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Muslims are finding it increasingly difficult to defend

their faith. A growing number of Muslims themselves
are now aware that Islam has nothing to offer in terms
of spirituality. Many are leaving. While some are
leaving silently, others are exposing Islam with a
vengeance. They feel betrayed. The errors of Islam are
far too many for Muslims to hide anymore. And they
are far too many for sincere Muslims to ignore.

We do not need sources extraneous to Islam to expose

its errors. The Qur’an itself is sufficient to prove Islam
false to the core. In this article we will focus on one
vital piece of evidence in the Qur’an that is extremely
destructive to Islam. Islam stands and falls on the
person of Muhammad. And this Qur’anic evidence
exposes Muhammad as an impostor – a false prophet.
We will begin by reading the following Qur’anic verse
which is central to our discussion. Provided below are
two different translations of this Qur’anic verse:

Surah 3:81: And remember when Allah took the

Covenant of the Prophets ,saying: “Take whatever I
gave you from the Book and Hikmah (understanding
of the Laws of Allah), and afterwards there will come
to you a Messenger (Muhammad) confirming what is
with you; you must, then, believe in him and help

him.” Allah said: “Do you agree to it and will you
take up My Covenant which I conclude with
you?” They said: “We agree.” He said: “Then bear
witness; and I am with you among the witnesses for
this.” (Hilali-Khan)

Allah took a covenant with the Prophets,

saying: “Now that you have been given the Book and
Wisdom; there will come to you a Messenger who
will confirm that which is with you, you will have to
believe in him and help him in his mission.” Then He
said “Do you affirm this covenant and agree to take
this heavy responsibility?” The Prophets
replied, “Yes, we do affirm.” Allah said, “Very well,
bear witness to this and I too bear witness with
you.” (Farook Malik)

A careful examination of Surah 3:81 reveals the


(1) Allah made a Covenant with the Prophets who

lived before the time of Muhammad.

(2) These Prophets were called upon by Allah to

pledge their support to a forthcoming Messenger who
was to appear to them later.

(3) The Prophets agreed and Allah secures their

pledge to assist this forthcoming Messenger.

(4) This coming Messenger will confirm the
previous Book of Allah which is in the possession of
these Prophets.

(5) Since this Messenger will come during the lifetime

of these Prophets, they will be on hand to personally
witness his confirmation of their sacred Book.

(6) Allah concludes the Covenant by bearing witness

along with the Prophets to ensure the fulfillment of
this divine agreement.

(7) Therefore, Surah 3:81 testifies that Allah himself

is a witness to this irrevocable Covenant which
guarantees that there will be Prophets on hand to
assist this forthcoming Messenger in his assigned

All Muslim scholars acknowledge that

the Messenger mentioned in Surah 3:81 refers to none
other than Muhammad. As can be noted, this
conclusion is further substantiated in the above
translation of the Qur’an by Hilali-Khan. This raises
some very vital questions:

Who were the Prophets who lived during the time of

Muhammad to fulfill this Covenant of Allah?

Who were the Prophets on hand to help Muhammad in
his mission as the Messenger of Allah?

Who were the Prophets present at the time of

Muhammad to witness his confirmation of their

None! Not a single Prophet, from among whom Allah

allegedly made the Covenant with, was present at the
time of Muhammad. Yet, Allah clearly testified to the
presence of these Prophets during the time of
this Messenger. In fact, Allah swore
these Prophets into his Covenant for the sole purpose
to support this forthcoming Messenger. And Allah
bore witness in the Qur’an that these Prophets will be
on hand to assist this Messenger in his
mission. However, there were none – not even newly
appointed Prophets to act as substitutes for
these Prophets. This leaves us with two options:

One: Allah was wrong in his claim regarding the

presence of Prophets during the time of Muhammad.

Two: The Messenger mentioned in Surah 3:81 is

referring to someone other than Muhammad.

Either option spells disaster for Islam. What is even

more damaging for Islam is the fact that Muhammad
excluded himself as

the Messenger in Surah 3:81. Why do we say that?
This is because Muhammad clearly ruled out the co-
existence of any Prophets during his career as
the Messenger of Allah. Muhammad openly testified
to this reality when he proclaimed the following to his
early Companions.

Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Number 5835:

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace

be upon him) as saying: I am most akin to Jesus Christ
among the whole of mankind, and all the Prophets are
of different mothers but belong to one religion and no
Prophet was raised between me and Jesus.

