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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Founded by Richard C. Cabot

Eric S. Rosenberg, M.D., Editor
Virginia M. Pierce, M.D., David M. Dudzinski, M.D., Meridale V. Baggett, M.D.,
Dennis C. Sgroi, M.D., Jo‑Anne O. Shepard, M.D., Associate Editors
Allison R. Bond, M.D., Case Records Editorial Fellow
Emily K. McDonald, Sally H. Ebeling, Production Editors

Case 39-2017: A 41-Year-Old Woman

with Recurrent Chest Pain
Sarah V. Tsiaras, M.D., Lucy M. Safi, D.O., Brian B. Ghoshhajra, M.D.,
Mark E. Lindsay, M.D., Ph.D., and Malissa J. Wood, M.D.​​

Pr e sen tat ion of C a se

Dr. Mahesh K. Vidula (Medicine): A 41-year-old woman presented to this hospital From the Departments of Cardiology
with chest pain. (S.V.T., L.M.S., M.E.L., M.J.W.) and Radi‑
ology (B.B.G.), Massachusetts General
Approximately 1 year before presentation, the patient had had transient tight- Hospital, and the Departments of Cardi‑
ness in the chest and shoulder on the left side that had prompted a referral to ology (S.V.T., L.M.S., M.E.L., M.J.W.) and
outpatient physical therapy. Five days before presentation, while the patient was Radiology (B.B.G.), Harvard Medical
School — both in Boston.
packing for a flight to Boston, acute substernal chest pain developed; the pain
radiated to the jaw and shoulders and was accompanied by dyspnea and by a feel- N Engl J Med 2017;377:2475-84.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcpc1707558
ing of needing to belch. These symptoms lasted 1 hour and then spontaneously Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
resolved, and she attributed them to fatigue.
On the day before presentation, substernal chest pain with radiation to the jaw
and shoulders recurred after the patient had been walking, and the pain gradually
resolved after a few hours. Before dinner on the evening of presentation, the pain
recurred and was associated with light-headedness. The patient attended dinner
but had persistent pain, along with dyspnea. She presented to the emergency de-
partment of this hospital.
On physical examination, the patient was diaphoretic. The temperature was
36.6°C, the heart rate 68 beats per minute, the blood pressure 143/87 mm Hg in
both arms, the respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute, and the oxygen saturation
100% while she was breathing ambient air. She did not have carotid bruits or
jugular venous distention, nor did she have cardiac murmur, rub, or gallop on
auscultation. Her digits were hyperextensible. The rest of the examination was
normal. Laboratory test results are shown in Table 1.
The patient had no history of dysrhythmia, heart-failure symptoms, trauma, or
constitutional, respiratory, gastrointestinal, or neurologic symptoms. She had un-
dergone a laparoscopy for an ovarian cyst, and she had had a miscarriage 1 month
before this evaluation. She took no medications. Penicillin and sulfa drugs caused
urticaria. She exercised four times weekly with an elliptical machine and walked
her dog daily. She did not smoke tobacco or use illicit drugs; she consumed two

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Table 1. Laboratory Data.*

Variable Reference Range, Adults† On Presentation 8 Hr after Presentation

Troponin T (ng/dl) <0.03 0.03 0.21
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 12.0–16.0 13.1
Hematocrit (%) 36.0–46.0 39.0
White-cell count (per mm3) 4500–11,000 7540
Platelet count (per mm3) 150,000–400,000 316,000
Sodium (mmol/liter) 135–145 141
Potassium (mmol/liter) 3.4–5.0 3.8
Chloride (mmol/liter) 98–108 105
Carbon dioxide (mmol/liter) 23–32 19
Urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 8–25 15
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.60–1.50 0.91
Glucose (mg/dl) 70–110 98
Magnesium (mg/dl) 1.7–2.4 1.6
Cholesterol (mg/dl)
Total <200 159
High-density lipoprotein 35–100 63
Low-density lipoprotein <130 86
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 40–150 52
Glycated hemoglobin (%) 4.3–6.4 4.6

* To convert the values for urea nitrogen to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.357. To convert the values for creatinine to
­micromoles per liter, multiply by 88.4. To convert the values for glucose to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.05551.
To convert the values for magnesium to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.4114. To convert the values for cholesterol
to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.02586. To convert the values for triglycerides to millimoles per liter, multiply by
† Reference values are affected by many variables, including the patient population and the laboratory methods used. The
ranges used at Massachusetts General Hospital are for adults who are not pregnant and do not have medical conditions
that could affect the results. They may therefore not be appropriate for all patients.

