c17000 Project Proposal k1751618

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School of Computing
Network Information Security
Project Proposal
Name: MB Fazli Nisar
ID Number: K1751618
Top-Secret State Sponsored Surveillance and Remote Agent-
Based Lawful Intercepted Framework for Linux and FOSS OS

Supervisor: Dr. Sameera De Alwis

Date: 07/10/2018

The important of surveillance and need for countries are increasing. The lot of different ways to
interconnect electronically, current world there is a plenty of data array that can be collected in
many way and therefore demanded by Secret intelligent enforcement or law enforcement
authorities. In the face of real or perceived national security threats, law enforcement and
intelligence agencies have sought to harness the power of new communications technology and
gather intelligence and evidence through digital surveillance to prevent attacks or prosecute
suspected terrorists. At the same time, barriers to access communications services are decreasing,
resulting in many more people carrying out more of their lives online. The dramatic decline in
the costs of storing data online has further prompted moves to an online society. Some
governments are taking advantage of these changes for purposes well beyond protecting national
security or solving crime, purposes that are instead directed to controlling their citizens and
maintaining power. As surveillance is often necessary on legitimate national security grounds,
there is understandably secrecy around methods and even the laws that govern these actions. But
that same secrecy can also mask serious violations of human rights.

UN blames most government surveillance frameworks concerns the “lack of adequate national
legislation and/or enforcement, weak procedural safeguards and ineffective oversight, all of
which have contributed to a lack of accountability for arbitrary or unlawful interference in the
right to privacy”. In addition, as surveillance is ostensibly carried out for the purpose of crime
prevention or national security, it is often implemented in secret. This increases the importance
of upfront consideration of potential adverse impacts on human rights associated with
government requests and the need for appropriate legal protections.

This purpose of this research studies develop a Model for surveillance with recommendations or
a legal framework that respects human rights and responds to weaknesses identified in current
legal procedure model. There is no “typical” process of accessing communications of individuals
as processes differ from country to country. The Model therefore sets out important principles to
guide the development or reform of legal regimes on communications surveillance.

1. Introduction & Background .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Background and Motivation .................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Problem in brief................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Proposed Solution ................................................................................................................ 2
2. Aim & Objectives.................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 Aim ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2
3. Literature Review ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Technology .............................................................................................................................. 4
5. Design ................................................................................................................................. 5
6. Resource Requirement ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
7. Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 6
8. Work Plan ............................................................................................................................ 6
9. Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 6
References ................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendices .................................................................................................................................. 8

List of Figures/Tables
Figure 1 – Remote Agent Architecture

Table 1 – Work Plan

Glossary of Terms

Remote Agent
Linux environment
Lawful interception
State government
Human Rights

1. Introduction & Background

1.1 Introduction
The name of the project, Top-Secret State Sponsored Surveillance and Remote Agent-Based
Lawful Intercepted Framework for Linux and FOSS OS studies the importance and needs of
state sponsored surveillance on the practise of the human right to privacy of communications and
data privacy of individuals, subject to lawful interception of digital communications. The aim of
this project is to measure the lawful surveillance of the state people and the country. The study
also deliberates the developing trend midst the law enforcement agencies to access data without
consent located in foreign jurisdictions without recourse to the Mutual Legal Assistance
arrangements. This project discovers that bearing in mind the highly politicised nature of the
internet governance discourse, the fact that international human rights law relating to privacy of
communications is in need of modernization, the reluctance of states to commit to a legally
binding cyber internet treaty, the slow pace with which customary cyber law rules emerge and
the tendencies of states on the domestic level towards the introduction of surveillance legislation
at the expense of privacy, any progress in this regard at this stage will be piecemeal and likely to
be achieved through a combination of the updating of the existing global and local human rights
and protection of data and soft law agreements.

1.3 Background and Motivation

Surveillance is often necessary on legitimate national security grounds, there is understandably
secrecy around methods and even the laws that govern these actions. But that same secrecy can
also mask serious violations of human rights. United Nations and some other organization
blames most government surveillance frameworks concerns the “lack of adequate national
legislation and or enforcement, weak procedural safeguards and ineffective oversight, all of
which have contributed to a lack of accountability for arbitrary or unlawful interference in the
right to privacy”

1.4 Problem in brief

The thesis of the interceptions are not only a vast number of the ordinary people worldwide, but
also some organization including business people, politicians , state government officials, many
heads of state, including the state leaders countries etc. This research will predominantly address
the state violations of the right to privacy of private individuals regarding their digital
communications. The thesis does not consider in great detail the legality of interception of
information that falls within states, including affecting to that of the heads of states. Moreover
everything researches here is the safeguard of the country and peoples of the country.

