immediately attack again in close combat.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: When you hit with a close com-
bat attack, you can increase the damage
by spending WP. Every point spent in-
creases damage by 1. You must state how
many WP you use before your opponent
rolls for armor.
You can see beyond sight, and your inner eye can
see what has happened and what will happen. The THE PATH OF THE ENEMY
level of this talent determines which spells you You see through your oppo-
can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6. nent and anticipate his
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can cast level 1 spells from next move before it hap-
the Awareness discipline. pens. Observe that this
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2 talet is only applicable if
spells from the Awareness discipline. you use the system for
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3 hidden combinations in
spells from the Awareness discipline. close combat (page xx).


✥✥ LEVEL 1: If you spend a Willpower Point times in a turn, as long as you have WP
when you and your opponent choose your to spend.
hidden combinations, your opponent must ✥✥ LEVEL 3: When you PARRY successfully,
choose his combination first and then you can decrease damage further by spend-
reveal his first or second card to you before ing WP. Every point you spend decreases
you choose your own combination. Your damage by 1. You must state how many
opponent chooses which card to show. WP you use before you roll for armor.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you decide if
your opponent shows the first or second
card of his combination.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, but your opponent
must show both his actions before you THE HUNTER’S
choose your own actions. TALENTS
The following three profession talents are
THE PATH OF THE SHIELD available to Hunters. You get level 1 in one of
You are a rock in the heat of battle, immovable these talents at character creation.
and hard to kill. This talent affects how you
parry attacks, regardless of whether you do it
with a shield or a weapon. THE PATH OF THE ARROW
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When a friend within NEAR You are a master archer and fire arrows as if
range is attacked, you can spend a Will- they were controlled by your own will.
power Point to PARRY the attack for him. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you hit with a ranged
Your PARRY follows the normal rules and weapon attack, you can spend a Willpower
counts as one of your actions in the turn. Point to find a weakness in your oppo-
✥✥ LEVEL 2: When you PARRY, you can nent’s armor or natural armor. The armor
immediately spend a WP to not count the offers no protection against your attack.
PARRY against your actions in the turn, ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Once you have used up all your
making it “free.” You can do this several actions during the turn, you can spend a
WP to immediately attack again using a
ranged weapon. However, said weapons
must have been PREPARED earlier.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: When you hit with a ranged
weapon attack, you can increase the dam-
age by spending WP. Every point spent
increases damage by 1. You must state how
many WP you use before your opponent
rolls for any armor.


chapter 4
THE PATH OF THE BEAST ✥✥ LEVEL 2: When rolling to endure cold
You have an animal as a trusted companion. (page xx), you automatically succeed if you
Pick the type of animal yourself from the ta- spend a WP. You can roll first and spend
ble on page xx of the Gamemaster’s Guide, and the point if you fail.
give your animal a name. You cannot choose a ✥✥ LEVEL 3: By spending a WP, you don’t
riding animal. need to eat or drink during one full day.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your animal can scout for you.
You can spend a Willpower Point to send
the animal ahead to check out a place
nearby, and the animal will warn you if
there is a threat there. THE MINSTREL’S
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your animal can help you when TALENTS
you are broken (page xx). Every WP you
spend recovers one point of the attribute The following three profession talents are
that has reached zero. You cannot use this available to Minstrels. You get level 1 in one of
effect when you are not broken. these talents at character creation.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can send your animal to
fight for you. If you spend a WP when
it is your turn to fight, the animal will THE PATH OF THE HYMN
also fight and follow your orders for one Your songs can help your comrades get up on
turn. Roll normally for the animal’s their feet, even in the heat of combat. Using
attacks. the talent in combat counts as a slow action
COMMENT: Your animal will protect itself if it (page xx).
is attacked, but if you want it to fight for you, ✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can help a broken comrade
you need level 3 of this talent. If your animal within SHORT range to get up on her feet.
dies, you can tame a new one (read more on For every WP you spend, your comrade
page xx). Once you have tamed an animal, you recovers one point of the attribute that has
can choose to use it as a new companion. You been reduced to zero.
keep your level of THE PATH OF THE BEAST. ✥✥ LEVEL 2: A number of your comrades,
equal to the number of WP you spend and
within SHORT range, recover one point
THE PATH OF THE FOREST each of Misery: Damage, Fatigue, Confu-
You are a master at surviving in the wilderness. sion, or Doubt. You choose which type of
Read more about journeys in Chapter 7. Misery they all recover.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you FORAGE, HUNT, or ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your song grants a portion of
LEAD THE WAY, you succeed automatically your power to one of your comrades within
if you spend a Willpower Point. You can LONG distance. You simply give a number of
roll first and spend the point if you fail. WP of your choice to your friend.


Your beautiful voice can captivate any audi- Your voice inspires your comrades and strikes
ence, and can even torment the listeners if you fear into the hearts of your enemies. Using
so choose. this talent in combat counts as a slow action
(page xx).
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can emit a warcry that
grants all your comrades within SHORT
range a bonus to all attacks during the
turn, until you perform another action.
Their rolls are modified by +1 for every
WP you spend.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can emit a roar that
modifies the close combat attacks of all
opponents within SHORT range during the
turn, until you perform another action.
Their rolls are modified by –1 for every
WP you spend. Note this has no effect
against monsters.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your cry can strike fear into the
✥✥ LEVEL 1: By spending Willpower Points heart of the most savage of opponents.
and singing, you can draw the attention Your cry inflicts one point of doubt in a
of everyone in NEAR range to yourself for single opponent within SHORT range for
a few minutes. They stop what they are every WP you spend.
doing, and any SCOUTING roll they make
is modified negatively by the number
of WP you spend. This has no effect in
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you can also THE PEDDLER’S
persuade your audience to pay for your TALENTS
singing. They will pay what they can, up
to a number of silver pieces equal to the The following three profession talents are
number of WP you spend. available to Peddlers. You get level 1 in one of
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can sing so powerfully that these talents at character creation.
your song cuts into the ears of any listen-
ers within SHORT range. Your song causes
one point of damage per WP you spend. THE PATH OF GOLD
You can distribute the damage across as You are a master at bargaining and have an un-
many opponents as you want. erring ability to sniff out gold and jewels.


chapter 4
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you are about to buy an ✥✥ LEVEL 2: When you MANIPULATE an NPC
item, you can spend a Willpower Point to to make him believe what you are saying
automatically negotiate the price down. (regardless of whether it’s true or not), you
The price is decreased by one-fifth for can spend a WP to succeed automatically.
every WP you spend. You can roll first and use this talent if you
✥✥ LEVEL 2: When you enter a new room, fail.
you can spend a WP to know if there are ✥✥ LEVEL 3: When you MANIPULATE some-
valuables in the room and if so, where. one and succeed, you can spend a WP to
This talent only applies to gold and jewels, avoid doing something in return (page xx)
not unique artifacts. and your opponent also loses the ability
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You always have gold hidden to attack you. What you are asking must
somewhere. For every WP you spend, you still be reasonable according to the GM’s
find 1 piece of gold in one of your pockets, assessment.
even if you were recently searched or some-
thing similar.
You carry a knapsack that contains a seemingly
THE PATH OF LIES endless supply of stuff and knick knacks. The
You are a master liar, skilled at both seeing knapsack is a HEAVY item (page xx).
through lies and telling them yourself without ✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you spend a Willpower
being discovered. Point you can find any item from the list
✥✥ LEVEL 1: If you spend a Willpower Point of trade goods (page xx). It cannot be a
when speaking with an NPC, the GM HEAVY object and it cannot cost more than
must reveal if the NPC is lying or not. 1 piece of silver.
The GM does not have to reveal what ✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you can also
exactly the NPC is lying about. find a weapon (from the weapon tables) in
your knapsack.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 2, but the item can
cost up to 1 piece of gold.

COMMENT: Once you have pulled an item

from your knapsack, you must write it down
on your character sheet, and you cannot put it
back in your knapsack again. If you lose your
knapsack, you must get a new one before you
can use this talent again. This requires a vis-
it to a trading post of some kind and that you
spend a WP.


to draw extra initiative cards during the
THE RIDER’S initiative draw, and choose the best card.

TALENTS Every WP allows you to draw one extra

card, and you can choose the best one. The
The following three profession talents are cards you have discarded are shuffled back
available to Riders. You get level 1 in one of into the deck before the other combatants
these talents at character creation. draw their cards. This talent cannot be
combined with LIGHTNING FAST.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: When you are on horseback, you
THE PATH OF THE COMPANION can spend WP to defend against attacks.
Your horse (or another riding animal) is your Every WP you spend eliminates one x
closest friend and companion, and will help your opponent has rolled.
you if you are in trouble. ✥✥ LEVEL 3: When you attack in close com-
✥✥ LEVEL 1: If you spend a Willpower Point bat from horseback and your attack roll
when you are broken (page xx), your horse succeeds, you can spend WP to increase
will stay by your side and defend you. damage. Every point spent increases
The horse will attack any opponents that damage by 1. You must state how many
attempt to attack or move you. WP you use before your opponent rolls
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your horse can help you get up for armor.
on your feet when you are broken. For ev-
ery WP you spend, you recover one point
of the attribute that has been reduced to THE PATH OF THE PLAINS
zero. You cannot use this effect if you are Your horse is fast like the wind.
not broken. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: For every Willpower Point you
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your horse can kick opponents spend, your horse can move one extra hex
when you are in the saddle. If you spend square in a Quarter of a day (page xx), in
a WP when it is your time to act in the normal terrain. Difficult terrain requires
turn, the horse can also attack in close two WP per extra hex square.
combat, right after your action. Roll ✥✥ LEVEL 2: When you are on horseback, you
normally for the horse’s attack. can spend a WP to escape from combat
without rolling dice (page xx). All other
limitations apply.
THE PATH OF THE KNIGHT ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can coax your horse into
You are a master of fighting from horseback. running at breakneck speed for a short
All the effects of this talent require that you period of time. Every WP you spend in-
are on horseback and that you are in an OPEN creases the horse’s Movement Rate (page
zone in combat (page xx). xx) one step, but only during one turn of
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can spend Willpower Points combat.


chapter 4
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you succeed with a SNEAK
THE ROGUE’S ATTACK (page xx), you can spend Willpower

TALENTS Points to increase damage. Every WP you

spend increases damage by 1.
The following three profession talents are ✥✥ LEVEL 2: By spending a WP, you can
available to Rogues. You get level 1 in one of slither your way out of any restraints or
these talents at character creation. push yourself through the smallest of
openings, like a snake.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can make others do your job
THE PATH OF THE FACE for you through the power of hypnosis.
You are a master of disguise and can easily as- By spending a WP, you can force your
sume the appearance of others. opponent to perform a specific action at a
✥✥ LEVEL 1: By spending a Willpower Point time of your choosing. However, you must
and preparing for a moment, you can speak to your opponent for a short time
assume the appearance of another person, before you can use this talent.
but not their voice or demeanor. The per-
son must be of the same sex and kin as you
are. Anyone who knows the person and
sees you at NEAR range can discover your
ruse by rolling INSIGHT. Every extra WP
you spend when you create your disguise
modifies any roll to see through it by –1.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you can also
mimic voices and demeanors. If you talk
to someone who knows the person you THE PATH OF THE POISON
are imitating, he can see through your You always carry an assortment of poisons.
disguise as per level 1 above. Your collection counts as one TINY item and
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can assume another person’s doesn’t encumber you.
appearance completely, even if they are of ✥✥ LEVEL 1: By spending a Willpower Point,
the opposite sex or another kin. In other you can pull out one dose of lethal poison
respects, treat this the same as per level 2. (page xx) with a Potency equal to the num-
ber of WP you spend.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you can also
THE PATH OF THE KILLER choose another kind of poison. See the
Battles are not always fought in the open and examples on page xx.
with steel clashing against steel. Another, less ✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 2, but you can also
heroic type of fight takes place in the shadows, choose to have the poison already applied
with hidden weapons and unsuspecting victims. to one of your weapons, for example, right


before an attack. Using this talent does not ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2
count as an action. spells from the Death Magic discipline.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3
COMMENT: If you lose your collection of poi- spells from the Death Magic discipline.
sons, you must get a new one before you can use
this talent again. This requires a visit to a trad-
ing post of some kind and that you spend a WP. THE PATH OF RUNES
The level of this talent determines which spells
you can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.
✥✥ Level 1: You can cast level 1 spells from
the Rune Magic discipline.
THE SORCERER’S ✥✥ Level 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2

TALENTS spells from the Rune Magic discipline.

✥✥ Level 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3 spells
As a Sorcerer, you can learn the following four from the Rune Magic discipline.
profession talents. The Sorcerer’s talents are
all about magic, and determine which spells
you can cast. You get level 1 in one of these THE PATH OF STONE
talents at character creation. Read more about The level of this talent determines which spells
magic in Chapter 6. you can use. Read more about magic in Chap-
ter 6.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can cast level 1 spells from
THE PATH OF BLOOD the Stone Song discipline.
The level of this talent determines which spells ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2
you can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6. spells from the Stone Song discipline.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can cast level 1 spells from ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3
the Blood Magic discipline. spells from the Stone Song discipline.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can cast level 1 and level 2
spells from the Blood Magic discipline.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can cast level 1, 2 and 3
spells from the Blood Magic discipline.
The level of this talent determines which spells All player characters can learn general talents.
you can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6. Every level costs 3 XP. At character creation,
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can cast level 1 spells from you get a number of general talents depending
the Death Magic discipline. on your age.


chapter 4
AMBIDEXTROUS points higher than normal. This takes four
You are skilled in the art of fighting with one times as long and your roll is modified by –4.
close combat weapon in each hand. You have a
primary weapon in your favored (or sword) hand
and a secondary weapon in your other hand. AXE FIGHTER
✥✥ Level 1: You can use your secondary weap- Nothing splits a shield – or a skull – like a
on to perform one extra attack per turn, mighty axe.
as a fast action. It must be a LIGHT weapon ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your attack rolls are modified by
and the attack is modified by –2. +1 when you fight with an axe.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Same as per level 1, but you can ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack rolls are modified by
use a normal weapon as your secondary +2 when you fight with an axe.
weapon. ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack rolls are modified by
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Same as per level 2, and your +3 when you fight with an axe.
attack with your secondary weapon is not
When you are broken by Misery (page xx), you
can choose to unleash a primal rage upon the
world. You immediately recover as many points
in the attribute that has been decreased to zero
as your level in BERSERKER. You must imme-
diately attack the nearest opponent in close
combat, and keep fighting until you are bro-
ken (again) or until all opponents within sight
have been broken. During your rage, you are
immune to any attempts to MANIPULATE you
ARMORER and all your close combat attacks do one extra
You know the art of making armor, shields and point of damage. If broken during a BERSERKER
helmets that can protect life and limb. rage, you cannot use this talent.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can use the CRAFTING skill
to make armor, shields and helmets from
the tables in Chapter 5, with normal stats. BOWMAKER
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can make armor, shields and You have learned how to turn wood and leather
helmets with an Armor Rating that is one into lethal bows and slingshots.
point higher than normal. This takes twice ✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can use the CRAFTING skill
as long, and your roll is modified by –2. to make ranged weapons from the weapons
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can make armor, shields and table (page xx), with normal stats.
helmets with an Armor Rating that is two ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can make ranged weapons


with a Weapon Bonus that is one point ration of food from prey you or someone
higher than normal. This takes twice as else has HUNTED.
long, and your roll is modified by –2. ✥✥ LEVEL 3: The food you cook is so deli-
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can make ranged weapons cious that whoever eats it also recovers a
with a Weapon Bonus that is two points point of doubt.
higher than normal. This takes four times
as long and your roll is modified by –4.
You are completely callous and can kill defense-
BUILDER less enemies without so much as a second’s hes-
You are used to working hard and dragging heavy itation.
things to build houses and other constructions. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can perform a COUP DE
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You get a modification of +1 when GRACE (page xx) without suffering doubt.
you work on a building in a stronghold. ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can perform a COUP DE
Read more about strongholds in Chapter 8. GRACE (page xx) without spending a Will-
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You get a modification of +2 when power Point and without suffering doubt.
you work on a building in a stronghold. ✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 2, but you also
✥✥ Level 3: You get a modification of +3 when recover a point of doubt when you perform
you work on a building in a stronghold. a COUP DE GRACE.

You are skilled at using weapons and shields to
protect yourself in close combat.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You get one free PARRY every
turn of combat. The extra PARRY does not
count as one of your actions in the turn.
CHEF ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You get two free PARRIES every
You know how to cook using simple things, turn of combat.
even while you are on a journey through the ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You get three free PARRIES every
wilderness. turn of combat.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you have cooked ingre-
dients from the actions HUNT, FISH, or
FORAGE (see Chapter 7), the food is durable DRAGONSLAYER
and can be saved for later consumption. Dragonslayer is the title given to those who seek
Cooking food requires a fire and requires a honor and fame by killing beasts and monsters.
Quarter of a day (page xx). ✥✥ LEVEL 1: All your attacks against mon-
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You manage to create another sters are modified by +1.


chapter 4
✥✥ LEVEL 2: All your attacks against mon- ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can DUCK for free twice in
sters are modified by +2. every turn of combat.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: All your attacks against mon- ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can DUCK for free three
sters are modified by +3. times in every turn of combat.

You can fire your bow or sling lightning fast.
Hunters can combine this talent with THE


✥✥ LEVEL 1: You don’t need to PREPARE be-

fore you SHOOT with a ranged weapon.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, and you can
SHOOT with a ranged weapon and RUN at
the same time.
EXECUTIONER ✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 2, and you only
You know where to strike to make sure your need to spend a fast action to SHOOT with
opponent falls and does not get up again. Ever. a ranged weapon, but your roll is modi-
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you inflict a critical inju- fied by –2.
ry on your opponent, you can reroll once.
The highest roll counts.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you can FIRM GRIP
reroll twice. It takes a lot for you to lose your grip on your
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, but you can reroll weapon.
three times. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: DISARMING you requires an extra
x – that is, two x for a one-handed weap-
COMMENT: If your opponent has the talent on and three x for a two-handed weapon.
LUCKY, these talents cancel each other out. One ✥✥ LEVEL 2: DISARMING you requires two ex-
level in LUCKY cancels out one level of EXECU- tra x – three x for a one-handed weapon
TIONER. and four x for a two-handed weapon.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You cannot be DISARMED.

You are fast and quick on your feet, and hard to FISHER
hit in combat. You have mastered the art of pulling fish from
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can DUCK for free once in rivers and lakes. You need a net, a rod, or some
every turn of combat. The extra DUCK does other piece of fishing equipment. Read more
not count as one of your actions in the turn. about fishing in Chapter 7.


✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your roll for SURVIVAL is modi- +1 when someone attempts to MANIPU-
fied by +1 when you FISH. LATE you.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your roll for SURVIVAL is modi- ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your INSIGHT roll is modified by
fied by +2 when you FISH. +2 when someone MANIPULATES you.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your roll for SURVIVAL is modi- ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your INSIGHT roll is modified by
fied by +3 when you FISH. +3 when someone MANIPULATES you.


You know the difference between edible plants You are lethal with a knife in hand.
and regular weeds. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your attack rolls are modified by
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified +1 when you fight with a knife or a dagger.
by +1 when you FORAGE during journeys. ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack rolls are modified by
Read more about journeys in Chapter 7. +2 when you fight with a knife or a dagger.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack rolls are modified by
by +2 when you FORAGE during journeys. +3 when you fight with a knife or a dagger.
Read more about journeys in Chapter 7.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
by +3 when you FORAGE during journeys. LIGHTNING FAST
Read more about journeys in Chapter 7. You react with the speed of a snake, and usually
strike before your opponent.
✥✥ Level 1: You can draw two initiative cards
HORSEBACK ARCHER instead of one during the initiative draw.
You are trained in the art of using bows and Choose the one you want to use, and shuf-
slings from horseback. fle the other one back into the deck before
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can fire a short bow or sling anyone else draw their cards.
from horseback. You must be in an OPEN ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can draw three initiative cards
zone. instead of one during the initiative draw.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, and your ranged ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can draw four initiative cards
attacks from horseback are modified by +1. instead of one during the initiative draw.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, and your ranged
attacks from horseback are modified by +2.
You have mastered the art of picking locks. You
INCORRUPTIBLE need some sort of tool. Well-made lockpicks
When others try to affect you, you are as im- can give you a bonus.
movable as a mighty oak in the wind. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SLEIGHT OF HAND roll is
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your INSIGHT roll is modified by modified by +1 when you pick a lock.


chapter 4
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SLEIGHT OF HAND roll is ARM’S LENGTH range you can, at the same
modified by +2 when you pick a lock. time, SLASH, STAB, PUNCH, or SHOVE. This
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your SLEIGHT OF HAND roll is is called a CHARGE.
modified by +3 when you pick a lock. ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack is modified by +1
when you CHARGE.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack is modified by +2
LUCKY when you CHARGE.
No matter how bad the odds are, you always get
away unscathed.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you suffer a critical injury, PAIN RESISTANT
you can reroll once. The lowest roll counts. You have learned to endure pain that would make
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but you can reroll others lose their minds. This talent can only be
twice. used if you use the advanced close combat rules.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, but you can reroll ✥✥ LEVEL 1: If you take a single point of dam-
three times. age from a close combat attack, you don’t
lose your attack in the same step (page xx).
COMMENT: If your opponent has the talent ✥✥ LEVEL 2: If you take up to three points of
EXECUTIONER, these talents cancel each other damage from a close combat attack, you don’t
out. One level in EXECUTIONER cancels out one lose your attack in the same step (page xx).
level of LUCKY. ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You never lose your own attack
in the step because of pain.


You are a skilled hunter and can find prey where PATHFINDER
others cannot. You are a master at finding the right path through
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified woods and over mountains in the wilderness.
by +1 when you HUNT during journeys. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
Read more about journeys in Chapter 7. by +1 when you LEAD THE WAY (page xx).
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
by +2 when you HUNT during journeys. by +2 when you LEAD THE WAY.
✥✥ Level 3: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
by +3 when you HUNT during journeys. by +3 when you LEAD THE WAY.


You throw yourself into combat without any You have mastered the art of brewing poisons
concern for the risk involved. of every kind. Read more about poisons in
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you move from NEAR to Chapter 5.


✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can use the CRAFTING skill SAILOR
to concoct poisons. See the table on page xx You know how to steer rafts and boats over un-
for required raw materials and equipment. known waters.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but all your rolls ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified by
to concoct poisons are modified by +1. +1 when you LEAD THE WAY at sea (page xx).
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, but all your rolls ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
to concoct poisons are modified by +2. by +2 when you LEAD THE WAY at sea.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
by +3 when you LEAD THE WAY at sea.
You can find great campsites and can make
sure your whole party are comfortable by the SCROUNGER
campfire. You know how to pack your belongings so they
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified by don’t take up much space and your gear be-
+1 when you MAKE CAMP during journeys. comes easy to carry.
Read more about journeys in Chapter 7. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can carry two more items
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified by than normal without being encumbered
+2 when you MAKE CAMP during journeys. (page xx).
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified by ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can carry four more items
+3 when you MAKE CAMP during journeys. than normal without being encumbered
(page xx).
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can carry six more items
QUICKDRAW than normal without being encumbered
You draw your weapon quicker than the enemy (page xx).
can blink.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can draw a LIGHT weapon
without spending an action. This includes SHARPSHOOTER
picking up a weapon from the ground. You are a master archer and your arrow almost
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but also applicable always hits its target.
to normal weapons. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your attack rolls are modified by
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 2, but also applicable +1 when you fight with a bow or a crossbow.
to HEAVY weapons. ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack rolls are modified by


chapter 4
+2 when you fight with a bow or a crossbow. ✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but your PARRY
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack rolls are modified by and attack rolls are modified by +2 when
+3 when you fight with a bow or a crossbow. you use a shield.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, but your PARRY
and attack rolls are modified by +3 when
SHARP TONGUE you use a shield.
You are a master at formulating scathing abus-
es that can unhinge even the most steadfast of
enemies. SIXTH SENSE
✥✥ LEVEL 1: When you MANIPULATE some- The hairs on the back of your neck stand up
one, and roll more x than you need to win when enemies lurk in the bushes.
the opposed roll, you can inflict one point ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SCOUT roll is modified by
of doubt on your opponent per extra x. +1 when an enemy tries to ambush you or
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, and your MANIP- performs a sneak attack (page xx).
ULATE roll is modified by +1 if you insult ✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, but the bonus is +2.
your opponent in any way. ✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, but the bonus is +3.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 2, but the roll is
modified by +2.
A mighty spear can slay even the biggest of
You are one with your shield, and it can protect ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your attack rolls are modified by
you from any attack. +1 when you fight with a spear.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your PARRY rolls are modified ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack rolls are modified by
by +1 when you have a shield. You can also +2 when you fight with a spear.
use your shield as a blunt close combat ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack rolls are modified by
weapon. The weapon damage is 1. +3 when you fight with a spear.

You have good balance and cannot be knocked
over easily.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: SHOVING you to the ground
requires two x instead of one.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can DUCK and remain
✥✥ LEVEL 3: You cannot be SHOVED to the


You have practiced with a sword in hand since You don’t need weapons to strike down your
you were a child. enemy.
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your attack and PARRY rolls are ✥✥ LEVEL 1: All your unarmed attacks are
modified by +1 when you fight with a sword. modified by +1.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack and PARRY rolls are ✥✥ LEVEL 2: All your unarmed attacks are
modified by +2 when you fight with a sword. modified by +2.
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack and PARRY rolls are ✥✥ LEVEL 3: All your unarmed attacks are
modified by +3 when you fight with a sword. modified by +3.

