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Python3 data structures Cheat Sheet

by desmovalvo via

Lists and Tuples Lists and Tuples (cont) Sets (cont)

What are lists and tuples? Append "​x" to a list/t​uple? Inters​ection of two sets

Orde​red sequence of values indexed by Lists: myList.append("x") Method 1: mySet1.intersect(mySet2)

integer numbers. Tuples are immutable. Tuples: tuples are immutable! Method 2: mySet1 & mySet2

How to initialize an empty list/t​uple? Convert a list/tuple to tuple/list Difference of two sets
Lists: myList = [] List to Tuple: tuple(myList) Method 1: mySet1.difference(mySet2)
Tuples: myTuple = () Tuple to List: list(​myT​uple) Method 2: mySet1 - mySet2

Size of list/t​uple? Slicing list/tuple Simmetric difference of two sets

len(m​yLi​stO​rTu​ple) myLis​tOr​Tup​le[​ind​1:i​nd2​:step]-- Method 1:
step is optional and may be negative mySet1.symmetric_difference(mySet2)
Get element in position x of list/t​uple?
Method 2: mySet1 ^ mySet2
myLis​tOr​Tup​le[x] -- if not found,
throws Index​Error Size of the set
What is a set? len(m​ySet)
Is element "​x" in list/t​uple?
Unor​dered collection with no duplic​ate
"x" in myList​OrT​uple
elements. Sets support mathem​atical
Index of element "​X" of list/t​uple? operations like union, inters​ection,
difference and simmetric differ​ence. What is a dictio​nary?
myLis​tOr​Tup​le.i​nd​ex(​"​x") -- If not
Unor​dered set of key:value pairs . Members
found, throws a Value​Error exception Initialize an empty set
are indexed by keys (immutable objects)
mySet = set()
Number of occurr​ences of "​x" in list/t​uple?
Initialize an empty Dict
myLis​tOr​Tup​le.c​ou​nt(​"​x") Initialize a not empty set
myDict = {}
mySet = set(el​ement1,
Update an item of a list/t​uple?
elemen​t2...) -- Note: strings are split Add an element with key "​k" to the Dict
Lists: myList[x] = "x"
into their chars (dupli​cates are deleted). To myDic​t["k​"] = value
Tuples: tuples are immutable!
add strings, initialize with a Tuple/List
Update the element with key "​k"
Remove element in position x of list/t​uple?
Add element "​x" to the set
myDic​t["k​"] = newValue
Lists: del myList[x]​d("x​")
Tuples: tuples are immutable! Get element with key "​k"
Remove element "​x" from a set
myDic​t["k​"] -- If the key is not present, a
Remove element "​x" of a list/t​uple?
Method 1:​mov​e("x​") -- If KeyError is raised
Lists: myLis​t.r​emo​ve(​"​x").
"​x" is not present, raises a KeyErorr
Removes the first occurrence Check if the dictionary has key "​k"
Method 2: mySet.di​sca​rd(​"​x") --
Tuples: tuples are immutable!
Removes the element, if present "k" in myDict
Concat​enate two lists or two tuples?
Remove every element from the set Get the list of keys
Lists: myList1 + myList2​ear() myDic​t.k​eys()
Tuples: myTuple1 + myTuple2
Concatenating a List and a Tuple will Check if "​x" is in the set Get the size of the dictionary

produce a TypeE​rror exception "x" in mySet len(m​yDict)

Insert element in position x of a list/t​uple? Union of two sets Delete element with key "​k" from the dictionary

Lists: myLis​t.i​nse​rt(x, "value") Method 1: mySet1.union(mySet2) del myDict​["k"]

Tuples: tuples are immutable! Method 2: mySet1 | mySet2
Delete all the elements in the dictionary


By desmovalvo Published 2nd March, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 2nd March, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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