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adjective: simple; comparative adjective: simpler; superlative adjective:
1. 1.
easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
"a simple solution"
straightforward, easy, uncomplicated, uninvolved, effortless,
painless, undemanding, elementary, child's play; More
informalas easy as pie, as easy as ABC, a piece of cake, a
cinch, no sweat, a pushover, kids' stuff, a breeze, duck soup,
a snap
"it's really simple"
clear, plain, straightforward, intelligible, comprehensible,
uncomplicated, accessible;
"simple language"
difficult, hard, complicated,
o plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design;
without much decoration or ornamentation.
"a simple white blouse"
plain, unadorned, undecorated, unembellished,
unornamented, unelaborate, basic, unsophisticated, no-frills;
classic, understated, uncluttered, restrained, unshowy,
"a simple white blouse"
antonyms: fancy, elaborate
o used to emphasize the fundamental and straightforward
nature of something.
"the simple truth"
candid, frank, honest, sincere, plain, absolute, unqualified,
synonyms: bald, stark, unadorned, unvarnished, unembellished
"the simple truth"
2. 2.
composed of a single element; not compound.
noncompound, noncomplex, uncombined, unblended,
synonyms: unalloyed, pure, single
"simple chemical substances"
antonyms: compound
o Mathematics
denoting a group that has no proper normal subgroup.
o Botany
(of a leaf or stem) not divided or branched.
o (of a lens, microscope, etc.) consisting of a single lens or
o (in English grammar) denoting a tense formed without an
auxiliary, e.g., sang as opposed to was singing.
o (of interest) payable on the sum loaned only.
3. 3.
of or characteristic of low rank or status; humble and unpretentious.
"a simple Buddhist monk"
unpretentious, unsophisticated, ordinary, unaffected,
unassuming, natural, honest-to-goodness, cracker-barrel;
"simple country people"
antonyms: pretentious, affected
4. 4.
of low or abnormally low intelligence.
having learning difficulties, having special (educational)
needs; More
synonyms: of low intelligence, simpleminded, unintelligent, backward,
(mentally) retarded
"he's a bit simple"
antonyms: gifted
noun: simple; plural noun: simples
1. 1.
a medicinal herb, or a medicine made from one.
"the gatherers of simples"
exclamation: simple

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