You have a scary physical presence and can You can travel on foot through the wilderness
threaten people to make them do what you for a long time without stopping for rest.
want. ✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can roll MIGHT instead of by +1 when you force march (page xx).
MANIPULATE when you threaten someone ✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
to make them do what you want (page by +2 when you force march.
xx). If you succeed, your opponent cannot ✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your SURVIVAL roll is modified
demand anything in return from you. He by +3 when you force march.
can still choose to attack you.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: As per level 1, and your MIGHT
roll is modified by +1 when you threaten WEAPONSMITH
someone. You know the art of hammering coarse iron
✥✥ LEVEL 3: As per level 1, and your MIGHT into a lethal blade.
roll is modified by +2 when you threaten ✥✥ LEVEL 1: You can use the CRAFTING skill
someone. to make any close combat weapon from
the weapons tables in Chapter 5, with
normal stats.
THROING ARM ✥✥ LEVEL 2: You can make weapons with a
You can hit anything with a thrown rock. Weapon Bonus that is one point higher
✥✥ LEVEL 1: Your attack rolls are modified by than normal. This takes twice as long, and
+1 when you use a thrown weapon or a sling. your roll is modified by –2.
✥✥ LEVEL 2: Your attack rolls are modified by ✥✥ LEVEL 3: You can make weapons with a
+2 when you use a thrown weapon or a sling. Weapon Bonus that is two points higher
✥✥ LEVEL 3: Your attack rolls are modified by than normal. This takes four times as
+3 when you use a thrown weapon or a sling. long and your roll is modified by –4.


chapter 4

“What’s in a name?” Mormelan asked while wiping blood

from his blade on a silk handkerchief. “That which we call
a heart, by any word would bleed as rich.” Reubenwald was
in no shape to respond, clutching his bleeding chest, but his left
hand reached for his grandmother’s magical dagger, hidden
in his boot.

ife as an adventurer is hard and often DRAWING THE INITIATIVE
violent. You can run into wild beasts, Grab ten cards, numbered 1 through 10. All
malicious raiders, cold-souled Rust the players taking part in the conflict, either
Brothers, and demonic monsters. When some- voluntarily or involuntarily, each draw a card
one gets in your way, sometimes you have no and the GM draws one card for every NPC.
choice but to hack your way through them. This is called drawing the initiative. The num-
Combat can be rough for your player char- ber on the card determines the order in which
acter and can even be lethal. Before you enter you act in the conflict.
combat, you should always ask yourself: Is it
worth it?


In the custom card deck for Forbid-

TURNS & den Lands (sold separately), there
INITIATIVE are ten special initiative cards to use
when drawing the initiative. If you
When a conflict begins, the first step is to de- do not have access to that deck, a
termine who has the initiative. Do this before normal deck of cards works fine, with
anyone rolls dice for an action. the ace substituting for the one.


combat & misery

Number 1 acts first, number 2 acts second, and have acted once, the turn is over, and a new
so forth until everyone has acted. Place your ini- turn begins. The turn order remains the same
tiative card by your character sheet, so everyone throughout the whole conflict – drawing the
can see in which order you all act. The GM puts initiative is only done once, at the start of the
her initiative cards in front of her. first turn.
When all the participants in the combat
TIME: In the game, a turn can represent any
period from ten seconds up to a minute, de-
pending on circumstances and the skills used.

In typical conflicts, the GM
draws one initiative card per SURPRISE
NPC. If there are a lot of NPCs If you perform an attack that the GM deems
and the number of combatants surprising, you may draw two initiative cards
is above ten, the GM will split before anyone else draws their cards, and
the NPCs into groups. All the choose which one of the two you want. The
NPCs with identical stats will card you do not choose is put back in the deck
form a single group, and the GM which is shuffled again before the others (ei-
will draw one initiative card per ther players or GM) draw their cards.
group instead of one per indi-
vidual. All the NPCs in a group
act at the same time in the turn TALENTS
order. In what order they act The talent LIGHTNING FAST also allows you to
individually within the group is affect your initiative.
up to the GM.


MONSTERS You never draw a new initiative card during a
The kind of horrible creatures fight, but you can exchange your initiative card
that are commonly called – and thus your initiative for the turn – with
monsters also act as regular another player character. This can be done at
enemies in combat. Monsters the start of the fight or at the start of the turn,
follow their own rules and are but never during a turn. You and the other
described in detail in Chapter player character must be able to speak to each
XX of the Gamemaster’s Guide. other to exchange initiatives. You can exchange
initiative cards with an enemy through the
FEINT action (see Close Combat).


chapter 5
EXAMPLE orcs at the edge of the forest. They grin and
On their way from the old ruined castle, a get ready for a fight. All five draw an initia-
few cheap gems and old books being all they tive card each. Nirmena draws 4, Tyrgar 6,
have to show for it, Nirmena the half-elf and the orcs 2, 7 and 9. The initiative order
and Tyrgar the dwarf are spotted by three is Orc 1, Orc 2, Tyrgar, Nirmena, Orc 3.


FAST ACTIONS When it’s your turn to act, simply state which
actions you wish to perform and roll dice to see
When it is your turn to act, you can perform if you are successful. Some actions will give
one slow action and one fast action, or two your opponent the opportunity to perform a
fast actions. A slow action usually consists of reactive action, read more under Close Combat
rolling for a skill. A fast action is quicker and and Ranged Combat.
doesn’t always require a dice roll, but can do
so. See the lists of typical slow and fast actions
below. How these work is explained in detail EMBELLISH!
in the sections Close Combat and Ranged
Combat, later in this chapter. The list of actions is fairly comprehen-
sive, but provides no details. It is up to
PREREQUISITES: Some actions can only be you as a player to describe exactly what
performed if certain conditions are met. Often your adventurer does, how she looks
this is a feature of the weapon you are using. when she attacks and what she feels
Features of weapons and other items are ex- when she raises her sword to attack…
plained later in this chapter.


combat & misery

Slash Edged or Blunt weapon MELEE

Stab Pointed weapon MELEE

Punch/Kick/ Unarmed MELEE

Grapple Unarmed MELEE

Break Free You are Grappled MELEE

Shoot Ranged weapon MARKSMANSHIP

Persuade The opponent can hear you MANIPULATION

Bluff The opponent can hear you MANIPULATION

Cast Spell You are a Druid or a Spellbinder None, see Chapter 6

Flee You are alone in your zone MOVE

Dodge – MOVE

Parry Shield or Parrying weapon MELEE

Draw Weapon – –

Swing Weapon Heavy weapon, must be performed –

right before a close combat attack
Get Up You are prone –

Shove – MELEE

Disarm Your target holds a weapon MELEE

Feint Enemy at Arm’s Length –

Run – MOVE (only in a rough

Grapple Attack You’ve Grappled an opponent MELEE

Ready Weapon Ranged weapon –

Aim Carefully Short distance or more –

Power Word You are a Druid or a Spellbinder None, see Chapter 6

Use Item Varies Varies


chapter 5
HELPING OTHERS terrain than in open terrain. The distance from
If you help another player character or NPC to one zone to the next is called one segment.
perform an action, it costs you one action of In the official adventure sites (see the
the same kind (slow or fast). You have to state Gamemaster’s Guide), the zones are already
if you help someone before any dice are rolled. marked on the map overview. In a random en-
Helping others breaks the initiative order in counter during journeys, the GM can make a
the turn. You can read more about helping in quick sketch of the area or simply describe it.
Chapter 3.

The GM has drawn up a quick map of the area
where Tyrgar and Nirmena face the orcs.
ZONES & RANGE When combat starts, the adventurers are in a
The combat area is divided into zones. A zone is zone next to the orcs. The adventurers’ zone is
a room or an area of ground. How big a zone is OPEN while the orcs’ zone is ROUGH.

varies – from a few steps across up to about 25

meters. A zone is generally smaller in difficult
Zones can have various features, which affect
actions performed in the zone.

CRAMPED: The zone is small and/or

has a low ceiling. Attacks with HEAVY
weapons get a –2 penalty, and it is
impossible to SWING WEAPON before a
close combat attack.

ROUGH: You must roll MOVE when you

RUN into the zone. Failure means you
managed to get into the zone, but you
fall down.
OPEN: The zone is open and flat,
which is ideal for mounted combat-
ants. Read more below.

DARK/FOGGY: Ranged attacks

into the zone are modified by –2
and can’t pass through the zone.


combat & misery

BORDERS AND LINES OF SIGHT column lists the types of terrain where the
Another important feature of zones is the maximum line-of-sight usually matches that
border between them. The border between category. Read more in Chapter 6.
zones affects both movement and ranged
BLOCKED: The border is blocked by a wall, a To move during combat, you use the RUN

deep abyss, or something similar. You cannot action (fast). This moves you from one zone
pass the border between the zones, at least not to a neighboring zone, or between NEAR and
on foot. ARM’S LENGTH distance from an enemy in the
zone you are already in. No roll is required to
OBSCURED: Something along the border of RUN, unless you’re moving into a ROUGH zone,
the zone blocks the line of sight, but not move- in which case you need to roll for MOVE (see
ment. An example could be a doorway, shrub- above).
bery, or a curtain. Ranged attacks across the
border are not possible, but movement is not DOORS: You can open an unlocked door with
affected. the USE ITEM action (fast). A locked door must
either be opened by picking the lock (page xx) or
by breaking it down. A typical wooden door can
RANGE CATEGORIES take 5 points of Damage before it falls apart.
In conflict, the distance between you and your More sturdy doors require more force, and re-
opponent is divided into five range categories. ally massive doors also have an Armor Rating
See the table on this page. The Typical Terrain (page xx).

Arm’s Length Right next to you –

Near A few steps away, in the same zone as

Small room, cave tunnel
Short Up to 25 meters away, in a bordering Dense forest, swamp,
zone large hall
Long Up to one hundred meters (four seg- Forest, hills, city ruins,
ments) away gigantic hall
Distant As far as the eye can see Plains, mountains


chapter 5
If you’re losing a fight, it might be better to AMBUSHES &
retreat and perhaps return with back-up. If you SNEAK ATTACKS
are alone in your zone and want to leave the
conflict immediately, you can roll for MOVE – a The key to winning a conflict is often attack-
successful roll means you manage to get away ing when your enemy least expects it. You can
somehow, and the conflict is over. achieve this in several different ways.
You cannot FLEE in this way if you are
trapped or surrounded. The GM has final SNEAK ATTACK: When you stalk someone
say. You cannot use your roll to move past and your attack catches them unawares, it’s
an opponent – you must FLEE in the same di- called a sneak attack. First, roll an opposed
rection you came from. The GM can modify roll for SNEAK. You get a modification de-
your roll depending on the terrain and the pending on how close you are – see the ta-
distance to the next opponent, see the table ble on this page (xx). If you want to attack in
on this page (xx). close combat, you usually have to get with-
in ARM’S LENGTH. If you fail, your opponent
spots you at your starting distance – draw
FLEEING initiative.

RANGE MODIFICATION If you succeed, you get a free action (slow

or fast, but not both) before you draw the ini-
Short 0
tiative. Your target cannot DODGE or PARRY
Long +1
a sneak attack. Sneak attacks are always done
Open zone –1 individually, by one attacker against one tar-
Rough zone +1 get.

AMBUSH: A special kind of sneak attack is an

ambush – you lie in wait for your enemy and at-
If the roll fails, you remain in combat with tack when he passes. When you ambush some-
your opponent and cannot get away – you re- one, you roll SNEAK as described above, but
main at the same distance as you were before. with a modification of +2, since it is the target
The GM can also inflict some type of Misery and not the attacker that is moving.
on you (page xx). You can attempt to FLEE again Ambushes can be carried out by a group
in the next turn. and against a group of targets. This follows the
usual rules for SNEAK – for the attackers (who-
EXAMPLE ever has the lowest SNEAK skill level roll) and
The adventurers and the orcs are in neigh- for the targets (whoever has the highest SCOUT
boring zones. The distance between the roll). Both the attackers’ and the targets’ rolls
groups is one segment, i.e., SHORT range. are modified by –1 for each member of the


combat & misery

group after the first, to a maximum of –3. It attack from NEAR distance (see the weapons,
is harder to both ambush and discover an am- below).
bush if the party is large.
WEAPONS: When you enter close combat,
it is wise to have a weapon in hand. Weap-
SNEAK ATTACKS & AMBUSHES ons give you a Gear Bonus for your roll (page

RANGE MODIFICATION xx), increase Damage caused and allow you

to perform actions that are harder or even
Arm’s Length –2
impossible without a weapon. Several close
Near –1
combat weapons are described in the table on
Short 0 page xx.
Long +1
SHIELD: Carrying a shield is also very useful
in close combat. You can PARRY attacks with it,
but you can also use it to SHOVE opponents to
the ground. Shields are described in the table
on page xx.

CLOSE COMBAT STANCE: To be able to attack an opponent in

When you attack in close combat, you use the close combat, you have to stand up on your
MELEE skill. Close combat usually happens at feet. If you are prone, you must first spend
ARM’S LENGTH. With some weapons, you can a fast action to GET UP before you can attack.


chapter 5
The exception is the SHOVE action, which can
be done even if you are prone. While you are
prone standing enemies get a +2 modification MARK YOUR ACTIONS
on all close combat attacks against you. Because reactive actions break
the initiative order, it can be
ACTIONS: There are several actions to choose hard to keep track of how many
from in close combat, all of which are de- actions the combatants have
scribed below. Different actions are effective performed. A tip is to keep track
in different situations, depending on what of this by turning the initia-
your opponent is doing. Some actions require tive card 90 degrees for every
a weapon with a certain feature. performed action. Turn it to
the left for a fast action and to
the right for a slow action, and
all the way around 180 degrees
once both actions in the turn
are used up.

When you attack a prepared opponent in
close combat, he can DODGE or PARRY to
avoid being hit. Read more below about how
this works. The defender must declare if she
is going to DODGE or PARRY before you roll
for you attack.
DODGE and PARRY are called reactive ac-
tions, since they are performed immediately,
and they break the normal initiative order in
the turn. However, they do count as per usual
against your two available actions in the turn
(one slow and one fast ac-
tion). For every reactive
action you perform, you
get one less action when it
is your turn, and once you have
used both your actions during


combat & misery

the turn, you can no longer DODGE or PARRY with a shield gives a +2 bonus. If you hit, your
(talents can modify this, however). opponent takes Weapon Damage. If you roll
multiple x, Damage increases by 1 for each ad-
ditional x. If the enemy suffers a critical inju-
SLOW ACTIONS ry (page xx), roll on the table for stab wounds.
Slash: You swing your weapon at your oppo-
nent. Requires a weapon with the EDGED or PUNCH/KICK/BITE: Does not require a weap-
BLUNT features. Roll MELEE plus the weapon’s on. Roll for MELEE. Can be DODGED or PAR-

Gear Bonus. Can be DODGED or PARRIED. If RIED, and any attempt to PARRY gets a +2 bonus.

your target DODGES, he gets a +2 bonus. If you If you hit, your opponent takes Weapon Dam-
hit, your opponent takes Weapon Damage. If age. If you roll multiple x, Damage increases
you roll multiple x, Damage increases by 1 for by 1 for each additional x. If the enemy suffers
each additional x. If the enemy takes a criti- a critical injury (page xx), roll on the table for
cal injury (page xx), roll on the table for slash blunt force wounds (unless you have fangs – in
wounds. that case, use the table for slash wounds).

STAB: You attempt to impale your opponent. GRAPPLE: You grab hold of your opponent. Roll
Requires a weapon with the POINTED feature. for MELEE, as no weapon can be used. If the at-
Roll MELEE plus the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Can tack succeeds, both you and your opponent fall to
be DODGED or PARRIED. A target who PARRIES the ground. The opponent drops any weapon he
with a weapon gets a –2 penalty, while parrying was holding, and cannot move. The only action






chapter 5
AXE on with the PARRYING feature. Roll MELEE

and the weapon’s Gear Bonus. If the attacker

STABS you, you get a +2 bonus when you PAR-

RY with a shield but a –2 penalty if you parry

with a weapon. Every x you roll eliminates a
x from the attacker’s roll. Any excess x have
no effect.

DRAW WEAPON: You draw a weapon from

your belt or scabbard. No roll is required. This
fast action can also be used to pick up a weapon
or other item from the ground (within ARM’S
LENGTH). Also see the QUICKDRAW talent.

SWING WEAPON: You swing your melee weap-

on to make your upcoming strike more pow-
erful. No roll is required, but this fast action
requires a HEAVY weapon. Must be performed
he can perform is BREAK FREE – which is a slow directly before a SLASH or STAB, in the same
action and requires him winning an opposed turn. If the attack is successful, the Damage
MELEE against you. While you are grappling, the done increases by +1.
only action you can perform is a GRAPPLE AT- STAND UP: Rise from a prone to a standing
TACK. It works like PUNCH/KICK/BITE, but is a fast stance, or the other way around. Close combat
action and cannot be DODGED or PARRIED. attacks against opponents that are prone are
modified by +2.

FAST ACTIONS SHOVE: You try to push your enemy to the

DODGE: You throw yourself out of the way of ground. Roll MELEE. A weapon with the HOOK

your opponent’s attack. Reactive action. Roll feature or a shield can be used. If the attack is
MOVE (not MELEE). You cannot use a weapon. successful, your opponent falls to the ground
If the attacker SLASHES, you get a +2 bonus. and is prone (however, see the STEADY FEET

Every x you roll eliminates a x from the at- talent). Any additional x have no effect. Your
tacker’s roll. Any excess x have no effect. Once opponent can DODGE to avoid your SHOVE. PAR-
you have DODGED, you are prone on the ground RYING a SHOVE requires a shield.
(however, see the STEADY FEET talent).
DISARM: You try to knock the weapon from
PARRY: You block your opponent’s attack. your opponent’s hands. Roll MELEE and your
Reactive action. Requires a shield or a weap- weapon’s Gear Bonus. Disarming an opponent


combat & misery







wielding a one-handed weapon requires one gets a free attack against you – a SLASH, STAB or
x, a two-handed weapon requires two (how- PUNCH that doesn’t count toward his actions in
ever, see the FIRM GRIP talent). If you succeed, the turn and which you can’t PARRY or DODGE.
your opponent drops his weapon, which lands
at ARM’S LENGTH. Any excess x have no effect. EXAMPLE
You cannot use DISARM shield. Your enemy can The fight between the adventurers and the
PARRY or DODGE your DISARM. orcs begins. Orc 1 uses his two actions to RUN
toward Tyrgar, first from SHORT to NEAR

FEINT: You trade initiative cards with an op- distance, then to ARM’S LENGTH. Orc 2 does
ponent at ARM’S LENGTH (or NEAR, if your close the same, but approaches Nirmena. Then
combat weapon can reach that far). The new it’s Tyrgar’s turn. His axe is already drawn,
initiative order takes effect the next turn. No so he uses his fast action to SHOVE Orc 1 to the
roll is required. ground, which succeeds. He then proceeds to
use his slow action to SLASH the orc, who has
RETREAT: This action must be used instead already used up his actions in the turn and
of RUN if you have an active enemy at ARM’S can’t PARRY or DODGE. The axe has Weap-
LENGTH. Brings you to NEAR range. Roll for on Damage 2 and Tyrgar rolls three x,
MOVE. If you fail, you move but your enemy resulting in 4 points of Damage to the orc,


chapter 5
who is broken. Nirmena’s turn. She draws fend, Prepare, Hinder, and Maneuver. Each card
her sword (fast action) and tries to STAB Orc describes the actions that are possible when using
2, but misses. Orc 3 runs to ARM’S LENGTH the card in question. Added to these are the cards
from Tyrgar. Then the turn is over. Await (see below), and Double Up, which you



Close combat is brutal and unpredictable.
Whoever outmaneuvers their opponent and
manages to find an opening is usually victo-
rious. For more intense close combat, you can
add a tactical element by using the following
system, which is based on so-called hidden
combinations. This system requires that you
have access to the custom card deck for Forbid-
den Lands (sold separately).
Please note that combat can take more time
if you use this system and as such, it is an op- WARHAMMER
tional addition to the game. Use it if you want
to add some extra tension to close combat.

in close combat, you first only nominate your
target. The target must be within reach of your
close combat weapon (usually ARM’S LENGTH, but
in some cases NEAR). Then, both you and your WOODEN CLUB
opponent each choose a hidden combination.
This means you both decide the type of actions
that you want to perform, and in which order.
These choices are hidden – both you and your LARGE WOODEN CLUB
opponent simply plan how you will act to
outsmart and overcome each other. The
defender chooses her actions freely, and is
not limited to defending herself.

COMBAT CARDS: To choose a hidden combina-
tion, use the custom cards for the game. These
cards are divided into five categories: Strike, De-


combat & misery

use if you want to perform two actions from the both of his actions until later in the turn, he
same card during a single turn. You and your op- chooses the Await card, leaving himself open
ponent should hold seven cards each and choose to the attack. If the defender has already used
two of these cards each. Place your two cards face one of his actions for the turn, one of his
down on the table in front of you, with the card two cards in the hidden combination must be
describing your first action on top. Await. If he has used up both actions, there is
no need to choose hidden combinations as the
AWAIT: If the defender wants to save one or defender cannot act at all. Some talents can
give extra actions, however.

TWO STEPS: Your attack is divided into two

steps. Your first action, as well as the defender’s
THE COMBAT CARDS first action, take place during step 1. Your second
The seven playing cards used to action, and the defender’s second action, take
choose a hidden combination place during step 2. Unlike the basic close com-
are summarized below: bat rules, the defender’s action is resolved at the
✥✥ STRIKE. Lets you SLASH, STAB, same time in the turn order as the attack, even
PUNCH, or GRAPPLE. if the defender wants to, for example, SLASH the
✥✥ DEFEND. You can DODGE or attacker.
PARRY with this card.

✥✥ PREPARE: Allows you to RESOLUTION: Reveal the cards you have chosen
DRAW WEAPON, SWING WEAP- for step 1 and state which exact action you per-
ON or STAND UP. form in step one. The attacker must declare his
✥✥ HINDER: Lets you SHOVE or action first, then the defender. The action that
DISARM. is chosen by the attacker and the defender can
✥✥ MANEUVER: You can FEINT or affect each other.
RETREAT with this card. The attacker’s action in step 1 is then re-
✥✥ AWAIT. Choose this card to solved first, followed by the defender’s – except
perform no action at all, DODGE and PARRY actions, which are simulta-
because you have already neous with the attack. A defender choosing an
used up both of them or offensive action like SLASH takes a big risk, as he
want to save them for later exposes himself to the attacker’s action which is
in the turn. resolved first.
✥✥ DOUBLE UP. Choose this card When step 1 is resolved, immediately pro-
for step 2 to perform an ac- ceed to step 2 and repeat the procedure. Remem-
tion from the same category ber to turn the initiative cards for both attacker
as your action in step 1. and defender, to indicate how many actions they
have performed in the turn.


chapter 5
PAIN: Being hit in close combat is painful, For example, you can RUN up to an
even if you are not critically wounded – painful enemy and then SLASH him. At this
enough that you may be temporarily dazed. If point, choose hidden combinations
you are the defender in close combat and suffer only when you attack your enemy. As
Damage (at least 1 point) from a hit, your action you only have one action left, your
in the same step (unless you PARRY or DODGE) exchange will only have one step and
is forfeit. The action is lost and cannot be per- both you and your opponent choose
formed later in the turn. Your action in step 2 is only one card each.
not affected by Damage you suffer in step 1. The
Talent PAIN RESISTANT (page xx) makes you less
susceptible to pain.
To spice up the fight against the orcs, hidden
MIXED ACTIONS combinations are used. It’s time for a new
turn and since Orc 1 is broken, Orc 2 acts
You can mix close combat with other first. He attacks Nirmena, and both there-
actions in the same turn, even in fore choose hidden combinations.
the advanced close combat system. The orc is the attacker and the GM






combat & misery

secretly chooses the card sequence Pre- close to you. This does not apply if you are
pare+Strike for him. Nirmena chooses Hin- shooting at a defenseless or completely obliv-
der+Strike, very risky because she exposes ious opponent at ARM’S LENGTH – in that case,
herself to the orc’s attack. First, both the orc you get a +3 bonus instead.
and Nirmena show their first cards: the
orc’s Prepare against Nirmena’s Hinder.
The orc, who didn’t expect Nirmena’s bold SHOOTING RANGE
move and can’t stop it, decides to follow
through on his plan and uses his first action
Arm’s Length –3/+3
to SWING WEAPON (to increase the Damage
of the planned attack in step 2). Near –
Nirmena SHOVES. She can’t use her shorts- Short –1
word (as it has no HOOK), but rolls well and Long –2
succeeds nonetheless. The orc falls down! In step Distant –3 (requires
2, both have chosen to Strike. The orc goes first, Careful Aim)
but as he is prone he can only SHOVE. He fails
and it’s Nirmena’s turn. She SLASHES at him

with her sword and gets a +2 bonus as the orc

is prone. The attack hits and the orc is broken.
The actions available in ranged combat are not
as numerous as in close combat, but there are
a few options.
When you attack someone from a distance, you READY WEAPON: Fast action. Before you can
roll MARKSMANSHIP. You need a ranged weap- fire your bow or slingshot, you must READY

on, even it if is simply something to throw. it – prepare the weapon by nocking an arrow
The table on page xx describes various weapons or placing a stone in your sling. Once you have
and indicates the maximum range at which the READIED your weapon, you can’t take any slow
weapon can be used. action other than SHOOT and no fast action
other than CAREFUL AIM (see below) – if you
do anything else, you must READY the weap-
RANGE on again before you can SHOOT. Note that the
When you shoot at someone, it is harder to hit FAST SHOOTER talent allows you to fire bows
your target the further away they are. At SHORT and slings without using an action to READY

range, you get a –1 penalty, and at LONG range the weapon.

it’s a –2. At ARM’S LENGTH, you get –3 since it’s
very hard to draw a bead on an opponent that CAREFUL AIM: Fast action. Before you SHOOT,


chapter 5
you can AIM CAREFULLY. This gives you a +1 REACTIVE ACTIONS
bonus to the attack. You must AIM CAREFULLY Just like in close combat, your opponent must
and SHOOT in the same turn – you cannot save declare if he intends to DODGE or PARRY before
the bonus for a later turn. Please note that you you roll to attack. DODGE and PARRY are reac-
cannot READY your weapon, AIM CAREFULLY tive actions and break the normal initiative or-
and SHOOT in the same turn, as that is a total der in the turn.
of three actions. It’s possible if you have the
FAST SHOOTER talent, however. EXAMPLE
You can’t AIM CAREFULLY at an aware oppo- The last remaining orc RETREATS and then
nent at ARM’S LENGTH – he is too close for you RUNS. In the next turn, Tyrgar READIES his
to be able to draw a bead on. crossbow and then SHOOTS it. The range is
now SHORT which gives Tyrgar a –1 penalty.
SHOOT: Action. Roll for MARKSMANSHIP and Yet he rolls two x, and with the crossbow’s
the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Can be DODGED, but Weapon Damage of 2 he inflicts 3 points of
to PARRY a ranged attack the target must have a Damage.
shield. If you hit, your target takes Weapon Dam-
age. For every additional x rolled, the Damage
increases by 1. If the target suffers a critical inju-
ry, roll on the table for stab wounds if you used a
bow or throwing knife and use the table for blunt SOCIAL CONFLICT
force if you used a slingshot or a thrown rock. Sometimes, you can make things go your way
without resorting to violence. Instead, you
DODGE: You throw yourself out of the way of trick or convince your opponents without
your opponent’s attack. Reactive action. Roll drawing your weapon. This might even be pos-
MOVE (not MELEE). Every x you roll eliminates sible in the midst of combat, if the GM judges
one x from the attacker’s roll. Any excess x it plausible. For non-violent conflicts, you use
have no effect. Once you have DODGED, you are the MANIPULATION skill.
prone on the ground (however, see the STEADY What you ask of your opponent or what
FEET talent). you want him to do must be within reason –
no NPC will agree to do anything or act com-
PARRY: Reactive action. To be able to PARRY pletely against their own interests, no matter
a ranged attack you must either have a shield how good your roll is.
or a weapon with the PARRYING feature and at
least level 2 in the talent for the relevant weap- MONSTERS: Many monsters are so savage or
on type (see Chapter 4 xx). Roll using MELEE dim-witted that they simply cannot be swayed
and the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Every x you roll by words, no matter how silvery your tongue
eliminates one x from the attacker’s roll. Any is. Read more about monsters in the Bestiary
excess x have no effect. in the Gamemaster’s Guide.


combat & misery

RESOLUTION ✥✥ You present your case very well (deter-
When you try to convince or bluff someone, mined by the GM).
make an opposed roll of MANIPULATION versus
your opponent’s INSIGHT. It only counts as a Each of the following factors modifies your roll
(slow) action for you. by –1.
If you successfully MANIPULATE your op- ✥✥ Your opponent has more people on his side.
ponent, he must either do what you want or ✥✥ You ask for something valuable or dangerous.
immediately attack you with physical violence. ✥✥ Your opponent has nothing to gain by
Even if your opponent chooses to do what you helping you.
want, he can still demand something in re- ✥✥ You are having trouble understanding each
turn. The GM decides what that entails, but other.
it should be reasonable enough for you to be ✥✥ The range between you is SHORT or longer.
able to meet those demands. It is up to you to
accept the agreement or not.
Your chances of MANIPULATING someone are
NEGOTIATING POSITION also affected by your own and your opponent’s
Your chances of MANIPULATING someone suc- Reputation scores (page xx). If your Reputa-
cessfully are affected by your negotiating po- tion is higher, your roll is modified by +1 for
sition, which is determined by the GM. Each every point of difference. If your Reputation is
of following factors modifies your roll by +1: lower, your opponent instead gets +1 for every
✥✥ You have more people on your side. point of difference.
✥✥ What you ask for doesn’t cost your oppo-
nent anything.
✥✥ Your opponent has suffered Misery. MANIPULATE A GROUP
✥✥ You have helped your opponent previ- When you want to MANIPULATE a whole
ously. group, you usually address the group’s lead-


chapter 5
er or spokesperson. Remember that your roll BONUS indicates how many Gear Dice you can
is modified by –1 if your opponent has more roll when using the weapon. Remember that
people on his side. If you reach an agreement the Gear Bonus can be reduced if you push your
with the leader, the rest of the group usually roll – the bonus decreases by one for every l
follows. If there is no given leader it’s harder – you have rolled (page xx). If the Gear Bonus is
every single opponent acts individually. reduced to zero, the weapon breaks and needs
to be fixed using the CRAFTING skill.