alcoholic beverages per week. She had a healthy and V5 (Fig. 1). The depressions had decreased
11-year-old daughter. Her father had a history of in magnitude on electrocardiography performed
hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and an embolic 3 hours later and had fully resolved on electrocar-
stroke. Her mother, brother, and sister had hyper- diography performed 8 hours after presentation.
mobile Ehlers–Danlos syndrome: her mother had Transthoracic echocardiography showed over-
joint hypermobility and had received the diagno- all normal left ventricular and right ventricular
sis during her first pregnancy because of recur- systolic function. There was a small, focal area of
rent hip subluxations; her brother had joint hyper- hypokinesis in the left ventricular inferolateral
Videos showing mobility and spontaneous pneumothorax and wall (see Videos 1 and 2, available with the full
echocardiographic bruised easily; and her sister had joint hypermo- text of this article at There was no
and angiographic
bility and bruised easily. A maternal second clinically significant valvular stenosis, regurgita-
studies are available
at cousin had died at 51 years of age from a cere- tion, or pericardial effusion. Although there was
bral aneurysm. Electrocardiography and cardiac increased mobility of the interatrial septum, a
imaging studies were performed. color Doppler study showed no evidence of a
Dr. Lucy M. Safi: Electrocardiography showed patent foramen ovale.
normal sinus rhythm and submillimeter down­ Dr. Brian B. Ghoshhajra: Posteroanterior and
sloping ST-segment depressions in leads V3, V4, lateral chest radiography showed no abnormali-

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 1. Electrocardiogram.
An electrocardiogram, which was obtained on presentation, shows a normal sinus rhythm and submillimeter down‑
sloping ST‑segment depressions in leads V3, V4, and V5.

ties. Computed tomographic (CT) angiography young woman is broad, but in this case, it can
of the chest was performed after the administra- be narrowed quickly on the basis of the abnor-
tion of intravenous contrast material with the mal findings on electrocardiography, the hypo-
use of a standard aortic-dissection protocol. There kinesis in the left ventricular wall on echocar-
was no evidence of aortic dissection or proximal diography, and the acute elevation in the troponin
pulmonary embolism. The aorta appeared nor- level, findings suggestive of myocardial injury.
mal, with a preserved sinotubular junction, and In the presence of these findings, noncardiac
the ascending aorta and descending aorta each causes of pain that are common in young women
had a normal diameter. There were no other (e.g., gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal
obvious cardiovascular abnormalities, such as spasm, and musculoskeletal pain) are unlikely.
aortic or coronary atherosclerosis, cardiomegaly,
or pulmonary edema. Myopericarditis
Dr. Vidula: Aspirin, atorvastatin, and intrave- Could this patient’s chest pain be due to myo-
nous heparin were administered. Diagnostic tests pericarditis? Myocarditis or myopericarditis can
were performed, and a diagnosis was made. result in focal or global myocardial inflamma-
tion, necrosis, and dysfunction. Focal myocardi-
tis is often suspected in patients who present
Differ en t i a l Di agnosis
with chest pain (which is sometimes associated
Dr. Sarah V. Tsiaras: This previously healthy 41-year- with heart failure or a viral illness) and with
old woman, who had no history of a medical evidence of an acute coronary syndrome on elec-
condition and no traditional cardiac risk factors, trocardiography or laboratory testing and who
presented with acute chest pain that radiated to do not have evidence of obstructive coronary
her jaw and shoulders and was associated with artery disease on coronary angiography. The di-
dyspnea and diaphoresis. Symptoms occurred agnosis can be confirmed with the use of car-
transiently 5 days before presentation, recurred diac magnetic resonance imaging.1,2 A diagnosis
after exertion 1 day before presentation, and of focal myocarditis would partially explain the
became persistent on the day of presentation. patient’s chest pain, focal wall-motion abnor-
The differential diagnosis of chest pain in a mality, and elevated troponin level. However, the

