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A. All committees of both SHS organizations are required to join the contest.
B. Each committee must be composed of 10-15 members excluding the committee chairpersons. All
committee chairpersons are required to join.
C. Performers for each committee are strictly required to be represented by members and chairpersons
from both Grades 11 & 12.
D. All performances shall be in the form of dance in any genre and must be able to promote the event’s
theme: SHS Family Christmas Party: Unity, Solidarity and Oneness.
E. Performance must not contain any offensive, lewd or inappropriate gestures or choreography. The
same applies for costumes and music that are strictly prohibited of any offensive, lewd, inappropriate,
malicious language and other forms of expression.
F. Performers who will prove to have violated item no. 5 will automatically be disqualified and sanctioned
accordingly following the school rules and regulations.
G. Performances must be delivered within 7-10 minutes only.
H. Music together with lyrics must be submitted to the org CEO on or before December 15, Saturday for
screening. All approved music shall be final for the performance and cannot be changed anymore. All
music of participating teams will be housed in one laptop to be used during the contest proper.
I. Use of any props or materials that will hinder other performances and that will create mess on the
performance area is strictly prohibited.
J. The performance area is the stage and the surrounding perimeter (with allotted space) only.
K. Criteria of judging is as follows:
1. Originality and creativity of concept- 25%
2. Alignment with and promotion of the event’s theme- 25%
3. Musicality- 20%
4. Execution/ Synchronization- 25%
5. Costume- 5%
L. 1 point per minute the team exceeded the time limit shall be deducted from the total score.
M. The order of performance is a follows:
1. IMS Guild Finance Committee
2. Gen Ad Soc Finance Committee
3. IMS Secretariat and Membership Welfare Committee
4. Gen Ad Soc Secretariat and Membership Welfare Committee
5. Gen Ad Soc Audit and Custodian Committee
6. IMS Guild Audit and Custodian Committee
7. Gen Ad Soc Marketing, Publications and Documentation Committee
8. IMS Guild Marketing, Publications and Documentation Committee
N. The decision of the judges is final and unappealable.
O. There will be one champion and two runners up. Major prizes shall be given to the winning groups.
P. All practices will be done during the LLEAP period, after class hours and on Mondays specifically Dec.
10 and 17 provided that you have the parent’s permit, reservation of facility or room and your Org or
Class Advisers to monitor you. Org advisers are Mr. Muan and Ms. Belalo. For practices after class
hours, cut-off time is 5:30 pm or as directed by the APSA Office.

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