RANGE DAMAGE indicates your base Weapon Dam-

To MANIPULATE someone, you usually need to age, i.e., how many points of Damage your
be in NEAR range – but if it is applicable to the opponent suffers if your attack is successful. If
situation, the actions can be used at SHORT or you roll extra x, you deal additional Damage
even LONG range. The GM modifies your roll (page xx).
negatively if she deems that the range impairs
your negotiating position (see above). RANGE indicates the maximum range at
which the weapon can be used.

ARTIFACTS COST indicates the weapon’s typical price. The

Some valuable or very impressive artefacts actual price can vary greatly depending on the
can give a Gear Bonus to your MANIPULATION supply and demand at the location.
FEATURES indicates which features the
weapon has. Possible features are LIGHT,


HOOK. How these are used is explained in the

WEAPONS Close Combat and Ranged Combat sections
As an adventurer, you always want a weapon above.
close at hand – you never know where danger
lurks. The tables and images on the following
pages show various kinds of common weapons
in the Forbidden Lands. Unique and powerful
artifacts are described in Chapter xx in the MISERY
Gamemaster’s Guide. Life as a roaming adventurer is hard and risky.
The rewards may be great, but the only thing
you know for sure is that you will suffer all
WEAPON FEATURES sorts of Misery along the way. There are four
The features used in the weapon tables are ex- types of Misery in the game. Each type reduc-
plained below. es one of your four attributes.


combat & misery

Unarmed Attack – 1 Arm’s Length – Blunt
Knife +1 2 Arm’s Length 1 silver Light, Pointed
Dagger +1 2 Arm’s Length 2 silver Light, Edged, Pointed
Shortsword +1 2 Arm’s Length 6 silver Edged, Pointed,
Broadsword +2 2 Arm’s Length 1 gold Edged, Pointed,
Longsword +2 2 Arm’s Length 15 Heavy, Edged,
silver Pointed, Parrying
Two-Handed +2 3 Arm’s Length 3 gold Heavy, Edged,
Sword Pointed, Parrying
Scimitar +1 2 Arm’s Length 4 silver Edged, Pointed, Hook
Axe +2 2 Arm’s Length 2 silver Edged, Hook
Battleaxe +2 2 Arm’s Length 6 silver Heavy, Edged, Hook
Two-Handed +2 3 Arm’s Length 18 Heavy, Edged, Hook
Axe silver
Mace +2 1 Arm’s Length 3 silver Blunt, Parrying
Morningstar +2 2 Arm’s Length 8 silver Blunt, Parrying
Warhammer +2 2 Arm’s Length 1 gold Blunt, Parrying, Hook
Flail +1 2 Arm’s Length 8 silver Heavy, Blunt
Wooden Club +1 1 Arm’s Length 1 silver Blunt
Large Wooden +1 2 Arm’s Length 2 silver Heavy, Blunt
Heavy +2 3 Arm’s Length 2 gold Heavy, Blunt, Hook
Staff +1 1 Near 1 silver Blunt, Hook
Short Spear +2 2 Arm’s Length 2 silver Pointed
Long Spear +2 2 Near 3 silver Heavy, Pointed
Halberd +2 2 Near 2 gold Heavy, Pointed,
Edged, Hook
Trident +2 2 Near 6 silver Pointed, Hook


chapter 5
Rock – 1 Short – Light
Throwing Knife +1 1 Short 1 silver Light
Throwing Spear +1 2 Short 2 silver
Slingshot +1 1 Short 1 silver Light
Short Bow +2 1 Short 6 silver Light
Longbow +2 1 Long 12 silver
Light Crossbow +2 2 Long 3 gold To Ready the weapon
is a slow action.
Heavy Crossbow +2 3 Long 6 gold Heavy, to Ready is a
slow action.

DAMAGE: Bleeding wounds, broken bones, and Strength, Fatigue for Agility, Confusion for
pain. Decreases your Strength. Wits, and Doubt for Empathy.

FATIGUE: Physical exhaustion. Decreases your FROM ATTACKS. Whenever someone success-
Agility. fully attacks you in close combat or with a
ranged weapon, you take Damage equal to the
CONFUSION: Confusion, misjudgment, and Weapon Damage plus one for every additional
lack of clarity. Decreases your Wits. x your opponent rolls.

DOUBT: Fear, distrust, and lack of confidence. FROM MAGIC. Spells cast by Spellbinders and
Decreases your Empathy. Druids can give you Misery of all types. Read
more in Chapter 6.

You can suffer Misery in many ways. These are ARMOR
the three most common: By wearing leather, chainmail, or a full suit
of plate armor you can protect your body from
BY ROLLING l when you push a roll. When Damage. See the list of various kinds of armor,
pushing, you suffer 1 point of Misery of the below. Of course, armor doesn’t provide protec-
type that is relevant to the attribute you use tion from other kinds of Misery, or from Dam-
for that roll for every l you roll – Damage for age you inflict on yourself when you push a roll.


combat & misery

Small Shield +1 – – 6 silver
Large Shield +2 – – 15 silver Heavy

SMALL SHIELD LARGE SHIELD mor Rating is decreased – every x you roll reduc-
es the Armor Rating by 1. If the armor absorbed
all the Damage, any x rolled has no effect. Ar-
mor can be repaired by an ARMORER (page xx).

HELMETS: You can only wear one type of armor

at a time, but you can combine body armor with a
helmet. Add the Armor Rating of any helmet you
wear to the rating of your body armor before you
roll. If the armor is degraded, you can choose if it
The effect of armor is determined by its Ar- is the body armor or the helmet that is damaged.
mor Rating. When you suffer Damage from a All helmets also have an extra effect: If you
physical attack, you roll a number of Gear Dice suffer one of the critical injuries, 65 for a slash
equal to the Armor Rating. Every x you roll de- wound, 64 for a stab wound, or 64–66 for blunt
creases the Damage by 1. This roll does not count force, roll a number of Gear Dice equal to the
as an action and cannot be pushed. Armor Rating of the helmet. If you roll one or
If any Damage penetrates your armor, its Ar- more x, the critical injury is changed to the
11–12 blunt force injury instead. A solid helmet
can save your life!


Among weapon illustrations, When enemies are shooting at you, hunker-
you’ll find designs created by ing down behind cover – preferably something
the various kin of the Forbidden solid – can save your life. Taking cover behind
Lands. The kin designs normally something counts as a fast action. Cover has an
don’t affect the stats of the Armor Rating and works exactly like armor –
weapon, the differences are but only against ranged attacks. Cover can be de-
only cosmetic. graded just like armor. Cover can be combined
with armor – roll for cover first, then armor.


chapter 5
Leather 2 2 silver Body Light
Studded Leather 3 3 silver Body
Chainmail 5 6 silver Body Heavy item. Armor Rating 3
against arrows and Stabs.
Plate Armor 6 1 gold Body Heavy item. Modifies Move
by –2
Studded Leather 1 1 silver Head Light
Open Helmet 2 2 silver Head Light
Closed Helmet 3 4 silver Head
Bascinet 4 6 silver Head Modifies SCOUT By –2





combat & misery

EXAMPLE you can flee to a safe place if you can do so
Later on in the journey, Tyrgar gets in trouble without rolling dice.
again. The dwarf is hit by an angry mino-
taur’s greataxe. The attack inflicts a whop-
ping 4 points of Damage. Tyrgar wears chain- GETTING BACK UP
mail and an open helmet, for a total Armor The fastest way to recover from being broken
Rating of 8. He rolls eight Gear Dice, but only is for someone else to treat you by successfully
gets one x. Tyrgar suffers 3 points of Damage rolling for HEALING.
and his Armor Rating is decreased by 1. Tyr- In most cases though, you don’t have to be
gar chooses to let his chainmail take the hit and HEALED to get back on your feet. If no one helps

its Armor Rating is thus decreased to 5. you within D6 hours, you recover anyway and
get 1 point back in the relevant attribute score.
Once back on your feet, you can recover
the rest of your attribute score normally (see
When an attribute score reaches zero, you are CRITICAL INJURIES: If you are broken by
broken. You collapse to the ground and lack the Damage and have suffered a critical injury,
strength or force of will to carry on. Exactly there might be a risk that you will die unless
what it means to be broken depends on what you are treated in time. Read more below.
attribute has been depleted:
STRENGTH: You have been knocked senseless,
or are paralyzed by pain. COUP DE GRACE
A broken opponent is an easy target. You can
AGILITY: You collapse from exhaustion. give a broken opponent a COUP DE GRACE and
WITS: Your brain overloads and you cannot kill him outright, but you must spend 1 Will-
think clearly. power Point and suffer 1 point of Doubt – kill-
ing in cold blood is not as easy as you might
EMPATHY: You are paralyzed by fear or wracked think. If you have the COLD-BLOODED talent
with sorrow and self-pity. you can kill defenseless enemies without these
negative effects.

When you are broken (regardless by what kind
of Misery), you cannot use any skills or per-
form any actions. At most, you can crawl a few RECOVERY
meters every turn and speak in barely coherent To recover Misery and restore lost attribute
sentences. If you’re broken by Fear, however, points, two things are required:


chapter 5
✥✥ Rest for at least a Quarter of a day, i.e.,
Morning, Day, Evening, or Night (page xx).
✥✥ A resource of some kind, depending on the
relevant attribute.

Which resource that is required depends on

the attribute that has been decreased. You
can even heal several different attributes in SCIMITAR

parallel during the same Quarter, with the ex-

ception of Wits and Empathy which can’t be
recovered simultaneously.
✥✥ STRENGTH: Food. One ration of food
restores all your lost Strength.
✥✥ AGILITY: Water. One ration of water
restores all your lost Agility.
✥✥ WITS: Sleep. One Quarter of sleep restores DAGGER
all your lost Wits.
✥✥ EMPATHY: To restore Empathy, you need
to gather around the campfire to sing or
tell tales. Decide which adventurer should
roll for PERFORMANCE. If the roll is a
success, all the adventurers in the group
recover all lost Empathy. You can PER- FALCION
FORM for yourself if you are alone.
The resources required to recover from Mis-
ery do count toward your daily needs of food,
water, and sleep (page xx). That means it’s
wise to wait until the end of the day to eat,
drink, and sleep.


Being broken is always bad, but being broken
by Damage is especially dangerous – it can lead


combat & misery

DWARF WEAPONS:: DAGGER to your death. As long as you are not broken,
Damage points represent bruises and minor
flesh wounds – painful, but soon recovered by
rest and some food to give you new energy. But
when your Strength hits zero, you suffer a crit-
ical injury.
The critical damage tables are found at the back
BROADSWORD of this book. Roll D66 on the table relevant to
the latest form of Damage you have suffered:
slash wounds, stab wounds, or blunt force.

If your critical injury is listed as lethal, some-
one must make a successful HEALING roll (page
WAR- xx) to save you – otherwise, you die when the
time indicated has passed. If you get back up
of your own accord before you die, you can at-
tempt to HEAL yourself – but the roll gets a –2
penalty. Each person trying to HEAL you can
only roll once.

INSTANT DEATH: Note that there are a small

number of critical injuries that kill you out-
right. If you roll either of these, you draw your
THROWING AXE last breath in the Forbidden Lands. Time to
create a new character.


TWO-HANDED AXE Each critical injury has a specific effect that

you suffer during the healing time indicated –
measured in days.

CARE: If someone manages to HEAL you

during the process of healing a critical injury,
the remaining healing time is reduced by half.
Any earlier roll to save your life does not count


chapter 5
towards this – a new roll is required to reduce EXAMPLE
the healing time. Poor Tyrgar was hurt before the savage
strike by the minotaur, and is now broken.
MISERY: Note that you can recover all your He rolls 52 on the critical injury table for
Strength, but still suffer the effects of your slash wounds, and thus suffers a bleeding gut.
critical injury. He rolls a D6 and gets a 5, meaning he will
die in five hours unless HEALED before he
bleeds out. Nirmena is not around, so Tyrgar
NON-TYPICAL DAMAGE rolls another D6 to see how long it will take
For some types of Damage (for example from him to get back on his feet without help. He
fire), the critical injury tables don’t apply. If rolls a 2. After two hours on the cold ground
you’re broken by such a non-typical type of he comes to. He tries to HEAL himself but fails.
Damage, use the table labeled Non-Typical He now has three hours to find Nirmena or
Damage. someone else who can HEAL him before he dies
from his injuries.

There is one case where you don’t suffer any
critical injury when broken by Damage: when
you push a Strength roll so hard that you break CONDITIONS
yourself. This is very rare, but it can happen. In the game there are four so-called conditions
This means you can never kill yourself by your PC can suffer: HUNGRY, THIRSTY, SLEEPY,
pushing a roll. and COLD. These conditions can cause Misery
and block recovery.

BROKEN NPCS You must eat at least one ration of food ev-
NPCs can be broken in the ery day. After a day without food, you become
same ways as PCs. An NPC can HUNGRY. Mark this in the relevant box on
HEAL a PC and vice versa. How- your character sheet. Being HUNGRY has sev-
ever, dice are usually not rolled eral effects:
when an NPC HEALS another ✥✥ You cannot recover Strength in any way,
NPC – instead, the GM decides except through magic. If you are broken
what happens. The GM can also by Damage, you need to eat food to get
decide that a minor NPC who is back up again. You can recover other
broken simply dies. types of Misery.
✥✥ You take 1 point of Damage per day. If you


combat & misery

are broken by HUNGRY Damage, you die
after another day without food.
✥✥ As soon as you have eaten one ration of
food, you are no longer HUNGRY, and you
can recover Strength normally.

You must drink at least one ration of water
every day. After a day without water, you be-
come THIRSTY. Mark this in the relevant box
on your character sheet. Being THIRSTY has
several effects:
✥✥ You cannot recover any attributes, except
through magic. If you are broken, you
need to drink water to get back up again.
✥✥ You take 1 point of Damage and 1 point
of Fatigue every day. If you are broken
Image by Misery (of any kind), you die after
another day without water.
✥✥ As soon as you drink one ration of water,
you are no longer THIRSTY, and you can
recover your attributes normally.

You need to sleep for at least one Quarter
(page xx) of each day. After one day without
sleep, you become SLEEPY. Mark this with an
x in the relevant box on your character sheet.
Being SLEEPY has several effects:
✥✥ You cannot recover Wits, except through
magic. If you are broken by Confusion,
you must sleep for at least one Quarter
to get back up again. You can recover
other types of Misery while you are

✥✥ You take 1 point of Confusion per day. If


chapter 5
you are broken by Confusion while you
are SLEEPY, you collapse and sleep for at DARKNESS
least one Quarter. When you are in complete darkness and lack
✥✥ As soon as you have slept for at least a night vision, you have no choice but to feel your
Quarter, you are no longer SLEEPY, and way forward/around. To RUN in complete dark-
you can recover Wits normally. ness requires a successful MOVE roll, and you gen-
erally take 1 point of Damage if you fail that roll.
You can attack opponents at ARM’S LENGTH
COLD normally in darkness, but you must first SCOUT
When the cold is bitter and you don’t have successfully to be able to target them. This ac-
enough shelter, you have to roll ENDUR ANCE tion takes no time in combat – you can SCOUT

regularly. The colder it is, the more frequent- and then attack directly in the same turn.
ly you need to roll. A chilly fall day requires You cannot SHOOT at targets at SHORT range
a roll per day; in the depth of winter, you or more in total darkness. You can shoot op-
might have to roll once every hour. ponents at ARM’S LENGTH or NEAR range, but
Extra protection, like a blanket, can give only if you make a SCOUT roll. All attacks in
you Gear Dice ro toll. If you fail your roll, you darkness are modified by –2.
become COLD. Being COLD has several effects:
✥✥ You immediately take 1 point of Dam-
age and 1 point of Confusion – as the
cold seeps into your body and makes the
blood run slower to your brain, you are FALLING
unable to think clearly. If you fall from three meters or more and
✥✥ You can even hallucinate, causing you hit a hard surface, the GM rolls for an attack
to act irrationally – details are up to the against you. She rolls a number of Base Dice
GM to decide. Some say that when you equal to the height of the fall in meters, minus
are close to freezing to death, you feel a two. You take 1 point of Damage for every x
strong burning sensation that can make she rolls. Armor gives no protection.
you tear your clothes off.
✥✥ You must keep rolling ENDUR ANCE at the
same interval, and with the same effect
if you fail. If you are broken by Damage
while you are COLD, you die the next POISON
time you have to roll. Poisons are measured by Potency. A weak poi-
✥✥ You cannot recover Strength or Wits. son has Potency 3, a strong poison has Potency
Only after you have warmed up again, if 6, and an extremely potent poison can have Po-
only by a campfire, are you able to sleep tency 9 or even more. If you ingest poison in
and eat to recover those attributes. some manner, roll an opposed roll against the


combat & misery

GM – she rolls a number of Base Dice equal to drink an antidote in time, the effect of the
the Potency and you roll for ENDURANCE. If the poison is halted.
poison wins, you suffer its full effect. If you ✥✥ LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point of
win the roll, you only suffer the limited effect Doubt.
of the poison.

✥✥ FULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of Dam- DISEASE
age each turn until you are broken. Your When exposed to a dangerous contagion or
critical injury counts as non-typical. If infection, you need to roll an opposed roll for
you drink an antidote in time, the effect ENDURANCE against the Virulence rating of
of the poison is halted. the disease. This is called a sickness roll. A typ-
✥✥ LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point of ical disease has a Virulence of 3, but there are
Damage. diseases with much higher ratings. If you fail
the roll, you fall SICK, which has several effects:
✥✥ The day after the infection the disease
PARALYZING POISON breaks, at which time you suffer 1 point
✥✥ FULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of Fatigue of Damage and 1 point of Fatigue.
each turn until you are broken. If you ✥✥ You can’t recover your Strength or Agil-
drink an antidote in time, the effect of the ity while SICK, except through magic. If
poison is halted. broken by Damage or Fatigue, you must
✥✥ LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point of get well before you can get back on your
Fatigue. feet.
✥✥ Make another sickness roll once per day.
Each failed roll means you suffer another
SLEEPING POISON point of Damage and Fatigue.
✥✥ Full Effect: You take 1 point of Confusion
each turn until you are broken. If you
drink an antidote in time, the effect of the
poison is halted.
Confusion. The sickness effects described
above reflect a common but
deadly disease. There are many
HALLUCINOGENIC POISON other diseases that can have
✥✥ FULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of Doubt unique effects.
each turn until you are broken. If you


chapter 5
✥✥ If broken by Damage or Fatigue when the animal can move with a RUN action. Hu-
SICK, you die after another day if you manoids have Movement Rate 1 and most
don’t get well before then. riding animals have Movement Rate 2.
✥✥ As soon as you succeed at a sickness To be able to use its full Movement Rate,
roll, you are no longer SICK. Stop rolling any zones the animal moves through must
sickness rolls and recover your Misery have the OPEN feature. In other cases, the
normally. animal’s Movement Rate is 1.

MOVE: When you are on horseback, and are

MEDICAL AID about to perform an action that usually re-
If you are cared for by someone during your quires you to roll MOVE (such as moving into
sickness, this person can roll your sickness a ROUGH zone), roll for ANIMAL HANDLING

rolls instead of you. The healer rolls for HEAL- instead, using the animal’s Agility (not your
ING against the Virulence of the disease. Heal- Empathy).
ing potions can give a bonus to the roll. The
CURE DISEASE (xx) spell is also very effective CLOSE COMBAT: You can fight from horse-
against disease. back, but only with one-handed weapons.
Your attacks against opponents on foot get
a +1 bonus because of your elevated position.
Opponents attacking you must decide if they
attack you or the horse. Attacks against a
RIDING ANIMALS mounted rider suffer a –1 penalty.
A loyal horse or other riding animal is an
important asset to any adventurer, not just ARCHERY: To shoot a bow from horseback
Riders. The animal can carry your gear requires the HORSEBACK ARCHER talent, oth-
during your journeys (see Chapter 7), and erwise you can’t use a ranged weapon while
you can take advantage of being in the sad- riding. Opponents shooting at you must de-
dle during combat. Several types of riding cide if they attack you or the horse.
animals are described in Chapter xx in the
Gamemaster’s Guide and a dozen unique MISERY: Your animal can suffer Misery, just
riding animals are described with text and like you can, through attacks or by pushing
images on cards from the Forbidden Lands rolls when you are using the animal’s attri-
custom card deck. bute score. Animals recover Misery just like
adventurers (see above). An animal that has
MOVEMENT: Riding animals allow you to its Strength reduced to zero does not suffer
move faster across the battlefield than if you critical injury, instead it is considered killed.
are on foot. Every animal has a Movement
Rate. This determines how many segments


combat & misery


“What’s in a name?” Mormelan asked while wiping blood from

his blade on a silk handkerchief. “That which we call a heart, by
any word would bleed as rich.” Reubenwald was in no shape to
respond, clutching his bleeding chest, but his left hand reached for
his grandmother’s magical dagger, hidden in his boot.

hat most people call magic is a in a discipline you already know, not only re-
catch-all term for forces at work be- quires that you spend XP, like other talents. You
hind the veil of the world, beyond must also find a master who has a higher level
what the common folk understand or dare per- than you in the magic talent and who is ready
ceive. The magic users of the Forbidden Lands to share his secrets with you. This can require
are a diverse group of individuals, including both persuasion and substantial compensation.
both Sorcerers and Druids (see Chapter 2).
Magic is a wild and unreliable force that
can manifest itself in many ways. There are no
schools of magic, instead knowledge is trans- SPELLS
ferred from master to apprentice in a number Your attempts to use magic to impose your will
of broad categories, called disciplines. on the world are called spells. A large number of
There are seven disciplines in the Forbidden spells are described later in this chapter. More
Lands core game – four of sorcery and three of will be published in upcoming supplements
druidic magic. Every discipline is linked to a spe- for the game, and you can also write your own
cific talent (see Chapter 4), that is a prerequisite spells under the watchful eye of your GM.
to be able to cast spells within each discipline.