A well-known Islamic website was asked how

many Prophets were there between the time of the
death of Jesus and the birth of Muhammad. Here is
their reply:

The only Prophet Allah appointed after He raised

Jesus (a.s.) to Himself alive, was the Last and Final
Messenger of Allah, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah
(saws). There are no Prophets between
Jesus (a.s.) and the Mohamed ar Rasool
Allah (saws). (

Muhammad clearly taught that “no Prophets” were
raised between the time of Jesus and him. In other
words, the only Prophet who came after the time of
Jesus was Muhammad. This means that there could be
no Prophets on hand to either welcome or assist
Muhammad. However, Surah 3:81 clearly testifies
that there would be Prophets available to assist this
new Messenger. Since all Islamic scholars without
exception recognize Muhammad as
the Messenger of Surah 3:81, they must now explain
why there were no Prophets at the time of
Muhammad. Muslims cannot provide the name of a
single Prophet who was a contemporary of
Muhammad. The instant they come up with a name,
they would be challenging the teachings of

Let us pause for a moment and let this sink in. Here we
find two conflicting teachings in Islam. Allah clearly
stated in Surah 3:81 that there would be Prophets to
assist Muhammad. In contrast, Muhammad taught
there would be none. Muslims have to choose between
Allah and Muhammad. If Allah is right, then
Muhammad is wrong. On the other hand, if
Muhammad is right, then Allah is wrong. Either option
destroys the legitimacy of Islam since this clearly
demonstrates that one of them is definitely in error. As
events unfolded, it became evident that there were

no Prophets at the time of Muhammad. Thus, Allah
was clearly in error. Man can make mistakes but not
God. This fatal error of Allah in the Qur’an proves that
he is a false god. As such, Muhammad was
a prophet of a false god. Can a prophet of a false god
be a true prophet? Absolutely not! This is an
irrefutable evidence in the Qur’an that Muhammad
was a false prophet. Muslims have to choose between
a false prophet and a false god.


Surah 3:81 poses a real dilemma for Muslims.

If Surah 3:81 is truly a prophecy about the coming of
Muhammad, then this proves that there is a serious
error in the Qur’an. This is because this same Qur’anic
verse also states that there would be Prophets on hand
to assist Muhammad. However, there were none.
Therefore, the only way Muslims can accept Surah
3:81 as true is to deny Muhammad as
the Messenger in this Qur’anic verse. However, this is
equally damaging for Muslims since they will have to
now reject Muhammad as their Messenger. Without
Muhammad there will be no Islam. As we can clearly
see, Allah’s prophecy regarding the presence
of Prophets during the time of Muhammad failed to
materialize as he had predicted. The Qur’an is as false

as the unfulfilled Covenant of Allah. Muslims are now
left with the following options:

One: Allah was deliberately deceiving the Muslims

through a false revelation in the Qur’an.

Two: Allah was unable to foresee the future


Three: Allah was powerless to see through to the

fulfillment of his prophecies.

This disqualifies Allah as the true God. Muslims have

to honestly re-evaluate their spiritual perspective if
they truly value their salvation. Unlike Allah, it is
impossible for the true God to lie:

Hebrews 6:18: “It is impossible for God to lie.”

And Jehovah has the ability to foretell the future with


Isaiah 46:9-10: “Remember the former things of a

long ago, that I am God and there is no other, nor is
there anyone like me. I am making known the end
from the beginning and from ancient times what is
still to come. The One saying, ‘My own purpose will
stand, and I will do everything I intended to do.’”

Can Muslims really worship a deity who inspires
such erroneous covenants and
such erroneous predictions in his inspired Scriptures?
This firmly confirms that Allah is a lying impostor.
And this also confirms that the Qur’an cannot be
the Word of God since it contains a serious error
within its pages. Well, what is the true reason why
there were no Prophets at the time of Muhammad? For
the answer, Muslims must turn to the Bible. In fact, the
Qur’an encourages them to do so:

Surah 10:94: “If you O Muhammad or any of your

followers are in doubt of what has been inspired to
you, then you may ask those who have been reading
and perusing the Book before you…” (Al-

The divine “Book” which was revealed before the

time of Muhammad was the Bible. And the Bible is
the only divine “Book” that Christians have been
reading from before the time of Muhammad till today.
It alone provides the answer as to why there were
no Prophets at the time of Muhammad. The Bible
clearly testifies that God will not
send Prophets or Messengers any longer after the
arrival Jesus Christ. The following verses in the Bible
substantiate this fact:

Hebrews 1:1-2: “God, who long ago spoke on many
occasions and in many ways to our forefathers by
means of the prophets, has at the end of these days
spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he appointed
heir of all things.”

And Jesus clarified this truth by means of an

illustration that he gave to the religious leaders of his

Matthew 21:33-39: “Hear another illustration: There

was a man, a householder, who
planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug
a winepress in it and erected a tower, and let it out
to cultivators, and traveled abroad. When the season
of the fruits came around, he dispatched his slaves to
the cultivators to get his fruits. However, the
cultivators took his slaves, and one they beat up,
another they killed, another they stoned. Again he
dispatched other slaves, more than the first, but they
did the same to these. Lastly he dispatched his son to
them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ On seeing
the son the cultivators said among themselves, ‘This is
the heir; come, let us kill him and get his inheritance!’
So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard
and killed him.

