Mag Pi 77

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Issue 77 January 2019 The official Raspberry Pi magazine

20 Amazing
Best Raspberry Pi
1970s kit & components
Go back in time
with the PiDP-11

Python & control electronics

Learn i
Plus! with Raspberry P
 ave files in the
Command Line
Build a
Smart Door
 he Raspberry Pi
SelfieBot Control your locks
with Raspberry Pi
 aming with
Picade Console

The 10 best DAC sound cards


to The MagPi 77

t’s incredibly important to make stuff. The Raspberry Pi computer,
and community, is – at its heart – all about the things you can
make with this wonderful low-cost machine.
Many makes are frivolous, like WhooPi cushions and Robotic
Teapots; some are incredibly important, like monitoring the Borneo Lucy

rainforest. Learning is important no matter what the outcome. Hattersley
This issue’s lead feature is Make with Code (page 26). In it you’ll Editor of The MagPi.
Lucy codes, crafts,
discover how to use the building blocks of electronics to build projects. and creates wonky
robots. She speaks
The Raspberry Pi can become just about anything with the right French (badly) and
mangles the piano.
accessory: from screens, to robotic motor controllers, through to GPS One day she’ll get
and AI accelerators. Our guide to The Best Pi Accessories (page 68) is that pet dog.
your dream toolbox.
Every issue of The MagPi is packed full of inspirational projects.
This month we’ve got an e-ink display work of art (page 22), a robot
that takes selfies (page 16), a webpage testing machine (page 10) and
even an automated bird caller (page 20).
Build something fun. Something you love. Start with the fun stuff RASPBE A NEW
and you never know where it might A+
end up. The Raspberry Pi has been
used to save eyesight in India, and
protect the coral reefs of Australia.
But whether you build something
world-changing or just mess around
for fun, make sure you make stuff.

Lucy Hattersley Editor 03

> Issue 77 > January 2019

Cover Feature

Make with code

06 The world of Pi
92 Your letters
97 Next month
98 Final word

Project Showcases

10 WebPageTest
14 Solar Inverter Monitor 26
16 SelfieBot
18 Open Sesamessage 16 22
20 Game Bird Recall
22 E-ink Display Project


WebPageTest SelfieBot E-ink Display Project

DISCLAIMER: Some of the tools and techniques shown in The MagPi magazine are dangerous unless used with skill, experience, and appropriate personal protection equipment. While
we attempt to guide the reader, ultimately you are responsible for your own safety and understanding the limits of yourself and your equipment. Children should be supervised. Raspberry
Pi (Trading) Ltd does not accept responsibility for any injuries, damage to equipment, or costs incurred from projects, tutorials or suggestions in The MagPi magazine. Laws and regulations
covering many of the topics in The MagPi magazine are different between countries, and are always subject to change. You are responsible for understanding the requirements in your
jurisdiction and ensuring that you comply with them. Some manufacturers place limits on the use of their hardware which some projects or suggestions in The MagPi magazine may go
beyond. It is your responsibility to understand the manufacturer’s limits.


42 60


36 Make a VDU
42 Pygame Zero: Pac-Man part 2
52 Smart door
56 Command line – save it now
Pygame Zero: Pac-Man Make games in C 60 Make games in C part 12

The Big Feature

68 The best
76 Raspberry Pi


78 80 76 PiDP-11
78 Picade Console
80 Top 10 DACs
82 Electronics resources


84 Interview
86 This month in Raspberry Pi
Picade Console Top 10 DACs 90 Events

ONE OF Cluster HATs 95

TEN and create a Pi powerhouse! 05

Bletchley Park
hosts Girls’ STEM Day
National Museum of Computing holds STEM event for girls. Bravo, says Rosie Hattersley

letchley Park played host to a hugely The female-focused STEM showcase was held at
successful Girls’ STEM Day in late the National Museum of Computing, sited at the
November, creating a real buzz among famous code-breakers’ venue with the express
participants and demands for more events intention of highlighting the breadth of career
of the kind. possibilities to students who may not otherwise have
Among the sessions were Raspberry Pi been aware of their aptitude for such industries. It’s
workshops held in The National Museum of no secret that there’s a significant imbalance in the
numbers of males and females in STEM (science,
technology, engineering, and maths)-based careers.
It’s no secret that there’s a significant
Untapped potential
imbalance in the numbers of males Cybersecurity company Sophos was on the scout

and females in STEM for potential computer scientists of the future.

VP Ali Kennedy noted that more than half the
UK population is female and that “much more
Computing’s ( newly refurbished female involvement will be vital as we move into
classroom. The MagPi writer Mark Vanstone the fourth industrial revolution.” Meanwhile,
witnessed students getting stuck in to Python Buckinghamshire High Sheriff Professor Ruth
coding and Raspberry Pi-based Minecraft. Farwell gave an inspirational talk in which she

Students were challenged

to complete tasks using
Raspberry Pi computers

06 Bletchley Park hosts Girls’ STEM Day


The Girls’ STEM event

was held at the National
Museum of Computing,
sited at the famous
code‑breakers’ building

The RAF held a STEM

Engineering Challenge with
students working in teams

credited her own start on the road to a high-profile

career to studying a STEM subject at university.
While many of the 80-plus participants on the
day already had an ongoing interest in science
and technology, lots of attendees were delighted
to unlock their previously undiscovered talents,
and impressed observers with their teamwork
and ingenuity.
The RAF held a STEM Engineering Challenge,
in which students had to master unfamiliar
equipment and work in teams in order to complete
tasks. Challenge organiser Chris Mossman came
away seriously impressed with the students’
aptitude for logical thinking and problem-solving.
PJ Evans, a TNMOC volunteer and The MagPi
contributor commented, “More than 80 young
women walked into The National Museum of
Computing. I am certain more than one scientist, aren’t many females among them. I think lots
engineer, and programmer walked out. We saw of girls miss out on these career opportunities
eyes light up as the realisation dawned upon these because currently they are seldom helped to
young women that technology is as much for them discover that they might have a natural gift
and within their grasp as it is for anyone else.” for solving problems – which is, after all, what
engineering is at its core.”
Career opportunities Event organiser Jacqui Garrad is already working
Peter Membrey, a software engineer who on two events for 2019: one exclusively for girls,
sponsored the event, said, “I work with many and another which will encourage teamwork
problem-solvers on a daily basis, but sadly there among mixed teams of girls and boys.

Bletchley Park hosts Girls’ STEM Day 07


weather data
People with Pi boards are using the PM2.5 Open Data Portal
software to share weather and air pollution data in Taiwan

e like to see citizen science here at The polluted. Data is updated on the fly, so these values There’s not a huge amount
of hardware needed for the
MagPi – you may remember Raspberry may change depending on wind, time of day, and PiM25 boxes
Shake, the seismometer add-on for even time of year.
Due to the live data
the Pi, which crowdsourced seismic activity. In “We wanted to build up an easy-to-use airbox update, the map may not
always look this way
East Asia, we hear a fair bit about issues with air and visualise the environment information,”
quality, so we weren’t too surprised when Nai-Wen, Nai-Wen explains. “We hope the awareness will
organiser of the Taiwanese Raspberry Pi community, increase their interest in improving their air,
told us about a project using open-source software health, life, and planet.”
to keep track of air pollution in Taiwan.
“PM2.5 is a citizen science project. We provide Raspberry Pi in Taiwan
instructions and open-source code to help people While it’s sometimes easy to think of the
create and customise their own PiM25 box.” Raspberry Pi community as being largely UK based,
Nai‑Wen tells us via email. “When the PiM25 box it’s important to remember that people use it all
is ready, air quality and GPS data can upload to the around the world, including in Taiwan.
Taiwan’s PM2.5 Open Data Portal (Location Aware Starting in 2013, there have been regular
Sensing System, or LASS) 24/7. Everyone can see meet-ups every month or two, organised by
the open data from the map (” Nai‑Wen: “We have workshops, hackathons, and
an occasional book club event. The community also
Mapping the air helps to organise open-source conferences, such
The visualisation is fairly straightforward, as PyCon Taiwan or MakerConf Taiwan.”
colour-coding the results. Taipei, the capital, is We look forward to seeing what else comes
fairly clean, but the west coast tends to be a little out of the Taiwanese Pi community!

08 PiM25 crowdsourced weather data

on a quarterly subscription

Use the code MP-SAVE at checkout

Visit: 09

Testing your website on different browsers? You may be using a Raspberry Pi
server farm you never knew existed. Rob Zwetsloot uncovers the details

ne of the most invaluable tools to a web Patrick began using a similar setup while he
developer is the ability to quickly test your was at Google working on web performance. Since
current build on a variety of browsers. Chrome, then, he’s built it up and deployed it under the
Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (unfortunately), WebPageTest website, and the Raspberry Pi was
and even mobile browsers need to be tested for. the only option for it.
Fortunately, there are a lot of online services that
Patrick can test it for you. One of these is WebPageTest Perfect with Pi

Meenan (, which just so happens to use “There are a ton of things that make them perfect
a lot of Raspberry Pi boards. for my use case,” Patrick explains. “They are
A software engineer “I largely use the Raspberry Pis as POE-powered inexpensive enough that I can use a dedicated
at Cloudflare who
computers to control smartphones for testing mobile Raspberry Pi for each phone or tablet in the lab.
specialises in web
performance. He web performance,” its creator Patrick Meenan tells “They provide enough power over their USB
uses Pi boards in a us. “The public instance of WebPageTest has upwards port to both power and control most devices. They
lot of his testing. of 80 Raspberry Pis driving the mobile testing for all can be powered over PoE, which gives me a way to of the Android and iOS devices.” remotely hard-reboot a device if needed (used to
be a regular issue, but it has been months since
I have had to reboot a device).”
He continues, “The hardware watchdog
integrated with my software nicely so the device

Websites are tested on

various phones attached
to Raspberry Pi boards

10 WebPageTest

Various Android phones,

iPhones, and tablets are Even though it uses shelves
used in testing from a hardware store, it’s
definitely a server rack

> It only took a few
hours to put the
initial version

> The software has

been continually
evolving over
six years

> The server has

Since it uses so many Raspberry
been running for
Pi boards, some decent power
nearly five years
solutions are needed

> There are 24

Motorola G4s,
the most popular
phone in the setup

> Patrick uses a

different PoE
adapter from the
official one

WebPageTest 11

The rows upon rows of phones

are organised in a specific way

self-reboots automatically if anything goes

catastrophically wrong.
“The software and community support are
unmatched. I tried other (faster) SBCs, but they
all had issues with missing packages or lack of
community support.”

 ebPageTest has upwards of 80

Raspberry Pis driving the mobile
testing for Android and iOS devices

Simple and sturdy

It’s a very simple setup beyond the software as well,
merely using a PoE HAT on a Pi 3B+ with 3D-printed
cases. All the individual phones are hooked up to
the Pi so they can perform their testing duties.
“They work amazingly well,” Patrick says.
“It has gotten to the point where the mobile device
testing is as stable as the desktop testing (which
runs in VMs [virtual machines]). These days the
mobile devices are set-and-forget. The software
deployment is now fully scripted and I have a base
image that I can clone to new SD cards and have a
new device up and running in a few minutes.”
For the moment, Patrick’s little Pi farm
is holding up well, and is only occasionally
maintained via the addition of more powerful
models of Raspberry Pi when they become
available. He hasn’t even lost an SD card so far
– a true testament to the Raspberry Pi, SD cards,
and Patrick’s smart coding.

The PoE HAT hadn’t

been released
when he started, so
the system uses a
different solution

Tablets don’t quite fit

as well in the cases

12 WebPageTest

Build a tester

Not many cases you can buy are designed

01 for connecting a Pi and a phone together
– in fact, we’d venture a guess there are none.
Patrick 3D-prints his own custom cases that make
organising his server a bit easier.

Patrick always uses the most powerful version

02 of the Pi, as a lot of screen recording occurs in
the process and a more powerful CPU is better for
that. Here’s a Raspberry Pi 3 strapped to the back of
the custom case for just that purpose.

The selected phone is powered and controlled

03 by the Pi. The PoE HAT then powers the entire
thing, and allows the Pi to connect to the network and
The phone screens
are recorded as do all the testing it needs to do.
part of the tests

WebPageTest 13

Solar inverters take the photovoltaic (PV) output
from a solar panel and convert it to a more usable
AC current. Why did Clive feel the need to build

this system, though? Well, his solar inverter didn’t
make it easy to read its data.

A simple solution
“I have had a PV system at my home since 2015 and

have kept records of its performance compared with
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
predictions for my location since getting it, every
month scrolling through the menus on the inverter
front panel to find the information I need and
entering it into a spreadsheet. Interesting, but not
What do you do when it’s tricky to get data from as good as extracting the information from the solar
inverter electronically.”
your solar power setup? Hack it with a Raspberry Pi To read the data, all Clive needed to do was
connect the RS-485 serial output to the Pi using a
of course, as Rob Zwetsloot finds out USB converter and then parse that output for the
relevant information for his graphs.
“It is a cheap, powerful system which has a good

enewable energy is something we’re pretty programming environment and operating system,
interested in here on The MagPi – and not just together with relatively easy interfaces to collect the
because of the ways you can use it to power data,” explains Clive about his reasons for using a
your outdoor Pi projects, even if that is very cool. So Raspberry Pi. “I have spent many years using UNIX,
when Clive Maynard contacted us to share his project C, and Python, so [it was] an easy choice.”
about keeping an eye on the performance of solar
power inverters, we were all ears. Renewable graphing
Clive “It starts with establishing communications with The results speak for themselves, with graphs

Maynard the inverter and then goes on to logging the data aplenty for data lovers to look over. It’s important
retrieved,” Clive tells us. “This involves the creation to know how solar energy works if we’re to rely on
A retired software
of CRC16 calculations to determine the validity of it more in the future. For now, Clive has a couple
engineer and
computing lecturer the data. Having logged the data, there is a need of things he’d like to improve with his setup:
who has made to display it for easy human understanding. The “Physically I should make a more secure mounting
many contributions
project involves two types of plot: the first traces the for the Raspberry Pi and interface in my garage. I’ll
to education.
output of the solar inverter over a day of generation, also set the logging program up to automatically and the second is a bar chart summary of the daily run on reboot, to allow for power failure and get the
performance plotted over a month period.” logging back on as soon as possible.”

 re the national
predictions accurate?
Sort of

14 Solar Inverter Monitor


Not your standard serial

output, Clive needed a USB
converter to access it

Solar power needs to be

converted from a variable
DC output to usable AC

> Photovoltaic
current exists as
DC (direct current)

> You can use
to see your home’s
projected output

>  Solar panels are

a lot cheaper
and affordable
these days

>  Clive has been

since 1965

Data can be read directly >  While the output is

on the box, but it takes a in C, a lot of the Pi
bit of digging code is in Python

Solar Inverter Monitor 15


Want to snap a selfie and put a smile on the face
of the camera? David Crookes meets SelfieBot

fter Sophy Wong’s SelfieBot wakes from a
snooze, it makes a cute noise, sings a song,
winks at a passer-by, and then blinks silently.
Or at least, it does if it’s left alone for long enough:
its ability to capture fun photos and print them on to
Sophy wanted the SelfieBot to look and
thermal paper ensures it’s nearly always in demand.
feel real and manufactured, rather than
SelfieBot sprung into life in 2017 when Sophy and home-made, hence the polished, clean
housing and tidy interior
her husband Kim Pimmel created an early version

Wong for their local Seattle Mini Maker Faire. “We thought
that if we created a fun selfie-taking experience, with Camera Module V2 is used to take photos, while
Sophy is an something visitors could take home like a printed a mini metal speaker is hooked up to an Adafruit
accomplished photo, it would encourage people to the booth and mono 2.5 W class D audio amplifier, to allow the
maker as well as a
designer of fashion,
give them another way to interact with our projects.” SelfieBot’s sounds and jokes to be clearly heard.
jewellery, costumes, The plan worked a treat. SelfieBot – mains-powered For its face, which beams bright from a 5-inch
and wearable and made from laminated laser-cut plywood – went HDMI display, the couple conducted a lot of
technology. She
down a storm, so the couple decided to refine the research. “We analysed the features of cute
has a strong
background in concept for 2018. Rather than have it tethered to one robots and scary robots, knowing that we wanted
graphic systems location, they opted for a mobile version. a face and sounds that were appealing, cute, and
and marketing. “I redesigned the circuit so that it could be powered non-threatening,” Sophy says. by a small 7.2 V NiMH battery like the ones in radio-
controlled cars,” Sophy explains. The idea of putting
a Raspberry Pi 2 at its heart remained, however.  e hardly print anything
The Pi is connected to a Pi Cobbler which routes
all of the Pi’s GPIO pins to a Perma-Proto board. A Pi these days, especially
photos, so it’s a lot of fun
Kim created the code for this, producing
animated faces – made up of individual images
played in sequence. “When paired with sounds,
which are recordings of my voice, the illusion is
complete. We used the Pygame engine to drive
the graphics and sounds, and CUPS for printing.”

And action
Photos are outputted to a portable thermal printer.
“It’s very satisfying to watch the image print
before your very eyes,” Sophy says. “It seems like
we hardly print anything these days, especially
photos, so it’s actually a lot of fun for people
playing with SelfieBot.”
She says folks love tearing off and keeping
their photo, leaving with as big a smile as that
When the accelerometer detects on SelfieBot itself: “When a photo is printing,
it has been placed on its back,
the SelfieBot falls asleep and
SelfieBot makes a cute face which is intended
shows a snoring animation as a second reward… It feels like a big win.”

16 SelfieBot

As well as displaying facial

expressions, SelfieBot lets
you preview your photo

Pressing the arcade button

(with LED) triggers the selfie
mode, turning the camera on

> The case is
made from three
acrylic panels

> Wall sections

and handles
are 3D-printed

> SelfieBot does an

impression of a dot
matrix printer

> It takes 15 seconds

Press the button again and the selfie
to print a photo
is taken, accompanied by a camera
shutter sound. It then prints
> Sophy toyed with
adding Twitter
to SelfieBot

SelfieBot 17

With a simple text message, you can open Conor Breen’s door.
As long as you’re on the guest list. Rob Zwetsloot takes a look

s technology and interconnectivity steam
ahead, new solutions to old problems
sometimes present themselves. While a
trusty key may not be quite the thing of the past yet,
electronic locks using RFID and other kinds of digital
authentication are already occupying that space
nicely. This is where OpenSesamessage comes in.
Conor “My project is a smart home entry system designed

Breen to be modular, cheap, and cross-platform,” creator

Conor Breen tells us. “It allows a person to add this
A computer device to their front door and, through the website,
science graduate grant people access to the device through their
who specialises
in IoT and web phone number.” Conor built a small
door for his project,
development. He While this is a little more involved than using a although it uses a
enjoys playing phone’s built-in NFC capability, it probably makes it full‑size lock
around with a
a little more secure in the process. In fact, the system
Raspberry Pi in his
spare time. makes use of Telegram, an open-source messaging
service well known for its security.

