Exercise 1

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TME2104/TMP2654 Web Based System Development

Exercise 1 – XAMPP, Sublime Text 3, Basic HTML, & 000webhost.com

1. Download and install the latest version of XAMPP on your notebook/laptop.
2. Launch the XAMPP Control Panel and start the Apache (web server) module.
3. Using the Windows Explorer, create a folder named “tme2104” (all lower cases with no white spaces) in
the “xampp/htdocs” folder and another new folder named “ex1” in the “xampp/htdocs/tme2104”

Sublime Text 3
4. Download and install Sublime Text 3 (or any other similar IDE/editor) on your notebook/laptop.
5. Launch Sublime Text 3, create a new file, and save it as “index.html” into the
6. Using any web browser, e.g. Google Chrome, type “localhost/tme2104/ex1/index.html” into the URL bar
and press Enter.

Basic HTML
7. Write HTML codes that can display the following page.

Use your name, matric number, and

date of submission

8. Create two more HTML documents (question1.html & question2.html) that can display the following
pages, respectively.

9. Compress the “ex1” subfolder to “ex1.zip” file.

10. Create an account on 000webhost.com and set “tme2104-<your student no>” (e.g. “tme2104-45678”)
as your website name.
11. Select “File manager” tab, scroll down the page, and click on the “Upload files now” button.

12. Click/select the “public_html” folder, and upload the “ex1.zip” file.

13. Right-click and Extract the “ex1.zip” file.

14. You may now access the web pages, e.g. via http://tme2104-45678.000webhostapp.com/ex1.

- End -

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