LEARNING MAGIC All spells in this chapter are rated in levels
To learn a new discipline, or increase your level ranging from 1 to 3. There can be spells of even


k apitel 6
higher level. As a magic user, you can cast all CASTING A SPELL
spells that are at a level equal to or lower than Casting a spell is generally a slow action in com-
your level in the related magical talent. For ex- bat, but there are also so-called power words that
ample, if you have level 2 in the PATH OF BLOOD are fast actions. Another type of spell are rituals
talent, you can cast all spells at level 1 and 2 in that take a longer time to cast, see the boxed text
the Blood Magic discipline. on this page. Whether or not a spell is a power
word or ritual is detailed under each spell.
CHANCE CASTING: If you really want to, you Casting a spell requires a great deal of mental
can cast a spell at one level above the level of exertion and requires that you spend one or more
your magical talent. However, this comes at Willpower Points. You accumulate WP by push-
a great risk. When you roll for your spell (see ing dice rolls (page xx). The more WP you spend,
below), you only count the l you roll, not the the more powerful the effect of the spell is.
x. You can never cast a spell that is two levels
or more above your talent level. POWER LEVEL: The number of Willpower


Points you spend when you cast a spell is called The result needs to be interpreted by the GM
its base Power Level. Dice rolls and other fac- to match the spell in question.
tors can further modify the Power Level.
SAFE CASTING: If you cast a spell at a lower
ROLLING DICE: Unlike skills, you can never level than your talent level for the discipline
fail at casting a spell. Instead, you roll a num- you are using, one l is eliminated for every
ber of Base Dice equal to the number of Will- discipline level above the level of the spell.
power Points you spend. If you roll one or sev- For example, if you have level 3 in the WAY OF

eral x, the spell is overcharged, and if you roll RUNES talent and you cast a spell at level 1, the
one or several l you suffer some sort of magic first two l you roll are eliminated.
mishap. You cannot push this roll.
RANGE: Every spell has a range, which denotes
OVERCHARGING: When you cast a spell, every the maximum distance at which it can be cast.
x you roll increases its Power Level by 1. For The range PERSONAL means the spell only af-
example, if you spend 2 WP to cast a spell and fects yourself.
roll two x, its Power Level is increased to 4.
DURATION: Every spell has a duration that may
MAGIC MISHAP: If you roll one or several l be immediate or something else. One Quarter
when you cast a spell, you have unleashed pow- of a day Morning, Day, Evening, or Night.
erful forces but are unable to control them and Read more about Quarters in the next chapter.
you suffer a magic mishap. The more l you
roll, the worse it is – see the table on this page. WILLPOWER POINTS: Casting a spell requires


3+ l The spell backfires. An offensive spell affects you instead of your in-
tended target. A protective or healing spell wounds instead of healing.
A shapeshift goes horribly wrong and you become a dumb animal.
A summoned undead, demon, or illusion turns against you. The GM
specifies the details.
2l The spell has the intended effect, but also affects a friend or some
other unintentional victim. A healing or supporting spell affects an
1l The spell drains you of power and you suffer one point of Fatigue.


chapter 6
Brother’s blood. She spends three Willpow-
er Points to power her spell, and rolls three

Base Dice. She rolls one x and two l! The
Power Level is 5 (3 from the Willpower
Most spells in this chapter list Points, one for the x, and one for the torch
ingredients or objects that can ingredient). The Rust Brother suffers 5
be used to cast the spell with points of Damage and burns like a human
greater effect. If you use the torch. Unfortunately, Nirmena also suffers
right ingredients, the Power a magic mishap due to the two l. The GM
Level of the spell increases by decides that the fire spreads through the
one. You must still spend at room and that Nirmena’s friend, Tyrgar,
least 1 Willpower Point to cast also suffers the Damage.
the spell. Once the spell is cast,
the ingredient has been spent
and cannot be used again to
cast spells.
The magic disciplines in the Forbidden Lands
differ, but there are certain effects and spells
at least one Willpower Point. This applies even that all sorcerers and druids can use if skilled
if it does not explicitly say so in the description enough. These are called general spells. They
of the spell. also come in levels, but you can use any magic
talent to cast them.


NPCs cast spells in the same way as PCs. The
GM uses his general pool of Willpower Points
for this purpose, in the same way as per talents. RITUALS
Read more on page xx. Some complicated spells can’t
be cast as an action in combat,
EXAMPLE as they require more time and
The half-elf Nirmena has level 2 in the preparation. A typical ritual
PATH OF BLOOD talent, and can cast Blood takes a Quarter of a day to
Magic spells of up to that level. When she perform. Rituals often have
is confronted by an armed Rust Broth- other prerequisites, such as
er at NEAR range, she chooses to attempt ingredients that must be used
to INCINER ATE him. He carries a torch, to perform the ritual.
which helps her channel the fire in the Rust


SENSE MAGIC nent’s spell has no effect at all. You must both
✥✥ LEVEL 1 roll for overcharge and mishaps, as with any
✥✥ RANGE: Short other spell. You must decide how many WP
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Divining rod you spend on your DISPEL before you both roll.

As a sorcerer or druid, you automatically sense

whenever someone uses magic within SHORT OBSCURE MAGIC
range or if an item you hold is charged with ✥✥ LEVEL 2
magical power. If you want to know more about ✥✥ RANGE: Personal
what kind of magic is involved, you must cast ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Piece of cloth
the SENSE MAGIC spell. Using this spell is also
required to detect OBSCURED magic (see below). If you want to cast a spell unnoticed, you
must OBSCURE your magic. This requires 1
extra Willpower Point that does not count to-
✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Piece of chalk
Using this spell, you protect a person (no bigger You don’t need your spells
than a human) or a location (no bigger than a written down to cast them, but
human) from magic during a Quarter of a day. it makes it easier to get it right.
The Power Level of any spells cast against that Grimoires are highly sought-af-
person or place during the Quarter is decreased ter artefacts among sorcerers.
by the Power Level of the MAGICAL SEAL. If you cast a spell from a book
or a scroll, its level is considered
one step lower than usual. In
DISPEL MAGIC combat, you must spend a fast
✥✥ LEVEL 2, POWER WORD action readying your grimoire
✥✥ RANGE: Short before you can cast the spell.
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Iron filings Writing down a spell
requires that you first cast it
You can interfere with the spells cast by other once. Then, you must spend at
magic users. This spell is reactive and breaks least a Quarter of a day with
the initiative order of combat in the turn (page quill in hand and make a suc-
xx). You decrease the Power Level of your op- cessful LORE roll. Writing down
ponent’s spell with the Power Level of your a ritual takes two Quarters.
DISPEL. If the result is zero or less, your oppo-


chapter 6
bind your spell to an object instead of unleash-
ing its power immediately.
ward the Power Level of the spell. OBSCURING Roll for any overcharge and mishap when the
magic does not count as an action in itself. spell is BOUND. The extra WP do affect this roll,
To detect your OBSCURED spell, another magic but don’t count toward affect the Power Level.
user must actively survey the area by casting If you spend 1 additional WP, the magic
SENSE MAGIC. lingers for one day, or until the spell is trig-
gered. If you spend 2 additional WP, the magic
lingers forever, but dissipates when the spell is
BIND MAGIC triggered. Spending 3 additional WP binds the
✥✥ LEVEL 3, RITUAL spell to the chosen object forever, and it can be
✥✥ RANGE: Personal triggered once per day.
✥✥ Ingredient: Quill or chisel You can bind the spell in whatever manner
you wish. You decide how the spell is triggered.
Skilled Sorcerers and Druids can BIND spells to Common methods include a certain phrase be-
dead objects to create magical traps or power- ing uttered or that the object is opened, broken
ful magical artefacts. You cast the spell like any or thrown to the ground. Once the spell has
other and choose how many Willpower Points triggered, it works just like it would if it had
to spend, but you must also spend extra WP to been cast normally.


✥✥ LEVEL 3 ✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length ✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: A drop of your blood ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Clay

You can use this spell to steal Willpower Points You can heal Damage and Fatigue suffered by
from others or to give your WP to someone others by laying your hands on them. You heal
else. The base cost to cast the spell is 1 WP, and a number of points equal to the Power Level.
you can then take or give as many WP as you This spell does not affect critical injuries. You
want. If your target opposes the TRANSFER, it is cannot heal yourself with this spell.
not so easy – in this case, you can transfer no
more WP than the Power Level of the TRANS-

FER. WP used to cast TRANSFER are spent and

are not transferred. NATURE’S CURE
✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Healing herbs

HEALING You heal a sickness or cure the effects of poison

The true calling of the Druid is to further na- in yourself or someone else. The Power Level
ture’s cause and to heal its wounds wherever of your spell must be equal to or higher than
they appear. Thus, the Healing discipline is the Virulence or Potency rating (page xx) divid-
the most common among Druids and druids ed by 3. Round down.
focused on this discipline are often popular
among adventurers.
✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ LEVEL 1 ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Holy symbol
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Burning candle Demonic creatures from other worlds have
been released into the Forbidden Lands and are
You can focus the forces of nature to enlight- defiling it. You know the art of driving these
en dark souls. You heal a number of Damage abominations back to where they belong. This
or Fatigue points equal to the Power Level spell inflicts damage equal to its Power Lev-
of your spell. You cannot heal yourself with el on a demonic target. This includes demons
this spell. that do not suffer damage from physical weap-
ons. The spell has no effect on demon-tainted


chapter 6
creatures, only on true demons. Read more RESURRECTION
about demons in the Gamemaster’s Guide. ✥✥ LEVEL 3
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Item owned by the target

You can channel nature’s forces to resurrect a

dead person – not as undead, but truly alive. The
more time that has passed since the target died,
the more difficult it is. Within the same Quarter
requires Power Level 1, within a full day requires
Power Level 2, and within a week requires Pow-
er Level 3. If over a week has passed, the body
is too decomposed to be RESURRECTED. A person
brought back to life loses one point of Empathy
permanently, as having seen the world beyond
the veil will change their outlook on life forever.


✥✥ LEVEL 2 ✥✥ LEVEL 3
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length ✥✥ RANGE: Near
✥✥ INGREDIENT: White moss ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Amulet

You can focus your magic powers to heal bro- You spread harmony and serenity around you
ken bones and bleeding wounds. This spell im- with this spell, which helps you in social con-
mediately heals a critical injury. A lethal injury flicts. The victim of the spell will do what you
requires Power Level 2. want, without a roll to MANIPULATE him and
without you having to give him something in
return. All other restrictions for social con-
PURGE UNDEAD flicts apply – for example, the victim will not
✥✥ LEVEL 2 act directly against his own interests. The spell
✥✥ RANGE: Near can only be used against living humanoids.
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Holy symbol

Dead rising from their graves is a violation of WEATHERMASTER

the order of nature and they must be stopped. ✥✥ LEVEL 3
This spell inflicts damage equal to its Power ✥✥ RANGE: Distant
Level on one undead target. ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Feather


Druids are closely connected to nature, and
the shapeshifters are even more so in their as-
piration to be one with nature. Shapeshifting
means taking the form of an animal. While
there are Druids who have truly mastered this
art, there is a broad spectrum of spells in the
Shapeshifting discipline that all relate to ani-
mals and their aspects in different ways.

You are so in tune with the forces of nature ANIMAL SPEECH

that you can summon a drastic weather shift ✥✥ LEVEL 1
in the map hexagon where you are. A smaller ✥✥ RANGE: Near
shift, from cloudy to rain or from dead calm to ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Claw or tooth from the
a light breeze, requires Power Level 1. Unusual species
weather phenomena that still stay within what
is apt for the season – a snowstorm in winter, This spell allows you to speak with a mam-
blazing heat in the summer, or hard winds and mal. You can ask a number of questions equal
lashing rains in the fall – require Power Level to the Power Level of the spell. The ani-
2. To summon completely unnatural weather, mal can tell you what it has seen, heard, or
such as a snowstorm in the summer or a heat- smelled – but they do not perceive the world
wave in the middle of winter, requires Power as humanoids do, so their answers are often
Level 3. The summoned weather lasts for one hard to interpret. The main advantage is that
Quarter of a day. they never lie.


chapter 6
CAT’S PAW its normal behavior – like make it perform
✥✥ LEVEL 1 tricks, for example – the Power Level needs to
✥✥ RANGE: Personal be one step higher. This spell cannot be used
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Cat’s claw against monsters.

You can meld your mind with the spirit of the

cat, and move without a sound. You can cast BEAR’S CLAW
this spell instead of rolling SNEAK, and you will ✥✥ LEVEL 2
succeed automatically. ✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Bear’s claw

HAWK’S EYE You can strike your enemy with the force of a
✥✥ LEVEL 1 bear. This spell works like an unarmed attack in
✥✥ RANGE: Distant close combat and you roll normally to hit (Chap-
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Bird’s claw ter 5). If you hit, the Damage done is increased
by your Power Level. Casting this spell does not
You can meld your mind with that of a hawk count as an action in itself. Roll for overcharge/
and gain its inhuman sight. You can see the mishap right after you roll for your attack.
details of anything within DISTANT range, ev-
erything from horizon to horizon. You see all
details and can identify specific people. DEER’S DASH
✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ RANGE: Personal
✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ RANGE: Near You can run with the speed of a deer for a short
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Claw or tooth from the distance. This spell allows you to RUN (one ac-
species tion) with a Movement Rate equal to the Pow-
er Level. Casting this spell does not count as
You can bend animals, both wild and tame, to an action in itself. Roll for overcharge/mishap
your will. The animal can, for example, break right before you actually move.
off an attack, track down an enemy, run to
where you want it to and deliver a message, al-
low you to ride on it, or even attack your oppo- ANIMAL FORM
nents. Power Level 1 is sufficient if the animal ✥✥ LEVEL 3
is calm, while Power Level 2 is required if the ✥✥ RANGE: Personal
animal is agitated, scared or in combat. If you ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Claw or tooth from the
force an animal to act in a way that is outside species


✥✥ LEVEL 3
✥✥ RANGE: Long
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Claw or tooth from the

You can awaken primal emotions in the minds

of others. The Power Level must be equal to or
higher than the victim’s current Wits score.
For example, you can bring out the rage of a
boar, the laziness of a cat or the timidity of a
sparrow. Exactly how the victim reacts is up
to the GM. If you want to affect the mood of
a crowd in a more general way, a small crowd
requires a Power Level of 2, a big crowd re-
quires 4, and a whole village 5.

Druids who practice AWARENESS can see what
others cannot see, hear what others cannot
hear. They can see what has happened in the
past and sense what will happen in the fu-
You can shapeshift completely, and take the
form of an animal. Choose an animal from the
table on page xx in the Gamemaster’s Guide. LIGHTBRINGER
You get the Strength and Agility of the animal ✥✥ LEVEL 1
while you are in animal form. The downside is ✥✥ RANGE: Near
that you lose your ability to speak and a part ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Wand (can be reused)
of your mental capacity, with the consequence
that your Wits and Empathy drop to 1 each You summon a bright light that dispels all
while in animal form. You also get access to shadows within NEAR range, i.e., in the same
the animal’s natural attacks. Shifting back to zone as you.
your normal form requires that you cast the
spell again.


chapter 6
TRUE SIGHT range. Power Level 2 reaches across the same map
✥✥ LEVEL 1 hex where you are. Further away requires Power
✥✥ RANGE: Distant Level 3. Viewing a location that you haven’t been
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Magnifying glass to before increases the required Power Level by 2.
Your visions are often fragmented and cryptic –
You can enhance your vision to be unnatural- the GM decided exactly what you can see.
ly sharp, and see details at DISTANT range as if
you stood right next to the object in question.
TRUE SIGHT also lets you see in darkness, TRUE PATH
through smoke and fog, and automatically sees ✥✥ LEVEL 2
through any kind of disguise or shapeshift. ✥✥ Range: Personal
You must have a clear line of sight to whatever ✥✥ Ingredient: Scales (can be reused)
you want to look at.
This spell can guide you to the right path when
you face a difficult decision. Once you have cast
WORDS ON THE WIND the spell, the GM must tell you which decision
✥✥ LEVEL 1 or choice she believes is the wisest.
✥✥ RANGE: Distant
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Funnel or sea shell
You can enhance your hearing magically and ✥✥ LEVEL 2
hear specific sounds up to DISTANT range as ✥✥ RANGE: Short
clearly as if you stood right where they ema- ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Item from the time
nate from. You must see the place to which you
direct your hearing. You can see events that have transpired in the
past at the location where you are, even if those
events are no longer remembered by any living
FARSIGHT being. Power Level 1 lets you see one day back in
✥✥ LEVEL 2 time, Power Level 2 one year into the past, and
✥✥ RANGE: Varies Power Level 3 lets you see hundreds of years back.
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Map Your visions are often fragmented and cryptic –
the GM decides exactly what you can see.
You can let your inner eye wander across vast
distances, over oceans and land, mountains,
and valleys, and see what is happening there DIVINATION
right now. FARSIGHT does not help you find a ✥✥ LEVEL 3, RITUAL
place – you must know the location you want to ✥✥ RANGE: Near
see. Power Level 1 lets you view a place at LONG ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Crystal ball or fish guts


If you perform a seance, you can see visions of You can also use this spell to send you own
the future. You ask the GM questions about thoughts to another. In that case, the range of
yourself or someone else present at the seance. the spell is LONG if you know the target well.
The GM answers as best she can. The answer By sending thoughts of pain and suffering, you
must be brief, and is often ambiguous and can inflict Doubt or Confusion on an enemy
cryptic. The answer can also come in the form equal to the Power Level.
of an omen, a foreboding sign of happiness or
ill fortune.


✥✥ LEVEL 3 Rune magic uses runes, esoteric signs and
✥✥ RANGE: Personal symbols that reflect the underlying patterns
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Item related to the ques- of the world. It takes advantage of the forces
tion unleashed by a broad spectrum of laws that are
stretched, broken or twisted by the influence of
You can ask a short “yes” or “no” question these symbols. The signs of rune magic can be
about anything in the world. The GM must carved, drawn, or simply formed in the air by
answer “yes,” “no,” or “maybe.” She cannot the hands of a sorcerer.
lie. The GM can choose “maybe” even if she
knows the answer, but believes that the true DRAW OR CARVE: As rune magic works
answer may disrupt the game. Note that true through symbols, no ingredients are needed
or false is not an objective fact, but is defined apart from the symbols themselves. If they
by who is asking the question. This person’s are carved or drawn in any way, they count as
morals and beliefs can make something that is ingredients from a rule standpoint, meaning
true for her false for someone else. that the Power Level is increased by 1. Draw-
ing a symbol takes a few minutes and cannot
be done in the heat of battle. Carving a symbol
TELEPATHY into stone takes one Quarter day or more. Even
✥✥ LEVEL 3 a drawn or carved symbol only works once – for
✥✥ RANGE: Near multiple uses, you need to BIND the magic.
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Item belonging to the victim

You can read the surface thoughts of another ENTICE

person for a few minutes. Digging deeper for ✥✥ LEVEL 1
memories is harder, and requires Power Level ✥✥ RANGE: Short
2 or even more, depending on how fresh the
memory is. The symbol draws the victim in. If the Power


chapter 6
✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Short

The hypnotizing power of the symbol incapac-

itates your opponent completely. If the Power
Level is equal to or higher than the victim’s
current Wits, he cannot do anything other
than to stare emptily off into space for a full
turn of combat. During this time, he is con-
sidered defenseless. If the symbol is drawn or
carved onto something, the effect lasts a full
Quarter day. The spell only works on living

✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ RANGE: Short

The symbol blinds the victim for a Quarter of

a day. The effect of this blindness is the same
as for being in total darkness (page xx).
Level is equal to or higher than the victim’s
Wits, he must approach the symbol and stare
at it for a full turn, even in the middle of com- ILLUSION
bat. If the symbol is placed on a person, the ✥✥ LEVEL 2
victim becomes obsessed with that person for a ✥✥ RANGE: Short
Quarter day or more.
You make the victim see or hear something
that isn’t there, or hide something that oth-
HORRIFY erwise would be seen. A small item requires a
✥✥ LEVEL 1 Power Level of 1, while an object of humanoid
✥✥ RANGE: Short size requires Power Level 2, and an illusion the
size of a house requires Power Level 3. Only
The symbol awakens a deep fear in the victim, one person is affected. This spell only works on
who suffers Doubt equal to the Power Level. living humanoids.
This spell only works on living humanoids.


MIND TRICK of Willpower Points equal to double the Pow-
✥✥ LEVEL 2, POWER WORD er Level. You can use the symbol later to cast
✥✥ RANGE: Short spells, emptying its stored Willpower Points.
You don’t need to BIND magic to use this spell.
You can force an NPC to refrain from an ac- Other spellbinders skilled in the art of runes
tion she would otherwise have performed. It can use your POWER RUNES if they can access
must be a discreet action, something you can them, so keep them to yourself!
forget by being absent-minded. An example
could be that a guard lets a PC pass without
confirming who she is or that someone leaves PORTAL
their keys on a table. The spell cannot be used ✥✥ Level 3, Ritual
to stop an attacking enemy. ✥✥ Range: Near

This powerful ritual tears a hole in the veil be-

PUPPETEER tween worlds and opens a path between them.
✥✥ LEVEL 3 The portal is open one Quarter day per Power
✥✥ RANGE: Near Level. This is a very risky undertaking, since
you run the risk of running into all sorts of
You can take complete control of your vic- demons and other malevolent creatures on the
tim’s actions. If the Power Level is equal to other side – perhaps you can use them for your
or higher than the victim’s current Wits, he own purposes, but it is just as likely they will
becomes a puppet without any control of his attempt to use you for their own. Or perhaps
own body. You can make him perform one devour you. The spell BIND DEMON (see blood
specific action – once it is over, you must magic) is very useful here. The details are up
cast the spell again if you want to force your to the GM.
victim to do something else. In combat, this Another use for this spell is creating a new
means you can decide what the victim will do PORTAL on the other side, which can lead you
during one turn. This spell only works on liv- anywhere you want in the Forbidden Lands.
ing humanoids.


✥✥ LEVEL 3, RITUAL Stone singing originated among the dwarves,
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length and helps them shape the bedrock of the world
according to the mission from their god Huge.
You can charge a symbol with power. The The discipline has spread from the dwarves to
symbol must be drawn on or carved into an the elves and humans, who have also found
object, which is then charged with a number good use for this form of magic.


chapter 6
✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Near
✥✥ INGREDIENT: A fistful of sand
The spell blows a thick cloud of rock dust from
the ground to cover the zone you are in. The dust
blocks sight through the zone and lets you flee
combat (page xx) without rolling for MOVE. All
living creatures in the zone take one point of Fa-
tigue from the dust. This spell can only be used
in the MOUNTAIN terrain type or inside a CAVE. Level 1, events one year back in time require
Power Level 2 and events even further back in
time require Power Level 3) or what is happen-
STUN ing in the area right now (SHORT range requires
✥✥ LEVEL 1 Power Level 1, LONG range Power Level 2, any-
✥✥ RANGE: Varies thing within the map hex Power Level 3). Un-
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Horn fortunately, the mountain speaks very slowly
and therefore this spell works like a ritual. This
Your mighty voice is so strong that all living spell can only be used in the MOUNTAIN terrain
creatures around you are stunned and cannot type or inside a CAVE.
perform any action for the coming turn. The
range depends on the Power Level. NEAR range
requires Power Level 1, SHORT range requires STONESMITH
Power Level 2, and LONG range requires Power ✥✥ LEVEL 2, RITUAL
Level 3. Undead and demons are not affected ✥✥ RANGE: Varies
by this spell. ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Lyre

Your song can shape stone according to your

VOICE OF THE MOUNTAIN will. This spell lets you create a wall, build a
✥✥ LEVEL 1, RITUAL bridge, or raise a staircase from the ground.
✥✥ RANGE: Varies You can only create crude constructions. Pow-
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Flute er Level 1 will summon a construction in
the same zone as you. Every Power Level be-
You can speak to the mountain and listen to its yond that allows you to create something that
words. The mountain can answer simple ques- stretches into one more neighboring zone. For
tions about what has happened at the location example, Power Level 4 lets you summon a
before (events over the last day require Power construction reaching across four zones.


STONE STORM the weapons tables (see Chapter 5) with a Gear
✥✥ LEVEL 2 Bonus equal to the Power Level, up to a max-
✥✥ RANGE: Short imum of +3. The weapon’s other stats are ac-
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Pebbles cording to the weapons table.
When you use IRON SONG, you must have
Your song can move rocks so fast that you can access to the right raw materials, as if you are
hurl stones and rocks at an enemy in combat. using CRAFTING to create an object.
The Damage from your attack is equal to the
Power Level. Armor works normally. This
spell can only be used where there are loose EARTHQUAKE
stones for you to throw. ✥✥ LEVEL 3
✥✥ RANGE: Short
✥✥ LEVEL 2 Your song is charged with so much power that
✥✥ RANGE: Near you make the very ground shake and tear. You
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Harp can use the spell to tear down a wall or forti-
fications or inflict damage on a victim. The
Your song can wither stone, allowing you to Damage caused is equal to the Power Level.
break down walls and fortifications within NEAR
range. The thickness of the barrier determines
which Power Level is required. A barrier half a SUMMON GOLEM
meter thick requires Power Level 1, a one-meter ✥✥ LEVEL 3
barrier requires Power Level 2, a two-meter bar- ✥✥ RANGE: Near
rier requires Power Level 3, and so on. ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Stone figurine

Your song can summon servant creatures from

IRON SONG the very rock. This golem obeys your orders
✥✥ LEVEL 3, RITUAL during the present Quarter day, then it turns
✥✥ RANGE: Varies into an inanimate statue. The golem can only
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Hammer perform basic tasks and it must remain within
your view.
Your voice doesn’t only affect stone, but also The stats of the golem depend on the Power
metals that have been mined from the moun- Level. Power Level 1 creates a small creature
tain. This ritual allows you to create weapons with Strength 2, Agility 1, and stone skin with
and other items of metal, but also, for exam- an Armor Rating of 3. Every increase in Power
ple, to bend prison bars and open shackles. Level increases both Strength and Armor Rat-
You can create all metal weapons from ing by 1.


chapter 6

You can also use the Power Level to create You can make yourself completely immune
more golems at the same time – every increase to heat and cold during one Quarter of a day.
in Power Level multiplies the number of go- During this period, you take no damage from
lems by two. For example, Power Level 4 al- fire and are immune to the effects of cold (page
lows you to create four golems with a Strength xx).
of 3 and Armor Rating 4.
This spell can only be used in the terrain
✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ RANGE: Short
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Pentagram

BLOOD MAGIC This spell allows you to bend demonic creatures

Blood magic derives its power from life itself from other worlds to your will for the duration
and its liquid essence – blood. Through the of one Quarter of a day. Your Power Level must
power of blood, the sorcerer can both benefit be equal to or higher than the demon’s Wits.
and bleed the target of his spells. Keep in mind that demons rarely react well to
magicians’ attempts to BIND them, so be ready
for any consequences.
✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Chalice of wine ✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
Using this spell, you stir your victim’s blood ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Your own or the target’s
and bring out strong emotions such as lust, blood
fear or rage. The victim must give in to these
emotions in some way – exactly how depends You transfer blood, and the inherent energy of
on the individual and the situation. The GM it, to or from another being of the same kin
determines the details. The spell has no effect as yourself, with or without the permission
in combat and can only be used against living of the target. You can transfer a number of
humanoids. attribute points (of any attribute) equal to the
Power Level to or from the target. The start-
ing attribute rating cannot be surpassed. Attri-
FIREWALKER bute points lost in this way can be recovered
✥✥ LEVEL 1 normally. The spell can be used to get a broken
✥✥ RANGE: Personal person up on her feet, but it has no effect on
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Drop of blood critical injuries.


chapter 6
✥✥ LEVEL 2
✥✥ RANGE: Near
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Torch or open fire

You can heat up your victim’s blood to the

point where he literally bursts into flames. The
spell inflicts Damage equal to the Power Lev-
el and keeps inflicting 1 point of Damage per
turn until the victim puts the fire out with a
successful MOVE roll (slow action). Armor does
not protect against this spell.