Hidden origins
“The idea stemmed from me always forgetting my
keys,” Conor admits. “But, because of forgetting my
keys, I would invariably have my phone to call someone
to either let me in or lend me theirs. So why not cut out
the middleman and [let] my door be the one I text?
“It worked better than expected. The device
This interface is used to add
was able to parse incoming messages; even when numbers and manage the
bombarded, it would just queue them. Users would overall system

use on a regular door anyway. Even then, there are

 sers would be returned messages either
U some ways in which he’d like to improve it.

allowing them entry or disallowing them “I am interested in adding extra functionality,

such as adding cron jobs to give a user privileges
for a specified amount of time and when that
be returned messages either allowing them entry or time is up, their access would be revoked,” Conor
disallowing them. I was approached by people who explains. “And if I had an untold amount of time, I
were thinking up new use cases for this device; one would love to have gotten into writing a messenger
in particular was a person who had a few Airbnb service from the ground up, and have a bespoke
apartments, and they thought this would be a great app for the device. Hardware-wise, I would have
alternative to a key box outside the apartment.” updated the battery pack that operated the servo to
be rechargeable, and maybe charged out of one of
Practical applications the USB ports.”
While the project was tested on a model door, Conor You can read Conor’s complete paper, full of all
assures us it would work just fine on a normal one – the technical information you’d ever need on the
the latch lock in particular was one that you would project, here:

18 OpenSesamessage

> It’s built with Ruby
on Rails

> There’s 64-bit

encryption in
the lock

> Lua is used to

parse messages
This test version of
the device is currently
> The GPIO pins
directly control
the lock servo

> This was Conor’s

final-year university
computing project

The latch is controlled

by a servo connected to
the Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi runs the

service OpenSesamessage,
which checks users for access

OpenSesamessage 19

Game Bird Recall

Managing wildlife populations by mimicking their calls is another
job for the Raspberry Pi. Phil King heeds the call of the wild


equiring an active population of wild game proof food and water, and a ‘rally call’ for the
Martha lives on
her ranch in rural birds to train her gun-dogs, Martha Zimet specific species that effectively calls them back to
Nevada after more has developed a Raspberry Pi-based system the location where the food and water are located,”

Images courtesy of Martha Zimet, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

than three decades to mimic the birds’ rallying calls in order to ‘anchor’ she explains. “The released game birds become feral
in Silicon Valley as a
software engineer/
them to a geographic area ( in about a month and act like wild game birds.”
architect. She now “In my experience, game birds really train gun-
trains gun-dogs and dogs,” Martha advises. “They teach the dogs to be Caught on camera
watches over her
stealthy, not jump in on the bird, manage their own Given the system’s remote location, low energy
herd of equine.
energy, otherwise, the dog never gets what it desires: consumption is a key factor. A solar panel hooked the bird in its mouth. Therefore, to train your gun- up to a backup battery provides the electricity, while
dogs, what is required is ‘wild acting’ game birds.” a Witty Pi 2 board handles power management.
Upon introducing a population of Coturnix “[It] has a real-time clock based on NTP, and it runs
(common) quail  to her 80-acre Nevada ranch, she 24/7,” says Martha. “It has programmed events,
developed her own bird recall system to lure them to which execute only during daylight hours, that play
a specific location. “I do this by providing predator- the recorded game bird call at specific intervals.

A solar panel supplies power to Recorded bird calls are played

the device and backup battery through a power horn speaker

A Witty Pi 2 power
management board wakes
the Pi at specific times

20 Game Bird Recall


A waterproof case
keeps the electronic
components safe in
any weather conditions

During these events, the [Pi NoIR] camera is also

active and can record any movement detected and
transmit the results to me.”
For the latter, Martha is using the Soracom
cellular IoT network. “Since I am not transmitting
live video from the devices, I can simply use 3G
connectivity. It has proven to be very reliable.

T hey can be used for any

wild game population,
and not just game birds
I use an external antenna to the GSM modem, and
everything is enclosed in a waterproof case. I spent
well over a month attempting to use WiFi, and even
with clear line of sight to my location, high power
Yagi antennas were just too wonky.”

Stickler for quality

The whole system took Martha about six months
to develop. “A major portion of the time was spent
validating components, where the most challenging
Quick FACTS ones were solar power, batteries, and connectivity.
Since the units are installed at remote locations,
> It can play up to six
they just have to work. Given my background, I am
recorded calls
a stickler for quality. The [Python] software I wrote
> These are selected – my ‘secret sauce’ – was small in comparison to
via capacitive the validation process.”
touch buttons With a US patent pending, Martha is offering
a commercial service to install similar devices in
> Extra environmental other locations. “Each system I develop is based on
sensors can user requirements and use cases. So far, there is no
be added way to mass-produce them, but they can be used for
any wild game population, and not just game birds.”
> A Pi NoIR camera
Martha has been invited to the Yukon next
is triggered by
autumn, to evaluate the system for use with the
motion detection
wild moose population. In addition, she reveals:
Once installed out in the field, the > Images are “I have connections in Finland and I have hopes the
system is self-sufficient, minimising system could be used by the Sami population with
human intervention that might
transmitted via
affect the wildness of the birds a 3G network their reindeer herds.”

Game Bird Recall 21


E-ink Display
Green in more than one sense, the E-ink Display Project
is both a useful tool and a rather fetching piece of art.
Nicola King admires this ingenious piece of creativity

id you know that e-ink displays can retain what From a webpage,
Anke can add
they’re showing, even without electricity? By pictures, birthdays/
anyone’s standards, that makes them pretty events, and messages

ecological. The E-ink Display Project, developed by

Anke Dietzen, is a resourceful and inventive take on
a very cool way of displaying information.
The project’s origins came through reading an

article about the Raspberry Pi, as Anke explains:

Dietzen “I thought ‘how cool is that?’, and I wanted to do
An enthusiastic
something with the Raspberry Pi. I ordered [one]
maker in her and, very enthusiastically, a big sensor kit. As I had
precious spare time, no knowledge of electrical engineering, I had to learn
some basics and I was very happy then to light a diode
Anke Dietzen loves
to learn, tinker, on a breadboard.”
Anke gave the display an
and create. At the same time, Anke bought a small Waveshare
organic look using artificial moss e-ink display, which she favoured for its very clear and
precise visuals. Armed with her new purchases, she
set about coming up with a practical display that would
also look good. “I wanted to do something with e-ink the same month of the actual date, in the style
of ‘do you know what happened X years ago at
I had no knowledge of electrical engineering this time?’” she says. In addition, she describes
the key benefit of using an e-ink display: “If you
– I had to learn some basics, and was very disconnect [it] from power, the Raspberry Pi will
keep the last picture forever, unlike the ‘normal’
happy to light a diode on a breadboard displays which need power to show something. The
power consumption is very low in standby mode.”
displays which I thought should be at least a little
useful,” she tells us. “As, in the morning, I normally Ink…redible
check the weather via smartphone, I thought it would So, how does it work? Anke reveals, “The
be nice to read the latest weather information and Raspberry Pi controls two e-ink displays. On
calendar entries / birthdays with just one look.” the Pi, all the time an application server with
a database is running. Over a webpage (REST
Picture perfect interface), the actions can be triggered: actions
As well as including informative data such as forecasts are, for example, ‘store message in database’,
and reminders, Anke wanted the possibility of having ‘fetch weather information from internet and
images on the screen, so, “I used a bigger three- store in database’, ‘store picture info in database’,
colour display (7.5-inch – 640×384 pixels) for showing ‘refresh display from database’, etc. For displaying
pictures. The picture shown was always taken in a picture, or the weather information, the

22 E-ink Display Project


A smaller display shows

the weather forecast
and important reminders

> T
 he displays
are controlled
by a single Pi
on the rear

> It’s housed in

an IKEA Ribba
The larger e-ink display is used picture frame
to show pictures and messages
> T
 he display can
be controlled via
a webpage
application creates a temporary monochrome
bitmap which is then shown.” > C
Being familiar with Java, it was natural for Anke messages can
to use it to code the project. “I first had to transfer be entered
the Python driver logic provided by the e-ink
display producer to Java.” She then spent some > T
 he larger
display can also
time figuring out how to get the Raspberry Pi to
show yellow
control two e-ink displays at the same time.
Aesthetically, the finished project is calming
to the eye. Anke used some artificial moss to give
it a very organic feel and, with it hanging in the
kitchen of her home, the feedback that she has
received from other members of the household
has been, unsurprisingly, very positive.
Charming, functional, and eco-friendly, it makes
a refreshing change from the more mundane The smaller display shows
useful information including
pinboard or sticky note! a weather forecast and events

E-ink Display Project 23



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rr y P i to le a rn h ow to code
ht a Raspbe
If you have boug s , th e n y o u h av e made
d h a c k n ew e le ctronic gizmo
an d w it h this guide…
G et sta rt e
a great choice.

26 Make with code


f you have just got a brand new
shiny Raspberry Pi, you may have
plugged it in and got it working.
You may have played a few of the games
or tried out the applications, or maybe To get started with coding is really easy. Coding
you’ve loaded one of the programming is just giving the Raspberry Pi an instruction to do
tools and then looked at it wondering something. The only thing you need to know is
what to do next. If you haven’t done what language to talk to it in. In this case we are
any programming before, we have going to talk in Python 3. We will need to write
wisdom for you here. In the next few our instructions somewhere so, to start, open a
pages you’ll find answers and probably
some questions, but then some more
answers. Before you know it you will be
Terminal window – click the icon in the top left
of the screen which is a grey box with a blue bar
across the top. This opens a black window with a
a coding, hacking ninja. prompt: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ in green. If you type
python3 and hit ENTER, Python starts and you Educational software
I f you have never done will see the triple chevron prompt: >>>. Now type
print("Hello") and hit ENTER. Bosh! Your first
author from the
nineties, author
any programming before, this program. You have instructed your Raspberry of the ArcVenture
Pi to print the word ‘Hello’ and, all being well, series, disappeared
may appear a bit daunting, it has obeyed. into the corporate
Entering programs like this is not going to be software wasteland.
but it’s quite easy really very useful most of the time, so now let’s look at Rescued by the
an app we can write and save a program with. Raspberry Pi!
If you’re new to programming, this Go to the desktop menu (click the Raspberry
may appear a bit daunting, but it’s Pi logo in the top left of the screen) and in the
quite easy really – you’ve just got to Programming section, select Thonny (which @mindexplorers
get stuck in and start with some simple should then open by default in its Simple mode).
things that will get you results. One Try typing in the following program in the
of the programming languages that Thonny editor and save it, then run it by clicking
is supplied with the Raspberry Pi is the Run button. The output will be displayed in
Python. It’s very easy to get started the Shell frame below the program editor.
with Python and it can be used to
program many of the add-ons that are
available for the Raspberry Pi – so this
is going to be very useful to learn. We 001. import random Language: Python
can get you up and coding in 30 seconds 002.
flat; just read on… 003. correct = False
004. r = random.randint(1,10)
005. c = 0
006. while correct == False:
007. n = input("Guess my number between 1 and 10: ")
008. c = c + 1
009. if int(n) == r:
010. correct = True
011. else:
012. if int(n) > r:
013. print("Sorry, my number is lower. Try again.")
014. else:
015. print("Sorry, my number is higher. Try again")
017. print("Well done. The correct answer was " + str(r) + ".
You got it in " + str(c) + " tries.")

Make with code 27


Import modules updateAnswer()

Make new
answer string
Define data


While not finished,

input new guess

Player wins Player loses

Coding involves using several elements. Let’s take
a look at a range of them and how they work
After initialising the data the program
needs, we loop round, updating the

answer variable until the player guesses
n the last program, we get input from the all the letters or they run out of tries
keyboard and output text and numbers by
using the print() function. We have also used theWord. When we call a function that is inside
a condition structure in the form of if and else. a module, we use a full stop between the module

Coding Python is very particular about how you indent the name and the function name. Next, we want to get

code with spaces (four per indent level); this shows the player to start guessing what the word is. If we
that the indented code is inside another structure. look at the bottom of the code, we can see that we
In the last program, everything indented after the call a function called startGuessing(). This is our
while statement will be part of that loop. Let’s take own function that we need to define.
Want to learn more a look at a few more coding techniques.
about coding? Check
out our guides to
Defining functions
Python coding and
Using lists 03
programming in
01 We are going to write a Hangman-style
Each time we call a function, the code inside
it runs. Sometimes functions have outputs, like our
The MagPi #53 and game, where we start with a secret word and the function updateAnswer() that returns the variable
#54 respectively. player has to guess it, letter by letter. If correct, we result. One of the rules of Python is that you must
show them where that letter appears in the word. define a function before you call it, so we will need They are allowed ten wrong attempts before the to define our startGuessing() function near the game ends. See the code to follow along. top of the code. To do so, we write def and then the
First, we make a list of words to choose from. A name of the function, followed by brackets and a
list is defined in Python using square brackets, colon. If we want to pass variables as inputs into a
like: list = ["a","b","c"]. We’ll call our list function, we can add them inside the brackets.
WORDLIST. In this case we’re writing the list name
in upper case to show that it is a constant, i.e. It is
not going to change throughout the program.
Getting loopy
04 Now for the code in our startGuessing()
function. We set the number of tries and dashes,
Pick a word
02 We can pick a word from our list using the
one for each letter of the secret word, then we go
into a loop. The code says: “While the player still
random module. We import the module at the top has some tries left and the answer we have is not
of our code, then we can use the random.choice() the secret word, run the following code.” In our
function to get a word and store it in a variable: loop, we print the answer we have so far and how

28 Make with code

Language: Python
Module 001. import random
A module 002.
is another 003. WORDLIST = ["orange", "table", "january", "balloon",
code file. It "mouse", "speaker", "lorry"]
004. theWord = random.choice(WORDLIST) Variable
can contain
005. A variable is a container for data,
006. def startGuessing(): in this case a string which can
007. triesLeft = 10 change as the program runs.
and data.
008. answer = "-" * len(theWord)
List 010. while triesLeft > -1 and not answer == theWord:
A function contains code
A list is a 011. print("\n" + answer)
that can be called from
collection 012. print(str(triesLeft) + " tries left")
elsewhere in the program.
of variables, 013. guess = input("Guess a letter:")
in this case 014. if len(guess) != 1:
string variables. 015. print("Just guess one letter at a time.") Output
016. elif guess in theWord: Output is anything
017. print("Yes that letter is in the word.") that the program
018. answer = updateAnswer(theWord, answer, guess) produces, in this case
A loop is a part
019. else: words printed to the
of the code
020. print("Sorry, that letter is not in the word.") shell window.
that is repeated
021. triesLeft -= 1
one or more
times, usually
023. if triesLeft < 0:
024. print("Sorry, you have run out of tries. The word was: " + theWord)
on an equation
025. else:
being True.
026. print("Well done, You guessed right. The word was: " + theWord)
Input 028. def updateAnswer(word, ans, guess): Condition
An input is data that 029. result = "" A condition branches a program
a program receives, 030. for i in range(len(word)): to execute one set of code or
in this case from 031. if word[i] == guess: another. Sometimes there are
the keyboard. 032. result = result + guess several branches.
033. else:
034. result = result + ans[i]
035. return result Calling a function
036. When a function is called, the code inside
037. print("I'm thinking of a word....") the function is run and then returns to the
038. startGuessing() next line of code after the function call.

many tries the player has left. Then we use an if, guessed all the right letters in our word or they have
elif, else condition structure to respond to the got it wrong ten times, the program will drop out of
player, depending on what they typed. the loop to reach the final part of the function.

Changing the answer Win or lose

05 If the player guesses a letter correctly, we
06 We have an if and else structure to print
call another function: updateAnswer(). This congratulations, or let the player know they’ve run
uses a for loop to add the correct letters into out of tries. A few of the functions are used with
our answer variable, then return that string (a variables: len() finds the length of a string, and
variable containing letters/characters rather than str() converts a number variable into a string so
a numeric value). This then becomes the answer it can be added to the start or the end of another
variable that we print at the start of each loop in the string. After the function is complete, it returns to
startGuessing() function. When the player has where it was called, which is the end of the program.

Make with code 29


n the previous example, we imported a module
into our code and used functions from it. If we
want to control electronics from code, there
is a very useful module available called gpiozero.
GPIO stands for ‘general-purpose input/output’
and the line of double pins on one side of the
Raspberry Pi are called GPIO pins. For details about
the labels of all the pins, see If we
connect electrical components to these GPIO pins,
we can use the gpiozero module to make things
happen. When we import a module, there are often
many different functions inside. We can also make
new coding ‘objects’ with them. Objects are like
variables but have their own set of functions and
properties inside them that we can call or change,
and we do that using the same dot notation (full
stop) that we did with the random module. For

Now we’ve got the hang of the coding, let’s put more details on using coding objects (called object-
oriented programming or OOP), see issue 54 of
it to work with some electronic components The MagPi:

The breadboard
You’ll Need 01 Breadboards come in various sizes, but
they all work in the same way. If there are tracks
marked red and black/blue (and/or + and –) on the
A breadboard long edges of the board, these are for power and are connected along the length – although sometimes
divided into sections. The matrix of holes which
An LED make up the main part of the board are connected in lines the other way (vertically in the diagram).
There is usually a break in the centre of the board
A resistor so that the two sides are not connected.

2 × male-to-female
jumper wires

Light-emitting diode (LED)

02 An LED is a bit like a bulb in that if you apply
electricity to it in the right way, it lights up. An LED
This resistor is 1 kΩ This is a yellow LED,
(kilohm), but you can but you can buy LEDs in is also a diode, which means that the electricity
use a similar value many different colours needs to flow in the correct direction or it will not
light. When connecting an LED to the Raspberry

30 Make with code


Pi, we need to add a resistor to the

circuit, as most LEDs will burn out if
we connect them directly to the main
power output. In the example, we are
using a 1 kΩ resistor, but it’s fine to
use another similar value. To light
an LED using gpiozero, assemble
the components as in the diagram,
then write a Python program: start
with from gpiozero import LED,
then create an LED object with led =
LED(17), and finally type led.on()
to light the LED. You can control the
state of the LED using
the gpiozero module
in Python

A resistor
03 Resistors do what their name
suggests: they resist the flow of
electricity (current). Some components
05 A potentiometer is a variable resistor. It
need to have a certain amount of current usually has a turning spindle that changes the
in order to operate correctly. Resistors resistance from one value to another, quite often
enable us to set the current or voltage to from no resistance to full resistance (no electricity
a suitable level for the other components flowing). A potentiometer can provide us with
we are using. There are many different a variable output voltage which we can measure
types of resistors, with different with the GPIO, but there is a slight problem. The
resistance values. The resistance value potentiometer provides an ‘analogue’
can be read from the pattern of coloured output (varies continuously
stripes on the resistor. You can also between values) and the GPIO
get variable resistors, which are known inputs are only digital, i.e.
as potentiometers. on or off. So we need another
component: an analogue-to-
digital converter (ADC). For more details
about using electronic
Jumper wires
04 We need to connect
components with the
Raspberry Pi, check out
our components to the
Raspberry Pi GPIO pins.
06 digital converter
our Electronics Starter
Guide in issue 64 of
For this we use jumper ADC components come in various forms, but the The MagPi.
wires. The ones we will one we have in this example is called an MCP3008.
be using have a female It’s an integrated circuit (IC), meaning that it’s a
connector at one end, box with some circuitry inside it. We don’t need
to go on the GPIO pins, to know what is inside it – we just need to know
and a male connector what to connect to each of the legs of the IC. We
to go in the holes of the will need to wire up several of the legs to GPIO pins
breadboard. You can also and provide the IC with power; when we’ve done
get jumper wires with that, we can connect the potentiometer to the IC
both male connectors or and then read values in
both female connectors, showing the position
for different situations. of the potentiometer
They can be bought in spindle using the
strips all joined together, gpiozero module.
sometimes known as We’ll cover the code
‘jumper jerky’. in the next section.

