Merced Army Air Field (1942)

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f.UG.HT· LfN~E.$ iP.R~P~:ARE,b .A.No.· EDIT':'O B.Y· 1i'!-H _, CAD E T S. 0 F, T H ,E E LAS g: O'F ·4 i-~ J w·I·'1n-J:.

• - I. - ,,_. :.. ..:. • - 1"··: . :.: .." . - .-.


,6.F TH~ P~QS·f ·PU.Bl.rC, RELA·lfa.t-fs .a:F'F:~CrE~

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~. ,.,] ·t,~e.'.f:D'''O·W'rig· p·o'ges.· we.' :ha lre:."" hi on estf'y 'fried 10 p·,rese'fI't· (ll'ur BasirC"lile

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Soeo~,E:d '8'1 the d~,5k! left to O'"ilgh'I' 'are: Art Editor- Joll'e:')"~ McmcIgiilQ Editolr' [ii. E. 'KIl"CltJs;' AosiHJI,da:te' 'Edao,'r IE, .M. K I e in.·. ;S I a rrd i 1"1'9... I,d t 'to rig ht,: .J. K r j Q'nes'l ND" Wlli9, 11 t :copy ~ W" R.. Hoi ,i Co !TIm fS:5 to ner of In t'I once reM,. "'\€;{J U • kG. r ., f.," FUi,g 11, (:,0 P'Y; .J. ~.r€n !1\O!'M_ tic" F~ Lg h t ,cu p"y.~ Orr ~ ,uS, r F I ig,ht GO P"Y •.





T GO! 'ITHJ c h credit :::,(i n hot be given 10. CC'!P -,(:I, il'1 Jock 8.o2ung and his. ~(:!p{]kdi£!' :=.taff !Of 'pubH,:;. reldrlons fb.,r hei:r O's,sij sro nee lin pu b~ i sh; r~ 9 +1"'5, ,d ass boo k, .stem dinel le-tl' '1'0 Il'il{';i,h'l' ,dre 5.,eorgeQn~ David' \oV~1bbJ .p!hotO{l!fQpher,j' frhra "IJ ~. 'O~or'i'gHl,;' S.J~!,o:~t HOr'ry ~i::"h;horl' Techn icc I Advi!'i'l3r; Se'f"g'ecnl .C(:l,r~ 'To:rneh" 'fhotogtOlpher~ ~nd IP'.F.C. Alex ~'!;JrW0.::;k!, Ar'~i5t S~crt~d· uJI'a Co PlQ II n B02:'1 • ..,) ~ .. art d ~.11$s J (J,e CuHe1L











A memento ry ,g~rqncea:cro.S"s '1'~l is page is b II ~'hat is necessary TO s·ee v~j,o

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k" t, I ," d' - . h ld lh . ...1 d' ' ~IFI' h" - l'- 11 Di'lgrrl: Y p'G I ntec poste~s In; t e. wor "', ',I :fI, - of ve« u'e, ,I€ote ' r 19 It "I nes. "


C",,'Io!t!el ~~~ph. Pi ~GPlII;l1' CJijlili1mal'ld[r~SJ~ Oiii'i:i::l!'t



iEoeh mail In ,,:'iii'-'n la~J 'j!!ii g~tc;fu' ·Fo·, Ihg'Ynde:"'anG1,·~n·~ 'alhfen. 1~"I,e' dli'Ml:plli'J"ie Iu Il1g' f" OIi1.di ~~e' 'el):::t]11'lf Iplle.s ~ie't [bry 'ouif' !P'Q~a' Adfn'I!1~~~~' a.·II .... ,e. om~1 i":;;. Illu;;(!3: "v~n~ '!!H;:' rIf1 i~'1r1'01nll:,~s.. wher~ 1hle:il ~e(l!IF'>c!r'a I ion ID'I'IId ,'x;pen- ene eo !TI.g ~,e f,ar r.hi;;!! ·a:dl!J ~1'm. e n'ls: tC.! nd (hit! h.gei li'!ie·I;:e.s:~ SQry ;,n OYiif hob, ~ "nd ~ii1Gw~e~g~ .. Tlufr c'~~rr\c"t:~¢.{'~ ~:h~ilr' f't'II~~hod!~ ifI:If leod)~'r!d~ip.,tiheil.m;[;ien'~ . o.ttlillo.,m'i

