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 Situated learning foregrounds learners’ participation in particular social

practices, frequently attached to particular times and places, and comprising
communities of practice in complex.
 Second language learners demonstrate a change from limited to fuller
participation in social practices involving their second (or additional) language
as giving evidence of language development.
 Legitimate peripheral participation make members learn to take a less
empowered position in a community of practice because of the kinds of
participation made available to them by exclusion and subordination and it is
very much integrated into schools or other communities of practice but in
positions that maintain their peripheral participation.
Bakhtin and the Dialogic Perspective
 Bakhtin stresses bon dialogism; the mutual participation of speakers and
hearers in the construction of utterances and the connectedness of all
utterances to past and future expressions.
 Language learning as a process in which learners interact as the language
functions to serve their needs and relay their meanings.
Critical Theory
 One must account for relations of power in order to gain a fuller understanding
of the practices and interactions in which learners participate that lead to
social and educational change.

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