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

patient did not describe any antecedent viral ill- would consider a diagnosis of pulmonary embo-
ness, which might lead us to suspect myocardi- lism to be unlikely in this patient.
tis. It is also notable that her troponin level was
near normal on presentation and rose to 0.21 ng Vasospasm
per deciliter 8 hours later. In patients with myo- Vasospasm of the coronary arteries can cause
carditis, the troponin level is typically elevated chest pain, most often when the patient is at rest.
on presentation and stays the same or gradually Vasospasm typically occurs for a period of 5 to
decreases over a period of days. 10 minutes, but when it is prolonged, it can re-
Chest pain due to pericarditis is usually de- sult in myocardial injury. Chest pain related to
scribed as a sharp pleuritic pain that improves vasospasm usually resolves with the administra-
with leaning forward and worsens with lying tion of sublingual nitroglycerin. Electrocardiog-
down, and such pain was not present in this raphy can show ST-segment depressions or ST-
patient. In patients with pericarditis, electrocar- segment elevations that mimic those seen with
diography typically shows diffuse, concave ST- acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
segment elevations and PR-segment depressions Patients who present with vasospasm often have
rather than the isolated ST-segment depressions other vasoactive diagnoses, such as migraine or
that were seen in this case. Raynaud’s phenomenon. This patient has neither
of these conditions and there is no mention that
Pulmonary Embolism her chest pain was responsive to nitrates; there-
Pulmonary embolism is often considered in pa- fore, this diagnosis is unlikely.
tients who present with acute chest pain. The
Wells’ criteria help to establish whether the pre- Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
test probability of pulmonary embolism is low, Patients who have takotsubo cardiomyopathy,
intermediate, or high.3 These criteria include an which is also known as stress-induced cardio-
alternative diagnosis that is less likely than pul- myopathy or the apical ballooning syndrome,
monary embolism, clinical signs of deep-vein often present with chest pain, changes on elec-
thrombosis, previous deep-vein thrombosis or trocardiography, and an elevated troponin level.
pulmonary embolism, a heart rate higher than Takotsubo cardiomyopathy most commonly oc-
100 beats per minute, surgery or immobilization curs in postmenopausal women and is usually
within the previous 4 weeks, hemoptysis, and precipitated by an intense physical or emotional
active cancer. This patient does not meet any of stressor. Electrocardiography most often shows
these criteria. Moreover, patients with pulmo- ST-segment elevations or deep, symmetric T-wave
nary embolism have pleuritic chest pain more inversions; echocardiography typically shows hy-
often than substernal chest pain that radiates to perkinesis at the base of the left ventricle and
the jaw and shoulders. Evidence of strain on the akinesis at the apex. Patients who present with
right side of the heart on electrocardiography symptoms and signs of takotsubo cardiomyopa-
(i.e., a S1Q3T3 pattern, with prominence of the thy often undergo urgent coronary angiography,
S wave in lead I and a Q-wave and T-wave inver- and the diagnosis is made after coronary obstruc-
sion in lead III) may be consistent with a diagno- tion is ruled out and ventriculography shows
sis of pulmonary embolism, but it is uncommon, akinesis at the apex of the left ventricle. On the
and pulmonary embolism can be associated with basis of the patient’s age, the absence of an in-
many different abnormalities on electrocardiogra- citing event, and the presence of a small, focal
phy, including sinus tachycardia, anterior T-wave wall-motion abnormality on echocardiography,
inversions,4 new right bundle-branch block, and takotsubo cardiomyopathy is an unlikely diagno-
new atrial fibrillation. An elevated troponin sis in this case.
level can be seen in patients with a large pulmo-
nary embolism due to strain on the right side of Aortic Dissection
the heart; in such patients, one might expect to When this patient presented to the emergency
see McConnell’s sign on echocardiography (i.e., department, aortic dissection was appropriately
hypokinesis at the base and middle of the right considered and CT angiography was performed.
ventricle with relative sparing of the apex).5 I Although the patient had not previously received