✥✥ RANGE: Unlimited power Points equal to twice the Power Level.
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Hair from or part of the The effect is temporary, however. Your newly
victim’s body won Willpower Points must be used in the next
turn, or they are lost. If you use a living sac-
You place a blood curse on your victim, who rifice as an ingredient for your spell, it must
must be a living humanoid. You must know be sacrificed before you cast the spell. A small
your victim’s name and know where he is, at animal is enough.
least approximately. The victim suffers Misery
of your choice – Damage, Fatigue, Confusion,
or Doubt. The amount of Misery equals the BIND SOUL
Power Level and the victim takes 1 point of ✥✥ LEVEL 3, RITUAL
Misery per hour until the full effect is reached. ✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Sacrificial knife

Through this ritual, you can extract a victim’s

BLOOD CHANNELING soul from his blood and capture it in a vessel of
✥✥ LEVEL 3 some kind (such as a mirror, a jewel, or a weap-
✥✥ RANGE: Personal on). To manage this complicated feat, your Pow-
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Living victim er Level must be equal to or higher than the vic-
tim’s current Wits. Your victim is bound to the
This spell concentrates the energy of the sor- vessel for a Quarter of a day. Making the effect
cerer’s own blood. You gain a number of Will- last one full day requires Power Level 2 or high-


er, and if you want the victim to remain in the BEFOUL
vessel for ever – or up to a time of your choosing ✥✥ LEVEL 1
– it requires Power Level 3. You can specify a con- ✥✥ RANGE: Near
dition that must be filled to free the soul. The ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Rotten food
victim can be freed by a DISPEL MAGIC (page xx).
You can let death and decay seep into food. You
can BEFOUL all the food carried by one person,
or one unit of stored food (page xx), making
it unfit for consumption. The water or food
DEATH MAGIC turns into a poison with a Potency (page xx)
Death magic draws its power from dead or dy- equal to the Power Level.
ing beings, from rot and decay. Practitioners of
death magic, known as necromancers, can also
steal power from living things by twisting and CHILL OF THE GRAVE
tainting them, which is the reason for much ✥✥ LEVEL 1
of the hate and fear these black arts stir up. ✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
The necromancers see themselves as seekers of ✥✥ INGREDIENT: A piece of crystal
truth, as pioneers and explorers of the true na-
ture of life and death.


chapter 6
You can let the unrelenting cold of death seep
into your victim. This spell can only be
used against living beings. The spell
inflicts Damage equal to the Power
Level. The victim also automatical-
ly becomes COLD (page xx).

✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Sick living being

You can create horrid contagions with which

to torment your enemies. Your victim, who
must be a living humanoid, contracts a disease
with a Virulence (page xx) equal to the Power
Level multiplied by 3. Feel free to describe the
nature of the contagion in detail.

✥✥ LEVEL 1
✥✥ RANGE: Short
magically and squeeze the life from him. This
Your murky appearance instills unease and spell inflicts Damage and Doubt equal to the
fear in your victim. He suffers Doubt equal to Power Level. You can extend the range to SHORT
the Power Level. This spell can only be used if you spend an extra Willpower Point (this does
against living humanoids. not count towards the Power Level). This spell
can only be used against living humanoids.

✥✥ INGREDIENT: Severed hand ✥✥ RANGE: Near
✥✥ INGREDIENT: An item belonging to the
You can claw your way to your victim’s heart dead


The main task of death magic is awakening the two. A ritual with Power Level 2 can create two
dead. In its simplest form, this ritual is used to first-level undead, Power Level 3 four such un-
reanimate one dead humanoid or animal, which dead, and so on.
will stay in its undead state for a Quarter of a day A first-level undead has little to no mental
before once again turning to dust. capacity, but will obey simple commands and
The Power Level of the spell determines can use weapons and simple tools. The undead
how powerful the undead created by the ritu- has the same Strength it did in life, Agility is
al will be. Every Power Level can multiply the decreased by 1 (no lower than 1), and it has no
number of undead raised at the same time by Wits or Empathy. A first-level undead can-
not be MANIPULATED, nor suffer Confusion or
A second-level undead can be enhanced in
one of the following ways:
✥✥ STRONGER. The Strength score increas-
es by 1. This effect can be chosen several
times for undead of higher levels.
✥✥ SMARTER. The undead regains some of its
lost mental capacity, in the form of both
Wits and Empathy and skills associated
with these attributes. All the scores are
lowered by 1 (no lower than 1). The un-
dead can answer questions about its life
both before and after death, but it often
has an unclear sense of time and can be
very forgetful. It obeys its maker and can
perform slightly more advanced tasks.
✥✥ DURABLE. The spell lasts as long as the
necromancer wishes, for all
eternity should he want that,
or until the undead creature is


chapter 6
A third-level undead can be enhanced with small animals around you. You gain a number of
two of the effects noted above. A fourth-level Willpower Points equal to twice the Power Level.
undead has three effects, a fifth-level has four The ritual can only be used in an environment
effects, and so on. Note that the Strong effect where there is vegetation and so cannot be used
can be chosen several times over. indoors or on a rocky mountain side. When you
RAISE THE DEAD can also be used to take perform the ritual all animals and plants within
control of “restless dead,” beings that have died NEAR range – in the same zone as you – die. This

but are still walking about, unaware of the fact also applies to humans and other kin.
that they are dead. Read more about these in
the Gamemaster’s Guide.
✥✥ LEVEL 3
✥✥ RANGE: Near
✥✥ INGREDIENT: Body part from a dead You can instill a horrible, unbearable fear in
person your victim, whose mind is flooded by images
of his own aging and death. The victim suffers
You can speak with the dead. You must be with- Doubt and Fatigue equal to the Power Level.
in NEAR range of where the victim died or lies This spell only works on living humanoids.
buried. You must know the victim’s name. You
can speak with the dead for a few minutes and
ask a few simple questions. The GM decides WEIGHT OF AGES
what the dead can and will answer – the dead ✥✥ LEVEL 3
aren’t always cooperative! ✥✥ RANGE: Arm’s Length
If the victim’s remains are reasonably in- ✥✥ INGREDIENT: Scalp with white hair
tact you can speak directly with the corpse,
otherwise you hear the dead as a disembodied You can speed up the aging process of a living
ghost voice in your head. This spell cannot be victim. The victim immediately ages a number
used against undead. of age categories (see page xx) equal to the Pow-
er Level, so for example, from young to adult
at Power Level 1. The victim permanently los-
STEAL LIFE es one attribute point of his choice for every
✥✥ LEVEL 3, RITUAL Power Level. If the victim ages past old age, he
✥✥ RANGE: Near withers and dies. This spell can only be used on
✥✥ INGREDIENT: A living animal living humanoids and has no effect on elves.
Aging a half-elf requires twice the Power Level
You can suck the life from living plants and as normal.



“Yonder lies Feulenmark, where my people once ruled,” said

Phinia, caressing the forest below them with her gesture. “It
would be wise to cross the Seyster before nightfall to reach
Klondervale. I know a druid there that will help us. He knows
where we may safely barter with the lizardfolk.”

he Blood Mist has lifted. The de- are used to measure distances and govern move-
monic veil that rested heavily over ment. One hexagon is 10 kilometers across.
the Forbidden Lands for three cen-
turies, sucking the life out of anyone who
wandered too far from home and hearth, has TYPES OF TERRAIN
suddenly and inexplicably disappeared. You The Forbidden Lands are divided into ten
do not know why, but you do know what it types of terrain. See the table on this page (xx).
means. You and other restless souls are fi- Each hexagon on the map has a certain type
nally free to leave your homes and travel far of terrain that is used to determine how diffi-
and wide through the Forbidden Lands, to cult it is to move in the hexagon as well as what
explore and look for treasure and danger in kind of random encounters can be faced.
ruins from ages past. This chapter explains
how these processes work. RIVERS are not a type of terrain in and of
themselves, but they work as borders between

The map of the Forbidden Lands found in the
game box is the focus of the game when you,
and your fellow adventurers, are out on a jour-
ney. The map is divided into hexagons, which


chapter 7
hexes on the map. Fords and bridges can be
used to pass over or through a river without
problems. If a ford or bridge is missing, you
need a raft or boat to cross a river. Read more OTHER MAPS
about journeys on lakes and rivers below. The map of the Forbidden
Lands is just the beginning.
HIGH MOUNTAINS: Hexagons with the terrain More game maps of other
type HIGH MOUNTAINS block movement. It is areas will be published by Free
impossible to move into these hexagons, and so League Publishing in the fu-
they form a barrier around the Forbidden Lands. ture. If you want to play in an-
other fantasy world, perhaps
THE IRON LOCK, standing across the pass to even one of your own making,
Alderland, is also a barrier that blocks move- all you need to do is draw the
ment completely. map on an empty hexagon
map and fill in the different
THE STILLMIST is a mythical place in the El- types of terrain. Then you’re
ven domains of the north. Whatever hides in ready to play!
there is unknown to the humans of the Forbid-
den Lands, as well as what lies beyond it.

Plains Open terrain –1 +1

Forest Open terrain +1 +1

Dark Forest Difficult terrain –1 0
Hills Open terrain 0 0
Mountains Difficult terrain –2 –1
High Impassable – –
Lake/River Requires a boat or raft – 0
Swamp Requires a raft +1 –1
Bog Difficult terrain –1 0
Ruins Difficult terrain –2 –1


Image: Hiking

group if you want to move forward on the


OF THE DAY ✥✥ LEAD THE WAY. Can be combined with

HIKE, but can only be done by one adven-
During journeys, the day is divided into four turer in the group.
Quarters, used to measure time in the game: ✥✥ LOOKOUT. Can be combined with HIKE,
✥✥ Morning but can only be done by one adventurer in
✥✥ Day the group.
✥✥ Evening ✥✥ FORAGE. Cannot be combined with HIKE.
✥✥ Night Can be done by several adventurers at the
same time.
At the start of every Quarter, each member ✥✥ HUNT. Cannot be combined with HIKE.
of the group must choose what they will do Can be done by several adventurers at the
during that Quarter. Some activities can be same time.
performed by several of the characters at the ✥✥ FISH. Requires a river or a lake. Cannot
same time. For other activities, a single adven- be combined with HIKE. Can be done by
turer must be chosen. The various activities several adventurers at the same time.
are explained in detail over the course of the ✥✥ MAKE CAMP. Cannot be combined with
coming pages. HIKE. Can only be done by one adventurer.
✥✥ HIKE. Must be done by all members of the ✥✥ REST. Cannot be combined with HIKE.


chapter 7
Can be done by several adventurers at the FORCED MARCH
same time. You can HIKE for two of the four Quarters of
✥✥ SLEEP. Cannot be combined with HIKE. the day without problem. If you need to, you
Can be done by several adventurers at the can push yourselves and HIKE for a third
same time. Quarter. This requires that you all make EN-
✥✥ EXPLORE. Cannot be combined with DURANCE rolls – failure means you suffer a
HIKE. Can be done by several adventurers point of Fatigue and are unable to HIKE during
at the same time. the Quarter. You can choose another activity
if you want to. If your ENDURANCE roll suc-
ceeds, you can choose to leave any stragglers
behind and split up the group, or you can stay
and wait.
HIKE If you are in a real rush, you can even at-
Your journey through the Forbidden Lands tempt to HIKE for a fourth Quarter in the day.
progresses from hexagon to hexagon on the In that case, you must roll for ENDURANCE
map. The rule of thumb is that you can HIKE again as outlined above, but the roll gets a –2
two hexagons per Quarter in OPEN TERRAIN and penalty. Observe that this automatically makes
one hexagon per Quarter in DIFFICULT TERRAIN. you SLEEPY (page xx), since you miss the nec-
On horseback, your rate of movement increases essary hours of sleep per day. Also, see Dark-
to three hexagons per Quarter in OPEN TERRAIN. ness, below.
See the table on this page (xx).
Short breaks are included in the specified
time, but if you stop for more than a a few MOUNTS
minutes along the way – because of a mishap Horses and other mounts allow you to move
or something else – there is a risk you might faster through OPEN TERRAIN, but not in DIFFI-
not be able travel the entire distance during CULT TERRAIN. In addition, a riding animal can

this period. The GM has the final word. carry ten extra normal items if you ride on it,
and 20 normal items if you lead it by the halter.
A forced march (see above) is also possi-
ble while on horseback. Roll just like you did
above, but use your ANIMAL HANDLING and the
TERRAIN ON FOOT ON HORSE- animal’s Strength. If the roll fails, the animal
goes lame. It cannot continue, and another
Open 2 Hexagons 3 Hexagons
successful ANIMAL HANDLING roll is required
/Quarter /Quarter
for the animal to recover and be able to travel
Difficult 1 Hexagon 1 Hexagon
the next day. If this roll fails, there are no op-
/Quarter /Quarter
tions other than to put it down.


finder whenever you enter a new
Every time you enter a new
hexagon on the map, the
pathfinder makes a SURVIVAL

roll, modified by the PATH-

FINDER talent if she has it.

Success means you find a
viable path into the hexa-
gon and you move on with-
out any problems. Failure
means that you still enter
the hexagon, but you must
immediately roll on the
Mishaps table on this
page (see below).


Every time you move on the map, you must In the dark, travel through the wilderness is
appoint one person to LEAD THE WAY. This dangerous. Getting lost or choosing the wrong
individual is called the pathfinder. The path- path is an ever-present risk. The pathfinder’s
finder can LEAD THE WAY and HIKE at the rolls get a –2 penalty during the dark Quarters
same time, but they cannot also KEEP WATCH of the day, and everyone in the group with-
(see below). Usually, the same person will out the ability to see in the dark must make
act as pathfinder for an entire Quarter, but a SCOUTING roll – failure means they fall D6
nothing stops you from changing the path- meters (read more about falling on page xx).


Morning Light Light Light Dark
Daytime Light Light Light Light
Evening Dark Light Dark Dark
Nighttime Dark Dark Dark Dark


chapter 7
1 Quicksand The ground gives way under your feet. You have walked into an
area of quicksand. You are completely stuck and you must roll
MIGHT to escape. If you fail, you suffer one point of Fatigue and
must roll again. Whoever pulls free can help anyone who is still
stuck. You also need to go around the treacherous area and
won’t make any progress on the map during this Quarter.
2 Blocked The way forward is blocked by rocks, fallen trees, thick shrubbery,
Terrain or flooding (depending on the terrain type in the hex). You must
roll MIGHT or MOVE to be able to move forward. If you fail, you
suffer one point of Damage and must roll again. Anyone who
rolls successfully can help anyone who did not. You won’t make
any progress on the map during this Quarter.
3 Lost You realize that you have walked in a circle. You are lost and
won’t make any progress on the map during this Quarter. Your
guide must also roll SURVIVAL successfully to find her way out
of the hexagon. One roll can be made per Quarter.
4 Sprained Your guide falls or twists his ankle and suffers critical injury
Ankle number 14 for blunt trauma (see page xx).
5 Landslide You are walking in rough terrain when the ground suddenly
opens up underneath your feet. You must roll MOVE – if you fail,
you suffer an attack with three Base Dice. Every ÄÄ inflicts one
point of Damage.
6 Downpour A massive rainfall or snow storm (depending on the time of year)
catches you unawares. You must roll for the effects of cold (page
xx). You must also seek shelter until the storm has passed and
won’t make any progress on the map during this Quarter.

The winters are darker than the summers in

the Forbidden Lands. In the winter, there is KEEP WATCH
light only during the Day, while all the other During every Quarter of your journey, you
Quarters are dark. In autumn and spring there must also designate one adventurer in your
is light in the Morning and Day, while the group who is responsible for scouting for
Evening and the Night are dark. In summer, threats and enemies. The lookout can KEEP

darkness only reigns during the Night. See the WATCH and HIKE at the same time, but cannot
table on this page (xx). LEAD THE WAY while doing so. A lookout is


needed during every Quarter of the day, even
after you make camp. The scout is important
when the GM rolls for a random encounter or
introduces some other kind of threat. Tables HIKING ALONE
for random encounters, based on which type If you journey alone in the
of terrain dominates the hexagon where the Forbidden Lands, you may LEAD
characters find themselves, can be found in THE WAY and KEEP WATCH at the

Chapter xx of the Gamemaster’s Guide. same time. This is an exception

The rule of thumb is that the GM rolls on to the rule that says these two
the random encounter table once every Quarter actions cannot be combined.
while you HIKE, and once per day if you remain
in the same hexagon. Sometimes, the GM can
choose to roll more or less frequently. VIVAL roll, modified by the terrain type (see the
If the random encounter is some sort of table on page xx). The roll is also modified by the
threat, the lookout makes a SCOUTING roll to de- time of year (see the table on this page).
tect it. Success generally means that the lookout When looking for food, success means that
notices the threat while it’s still at a safe distance. you find a number of food rations (page xx) of
Failure means that the threat is up close and per- edible roots, herbs or other plants equal to the
sonal before you notice it. Read more about de- number of x you rolled. The plants must be pre-
tecting threats in Chapter XX. pared by a CHEF (page xx) to last, otherwise the
bonus to your Resource Die degrades after a day.
When looking for water, success means that
you find enough drinkable water for everyone in
your group to fill their water skins up to a D12
FORAGE Resource Die, if they like.
If you are running out of provisions, you can If your FORAGE roll fails, you don’t find any
spend a Quarter looking for edible plants and food or water and you suffer a mishap. Roll on
drinkable water. You cannot HIKE at the same the table on this page (xx).
time, so if you want to FORAGE you have to stop
in the hexagon that you are in.
Several adventurers can FORAGE at the same SEASONS
time. If you want to make separate rolls, you
can’t FORAGE in the same location, which means
that any mishaps will affect you individually. Spring –1
The alternative is that one of you FORAGES and Summer 0
the others help her. Autumn +1
To FORAGE, you must choose whether you Winter –2
are looking for food or water. Then make a SUR-


chapter 7
1 Poisonous The plants you find are poisonous, something you only discover
during your next meal. Any adventurers eating the food must
roll ENDURANCE to fight the poison, which has a Potency of 3.
2 Leeches Blood sucking leeches bite into your flesh and you suffer one
point of Damage. The leeches can be removed by making a suc-
cessful HEALING roll. If you fail the roll you suffer another point of
Damage, but manage to get them off anyway.
3 Sprained You fall or twist your ankle, and suffer critical injury number 14
Ankle for blunt trauma (page xx).
4 Torn Your clothes are damaged. Your boots break or your robe snags
Clothes on thorny plants or sharp rocks. You must roll for the effects
of cold. Your clothes can be mended by making a successful

5 Savage A wolf, bear or other wild animal feels threatened, and attacks
Animal you. The GM chooses an animal from the table on page xx of
the Gamemaster’s Guide.
6 Persistent A squirrel, bird or other small animal follows you around and
Animal doesn’t leave you alone. The animal causes trouble, de-
scribed by the GM - it might make a noise at some inappro-
priate time, eat your food or steal something.

you must find your prey, which you can do

HUNT by making a SURVIVAL roll (see the MASTER OF
Another way to find food during a journey is THE HUNT and HUNTING INSTINCTS talents in
to HUNT. You cannot HIKE at the same time Chapter 4).
as you HUNT. However, several people can Success means that you find some kind
HUNT at the same time. If you want to roll of prey. Roll on the table on this page to see
separately you cannot HUNT in the same lo- what type of animal it is. If you roll multiple
cation, which means that any mishaps will x, you can reroll on the hunting table once
affect you individually. An option is that one per extra x. You cannot go back to a previous
of you HUNTS and the others help. result.
You need some form of gear to hunt – To kill your prey you must roll again, this
either a ranged weapon or a hunting trap of time for MARKSMANSHIP (if using a weapon)
some type (see the table on page xx). First, or SURVIVAL again (if you are using a trap).


1 Mouse +1 Weapon or trap 1
2 Crow 0 Weapon 1
3 Rabbit +1 Weapon or trap 2
4 Fox –1 Weapon or trap 3
5 Boar –1* Weapon 4
6 Deer 0 Weapon 5
*Boars attack you if you fail.

Image: Hunt


chapter 7
1 Sprained You fall or twist your ankle and suffer critical injury number 14
ankle for blunt trauma (page xx).
2 Lost gear/ You lose some of your hunting gear or a weapon. The GM decides
weapon which.
3 Torn Your clothes are damaged. Your boots break or your robe snags
Clothes on thorny plants or sharp rocks. You must roll for for the ef-
fects of cold. Your clothes can be mended by making a success-
ful CRAFTING roll.
4 Trap You step into another hunter’s trap. It could be a snare, a
net, or a covered pit. You suffer one point of Damage and
must make a MOVE roll to get out of the trap.
5 Savage A wolf, bear or other wild animal feels threatened, and attacks
Animal you. The GM chooses an animal from the table on page xx of
the Gamemaster’s Guide.
6 Sick Prey The prey you bring down is sick and whoever eats of its flesh is
infected by a disease with a Virulence rating of 3. This is discov-
ered during your next meal.

You don’t need to fight the animal, rolling

once is enough. Please note that some ani- FISH
mals cannot be caught with a trap. If you are in a hexagon by a river or lake or by
The table on this page (xx) indicates how the ocean you can FISH. If you are on foot, you
many rations of food your prey yields. The cannot HIKE while FISHING (but see Sea Trav-
meat must be prepared by a CHEF (page xx) to el, below). Several people can FISH at the same
last, otherwise the bonus to your Resource time. If you want to roll separately you cannot
Die degrades after a day. FISH in the same location, which means that
If your first SURVIVAL roll fails, you suf- any mishaps will affect you individually. Alter-
fer a mishap. Roll on the table on this page natively, one of you FISHES and the others help.
(xx). If your second roll fails to kill your prey, To FISH, you need fishing gear (see the ta-
it only means you don’t get the food – unless ble on page xx). Make a SURVIVAL roll modified
it is a boar, in which case it immediately at- by the FISHER talent and any Gear Bonus from
tacks your fishing gear.


1 Snagged Your hook snags on the bottom. You must make a MIGHT roll to
Hook be able to retrieve your fishing gear. If you fail, your gear is lost.
2 Hook in You manage to pierce your own finger with the hook, instead of
Finger hooking a fish. You suffer one point of Damage.
3 Broken Your fishing gear breaks. You need to repair it (a CRAFTING roll)
Fishing Gear or get new gear.
4 Mosquito A large swarm of mosquitoes or gnats attacks you, driving you
Swarm crazy with their bites and buzzing. They attack with four Base
Dice, but the attack inflicts Doubt instead of Damage.
5 Splash! You lose your balance and fall into the water. Roll for MOVE to
get back out of the water/ Metal armor modifies the roll by -2.
If you fail, you suffer one point of Fatigue. Roll again every turn
until you succeed or are broken. If you are broken, you die in D6
turns unless someone saves you.
6 Attacked A vicious fish or eel attacks you, causing a nasty bleeding
wound. You suffer one point of Damage.

Success means you catch enough fish for a sleep takes a whole Quarter – usually the Eve-
number of rations equal to the number of x ning. One person can MAKE CAMP while others
you rolled. The fish must be prepared by a CHEF FORAGE, HUNT, REST or SLEEP.
(page xx) to last, otherwise the bonus to your Make a SURVIVAL roll, modified by the
Resource Die degrades after a day. QUARTERMASTER talent. If your roll succeeds,
If your roll fails, you don’t catch any fish you find a sheltered and comfortable place to
and you also suffer a mishap. Roll on the table spend the night, where you can all rest up be-
on this page (xx). fore the next day’s journey.
If your roll fails, your camp is less pleasant.
You still set up a camp where you can REST and
SLEEP, but the GM makes a hidden roll on the
mishap table on this page (xx). The GM can
MAKE CAMP spring this mishap on you anytime she wants
When the journey of the day is over, it’s time while you are in the camp.
to MAKE CAMP. Finding a good location for a
camp, making a fire, and preparing where to STANDING GUARD: The wilderness is a dan-


chapter 7
1 Spoiled The water you are carrying has spoiled. Everyone in the group
Water must reduce their Resource Die for water by one step.
2 Rotten Your food has rotted or been infected by insects. Everyone in the
Food group has to reduce their Resource Die for food by one step.
3 Bad Camp- Your campsite turns out to be very uncomfortable to sleep in.
site No one in the group gets any sleep at all until you have found a
new campsite.
4 Bugs Your camp sits right in the middle of an ant road. You all suf-
fer one point of Fatigue and no one gets any sleep here.
5 Fire Dies The firewood is wet, and your campfire goes out. Everyone in
the group needs to roll for the effects of cold (page xx).
6 Savage A wolf, bear or other wild animal feels threatened, and attacks
Animal you. The GM chooses an animal from the table on page xx of
the Gamemaster’s Guide.

Image: camp


xx. If your REST is interrupted by something
dramatic, like combat or other similar activi-
ty, your activity during the Quarter no longer
It is possible to sleep in the wil-
derness without MAKING CAMP
– you simply find a suitable tree
to sleep under. You save the
time it takes to MAKE CAMP, but SLEEP
everyone in the group must You have to sleep at least one Quarter per day
make a SURVIVAL roll to find (usually during the Night) to avoid becom-
a good spot to sleep. Failure ing SLEEPY (page xx) and to recover lost Wits.
means the individual doesn’t You can eat and drink during a Quarter spent
sleep at all, and thus becomes mostly sleeping – and so recover Strength and
SLEEPY (page xx). Since you Agility – but you cannot recover Empathy in
don’t have a fire to keep the a Quarter mainly spent sleeping. If your SLEEP
cold away, you all also suffer the is interrupted by something dramatic, like
effects of cold (page xx). combat or other similar activity, your activity
during the Quarter no longer counts as SLEEP.

gerous place and even while you are in your

camp, you need a sentry to stay awake to KEEP
WATCH (see above). You need to choose who EXPLORE
stands guard during the Night, and let this When you stop at an adventure site to EXPLORE
person sleep during some other Quarter of it, your journey is interrupted. EXPLORING an
the day (usually the Evening). adventure site can take anything from a Quar-
ter up to several days or even weeks. Sometimes,
you might have to take a break to REST or SLEEP
while EXPLORING. You cannot REST or SLEEP

during the same Quarter as you EXPLORE.

