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T raditional " Wes tgard R ules " Date:

C ontrol
Data Tec h:

1 2s No In-C ontrol
one point out R eport Data
of 2 S D

Yes No

1 3s 2 2s R 4s 4 1s 10 x
No No No 4 C ONS E C UT IV E No
one point (acros s runs ) The range 10 C ONS E C UT IV E
control values on values on ONE
outs ide 3 S D 2 C ONS E C UT IV E (difference) between one s ide of the
values outs ide the two controls within a mean and further s ide of the mean.
s ame 2 S D run exceeds 4 S D s. than 1S D from T his can be within
or This rule is only to be the mean. one control acros s
(within run) used within a run, not T his can be within 10 cons ecutive runs
2 C ONS E C UT IV E across runs. one control acros s or
values outs ide the 4 cons ecutive runs within 2 controls
Yes S AME 2 S D. or acros s 5
within 2 controls cons ecutive runs .
Yes acros s 2
Yes cons ecutive runs .

Out-of-C ontrol, R ejec t A nalytic al R un

P roblem:

R es olution:

F ind out more at http://www.wes

Modern " Wes tgard R ules " : N's of 2 and 4
Tec h:

C ontrol
In-C ontrol
R eport Data


1 3s 2 2s R 4s 4 1s 10 x
No No No 4 C ONS E C UT IV E No
one point (acros s runs ) The range 10 C ONS E C UT IV E
control values on values on ONE
outs ide 3 S D 2 C ONS E C UT IV E (difference) between one s ide of the
values outs ide the two controls within a mean and further s ide of the mean.
s ame 2 S D run exceeds 4 S D s. than 1S D from T his can be within
or This rule is only to be the mean. one control acros s
(within run) used within a run, not T his can be within 10 cons ecutive runs
2 C ONS E C UT IV E across runs. one control acros s or
values outs ide the 4 cons ecutive runs within 2 controls
Yes S AME 2 S D. or acros s 5
within 2 controls cons ecutive runs .
Yes acros s 2
Yes cons ecutive runs .

Out-of-C ontrol, R ejec t A nalytic al R un

P roblem:

R es olution:

F ind out more at http: //www.wes tgard.c om

Modern " Wes tgard R ules " : N's of 3 and 6
Tec h:

C ontrol
In-C ontrol
R eport Data


1 3s 2of32s R 4s 3 1s 12 x
No No No 3 C ONS E C UT IV E No
one point (acros s runs ) The range 12 C ONS E C UT IV E
control values on values on ONE
outs ide 3 S D 2 out of the las t 3 (difference) between one s ide of the
values outs ide the two controls within a mean and further s ide of the mean.
s ame 2 S D run exceeds 4 S D s. than 1S D from T his can be within
or This rule is only to be the mean. one control acros s
(within run) used within a run, not T his can be within 12 cons ecutive runs
2 out of the las t 3 across runs. one control acros s or
values outs ide the 3 cons ecutive runs within 3 controls
Yes S AME 2 S D. or acros s 4
within 3 controls cons ecutive runs , etc.
Yes acros s 1
Yes cons ecutive run.

Out-of-C ontrol, R ejec t A nalytic al R un

P roblem:

R es olution:

F ind out more at http: //www.wes tgard.c om

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