1.5 Proposed Solution

Research and analyse those problem and important of surveillance and with recommendations or
a legal and lead to lawful intercepted framework for operating system that respects human rights
and responds to weaknesses identified in current legal procedure model. There is no “typical”
process of retrieving communications or connection of individuals as processes differ from
country to country. The research studies therefore sets out important principles to guide the
development or reform of legal regimes on lawful surveillance and any other procedures.

2. Aim & Objectives

2.1 Aim
States and State People’s Safeguard with minimum harmful of privacy

2.2 Objectives
The objective of this project is to explain and elaborate that these cyber internet activities breach
states’ human rights obligations under the human rights and lawful intercepted frameworks and
to show the exceptional impact that surveillance technologies continue to have on this right. The
research also highlights the inadequate protection of privacy in the internet. This leads to the
evaluation of a number of possible legal solutions on the international level to the problem and
its solution of surveillance, and state and people safety in any type of reason .since the internet is

a global environment designed for unrestricted data flows, therefore facilitates continued
violation of privacy of communications and data privacy.

3. Literature Review
The name of the project, Top-Secret State Sponsored Surveillance and Remote Agent-Based
Lawful Intercepted Framework for Linux and FOSS OS.I hereby read some other various types
of research thesis and journals thus related to my research project. Based on those topic I have
analyzed different scenarios of ideas and sort out that. Those thesis similar to mine but they
covered other different fact. Some of those factors are Espionage, Cyber Espionage, and cyber
surveillance, privacy paradox etc. This thesis quite different with those type of idea.

3.1 Introduction
Chapter 1 gave an introduction to overall project. This chapter presents a critical review of
literature on Top-Secret State Sponsored Surveillance and Remote Agent-Based Lawful
Intercepted Framework for Linux and FOSS OS. Here we formulate our research problem and
highlight the technology adapted towards a solution. In doing so it will contain and discuss
various problems.
Surveillance that captures data means it is possible to identify the location of the user. This has
resulted in questions as to whether the lower level of protection that is given to communications
is still appropriate. There are often stronger legal protections requiring a higher burden of proof
around the authorization of lawful interception than for accessing communications data, as it is
more intrusive to personal privacy.

Following topics category should be carry out while preparing thesis is important. It must include in
literature survey to build a better solution when these were finalized.

1- Grounded Research and Survey

2- Different data base search
3- Important key words
4- Data collection
5- Observation
6- Quality research Journals

4. Technology
Remote agent is becoming an emerging tool for monitoring and managing computer inter
networks. Its effectiveness in this regard proceeds from its ability to interconnect with other
agents and devices, and navigate a computer network to collect data and take actions
independently. In this research, an investigation of the use of a remote agent-based system to
monitor the software tools on the nodes of a computer network is carried out. The proposed
framework adopts remote agent system approach combining a static server agent with a remote
monitor agent which move around and extract data from each node via the server agent. The
system was tested in a computer network environment which is characterized by a linux or any
other free operating systems.

1. Design

Figure 1 : Architecture of Remote Agent

1. Methodology
Frameworks should guarantee that everyone know what information is being collected about
them and what it is used for.
Surveillance is authorized by state, there should be transparency about the rules that manage the
Effective understanding is essential, as much transparency as possible from both governments
and private organization also same like individual.
In cases when these procedures are misused, either purposely or else, there should be redress and
Supervise the process in an equal and trustworthy manner from a neutral body.

2. Work Plan
Project Registration 2018/09/01
Preparing Project Proposal 7 days
Submit of Proposal 7 days 2018/10/07
Prepare for Presentation 3 days 2018/11/05
Collection of data 45 days
Construction of the thesis 14 days
Submission 2019/01/25
Table 1: work Plan

In the modern world era increased terrorist threat and various multiple threats over the internet or
other way, the stability between the need for security and the right to privacy of states and also
innocent individuals is particularly difficult to achieve. The vulnerability of this and other rights
in the face of a unique interference by states authorize organization directing surveillance must
be important. This paper concentrated on those kind of scenario but without breaching human
privacy also.

Clarke, R. A. & Knake, R. April 2010. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and
What to Do About It. HarperCollins e-books, reprint edition, http://amazon.com/o/

Hypponen, M. 2013. The cyber arms race. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC Conference
on Computer & Communications Security, CCS ’13, 941–942.
http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2508859.2516756, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2477-9.

N. Ehrentreich Agent Based Modeling {The Santa Fe Institute Arti_cial Stock Market Model
Revisited (Springer, 2007) ISBN 978-3-5407-3878-9

Vipin Kumar, Jaideep Srivastava, Aleksandar Lazarevic “Managing Cyber Therats”

2005 Springer Science Business Media, Inc.
[Online}. Avalable:


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