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

a diagnosis of hypertension, which is seen in most media. In addition, her family history of hyper-
patients with aortic dissection, she had a family mobility, spontaneous pneumothorax, and cere-
history of hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. bral aneurysm raises the question of whether
Hypermobility is seen with several types of the she and her family carry a genetic mutation that
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, including the hyper- increases the risk of a coronary-artery dissection.
mobile, classical, and vascular types.6 Vascular In one series of patients with spontaneous coro-
complications, such as aortic dissection, are com- nary-artery dissection, nearly one third had hy-
mon only with the vascular type (but have been permobility on presentation.10 Risk factors for
reported with other types), and aortic-root dila- spontaneous coronary-artery dissection that this
tation can be seen with both the classical type patient did not have include intense physical
and the hypermobile type.7,8 Unless the patient activity, emotional stress, fibromuscular dyspla-
had an aortic dissection with involvement of the sia, and systemic inflammatory conditions.
coronary arteries, this diagnosis would not ex- In patients who are hemodynamically stable
plain the dynamic changes on electrocardiogra- and have improving or resolved chest pain, the
phy or elevated troponin level seen in this case. diagnosis of spontaneous coronary-artery dis-
section can be made with the use of cardiac CT
Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease angiography. In patients with unremitting chest
Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease should pain or in those who have nondiagnostic results
be considered in any patient who meets diagnos- on cardiac CT angiography, invasive coronary
tic criteria for acute myocardial infarction, includ- angiography is often performed, but there is a
ing symptoms of ischemia, an acute elevation in risk that introduction of the catheter into the
the troponin level, and new ischemic changes coronary artery will propagate the dissection. Be-
on electrocardiography. However, I believe this cause this patient had ongoing chest pain, I would
diagnosis is unlikely in this patient. She has no recommend invasive coronary angiography. Given
traditional risk factors for atherosclerosis, and the distribution of the wall-motion abnormali-
patients who present with premature coronary ties on echocardiography, I suspect that the pa-
artery disease typically have a strong family his- tient had a spontaneous dissection in the left
tory of the disease, a history of tobacco use, or a circumflex coronary artery.
markedly elevated level of low-density–lipoprotein Dr. David M. Dudzinski (Cardiology): Dr. Vidula,
cholesterol. what was your impression when you evaluated
this patient?
Spontaneous Coronary-Artery Dissection Dr. Vidula: Our differential diagnosis included
Several features of this case arouse suspicion for spontaneous coronary-artery dissection, acute myo-
spontaneous coronary-artery dissection, which cardial infarction due to plaque rupture, aortic
accounts for up to 30% of acute coronary syn- dissection, pulmonary embolism, pericarditis, and
dromes that occur in women younger than 50 vasospasm. Given her young age, the absence of
years of age.9 In this patient, clinical features atherosclerotic risk factors, and the family his-
that are consistent with this diagnosis include tory of the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, we thought
the absence of traditional cardiac risk factors, a that the most likely diagnosis was spontaneous
history of recent miscarriage, a family history of coronary-artery dissection. To confirm this diag-
the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, and hyperextensible nosis, we performed coronary angiography.
digits on physical examination. Certain hormonal
influences are thought to increase the risk of Cl inic a l Di agnosis
spontaneous coronary-artery dissection, because
many patients receive the diagnosis during either Spontaneous coronary-artery dissection.
late pregnancy or the early postpartum period.
Although this patient was not pregnant or in the Dr . S a r a h V. T si a r a s’s Di agnosis
postpartum period, she had had a miscarriage
1 month before presentation, and the increased Spontaneous coronary-artery dissection, most
progesterone levels during that pregnancy could likely involving the left circumflex coronary
have led to increased fragility of the arterial artery.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

formed. After injection of contrast material into
the left main coronary artery (see Videos 3 and 4),
a filling defect was identified in the first obtuse
marginal branch of the left circumflex coronary
artery (Fig. 2). There was evidence of sudden,
diffuse narrowing of the vessel lumen and an
irregular filling pattern, with preserved but de-
layed distal filling (Thrombolysis in Myocardial
Infarction [TIMI] flow grade, 2 out of 3); these
findings were consistent with coronary-artery
Coronary-artery dissection can be differenti-
ated from atherosclerotic plaque rupture on the
basis of the following features: the vessel wall
is stained with contrast material and the lesion
is longer and has a characteristic appearance.
Coronary-artery dissection is frequently associ-
ated with the presence of excessive tortuosity of
the coronary arteries. Distinct subtypes of spon-
taneous coronary-artery dissection have been
described. Type 1 dissection, which was seen in
this patient, is associated with a characteristic
staining pattern within the vessel wall that is
consistent with intimal disruption. Type 2 dis-
section is characterized by a diffuse, smooth
pattern of luminal narrowing. Type 3 dissection,
which mimics atherosclerosis, is associated with
focal segments of luminal narrowing. Type 3 dis-
section is uncommon, and intravascular ultra-
sonography or optical coherence tomography
may be performed to establish the diagnosis
with certainty.11
Spontaneous coronary-artery dissection should
be a strong consideration in a young woman or
Figure 2. Coronary Angiogram. man who does not have traditional cardiac risk
An angiogram of the left coronary artery was obtained factors and who presents with an acute coronary
in the right anterior oblique caudal view (Panel A). Dif‑ syndrome. The initial evaluation should include
fuse narrowing of the vessel lumen (arrow) and a fill‑ electrocardiography and measurement of the
ing defect (oval) are visible in the first obtuse marginal troponin level, as well as echocardiography to
branch of the left circumflex coronary artery; these
findings are consistent with an intimal tear and type 1
evaluate for a possible wall-motion abnormality.
coronary‑artery dissection. An angiogram of the left Chest pain should be treated with sublingual
coronary artery was also obtained in the left anterior nitroglycerin, and if there is no improvement,
oblique caudal view (Panel B). Evidence of initiation of a coronary angiography may be performed. In
coronary‑artery dissection is visible in the first obtuse clinically stable patients who are pain-free and
marginal branch, including narrowing of the vessel lu‑
men (arrow) and staining of the vessel wall (circle);
do not have evidence of ST-segment elevation,
tortuosity of the coronary arteries is also shown. cardiac CT angiography may be considered.