Resting by the campfire is a good opportuni-
ty to recover from Misery. You can eat food
to recover Strength, drink water (or stronger
beverages) to recover Agility, and maybe sing SEA TRAVEL
or tell stories around the campfire to recover If you have access to a boat or raft (see the table
Empathy. Read more about recovery on page on page xx), you can cross a river without using


chapter 7
1 Navigational You sail off course and make no progress on the map during
Error this Quarter.
2 Sudden A sudden squall makes your boat tilt suddenly. One important
Squall item falls into the water. The GM decides what it is.
3 Whirlpool Your boat is caught in a whirlpool. The skipper must make a
SURVIVAL roll (modified by the SAILOR talent). Failure means
the boat runs aground and has to be repaired (a CRAFTING roll)
before your journey can continue.
4 Leak Your boat springs a leak and takes on water. The leak must
be repaired (a CR AFTING roll) but your journey can continue
while you do so.
5 Overboard Someone in the group (GM’s choice) falls overboard after a
large wave hits the boat. The victim must make a MOVE roll to
get back out of the water. Metal armor modifies the roll by -2.
If the victim fails, she suffers one point of Fatigue. She can roll
again every turn until she succeeds or is broken. If she is bro-
ken, she will die in D6 turns unless someone saves her.
6 Grounding Your boat runs aground and must be abandoned or repaired
with a CRAFTING roll. The boat must be on the shore to be

a bridge or a ford. You can also travel along a

river, across a lake or on an ocean.
Travel by sea works like journeys on land,
but with some differences. Instead of a path-
finder, a boat has a skipper, who LEADS THE

WAY (roll for SURVIVAL modified by the SAILOR

talent) in each new hexagon. Failure takes you

into the new hexagon anyway, but you must
make a roll on the mishap table.



he following tables cover various kinds expect to find everything they’re looking for
of goods and services available in the in any little village. The costs may also vary,
Forbidden Lands. Some goods and which is why you should regard the listed prices
services are rare, and the adventurers can’t merely as suggestions.

Bath at an inn 3 copper
Haircut 5 copper
Medical care 5 silver
Bodyguard 1 silver per day
Laundry washed 5 copper
Road toll 2 copper
Lodging at inn, dor- 2 copper
Lodging at inn, 5 copper
individual room
Lodging in castle 2 silver
Bowl of stew 1 copper Covers daily need of food
Decent meal at inn 1 silver Covers daily need of food
Feast 1 gold Covers daily need of food


chapter 8
Arrows 1 silver Normal Increases the ARROWS Resource Die one
Rope 1 silver Normal
Grappling 5 silver Normal
Bandages 5 copper Tiny Gear Bonus +1 to HEALING
Torches 5 copper Normal Illuminates one zone, will burn for an hour.
Increases the TORCHES Resource Die one
Oil lamp 5 copper Light Illuminates one zone, indoors only, needs
lamp oil
Oil lantern 2 silver Light Illuminates one zone, needs lamp oil
Lamp oil 1 copper Tiny Enough for a Quarter of a day
Snares 1 silver Light Gear Bonus +1 to HUNTING during journeys
Fox trap 5 silver Normal Gear Bonus +2 to HUNTING during journeys
Fishing hook 2 copper Light Gear Bonus +1 to FISHING during journeys
and line
Fishing net 1 silver Normal Gear Bonus +2 to FISHING during journeys
Field rations 1 silver Normal Increases the FOOD Resource Die one step
Pots and 2 copper Light
Jug 1 copper Light
Pitcher 5 copper Light
Blanket 3 copper Light Gear Bonus +1 against cold
Sleeping fur 2 silver Normal Gear Bonus +2 against cold
Tent 5 silver Heavy Gear Bonus +2 to MAKING CAMP during
Flint and 2 copper Tiny Gear Bonus +1 to MAKING CAMP during
steel journeys
Ink and pen 2 silver Tiny
Parchment 2 copper Tiny


Chalks 1 copper Tiny May be used by rune magicians
Lockpick 1 gold Tiny Gear Bonus +2 to SLEIGHT OF HAND when
picking a lock
Needle and 2 copper Tiny
Hourglass 2 gold Light
Wax candle 2 copper Tiny
Magnifying 3 gold Tiny

Riding horse 2 gold
Donkey 6 silver
Cart 1 gold
Canoe 5 silver
Fishing boat 2 gold


chapter 8

angerous beasts prowl the woods MONSTER ATTACKS: There is an important
and valleys of the Forbidden Lands. difference between monsters and other crea-
A monster is a creature not of the tures: monsters can perform monster attacks.
natural world, a monstrosity terrorizing the Each monster has a unique set of monster
land, breaking the natural order of things. attacks, summarized in a table. The GM can
The complete version of the Forbidden Lands roll dice or select an attack from the table when
game will contain a bestiary with many mon- the monster attacks. A monster attack counts as
sters. Here, we introduce and provide just a a slow action, and has a range of Arm’s Length,
small selection. if nothing else is stated.
At the end of the chapter a number of an- The effectiveness of a monster attack does
imals and humanoid creatures are described, not decrease when the monster is wounded.
which are not technically monsters. Monsters don’t become weaker when they are
wounded – a wounded monster can be even
more dangerous! The monster’s Strength is
MONSTERS IN COMBAT used as normal to determine how much Dam-
Monsters are controlled by the Gamemaster age the monster can take before it’s broken.
and generally function like NPCs in combat. Since a broken monster is already dead or dying,
Some monsters have Wits and Empathy, don’t roll for a critical injury.
others lack these two attributes. Such mon- As a rule, humanoids can’t PARRY a monster
sters can’t be MANIPULATED, just like animals attack, but they can DODGE their attacks. Devi-
can’t, and cannot suffer Confusion or Doubt. ations from this basic rule are noted for each


chapter 9
MOVEMENT: Monsters move just like people FERAL RAGE: When the Strength of a gray
in combat, but some have a Movement Rate
bear is halved, it is overcome by a deadly
rage and will attack anything surrounding
of more than 1, like mounts. The Movement
it with sweeping paws, at the same time
Rate indicates how many segments the mon- letting out a deafening roar. All targets
ster can move with a RUN action. within ARM’S LENGTH each suffer an attack
using seven Base Dice, with a Weapon
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Many monsters have
Damage of 1 (slash wound). This attack is
triggered immediately and does not count
special abilities in addition to their monster
toward the bear’s actions during the turn.
attacks. These are explained in the description
of each monster. MONSTER ATTACKS D6:
1. RENDING ATTACK: The gray bear lunges
forward with all its weight, and tears at
an adventurer with its claws. The attack
GRAY BEAR uses eight Base Dice with Weapon Dam-
age 2 (slash wound).
This solitary beast is found in woods and moun-
2. GRIM BITE: The bear throws itself against
tains. Its jaws are longer than the arm of a man, an unfortunate adventurer with an ear-
its legs thick like tree trunks, and its claws are splitting roar. The bite is strong enough
like short swords, making the gray bear a terri- to audibly crush bone. The attack uses
ble monstrosity that is avoided by hunters and
ten Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2
(blunt force). The attack can be PARRIED.
other people of the forest. Among certain orc
tribes, killing a gray bear is thought to grant
3. PAW STRIKE: The gray bear roars and
swings its mighty paw against an ad-
immortality. The orcs also know that a badly
venturer. Roll for the attack using seven
wounded gray bear is even more dangerous. Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt
force). If hit, the victim is thrown to NEAR
distance and lands in a prone position.
4. SWEEPING ATTACK: The gray bear rises
suddenly on its hind legs, towering
above the adventurers. Its foreleg
sweeps in a wide arc, hitting everything
in its path. All targets within ARM’S
LENGTH each suffer an attack using
seven Base Dice, with a Weapon Damage
of 1 (slash wound).
5. MIGHTY ROAR: The giant jaws open to
reveal rows of sharp teeth and then the
gray bear lets out a roar mighty roar,
making the adventurers tremble with
PROTECTION: 4 (fur) fear. All targets within NEAR range suffer
an attack using seven Base Dice, causing
Doubt instead of Damage. The attack
can’t be DODGED, and armor doesn’t
provide protection.


6. BEAR HUG: The giant gray bear launch- individuals, the dire wolves use a cunning tac-
es itself at an adventurer in a crushing tic, where one of them chases the prey towards
embrace. The unfortunate adventurer
the other animals of the pack. There are also
suffers an attack using nine Base Dice
and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). If dire wolves roaming alone, having been kicked
hit, the adventurer is GRAPPLED (page out by the pack – these solitary wolves are un-
xx in the Player’s Handbook) and must usually aggressive.
try to BREAK FREE.



These huge, demon-tainted relatives of the
wolf roam the wilderness in small packs or on MONSTER ATTACKS D6:
their own. The dire wolf has a coarse frame, 1. RENDING ATTACK: The dire wolf leaps
shaggy gray or black fur and short and power- forward, tearing at an adventurer
using its sharp claws. The victim is
ful jaws filled with dirty yellow teeth. The wolf
attacked using eight Base Dice and
is roughly the height of a man. Dire wolves Weapon Damage 1 (slash wound).
hunt in packs, moving silently through the
2. VIOLENT BITE: With a low growl, the
forests, despite their size. Even though the dire wolf jumps at the nearest adven-
packs rarely contain more than two or three turer, biting him using all its strength.
Perform an attack using six Base Dice
and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound).
The attack can be PARRIED.
3. DEATH RATTLE: The beast jumps at an
adventurer, biting it, and then shakes
the unfortunate victim, finally throw-
ing the victim aside. Roll for the attack
using seven Base Dice and Weapon
Damage 1 (slash wound). If the attack
hits, the victim is thrown to a NEAR
distance and lands prone.
4. LEAPING ATTACK: The beast rushes
forward and jumps at one of the
adventurers with all its might. Roll for
the attack using eight Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 1 (slash wound). If
the attack is successful, the victim is
thrown to the ground and the wolf
immediately performs an extra attack
(six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2),
outside of the normal turn order. The
additional attack may not be DODGED.


chapter 9
5. LOCKED JAW: The wolf bites the arm
or leg of one of the adventurers and MINOTAUR
locks its jaws in a brutal grip. Roll for
This warrior of the plains is a demon-tainted
the attack using seven Base Dice and
Weapon Damage 2 (blunt force). If hit, monster race with a large bull head, horns,
the adventurer is GRAPPLED. and a body covered by a short and coarse pelt.
6. THROAT BITE: The beast sees a weak The minotaur has very strong hind legs, which
spot and attacks the adventurer by allows it to rush, jump and kick their adver-
biting her in the throat, trying to kill saries into bits and pieces, unless the minotaur
her. Roll for the attack using ten Base chooses to impale them using horns. Mino-
Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (slash
taurs are belligerent by nature and often get
wound). The attack may be PAR-
RIED. The adventurer suffers Doubt into fights with each other.
equal to half the amount of Dam-
age (rounded up) due to the horrific
PROTECTION: 2 (fur) and possible armor
TYPICAL GEAR: Two-handed axe


MONSTER ATTACK D6: any living thing they encounter, using their fists,
1. BULL FIST: A fur-clad fist hits an adven- claws, or cudgels. They have only a primitive
turer with full force. Roll eight Base need for society, often moving aimlessly in pairs
Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt
or small groups. They are extremely violent and
resilient and able to regenerate, making them dif-
2. HOOF KICK: Using his powerful legs,
ficult to destroy. They are fortunately quite stu-
the minotaur kicks the victim with
his hooves. The attack uses nine Base pid and may often be lured away from threatened
Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt human settlements using various tricks. Their
force). If the attack is successful, the stench is usually sensed from a long way off.
adventurer is thrown to a NEAR dis-
tance, landing prone.
3. HORN RUSH: The minotaur lowers its
head and with a snort, rushes toward PROTECTION: 4 (skin)
an adventurer, intending to impale her MOVEMENT RATE: 1
on his sharp horns. Roll for the attack REGENERATE: A troll recovers one point of
using ten Base Dice and Weapon lost Strength each turn.
Damage 2 (stab wound).
STENCH: All enemies within ARM’S LENGTH
4. CLEAVING CHOP: The beast swings its
suffer one point of Fatigue each turn of
weapon above its head and brings combat because of the troll’s horrible
it down with maximum force. The stench.
adventurer suffers an attack using ten
Base Dice (Weapon Damage according
to the weapon), ignoring 3 points of MONSTER ATTACKS D6:
armor. The attack may be PARRIED. 1. RENDING ATTACK: The troll will tear at
5. SWEEPING ATTACK: Roaring, the mino- an adventurer with its claws. Roll for
taur sweeps its weapon in a wide arc, an attack using nine Base Dice and
hitting everyone within ARM’S LENGTH. Weapon Damage 1 (slash wound). Roll
Roll for an attack using eight Base another die and if it shows a 1 or 2,
Dice (Weapon Damage according to the victim suffers a disease with a
the weapon) against each victim. Virulence rating of 3.
6. STOMPING ATTACK: The minotaur jumps 2. TERRIBLE BITE: The troll opens its
high in the air, landing hard on top of foul-smelling mouth and bites an ad-
the adventurer. The victim is felled venturer. Roll for the attack with twelve
to the ground if hit. The attack is Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (blunt
performed using twelve Base Dice and force). The adventurer is GRAPPLED and
Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). is stuck in the jaws of the troll.
3. TROLL THROW: The troll lifts an adven-
turer high in the air and throws her as
TROLL if she was a rag doll. Roll for an attack
using eight Base Dice and Weapon
Dirty and stinking trolls stalk through the wil- Damage 1 (blunt force). If hit, the ad-
derness and desolate lands. They crush and eat venturer lands prone at NEAR distance.


chapter 9
4. SWEEPING STRIKE: Using its long and 6. STINK BREATH: The troll clears its
knobby arms, the troll makes a sweep- throat with a thunderous sound,
ing attack, hitting all adventurers within and then vomits a cloud of bile and
ARM’S LENGTH. Roll for an attack using stinking marsh gas in the faces of the
eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 adventurers. Each adventurer within
(blunt force) against all victims. NEAR range suffers an attack using

5. GOOD BEATING: The troll grabs the near-

seven Base Dice, causing Doubt and
est adventurer and throws the victim Confusion instead of Damage. The
against one or two other adventurers attack can’t be DODGED, and armor
at a NEAR distance (if they are standing doesn’t protect.
near each other). The thrown victim
is subjected to an attack using eleven
Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt
force). If this attack hits, the other tar-
geted adventurer(s) are attacked with
eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1
(blunt force). Afterwards, all targets end
up prone.


The ghosts are the most powerful of all
spirits, and are often the remains of people
with strong souls or a formidable lust for re-
venge, whether justified or not. They mani-
fest themselves as immaterial shapes, often
shimmering with faintly glowing eyes, but
sometimes as black shadows floating towards
their victims. By touching an adventurer,
the ghost can cause hurt to both body and


PROTECTION: Ghosts are immaterial,
undead creatures and can only be hurt by
fire or magic. Even if a ghost is defeated,
it will only be banished for a Quarter of a
day, and will then return. The only way to
truly destroy a ghost is to use the BANISH
UNDEAD spell.


1. GHOST STRIKE: The ghost lunges at an
adventurer and strikes her with great
force. The victim suffers an attack
using eight Base Dice and Weapon
Damage 2 (blunt force). If hit, the vic-
tim is thrown to a NEAR distance and
ends up prone.
2. TOUCH OF DEATH: The ghost reaches 3. GHOST SCREAM: The undead face is
its almost transparent hand into the twisted into a horrible grimace, and
chest of an adventurer, letting the the ghost emits a scream that freezes
cold of death surround her heart. The the souls of any adventurers within
victim suffers an attack using ten NEAR distance. The attack uses six
Base Dice, causing Doubt instead of Base Dice and cause Doubt instead of
Damage. It is not possible to DODGE Damage. It is not possible to DODGE
the attack and armor doesn’t provide the attack and armor doesn’t provide
any protection. any protection.


chapter 9
4. GAZE OF DEATH: The ghost towers
above its victim, staring with dead HARPY
eyes straight into her soul. The adven-
Harpies are demon-tainted creatures, an un-
turer sees her life pass before her eyes
and is reminded of all her dead friends holy mix of human and bird. They are noisy,
and enemies in a grotesque vision. unpleasant and mean. They are also intelligent
The victim suffers an attack using ten and may well negotiate with and trick their vic-
Base Dice, causing Doubt instead of tims instead of attacking them directly. This
Damage. The adventurer then falls to
happens particularly when they are not sure
the ground. It isn’t possible to DODGE
the attack and armor doesn’t provide they can kill their victims.
any protection.
5. GHOSTLY HUG: The ghost emits an un- STRENGTH 8-12, AGILITY 4, WITS 4, EMPATHY 3
natural wheezing sound and engulfs MOVEMENT RATE: 2
its victim in a twisted embrace of
death, intended to quell the victim’s PROTECTION: 0
life spirit. The victim suffers an attack FLOCK: Harpies never fight on their own,
using ten Base Dice and Weapon always attacking in flocks, and a flock of
Damage 2 (blunt force). The victim harpies counts as a single monster. The
also suffers Doubt equal to half the Strength of the flock varies, depending on
Damage inflicted (rounded down). the number of individuals.
6. COLD STRIKE: The ghost grabs a victim COWARDLY: Harpies are cowardly creatures
and lets its icy chill of death stream and never fight until death. When the
into the victim’s body. The attack uses Strength of the flock has been halved, the
twelve Base Dice (Weapon Damage 1). harpies automatically FLEE from the fight
If the victim is hit, it will also becomes (page xx in the Players’ Handbook). They
COLD (page xx in the Players’ Handbook). may return at a later time.


1. THREATENING CACKLE: The harpies their cloaca and mouths and release
shower the adventurers with terrible a rain of vomit and excrement on the
descriptions of what they will do to adventurers from a height. All victims
them. Tearing off limbs, devouring eyes, within NEAR range suffer an attack
and ripping the tongues out of their using seven Base Dice, causing Doubt
mouths are just the beginning. The and Confusion instead of Damage. The
madness this causes is impossible to attack can be PARRIED with a shield.
avoid and all adventurers within NEAR
range suffer an attack using five Base
Dice, causing Doubt instead of Damage.
It isn’t possible to DODGE the attack and
armor doesn’t provide any protection. This dreaded demon-tainted creature hunts
2. DEATH FROM ABOVE: The harpies flock for prey from high mountain tops or in ruins.
together and attack the adventurer It has the body of a large feline, the head of a
who is wearing or carrying the most bird of prey and a pair of magnificent wings.
metal. Roll a number of Base Dice The gray and brown feathers on the back and
equal to the current Strength of the
the flanks allow it to blend in with its sur-
flock. The attack has Weapon Damage
1 (slash wound). If it hits, the harpies roundings. The gryphon hunts by diving on its
then lift the unfortunate victim 2D6 victims, grabbing them, then flying away and
meters into the air and drop her, dropping them from above. Gryphon chicks
where she lands prone and takes fall- caught when they are young can be tamed and
ing damage (page xx).
used as steeds.
3. RAIN OF ROCKS: The harpies throw rocks
and other scrap items from a distance.
All victims in NEAR range (in the same STRENGTH 8, AGILITY 5
zone) suffer an attack using four Base MOVEMENT RATE: 3
Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force).
4. EYE GOUGE: The creatures focus on
an unfortunate adventurer and try to MONSTER ATTACKS D6:
tear her eyes out using their sharp 1. CLAW STRIKE: The gryphon uses its
claws. The attack uses eight Base Dice very sharp claws to tear at an adven-
and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound). turer. Roll for an attack using eight
If the victim takes Damage, she imme- Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2
diately also suffers the critical injury (slash wound).
“severed eye” (41-42 on the table for
2. CLAW FLURRY: The gryphon rears up
critical injuries from stab wounds).
in front of an adventurer and quickly
5. MASS ATTACK: The harpies split up tears at her. Roll for three attacks in
and attack a number of adventur- sequence, using six Base Dice for each
ers within NEAR range equal to the and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound).
current Strength of the pack, divided The attacks can be PARRIED, but only
by two (round down). Each attack uses one at a time.
six Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1
(slash wound).


chapter 9
3. SWEEPING ATTACK: The gryphon flies 5. WHIRLWIND STRIKE: The gryphon uses
in with its forelegs extended, sweep- its powerful wings to create a whirlwind
ing in a wide arc. All adventurers knocking all adventurers within NEAR
within ARM’S LENGTH are attacked range to the ground. Roll for the attack
using six Base Dice and Weapon using three Base Dice against all victims
Damage 2 (slash wound). Adventur- (Weapon Damage 1). Anyone hit by the
ers who are hit are also knocked to attack is also knocked to the ground. It
the ground. isn’t possible to DODGE the attack.
4. GRYPHON THROW: The beast uses 6. DROPPED FROM ON HIGH: The creature
its beak to get a good grip on an grabs one of the adventurers in its
adventurer and throws her into the claws and takes off for the sky. Roll for
air with a quick flip of the beak. Roll the attack using eight Base Dice. If the
for an attack using ten Base Dice attack is successful, the gryphon grabs
(Weapon Damage 1). If hit, the victim the victim, and takes off (to SHORT
lands prone at NEAR range from the range). At the start of the next round
gryphon. the gryphon releases the victim, who
takes Damage from a height of 20 me-
ters (page xx in the Players’ Handbook).


3. PUSH OF DEATH: The knight raises one
DEATH KNIGHT hand in a spiteful gesture. One of
the adventurers within NEAR range is
What was once a mighty warrior is now just a
thrown into the air and lands noisily
dark shadow of its former self. A death knight at SHORT distance away. The attack
is someone who died violently in battle, but has uses eight Base Dice and Weapon
not yet come to grips with their destiny and is Damage 2.
forever doomed to roam the world. The knight 4. SWEEPING ATTACK: The knight makes
usually wears the same armor he died in and is a deadly wide swing with his weapon.
armed with his trusty weapon that served him
All adventurers at ARM’S LENGTH each
suffer an attack using eight Base Dice
well in life. The death knight is a grotesque
and Damage according to the weapon.
caricature of a once living human. The attack can be PARRIED.
5. PARALYZING CHILL: One of the un-
STRENGTH 8, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2 fortunate adventurers finds herself
PROTECTION: Nothing except armor, but suddenly staring directly into the
only takes half Damage from physical gruesome eyes of the knight and
weapons (round up). Magical weapons and at the same time, a hissing sound
fire do normal Damage. emanates from its throat. The attack
is treated like a paralyzing poison with
TYPICAL GEAR: Longsword, chainmail a strength of 8 (page xx of the Players’

1. DEATHLY STRIKE: The death knight

6. VISIONS OF DEATH: The knight drops to
swings his weapon in icy silence in a his knees and gestures at the ground.
terrible attack against an adventurer. The next instant, a temporary portal
The knight attacks using twelve Base to the realm of the dead is opened
Dice and Weapon Damage according and all of the adventures within NEAR
to the weapon. If the attack causes range (the same zone) are attacked by
Damage, the victim is also thrown to a number of ghosts, tearing at them
NEAR range from the death knight and desperately shouting their names.
and knocked to the ground. This at- Everyone suffers an attack using ten
tack can be PARRIED. Base Dice, causing Doubt instead of
Damage. It isn’t possible to DODGE the
2. UNHOLY SCREAM: The rotten skull of attack and armor doesn’t provide any
the knight is twisted in a terrible protection.
grimace and from the dead throat,
an inhumanly horrible scream erupts,
cutting like a rusty knife through the
souls of the adventurers. All with-
in NEAR proximity suffer an attack ANIMALS
using seven Base Dice, causing Doubt Ordinary animals are not monsters in a tech-
instead of Damage. It isn’t possible to nical sense. Animals usually lack Wits and
DODGE the attack and armor doesn’t
Empathy. You can’t MANIPULATE animals
provide any protection.
and they can’t suffer Confusion or Doubt. A


chapter 9
Raven 1 3 Move 3 2 Beak 1
Cat 1 5 Move 4 1 Claw 1
Fox 2 4 Move 2, Melee 2 1 Bite 2
Wild 4 2 Melee 3 1 Tusks 2
Deer 3 4 Move 4 2 Horn 1
Wolf 4 4 Move 3, Melee 3 2 Bite 2
Bear 6 2 Melee 3 1 Paw 2

The Forbidden Lands contain several human-
oid races besides humans. These will be de-
scribed in full in the complete game. Here is a
small selection. Humanoid NPCs are handled
just like PCs in combat.

number of common animals are described in GOBLIN

the table below. The Movement column indi- Short creatures with big ears, thin faces and
cates the Movement Rate of the animal (page sharp teeth. Goblins live in nomadic groups
xx of the Players’ Handbook). Attack denotes as hunters and gatherers in the woods. They
the most common natural attack and its Weap- often breed wolves as steeds and are mobile
on Damage. Natural attacks do not grant any and efficient hunters. Goblins are known for
Weapon Bonus. their cunning and adaptability, and they are
often employed by orcs or humans as track-
ANIMALS IN COMBAT: Animals are usually ers, messengers, or hunters. Goblins have
controlled by the GM, and in combat they good night vision, while strong sunlight
are generally handled like humanoid NPCs. hurts their eyes. For this reason, they are
The difference is that broken animals are mainly active during the night.
treated as dead or dying. Don’t roll for criti-
cal injuries. STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2


When humans invaded Ravenland, the orcs
were sent out to fight the new enemies. They
fought furiously and held out for a long time,
but lost when the humans took to using magic
and sent horrible demons against the orcs.


SKILLS: Melee 3, Might 2, Endurance 2,
Survival 1
TYPICAL GEAR: Scimitar, studded leather

SKILLS: Move 3, Melee 2, Marksmanship 2,

Insight 2, Animal handling 2, Survival 1
TYPICAL GEAR: Short bow or sling, short
swords, leather armor

According to myth, the god Clay created the
orcs as servants and soldiers for the elves and OGRE
dwarves. Some believe, however, that they al- The ogres of Ravenland are crossbreeds between
ready existed as one of the original kin, which dwarves and humans. In what might be seen as
were enslaved when the land was divided. a strange joke by the gods, the offspring are very
Dwarves and elves regard the orcs as stunted, large, forcing them to leave the dwarf caves for
ugly and stupid because they were only created a life on the rocky plains of Feulenmark. Here,
for their work capacity. they have evolved into their own kin, living in


chapter 9
SKILLS: Melee 4, Might 4, Insight 2
PROTECTION: 1 (skin), possibly armor
TYPICAL GEAR: Large club, loin cloth

Skeletons are the bony remains of humanoid
creatures, awakened to undead life because of
foul burial grounds, curses, or by necromancers
(see Chapter 6 of the Players’ Handbook). Skele-
tons vary greatly in looks and game statistics. A
typical human skeleton is described below.