Make with code 31


Now to put what we have covered to the test: we will make a

You’ll Need retro game and control it with our own homemade controllers

O n the previous page we talked about function to write the graphics to the window, and
potentiometers and analogue-to- an update() function to update the game items
6 × male-to-female digital converters, and this is where between draw cycles.
jumper wires & we get to use them. It’s a bit more complicated
10 × male-to-male than lighting up an LED, but only a little. First,
jumper wires we are going to write a program which has two Running the code
rectangular bats at each side of the screen that
can be moved up and down by two players. A ball
02 The listing provides all the code
2 × potentiometers bounces backwards and forwards between the you need for the game to work. There is some code bats until one player misses the ball and the other in the updatePaddles() function for the keyboard
player scores a point. That’s right, you guessed to control the paddles or bats, just in case you want
MCP3008 it, the game is Pong and we are going to create a to test it before making the proper controllers. We
integrated circuit controller for each player from a potentiometer import several modules with this code. We have and wire it into the Raspberry Pi. covered pgzrun, but we also need random so that
the ball will move in a random direction each time
it starts. In addition, we need gpiozero to deal
with the input from the controllers, and we need
Super-fast game coding the math module for calculating the direction of
01 If you have been following other coding the ball.
articles in recent issues of The MagPi, you will know
that when writing a quick game on the Raspberry
Pi, Pygame Zero is your friend. We can make the
Wiring it all up
basics of the game code very quickly by importing
the pgzrun module, which holds all the Pygame
03 One thing to bear in mind when connecting
Zero code. We need to call pgzrun.go() at the end any electronics to a computer is that if the
of our code, and that’s our game window sorted. As wires are connected in the wrong way, you may
with all Pygame Zero programs, we have a draw() cause damage to the computer or the electronic

32 Make with code


It may seem like a lot of

wires, but work through
the diagram methodically
to make sure they are
plugged in correctly

components, so it’s always a good idea to power off case. You will see from the diagram that all the legs
your Raspberry Pi before connecting anything to on the top side of the IC are connected to either
the GPIO pins. Follow the wiring diagram (overleaf) GPIO pins or to power lines. There are two red
carefully, making sure that the jumper wires are connections going to the positive power track, then
connected to the right GPIO pins and to the correct a black lead to the negative or ground track. Then
places on the breadboard. Once you have put there are four coloured wires that go to: purple –
everything in place, it’s a good idea to have another GPIO 11; green – GPIO 09; orange – GPIO 10; and
check just to make sure. blue – GPIO 08. Then there is one last connector to
the ground track.

The MCP3008 IC
04 The inputs
The MCP3008 converts the voltage from our
potentiometers into a number with the help of the
05 All the MCP3008 pins on the bottom side
gpiozero module. It has eight channels for input, of the IC are input channels. We will use the first
but we are going to just use two of them in this two pins, which are channel 0 and channel 1. We

Make with code 33


connect the middle pins of our potentiometers to

those channel pins, which will read the positions
and convert that to a value in our program. If you
want to know exactly what all the pins are for on
The MCP3008 this IC, you can do a web search for ‘MCP3008
straddles pinout’ and that will give you descriptions of each.
the centre ICs are very useful in electronics as they mean that
break of the we can reduce how complex our circuits are and we
breadboard so don’t need to know exactly how they work inside.
that the pins on They are a little bit like modules in Python.
either side are
not connected

Finishing the job

06 When you have checked that all the
connections are correct, you can switch the
Raspberry Pi back on and reload your program. You
The left-hand
may want to initialise the SPI interface on your
Raspberry Pi by going to the main desktop menu
middle pin
connects to pin > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration, and
0, and the right go to the Interfaces tab. It will work without this,
one‘s to pin 1 of but may cause a few warnings in the Thonny shell
the MCP3008 window. So, all being well, when you run your
program you will have a game of Pong which can be
controlled by two players with the potentiometers.
If it doesn’t work first time, check your code and
then your wiring, and try again.

When everything is
plugged in and working,
you can play Pong!

34 Make with code

Language: Python
001. import pgzrun 050. p2Y = (
002. import random pot2.value * 540) +30
003. from gpiozero import MCP3008 051.
004. import math 052. if keyboard.up:
005. 053. if p2Y > 30:
006. pot1 = MCP3008(0) 054. p2Y -= 2
007. pot2 = MCP3008(1) 055. if keyboard.down:
008. 056. if p2Y < 570:
009. # Set up the colours 057. p2Y += 2
010. BLACK = (0 ,0 ,0 ) 058. if keyboard.w:
011. WHITE = (255,255,255) 059. if p1Y > 30:
012. p1Score = p2Score = 0 060. p1Y -= 2
013. BALLSPEED = 5 061. if keyboard.s:
014. p1Y = 300 062. if p1Y < 570:
015. p2Y = 300 063. p1Y += 2
016. 064.
017. def draw(): 065. def updateBall():
018. screen.fill(BLACK) 066. global ballX, ballY, ballDirX, ballDirY,
019. screen.draw.line((400,0),(400,600),"green") p1Score, p2Score
020. drawPaddles() 067. ballX += ballDirX*BALLSPEED
021. drawBall() 068. ballY += ballDirY*BALLSPEED
022. screen.draw.text(str(p1Score) , center=(105, 069. ballRect = Rect((ballX-4,ballY-4),(8,8))
40), color=WHITE, fontsize=60) 070. p1rect = Rect((100, p1Y-30), (10, 60))
023. screen.draw.text(str(p2Score) , center=(705, 071. p2rect = Rect((700, p2Y-30), (10, 60))
40), color=WHITE, fontsize=60) 072. if checkCollide(ballRect, p1rect) or
024. checkCollide(ballRect, p2rect):
025. def update(): 073. ballDirX *= -1
026. updatePaddles() 074. if ballY < 4 or ballY > 596:
027. updateBall() 075. ballDirY *= -1
028. 076. if ballX < 0:
029. def init(): 077. p2Score += 1
030. global ballX, ballY, ballDirX, ballDirY 078. init()
031. ballX = 400 079. if ballX > 800:
032. ballY = 300 080. p1Score += 1
033. a = random.randint(10, 350) 081. init()
034. while (a > 80 and a < 100) or (a > 260 and a < 082.
280): 083.
035. a = random.randint(10, 350) 084. def checkCollide(r1,r2):
036. ballDirX = math.cos(math.radians(a)) 085. return (
037. ballDirY = math.sin(math.radians(a)) 086. r1.x < r2.x + r2.w and
038. 087. r1.y < r2.y + r2.h and
039. def drawPaddles(): 088. r1.x + r1.w > r2.x and
040. global p1Y, p2Y 089. r1.y + r1.h > r2.y
041. p1rect = Rect((100, p1Y-30), (10, 60)) 090. )
042. p2rect = Rect((700, p2Y-30), (10, 60)) 091.
043. screen.draw.filled_rect(p1rect, "red") 092. def drawBall():
044. screen.draw.filled_rect(p2rect, "red") 093. screen.draw.filled_circle((ballX, ballY), 8,
045. "white")
046. def updatePaddles(): 094. pass
047. global p1Y, p2Y 095.
048. 096. init()
049. p1Y = (pot1.value * 540) +30 097. pgzrun.go()

Make with code 35


Pi Bakery:
Part 01

In a spin
Enhance your Raspberry Pi by adding a VGA output and a retro 8-bit
sound chip emulator using the eight-core Propeller chip

ver wanted an extra display on your
Raspberry Pi, maybe for a two-player game
Mike The spin processor

or to log extra information? Then dust off
that old VGA monitor and put it to good use to
01 The Propeller spin processor has been
Veteran magazine make a text and graphics display. Ever wanted around for some time now and, in many ways,
author from the old to recreate those authentic 8-bit sounds of it was ahead of its time. It has eight processors
days, writer of the yesteryear without trying to buy long obsolete that are called ‘cogs’; they all operate in parallel
Body Build series,
chips? Well now you can, easily and cheaply, and can run at speeds in excess of 96MHz. Each
plus co-author of
Raspberry Pi for by using the remarkable but much neglected one has a turn at controlling the output pins,
Dummies, Raspberry Propeller chip. We will show you how to do it, as hence the name ‘spin’. This is summarised in
Pi Projects, and
well as making a Propeller development board for Figure 1. In addition to the cogs, there is memory:
Raspberry Pi Projects
for Dummies. even more projects. both RAM and ROM, which are shared resources

You’ll Need
> P
 8X32A processor
> 2
> 5
 MHz crystal
> U
 SB to TTL serial
adapter 3.3 V 5.5 V
> F
 ull parts list

36 Pi Bakery: In a spin


Cog Cog
7 1

Cog Cog

System Cog Cog I/O

Counter 5 3 Pins

Figure 1 
Figure 1 The spin
processor’s cogs

Figure 2 The block
diagram of our system
for all the cogs. On bootup, code can be loaded Figure 2
automatically from an external EEPROM, so in
effect the processor can run any code without
3V3 & 5V power
specifically loading it.

Spin language USB module
02 Built into the processor is an interpreter
for a language called Spin, which has a simple Raspberry Pi USB
syntax and is quite easy to learn. You can also run
machine code, for those tasks that require it. In a
similar way to the Arduino, preprogrammed cog
codes can easily be dropped in, just like libraries,
and there is a cog exchange website where you can
Spin Board
download over a hundred cogs. In effect, you can
think of cogs as programmable peripherals, and
that is what we want to do with them here.

VGA Monitor
Our project
03 What we are going to do is to build a
development board for this processor and make Stereo output
a VDU display, and a retro sound chip emulator
with it, and show you how to drive these new
Active speaker

Pi Bakery: In a spin 37


2 Spin Processor
Boot up EEPROM A/D Converter
VGA Socket
I2C 3 - 2 bit converters

USB to 3V3 TTL 2
TX/RX Audio Filtering Audio Jack Socket overall structure of what we are going to make,
DTR without delving into all the detail we need to
add to make a schematic. Connections between
P26 Test LED blocks that consist of more than one wire are
often shown, as here, by a thick line with a slash
Reset Circuit Reset
Figure 3 and number above it, to indicate the number of
wires involved. As well as the video and audio
outputs, we have included an LED to flash, and

Figure 3 The block peripherals with Python. Figure 2 (previous page) there are 15 unused I/O pins on the processor for
diagram of our
spin board
shows the block diagram of our project. With the further expansion.
introduction of the Raspberry Pi 3, there has been
a change to the serial port on the GPIO pins; so
to allow our project to seamlessly work with any
The full schematic
model, we have chosen the USB route to access it,
but taking its power from the Pi itself.
05 Figure 4 shows the full schematic of the
board. By reference to the block diagram, you
can identify the main functional units. The three
video components – R, G, and B – are made using
Our board
04 Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the
two pins, each joined together through resistors,
to form a simple DAC (digital-to-analogue
board. A block diagram is useful for getting the converter). For best results, these resistors should

470R 0.1uF

Figure 4 The schematic
of our spin board
Figure 4

30 35 (P26)


Red LED 8 7 1
SD 2
(P29) 38 5
31 (P28) 37 6
10 (BOEn) 24LC256
Reset P8X32A (DIP) (P11) 16 10K

(P10) 15 Audio output

11 (RESn) 10nF

BC237BG VGA socket

3V3 5V L

(P23) 28 240R R R
12 1 9
(P22) 27 470R 16uF

(P21) 26 240R G 10K

2 10
0.1uF (P20) 25 470R
29 8

(P19) 24 240R B
3 7
(P18) 23 470R
32 HS 6
RX TX (P17) 22 240R 13
220uF VS 5
(P31) (P30) (P16) 21 240R 14
9 40 39
0.1uF 0.1uF

TX 3V3
Vcc USB Module

38 Pi Bakery: In a spin


37 30 20 10 1

Figure 5

be accurate to 1%. The audio circuits consist 10

of a 10 kΩ resistor and 10 nF capacitor to form

a restoration filter, which will remove a lot of
the PWM noise. Then a capacitor provides AC
coupling, and a final trim pot allows you to adjust
the output. 20

Figure 5 The
track side of
Preparing the board our spin board
06 The project is constructed on a piece of 30 
Figure 6 The
physical layout
32-strip, 37-hole stripboard – see Figure 5. The 32
of our spin board

3V3 Gnd 5V
1 10 220uF 20 30 37

1 0.1


10 7

P8X32A 6

5.00 MHz




10K 24

TX USB Module


30 B 30



Figure 6 BC237BG

Pi Bakery: In a spin 39


Figure 7

pin 1 at S3 H19. Then add a 0.1 μF capacitor at S11

H21 and S11 H23, and another at S14 H21 and S14
H23. As these will be inside the socket, push them
flat against the board so they don’t foul the chip.
Next, add the 8-pin socket with pin 1 at S6 H3.

Adding the components

08 Now, add all the wire links; these are the
vertical black lines. Then add all the resistors
and the push-button. Next, add the LED – note
the flat on the lower side, indicating the LED’s
cathode or negative end. Add the capacitors,
pots, crystal, and transistor. The USB module

Figure 7 Fitting wire
is soldered to the board (Figure 7) using six thick
anchors to the USB module wires in the positions indicated by the black holes
in the diagram. Only two are used as signals – the
grey squares indicate where the track has been others are for mechanical support only. Make sure
cut around a hole. Each hole has a coordinate, you make the link on the module so that you get
given by a strip and hole number; strip numbers 3V3 (3.3 V) signals out of it.
go from top to bottom and, on the underside, hole
numbers go from right to left. Drill four 3 mm
board mounting holes at S2 H36 (Strip 2 Hole 36),
The VGA socket
S2 H2, S31 H2, and S31 H36. Add the VGA socket
mounting at S6 H34 and S19 H34, and fit the audio
09 The socket is mounted on a bracket
jack. Make all the cuts in the tracks. made from a 46 mm length of 15×15 mm angle
aluminium (Figure 8). This requires a trapezoidal
slot to be cut out of it using a saw and file. The
saw cuts you could make are shown in Figure 9;
Building the board
07 Figure 6 (previous page) shows the
finish off by filing so the socket slots in neatly.
Slot in the socket and mark its mounting holes
components – on this side, hole numbers go from
left to right. The ‘hidden detail’ of the track breaks

Figure 9 Saw cuts to remove
and the strip outlines can be seen through the the majority of the metal Figure 9
board. Start by soldering the 40-pin socket with
2 4

Figure 8 The VGA
1 3
Figure 8 12mm 12mm socket’s bracket

15mm 10mm

5 6



40 Pi Bakery: In a spin


Figure 10 Figure 11

Figure 10 Pre-wiring 
Figure 11 Fitting
the VGA socket the VGA socket

through the socket’s holes. Do the same with the Figure 12

bracket’s mounting holes on the board. Drill out
with a 3 mm drill and fix the bracket to the board.

Wiring the VGA socket

10 It is best if you add wires into the socket
(Figure 10) before mounting it on the board. Add 
Figure 12 Tapping
the power from
40 mm wires to pin numbers 1, 2, 3, 9, 13, and the Pi
14. Use different colours of wires for each one so
 he finished
they can easily identified once mounted. For the spin board
pin numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, you have to chain
these together. Do this by stripping the ends off
two wires and twisting them together, and then
tinning them – that is, adding a bit of solder.
Then trim off the exposed wire to about 4 mm and
insert in the hole of the pin, then solder it up.

Adding the connection wires

11 Screw the VGA socket to the bracket and
wire up the flying leads to the points shown
(Figure 11), trimming them to be only the length
they need to be. Make the rest of the wires
linking up the circuit. The 3V3, 5 V, and ground
on the top of the layout go to the Raspberry Pi.
We used three wires of 300 mm connected to an
8-pin header socket pushed into the GPIO pins
(Figure 12). Some VGA monitors don’t require
the 5 V signal, so that could be omitted if that is
the case with yours.
With the hardware built, next month we will
see how to program our spin board, test it, and
get some funky sounds from it.

Pi Bakery: In a spin 41


Code your own

Part 07

Pac-Man game:
part 2
Pac-Man captured the hearts and pocket money of many young
people in the eighties. In part two of our guide, we add some
groovy features to the basic game created last month


Pac-Man gets points for eating dots, n part one, we created a maze for our player
Vanstone and ghosts after eating power-ups to move around, and restricted movement to
just the corridors. We provided some dots to
software author eat and some ghosts to avoid. In this part we are
from the nineties, going to give the ghosts some more brains so that
If all the dots are eaten, Pac-Man
author of the they are a bit more challenging to the player. We
ArcVenture series, moves up a level; he has three lives
before the game is over will also add the bonus power-ups which turn the
disappeared into
the corporate ghosts into tasty edibles, give Pac-Man some extra
software wasteland. levels to explore and some extra lives. So far in
Rescued by the
this series we have not dealt with music, so we will
Raspberry Pi!
have a go at putting some music and sound effects into the game.

Need more brains

01 In part one, we left our ghosts wandering
You’ll Need around the maze randomly without much thought
for what they were doing, which was a bit unfair
>  Raspbian Jessie
or newer as Pac-Man could evade them without too much
trouble. In the original game, each ghost had
> A
 n image
a program that it followed to characterise its
program such as movements. We are going to add some brains to
GIMP, or images two of the ghosts. The first we will make follow
available from Pac-Man, and the second we will get to ambush by moving ahead of Pac-Man. We will still leave in
> T
 he latest version some random movement, otherwise it may get a
of Pygame Zero bit too difficult.

