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BOD Measurement System

■ Waste Water
■ Determination of
Biological Activity
■ Waste Water Treatment Plants
■ Analytical Laboratories
■ Scientific & Research

Standard Methods 5210 D
■ H55 as a supplement
to EN 1899-2

Highlights ■ Measuring ranges from

0-40 mg/l to 0-4000 mg/l BOD,
■ Direct sample selection sample volume related
■ Accurate and direct display of ■ Auto start function after
BOD values in mg/l temperature equalisation
■ User-friendly handling ■ Mercury-free,
■ User-selectable measuring
period from 1 to 28 days ■ Inductive stirring system
(BOD5, BOD7, OECD...) with automatic re-centering
of stirring rods
■ Automatic storage of all values
■ Interface RS 232

106 Regularly updated information: General Catalogue March 2010

Biochemical OxiDirect Principle
Oxygen Demand (BOD) Respirometric methods provide direct measure-
BOD – biochemical oxygen demand – is an ments of the oxygen consumed by microorganisms
expression for the quantity of oxygen required for from an air or oxygen-enriched environment in a
biological degradation of organic matter in a closed vessel under conditions of constant tem-
waste water sample. BOD measurement is there- perature and agitation. Carbon dioxide produced
fore used as a basis for the detection of biolo- metabolically by the bacteria is chemically bound
gically degradable organic matter in water. The by the potassium hydroxide solution contained in
difference between BOD and chemical oxygen the seal cup in the bottle.
demand (COD) is that COD additionally registers Pressure sensor
The result is a pressure drop in the system, which
biologically non-degradable organic matter.
is directly proportional to the BOD value and is
BOD measurement is therefore an important measured by the Lovibond® BOD sensor. The BOD
Seal cup level is then displayed directly in mg/l.
measurement of the effects of domestic and

industrial waste water on sewage plants and
The BOD values are stored in the sensor memory

O2 CO2
outflow points.
Sample bottle and can be called up on the large-format display
at any time without the need for time-consuming
Manometric, respirometric conversion using factors. This means that test se-
BOD measurement using the ries that end on a Sunday can be evaluated during
Gas phase the following week without any problem.
Lovibond® OxiDirect
The Lovibond® sensor system OxiDirect is a 6 The measurement period is user-selectable bet-
sample system that allows precise measurements ween 1 and 28 days to suit the application. While
Waste water short measurement periods are useful for scientific
of BOD based on the manometric principle.
Manometric respirometers relate oxygen uptake applications, standard BOD measurements typical-
to the change in pressure caused by oxygen con- ly extend over a period of 5 days – and manomet-
sumption while maintaining a constant volume. ric determination of OECD, for example, generally
Thanks to the modern integral pressure sensors, it takes place over a period of 28 days.
is no longer necessary to use mercury for pressure

Measuring ranges and sample

The BOD level of a sample depends on the quanti-
ty of organic matter present, which can vary con-
siderably. The Lovibond® BOD measuring system
OxiDirect is therefore calibrated for the various
sample volumes and the corresponding measuring
ranges listed in the table below. The overall mea-
suring range of the system is 0 – 4000 mg/l.
For all measuring ranges, BOD is shown directly in mg/l.

Range mg / l BOD Sample Volume ml

0 –    40 428
0 –    80 360
0 –   200 244
0 –   400 157
0 –   800   94
0 – 2000   56
0 – 4000   21.7

