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Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods


Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods

IEP Team Meeting Date (mm/dd/yy): 4/27/18
IEP Implementation Date (Projected Date when Services and Programs Will Begin): 4/30/18
Age: 5
Grade: PreK
Anticipated Year of Graduation: 2032
Local Education Agency (LEA): Steubenville City School District
County of Residence: Steubenville
Name and Address of Parent/Guardian/Surrogate: Phone (Home): (740) 321-1997

John and Nancy Woods Phone (Work):

(740) 799-1123
221 Baker Street
Dannywood, Ohio 43192
Other Information:

The LEA and parent have agreed to make the following changes to the IEP without convening an IEP meeting, as documented by:


Date of Revision(s) Participants/Roles IEP Section(s) Amended

N/A N/A N//A

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Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods


Include the following information related to the student:

 Present levels of academic achievement (e.g., most recent evaluation of the student, results of formative assessments, curriculum-based
assessments, transition assessments, progress toward current goals)
 Present levels of functional performance (e.g., results from a functional behavioral assessment, results of ecological assessments, progress
toward current goals)
 Present levels related to current postsecondary transition goals if the student’s age is 14 or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team
(e.g., results of formative assessments, curriculum-based assessments, progress toward current goals)
 Parental concerns for enhancing the education of the student
 How the student’s disability affects involvement and progress in the general education curriculum
 Strengths
 Academic, developmental, and functional needs related to student’s disability

Isaiah is a five year old preschooler. Isaiah is either typically developing or developing above average in most academic and functional
domains. Isaiah had difficulty reciting the alphabet, despite singing them out loud for practice. He skipped multiple letters and therefore
these were not accounted for in the written alphabet recollection.

Isaiah’s Physical Development was typical. For his Gross Motor Skills, he had a raw score of 63 and a composite score of 120. This put him in
the 91st percentile and the equivalent age of 5 years and 9 months.

For Language Development, Isaiah had a raw score of 202 and a composite score of 87. These results put him in the 19 th percentile and the age
equivalent of 4 years and 4 months. Isaiah had the most difficulty with repeating sentences that had multiple words and syllables, identifying
pictures for their proper names, and understanding certain verbal concepts. Isaiah was asked to repeat a sentence that had eight syllables,
however was unable to speak even the first few words. While identifying pictures, Isaiah struggled with naming the visual graphics by as
common nouns. He would refer to the man as “the dad,” the woman as “the mom,” and so forth. This was a simple error, however it was a
common theme throughout the rest of the visual characters depicted on the page. For verbal concepts, Isaiah had difficulty with some basic,
but understandable, instructions. When asked where the center of the table was, he pointed to the corner. These two words are similar and
were probably easily mistaken as Isaiah showed strong knowledge in examples of self-correction throughout other areas of the assessment.

Isaiah’s greatest strengths showed in the Social and Emotional development domain and the Adaptive Behavior domain. In the Social and
Emotional domain, he produced a raw score of 42 and a composite score of 108. This put him in the 71st percentile with an age equivalent
score of 6 years and 2 months.

Behaviorally, Isaiah was above average in terms of paying attention. His only lack in this area came from his desire for more candy. He
interrupted the assessment multiple times to ask for more candy, but despite these short disruptions was very well behaved. He was kind,
compliant, eager to follow directions properly, and joyful. Isaiah was extremely eager to begin the assessment and enjoyed participating with
an outside assessor instead of being in class with his peers.

 Isaiah is doing remarkably well in terms of his Social and Emotional development. He is very social with both peers and adults alike,

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Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods

maintains a positive attitude toward others, uses his communication skills to interact with them properly, and is not shy or bashful.
Emotionally, he shows great strength in both controlling his own emotions as well as identifying the emotions of others.
 Behaviorally, Isaiah pays great attention to those who are talking and stays in his chair. He is self-motivating and has great potential to
learn new things that he does not yet comprehend. He is very curious and loves both discovery and self-correction.
 Isaiah’s Academic and Cognitive skills are very high. He is most intelligent with the specific subdomains of reasoning and physical
problem solving.

Areas for improvement:

 Isaiah needs assistance on reciting he full alphabet correctly.
 Isaiah needs assistance on using and repeating sentences that are at least five syllables long.
 Isaiah needs assistance in identifying graphics of humans as common nouns as opposed to family roles and positions.

V. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Include, as appropriate, academic and functional goals. Use as many copies of this page as needed to plan appropriately.
Specially designed instruction may be listed with each goal/objective or listed in Section VI.

Short term learning outcomes are required for students who are gifted. The short term learning outcomes related to the student’s gifted program may be
listed under Goals or Short Term Objectives.