> U
 SB joystick or
gamepad (optional)
Follow the leader
>  Headphones
or speakers
If Pac-Man eats a power-up, the
ghosts turn blue and are edible
02 First, let’s get the red ghost to follow
Pac-Man. We already have a moveGhosts() function

42 Pygame Zero Pac-Man


Adding a brain to
a ghost to follow
the player

from part one and we can add a condition to see

if we are dealing with the first ghost: if g == 0:
followPlayer(g, dirs). This calls followPlayer()
if it’s the first ghost. The followPlayer() function
receives a list of directions that the ghost can 001. def followPlayer(g, dirs):
move in. It then tests the x coordinate of the player 002. d = ghosts[g].dir
against the x coordinate of the ghost and, if the 003. if d == 1 or d == 3:
direction is valid, sets the ghost direction to move 004. if player.x > ghosts[g].x and dirs[0] == 1:
toward the player. Then it does the same with 005. ghosts[g].dir = 0
the y coordinates. 006. if player.x < ghosts[g].x and dirs[2] == 1:
007. ghosts[g].dir = 2
008. if d == 0 or d == 2:
009. if player.y > ghosts[g].y and dirs[1] == 1 and not
Y over x aboveCentre(ghosts[g]): ghosts[g].dir = 1
03 The keen-witted among you will have 010. if player.y < ghosts[g].y and dirs[3] == 1:
noticed that if x and y movements towards the 011. ghosts[g].dir = 3
player are both valid, then the y direction will 012.
always win. We could throw in another random 013.
number to choose between the two, but in testing 014. def aboveCentre(ga):
this arrangement it doesn’t cause any significant 015. if ga.x > 220 and ga.x < 380 and ga.y > 300 and ga.y
problem with the movement. See for < 320:
the followPlayer() function. You will see there is a 016. return True
special condition aboveCentre() when we check the 017. return False
downward movement. We are checking that the
ghost is not just above the centre, otherwise it will
go back into its starting enclosure.
to time one ghost would get stuck in the centre.
What we do is, if we detect that a ghost is in the
centre, we always default to direction 3, which is
The central problem
04 If we go back to the moveGhosts() function,
up. If we run the game with this condition and
the followPlayer() function, we should see all
we need another centre-related condition: if the ghosts making their way straight out of the
inTheCentre(ghosts[g]). This is because if we leave centre and then the red ghost making a bee-line
the ghost to randomly move around our centre towards Pac-Man.
enclosure, it may take a long time to get out. In
part one, you may have noticed that from time

Pygame Zero Pac-Man 43

It’s an ambush!
001. # This code goes in the update() function
05 So, the next brain to implant is for the
002. second ghost. We will add a function ambushPlayer()
003. if player.status == 1: in the same way we did for the first ghost, but this
004. i = gameinput.checkInput(player) time if g == 1:. The ambushPlayer() function
005. if i == 1: works very much like the followPlayer() function,
006. player.status = 0 but this time we just check the direction that
007. player.x = 290 Pac-Man is currently moving and try to move in
008. player.y = 570 that direction. We, of course, cannot know which
009. direction the player is going to move, and this may
010. # This code goes in the gameinput module seem a bit of a simplistic approach to ambushing
011. # in the checkInput() function the player, but it is surprising how many times
012. Pac‑Man ends up wedged between these two ghosts
013. if joystick_count > 0: with this method.
014. jb = joyin.get_button(1)
015. else:
016. jb = 0
017. if p.status == 1: Scores on the doors
018. if key.get_pressed()[K_RETURN] or jb:
06 Brain functions could be added to all the
019. return 1 ghosts, but we are going to leave the ghost brains
for now as there is plenty more to do to get our

Checking to see if ENTER

or button A has been
pressed and resetting the
player actor

Pac-Man gets three lives.

You can use the gamepad
or joystick buttons to ask
for input from the player

44 Pygame Zero Pac-Man

game completed. Before we go any further, we
ought to get a scoring system going and reward 001. # This code is in our main code file (
Pac-Man for all the dots eaten. We can attach the 002.
score variable to the player actor near the top of 003. def initDots():
our code with player.score = 0 and then each 004. global pacDots
time a dot is eaten we add 10 to the score with 005. pacDots = []
player.score += 10. We can also display the score 006. a = x = 0
in the draw() function (probably top right is best) 007. while x < 30:
with screen.draw.text(). 008. y = 0
009. while y < 29:
010. d = gamemaps.checkDotPoint(10+x*20, 10+y*20)
011. if d == 1:
Three strikes and you’re out! 012. pacDots.append(Actor("dot",(10+x*20,
07 As is the tradition in arcade games, you 90+y*20)))
get three lives before it’s game over. If you 013. pacDots[a].status = 0
followed our previous tutorial for Space Invaders, 014. pacDots[a].type = 1
you will know how we do this. We just add a lives 015. a += 1
variable to the player actor and then each time 016. if d == 2:
Pac-Man is caught by a ghost, we take a life off, 017. pacDots.append(Actor("power",(10+x*20,
set player.status = 1, and print a message to say 90+y*20)))
press ENTER. When pressed, we set player.status 018. pacDots[a].status = 0
= 0 and send Pac-Man back to the starting place. 019. pacDots[a].type = 2
Then we continue. Have a look at to see 020. a += 1
the code we add to reset Pac-Man to the start. 021. y += 1
022. x += 1
024. # This code is in the gamemaps module
Printing lives 025.
08 We have the system for keeping track of 026. def checkDotPoint(x,y):
the player.lives variable, but we also need to 027. global dotimage
show the player how many lives they have left. 028. if dotimage.get_at((int(x), int(y))) ==
We can do this with a simple loop like we used in Color('black'):
the previous Space Invaders tutorial. We can have 029. return 1
a drawLives() function which we call from our 030. if dotimage.get_at((int(x), int(y))) == Color('red'):
draw() function. In that function, we go round a 031. return 2
loop for the number of lives we have by saying for 032. return False
l in range(player.lives): and then we can use
the same image that we use for the player and say
Updated code to
screen.blit("pacman_o", (10+(l*32),40)). include the creation
of power-ups

I have the power!

Which button to press 10
09 You may notice in that in our
The next item on our list is power-ups.
These are large glowing dots that, when eaten, turn
gameinput module we are checking a joystick all the ghosts dark blue. In their blue form they can
button as well as the ENTER key. You may want to be eaten for bonus points and they return to the
do a few tests with the gamepads or joysticks that centre of the maze. First, let’s devise a way to place
you’re using, as the buttons may have different the power-ups in the maze. We have updated the
numbers. You can also prompt the player to press pacmandotmap.png image to include some red
(in this case) the A button to continue. If you were squares, instead of black, in the positions where we
designing a game that relied on several buttons want our power-ups to be. Then, when we initialise
being used, you might want to set up a way of our dots and call checkDotPoint(x,y), we look for
mapping the buttons to values depending on what red as well as black – shows how we
type of gamepad or joystick is being used. change our code to do this.

Pygame Zero Pac-Man 45

> Language: Python 3

001. from pygame import image, surface, Color

002. moveimage = image.load('images/pacmanmovemap.png')
003. dotimage = image.load('images/pacmandotmap.png')
005. def checkMovePoint(p):
006. global moveimage
007. if p.x+p.movex < 0: p.x = p.x+600
008. if p.x+p.movex > 600: p.x = p.x-600 There were 255 levels in the original
009. if moveimage.get_at((int(p.x+p.movex), int(p.y+ Pac-Man arcade game. The 256th level
was unplayable as the screen layout was
p.movey-80))) != Color('black'): corrupted, but few people ever saw that
010. p.movex = p.movey = 0
011. eaten, so we need to add more code to handle the
012. def checkDotPoint(x,y): event of a power-up being eaten. In the draw()
013. global dotimage function, where we look to see if the player has
014. if dotimage.get_at((int(x), int(y))) == collided with a dot using collidepoint(), we then
Color('black'): check the status of the dot (to make sure it’s still
015. return 1 there) and after this we can add a new condition:
016. if dotimage.get_at((int(x), int(y))) == if pacDots[a].type == 2:.
017. return 2
018. return False
019. High status ghosts
020. def getPossibleDirection(g):
12 As we have determined that we are dealing
021. global moveimage with a power-up (type 2), we can add a loop that
022. if g.x-20 < 0: goes through the list of ghosts and changes the
023. g.x = g.x+600 status of the ghost. Normally the status for a ghost
024. if g.x+20 > 600: is 0. What we are going to do is change the status
025. g.x = g.x-600 to a fairly high number (try 1200 to start with). This
026. directions = [0,0,0,0] will indicate that the ghosts are in their alternate
027. if g.x+20 < 600: state and we will use the status as a countdown.
028. if moveimage.get_at((int(g.x+20), We will decrement this value each time update() is
int(g.y-80))) == Color('black'): directions[0] = 1 called; when it reaches 0, the ghosts will turn back
029. if g.x < 600 and g.x >= 0: to normal.
030. if moveimage.get_at((int(g.x), int(g.y-60)))
== Color('black'): directions[1] = 1
031. if g.x-20 >= 0:
032. if moveimage.get_at((int(g.x-20), Why so blue?
int(g.y-80))) == Color('black'): directions[2] = 1
13 To make our ghost turn blue, we are going to
033. if g.x < 600 and g.x >= 0: add some conditions to our drawGhosts() function.
034. if moveimage.get_at((int(g.x), int(g.y-100))) We want them to be blue when the status is more
== Color('black'): directions[3] = 1 than 0, but just to make it interesting we will
035. return directions make them flash when they are about to turn back.
So we can write if ghosts[g].status > 200 or
(ghosts[g].status > 1 and ghosts[g].status%2
== 0): ghosts[g].image = "ghost5". What this is
saying is that if the status is over 200 then make
Not all dots are the same
11 We now have a system to place our power-
the ghost blue, but if it’s less that 200 but greater
than 1 then make it blue every other frame. We
ups in the maze. The next thing to do is to change then have an else condition underneath that will
what happens when Pac-Man eats a power-up set the image to its normal colour.
compared to a normal dot. At the moment we
just add ten points to the player’s score if a dot is

46 Pygame Zero Pac-Man

> Language: Python 3

001. from pygame import joystick, key 021. if key.get_pressed()[K_RIGHT] or xaxis > 0.8:
002. from pygame.locals import * 022. p.angle = 0
003. 023. p.movex = 20
004. joystick.init() 024. if key.get_pressed()[K_UP] or yaxis < -0.8:
005. joystick_count = joystick.get_count() 025. p.angle = 90
006. 026. p.movey = -20
007. if(joystick_count > 0): 027. if key.get_pressed()[K_DOWN] or yaxis > 0.8:
008. joyin = joystick.Joystick(0) 028. p.angle = 270
009. joyin.init() 029. p.movey = 20
010. 030. if joystick_count > 0:
011. def checkInput(p): 031. jb = joyin.get_button(1)
012. global joyin, joystick_count 032. else:
013. xaxis = yaxis = 0 033. jb = 0
014. if p.status == 0: 034. if p.status == 1:
015. if joystick_count > 0: 035. if key.get_pressed()[K_RETURN] or jb:
016. xaxis = joyin.get_axis(0) 036. return 1
017. yaxis = joyin.get_axis(1) 037. if p.status == 2:
018. if key.get_pressed()[K_LEFT] or xaxis < -0.8: 038. if key.get_pressed()[K_RETURN] or jb:
019. p.angle = 180 039. return 1
020. p.movex = -20

14 The tables have turned

Now we have our ghosts all turning blue
when a power-up is eaten, we need to change what
happens when Pac-Man collides with them. Instead 001. # This code is in the update() function
of taking a life from the player.lives variable, we 002.
are going to add to the player.score variable and 003. for g in range(len(ghosts)):
send the ghost back to the centre. So, the first job 004. if ghosts[g].status > 0: ghosts[g].status -= 1
is to add a condition in update() when we check the 005. if ghosts[g].collidepoint((player.x,
ghost collidepoint() with the player, which would player.y)):
be if ghosts[g].status > 0:. We then add 100 to 006. if ghosts[g].status > 0:
the player.score and animate() the ghost back to 007. player.score += 100
the centre. See for the updated code. 008. animate(ghosts[g], pos=(290, 370),
duration=1/SPEED, tween='linear',
009. else:
Back to the start 010. player.lives -= 1
15 You will notice that when Pac-Man comes 011. if player.lives == 0:
into contact with a dark blue ghost, we just 012. player.status = 3
animate the actor straight back to the centre in the 013. else:
same time that we normally animate a ghost from 014. player.status = 1
one position to the next. This is so that we don’t
hold up the animation on the other ghosts waiting
Updated ghost
for the eaten one to get back to the centre. In the collision code to
Time for some music
original game, the ghosts would turn into a pair of send them back to
the centre if Pac-Man
eyes and then make their way back to the centre So far in this series, we have not covered eats them
along the corridors, but that would take too much adding music to games. In the documentation of
extra code for this tutorial. Pygame Zero, music is labelled as experimental,
so we will just have to try it out and see what
happens. In the sample GitHub files for this

Pygame Zero Pac-Man 47

tutorial, there is a directory called music and > Language: Python 3
in that directory is an MP3 file that we can use
as eighties arcade game background music. 001. import pgzrun
To start our music, all we need to do is write 002. import gameinput"pm1") in our init() function to start 003. import gamemaps
the music/pm1.mp3 file. You may also want to set 004. from random import randint
the volume with music.set_volume(0.3). 005. from datetime import datetime
006. WIDTH = 600
007. HEIGHT = 660
More sound effects 009.
17 The MP3 file will continue playing in a 010.
player = Actor("pacman_o") # Load in the player Actor image
player.score = 0
loop until we stop it, so when the game is over 011. player.lives = 3
(player.lives = 0) we can fade the music out with 012. level = 0
music.fadeout(3). At this stage we can also add 013. SPEED = 3
some sound effects for when Pac-Man is eating 014.
dots. We have a sound in our sounds directory 015. def draw(): # Pygame Zero draw function
called pac1.mp3 which we will use for this purpose 016. global pacDots, player
and we can add a line of code just before we 017. screen.blit('header', (0, 0))
animate the player: This will 018. screen.blit('colourmap', (0, 80))
play the sound every time Pac-Man moves. We can 019. pacDotsLeft = 0
do the same with pac2.mp3 when a life is lost. 020. for a in range(len(pacDots)):
021. if pacDots[a].status == 0:
022. pacDots[a].draw()
023. pacDotsLeft += 1
Level it up 024.
18 The last thing we need to put into our 025.
if pacDots[a].collidepoint((player.x, player.y)):
if pacDots[a].status == 0:
game is to allow the player to progress to the next 026. if pacDots[a].type == 2:
level when all the dots have been eaten. We could 027. for g in range(len(ghosts)): ghosts[g].status = 1200
incorporate several things to make each level 028. else:
harder, but for the moment let’s concentrate on 029. player.score += 10
resetting the screen and changing the level. If we 030. pacDots[a].status = 1
define our level variable near the top of our code 031. if pacDotsLeft == 0: player.status = 2
as level = 0, then inside our init() function we 032. drawGhosts()
say level += 1, then each time we call init() we 033. getPlayerImage()
will increase our level variable. This means that 034. player.draw()
instead of saying that the player has won, we just 035. drawLives()
prompt them to continue, and call init() to reset 036. screen.draw.text("LEVEL "+str(level) , topleft=(10, 10), owidth=0.5,
everything and level up. ocolor=(0,0,255), color=(255,255,0) , fontsize=40)
037. screen.draw.text(str(player.score) , topright=(590, 20), owidth=0.5,
ocolor=(255,255,255), color=(0,64,255) , fontsize=60)
038. if player.status == 3: drawCentreText("GAME OVER")
So much to do 039.
19 The Pac-Man game has many more things
if player.status == 2: drawCentreText(
"LEVEL CLEARED!\nPress Enter or Button A\nto Continue")
that can be added to it. The original had bonus 040. if player.status == 1: drawCentreText(
fruits to collect, the ghosts would move faster "CAUGHT!\nPress Enter or Button A\nto Continue")
as the levels continued, there were animations 041.
between some of the levels, and the power-ups 042. def drawCentreText(t):
would run out quicker. You could add all of these 043. screen.draw.text(t , center=(300, 434), owidth=0.5,
things to this game, but we will have to leave you ocolor=(255,255,255), color=(255,64,0) , fontsize=60)
to do that yourself. Take a look into the history of 044.
the Pac-Man game – it’s fascinating – and we will 045. def update(): # Pygame Zero update function
be starting a new Pygame Zero game in the next 046. global player, moveGhostsFlag, ghosts
instalment of this series.

48 Pygame Zero Pac-Man



047. if player.status == 0: 093. def drawLives():

048. if moveGhostsFlag == 4: moveGhosts() 094. for l in range(player.lives): screen.blit("pacman_o",
049. for g in range(len(ghosts)): (10+(l*32),40))
050. if ghosts[g].status > 0: ghosts[g].status -= 1 095.
051. if ghosts[g].collidepoint((player.x, 096. def getPlayerImage():
player.y)): 097. global player
052. if ghosts[g].status > 0: 098. dt =
053. player.score += 100 099. a = player.angle
054. animate(ghosts[g], pos=(290, 370), 100. tc = dt.microsecond%(500000/SPEED)/(100000/SPEED)
duration=1/SPEED, tween='linear', 101. if tc > 2.5 and (player.movex != 0 or player.movey
on_finished=flagMoveGhosts) !=0):
055. else: 102. if a != 180:
056. player.lives -= 1 103. player.image = "pacman_c"
057. 104. else:
058. if player.lives == 0: 105. player.image = "pacman_cr"
059. player.status = 3 106. else:
060. music.fadeout(3) 107. if a != 180:
061. else: 108. player.image = "pacman_o"
062. player.status = 1 109. else:
063. if player.inputActive: 110. player.image = "pacman_or"
064. gameinput.checkInput(player) 111. player.angle = a
065. gamemaps.checkMovePoint(player) 112.
066. if player.movex or player.movey: 113. def drawGhosts():
067. inputLock() 114. for g in range(len(ghosts)):
068. 115. if ghosts[g].x > player.x:
069. animate(player, pos=(player.x + player. 116. if ghosts[g].status > 200 or (ghosts[g].status
movex, player.y + player.movey), duration=1/SPEED, > 1 and ghosts[g].status%2 == 0):
tween='linear', on_finished=inputUnLock) 117. ghosts[g].image = "ghost5"
070. if player.status == 1: 118. else:
071. i = gameinput.checkInput(player) 119. ghosts[g].image = "ghost"+str(g+1)+"r"
072. if i == 1: 120. else:
073. player.status = 0 121. if ghosts[g].status > 200 or (ghosts[g].status
074. player.x = 290 > 1 and ghosts[g].status%2 == 0):
075. player.y = 570 122. ghosts[g].image ="ghost5"
076. if player.status == 2: 123. else:
077. i = gameinput.checkInput(player) 124. ghosts[g].image ="ghost"+str(g+1)
078. if i == 1: 125. ghosts[g].draw()
079. init() 126.
080. 127. def moveGhosts():
081. def init(): 128. global moveGhostsFlag
082. global player, level 129. dmoves = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
083. initDots() 130. moveGhostsFlag = 0
084. initGhosts() 131. for g in range(len(ghosts)):
085. player.x = 290 132. dirs = gamemaps.getPossibleDirection(ghosts[g])
086. player.y = 570 133. if inTheCentre(ghosts[g]):
087. player.status = 0 134. ghosts[g].dir = 3
088. inputUnLock() 135. else:
089. level += 1 136. if g == 0: followPlayer(g, dirs)
090."pm1") 137. if g == 1: ambushPlayer(g, dirs)
091. music.set_volume(0.2) 138.
092. 139. if dirs[ghosts[g].dir] == 0 or randint(0,50) == 0:

Pygame Zero Pac-Man 49


140. d = -1 182. def ghostCollided(ga,gn):