l'L(;(l!10Jli~'W. T. Mu~ligol'!i EiEJr.wl~ OtJi~~

f~.':~ 0," V~, !i1!."'il~'I21· : , ,ft'holfJ' ~~c· C·~ljjfllfJr., ~e. heSl.SWQlf'mi flo Sii!Ji'\I!Ii3 iIJ 111 d plr'Q·t'~iI;.! wH:lloQik, ee h 1Jr'fll ~(!!r th Ci ~.~f.a llf.' ,0 f i's 'fU1!Jf(!i;; ~ir.1Idl·H'ii!l:l1i' 1!::oU'nh~~ 'f'cilh ~hOlI1 "il.1 ho'V'O-·b _. n in

'vCLln-:t.hC!nb· til' :Ih-,ase cdli,;e(!l ·~nd ~he ~ra.ining Ihey ihQV'e"·g I. OYIf '0;1'1 ~y 110 P- e h. ~h'~i.! ow Il:l lTna'f be; (j I!;jf'~d;'~' M,c:;. ~rnl~:!!ie men ib'r lPi""V~f,l:g I'ha.- rh . ~r' ~.'ffQlr'f!; hOr\ffi: flQii' bo.n in vQin~ cl!i'ld when "the r'i~ir"l9 suif'l ~i rl!k~t 'I'" J!!lt1 ,t'hef ~1ii,IDl~,1 h~\lIe iMIlr(;ilftt;:~

l;1'ii!Di~ 'Iolb:ti'rll ~f (J!UJf Op.lPrli~!:.~Q,HElInm

'C~~p1a-n Ift.- c; 'Eko!'f t !Ii1I~dlD I,;.il lI'l'~ tJTllrn.:g.

A. D

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]' I~I;SlTllJrll'fi

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,L~~d~ l;~1 u~ Jl. W, (1;~i'Sr :2nd u, J. t 'Skl¥~ly~ W~,i'nlri'j,t Qm~r M., 'W" CoUi i)~.





I'~' !I!Ifl~f"jjJi!l:fl1 gU\l-'f~I:!i~O:' ~":Cil);1i:@id (j~\=~FI~n Sj '.-'

~U 'h ~ Wi iJ~, ;r,; heer.'y 'g:ii' ~f!d Willijl ~'.rll)m our !~irieli1!d. iQiot! hI·' '1't ~ 1;I<,,~lQ~' MA'. D e,i.~.p 1 0 F,j,~. w0 f~e;g'l in· ;;;:.1j I" ~I ~l'~y iF @ I~ f",·d ~ r,;'~ g roU~li'tl, i~~OOI. A1 W'C P U~f!lil~!j. we ~1!1- f~iV'5i,n9~Y ~I nd1!iL'J'!.If;Qii d wih.o limp(u fJ ~ I_'!t~ ~ J d·l'J!ls.s·lfOOfi'n.' ~n~llr~~ ~;i!.'! 11, Flying II~~U' i~ of i11il 9r~gtli!'r iltl''IipC! nCJn~iJ. Ih!l n - hi::. b(~~,.t.!!:. !1)h:r !i,~' Q:~ -vJ!!;II~ ~'if'~1 nll!i'! rtII ~li"'QglIF'!l;II ~o. \I nilder ~ii"1 R,JI@ bl·~

iIl'l •• "~'" ~if' - ".. "'''if - -" II:" •• , .j';' ...!I •• ,~ i1lrt.: n-'" 'W ,.,,,,,~ a.; ·w·a. .;;, ....

1;;I1 ... i~ ... '.,,~ .~-.. "'"_ -' I !;!.I~~I .. ~ II~' ~I .. , ••• "_,"" - - ........ _-- ... , IIIJI.",,",

'9:oi i'l!g wh U~ in 'ifnI] I"\l. I iOW '!.'Q ~ t!!'1 -'htli'II;;~' by mfrCul!l1 oJ I-i"',~ ~)~f1~.I!' !!1l'!1d: IliltQ::f cliINl'il:l IF>Oiilli~'~ 'W!lirI~.I~·wl"'~I!heii' 1~!Il:i~~' di I io 11:51 wlll pre vtJ.; I ~YlJ' i ng I'he, trilP. It)~ Id ~hif.:! ii:'Q-flfe" I' ,[f:Ii':_PnI'il JI'I';!'IiI" , \"11 ~ , :~~!~ ~iO ~Q Ii"!l'Y Ci~ 1Ii"Q~~m~~·~,hJ -. OIJ'id il'C:;:!!!IP'l'toi'J' .ol OQB'il11'I iI;jig1 ieu ig H:!i..