Discussion of M a nagemen t
Di agnos t ic Te s t ing
Dr. Wood: After a coronary-artery dissection has
Dr. Malissa J. Wood: Catheterization of the left side been identified on coronary angiography, a con-
of the heart and coronary angiography were per- servative approach is typically warranted, particu-

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

larly in the presence of preserved distal perfu- slightly confounded by motion, but delayed-phase
sion. Placement of a guidewire for percutaneous images showed multiple small, bilateral, wedge-
coronary intervention can be technically diffi- shaped cortical defects that were consistent with
cult and can lead to abrupt vessel closure or remote renal infarctions (Fig. 3A and 3B). On
propagation of the dissection.12 arterial-phase abdominal and pelvic images,
Currently, few data support the use of anti- paired right and single left renal arteries were
atherosclerotic medications in the management identified, all of which had subtle luminal ir-
of spontaneous coronary-artery dissection. Most regularities (Fig. 3C and 3D), findings consistent
experienced clinicians support the use of low- with previous renal-artery dissections. However,
dose aspirin (80 to 100 mg daily) in all patients there were no findings that would specifically
with spontaneous coronary-artery dissection and suggest fibromuscular dysplasia, such as bead-
the use of dual antiplatelet therapy in those who ing, stenosis, or aneurysm.
undergo percutaneous coronary intervention;
thrombolytic therapy, long-term therapy with Gene t ic Te s t ing
heparin, and therapy with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibitors are otherwise typically avoided. Beta- Dr. Mark E. Lindsay: It is common to perform a
blockers and angiotensin-converting–enzyme in- genetic evaluation in patients with spontaneous
hibitors may be used selectively in patients with coronary-artery dissection because of the fre-
ongoing angina or heart failure.12,13 Statin ther- quent absence of traditional cardiac risk factors
apy is not typically used for the treatment of in such patients and because of the known asso-
spontaneous coronary-artery dissection but may ciation of arterial dissection with genetic disor-
be initiated in patients who have other indications. ders. Genetic diagnoses associated with sponta-
Patients with spontaneous coronary-artery neous coronary-artery dissection include Marfan’s
dissection are usually referred for cardiac reha- syndrome, the Loeys–Dietz syndrome, vascular
bilitation. Unique cardiac-rehabilitation programs Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, autosomal dominant
have been designed for this typically fit, young polycystic kidney disease, and probably others.10,15-18
group of patients.14 Because there is a frequent In this case, the family history of hypermobile
association between spontaneous coronary-artery Ehlers–Danlos syndrome further motivated the
dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia, CT angi- genetic evaluation. In general, the Ehlers–Danlos
ography of the head, neck, abdomen, and pelvis syndrome is not associated with vascular fea-
is recommended. Genetic testing may be per- tures; however vascular Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
formed when there is a family history of possible (type 4), which is caused by disruption of the
connective-tissue disorders or evidence of con- gene COL3A1,19 is associated with nonaneurys-
nective-tissue disorders on physical examination mal arterial dissections.20 Therefore, a primary
or vascular screening; it may also be performed goal of the genetic evaluation in this case was
at the patient’s request.11-13 Given the features of to discriminate specifically between a COL3A1–
this patient’s presentation and the family history associated syndrome and nonvascular types of
of the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, we obtained ad- the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome.
ditional imaging studies to rule out fibromuscu- Three first-degree family members had the
lar dysplasia and performed a genetic evaluation Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, with symptoms includ-
to determine whether an underlying genetic ing joint dislocations and hypermobility. How-
condition could explain her diagnosis. ever, the patient did not have joint dysfunction
or objective hypermobility (i.e., she had a score of
0 on the Beighton scale of hypermobility, which
Im aging S t udie s
ranges from 0 to 9, with a score >4 indicating
Dr. Ghoshhajra: CT angiography of the head, neck, generalized flexibility).21 There was no family
abdomen, and pelvis was performed to evaluate history of arterial dissection, hollow viscus rup-
for abnormalities of small and medium-sized ture, sudden death, or emergency vascular sur-
vessels. The vessels in the head and neck were gery. In short, the family history was only super-
patent and had no evidence of aneurysm, dissec- ficially suggestive of vascular Ehlers–Danlos
tion, or luminal irregularity, such as beading. syndrome, and the patient did not appear to be
The arterial-phase abdominal images were affected by the familial joint condition. The ab-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e