141. while d == -1: 183. for g in range(len(ghosts)):
142. rd = randint(0,3) 184. if ghosts[g].colliderect(ga) and g != gn:
143. if aboveCentre(ghosts[g]) and rd == 1: 185. return True
144. rd = 0 186. return False
145. if dirs[rd] == 1: 187.
146. d = rd 188. def initDots():
147. ghosts[g].dir = d 189. global pacDots
148. animate(ghosts[g], pos=(ghosts[g].x 190. pacDots = []
+ dmoves[ghosts[g].dir][0]*20, ghosts[g].y + 191. a = x = 0
dmoves[ghosts[g].dir][1]*20), duration=1/SPEED, 192. while x < 30:
tween='linear', on_finished=flagMoveGhosts) 193. y = 0
149. 194. while y < 29:
150. def followPlayer(g, dirs): 195. d = gamemaps.checkDotPoint(10+x*20, 10+y*20)
151. d = ghosts[g].dir 196. if d == 1:
152. if d == 1 or d == 3: 197. pacDots.append(Actor("dot",(10+x*20,
153. if player.x > ghosts[g].x and dirs[0] == 1: 90+y*20)))
ghosts[g].dir = 0 198. pacDots[a].status = 0
154. if player.x < ghosts[g].x and dirs[2] == 1: 199. pacDots[a].type = 1
ghosts[g].dir = 2 200. a += 1
155. if d == 0 or d == 2: 201. if d == 2:
156. if player.y > ghosts[g].y and dirs[1] == 1 and not 202. pacDots.append(Actor("power",(10+x*20,
aboveCentre(ghosts[g]): ghosts[g].dir = 1 90+y*20)))
157. if player.y < ghosts[g].y and dirs[3] == 1: 203. pacDots[a].status = 0
ghosts[g].dir = 3 204. pacDots[a].type = 2
158. 205. a += 1
159. 206. y += 1
160. def ambushPlayer(g, dirs): 207. x += 1
161. d = ghosts[g].dir 208.
162. if player.movex > 0 and dirs[0] == 1: ghosts[g].dir = 0 209. def initGhosts():
163. if player.movex < 0 and dirs[2] == 1: ghosts[g].dir = 2 210. global ghosts, moveGhostsFlag
164. 211. moveGhostsFlag = 4
165. if player.movey > 0 and dirs[1] == 1 and not 212. ghosts = []
aboveCentre(ghosts[g]): ghosts[g].dir = 1 213. g = 0
166. if player.movey < 0 and dirs[3] == 1: ghosts[g].dir = 3 214. while g < 4:
167. 215. ghosts.append(Actor("ghost"+str(g+1),(270+(g*20),
168. def inTheCentre(ga): 370)))
169. if ga.x > 220 and ga.x < 380 and ga.y > 320 and ga.y < 216. ghosts[g].dir = randint(0, 3)
420: 217. ghosts[g].status = 0
170. return True 218. g += 1
171. return False 219.
172. 220. def inputLock():
173. def aboveCentre(ga): 221. global player
174. if ga.x > 220 and ga.x < 380 and ga.y > 300 and ga.y < 222. player.inputActive = False
320: 223.
175. return True 224. def inputUnLock():
176. return False 225. global player
177. 226. player.movex = player.movey = 0
178. def flagMoveGhosts(): 227. player.inputActive = True
179. global moveGhostsFlag 228.
180. moveGhostsFlag += 1 229. init()
181. 230. pgzrun.go()

50 Pygame Zero Pac-Man

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Smart door
Adding a Raspberry Pi to your door has magical results. Want to see who’s at
the door or know when the post has arrived? Control the lock? Read on…


s your door a bore? Open and close, open and
PJ is a writer,
software engineer,
close. Snoozefest. Surely it can do more than
Footsteps approaching!
and Raspberry Jam
organiser. Too much
that? How about a smart door that knows when
someone approaches, when the post arrives, and
03 The first smart thing our door is going to
of his house now
can even offer remote viewing of the peephole? do is detect someone approaching it. A cheap
thinks for itself.
You can also add intelligent lighting, a controllable PIR sensor is perfect for the job. These cool little door lock, and facial recognition, all powered with geodesic domes are triggered by heat and are
your Raspberry Pi. So, let’s ignore super-expensive the same gizmos that you find in motion-sensor
door systems and build our own. You can do as lights, switches, and security systems. Connect
much, or as little, as you like of this project and to the Pi as shown in Figure 1, checking whether
there’s plenty of room for new and inventive uses. you have a 5 V or 3.3 V sensor. Sensitivity and
duration of a ‘detection’ can be controlled by the
two potentiometers on the PIR board. Mount this
outside in a suitable location to ‘watch’ your door.
Prepare your Raspberry Pi
01 Although you can use any WiFi-capable Pi,
this is a perfect project for the new Raspberry Pi
Figure 1 The GPIO wiring
3A+. Start by attaching the Pi to the Touch Display that’s needed for the
and preparing a microSD card with the latest various inputs and outputs

Raspbian Stretch release. To allow easier access

and mounting, we’ve detached the control board
You’ll Need from the back of the screen, taking great care of
the ribbon cable. Eventually, they’ll be put in a
> Raspberry Pi
smart 3D-printed case. Now, get your Pi set up
Touch Display and make sure to sudo apt update && sudo apt
upgrade before proceeding.
> Camera Module
> PIR sensor
Attach the camera
> 2 × Security door 02 We’re going to keep an eye on the outside
contact reed switch world by replacing the door’s peephole with the
Raspberry Pi camera. A peep-hole is typically a
> Wired doorbell two-piece barrel that screws together and can be easily unscrewed from the inside. Remove
> PAM8302 amplifier the barrel and cover the hole with the camera. We’re just going to affix this with tape for now; a
> Speaker printed mount will come later. Mount the screen and Pi to the door (we used 3M Command strips),
placed so you can attach the camera’s ribbon
> Magnetic access
control system cable to the Pi once it’s shut down. Make sure the camera is enabled in Raspberry Pi Configuration
or raspi-config.

52 Smart door


Monitor the door and letterbox

04 We have two magnetic reed switches, the
The screen automatically
displays video when
type you find on windows and doors for security an approaching person
systems. They are made up of two parts: the wired is detected
part is a reed switch and the unwired a magnet.
When the magnet meets the switch, it closes. If we
attach the magnet to the door and the switch to the
frame, when the door opens, so does the switch.
There’s no polarity to worry about, so connect
one wire to GPIO 26 and the other to the adjacent
ground. Repeat for the letterbox using GPIO 19.
You may need a breadboard.

Cheap and simple reed

Ding dong!
05 Regular doorbells? Yawn. If we replace the
switches monitor the
door and the letterbox
doorbell with our own button, we can take a photo
with the Pi Camera Module when someone presses
it and send a notification. Way better. Mount a
standard wired doorbell, which after all is just a
momentary contact button, to the outside door
frame and wire it back to the Pi using GPIO 13 and
an available GND pin. If you’re prototyping on a
breadboard, a tactile switch will do fine.

Sounds good
06 There’s little point in a doorbell that makes
no sound. We can use the small, but surprisingly
powerful, PAM8302 amplifier with a speaker to
make some noise. Supply power by soldering ‘Vin’
to an available 3V3 pin on the Pi, and ground to
GND. To get an audio signal, you can tap the audio
connector’s signal and ground, then connect
them to A+ and A- respectively. Finally, solder cd
the speaker to the larger + and - terminals. git clone
When prototyping, you can skip this and use any smartdoor
active or passive speaker via the audio connector
on the Pi. To enable it to play our doorbell sample:

sudo apt install mpg123

Top Tip
Code Night is dark
07 Double-check all your connections and
Now test with:
If you want the
power on the Pi. To use the code published here python3 ~/smartdoor/ camera to work
(overleaf), open a Terminal and enter: well at night,
Watch the console output. If everything is working, you may want
mkdir ~/smartdoor you should be able to trigger the PIR, the reed to consider a Pi
NoIR Camera
nano ~/smartdoor/ switches, and the doorbell. The camera will capture
Module supported
ten seconds of video when motion is detected, and
with some
Now type in the code as shown. Alternatively, a photo when the doorbell is pressed. These are infrared lighting.
to download all the code: both saved to the desktop.

Smart door 53


You may want to

Door lock
prototype this project
and test it before
10 If you’re interested in being able to
taking a drill to
your door! control your door’s lock, you may see that some
solutions are very pricey. One that is perfect for
The web app can run
on the touchscreen, experimentation is the magnetic hold lock, which
as well as on
mobile devices or
uses an electromagnet to hold the door closed.
desktop browsers. The one we’ve used can withstand 180 kg of force,
Release the door
from anywhere! although stronger ones are available. The magnet
mounts on the door and the electromagnet on the
frame. The provided PSU contains a relay that can
be powered by the Pi by simply connecting it to a
spare GPIO line and ground. Please note this is no
replacement for a proper door lock system.

Web app
11 If would be great to see what our door has
been up to remotely, so a web app seems the
next logical step. In the directory called webapp
is a Python script that uses Flask to provide a
web server that is usable on mobile devices. You
can take a photo from the peephole, see the last
recorded video, and even control the magnetic door
Get alerts!
08 Let’s make this useful. Install Pushover on
lock from Step 10. Simply run the app alongside the
others. Better still, set,,
your phone, head over to, sign up for and webapp/ to start on boot (see the
a trial account, then log in and make a note of your repository README).
User Key (a long string of characters). Now create a
new Application and give it a name. Once created,
you’ll see an API Token. Make a note of this too.
From the GitHub repository, edit
and add the User Key and API Token where shown.
Run this version and you’ll get phone alerts for
each event and even a photo attachment when the
doorbell is pressed.

Intelligent porch light

09 Following on from the Trådfri lighting
tutorial in The MagPi #75 (, if you have
an external porch light, why not make it smart!
The file will connect a Trådfri smart
Top Tip light to an API that provides sunrise and sunset
times for your location. Leave the script running
Get the and the light will switch on and off at the correct
right lock times. Additionally, it monitors the PIR sensor
and will switch to full brightness when someone
Magnetic door
approaches! To use the script, get your latitude and
locks vary in
size and shape; longitude (you can use Google Maps or Earth) and
measure twice edit as directed in the file.
and order once!

54 Smart door

> Language: Python 3

001. from picamera import PiCamera 032.

002. from gpiozero import MotionSensor 033. def doorClosed():
003. from gpiozero import Button 034. print('Door closed')
004. from time import sleep 035.
005. import os 036. def letterboxOpen():
006. import subprocess 037. print('You got mail!')
007. import sys 038.
008. 039. def doorbellPressed():
009. print('Getting smart...') 040. subprocess.Popen(['mpg123', '/home/pi/
010. smartdoor/doorbell.mp3'],
011. # Set up all our devices 041. stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
012. camera = PiCamera() stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
013. motion = MotionSensor(17) 042. camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/doorbell.jpg')
014. doorSensor = Button(26) 043. print('Someone\'s at the door!')
015. letterbox = Button(19) 044.
016. doorbell = Button(13) 045. # Attach our functions to GPIOZero events
017. 046. motion.when_motion = motionDetected
018. def motionDetected(): 047. motion.when_no_motion = motionStopped
019. print('Motion detected, video recording') 048. doorSensor.when_pressed = doorClosed
020. os.system('DISPLAY=:0 xset s reset') # Wakes 049. doorSensor.when_released = doorOpen
the display up 050. letterbox.when_released = letterboxOpen
021. camera.start_preview() 051. doorbell.when_released = doorbellPressed
022. camera.start_recording( 052.
'/home/pi/Desktop/motion.h264') 053. print('Smart door is smart')
023. sleep(10) 054.
024. 055. # Loop forever allowing events to do their thing
025. def motionStopped(): 056. try:
026. print('Stopping video recording') 057. while True:
027. camera.stop_recording() 058. pass
028. camera.stop_preview() 059. except KeyboardInterrupt:
029. 060. print('Smart door no longer smart')
030. def doorOpen(): 061. except:
031. print('Door open') 062. print('Oh dear')

Facial recognition
12 Over to you
Once a futuristic technology, decent facial
recognition is now well within the grasp of the
13 Here we’ve given you the basics to get going,
Raspberry Pi. Using the doorbell photo taken by but more complex events are possible. You could
the Pi, we can recognise a face using reference alert different people based on facial recognition
photos and send an alert to Pushover with the or play custom doorbell tones. And, if you had
name of the caller! In a secure environment, a problems with deliveries, video evidence can build
recognised face could even trigger the lock or up automatically. On a serious note, remember a
you could play a welcome announcement. The lot of this is ‘just for fun’ and designed to inspire,
install process is a little complicated, so if this so unless you’re prepared to put in the work
interests you, see the documentation in the GitHub hardening the code and including failsafes, don’t
repository in the face_recognition directory of the rely on this, or possibly make it as a fun kids’ door
‘smartdoor’ repository. project (but maybe without the lock!).

Smart door 55


Save it now!
Protect your precious data with backups,
Richard and stop snoopers with disk wipes


Having often found
our data is the most important thing on your The c switch tells tar to create the archive, diving
words better than
pointing at things, Raspberry Pi, and good backups are a useful into all subfolders found; f, use the named file
Richard stuck with discipline to take elsewhere. Fortunately, (here, mybackup.tgz), is necessary to direct the
the command line the command line can actually make this easier. output away from the terminal. v asks for more
whence all around
had fled.
The simplest method of all is to copy the data verbose output, so the program tells you what it is
and move it elsewhere. It’s labour-intensive, doing and what (if anything) has gone wrong. Lastly,
compared to automatic solutions, but for only- z invokes gzip compression. To unpack the archive,
very-occasional backups it’s better than nothing. substitute x for extract in place of c – you can omit
Whether you’re copying to disk, or moving the the z, as tar will recognise the compression type
backup to another machine, it’s best to make it and automagically deal with it:
as small as possible. So you’ll want to compress
the file. We advise using the gzip compression tar xvf mybackup.tgz
format. You could go with xz or bzip2 compression
(from tar, J or j options, respectively) for better
compression to a smaller file size, but although
alternatives to gzip save a little more space, they
can take far longer to perform the compression. A safe home
Taking a directory of files that needs collecting Often, using tar to back up /home/pi – with
together, then compressing it, can be done with a cd /home, then tar on the pi folder – will be all
single tar command: you need, but if you have data across directories,
from /etc to /var/www, it’s simplest to back up
tar czvf mybackup.tgz myfolder the entire microSD card. This can be done on the
Pi, with the microSD card you want to back up in a

Top Tip By putting commands in a .sh

file and making it executable,
Tape archive you create your own scripts

Tar dates from

the days when
backed up to big
tape reels, those
essential props
of 1960s and Making a ~/bin folder and
1970s sci-fi films. adding it to the PATH directive
The lack of file in ~/.bashrc means you’ll be
structure on tapes able to run your scripts by name
means that tar
can save all of the
file system info
such as ownership
and timestamps.

56 Save it now!


USB card reader, with one important caveat: you’ll

be creating a file as big as the entire card – usually
Top Tip
8GB or more – onto a Pi with less space to spare.
The solution is to compress the image file as it is Which files?
created, which, for a Pi with a modest amount of
Apart from ~, your
data on it, will result in an image of around 2.5GB. project may have
Use sudo fdisk -l before and after plugging in config files in /etc
the card, to check how it is labelled. If /dev/sdb SCP makes command-line or even /opt, and
copying to remote machines as under /var are
appears, say, with the size equal to the microSD easy as moving files around on
card, unmount it with umount /dev/sdb1. Then your Pi logs, web config,
and files – all of
back it up with the command:
which you may
copy your backup file to another machine, one that
have modified for
dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdb | gzip > back-2018- allows SSH login (so is running a SSH server), pass a project.
12-04-raspbian.img.gz your login name with the command:

Open another Terminal tab and monitor your scp -p back-2018-12-04-raspbian.img.gz

disappearing disk space with df – if you don’t pi@
think that it will fit, stop the dd operation with the
usual CTRL+C, then rm (remove) the image file You will then be prompted for the user password.
that you have partially created, and go and perform Change the pi@ to whatever your user name is on
the backup on a computer with more disk space – the remote machine, not the Pi you’re copying
or with a backup drive mounted, which you copy from. The -p preserves information such as when
the archive to directly. Turning the backup into a the files were last accessed. Note that -P (capital p)
usable microSD for the Pi means piping the other can be used to specify a particular port number.
way, from gzip to dd: Another Pi, with a static IP address and a plugged
in USB disk drive, could be an inexpensive backup
gzip -cd back-2018-12-04-raspbian.img.gz machine, as well as media server or whatever else
| dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb your home or office needs.
Because you’re sending these commands
For disk operations like dd, you’ll need root through the Bash shell, you get all the usual Bash
permissions: you can prefix dd with sudo, but for advantages, from TAB completion (just type bac,
saving the file outside of /home/pi you may also or however much of the file name is unique in
need sudo – which means typing it in front of your present working directory) to wildcards.
gzip as well. If you have disparate archives in the same
This is only mildly inconvenient on the Pi, where directory – such as www-backup-20181225.gz and
sudo does not demand your password – but on a data‑backup-20181226.gz – copy them all with:
multi-user computer, or any setup with greater
security, you need a reliable way of becoming the root
user for every operation: running sudo -s will give
scp -p ./*backup*gz pi@
Top Tip
you a shell with root permissions, but remember to Why remote?
exit afterwards. Alternatively, a chain of commands So far so good, but there are possibilities to
can be run with full admin permissions like so: automate your backup process later in this guide, As well as being
so the interactive element – having to give a able to centralise
sudo bash -c "gzip -cd back-2018-12-04- password – would be better avoided. As long as you backups for more
than one machine,
raspbian.img.gz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb" can maintain security in some other way, of course.
a remote backup
protects you
from unexpected
disasters such as
Key to logins fire or flood where
Remote copy When setting up a SSH server, you can generate the Pi is. Fairly
unlikely? Yes,
It’s good to be able to make backups as required, keys with ssh-keygen – these keys can be used to
but that doesn’t
using removable drives, but to move towards provide passwordless login. You can copy them
stop you insuring
systematic backups you will need to copy across across to other machines manually, but a handy your house.
the network using SCP (secure copy protocol). To shortcut is to use the command ssh-copy-id:

Save it now! 57


A datestamp in our
script means that we change the scp line to a cp to a plugged-in backup
are not producing drive), and saving it as
a backup with the
same name each day
we run it
#! /bin/sh
cd /home/pi
tar czf mydocsbackup.tgz Documents

Top Tip scp mydocsbackup.tgz pi@


Hash bang Then make the script executable with:

The shebang, or
ssh-copy-id pi@ chmod u+x
hash bang – #!
– at the start of
the script is an If you have more than one key pair, use -i to …and run it with ./ – any problems,
instruction to the specify which .pub file you’re copying. -p allows then check the names, network address, and
program loader to you to specify an alternate port number. Now did you perform the ssh-copy-id step? Now we
run the program we’re all set for remote backups – but if you do have a script that saves a folder, and copies it
them regularly, you’ll waste a lot of disk space remotely, do you notice any potential problems?
afterwards (in
the example in
duplicating unchanging data. Each time you run it, it will overwrite the previous
this guide, that’s Rsync lets you copy data in much the same way mydocsbackup.tgz, both locally and remotely.
an interpreter as SCP, but uses a delta-transfer algorithm to only We need a way to put a timestamp on the
directive to run transfer the difference between the copies of the backup name:
/bin/sh) and pass source file on your disk and the remote, saved
the script as an
version. This both saves bandwidth used and avoids #! /bin/sh
argument to it.
cluttering up your backup disk with multiple near-
identical versions of a file. It’s also handy if you’re TODAY=$(date +"%F")
paying a cloud provider for storage and data transfer.
If your version of Raspbian doesn’t have rsync, cd /home/pi
it’s just an apt-get away. Typically, rsync uses SSH tar czf mydocsbackup-"$TODAY".tgz
for transport, but you can set up a server running Documents
an rsync daemon, and directly contact the rsync:// scp mydocsbackup-"$TODAY".tgz
URL over TCP (defaults to port 873). In this case, pi@
set an RSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable or
use the --password-file switch. What we have done is set a variable – TODAY
While rsync is not a built-in Bash command, – to the current date, in YYYY-MM-DD format,
we’re highlighting it here as part of the array of which we can now access with $TODAY. You can run
command-line utility choices users face when date +%F in the terminal – date --help will show
considering whether to employ built-in commands you the many other format options. Now you can
or try something more complex instead. In automate it by putting the script somewhere like
addition, there is the possibility of using version /usr/bin (and with a better name than, and
Top Tip control systems, such as git, for both backing up, running it regularly with cron, as we covered in The
and tracking changes on, important files. MagPi #76 ‘Start and stop at your command’ guide.
Password free Shell scripts tend to grow; there is always room
for improvement. Here, you may want to back up
Using your key
to log in is a
Script-it-yourself! more than one directory, for example, or use echo
We have seen from early on how powerful Bash to let users know what the script is doing at each
convenience you
quickly get used can be by chaining together a few commands; stage. You could even make it interactive, letting
to – beyond SCP another way of putting commands together is to users choose which directories to back up.
to your backup bundle them into a script – a short program simply There are plenty of shell scripting tutorials
server, try it on comprising a small number of Bash commands, online, and great books to take it further, but
any machine and known as a shell script. Take a look at this Raspbian itself holds many great shell scripts, from
under your control
code – try typing it in to your favourite text editor, which you can learn. To see how a script can be
that you have to
log in to. adjusting it for the IP address of your networked organised to still be maintainable with over 1,000
backup server, and backup folder location (or lines of code, have a look at /usr/bin/raspi-config.

