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1 Interpret the verbal business communication

3.1.1. Define verbal business communication—communication based upon words

3.1.2 Explain the types of verbal business communication

a) Oral communication
i) face to face-conversation is an informal discussion through spoken language and words on a particular
issue among the people to exchange their views freely and fairly weighs each other.

ii) telephone and voice mail-

 The telephone is the electrical system of communication that you use to talk directly to
someone else in a different place. You use the telephone by dialling a number on a piece of
equipment and speaking into it.
 Voicemail is a method of storing voice messages electronically for later retrieval by intended
recipients. Callers leave short messages that are stored on digital media (or, in some older
systems, on analog recording tape).
 Originally, voicemail was developed for telephony as a means to prevent missed calls, and also
to facilitate call screening. In recent years, voicemail has become integrated with the Internet,
allowing users to receive incoming messages on traditional computers as well as on tablets and
mobile phones.

iii) meetings-A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of
achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching

 A meeting is an event in which a group of people come together to discuss things or make

b) Written communication
i. Memos

 Memos (or memorandums) is standard format for internal written communication. It is usually
used for day-to-day routine information. They are relatively brief document, typically half, one
or two pages, although memos about formal issues can be longer. Memos are less private than
business letters because they are delivered by interoffice mail or email. As the memo is an
internal means of communication and less formal than letter, there is no need to include an
inside address, greeting, complimentary close or full signature.
 Example of memo-handout
 Advantages of memo:
i) It reaches a large number of people at the same time
ii) It provides a written record to refer to at any time or to place on fie
iii) It allows detailed or difficult information to be logically and accurately relayed
iv) It can indicate, through the use of a company letterhead, that the information it
contains is part of the organization’s procedure.

HOMEWORK: find out Six types of memo-(instruction memo/request

memo/announcement memo/transmittal memo/authorization memo/confirmation

ii. Business Letters

 Business letters are an appropriate format for special message such as commendations,
condolences, apologies, warnings about legal action, references or acceptance of an offer or
employment (written for many reasons: to initiate action, to inform, to request and to
 The business letter has more presence than an email, makes a more formal impression and
adds a personal touch through the handwritten signature. It is likely to be treated more
seriously by the receiver than an email. Written letters may have greater impact than email and
other online media because of the information overload caused by excessive amounts of email.

Example of Business letters

Types of Layout:

i. Full block layout-handout

ii. Modified block layout- handout

iii. Reports

 A report, whether long or short, is a document containing comprehensive information on a

specific subject. Its function is to provide information and sometimes, expert opinion, which
offers management a basis on which to check on progress, plan for the future or make
decisions. A report communicates written, objective information within and outside an
 HOMEWORK: find out Five types of short report-(justification reports, progress report,
periodic report, fillable reports, analytical report)

iv Newsletters

Newsletter: Small, printed (generally on letter-size paper), or published through other means,
newspaper or digest aimed for a select audience on a narrow subject, or for circulation within an
organization. Examples of newsletter
v. Notices, advertisements and leaflets- refer powerpoint notes. Examples of notices, advertisements
and leaflets

vi. Publicity materials

Publicity material is information disseminated to news media by a company or its agency to generate
unpaid media exposure. Press releases are one of the most common publicity tools. Other tools include
photographs, guest editorials, community notices, props and calendar announcements.

c. Electronic communication (refer rext book page 28-29)

i. Electronic mail- E mail is the transmission of messages from computer to computer through
electronic transmission devices such as modems, telephone lines, mail servers and other
telecommunications service.

Types of email:

a) Instruction emails
b) Request email
c) Announcement emails
d) Transmittal emails
e) Authorization emails

ii. Podcasting

 Podcast is a type of digital media file that is downloaded from the internet to a computer
or mobile media player in a series of file. The podcast is released episode by episode to
allow the audience to download, check for updates, store the files and view them at their
 Podcast are replacing or supplementing conference calls, training courses, briefings and
other group communication activities as mobile devices and platforms enable interaction
between people in different locations. Podcasts fulfill a variety of purposes. The health
and fitness industry, for example; can record audio podcasts about weight loss that
people can listen to while walking or jogging. Marketing departments can produce video
podcasts that demonstrate new products.

iii. Instant Messaging

Instant messaging, or IM, is a form of text communication between two or more people in ‘real
time’ while online. It's similar to email but with the speed and immediacy of a phone
conversation. It's also similar to a chat room, but with greater privacy as you can select those
involved in the text conversation. You do this by creating a list of contacts or 'buddies' – you'll be
alerted when they're online at the same time as you.
iv. Videoconferencing and telepresence

Videoconferencing-communicating in a video session in real time from different locations.

Telepresence is a sophisticated form of robotic remote control in which a human operator has a
sense of being on location so that the experience resembles virtual reality (VR). The remotely-
controlled robot (or telechir) and the human operator can be located at a great distance from each
v. Blogs

An abbreviation of weblog-a website containing dated written entries from many contributors on
a specific topic in reverse chronological order that can be combined with music, audio,
photographs and video.

The growing influence of bloggers and micro-bloggers means organizations are increasingly
engaging in two way symmetrical public relations via blogs. Blogs do more than simply keep
their audience aware of an organization’s latest news information. Comment functions promote
openness and blog rolls promote social networking. Through way communication through
comments and follow up responses such as taking action or commenting back is relationship

vi. Mobile business application

Software applications, or apps, are the nuts and bolts of mobile business communications. Apps
are the smartphone programs you use daily to compose e-mail, update your calendar, edit
documents and collaborate with colleagues.
vii. Social media

Websites that build on Web 2.0 technologies to provide space for content creation, networking,
dialogue, collaboration, social interaction, media sharing, bookmarking and community

3.2 Nonverbal Business Communication

3.2.1 Defne non verbal business communication-Communication sent by any means other than
words or graphic. The nonverbal part of the message tends to be less conscious and reveals the
sender feelings, likings and preferences more spontaneously and honestly than the verbal part.

• example of nonverbal communication—gestures, facial expressions, clothing, touch and many other

3.2.2 Explain the aspects of nonverbal business communication.

(for detail refer handout)

a. Facial expression
b. Gesture and posture
c. Vocal characteristics
d. Personal appearance
e. Touch
f. Time and space

3.3 Explain the factors to consider when choosing channel of business communication.

3.3.1 Explain the factors to consider when choosing channel of business communication-GROUP
DISCUSSION-refer points given

a. Richness
b. Formality
c. Media and channel limitations
d. Urgency
e. Cost
f. Audience preferences
g. Security and privacy

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