Edu 611 Brochure

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Introduction  Assessment 
What is Reading Fluency?  How to Interpret Fluency Assessment Results: 
Reading fluency is the ability to read with speed,   
accuracy, and proper expression. The goal is to  Rate and Accuracy 
be able to read how you speak.  - Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) scores are 
  reported as the number of words read 
Why is Reading Fluency Important?  correctly in one minute (WCPM). 
In order to understand what they read, children  - Grade level norms are used to interpret 
must be able to read fluently whether they are  results. *Link to the Hasbrouck & Tindal 
reading aloud or silently. Efficient and  (2017) Oral Reading Fluency Norms Chart: 
automatized word reading allows working
memory to be utilized for higher order processes 
- Students scoring 10 or more words below 
and comprehension. 
the 50th percentile require intervention 
The Three Aspects of Reading Fluency:   
1. Decoding Accuracy  Prosody 
- Reading words correctly without miscues  - Expression and phrasing is typically 
measured using a four-point scale 
- National Assessment of Educational 
2. Automaticity  Progress Fluency Scale is a widely used   
- Reading words automatically, without the  tool by educators:  EDU 611 
need for decoding  Professor Jing Zhang 
Level 4 (Fluent) 
3. Prosody  Reads primarily in larger, meaningful phrase groups. Although   
- The use of intonation, phrasing, and  some regressions, repetitions, and deviations from text may be   
present, these do not appear to detract from the overall structure 
expression  of the story. Preservation of the author's syntax is consistent.  Jeff Bellanca  
some or most of the story is read with expressive interpretation.  Jessica Bologna  
Alexandra Francis  
Level 3 (Fluent) 
Reads primarily in three- or four-word phrase groups. Some small  Shelby Wittenrich 
groupings may be present. however, the majority of phrasing  Kerri Hollowood 
seems appropriate and preserves the syntax of the author. Little 
or no expressive interpretation is present.   
Level 2 (Non-Fluent)   
Reads primarily in two-word phrases with some three- or 
four-word groupings. Some word-by-word reading may be present.  References 
Word groupings may seem awkward and unrelated to larger   
context of sentence or passage 
Kuhn, M. R., Schwanenflugel, P. J., & 
Level 1 (Non-Fluent)  Meisinger, E. B. (2010). 
Reads primarily word-by-word. Occasional two-word or three-word  Rasinski, T. V. (2011). 
phrases may occur but these are infrequent and/or they do not  Valencia, S. W., Smith, A. T., Reece, A. M., Li, 
  preserve meaningful syntax. 
M., Wixson, K. K & Newman, H. (2010). 



Accuracy  Automaticity   Prosody 

The ability to produce or sound out words  The fast, effortless word recognition that comes  Reading with proper pitch, rate, stress, and 
correctly.  with a great deal of reading practice.  volume in order to better understand the text. 
  *In order for students to read with prosody, they must first speak 
  with prosody. 
​Why is Accuracy important?  Importance of Automaticity 
Importance of Prosody  
Accuracy is important because it increases  Automaticity is essential for higher-order 
Certain pitches are used to convey certain 
fluency development, reading comprehension,  thinking. Ability to perform complex skills with 
moods. Employing these while reading can give 
vocabulary and it helps educators differentiate  minimal attention and conscious effort makes 
students a better understanding of the text 
instruction.   students skilled readers.  
● 1 consistent pitch shows boredom. 
● Rising pitch throughout a statement 
Skills Required for Accuracy  Automaticity refers only to accurate, speedy 
shows uncertainty.  
Decoding  word recognition, not to reading with 
Alphabetical principals  expression. Therefore, automaticity (or 
Ability to blend sounds  automatic word recognition) is necessary, but 
High frequency/sight words  not sufficient, for fluency. 
Ability to use context clues    
Processes are considered automatic when they 
possess four properties: 
Lack of conscious awareness 
-Stressing certain words within sentences for 
1. I ​think ​her birthday is tomorrow. 
2. I think ​her​ birthday is tomorrow. 
  Sentence one is implying the speaker could be 
How can I calculate Accuracy?  wrong through the stress on the word ​think​. 
  Sentence two is implying that tomorrow is her 
  birthday as opposed to someone else through the 
stress on the word ​her.​  
Activities to Improve Automaticity 
Timed repeated readings 
Audio-assisted reading 
Arrow reading   


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