58 Save it now!


Plug in a disk drive after someone has done

rm -rf on it and it will look empty, but use a low- Top Tip
level utility and you’ll have access to all of the
jigsaw puzzle pieces needed to put the data back Where am I?
together again. So far, so NCIS, but can this be
If you follow our
significant to the average Pi user? Given the range
tip on SSH keys
of projects out there, and the multifaceted data everywhere, and
Shred will securely overwrite that they collect, to stay on the right side of new end up hopping
(then optionally erase) files and future data protection laws it will be useful to from machine
of sensitive data – or entire
disk drives know how to securely remove data from your disks. to machine,
remember to
customise your
However grand or modest your scripting
Bash prompt
ambitions, don’t be afraid to try things out: build so that you are
up gradually, and test your code each time, so you Caution always sure on
know where to look for any errors you introduce. Before we start erasing disks, think of the which machine
Help is at hand from the Raspberry Pi forums, and carpentry maxim, ‘measure twice, cut once’. It’s you’re about to
pasting your code into will give you easy to erase the wrong disk or partition if you’re erase a file.
valuable feedback – for example, advising you the not paying attention. Given enough opportunities,
cd line of our backup script should be: most of us do it, and it’s often the lesson that
teaches us to make proper backups! Running
cd /home/pi || exit through other operations on the disk (mount, df,
ls, umount), before erasing, works as a sanity check
…in case the cd step fails – this is generally that you’re addressing the correct partition.
a good idea, although not so important in this Now to those blocks. You can overwrite every
particular case. Now that we have a choice of bit of information, either with all 1 digits, or with
backup options, one task remains: securely getting random data, using dd. Even then, with magnetic
rid of data from disks. This is a concern for anyone disks, it’s theoretically possible to recover the
handling other people’s data, or just protecting data, and multiple overwrites will be necessary –
their own privacy and security. but before you worry about writing a script to do
that, let us introduce shred, a utility that does just
that, overwriting with as many passes as you select
as a command switch (or defaulting to three):
Through the shredder
Back in the 1960s, if you wished to cover your shred -vf -n 5 /dev/sdb
tracks, Mission Impossible told us it was done by
the show opening’s taped mission assignment Adding a -z switch will overwrite the random
finishing, “This message will self destruct in ten data shred has used, with zeroes, leaving a new-
seconds…”, and boom went the tape player. looking disk. -u will delete the file after the secure
In these digital days, protecting privacy or overwrite. Shred can also safely overwrite and/or
security means understanding how a disk drive remove individual files.
actually stores data, so that you don’t dispose
of old disks under the mistaken impression that
you’ve securely erased data, when you haven’t.
Disk space is collected into blocks, sized typically Conquer the
at 4096kB, that are indexed by the file system with
inodes so that the disk controller knows where to Command Line
send the read head to retrieve information. SSDs
and flash drives don’t have read heads, but still For more terminal tutorials, take a
look at our Essentials book, Conquer
organise the data in a similar fashion. Most disk
the Command Line. Discover the
operations occur at the inode level – so moving a
power of the command line to
file between directories on the same disk partition simplify complex tasks, or instantly
is simply done by relabelling an inode. rm does carry out simple ones.
not delete the data stored, just the reference to its
blocks on the inode.

Save it now! 59


Coding games on the

Part 12

Raspberry Pi in C/C++
Let’s shoot something by adapting our code to another genre

ime to wrap up a year of solid learning with of variable sets, we can visualise that data set
a review of all the things you didn’t know as a thing that does something… as we ask it to.
you were learning, and see how we can take
them a little further. Visualisation: Although we’ve only scratched the
Brian surface, we’ve been able to understand that our

Beuken CPU and GPU do different things, and setting up

our GPU to visualise things in different ways is a
Very old game
programmer, now
Consider what we did! major achievement.
teaching very young It might not seem like it, because we could only
game programmers do a few things each month, but we have in fact Maths: Yes, we did some maths, and hopefully we
a lot of bad habits
covered rather a lot of concepts, and implementing saw that sometimes using more complex maths
at Breda University
of Applied Science, them in code has exposed us to some of the can be much easier than doing a long series of
in the Netherlands. core fundamental skills any aspiring C++ game simpler equations. programmer needs to write games.
There’s still quite a long way to go to be at the Graphic handling: We also managed to isolate
triple-A lead coder level, but that will come with the idea that an object’s graphic isn’t the object,
time and practice – exposing yourself to more but simply a visual representation of a thing. This
advanced concepts and more C++ methods, as and makes it easier to conceptualise.
You’ll Need when you need them.
For now, though, let’s really think about what we Data representation: We not only managed to
> Code::Blocks have given ourselves. encapsulate custom data sets into our objects,
sudo apt-get but we also made use of some standard C++ data
codeblocks Variables: We know we can manipulate variables, systems, like arrays and vectors.
> GLM and that there are many types of variables.
Libraries: A key point of C++ coding is being able to
> stb_image.h
Flow control: We saw that our project flows from use code written by much smarter coders to perform
> TilEd or one instruction to the next, but that condition complex things for us. We can print text on screen
similar map editor
tests allow us to change the direction of our code and use maths systems which might be way beyond
between two options. our beginner’s levels of comprehension.

Loops: We can create a loop to repeat a process A core set of C++ instructions: Using just maths,
until it’s done, or until a certain number of steps conditional tests, OOP principles, and very simple
Top Tip have been taken. GPU, we were able to produce a nice 2D platform
game which was simple to change to 3D(ish). The
Be creative Object control: We took our first real steps into the mantra of ‘simple code works best’ is something
concepts of OOP (object-oriented programming) we should try to remember even when we do finally
Rather than by collecting different bits of data into one overall branch out to the more complex C++ features; it
dotting enemies object, which we were able to manipulate by will make some of our tasks that much easier.
around, give them changing some of the object’s variables.
spawn sites and
Problem solving: By far the most important thing
use a pattern in
their actions! Abstraction: We saw that by thinking of things is that we started to view coding as a sequence of
in terms of an object, rather than as a collection problems to be solved in logical ways.

60 Coding games on the Raspberry Pi in C/C++



 igure 2 Pass the

ammo, keep spitting
out bullets, but
remember to remove
them as well!

All of these points and a few more are now on

show in your fully working (semi) 3D-viewed
will even use the same graphics, but arrange
them differently. Top Tip
platform game. We require the basic concepts of the
And to prove that it is all the same code in this SimpleObj again. Loading
final lesson, we’ll use the same principles to create We need a player, in this case a ship, so all new is better
a small scrolling shooting game using almost all graphics have been supplied for moving objects.
Time to move
the same code and some new code. We need a camera, and we’ll keep a slight
away from hard-
As before, we’ll define a base graphic object, sense of 3D visualisation, as before, by moving coding things:
make a map, add some code to create objects in the the camera around a little bit to show the angles; being able to load
map, update them, and let our player – this time a however, we’re not doing a full 3D game. .txt files lets us
ship – travel through the map. We need enemies… well, we’re not doing quite load all kinds of
things and change
the same enemies, but many of the code concepts
them without
are the same.
So, we’ve got enough to work with. The biggest
Step by step difference between this game and a platform
Even though we have code from previous projects, game is that we don’t need gravity: we assume
we’ll start a new project, but copy the files from the ships are all flying. We will make the scroll
the platform game as we need them. C++ class constant, so that the player ship stays central and
files should be as transportable and complete as also moves forward with the scroll. That is enough
possible. There will be a few things to tweak, but to get going.
that’s fine.
We need a map, so all the map code is pretty
usable with a few tweaks for flexibility. We
Flexibility, let’s have some? Top Tip
One other important feature this time: we’ve made
things much more flexible. Hard-coded, fixed- KISS
sized arrays are effective up to a point, but suppose
we need different-size maps, with different ‘Keep It Simple,
Stupid!’ is a
graphics? Arrays limit us by requiring us to use the
coding mantra.
same size each time, but we know vectors are more Abstract away the
variable, so let’s use them. hard work so you
Even though we’re not using a lot of textures, only need to think
we don’t really want to be loading the same texture what you want to
two, three, four, or however many times. do. Simple code
nearly always
The same applies to shaders. Internally, a
works best.
Figure 1 Reuse the graphics but with a new long map shader is nothing more than a little text file which

Coding games on the Raspberry Pi in C/C++ 61

Join us as we lift the lid
on video games

Visit to learn more


 igure 3 Spawning
some enemies

is parsed and compiled. We know how to load actions we want the rocket to do. Mainly, that’s
things, so let’s just load these little .txt files going to involve moving forward at a steady pace,
when needed. and up and down. We can also allow left and right
These kinds of things are prime candidates for movement, but only in addition to the constant
a bit of housekeeping. We can use simple STL forward motion.
‘He’ should shoot: we can’t have intergalactic
warfare without a few bullets. We should also
 ame programming is especially concerned
G make sure he can’t move into the solid areas

with performance: we should consider ways of our map, which for this game will be a short
tunnel filled with marauding waves of enemy
to avoid having 300 not yet visible objects ships, many of which shoot at us or attempt to
ambush us.
Now we know what he can do, the class is easy
systems like ‘map’, to allow us to load data from to create, and can be seen in the source code.
our stores and keep track of them only using
what we need. Map is like an array, but instead
of a numerical index to get our value, we can
use a string to associate a file name with a value The subjects of our aggression
we need. Enemies are going to mostly follow the same rules
You can see three new files/classes: as platform game baddies, and collision with them
ShaderManager, TextureManager, and is deadly, but we need to consider how we make
LevelManager. They contain classes which will them. Should we create them all at the start of a

Top Tip load things for us, when we need them, and keep
track of them when we want to use them. All
level, or should we create them as we need them?
This distinction is important: we have a
three new classes have explanations of what they fairly small test map, so we could get away with
Make the do and why. defining 100, 200, even 300 enemies at the level
game playable Now, let’s get a new game written. initialisation and updating them even when they
are not visible on our screen, but it’s an awful
As much as we
can flood our waste of processing time. We might only see 10–
game with hard- 20 of them on screen at any given part of the map
to-kill baddies RocketBob and what if you decide to create an even bigger
and bullets, Bob was our platform game’s main character and map? Populating that map could take some time.
good games we’ll use a main ‘character’ again, but this time We might need to place certain things at fixed
should never
Bob is going to be a rocket ship – see Figure 1. points, though – see Figure 2.
be so hard as to
be impossible.
Creating a new RocketBob class is simple Game programming is especially concerned
enough: all we need to do is think about what with performance, and so we should consider

Coding games on the Raspberry Pi in C/C++ 63


ways to avoid having 300 not yet visible objects

going through their updates and draw calls
for no effect.
But suppose we only had ten special objects or
test points whose job is simply to trigger a wave of
baddies once RocketBob is close enough to make it
worth doing. That’s a much easier proposition.
Creating Trigger objects means we can limit
their update to testing if RocketBob is close, and
 igure 4 Get creative with
if so, the Trigger itself can take responsibility for the spawn; simple maths
creating waves of baddies, before shutting itself patterns are neat!
down. See Figure 3.
We’ve made a set of trigger classes, each of
which can set in motion a specific wave of baddies And we’re done
or missiles at the right time and place. All we That’s it! Some simple logic for the baddies and
needed was a simple range test and the ability to a simple change of main character with a scroll
create sequences of baddies from a simple list. that edges ever onward, and we have a totally
Again, review the code. different game. But this is the important part:
Our enemies themselves are not especially using the same basic concepts of a simple
complex – the game difficulty comes mainly from object being used to derive various different
the numbers of them active at a time and their objects which interact with an environment.
relentless bullet shooting. There should be quite
a few of them on screen, and predictable spawn
patterns can help our player to blow them away
before they get a chance to shoot. See Figure 4. Taking this forward
Like our platform game, we could go to 3D
with this; that isn’t a massive challenge,
but interaction in 3D space presents more
Pass the ammo problems than visualisation, and requires a
Bullets are also a simple type of object, easy to better understanding of maths and also an
create when we press a fire key. We can have awareness of some performance issues with
two types – dumb and targeted – and we’ll try our Raspberry Pi.
to create some variety with that. For targeted For now at least, focus on 2D concepts until
bullets, we use a vector between the shooter and your programming skills feel ready for the
its target to find the direction the bullet needs new challenge. There’s a wealth of retro-style
to travel, and turn that in to a unit vector which games you can produce using this simple
gives us consistent direction for the bullet. framework, which you can build up and develop
Because it’s a unit vector (i.e. if we made it a into your own game engine. And when you are
triangle, the hypotenuse would be one unit long), ready, there are dozens of good sites to take
we can increase the velocity of the bullet by your first real steps into 3D.
multiplying by a scalar value. So different ships That’s all for these lessons in core skills.
can have different-speed bullets. We hope it has increased your confidence and
given you a taste for C/C++ coding to make your
own games.

More power
As with our platform game, we’ll litter the level
with a few power-ups, which we will use to create
different firing states and perhaps create a few
Learn more about C
cool homing bullets. We could place them with
Brian has a whole book on the subject of making games C and
triggers, but as they are rather simple singular
C++, called The Fundamentals of C/C++ Game Programming:
objects, a standard placement is fine. Using Target-based Development on SBCs. Grab it here:

64 Coding games on the Raspberry Pi in C/C++

200 pages of

Raspberry Pi

Amazing hacking and making projects
from the makers of magazine

How to get involved with the Pi community

The most inspirational community projects

Essential tutorials, guides, and ideas
Expert reviews and buying advice

plus all good newsagents and:


Our guide to the greatest add-ons, HATs,
and expansions for your Raspberry Pi

he Raspberry Pi is fantastic on its This is where Pi add-ons and accessories
own. With wireless LAN, Bluetooth, come in – there are hundreds of extras
USB ports, the multitalented GPIO you can get for your Raspberry Pi that will
pins, and a full operating system, it really improve its already impressive specs.
is a fully functional computer. What add-ons should you get, though?
What if you could make it better? Do We’re here to show you the best the
more? Make certain functions easier? Raspberry Pi world has to offer.

68 The best Raspberry Pi accessories


Types of P
The glossary
add-on term

We’ll start with an important
one. HAT stands for ‘hardware attached
on top’ (it’s a backronym), and is a standard for
add-ons. That means there are specific definitions of how
a HAT can connect and work. All you need to be concerned
with is that a HAT fits perfectly on top of a full-size
Raspberry Pi, connecting to the GPIO pins. You will usually
need to install extra software to get them working.

While the HAT standard has recently
been extended to different sizes, many
companies have created their own term
for add-ons that act like a HAT but
don’t quite meet the technical criteria.
Pimoroni coined pHAT, and Adafruit
uses Bonnet, and other firms
tend to use similar
variations on the
headwear theme
or HAT.

A HAT is an add-on, but an add-on isn’t necessarily a HAT.
Add-ons can be connected via USB, only specific GPIO pins,
the camera port, etc. It’s a catch-all term for something
that you can add onto your Raspberry Pi in some way.

The best Raspberry Pi accessories 69


Improve your projects with these add-ons

price: £29 / $37

This dual motor control

board by the folks at
PiBorg is a powerful
and robust way to use a
Raspberry Pi to control
a robot. As well as being
able to make the motors go
forward and back, it can control
the speed for more precise Sense HAT
manoeuvring, and can take a
wide array of power inputs.
Use it with: Robots, RC cars price: £32 / $40

Developed for the Astro Pi mission, the Sense HAT is primarily a set of
environmental sensors. It can detect pressure, humidity, temperature, and
orientation/movement. It also has an 8×8 LED matrix and a little joystick for
very basic display and control. There are a couple of Sense HATs running on
Raspberry Pi boards up on the ISS at the moment.
Use it with: Weather stations, space stations

Hologram Nova
price: From £50 / $64

Despite the world’s best efforts, WiFi is not

available absolutely everywhere yet. You can’t even plug an
Ethernet cable into a tree! The Nova solves this problem by letting you connect
to cellular networks around the world on your Pi via this simple USB device.
Use it with: Portable projects, outdoor cameras

70 The best Raspberry Pi accessories


Edge TPU Accelerator
price: TBC

Google was responsible for the AIY

Voice Kit we gave away with issue #40
of The MagPi – a special HAT and
extras that lets you turn your
Pi into an AI voice
assistant. The Edge Cluster HAT
TPU accelerator
aims to help the Pi out
with AI tasks, and make price: £29 / $37
your voice assistants better.
Putting Raspberry Pi boards
Use it with: Voice control, AI projects into a cluster isn’t too difficult,
but the Cluster HAT makes it
very easy indeed. Using one
Raspberry Pi, you can distribute
computing to up to four Pi
Zeros. Cluster computing is a
great way to perform different
kinds of calculations.

Use it with: Mathematics,

big algorithms

Ultimate GPS HAT
price: £29 / $37

This GPS add-on allows you to

GFX HAT track the precise location of your
Raspberry Pi – well, as precise price: £20 / $25 as GPS can be. You’ll have to
combine the position data with
A very functional screen that draws a lot less power than most displays, it also
map data to make much use out
includes six capacitive touch buttons for control. It’s the successor to an excellent
of it, but once you have it all
add-on known as Display-O-Tron, and makes interactive projects look great.
working it’s pretty fantastic.
Use it with: Thermostat, practical projects
Use it with: Sat-navs, route tracking

The best Raspberry Pi accessories 71



Using a Raspberry Pi for
enterprise? You may want
to check these out…

Energenie Pi-mote
price: £22 / $28

Another remote-control power

solution, this one is designed
for the Pi to control power
elsewhere. There are various
Energenie Pi-mote products,
the cheapest starting at £10,
but the starter kit version also price: £18 / $21
includes compatible sockets.
You can even get a Pi-mote that The Raspberry Pi 3B+ is the first Pi model to include proper Power-over-
allows the plugs to talk to the Pi Ethernet support, although you need one of these HATs to get it working.
as well. Of course, the network needs to be set up to support (i.e. power) the PoE
and Raspberry Pi combo. It also currently only works on the Raspberry Pi 3B+.
Use it with: Timed-lighting,
some IoT Use it with: Server racks, headless solutions

Witty Pi 2
price: £20 / $26

Serious Raspberry Pi users often need power management and a real-

time clock (RTC) for various reasons. The Witty Pi 2 offers these things,
along with some extra on/off functions that can programmed. As the
Raspberry Pi normally requires the internet to check the time, an RTC is
essential for scheduling tasks on a Pi that’s not online.
Use it with: Industrial settings, automated solutions

72 The best Raspberry Pi accessories


DINrPlate DIN rail mount
price: £10 / $13

Want to use a Raspberry Pi in a server environment, but don’t

need a UPS or RTC or any of the advanced stuff like that?
Just have some DIN rails handy anyway? Then the DINrPlate
is an excellent add-on that lets you mount a Pi to a DIN rail
without any fancy extras. And the price reflects that.