General Catalogue March 2010 107


Evaluation of measurements Automatic start function Technical data

If the measuring period is set at 24 hours, the Variations in sample temperature prior to testing Meas. principle Manometric; mercury-free;
Lovibond® OxiDirect BOD measuring system records result in pressure variations within the measuring electronic pressure sensor
a measurement once every hour. With a measuring system during the temperature equalisation period
Ranges 0 - 40, 0 - 80, 0 - 200,
period of 48 hours, the unit measures and stores a in the thermostatically controlled cabinet (if BOD
[mg/l O2] 0 - 400, 0 - 800,
BOD value once every 2 hours. If the measuring peri- measurement is to take place at 20°C, for exam-
0 - 2000, 0 - 4000 mg/l
od is between 3 and 28 days, one value is measured ple). Such variations would normally cause errors
and stored each day. during manometric measurement. In order to Accuracy* 0.5 % full scale at 20°C
prevent such errors, the Lovibond® OxiDirect BOD
Current values and stored values may be called up meter is equipped with an automatic start feature: Applications BOD5, BOD7, OECD 301 F ...
at any time. The table/graph below illustrates an ex- measurement does not commence until the tem-
ample of BOD5 evaluation. The development of BOD Result BOD [mg/l]; 4 - digits;
perature in the samples is the same as that in the display 7 - segment LED
over a period of 5 days is easily seen. thermostatically controlled cabinet. This rules out
the possibility of temperature (and hence pressure) Measurement BOD-range,
Day Display fluctuations that are not related to the manomet- parameter volume, duration,
ric measurement. display time of measurement
1. Day 150 mg / l
2. Day 220 mg / l Measurement User-selectable, between
period 1 and 28 days
3. Day 240 mg / l The complete OxiDirect
Auto result Up to 28 results, depending
4. Day 250 mg / l measuring system storage on measurement period
5. Day 260 mg / l In addition to the BOD unit for measurement and
Storage – hourly (1 day);
storage of BOD levels, the Lovibond® OxiDirect
interval – every 2 hours (2 days);
BOD measuring system includes sample bottles,
– daily (3-28 days)
300 measuring sensors, non-wearing inductive stirring
system, overflow measuring flasks for metering Automatic – After temperature
of sample volumes, nitrification inhibitor and start function equalisation of samples;
200 potassium hydroxide as an absorbent. – Can be switched off
Power 3 alkaline-manganese
Delivery Content supply batteries (“Baby” cells/size “C”)
Battery life 1 year (normal use as BOD5
■ Lovibond® OxiDirect, complete unit with meter – max. one reading a
Start 1. Tag
Day 1 2. Tag
Day 2 3.
3 4. Tag
Day 4 5. Tag
Day 5
6 sensor heads and control unit with batteries day); early warning before
BOD5 Diagram battery fails
■ Inductive stirring unit with power supply
■ 6 sample bottles Interface RS 232 for printer
■ 6 rubber gaskets or PC connection
■ 6 magnetic stirring rods Clock Real-time clock
■ 1 overflow flask, 157 ml
Protection class IP 54 (sensor head)
■ 1 overflow flask, 428 ml
■ 1 bottle, 50 ml potassium hydroxide solution Dimensions: 375 x 195 x 230 mm
■ 1 bottle, 50 ml nitrification inhibitor solution (L x W x H) including stirring unit
■ 1 instruction Weight 3850 g, unit with bottles
Order code: 2 44 44 06 5750 g, complete with stirring unit
■ Lovibond® OxiDirect, Housing ABS
as above but with 12 sensor heads
Approval CE
Order code: 2 44 44 10
*No standard is available to check the accuracy of
respirometric oxygen uptake measurement.
Tests with a glucose-glutamic acid solution having
a known theoretical BOD have shown that the
variation is approximately 5% in the range of
BOD accessories 50…100 mg/l BOD, and 3% for higher range.
Minimum Response or sensitivity of respirometric
systems is about 0.05 … 1 mg/l.

108 Regularly updated information: General Catalogue March 2010

Accessories Inductive stirring system Test set for OxiDirect
We also supply a test set to check for correct
Item Order code
operation of the Lovibond® OxiDirect BOD meter.
Sensor head 2 44 44 30 The set contains 8 BOD CM1 test tablets that
cause a defined oxygen consumption.
BOD sample bottle 41 86 44
Brown glass, 500 ml The tablets are easy to use. Simply place a tablet
in the BOD bottle, start the measurement process,
BOD sample bottles, Brown glass, 41 86 45 read off the BOD value after 5 days, and then
500 ml, set of 6 bottles compare with the defined value. If this value is
Cable for connection to a PC 2 44 44 40 within the quoted tolerance, this means that the
serial 9-pins BOD measuring system is functioning correctly.

Inductive stirring system 2 44 44 51

for 6 samples, 110-240 V / 50-60 Hz
Stirring rod 41 86 37
Stirring rod remover 41 86 38
Rubber gasket 41 86 36

Inductive stirring system ET 606
Potassium hydroxide solution 2 41 86 34 The microprocessor-controlled Lovibond®
45 %, 50 ml inductive stirring system is non-wearing and
Nitrification inhibitor (N-ATH) 2 41 86 42 maintenance-free. In other words, there are no
50 ml moving parts in the system.
Overflow flask, 21.7 ml 41 86 64 At regular intervals, the magnetic stirring rods are BOD CM test tablets, order code: 41 83 28
Overflow flask, 56 ml 41 86 55 accelerated and slowed down again, taking them
up to maximum speed and back down again. This
Overflow flask, 94 ml 41 86 56 ensures the centralization of the stirring rods. Temperature equalisation
Overflow flask, 157 ml 41 86 57 Stirring rods that move away from the centre of during BOD measurement
Overflow flask, 244 ml 41 86 58 the bottle are re-centered quickly and reliably. Temperature equalisation is essential prior to
The inductive actuation system guarantees main- biological testing, as temperature has a major
Overflow flask, 360 ml 41 86 59 effect on biological activity. BOD measurements,
tenance-free operation (no need to replace drive
Overflow flask, 428 ml 41 86 60 belts or burnt-out drive motors) for many years. for example, are always performed in a thermo-
statically controlled cabinet at a temperature of
Complete set 41 86 54 20°C.
Overflow flasks
Advantages For temperature equalisation, we recommend
Test set, BOD CM test tablets, 41 83 28 Lovibond® thermostatically controlled cabinets
■ Maintenance-free and non-wearing
box with 8 tablets with a user-selectable temperature from 2°C to
■ Regular change in stirring speed 40°C.
■ ­Automatic centering of stirring rods
■ No mechanical components in the stirring system

General Catalogue March 2010 109

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