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Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods


Describe WHEN periodic
Include: Condition, Name, Behavior, and Criteria student’s progress toward
reports on progress will be Report of Progress
(Refer to Annotated IEP for description of these meeting this goal will be
provided to parents
components) measured

The progress will be The periodic reports on

Isaiah will be able to verbally recite the alphabet monitored 2-3 times a Isaiah’s progress will be
from memory with 80% accuracy before writing week. The paraeducator provide to the parents every
time by the last week of this IEP. will maintain a folder Friday in Isaiah’s backpack.
which includes short The paraeducator will
journal entries that were maintain a folder which
created in that monitoring includes short journal
period, outlined specific entries that were created in
areas for improvement, that monitoring period,
and graphs of Isaiah’s outlined specific areas for
weekly progress, as well improvement, and graphs of
as a graph outlining how Isaiah’s weekly progress, as
his progress compares to well as a graph outlining
that of the past months. how his progress compares
to that of the past months.
It will include an area for
the guardian’s signature as
well as lines for comments
and concerns.
The progress will be The periodic reports on
Isaiah will be able to verbally form at least six monitored at least 5 times Isaiah’s progress will be
grammatically correct sentences with over five a week. The paraeducator provide to the parents every
syllables, which include the use of both will maintain a folder Friday in Isaiah’s backpack.
prepositions and starting words, when prompted which includes short The paraeducator will
at any time during the instructional day by the journal entries that were maintain a folder which
paraeducator or educator, with 50% accuracy by created that were created includes short journal
the last week of this IEP. in that monitoring period, entries that were created in
outlined specific areas for that monitoring period,
improvement, and graphs outlined specific areas for
of Isaiah’s weekly improvement, and graphs of
progress, as well as a Isaiah’s weekly progress, as
graph outlining how his well as a graph outlining
progress compares to that how his progress compares
of the past months. to that of the past months.
It will include an area for
the guardian’s signature as
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Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods

well as lines for comments

and concerns.

The progress will be The periodic reports on

monitored once a week. Isaiah’s progress will be
The paraeducator will provide to the parents every
Isaiah will be able to verbally identify at least 15 maintain a folder which Friday in Isaiah’s backpack.
common nouns as common genders instead of includes short journal The paraeducator will
proper nouns at least 5 times with 95% accuracy entries that were created maintain a folder which
by the last week of this IEP. that were created in that includes short journal
monitoring period, entries that were created in
outlined specific areas for that monitoring period,
improvement, and graphs outlined specific areas for
of Isaiah’s weekly improvement, and graphs of
progress, as well as a Isaiah’s weekly progress, as
graph outlining how his well as a graph outlining
progress compares to that how his progress compares
of the past months. to that of the past months.
It will include an area for
the guardian’s signature as
well as lines for comments
and concerns.

and extracurricular services and activities.


 SDI may be listed with each goal or as part of the table below.
 Include supplementary aids and services as appropriate.
 For a student who has a disability and is gifted, SDI also should include adaptations, accommodations, or modifications to the general
education curriculum, as appropriate for a student with a disability.

Projected Beginning
Modifications and SDI Location Frequency Anticipated Duration
The instruction will
Isaiah will be given a laminated sheet of the alphabet. take place in Isaiah’s
Approximately two
Until the first fifth of the IEP year, Isaiah will utilize preschool classroom. 4 times a week 4/30/18
and a half months.
this sheet when reciting the alphabet. It will be kept in his
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Student’s Name: Isaiah Woods

The instruction will

Isaiah will be given additional iPad time specifically take place in Isaiah’s
for utilizing alphabet applications that focus on both preschool classroom.
3 times a week 4/30/18 4 weeks
identification and order, such as “Dr. Seuss ABC” and The iPad will be kept
“Laugh and Learn Learning Letters Monkey” in the technology

Isaiah will be offered a selection of trade books during

Specials that include more advanced sentence The instruction will
structures than the books to which he has been take place in Isaiah’s
4 times a week 4/30/18 6 weeks
exposed. Taking turns between reading and read- preschool classroom or
alouds with the paraeducator, Isaiah will finally be in the hallway.
asked to summarize these trade books in complete
Isaiah will follow “Repeat-After-Me” prompts after
The instruction will
, conducted by the paraeducator, via iPad apps,
take place in Isaiah’s
audio recordings, the lyrics in played songs, and 5 times a week 4/30/18 7 weeks
preschool classroom or
nursery rhymes.
in the hallway.
Isaiah will be explicitly taught the difference between
proper nouns for roles and common nouns for
everyday characters through the use of direct The instruction will
instruction from the paraeducator before carpet time. take place in Isaiah’s
1 time a week 4/30/18 2 weeks
Materials can include, but are not limited to: MadLib preschool classroom or
worksheets, a common nouns Memory board game, in the hallway.
quick and engaging verbal quizzes, and I-Spy books.

Isaiah will practice and be given flashcards of

different common nouns to own and reference in The instruction will
lessons, specifically common human figures and other take place in Isaiah’s
1-2 times a week 4/30/18 3 weeks
objects, with the paraeducator. preschool classroom or
in the hallway.

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