SKILLS: Melee 3
GEAR: Rusty broadsword, studded leather
or chainmail, closed helmet
BONY: POINTED weapons cause half the
Damage to a skeleton (round down). Other
simple huts, caves and earthen dwellings, and weapons cause normal Damage.
no longer recognizing their heritage.
Most of the ogres are quick to laughter,
often at someone else’s expense, and live ac-
cording to their own urges. They lack the de-
sire to conquer lands or earn respect, except
from their own people. Ogres enjoy loud mu-
sic, when they howl and hammer on various
items, especially during thunderstorms. They
adorn themselves with rough knick-knacks and
dress in clothes of uncured skins, blackened
over open fires and roughly cut. Big ears and
big noses will bring respect and ogres often
press metal through these body parts in order
to stretch them and make them heavier. They
also scar their limbs in various patterns using
hot irons.



his chapter contains random encoun- ers disturb the ents. If they do so, the elves will
ters that the GM can throw at the ad- speak up: “Be gone, cursed meat bags!” The
venturers during journeys (see Chapter elves aren’t many but if there is a fight, the ents
7). This is only a small selection of the random will lay down their burden and join the fray.
encounters available, as the finished Forbidden They will not kill anyone if it can be avoided,
Lands game will contain a greater number of


Something very large is approaching, giving off a The adventurers generally have a
sound you have never heard before. Dull, drawn- chance to spot a threat from an
out horn signals are shaking the very air. Creak- encounter before it’s upon them.
ing and snapping sounds create a rhythm around During journeys, the adventurer
howls cutting the air in plaintive cascades. After who KEEPS WATCH gets to make a
a while five walking trees appear, carrying a sixth SCOUTING roll (a straight roll, not

between them. They take one step, sound off, take opposed). If successful, the look-
a few more steps, halt and then sound off again in out spots the threat in time to
a slow procession. avoid it. To avoid the threat, the
adventurers must make a group
The ents are carrying a dead relative towards SNEAK roll, generally an opposed

the silent mist in a burial procession. The elf roll. If it fails, they are spotted.
ruby heart of the dead ent is still in place, but For encounters without any
the creature has asked to be rid of its tree body immediate threat, the lookout
and mounted as a ruby in the memorial wall doesn’t need to make a SCOUTING
of Rosenstaad. If the ents are in an odd loca- roll to spot it. Other exceptions
tion or region, perhaps they are carrying the to the above guidelines are
dead ent to a place it always wanted to see. A few detailed under the entry for each
elves are escorting the procession, but will not encounter below.
make themselves known unless the adventur-


chapter 10
D6 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLAINS The Ruins The Final The Blood The Duel Teramalda
of Old Rest Mist Restless in the
Dead Woods
FOREST Burial Pro- Duel The The Orcish The The
cession in the Hungry Fugitive Massacre Restless
Woods Robbers Lure Dead
DARK The The Long The Burial Pro- The Blood The Sleepy
FOREST Forgotten Lost Orcish cession Mist Troll
Prince Home Fugitive
HILLS The Ruins The The The Hungry The Death
of Old Forgotten Sleepy Robbers Harpies’ From
Prince Troll Feast Above
MOUN- The Ruins The The The Cursed The The Sleepy
TAINS of Old Forgotten Stone Ogre Minotaur’s Troll
Prince Singers Lament
LAKE The Ruins Death The Death
The Blood The Har-
of Old From Stow- From
Mist pies’ Feast
Above away Below
MARSH- The Ruins The The The
LAND The Rustle The Har-
of Old Forgotten Lizard Vengeful
of Bones pies’ Feast
Prince Hunters Spirit
QUAG- The Ruins The The The The
MIRE The Lizard
of Old Plague Hungry Minotaur’s Vengeful
Brother Robbers Lament Spirit
RUINS The Ruins The Ruins The Final The Rustle The Blood The
of Old of Old Rest of Bones Mist Vengeful

but will smash gear and break a few limbs just DEATH FROM ABOVE
to make a statement. You hear a chilling scream in the air, and the next
If the adventurers don’t disturb the proces- moment, the sound of heavy wing beats. Then you
sion, they will be left alone. An ent may even see it. A huge, demon bird is descending from the
leave the procession, bow to the adventurers, clouds. It turns and wheels in the air and dives,
and bestow a gift: a fruit or a nut from the dead targeting your party.
ent, or something more useful.


The adventurers have suddenly traveled into the vessel, preparing to take it beneath the water’s
the territory of a gryphon. Initially, it will surface. The monster beneath obviously doesn’t
try to scare the adventurers and assess their want you to travel in peace.
strength. If the adventurers flee the way they
came, the gryphon will circle above but will A giant octopus is attacking the vessel us-
let them escape. If they attack the gryphon or ing D6 tentacles. When the adventurers have
continue on their way through its territory, it chopped off half of the tentacles, the monster
will fight unto death. sinks back into the depths.
Read more about gryphons on page XX. Each tentacle has Strength 4. Each ten-
tacle makes one attack per round, using six
Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt
DEATH FROM BELOW force). Any adventurer who is hit is automati-
Suddenly, it seems like the water around your cally GR APPLED and is dragged overboard into
vessel has started to boil. Something is moving the depths. Each round under water the vic-
below, something big. The next moment, the ship tim must make an ENDUR ANCE roll to hold
tilts over due to a hit from below, and you nearly her breath. If the roll fails, the victim starts
fall into the water. After that, everything hap- to drown and will take one point of Damage
pens fast. At first one, then two, and then three each turn dying when her Strength reaches
giant tentacles rise up from both sides. They grip zero.


chapter 10
The lookout gets a -2 penalty to spot this hitting each other. Occasionally they stop in order
threat in time. If successful, the skipper can to hurl insults at one another.
make a roll for SURVIVAL modified by the
SAILOR talent to get away before the giant The elf Heldemin, a wandering sap carver, has
squid attacks. long tried to approach the orc clan of Roka
to study their customs and try to understand
them. She then became acquainted with the
DUEL IN THE WOODS orc smith Alachran. When she discovered his
You hear the sounds of battle and a violent bellow- great singing voice, she got the idea of putting
ing mixed with battle songs and cries. Further on a dramatic theatrical scene with him, per-
along the road, an orc is dueling with a tattooed forming both among the orcs and the elves. As
elf. They lunge at each other and parry without their friendship is rather controversial, they
practice far away in the forest.

REOCCURING ENCOUNTERS The smell of burning meat reaches your noses, and
Sooner or later, you will roll at the same time you hear heavy footsteps. Some-
an encounter that you have thing is making its way through the greenery. The
already rolled before. When this creature is making a terrible racket, squeaking
happens, choose one of the and clattering. The very ground is shaking. As it
options below: emerges from the greenery in front of you, stands
✥✥ Continue the encounter. a massive knight, completely covered by ancient,
The adventurers meet the rusty black armor. The breastplate has a sign
same people or creature hammered into it. In its hands the creature is car-
again. How this encounter rying a sword, brown hued with dried blood.
unfolds depends to a large
extent on whether they The walking armor is the strange undead
parted as friends of foes creature Teramalda, who wanders through
last time. the Forbidden Lands looking for revenge
✥✥ Change the encounter. The ever since the dwarves burned her alive in her
adventurers meet a similar armor 350 years ago. The Rust Brothers re-
creature or person, but it’s gard her as the champion of their god Rust,
different in some way. It as the breastplate carries the sign of their
can be friendly instead of god, and she primarily kills dwarves. She is
hostile, or vice versa. practically invulnerable and will not answer
✥✥ Re-roll. if spoken to. Meeting Teramalda will be dif-
ferent each time:


FIRST MEETING: Teramalda will just stand and slowly flowing above the ground towards you.
look at the adventurers for a while until she de- The Blood Mist.
cides that they are not interesting enough. She
then turns and walks away. If the GM wants The adventurers have walked into a pocket of
to make the party a bit nervous, she can follow living Blood Mist. It comes from everywhere
them for a day to be certain. If the adventurers and forms a ring around the party. If the look-
attack her, go directly to the third meeting. out spots it in time, the adventurers can each
make a MOVE roll to get away by climbing a tree
SECOND MEETING: Teramalda will attack any or some similar. If the lookout fails the roll,
dwarves in the party, but will ignore everyone the adventurer is caught in the Blood Mist.
else. If the adventurer can make the MOVE roll but
fails, the adventurer is also stuck in the Blood
THIRD MEETING: Teramalda classifies the ad- Mist. Either way, the adventurer can make
venturers as enemies, ripe for revenge, and will another MOVE roll each turn to escape.
attack them. She will not pursue them if they An adventurer engulfed by the Blood Mist
flee. must make an INSIGHT roll each turn. Failure
means that the adventurer suffers one point
FOURTH MEETING: Teramalda classifies the of Doubt and suffers intense feelings of home-
adventurers as arch-enemies, attacks and pur- sickness. If the victim is broken by Doubt, she
sues them. She walks slowly and can be heard loses her will to live and simply sits down to
some distance away, but will never give up. She die. The other adventurers must drag her to
will find her enemies as long as they carry any safety.
iron. If they avoid iron for half a year, she will
forget about them.
TERAMALDA “Toil ‘n’ trouble, trouble ‘n’ toil.” A deep, gut-
STRENGTH 14, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2 tural voice echoes across the land. The next mo-

Ruleswise, Teramalda is handled as a death ment, you see a large and muscular ogre drag-
knight, see page XX. ging a sack. Something is kicking inside the sack,
causing the ogre to bash the sack repeatedly. The
movements end immediately. “Shut up, you, I
It all happens almost imperceptibly. At first, all
sounds die down and the only thing that can be Kurge the ogre is on his way to his lair with
heard is your own small talk. Then you get the his latest captive. In the sack can be found the
feeling that the hair on the backs of your necks unfortunate Rust Brother Oker, who had in-
rises up, as if the air is filled with some strange voked the curse of the god Rust on Kurge. The
energy. Finally, you see it, the crimson mist, ogre hasn’t yet decided what to do with Oker,


chapter 10
but is considering something fun, like practic- THE HARPIES’ FEAST
ing stone throwing, or ripping his limbs from At first you hear the screams: “Giiiive meee!,”
his body. It all depends on Kurge’s mood. “Nooo, giiiive meee!,” “Nooo, I waaant to eeeat
Kurge has the typical game statistics of an the liiitle ones!” Then you spot three horrible crea-
ogre, as found on page XX. tures with eagle-like wings and twisted bodies,
swooping down upon you. Harpies!

THE FINAL REST The three starving harpies, Krag, Mag and
At first, you think they’re just ordinary rocks, but Serag, attack the adventurers so as to feast on
soon you realize that they are all placed in even their corpses. During the attack one of them
rows. Row upon row of roughly cut stones, all spots a shiny object carried by one of the ad-
with engraved signs, nearly worn by the ravages venturers and start to scream excitedly about
of time. You realize that you are standing in an “the treasure.” This presents an opportunity
ancient burial field. Who are buried here? for the adventurers to use the harpies’ greed
against them.
The graves are several hundred years old and This flock of harpies has a combined
contain decayed remains as well as rusty tools Strength of 9. Read more about harpies on
and weapons. page XX.


A large pile of heavy rocks, stacked one atop the oth- A group of unwashed humans, wearing worn
er in a monument that you recognize. Someone has clothes and all sorts of simple weapons, steps out
obviously spent a lot of effort building the cairn, and on the road. They are dirty and look like they
someone or something is buried beneath it. haven’t eaten properly for a number of days. A
large man with a black beard steps forward,
An Alderlander prince fell in battle hundreds spits, and puts his hand on his sword. “Wot man-
of years ago. The prince, whose name has long ner o’ dirt are ya? Wot are ya doin’ ’ere? Dont-
since been forgotten, was buried here beside his cha know who I am?”
horse and two loyal knights, all of whom per-
ished in the same battle. The grave contains a A group of starving robbers, equal in number
silver necklace (worth 2D6 silver coins), an old to the adventurers, led by Argam Twainbeard,
broadsword and a piece of rusty chainmail. If has fallen on hard times and is looking for loot
the adventurers decide to look for treasures, that would make them happy again. The rob-
the prince will wake from his slumber and at- bers are tired and can be talked into sharing
tack them as a death knight! their camp if the adventurers offer food and
Read more about death knights on page stories.


A group of lizard folk, equal in number to the
adventurers plus D6, come upon the adventur-
ers. They are hunting and armed with spears
and clubs. Sheeerz, the leader, lost his parents
to human hunters and thus hates all humans
(which the lizard folk regard as large pigs,
though they are unclear if humans are food or
otherwise useful), but they are not particularly
belligerent towards other races.



SKILLS: Stealth 2, Melee 2, Survival 2, Scout-
ing 2
PROTECTION: 4 (scales)
TYPICAL GEAR: Tridents or long spears



SKILLS: Stealth 2, Melee 3, Scouting 1,
Survival 2
PROTECTION: Leather armor
GEAR: Broadsword, hand axe or wooden
club, D6 copper


A strange clucking sound can be heard. It is echoed
by more clucking sounds from another direction.
And from a third direction. In the mist, you spot
a number of odd creatures moving towards you.
Grey-green scaly skin, sharp teeth and yellow eyes.
“Piiigs?” someone hisses. “Laaarge piiigiiies,”
from another hissing voice. “Biiig, uglyyy piiigs,
can youuu speeaak?”


chapter 10
THE MASSACRE LURE After the next bend in the road, you are met by
A terrible scene unfolds in front of you. A dozen a terrible scene: four soldiers lie slain in a violent
humansare crawling around with their innards battle and towering above the corpses is a bloody
spilled out, some still alive, soaked in blood. A cart and sobbing minotaur. The beast is leaning over
with merchandise is overturned. A few people are another minotaur, killed by about a dozen ar-
moaning, others screaming. A woman in chain- rows. The minotaur roars its sorrow towards the
mail is trying to lift a sword. When a comparatively sky. Then it turns towards you.
healthy young man sees you, he screams hysterically.
“Robbers! They took our horses. Do you have Kaun, the life partner of the minotaur Mar-
water? Is anyone a healer? No, brother, don’t fall kut, died in a fight against a group of soldiers
asleep!” from a nearby castle, led by a battle-scarred
soldier named Arren. Four survivors from the
The scene is, in fact, completely staged and no- patrol are currently hiding among the trees
one is hurt. A group of slavers have poured blood nearby. Markut will not rest until all of the
and intestines from animals on to and around soldiers are dead. Arren’s soldiers are deathly
themselves, hoping that the adventurers will ap- afraid of her, but also want to avenge their fall-
proach without their weapons drawn. The leader, en comrades and retake the banner lying on the
Harwa, has a bronze horn and when he blows on ground among the dead. The adventurers end
it, the entire group is meant to immediately leap up in the middle. Which side will they choose?
up and attack their “saviors.” Their goal is not
to kill, but to put the adventurers out of action THE SOLDIERS
using cudgels, and then sell them as slaves, pos- STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 2, EMPATHY 2
sibly at Grindbone village (see the Raven’s Purge SKILLS: Melee 2
campaign book). If anyone manages to flee, the
GEAR: Broadsword, small shield, studded
slavers will not pursue them, instead just pro- leather
ceeding to secure those they have caught.
SLAVERS Read more about minotaurs on page XX.
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 2, WITS 2, EMPATHY 2 Markut is armed with a two-handed axe.
SKILLS: Melee 2
GEAR: Wooden club or mace, leather armor,
D6 copper
At first you hear a guttural song, “Msshamassh, guk-
kull, gukkull,” and the sound of a drum beating out
the rhythm. Then you spot a group of orcs walking in
THE MINOTAUR’S LAMENT a chaotic procession, singing a hymn. In the middle of
A harrowing roar echoes throughout the land. It is the group, two of the orcs carry a huge wooden stick,
a howl filled with enormous anger – and sorrow. where a trussed-up orc hangs dangling and helpless.


A group of orcs, twice as many in number as plague. Largas managed to escape from his
there are adventurers, are on their way back to pursuers, but the infection had taken hold.
their clan with the fugitive Sargah, who ran The plague eventually ran its course, and he
away to seek his own destiny in the Forbidden died at this spot, suffering from intense pain.
Lands. The orcs have typical game statistics as Any adventurer who touches the corpse
found on page XX. will be infected, but the disease is now a lot
weaker, with a Virulence rating of 3. During
the course of the infection the victim will ex-
THE PLAGUE BROTHER perience strong hallucinations, seeing twisted
You find the decayed remains of an unfortunate demons instead of people. The corpse also has
wanderer in front of you. The ravens and wild a simple bronze medallion with the sigil of the
animals have already done their part and the Rust Brothers.
body is just about hacked to pieces.

The dead man was a Rust Brother who fell into THE RESTLESS DEAD
disfavor and was subjected to a cruel experi- A company of jesters are traveling along the road,
ment by his master. His name was Largas and some on foot and others riding in carts. Many of
he was intentionally infected with a demonic them are gaudily painted and dressed in comical
garb, although this place in the wilderness is not
exactly the ideal location for a performance. The
men and women escorting the troupe on horseback
greet you in a tense manner. None of them are
wearing make-up or body paint.

A closer look reveals the jesters to be strangely

apathetic, as well as looking old and smelling
badly. If asked to perform, they can’t reply,
can’t juggle even with a single ball, and their
body parts fall off at even the simplest attempt
at acrobatics. The jesters are really painted,
restless dead (page xx), that the villagers have
collected and are secretly herding to a safe
place, where the Rust Brothers will not be able
to find them.
A troop of Iron Guards (page xx) are track-
ing them and will reach the company moments
after the encounter with the adventurers. Cap-
tain Holmar is in a good mood, playing along,


chapter 10
demanding a performance for himself and THE RUSTLE OF BONES
his soldiers. After a while, Holmar drops his They appear without warning. A group of once
facade. The dead are to be moved to the clos- proud human warriors. Now they are nothing
est Rust Brothers temple to be re-educated as but crumbling skeletons, which for some reason
servants and soldiers, while the escort is to be have been given unholy life. They are totally silent,
arrested for blasphemous disobedience. The ad- but when they start to move you hear the dry sound
venturers can help the townsfolk, or just go on of centuries-old bones, creaking against each oth-
their way. If the adventurers meet the troupe er. The grinning skulls of the skeletons open their
again, the undead jesters are being herded jaws when they attack, emitting a silent scream.
along with prods.
D8 skeletons attack the adventurers without
warning. They fight to the last man, but are
THE RUINS OF OLD not particularly fast and it is fairly easy to run
You see before you the broken remains of what was away from them, although the skeletons will
once a building, a civilized outpost in the wilds. pursue the adventurers as long as they are in
Now nature has reclaimed the place and every- sight.
thing that remains are but fallen remnants and The attackers have game statistics like typ-
memories lost in the mist of history. ical skeletons, see page XX.

The adventurers have found a ruin that is

suitable as a safe place to make camp. In order THE SLEEPY TROLL
to decide the type of ruin and who once lived A terrible roar shatters the silence of the land.
here, you should roll D8 on the table below. Then you notice the stench. In front of you, the
rocks of the mountain appear to have come alive.
1. A residence, an old couple. A huge, gray, mottled form emerges from the side

2. A mill, the miller is buried next to it. of the mountain, staring at you with cold, yellow
eyes. Heavy rocky arms are raised in the air, and
3. A guard post, a dead scout can be
found. you hear another roar. “Who arrre you, little
creeeeps disturbing Karrrg?”
4. A temple, murdered raven sisters.
5. A mansion, a rich merchant who died a
The adventurers have, unwittingly, walked
long time ago.
right onto the lair of the mountain troll Karg
6. A tower, a lost sorcerer.
and have wakened him from his deep slumber.
7. An outpost, once manned by Alder- Karg is in a really bad mood in the mornings,
lander soldiers.
and will not let the adventurers pass through
8. An inn, travelers before the Blood unless they have a gift for him (he is really fond
of shiny things), or if they treat him to a din-
ner consisting of one of the juicy goblins found


in the area. Karg will also consider eating one tain Sertold may even consider treating them
of the adventurers or his or her horse, in ex- to dinner in his cabin if they would like to stay
change for safe passage. for the night.
You can read more about trolls on page XX. What Sertold doesn’t know is that the
Moon Apple has a stowaway in the form of
the goblin Meroggha. He is on the run from
THE STONE SINGERS his brutal brother, who happens to be a local
A strange, gigantic and weather-beaten structure clan leader. When the adventurers continue on
rises from the landscape. It glistens vaguely, as if their journey, the goblin has snuck onto their
made of metal mixed with stone. The construction own boat.
is not a building and doesn’t serve any purpose you
can imagine. Next to it is a group of dwarves, busy
with measuring tools and maps. You are spotted by THE VENGEFUL SPIRIT
an armored guard with an axe who points at you. Quiet! Can you hear it? A scream? A voice? You
look at each other, but the landscape is desert-
Dwarves from the clan of Belderan (xx) have re- ed. Then suddenly, you feel an ice-cold wind
sumed the task of extending the world globe, a blowing through your souls. A gray, shimmering
work that has been dormant because of the wars shape forms in the middle of your party, with
and the Blood Mist. At the moment, they are a once human face twisted in an unnatural
checking the conditions of the old bolts. The scream. You have heard the stories around the
group is led by the stone singer Porisia Silver- campfires before. A lost soul, a spirit unable to
throat and is accompanied by a few soldiers act- come to rest.
ing as guards. Porisia is enthusiastic and will
happily talk about the work to honor the dwar- The adventurers meet the ghost of the long
ven god Huge. dead Alderlander commander Garmagol.
During a campaign four hundred years ago, he
was lured into a trap by his war-weary men and
THE STOWAWAY murdered by his own troops. Since then, Gar-
A shiny white sail can be seen, and then another. magol has wandered the land seeking revenge.
In front of you, a bulky wooden ship appears on the As the Alderlander soldiers are long gone,
lake. You spot a half dozen people at work on the anyone with a weapon is fair game. If the ad-
deck. One of them waves at you with his hat. venturers are observant, they can see that the
ghost has a shimmering dagger stuck between
The merchant cog Moon Apple is sailing with his shoulder blades. The adventurers might be
a cargo of spices, meat and various merchan- able to reason with the ghost if they talk about
dise to a village on the other side of the lake. the dagger and Garmagol’s death.
The sailors are bored and will happily trade The ghost cannot be avoided by KEEPING

stories and goods with the adventurers. Cap- WATCH. Read more about ghosts on page XX.


chapter 10

Fog drifts like shredded souls through the windswept After some time, she tired of the regent’s cold
mountain pass you traverse. As the fog disperses for a embrace and appointed Algarod guardian of the
moment, you see the crumbling stronghold Weather- abandoned stronghold Weatherstone, where Zy-
stone rise against the northern side of the mountain gofer had set up a field laboratory for his exper-
pass, surrounded by a moat filled with muddy wa- iments. The remaining war chest of the Alder-
ter. The landscape is barren, only thorny bushes and landers was hidden in the stronghold’s dungeons
sharp grass survive in these lands. It is quiet, apart close to the laboratory, as a reserve.
from singing and strange animal sounds the likes of Today the hold is no longer used by the
which you have never heard before. Naked bones mighty sorcerer, and his experiments lie aban-
from horses and humans are strewn along the road doned in the hold’s subterranean chambers. The
closest to the stronghold. A fire burns in the watch- undead king and his soldiers are at last free from
tower in front of the stronghold and the smell of food their eternal guard duty and are allowed to rest
drifts on the wind. in the embrace of death. But the curse is not ful-
ly lifted, as every full moon the undead rise and
resume their duty as if nothing ever happened.
The demonic creatures in the laboratory
BACKGROUND broke loose a long time ago. Zygofer, in his
Since Algarod’s army was defeated in the year new bestial form called Zytera (more on that in
874, Zygofer’s daughter, Therania, has brought the Raven’s Purge campaign book), lets them
the king and a host of his men back to unlife. guard Algarod’s war chest since it is of no use


chapter 11
right now. The laboratory was primitive to The watchtower’s withered and cracked
begin with and its creatures disposable from a stones are overgrown with rust-colored, de-
scientific point of view. monic vines, escaped from Zytera’s labora-
tory. The plant looks very unpleasant with
their small, finger-like outgrowths, but they
are completely harmless. However, they do
LEGEND emit horrible screams from their pores if
Ten generations before our time, the cruel king branches are broken off or cut. This noise is
Algarod declared that Alderland had become audible across the entire valley and puts ev-
overcrowded. He sought to expand his kingdom by eryone on edge. Any parts of the plants that
leading an army across the mountains to Raven- are removed decay to mush within a minute
land, where he fell in battle against the demonic or so.
hordes of the sorcerer Zygofer. As he was lost, The old bard, Dalb, has struck camp in the
so too was the sceptre Nekhaka, rumored to be tower and is in the midst of cooking a rabbit over
the source of his power. However, the will of the the fire. He invites the adventurers to eat with
king burned so fiercely that he refused to die and him around the fire. After the meal, he lights
for ages stood watch in the stronghold of Weath- his pipe and tells them the legend of Weather-
erstone. Legend has it that Algarod will march stone (see above). After which he continues:
again one day, to retrieve the spire of Nekhaka
and complete his conquest of Ravenland. But the You are not the first to ask about Weatherstone this
curse was suddenly broken and the undead king evening. Esgar Farthing and his men shared these
and his men finally went to their final rest. There very quarters just recently. They seek the weapon
are whispers that Algarod’s war chest remains in of king Algarod, the mighty sword Rustbite. Esgar
Weatherstone, forever guarded by evil spirits and is an impatient man and they left for the strong-
the beasts of the sorcerer. hold immediately. But there is something I never
told them, something that you fellows might find
of interest…

Dalb inhales deeply from the pipe and looks at

LOCATIONS the adventurers over the crackling fire.
Major locations at the castle are described below.
The undead lie in eternal rest, but Weatherstone
is still a dangerous place. In the cellar lurks an
1. WATCHTOWER unholy beast. A creature so vile that it can rip the
The ragged watchtower stands like a newborn next limbs of a full-grown man. But there is a way to
to the stronghold ruin on the cliff behind it. Vines slay it: with the sword of king Algarod. Find the
cling to its withered walls. Trails of smoke rise from sword and you can kill the beast. Kill the beast and
the caved-in roof. Someone has a fire going. treasure awaits. Simple, no?