Figure 3. CT Angiogram.
Oblique coronal reformatted multiplanar images showing the long axis of the right and left kidney (Panels A and B,
respectively) were obtained during the delayed phase. Bilateral, wedge‑shaped cortical defects are visible (arrows);
these findings are consistent with small, remote infarctions. Oblique coronal maximum‑intensity‑projection images
showing the right and left renal arteries (Panels C and D, respectively) were obtained during the arterial phase.
Paired right and single left renal arteries have subtle luminal irregularities (arrowheads).

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

sence of proximal aortic enlargement and the (associated with vascular Ehlers–Danlos syn-
presence of noncystic kidneys on imaging stud- drome), FBN1 (associated with Marfan’s syn-
ies in this patient reduced the likelihood of drome), and TGFBR2 and SMAD3 (associated with
Marfan’s syndrome, the Loeys–Dietz syndrome, the Loeys–Dietz syndrome).10,15-17 The test results,
or autosomal dominant polycystic kidney dis- which were returned 2 weeks later, were negative.
ease. A further consideration in this case was Given this patient’s negative family history, un-
the absence of fibromuscular dysplasia. Mono- revealing physical examination, and negative ge-
genic vascular syndromes have not been found netic testing, the possibility of a described men-
to be associated with a vascular morphology that delian vascular condition appears to be unlikely.
is characteristic of fibromuscular dysplasia22,23; Dr. Wood: On follow-up treadmill stress test-
therefore, the absence of fibromuscular dyspla- ing 6 weeks after presentation, the patient was
sia in this case somewhat increases the proba- able to exercise for 9 minutes. There were no
bility of an identifiable genetic disorder. diagnostic changes on electrocardiography, and
Neither the examination nor the family his- she did not have chest pain. Since the time of the
tory was suggestive of vascular Ehlers–Danlos follow-up evaluation, she has had fleeting epi-
syndrome, but external inspection alone cannot sodes of intermittent chest pain but no pro-
completely rule out this diagnosis, and the ab- longed episodes. She exercises daily, feels well
normalities of the renal arteries suggested a overall, and continues to receive a low-dose beta-
widespread arteriopathy. Given the patient’s risk blocker, aspirin, and isosorbide mononitrate.
profile and her desire to assess familial risk, we
recommended molecular genetic testing. After Fina l Di agnosis
formal genetic counseling was provided and
written informed consent was obtained, a blood Spontaneous coronary-artery dissection.
sample was obtained for testing with a compre- This case was presented at the Medical Case Conference.
hensive panel of genes associated with aortopa- Dr. Ghoshhajra reports receiving consulting fees from
thy. The testing included sequencing and deletion Medtronic and Siemens Healthcare. No other potential conflict
of interest relevant to this article was reported.
and duplication analysis of 23 genes reportedly Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
involved in arterial disease, including COL3A1 the full text of this article at

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with autosomal dominant polycystic kid- A, Byers PH. Clinical and genetic features Vasc Med 2012;​17:​371-8.
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2016;​10:​62. vascular type. N Engl J Med 2000;​342:​673- Clinical and biochemical profiles suggest
19. Superti-Furga A, Gugler E, Gitzel- 80. fibromuscular dysplasia is a systemic dis-
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syndrome type IV: a multi-exon deletion Articular mobility in an African popula- connective tissue features. FASEB J 2014;​
in one of the two COL3A1 alleles affect- tion. Ann Rheum Dis 1973;​32:​413-8. 28:​3313-24.
ing structure, stability, and processing 22. Poloskey SL, Kim ESH, Sanghani R, Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
of type III procollagen. J Biol Chem 1988;​ et al. Low yield of genetic testing for
263:​6226-32. known vascular connective tissue disorders

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