Use it with: DIN rails, DIY servers

Hackable Pi Switch Cap Strato Pi CM price: £17 / $22
price: £200 / $256

Are you a sysadmin in a big

company that would like to use
Raspberry Pi boards? The Strato
Pi turns a Pi into a server good
enough to pass the rigorous
tests of enterprise IT. It has an
impressive list of features: RTC,
UPS, two-module DIN-rail case,
RS-485, and more.
Use it with: Enterprise, servers

On/off switch solutions for the Raspberry Pi

have been around as long as the Pi itself,
but none of them has been that great.
Along comes the Hackable Pi Switch Cap
from Nanomesher and finally we have
one that does everything you need. By
default, it allows you to turn the Pi on
and off with a button, and you can
reprogram it to do more with an
included remote.
Use it with: Desktop Pi, HTPC Pi

The best Raspberry Pi accessories 73


Improve your listening, watching, and more

HiFiBerry DAC+
price: £23 / $29

There are many digital-to-analogue converters (DACs)

that turn your Pi into a powerful stereo, but we’re pretty
partial to the HiFiBerry DAC+ range. There are cheaper
versions, smaller versions, more powerful versions, and
all of them let the Pi sound a bit better than normal.
Use it with: Stereo system, PA

HyperPixel 4.0
price: £40 / $50

The HyperPixel 4.0 is a massive, wonderful screen for

the Pi that you can get with or without a capacitive
touch function. It’s dead simple to set up and, due to
the high pixel density, it’s great for watching media
or looking at pictures.
Use it with: Portable media projects, wall screens

USB SNES controller
price: £6 / $8

If you’re playing retro games with your Raspberry Pi, you

might want a retro controller to help it feel more authentic. We
recommend one of the many versions of the classic SNES controller,
with enough buttons to play any game prior to 1996 and some afterwards as well.
Use it with: Retro games console, RC car projects

74 The best Raspberry Pi accessories



FLIRC USB price: £23 / $25
price: £20 / $23
The official Raspberry Pi TV HAT is pretty amazing – its most basic
function is allowing you to tune into TV signals using your Pi. That’s pretty Remote controls do have some
standard, but the amazing part is its ability to stream said TV not only around good standards these days,
your network, but also over the internet if you’re abroad and missing the and for stuff like Kodi there
latest episode of GBBO. are plenty of ways to control
your Pi-based HTPC via your
Use it with: DIY DVR, TV anywhere
phone or tablet. FLIRC makes
the whole thing a bit simpler,
though: take your favourite
remote, let FLIRC know which
button is which, and then just
plug it into your HTPC. Simple.

Lightberry HD Use it with: Kodi setups, remote-

controlled IoT
price: £95 / $120

Ever wanted your films to expand out of your TV? With Lightberry, you can
install DIY Ambilight-like effects to your TV so that special effects become
just that little bit more special. There are various kits to choose from as well.
Use it with: HTPCs, magic mirrors

Picade X HAT
price: £15

The Picade is Pimoroni’s

excellent tabletop arcade kit,
and its newest iteration is
controlled by the powerful
Picade X HAT. It’s so good,
they made it so you could buy
it separately to use in your own
DIY Pi arcade setup.
Use it with: Arcade builds,
remote controls

The best Raspberry Pi accessories 75


Obsolescence Guaranteed From $250

Turn a Raspberry Pi into a blinktastic classic 1970s computer?

PJ Evans puts on his Paisley shirt and heats his soldering iron

he launch of Digital’s PDP-8 minicomputer
SPECS in the 1960s was a defining moment
in computing history, laying down the
DIMENSIONS: foundations of the hardware and software
17×31×6 cm architectures we use today. Both it and the later
MODEL: PDP-11 were not only powerful machines, but also
PDP-11/70 beautifully designed objects.
Oscar Vermeulen, an admirer of PDP range, has
ARCHITECTURE: sold over 2,000 of his PiDP-8 replica: a Raspberry
Pi-powered emulator with a fully functional one-
OS: third scale front-panel. Now comes his PiDP-11 kit.
RSX-11M Plus Released in 1970, the original PDP-11 is the most
BLINKENLIGHTS: successful ‘mini’ computer in history, with over
64 600,000 sold.

Remarkable replica
For this new kit, a painstaking process has resulted
in an injection-moulded replica of the original
PDP-11’s case. If not for the one-third scale, you
would struggle to tell it apart from the real thing.
A perfect facia and custom-built switchgear
complete the package. You even get a key and lock,
The completed PiDP-11 on
just like the real thing. the provided wooden stand

A back panel is
provided with cut-outs Once built, the PiDP-11 PCB comprises 64 LEDs,
for popular connectors, two rotary encoders, and an array of switches that
or you can leave it open
connect to the Pi’s GPIO. Running a special version
of the SimH emulator, the Pi accurately handles
input and output from the panel. You can hook
up a screen if you wish, use SSH, or go old-school
and implement RS-232. The back panel is provided
with different cut-outs to suit your cabling.

The PiDP-11 is supplied in kit form and there’s a
lot to do. You’ll need to have some experience in
soldering to put this together, the focus being on
accurately fitting the switches and LEDs. This is
tricky, but Oscar has provided jigs that make the

76 PiDP-11

hoops to jump through, but nothing too arcane
 n essential purchase for
A and the steps are well explained.
The PiDP-11 ticks
all the boxes. It’s
anyone with an interest Once you log in, you’re straight into the PDP‑11’s
operating system, an early form of UNIX. A number
straightforward to
build, beautifully

in computing history of alternative OSes are available, with more

promised soon. You can switch back to Raspbian
cased, and
is endlessly
any time you like. In fact, as SimH doesn’t put a
Whether you’re
alignment of all these components much easier lot of strain on the Pi, it is unlikely to struggle with interested in early
than with the PiDP-8. The instructions are in other server tasks. As a result, many users have computing or
an alpha stage, but they are clear and the switch their PiDPs doubling up as file or media servers. hypnotic flashing
section is especially detailed. It took us about five These kits are a labour of love for Oscar and the lights, you’ll
hours to complete. attention to detail shines through, from the quality be delighted.

Full instructions are provided on how to prepare of the casing to the extensive labelling on the PCB.
the Pi for its new career in 1970s computing. At You many find the price high, but the quality is

the time of publication, a one-stop SD card image there to match. An essential purchase for anyone
should be available. Otherwise, there are a few with an interest in computing history.

PiDP-11 77

Picade Console
Pimoroni £60 / $64

SPECS The Picade’s smaller sibling is an awesome compact console

to plug into your TV. Phil King enjoys some more retro gaming
Picade X HAT

ollowing the arrival of a brand new version work, but we’d recommend a Pi 3B+ for emulating
Joystick, of the Picade – reviewed in The MagPi #74 some of the more powerful retro systems.
6 × arcade ( – Pimoroni has given the
buttons, 4 × same treatment to the Picade Console. Unlike its Putting it together
utility buttons, bigger brother, this retro gaming machine lacks The lack of a screen does make the Picade Console
power button
its own screen, so you need to connect it up to a a whole lot easier to assemble than the full-size
TV or monitor via HDMI. It does, however, pack an Picade. Made up of five black powder-coated
SPEAKER: internal speaker so you’ll still get sound even if your MDF panels (with helpful labels), its ‘cabinet’ is
2.5-inch, 3W, 4Ω
monitor doesn’t have any. All you need to add is an essentially identical to the Picade’s control console
DIMENSIONS: HDMI cable, microSD card (with the RetroPie OS section, but with an extra rear cut-out for the
245×120×140 mm on it), and a Raspberry Pi – any 40-pin model will Pi’s HDMI port. Assembly instructions are on the

A compact console, it
packs all the features
of the full-size Picade
apart from the screen

78 Picade Console


You can plug it into

any TV or monitor
with an HDMI port

back of an A3 poster, or you can use the online

ones (
It took us around an hour to put together. The
panels are connected using plastic brackets and
metal M3 nuts and bolts. The only tricky part was
reaching in to place the tiny nuts on the side bolts
(tip: put a bit of Blu Tack on your finger). For the
top section, the supplied artwork (or your own) is
sandwiched between the black panel and a clear Once the mini speaker is fitted, you can mount All the parts of the kit
– assembly is fairly
Perspex one. A microswitched joystick (with ball a Raspberry Pi on the base and add the key part of straightforward
top) and push-fit arcade buttons are then inserted the system: the new Picade X HAT. Also available
– or you could customise it with your own, such as separately (£15 / $16) for those who want to build
Pimoroni’s Plasma buttons (see boxout). their own custom arcade machine, the HAT has
easy-to-use DuPont connectors for the numerous
joystick and button wires. The only slight issue
PLASMA BUTTONS with the Picade Console – which is more compact
than its original incarnation – is that there’s not a
To add some extra razzle-dazzle to your Picade lot of room inside for all the wiring.
Console (or Picade), you could swap out the The Picade X HAT also features a built-in I2S DAC
standard arcade buttons for Pimoroni’s illuminated
and amplifier for the internal speaker, and power
Plasma buttons (£35 / $37). Each clear button
features a mini PCB with four tiny RGB LEDs on it. management that allows you to safely shut down
Daisy-chained together, the PCBs are connected the Raspberry Pi with the illuminated power button
to the Picade X HAT’s Hacker header for power and on the side of the cabinet.
control – you can program dynamic lighting effects
and patterns. Simple setup
With everything assembled, you just need to plug in
a keyboard for the simple software setup: installing
the Picade X HAT driver with a one-line Terminal
command. With RetroPie running, it’s a case of
setting up the joystick directions and buttons to With a robust case
your liking and – once you’ve added some ROM files and controls, and
– you’re ready to play your favourite retro games. smart Picade X
HAT board, it
As with the full-size Picade, the unit feels robust,
provides an
with rubber feet to keep it secure on a desk or table.
The arcade controls are solid, although the buttons experience
are leaf-spring rather than microswitched. One on your TV
slight drawback of the Picade Console’s smaller screen at a very
form factor is that the side utility buttons are attractive price.

nearer the front and on occasion we knocked them
accidentally while playing. Other than that, it’s

just as impressive as the Picade, but considerably
less expensive.

Picade Console 79


10 Best: DACs
Improve the sound quality of your
Raspberry Pi with these digital-to- HiFiBerry Amp+
analogue converters Going beyond a DAC is this amplifier
that you can use as part of a serious
stereo system. It’s Class D and all

et’s not put the Raspberry Pi down here – it’s you need to do is connect your
not like its audio output sounds like a worn- loudspeakers. It’s great for multi-
room setups.
out video tape in 1992. You can get some good
sounds from it as standard – however, it can still £45 / $57
be made much better. This is where a whole host
of amazing DAC accessories come in.

Nanosound DAC HiFiBerry DAC+

This powerful DAC comes in a variety The HiFiBerry DACs are pretty
of versions for different audio tastes, popular, and come in a range of
and also includes physical buttons, sizes and different SKUs for any
a remote, and you can even get a budget, audio requirements, or
special case for it. A couple of models Raspberry Pi type. There’s also
even come with a little screen to see a digital/SPDIF version.
what you’re listening to!
From £20 / $26
From £38 / $48

This all-in-one kit uses the
Nanosound AMP to create a
complete stereo system to which
you just need to connect some
speakers. It also comes with
the remote control of the other
DACs and AMPs, and it’s all in one
neat case.

£132 / $169

IQAudIO is one of the original brands
producing audio add-ons for the
Raspberry Pi, and its DigiAMP range
has recently been updated while
still being an excellent product.

£54 / $69

80 10 best DACs


Pi-DACZero pHAT DAC Amp Zero pHAT

This Zero-sized DAC is the sibling to This nice and inexpensive DAC An amp for a Pi Zero? Absolutely,
the full-sized audio DACs for other adds a 3.5 mm audio out port – i.e. and this is one of the few we’ve
Pi models. Considering the standard a headphone jack – to a Pi Zero. found. JustBoom produces a great
Pi Zero doesn’t have an audio out Which is neat, as it doesn’t normally range of amps and DACs and this is
port, you’ll need something like this have one. You can also solder RCA no exception – it’s just a lot smaller.
for almost any solution where you ports on to expand it.
want the Pi Zero to play sound. £24 / $37
£12 / $13
£17 / $21

Digi HAT
With optical and coaxial out, you’ll
be able to get some super high-
quality music with the Digi HAT.
JustBoom also sells traditional DAC
versions with standard RCA sockets,
if you prefer that.

£30 / £39
Speaker pHAT
This DAC goes beyond being able to
output music to a stereo – it makes
the Pi Zero a stereo thanks to its
tiny built-in speaker. It even has a
volume graph to show you just how
loud your sick tunes are.

With the latest version of
Raspbian, VLC is now the default
media player on the Raspberry Pi.
It handles many kinds of codecs
and is highly configurable, making
it the perfect software for your
DAC-powered Pi.

10 best DACs 81


Learn basic electronics

with Raspberry Pi
Gareth Halfacree takes a look at the best resources
for those looking to break in to the world of electronics

Simple Electronics with GPIO Zero

Phil King Written by The MagPi’s including programmable to have around even when you’ve

contributing editor Phil lighting, a quick-fire reaction worked through all the projects.
Price: King, with assistance from game, an intruder alarm, and All the projects in the book
£4 / $5 (free download) contributors Mike Cook, Richard even a working robot. are illustrated with easy- Hayler, and Ben Nuttall, Simple All the projects are built to-read diagrams and full-
Electronics with GPIO Zero is around GPIO Zero, an easy-to- colour photographs, making
a one-stop guide to getting use Python library for controlling it simple to match your build
started with Raspberry Pi- the Raspberry Pi’s general- to the instructions.
controlled electronics. purpose input/output (GPIO) Like all The MagPi Essentials
Inside, you’ll be taken on a header. A reference guide at books, Simple Electronics with
journey from learning about the back walks through all the GPIO Zero is available to buy in
individual components and functions one-by-one, from print and digitally, or as a free
reading circuit diagrams to controlling LEDs to spinning download under the Creative
building real-world projects motors, making it a handy thing Commons licence.

Concepts Videos
Get a handle on what PRACTICAL NINJAS’ BASICS OF investigation to explain the mechanics of
ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS what’s happening in the simplest of circuits.
electricity actually is If you want to take a step back from
practical projects and understand exactly
what electricity is and how it works, these ALL ABOUT CIRCUITS’
short videos are a great starting point. VIDEO LECTURES Aimed at a college-level audience, Tim
Fiegenbaum’s lecture series covers a
BEN EATER’S DIGITAL wealth of topics, from basic electronic
ELECTRONICS TUTORIAL concepts all the way through to complex
This ten-part video series dives into the devices like microprocessors and
inner workings of components including modern computers.
LEDs and transistors, using hands-on

82 Learn basic electronics with Raspberry Pi


CamJam EduKits Electronics

Cambridge Created by volunteer organisers LEDs, and a buzzer; Sensors

Raspberry Jam of the Cambridge Raspberry Jam kit, which adds temperature,
in collaboration with The Pi Hut, motion, and light sensing Get everything you
£4 / $5 (free download)
the CamJam EduKits combine components; and the largest, need in once place
all the components you need Robotics kit, which has the
with easy-to-follow worksheets components needed to build MODMYPI YOUTUBE
suitable for home or classroom a wheeled robot. WORKSHOP KIT
use – meaning you don’t need The kits are designed for use Designed for use alongside
to worry about buying the right with Python via GPIO Zero, an accompanying nine-part
components separately. though community-provided video series with freely
There are three kits Scratch programs are also downloadable worksheets,
available: the Starter kit, which available for most projects. ModMyPi’s bring-your-own-
includes the components and All worksheets are free to Pi kit covers a range of basic
instructions needed to build download under a Creative projects in Python using the
simple projects with buttons, Commons licence. RPi.GPIO library.
£16 / $20

Raspberry Pi system onto your Pi to using

its GPIO header to drive a MONK MAKES

simple circuit. STARTER KIT
Core Electronics’ course Put together by noted
goes a little further than most: technology author Simon

for Beginners once you’re comfortable with

the basics, you can continue
watching the video series to
Monk, the Monk Makes
Starter Kit comes with a basic
selection of components,

Core Electronics If you’re new to Raspberry learn more advanced topics plus printed instruction

Pi itself, rather than just like shell scripting, writing cards with diagrams for ten
Price: electronics, Core Electronics’ graphical user interface (GUI) interesting projects.
Free beginners’ workshop course is programs, and even connecting a great introduction. Through your Pi up to the Internet of £13 / $16
a series of hands-on videos, Things (IoT).
coupled with a webpage for All the videos are filmed
circuit diagrams and code in high quality and are free VELLEMAN RASPBERRY PI
extracts, you’ll learn everything to watch via the company’s BASIC LEARNING KIT
from how to load an operating YouTube channel. Designed for the more
advanced user, Velleman’s kit
comprises 75 pieces including
a handy GPIO extension board,
remote control, servo motor,
flame sensor, and seven-
segment LED displays.
£63 / $65

Learn basic electronics with Raspberry Pi 83


A desire to compete in robotics brought workshops
in Raspberry Pi to a Puerto Rican school

> Category Educator > Day job Teacher > Website

y background is Alex helped start a makerspace as paradise, but it’s clear there are
really related to rock with his friends and family still some long-lasting effects:
and soils,” Alex in 2014, and he learnt all “The hurricane hit us very
mentions to us. He’s recently about microcontrollers and bad. We had to cancel many
tagged The MagPi Twitter the Raspberry Pi from the maker-related events and
account into a post about his community that gathered there. gatherings. Many of our friends
workshops in Puerto Rico. “I “Then, back in 2016 I went to still work on their personal
graduated from the Department US to be part of the first cohort of projects on their houses, but we
of Geology of the University of Raspberry Pi Certified Educators,” lost most of the momentum by
Puerto Rico. I took a C++ course Alex reveals. “Since then I have staying closer to family.”
which I found very interesting been introducing the Raspberry Pi
and that was it, until the ecosystem to the classroom and What prompted you to start
maker movement hit me five helping fellow educators in the the workshops?
years ago.” island with talks and workshops The current workshop that we
along with fellow makers.” are giving in my school started
Like us, you may be wondering because my school Director
how the US territory of Puerto wanted me to enter a robotic
Rico is doing after Hurricane league competition, but the
Maria devastated it last year. Alex fees and equipment were very
himself refers to Puerto Rico today expensive and we couldn’t

Did you know the box

also doubled as a
robot chassis?