The drawbridge to the main gate has rotted
through and fallen into the moat. The water is
WHO IS DALB? cloudy and foul-smelling. Unknown creatures
The Bard who calls himself move in the depths, sending ripples through the
Dalb is in reality the demon algae on the surface.
Merigall. He is allied with the
sorcerer Zytera and looks A muddy moat runs around Weatherstone
upon the Forbidden Lands into which a foul creature from the laboratory
as his playground, where he has escaped. The drawbridge has collapsed, so
performs more or less cruel access to the castle must be gained elsewhere.
pranks on the simple inhab- Nearby, there is a cache of half-rotten timber
itants. The tale that Dalb/ that can be used to create a makeshift bridge
Merigall tells the adventurers or raft to cross the moat (to do this the skill
is largely true. Esgar Farthing CRAFT can come in handy). Another option
and his men are indeed en- is to simply wade or swim through the moat.
tering the stronghold. There In any case, the adventurers might encounter
is a demon beast in the cellar. problems in the form of the hungry creature
King Algarod’s sword Rustbite (see The Moat under Events below).
is indeed magical. But the
sword is also the very item
that is the key to the dormant 3. THE HOUSE OF KNIGHTS
curse over Algarod and his You reach a gloomy hall, once a place for sump-
undead men. Whoever touch- tuous feasts. Now it is only home to death and
es the sword activates the decay. The remains of rotting flesh and moldy
curse once again, and wakes tapestries spread an odor thick enough to make
the king and his soldiers from any living visitor gag. In old wooden chairs and
their rest. on the cold stone floor are the remains of what
Dalb/Merigall has no once must have been the king’s Alderlander sol-
further role in this adventure. diers. It is as if they had fallen during a final
He will leave the tower before supper.
the adventurers exit Weath-
erstone. But this won’t be A large, somewhat intact house close to the
the last time that he crosses gate contains the main feast hall, an audi-
path with the adventurers. ence hall, guest quarters, kitchen and ser-
More about that in the Raven’s vant’s quarters. The soldiers’ corpses still
Purge campaign book. have flesh on them, but they are almost


chapter 11
the yawning portal into the eastern half of the
stronghold is five meters away.
Where once silence reigned, now a A deep ravine splits Weatherstone into western
macabre feast is taking place. Two and eastern parts. Two drawbridges could be
dozen undead soldiers are at the found at here (at areas 4 and 7 on the map).
tables. The food on the tables are The lower bridge has rotted through, fallen
rocks and the liquid in whatever jugs away, and left a gap of about five meters. A
remain whole has been scooped up single rusty chain remains. Since the ravine
directly from the moat. The guests was used as a dump site for the laboratory, it
move slowly, only emitting a rustling is slowly filling up with all sorts of semi-living
like thousands of rats running across debris that may very well be aggressive.
dry leaves. At the bottom of the ravine there’s a cave
that was used as a wagon house. The shells of a
couple of wagons still remain. There are locked
chests emblazoned with the heraldry of Alder-
✥✥ CREATURES: Around one hundred un- land on the wagons, but the chests are empty
dead, most of them peaceful, walk around aside from a few coins and the excrement of har-
here. Some of them not so peaceful, how- pies. The harpies up in the Theater Tower hid
ever, and might challenge any newcomer most of the coins in a crevice close to their nest
to a duel, etc. Most of them believe they a long time ago and also put some in a catapult.
are still alive. If the alarm bell on top The bell that can be rung to gain access can
of the tower rings, all the undead in the be found in the muck directly under the draw-
stronghold will be hostile to any strangers bridge (see area 7 on the map).
and suddenly become more active.
✥✥ TREASURE: In the mess, there are D6 sil- ✥✥ TREASURE: D6 copper coins and D6 silver
ver jugs worth D6 silver coins each. If the coins in the chests at the bottom of the
undead are awake, the jugs have owners ravine.
that are unwilling to part with them.

4. THE RAVINE A stench of rot and sharp elixirs rolls out of this
It’s as if the axe of a giant has cleft both the strong- area. These chambers were grand once – the re-
hold and the rock in two, and left a deep, infected mains of silk and old portraits that haven’t been
wound from which the sound and stench of the torn down still hang on the walls. Now the rooms
mountain’s death rattle rises. A single chain spans are filled with cauldrons, pools, broken pottery,
the darkness of the ravine, and it is obvious there dissection tables and other items and things. Ev-
used to be a bridge here. The opposite wall with erything is covered with dust, but to your horror,





chapter 11



you realize the body parts of animals and humans pered and will attack or play horrid games with
that have been nailed to the walls seem to have the guests if they appear to be too strong to
been alive up until recently. Something is moving fight. A terrace on the outside of the tower with
in the debris. a balustrade and a gorgeous view can be reached
from the top tiers of the galleries. The harpies
The lord of the stronghold lived in the building have hidden most of what remains of Algarod’s
beyond the ravine, along with his family and his war chest in a crevice on the eastern side of the
closest knights. Zygofer used the buildings as a mountain below the terrace. The coins are loose
laboratory until the stronghold was abandoned. or kept in ragged linen bags from the chests.
If you know where the treasure is, it can be
✥✥ CREATURES: An incomplete hybrid of reached by climbing down on a rope. A small
human, scorpion, and lion is crawling number of coins are loaded in the still func-
around, looking for its missing parts. It tioning catapult on the terrace, which is primed
is very aggressive and wants to take parts and aimed over the edge of the cliff to the east.
from any intruders. The GM can add The catapult seems to be loaded with coins,
more demonic creatures as he sees fit. but underneath the top layer is crushed pyrite
✥✥ TREASURE: D6 urns containing weird - a substance that appears to be metallic from
experiments (body parts, eyes, a brain, a distance. If some intrepid treasure hunter
a strange insect). Worth D6 silver coins approaches, the harpies will fire the catapult,
apiece to the right death magician. scattering the coins across the landscape unless
they get what they want (see Events). There are
three skeletons in the harpies’ nest from infants
they have stolen from some village, along with
6. THE THEATER TOWER AND a few improvised toys and the remains of rats
THE NEST OF THE HARPIES they attempted to feed the children with.
The roof has collapsed in on a theater whose gal-
leries climbed the inner walls of the tower. A ✥✥ TREASURE: In the catapult there are 2D6
handful of large, flying creatures screech close to copper coins and D6 silver coins.
the ceiling as soon as you step inside. The silhou- At the bottom of the crevasse is what
ettes of their winged bodies can be seen against the remains of the Alderlander war chest: 5D6
open sky above. The central stage of the tower is copper coins, 4D6 silver coins and 2D6
smeared with excrement and covered with the gold coins.
rancid remains of the creatures’ feasts.

The Theater Tower, where plays and fencing 7. DRAWBRIDGE

shows were put on for the amusement of the A drawbridge has been raised on the other side of
guests, has been taken over by six harpies grown the ravine. It is in better condition than the rest of
in the laboratory. The creatures are short-tem- the stronghold.


chapter 11
The upper drawbridge to the king’s tower re- slits that direct towards the lower parts of the
mains, but it is raised on the far side. stronghold.

✥✥ TREASURE: None, but there are plenty of

rusty weapons.
The undead guardsmen will lower
the drawbridge if the bell that could
once be found on the east side of WHEN THE UNDEAD AWAKE
the ravine is tolled. However, it has The cacophony of a score of undead
fallen to the bottom of the ravine, marching back and forth in the barren,
where it can be found, approximately curved room resounds off its walls.
thirty meters down. The guardsmen They turn after loudly slamming
may also ask for a password, but have into the far wall. The sun is shining in
forgotten it themselves and won’t through the many arrow slits, spear-
open the gate in the drawbridge at ing through the dust torn up by the
all, or they may accept any password. soldiers. Archers watch the lower parts
If the adventurers get across the of the stronghold from the slits.
ravine without the bridge being low-
ered, the undead guardsmen become
aggressive and attack. One of them
goes to ring the alarm bell on the top
of the tower.


A curved room flanked by rows of spears and
rusty swords along one wall and a number of
viewing slits on the other. The moulded corpses of
thirty or so soldiers rest on the cold floor. Fallen at
their post.

The guard post consists of barracks and an ar-

mory. The rest of this level is made up of ser-
vants’ quarters, a kitchen, etc. There are arrow


There are around thirty undead in the build- grab the sword if she is quick, but will not es-
ing, half of whom are soldiers, the other half cape the wrath of the undead king.
servants. The archers’ bow strings have long In the bedchamber, there are several old
since rotted away, a fact which they don’t portraits and, above the bed, a newer charcoal
understand. Instead, they pretend to shoot drawing of Algarod. The drawing reflects the
and then drop sticks and other debris out king’s mood and changes with it. If the draw-
the slits since they are out of arrows. If the ing is destroyed, Therania’s hold over the king
alarm has been sounded or intruders show is broken. If the adventurers take the drawing,
up without the bridge being lowered, these they can command the king.
undead will believe they are under attack and
become hostile. One of them will also leave
to ring the alarm bell to warn the rest of the
✥✥ CREATURES: Undead soldiers and servants. At the moment you touch the cold
✥✥ TREASURE: None, but a few rusty swords steel of the old sword, you hear a
and spears. crackling noise. First, a gloved finger
moves, then another. Horrified, you see
before you the corpse of King Algarod
9. ALGAROD’S TOWER being filled with unholy life. At the
The chamber at the top of the tower is quiet and same time, you hear a scraping sound
smells of mold and perfume. A large four-poster at the door.
bed stands against the far wall, flanked by suits of
armor. On the bed rests the remains of a man in
full plate armor with a helmet and a crown. King
Algarod of Alderland in his eternal rest. On his King Algarod is not pleased with anyone lay-
chest, the king’s gloved hands clutch a large, beau- ing hands on his sword and will immediately
tifully crafted sword. attack (treat this as a monster attack, page
xx). The following round he will be joined
The tower is furnished for the former lord of by three undead bodyguards that will also
the stronghold, and holds a large combined attack.
bed chamber and observatory at the top of
the tower. Here rests King Algarod. His ✥✥ CREATURES: King Algarod and three
three bodyguards can be found in an adjoin- undead guards.
ing chamber. ✥✥ TREASURE: Algarod’s sword Rustbite. A
If an adventurer touches the sword, the masterfully crafted longsword enchanted
king and his guards will awake from their sleep by a court magician in Alderland four
(see Events). The adventurer will be able to hundred years ago.


chapter 11
Weapon Bonus +3, Weapon Damage 2
(+1 against demons and demon-taint- The monsters and NPCs that the adventurers
ed creatures), ignores 3 points of can meet at Weatherstone are described below.
metal armor. Every time the user
causes damage with the sword, she
suffers one point of Doubt. DALB, THE BARD
A man in his fifties with greying, unkempt hair,
wearing a green tunic, gray hose and knitted
finger gloves to protect against the cold. Con-
stantly with a pipe in the corner of his mouth,
Dalb is a person who can enchant any audience
with so simple a means as his green eyes and
The crown is a simple one made of silver and husky voice. The bard (who is not what he seems
worth 3D6 silver coins (double that for a per- to be, see the boxed text “Who is Dalb?” in the
son with a historical interest). section where the adventurers encounter him)
has struck camp outside Weatherstone to lure
adventurers to their doom within. This night,
10. CRANE he is very lucky as no less than two groups arrive
The drop from the rock down to the moat is diz- shortly after one another.
zyingly high. A thick copper chain, green with
verdigris, swings back and forth, chiming in the STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 6, EMPATHY 6
wind, where it hangs from its weather-beaten SKILLS: Performance 5
GEAR: Pipe, lute

Since the tower is so high, there is a crane by

which you can hoist things up directly from
the outside. The crane could be a last escape THE ALDERLANDER
route, and as such, the adventurers could use TREASURE HUNTERS
it, if for example, the alarm has been sounded A motley crew of treasure hunters, led by Es-
and the place is crawling with angry undead. gar Farthing, arrives shortly before the adven-
The chain and the windlass are worn and old, turers. They are looking for the war chest and
and might have to be smeared with lamp oil King Algarod’s sword. It will soon be evident
before they even move. that the treasure hunters have different agen-
das. This group, or just some of its members,
can be used as antagonists or potential allies in


Weatherstone. They keep their agendas solely STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2
to themselves, but they are prepared to coop- SKILLS: Marksmanship 4, Scouting 2,
erate to survive. Survival 2
TALENTS: The Path of the Arrow 1, Sharp-
A muscular and loud man who GEAR: Longbow, dagger, leather armor, D6
presents himself as a travel- copper
ling merchant specializing
in “rare goods”. Esgar is
really a simple merce- BROTHER FEREBALD
nary who has heard A gnarly and brooding Rust Brother and histo-
about the treasure in rian who can tell many tales of Alderland and
Weatherstone and intend the history of the Rust Brothers. Ferebald knows
to find it, at any price. He lacks empathy and about Algarod’s wretched past, a past that Kor-
is planning to double-cross his companions at domar denies, and believes the king’s undead ex-
the first and best opportunity. istence is a disgrace. Ferebald has secretly joined
Esgar and his compatriots to try to kill Algarod
STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 3, WITS 2, EMPATHY 2 as an act of mercy.

SKILLS: Melee 3, Might 3, Manipulation 2,

TALENTS: Path of the Blade 1, Threatening 1 SKILLS: Lore 3, Insight 2, Melee 1
GEAR: Longsword, large shield, chainmail, TALENTS: Path of Blood 1, Herbalist 1
D6 silver GEAR: Knife, parchment and pen, D8 copper


Kordomar is an elderly, but still DYNDRIA THE BARD
strong, hunter from northern Dyndria plays the fiddle and seems to be a jo-
Alderland. Despite his greying vial woman with a taste for food and drink.
hair and chiseled face, he is She claims to be here because she has been
skilled with bow and ar- paid to play, and whispers that she really
row. Kordomar is a proud doesn’t care about Alderland.
Alderlander and has ac- Dyndria is, in fact, a thief and as-
companied Esgar to re- sassin hired by Algarod’s enemies in
trieve the sword of King Algarod for Alderland. The new royal line wants to
the fatherland. He does not trust Esgar remove any traces of Algarod’s line since po-
for a moment, but lets the greedy mercenary litical rebels have pointed out that the old king
lead the group for now. still roams Ravenland. If Dyndria manages


chapter 11
nothing about it. She has hinted to Esgar that
she is a thief and would like to be part of any
secret raid against the stronghold, but she has
not divulged her true plan.


SKILLS: Stealth 3, Marksmanship 2, Move 2,
Melee 1, Manipulation 2, Performance 2
TALENTS: Path of Poison 1, Lightning Fast 1
GEAR: Sling, dagger, leather armor, fiddle,
D6 copper

The once mighty King Algarod wears chain-
mail and carries the sword Rustbite (until
the adventurers steal it). He is tall and
regal, with scars from crudely sewn
wounds across his face. His is a melan-
choly existence, dictated by Therania’s
commands. If his portrait above the bed in
the top room of the tower is destroyed, Ther-
ania loses her power over him. He will fly
into a rage and may attempt to take back his
royal power, negotiate with his liberators, or
even destroy himself forever – for example,
by leaping from the ramparts or asking the
adventurers to find an urn with his em-
balmed heart which is hidden in the labora-
tory. In the latter case, they will be rewarded
with his war chest which he believes is still in
the wagons in the ravine.

to take Algarod’s head and scepter to the Iron STRENGTH 8, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2
Lock, she will be richly rewarded and awarded King Algarod is a Death Knight, a powerful
citizenship in Alderland. However, her em- undead being. Death Knights are de-
ployers will of course try to kill her. Dyndria scribed in detail on page XX.
dreams of present day Alderland, but knows GEAR: Chainmail, bascinet


Around the keep are the remnants of a few 1. WHIPPING TAIL! A lightning quick attack
hundred Alderlander soldiers, dead for centu- with the beast’s tail hits one adven-
turer. Perform an attack with ten Base
ries. As soon as the adventurers (or indeed the
Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (slash
treasure hunters) touch the sword, they arise wound). If it hits, the victim is thrown
from their sleep. to the ground.
2. HORRIBLE BITE! With a roar, the beast
SOLDIERS throws itself upon an adventurer
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 2, WITS 1 and lets its giant jaws shut tight like
a trap. Perform an attack with eight
SKILLS: Melee 3
Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2
GEAR: Broadsword, studded leather (slash wound). If it hits, the beast locks
BONY: Skeletons never take more than 1
its jaws and shakes the adventurer
point of Damage from STABS and arrows. violently. The adventurer must make
an opposed roll with Strength against
the beast’s Strength (not counted as
an action). If the roll fails, the adven-
turer is thrown to NEAR distance and
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 2, WITS 1 falls to the ground.
SKILLS: Melee 3, Might 2 3. CHILLING ROAR! The Scorpion Beast
GEAR: Chainmail, large shield, longsword lets out an otherworldly scream
that makes the adventurers blood
BONY: Skeletons never take more than 1 freeze. Everyone within NEAR range is
point of Damage from STABS and arrows. attacked with six Base Dice that deals
Doubt instead of Damage.
4. DEATHLY EMBRACE! With a power-
THE SCORPION BEAST ful leap, the beast jumps upon an
adventurer and embraces her with its
A foul demon creat ure spawned in the demonic claws. Roll for the attack with
laborator y of Weatherstone. Half-scor pi- eight Base Dice and Weapon Damage
on, half-lion, this is a creat ure that was 1 (blunt force). If the attack hits, the
victim is GRAPPLED.
never meant to live. The beast is totally
d riven by instinct and see all living crea- 5. POISON FANG! The Scorpion Beast’s tail
rattles like a cobra before it thrusts
t ures as potential food. The Scor pion
against an adventurer, stinging her
Beast is a monster (page X X). with its poison. Roll for the attack
using seven Base Dice and Weapon
STRENGTH 12, AGILITY 8 Damage 1 (stab wound). This attack is
too fast to DODGE. If the victim is hit
ARMOR: 5 (carapace)
and suffers 1 point of Damage or more,
they are injected with a paralyzing
poison with Potency of 9 (page xx).


chapter 11
its tail sweep against all adventurers When the adventurers encounter the bard Dalb
within ARM’S LENGTH. Roll to hit on
in the ruined tower, he invites them to dinner
each with six Base Dice and Weapon
Damage 1 (slash wound). All adventur- around the fire and tells them the legend of
ers who are hit are also struck to the the cursed King Algarod and Weatherstone.
ground. For ease of use, this text is placed under the
location of the tower ruin above.

A pack of harpies led by the oldest creature, THE MOAT
Little Mother, has taken over the Theater In the muddy and filthy moat around the
Tower and hidden the Alderlander war chests. keep a demonic creature from one of Zytera’s
The harpies attack as flock (page xx) and flee horrible experiments has found a new home.
when the flock’s Strength is reduced to half its The tentacled demonic octopus lives off rats
starting value (6 in this case). and wild animals. If the adventurers try to
cross the moat, the creature attempts to
Strength 12, Wits 4, Empathy 3 perform a sneak attack against one of them
with a tentacle. The tentacle has Strength 4,
Agility 4, SNEAK 3 and MELEE 3. An adven-
ture who is hit is automatically GR APPLED

and pulled underwater. Each turn underwa-

ter, the victim suffers 1 point of Fatigue. If
broken, the victim dies in D6 turns unless
saved. The other adventurers can attack the
tentacle from the bridge.


The treasure hunters led by Esgar Farthing
enter Weatherstone at the same time as, or
just before, the adventurers. The four com-
panions go from room to room with lit
torches and drawn weapons, looking for the
resting place of King Algarod and his sword.
EVENTS How you use the treasure hunters is up to
Many dangerous and exciting events can oc- you. They can surprise the adventurers as a
cur at Weatherstone. Here are some sugges- group or pop up one at a time. If the adven-
tions: turers don’t find Algarod’s tower, the trea-


sure hunters will and quickly proceed to steal corpses of Weatherstone arise and continue
the sword (thus waking the undead). The their duty as if nothing ever happened. Most
treasure hunters are not loyal to each other are peaceful if not disturbed and will ignore
and can easily turn on one another. cautious adventurers, but if the alarm bell is
sounded, they will consider all intruders hos-
tile and attack. The keep of Weatherstone now
ATTACK OF THE HARPIES becomes a death trap! It’s up to you as a GM to
The harpies nest is in the Theater Tower (see decide if you want to wait until the adventurers
Locations) but they can strike anywhere and at reach the King’s tower or let the treasure hunt-
any time – especially if the adventurers wear er beat them to it.
shiny looking objects. Consider using the har-
pies for a quick demoralizing attack, where
they succeed in snatching a piece of equipment THE BARD’S SONG
from an adventurer before retreating. To get it This event is best used late in the adventure
back, the adventurers need to find their nest. to ramp up pressure on the adventurers. Re-
gardless of whether the undead have woken up
or not, the adventurers will suddenly hear a
THE HARPIES NEGOTIATE strange sound from outside the keep. If they
The harpies in the Theater Tower try to bar- find a window and look out, they will see the
gain with the adventurers, after the latter bard Dalb standing on the other side of the
discover that the war chest isn’t hidden in the moat, singing a song in an archaic language
ravine. The harpies can give them money, but while raising his arms to the sky. Once he
in return they want Algarod’s sword or a living stops singing everything is silent for a mo-
infant to raise as their own. After all, they were ment. Then an unearthly scream is heard from
once mothers, and only want love. They can everywhere inside Weatherstone. If the un-
also accept a particularly delicious piece of an dead have not awakened, they do so now (and
adventurer. If threatened, the harpies will in are immediately hostile). If they already have,
turn threaten to let the catapult in the Theater they start roaming the keep in packs looking
Tower spread the treasure among the debris be- for intruders to slay.
low the tower, so that no one will ever find it. What has really happened is that Dalb/
Merigall has decided to make things a little
more interesting with a spell. He sees this as an
THE DEAD RISE! amusing experiment more than anything else.
As soon as an adventurer (or one of the NPC
treasure hunters) touches Rustbite, the king’s
sword, the old curse is activated once again, FIRE!
and the undead king and his soldiers wake to One of the undead soldiers somehow touches
life in an instant. As if one, the two hundred one of the adventurer’s (or treasure hunter’s)


chapter 11
torches, which instantly ignites. Soon the fire KING ALGAROD’S MARCH
spreads to an old tapestry, and from there it If Algarod is not destroyed once and for all,
spreads quickly throughout the keep. The un- he will sooner or later leave Weatherstone for
dead will perish in the fire, but will not care a final crusade. If the adventurers stole his
until they fall to the ground in ashes and will sword, Rustbite, the king will come looking
continue to hunt for intruders as long as they for it with his entourage of undead soldiers.
can. Regardless of how the fire develops, it can King Algarod can be an interesting antago-
be used as an incentive so as to allow the adven- nist, or perhaps even an unexpected ally, later
turers to try to escape. in the game.


11-12 Bleeding No - None. -
13-14 Severed nose No - -1 to MANIPULATE D6
15-16 Severed finger No - -1 to SLEIGHT OF HAND 2D6
21-22 Severed toe No - -1 to MOVE 2D6
23-24 Bleeding thigh No - -1 to MOVE D6
25-26 Slashed mouth No - -2 to MANIPULATE D6
31-32 Severed tendon No - To RUN becomes a 2D6
slow action.
33-34 Wounded No - -2 to MIGHT and D6
35-36 Severed ear No - -1 to SCOUTING D6
41-42 Slashed eye No - -2 to MARKSMANSHIP 2D6
43-44 Punctured lung Yes D6 days -2 to ENDURANCE and D6

45-46 Severed foot Yes D6 days -2 to MOVE, STEALTH 3D6

51-52 Bleeding gut Yes D6 hours 1 point of Damage at D6
each roll for MIGHT,

53-54 Ruptured Yes D6 hours Disease with a 2D6

intestines Virulence rating of 6
55-56 Severed arm Yes, -1 D6 hours -3 to MARKSMANSHIP 3D6
61-62 Severed leg Yes, -1 D6 hours -2 to MOVE, STEALTH 3D6
63-64 Slit throat Yes, -1 D6 turns -2 to ENDURANCE D6
65 Cleft skull Yes - You die immediately. -
66 Severed head Yes - Your head leaves -
your body.


11-12 Stunned No - None -
13-14 Breathless No - None -
15-16 Concussion No - -2 to SCOUTING D6
21-22 Broken nose No - -1 to MANIPULATE D6
23-24 Broken fingers No - -1 to MARKSMANSHIP D6
25-26 Broken toes No - -1 to MOVE and STE- D6

31-32 Knocked out No - -1 to MANIPULATE D6

33-34 Groin hit No - 1 point of Damage D6
suffered at every
MOVE or MELEE roll

35-41 Broken ribs No - -2 to MOVE 2D6

and MELEE.
42-43 Broken arm No - Two-handed wea- 2D6
pons can’t be used.
44-45 Broken leg No - -2 to MOVE 2D6
46-51 Gouged eye No - -2 to MARKSMANSHIP 2D6
52-53 Crushed knee Yes D6 days -2 to MOVE 3D6
54-55 Crushed elbow Yes D6 days -2 to MIGHT 3D6
56-61 Crushed foot Yes D6 days -3 to MOVE 3D6
62-63 Broken neck No - Paralyzed from the 3D6
neck down. If not
HEALED in time, the
effect is permament.
64-66 Crushed skull Yes - Your adventure and -
your life end here.


critical injuries
11-13 Pierced ear No - None -
14-16 Skewered foot -1 to MOVE 2D6
21-23 Hand run No - -1 to SLEIGHT OF HAND 2D6
through and MARKSMANSHIP
24-26 Pierced cheek No - -1 to MANIPULATE D6
31-33 Impaled thigh No - -2 to MOVE D6
34 Slashed tendon No - To RUN becomes a 2D6
slow action.
35-41 Impaled No - -2 to MIGHT and D6
42-43 Slashed eye No - -2 to MARKSMANSHIP, 2D6
44-45 Skewered groin No - 1 point of Damage 2D6
suffered at every
MOVE or MELEE roll

46-51 Punctured lung Yes D6 days -2 to ENDURANCE and D6


52-54 Bleeding gut Yes D6 hours 1 point of Damage at D6

each roll for MIGHT,

55-56 Ruptured Yes D6 hours Disease with a 2D6

intestines Virulence rating of 6
61 Severed arm Yes, -1 D6 -2 to MOVE D6
artery minutes and MELEE
62 Severed leg Yes, -1 D6 -1 to ENDURANCE D6
artery minutes and MOVE
63 Impaled neck Yes, -1 D6 turns -2 to ENDURANCE 2D6
64 Skewered skull Yes - You die at once. -
65-66 Pierced heart Yes - Your heart beats for -
the last time.


- Non-typical Yes D6 days You remain uncons- -
Damage cious until you die or
- Pushed Damage No - None. -


critical injuries

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