Matthew 21:45: When the chief priests and the
Pharisees heard his illustrations, they knew that he
was speaking about them. Although they wanted to
seize him, they feared the crowds, because these
regarded him as a prophet.

In the above illustration:

The “Householder” represents God.

The “Vineyard” represents the Nation of Israel.

The “Slaves” represent the Prophets.

The “Son” represents Jesus Christ.

The “Cultivators” are the religious representatives of

the Nation of Israel who rejected the Prophets of God.

The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is the culmination

of the Prophets. He is the final Messenger of God. As
such, no Prophets can be sent after the time of Jesus.
In defiance of the teachings of the Bible, the Qur’an
stated that there would be Prophets at the time of
Muhammad. History is on the side of the Holy Bible.
This is evident by what transpired historically on the
world scene. Just as the Bible foretold, there were
no Prophets at the time of Muhammad. While the
Bible was manifestly accurate, the Qur’an is clearly in

error. However, there is more to this. In fact,
Muhammad himself does not count. When the Bible
rules out the presence of any Prophets after the time of
Jesus, this includes Muhammad.


Jesus Christ is identified as a Prophet in the Qur’an:

Surah 19:30: Jesus said: Truly, I am a servant of

Allah. He gave me the Book andHe made me a
Prophet. (Laleh Bakhtiar)

While acknowledging Jesus as a Prophet, the Qur’an

also claims that Muhammad is the final Prophet of

Surah 33:40: “Muhammad is not the father of any of

your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and
the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all
things.” (Shakir)

For this claim to be true, no Prophets should be sent

after the time of Muhammad. Therefore, if Muslims
agree with the above statement of Allah, then they
must also agree that no Prophets should be sent to
mankind after the time Muhammad. Otherwise, the
claim that Muhammad was the final Prophet would be
false. The problem for Muslims is that the Qur’an

clearly states that Allah would send Jesus once again
to mankind after the time of Muhammad. Both the
Qur’an and the Hadiths confirm that Jesus will come
again to the earth to restore true worship:

Surah 43:61: Coming events cast their shadow

before, and so will Isa (Jesus) whose return to
earth shall be the sign of impending Judgment and
that the Final Hour is indeed imminent. (Al-

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Number 656:

Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah’s Apostle said, “The

Hour will not be established until the son of
Mary (Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler.”

Tafsir Ibn Abbas:

And lo! Verily in the coming of Jesus the son of Mary

(there is knowledge of the Hour) there is an indication
of the coming of the Hour; it is also said that this
means: His coming is a Sign of the advent of the
Hour. (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs)
The Bible clearly testifies that no Prophets will be sent
after Jesus. Therefore, should God decide to send
another Prophet after Jesus, it can only be Jesus and
no other. This is exactly the reason why according to
both the Bible and the Qur’an, the only Prophet who

will be sent to mankind a second time is Jesus Christ.
God cannot send another. None is qualified.
Muhammad simply does not fit into the equation of
God’s eternal purpose. It makes no sense for Jesus to
be sent again a second time during the Day of
Judgment if Muhammad is truly the last of
the Prophets as Muslims claim. What is the reason for
God to send Jesus and not Muhammad at the
culmination of mankind’s history? This proves that
Jesus Christ is the final Prophet – the true Seal of
the Prophets.

No other Prophets were blessed with this unique

privilege. If Jesus returns as a Prophet,then this rules
out Muhammad as the final Prophet of Allah.
However, if Jesus returns in the official role as
someone other than a Prophet, then this proves that he
must be more than a Prophet. Either option exposes
Islam as false. Who do you think is the
final Prophet of God?Is it Jesus or Muhammad?
Muslims will do well to remember that only Jesus is
recognized as “the Messiah” (al-Masih) in both the
Bible and the Qur’an.

Was Jesus a “Prophet of Allah” as the Qur’an claims?

Absolutely not! However, in order to expose the errors
of Islam, we had to go along with this false claim in
the Qur’an. Jesus was clearly not

a “Prophet of Allah” but a Prophet of Jehovah. But
he is more than a Prophet.He is truly the Son of God.


Surah 3:81 proves that Allah, Muhammad, Islam and

the Qur’an are all forgeries. One error is one too many.
This single Qur’anic verse exposes the incompetency
of Allah and destroys the credibility of Muhammad.
The only way out of this dilemma for Muslims is to
leave Islam. Leaving Islam is only part of the solution.
They must search for the true God:

Isaiah 55:6: Search for Jehovah while he may be

found. Call to him while he is near.

This article may understandably upset or anger some

of our Muslim readers. But please remember that the
ones revealing these truths about Islam are in reality
the best friends of the Muslims. While truth may hurt,
it is the lies that will kill you. Your eternal salvation
depends on your knowing the true Creator:

Romans 10:13: For everyone who calls on the name

of Jehovah will be saved.


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