Workshops use the

CamJam EduKit 3

84 Alex Martinez


Students learn
about code

People from
around the
island attend
the workshops

Making robots
afford it. Most of the educators The majority of the teachers is fun, but
I talked to are experienced in and students are new to the hard work
VEX [robotics] competitions and platform, so the workshops are Pi Wars
had been in the US finals, but divided on the level of difficulty. inspired Alex’s
never had an experience on any Teaching [ranges] from how to
Raspberry Pi-related projects. burn a Raspbian image on the SD
This was another reason to start card, to working with the GPIOs
these workshops: many of them using Python, and remotely
wanted to build projects from accessing Raspbian from another

 any of them wanted to build

projects from scratch and teach their
kids computer programming skills
scratch and teach their kids computer. We have been giving
computer programming skills. three workshops until now and
The Raspberry Pi community are planning more in the future.
is very resourceful and here
we found the Pi Wars events. How well have the workshops
So I sent a message to Pi Wars been received?
organisers in order to ask In my opinion, the workshops
for permission to make a Pi were so good that we had home-
Wars-like event with fellow schoolers coming in, and parents
educators here in Puerto Rico. with kids attending the sessions.
I asked my colleague Damaso There is a great effort from other Helping out the Puerto Rican
Cardenales – who is a member of
our Makerspace PR, Inc., and a
schools to bring these workshops
closer to them. Also, we are
maker community
computer programmer – to help planning to hold a Pi Wars event
If you’re interested in getting involved with the
me with this project. next year. Puerto Rican maker community, Alex is happy
For next year, I am planning to talk to you. You can contact him at:
What kind of things do you – with the awesome people of
teach in the workshops? MakertechPR, a local DIY and > Twitter @geomarster
For these workshops we are electronics store – a Raspberry > Facebook
using the CamJam Robotics kits Pi summer workshop for the > Email
that you can find in The Pi Hut. University of Puerto Rico.

Alex Martinez 85


This Month
in Raspberry Pi
Christmas 2018
Season’s greetings from Raspberry Pi Land!

l​ though this is our January issue, you
very likely might be reading this right
before Christmas. So to fleetingly keep
in theme with the season, here are some of
the great Christmas Pi projects we’ve seen
this month!

Using Minecraft Pi, the

folks at Brocraft Gaming
What do you do are controlling a real-
when you don’t have life Christmas tree.
a Christmas wreath? You can interact with
Well, apparently one it by jumping into their
office decided to server on Minecraft:
make one out of RAM Java Edition for PC and
sticks and put some Mac, gathering power,
LED lights behind and talking to an NPC
it, powered by a below an in-game tree
Raspberry Pi. As you to change the light
do. We really like the configuration on both
Ethernet cable tied trees. Make sure you
in a bow on top of it. have the live stream
Really sells the piece. on so you can see the changes you make!

86 Christmas 2018


It’s hard to remember

a time before ‘ugly’
Christmas jumpers
came back into fashion
– although we’d argue
many of them are
no longer very ugly.
Anyway, while we’ve
seen light-up ones
in the past, we’ve
not seen any that are
synchronised to music
to create a lovely
display. Check out the
link to see a video of it
in action.

This office decoration plays random Christmas and Holiday

commercials, which you can shuffle at the press of a button.
Apparently it also plays trailers for Christmas classics such
as The Muppet Christmas Carol. We hope it has trailers for
other favourites like Lethal Weapon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron
Man 3, and other movies from the filmography of the King of
Christmas himself, Shane Black.

This massive array of lights is controlled by a Raspberry

Pi and two microcontrollers. It’s constantly shifting and
changing colours, so it’s pretty magnificent to look at
in motion – check out a video in the link provided! We
have some Pi-powered Christmas lights, but nothing as
ridiculous as this.

Christmas 2018 87


New UK Scouts Find the Scouts

resources here!

The Digital Maker badge gets upgraded

i x months ago, the Raspberry Pi
Foundation announced a partnership with
the Scout Association in the UK, launching
the Digital Maker Staged Activity Badge. As you
can see from the number on the badge, they’re
‘staged’ to several levels. Resources were released
for stages 1 and 2 and now the Foundation
is releasing more, as Olympia Brown, Senior
Programme Manager explains in her blog post:
“Since then, we’ve been developing resources
for more stages of the badge, and we’ve just
released activities to support more of stage 2
and stage 3.

T he first set of activity resources

we released either needed no
technology or laptops only
“Because the Digital Maker badge is a staged
activity badge, any section of the Scouts
movement can tackle it. And since an activity
that interests and engages a Beaver is likely to be
quite different to one that engages an Explorer
Scout, we’ve increased the variety of activities T
 im Peake, the first Astro Pi astronaut,
has helped promote the new badge!
we’re providing.

More tech! More activities!

“The first set of activity resources we released “With all our activity resources, we show how
either needed no technology or laptops only, as digital making fits into the scouting movement
the leaders we spoke to told us it shouldn’t be too and into many typical activities you’d do with your
difficult to get hold of some laptops for a session. troop. For example, you can program the micro:bit
For the new resources, we’ve increased the variety to be the musical accompaniment to your next
of tech that we recommend using. Some of the campfire ( Or, you can create
activities use the micro:bit, since it’s a low-cost, your own custom map to show points on a recent
easy-to-use bit of tech. For leaders unfamiliar hike that you did together ( –
with the micro:bit, we’ve put together this guide anything from where someone fell over, to where
on using the device: you saw the most amazing view.”

88 New UK Scouts resources!


Crowdfund this! Raspberry Pi projects you

can crowdfund this month

TinyPi Pro Arcard

We covered the original version of this project in The Tabletop arcade machines are great, but some of them A PI PRFUNDING
MagPi a while ago, and the creator has finally deemed it can be a bit expensive, The Arcard brings down the price If you
’ve la ?
worthy to be made into a product. He needs your help, slightly by having a case made entirely of cardboard. It’s irresis unche
tible P d an
though, to raise enough cash to start production, and of also big enough for two sets of controls, which not every projec i-relate
t, let u d
course you can net yourself a kit for your pledge. Pi-powered arcade can do magp s know
i@ras !

Best of the rest! Here are some other great things we saw this month
So this is pretty amazing news – although Taking an old Beckman terminal, Imgur The Simpsons shuffler was great, but we
Valve has discontinued its Steam Link user ‘iafan’ has converted it to use a also love this Frasier shuffler. The wooden
hardware, it’s just released an app for Pi. The old CRT was replaced with an case and big arcade button give it a
Raspbian that does the same thing. We’ll LCD screen, and the remaining space nice look, and you could probably make
have more thorough coverage of it next was used to house the Pi and other the case resemble the cask for a 1982
issue, but for now… wow. components. It looks pretty cool. Château Latour to suit Frasier’s tastes.

Crowdfund this! 89


03 02

04 06

Raspberry Jam
Event Calendar
Find out what community-organised Raspberry Pi-themed
events are happening near you…

01. Stafford Raspberry Jam 05. Cornwall Tech Jam

Tuesday 8 January Saturday 12 January
Stafford Library, Stafford, UK Bodmin Library, Bodmin, UK
A big meet-up for people of all ages to get together Learn about programming on a variety of platforms,
share their Pi ideas while having fun. including Raspberry Pi, in various languages.

02. DC Raspberry Jam 06. Dallas Young Makers Club

Saturday 12 January Saturday 12 January
Mount-Pleasant Library, Washington DC, USA J. Erik Jonsson Central Library, Dallas, TX, USA
An event for kids to get into Pi-based robotics and coding. Learn about computing and robotics on
There’s also a 3D-printed robot to have fun with. Raspberry Pi at this free workshop for kids!
03. Raspberry Jam @ Castro Valley Library 07. January Raspberry Pint Get a full list of upcoming
Saturday 26 January Tuesday 29 January events for January and
beyond here:
Castro Valley Library, Castro Valley, CA, USA CodeNode, London, UK
If you’re interested in coding and want to know more If you’re working on a Pi project, or would like
about the Raspberry Pi, check out this Jam. some help on it, head down to Raspberry Pint!

04. Saddleback Valley Raspberry Jam 08. Leeds Raspberry Jam

Saturday 2 February Wednesday 6 February
Laguna Hills High School, Laguna Hills, CA, USA Dixons Unity Academy, Leeds, UK
Projects will be on display from community members, Get hands-on with digital making activities in the
and there will also be beginners’ workshops. workshop, and a hackspace area to share projects.

90 Raspberry Jam Event Calendar


Want a Raspberry Jam
in your area?
Want to start one?
Email Ben Nuttall about it:

We’ve highlighted some of the areas

in need of a Jam! Can you help out?

Raspberry Jam advice:

Themed activities
hen a competition like Astro Pi,
or a programme like Pioneers
comes out, we’ll do talks and
invite people along to take part in workshops
at the Jam. It’s good because it gives an
08 incentive for people to come along and take
part, and gives them motivation to work.”

01 Andy Melder - Southend Raspberry Jam

Every Raspberry Jam is entitled to apply for a
Jam starter kit, which includes magazine issues,
printed worksheets, stickers, flyers and more.
Get the book here:

Raspberry Jam Event Calendar 91


Letters  hese smart lights helped
inspire ‘oldjake’ - did they
inspire you?

Steam Pi Let there be light

I’m really excited about Steam If there was nothing else MAC addresses of the phones
coming to the Raspberry Pi! interesting in any other edition in the house. If it finds one,
How long has this been in the of The MagPi, I would still pay for it increments a score. If the
works? Will it be able to play them all just for the article about score is zero then it turns the
all of the games in the Steam IKEA lights from last issue! heating down. I’ve even got
library? Do I need the latest I’ve got loads of their bulbs it weighted so that if I’m in
Raspberry Pi for it? I have many around the house as I’m the house, it turns the heating
questions! Can’t wait for a swapping all my lights from up a bit more. I’m using the
special Steam Pi to replace the Hive to Trådfri. One of the very badly documented Hive
current Steam Link hardware! things missing from the Trådfri API to do this, so it’s been a
platform is the ability to turn a bit of a labour of love. When
Tyler via Facebook light on at sunset – you can only I started this, I knew nothing
set an absolute time. about Python or APIs, or much
It’s not actually a full Steam So, this morning, I thought else that would help with this.
client on the Raspberry Pi – I’d have a play (I’m very new to I don’t do ‘Hello World!’ so this
it’s Steam Link, the streaming Python so this isn’t intuitive). has definitely been a bit of a
service. You’ll need a computer Couple of hours later and I’ve baptism of fire for me.
already running Steam on your got a little Python script that I’ve done a bit of a write-up
network to get it working, gets the sunset time, compares here:
but you do get access to all it with the current time, and
the games available on your switches the lights on if it’s oldjake from the forum
gaming PC! It was news to later than sunset. I’m running
us as well, though – Valve is some other home automation Wow! We’re extremely impressed
quite secretive. stuff with a script that runs with the work you’ve done here.
You will need a Raspberry Pi 3 every few minutes, so it’ll be We don’t want to toot our own
(Model B): either an original dead easy to add this in. horns too much but when we see
Pi 3 or a 3B+. We’ve not tested For the record, as it’s in readers taking a tutorial we’ve
it on a 3A+, but we can only the spirit of ‘hacking’ home done and using it in a current
imagine that reduced RAM automation, my pet project, project, it makes it all seem
isn’t ideal for it. Otherwise, which is what got me started in worth it!
just make sure you have as this, is occupancy detection so For folks who are interested
much of the network wired up that I can control the heating in how oldjake has fared
as possible, and then just plug depending on who’s in. I’ve so far, you can read more

With the old Steam
Link hardware being in a compatible controller! now got that 99% working. in the forum thread about
discontinued, we were Check out the details here: There’s a Pi in the lounge his accomplishments here:
wondering what Valve
might do! that sniffs for the Bluetooth

92 Your Letters


The MagPiTV
After reading the article up to date of course, using a The Government seems
entitled ‘BBC Computer Raspberry Pi instead of the supportive. An easy cheap
Literacy Archive’ [from issue BBC Micro, with maybe a programme to make?
73], it made me think… new hardware project each What do you think?
What about a Raspberry week including how to create
Pi BBC programme? After a program in Python to Mike via email
watching the BBC Micro control it?
programme many years ago, I think any children with an If you’ve ever met our Features
eagerly awaiting each episode, interest in computers and the Ed Rob, or seen any of the
I went on to eventually work in Raspberry Pi (which is in most videos on our YouTube channel
IT and now at 60 I have still not schools) would love it, with the (or even been to certain UK
lost the enthusiasm I have for added bonus of again helping comic cons), you’ll know he
computers thanks to the BBC. children in school with maths loves being in front of the
This made me wonder why and logic problem solving. The camera. Unfortunately, it’s up
the BBC has not produced a low price of the Raspberry Pi to the BBC to fund and develop
similar programme, brought makes it an ideal platform. that kind of programming.
Speaking of our YouTube
channel, if you want to see
Raspberry Pi content on a
semi-regular basis, make
sure to subscribe. We do
unboxings, tutorials, walking
tours, and more. Check it out

Contact us!
> Twitter @TheMagPi
> Facebook
> Email
 heck out our YouTube
for great videos, like this > Online
tour of Raspberry Fields!

Coolest Projects is a world-leading annual showcase that

empowers the next generation of digital innovators: young
people from across the whole Raspberry Pi community come
together to exhibit their awesome projects.
Join Coolest Projects at The Sharp Project, Manchester on
Saturday 2 March, and see them share their ideas and their
passion for technology, make new friends, and learn from one
another. Bring family and friends, see crazy science shows by
TV presenters, and have a go yourself at the exciting activities.
Why not get involved yourself? You don’t need to know how
to code. They need volunteers with enthusiasm and a variety
of skills for Coolest Projects. If you do know how to code, that’s
great, but you don’t need any technical skills to help make this
day an amazing event for young people.

Your Letters 93

Book of



Volume 1 Simple coding for total beginners

The first
Code Club book
has arrived!
• Learn to code
using Scratch, the
block-based language
• Follow step-by-step
guides to create games
and animations
• Use the magic glasses
to reveal secret hints
• Includes 24 exclusive
Code Club stickers!
• The special spiral
binding allows
the book to lay flat

Available at:


WIN One of Ten

Cluster HATs
and create a Pi powerhouse!

T he Cluster HAT is a simple

and compact way to build
a low-cost USB-connected
Raspberry Pi Bramble

Take a Raspberry Pi 3B+, add a Cluster HAT, and fill it with 8086 Consultancy has given us ten Cluster HATs to
up to four Pi Zero boards and you’ve created a parallel- give away, so enter today for your chance to win one
processing beast that lets you do some really fun stuff. (Pi 3B+ and Pi Zero boards not included).

Head here to enter: Learn more:

Terms & Conditions

Competition opens on 19 December 2018 and closes on 31 January 2019. Prize is offered to participants worldwide aged 13 or over, except employees of the Raspberry Pi Foundation,
the prize supplier, their families or friends. Winners will be notified by email no more than 30 days after the competition closes. By entering the competition, the winner consents to any
publicity generated from the competition, in print and online. Participants agree to receive occasional newsletters from The MagPi magazine. We don’t like spam: participants’ details
will remain strictly confidential and won’t be shared with third parties. Prizes are non-negotiable and no cash alternative will be offered. Winners will be contacted by email to arrange
delivery. Any winners who have not responded 60 days after the initial email is sent will have their prize revoked. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by,
or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

Win One of Five Cluster HATs 95



on the cover price


Lucy Hattersley

Next Month
Features Editor
Rob Zwetsloot

Sub Editors
Phil King and Nicola King


Head of Design
Lee Allen

Mike Kay, Harriet Knight

Sam Alder


Brian Beuken, Mike Cook,
David Crookes, PJ Evans,
Gareth Halfacree, Rosie
Hattersley, Nicola King,
KG Orphanides, Richard
Smedley, Mark Vanstone

Publishing Director
Russell Barnes
+44 (0)7904 766523

Director of Communications
Liz Upton
Make your own CEO
Eben Upton
ball flipper with DISTRIBUTION
Raspberry Pi Seymour Distribution Ltd
2 East Poultry Ave,
London EC1A 9PT
+44 (0)207 429 4000

Raspberry Pi Press
Mann Enterprises, Unit E,
Brocks Business Centre,
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ISSN: 2051-9982.

* Contents subject to change 97

Remember. Create.
K.G. Orphanides on silence, preservation, and the joy of trashgames

reviewed the first Raspberry But it’s about more than playing numerous unfinished projects and
Pi Model B, but it took a while well-loved games that are otherwise false starts, I didn’t release my first
for me to click with it. As Pi unlikely to see a re-release. There are game – the text adventure ‘Eight
iterations became more powerful, whole classes of games and software characters, a number, and a happy
their capabilities intersected with that are at imminent risk of being lost ending’ – until my mid-30s.
the needs of my other projects. to history, and the Pi provides a useful While I don’t exclusively develop
A Pi is at the heart of my silent test bed for getting a lot of those on a Pi, it’s what got me back into
recording studio for voiceover work running, assessed, and documented. programming. It reminded me that
and field recording. The biggest
problem with home audio recording
from a mic input is the inevitable  rite software for the pleasure of puzzling
background noise from the fans
of a standard desktop or laptop PC. out the logic and structure needed to create a
Equipped with passive heatsinks,
there’s nothing in my Pi 3 box to make
meaningful experience in a few lines of code
the slightest noise, so I can record
almost anywhere without unwanted While there’s no chance that we’ll I could write software for the joy of it;
background noise to cancel out – at lose Doom, Ultima IV, or Lemmings, for the pleasure of puzzling out the
the cost of other sounds in the same preservation is less certain for logic and structure needed to create a
frequency range – during production. novelty screensavers, cheap meaningful experience in a few lines
The next upgrade is a fully portable CD‑ROM compilations of fascinating of code.
and ideally weatherproof version Windows 95 ‘shovelware’, 3.5-inch Like home microcomputers of the
for field recording in nature. That’s floppies packed with cheat tools and 1980s, the Pi can turn anyone into
going to call for a touchscreen, ‘trainers’ to boost your RPG party’s a bedroom programmer, ready to
a hefty battery, and an IP6X stats, or Java phone games. join the thrilling indie, art games,
weatherproof chassis. I’m using a Pi to find working and wonderfully glitchy trashgames
versions of games like Rovio’s scenes born of widespread internet
Preserving the past Darkest Fear survival-horror/puzzle access and high-quality, free
A Pi 3 is also key to my interest in series – released long before Angry development tools like Twine
software preservation and emulation. Birds was a hit – and the elusive and PICO-8.
I have a lot of classic computers and feature-phone version of Fallout 1,
consoles, but it’s usually my Pi-based with the intention of curating an
K.G. Orphanides

emulation box that I get out when I online archive.

want to show someone what gaming
K.G. is a writer, developer, and
felt like in the 1980s and 1990s. It Coding the future software preservation enthusiast
fits in a pocket and doesn’t run the But I most love the Pi for the with a penchant for narrative games,
risk of a capacitor going fizz at a opportunities it holds for new nineties CRPGs, and owlbears.
crucial moment. developers of all ages. Despite @KGOrphanides

98 Remember. Create.

Pi Zero W computer
  Official case with three covers
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116-page beginner’s book

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