By '~ ~~ Wii;lIY"!, ~ili:.!'l\l[,f. !l:':i' Cl';illdi3l~ may. 1_~Q'iPE! 11h I pr-:~vi'~ ~ll:g:e:' ~'f !'J ~ n~!f!! ~~ ~~~ !'h e d ~ Ifr, :i'~':!'l! I g E"in !.:!.~,~ lPii::h00~ cJ @ ~.St -':::1; ,ltompl'h,1 fl, I',kl'~' di'mc:ull' (ur. ri!(;ulu .,'1, h!Q n'l'UsJ plCl'r.1 'l'll(!i '(ijm~il 'n;:~'~l !(WT;!i~'§i'ilI'd C,i!tdl~'- OIi!'e,.::i;tr~lft_ l,oii"JQ'~

L ~O f'i~ !iii11~'~1'~ilti!;i'~, ~ ~ ~'(:!l~,1D ;I,' Ir:Ii f,'!4Ir!!.':~~ ~cnd iinlg W'~~,iiC h,

,0'( t,ho f.::. i.I QW ~!"I g ~.r~(,C'iljl t U';U! S WQ'iJJ'd b,~ rl'i'iJ'5J ;::,0 r ji,l)c't!

u, flo-I ~ dewn 'I,W'I,\!'n I'r ge lio.n:o Q "(.1I:i:'

b ... Pi~I~ n-J. ~'!III ~ ii~fll:\,'01 'Ilill i~§'d pi~ d~?

'IE, Thro tl'ft ya\! fSe~ r?

'2', u l:i. q kr,JoW-r::j 'f'g,j;,,[ IhQ il'l;;"'! .., .... ir'l~ ~f ,pn ~di"'~I'~!'\~ iCQnU' ~bdi~~ ,0 '!a'refl'i' iii i.e.Q I iCi' drag; "rofl1p~-n~iI'l'I~ i'~::r '~ih I ..... -0 ~A!

Q:.. ~all': I he. ~iing !D'f'!'

~. J~I~!f!i '~lii::! Z~'~lp~Hn. C~rirps?

,:3., \!"Jrile e ~hy word ~MI~ 'On: [nara Ill,. ,~iiiHiJJ1~ W~,!O'i h·, ,e,j" ~~!!)II G'I'~li1!' ~'~Ii!' Iiit.I" ,!l)~I!t'f r.~"1 t: I~:h!l;·.u II... N~w ~!ll'U i'iol ,~tr 'I!'IQrdll, liow IfnICj i't)"?

~,~ iPir..~~h.~IJ~ dli,U' p~~X:,¥ 'H~i$ ,o!' iln e !i'fl'I C!l.N:U!~iI\l!;' ,c,o,~ ~ p 1~le11 d i~ip~!-e I h~· I 1\(rf'9~ cl·.EiCII'i!d 'b-t .'hi(!; - hg( " of l:an"l(Ur''tl,

.0., Wh)"

h. Who I ict CI molcil" r;J 11],1' Dc )I~!!J (.0 rei?

S- At ,p~t;!lId O'f'l in~ :ro,jil1ll'ifji !., eq"'l iva Ilflm' 1'0(: -!d. lw-o ~I;_I~IH~ til'" G¥(i'il:i'i! R;¥"H~

lb. ,A lji,i gh~' i ~~ 'K'id rl,12i' -l~?

r, ,/\ bU!ddy·:r:i~~ wid- S~m ~ov.4~?

~~ 'lir.u l!!'J'nC:iill~ Hi3fgfO'Vf.: dMS ~lOr 9~ ¥!.,'j y:;a eo(u.lI{g h CCiiI', b~ ~ I'fc!HI~'i:,:r 11 (r: " iJl'l:k. !!Iilh- .)

,c. F·.ril~~

b. Fol~~

i. H ''Nifl hc=d ~U 'hi!!!: ted",· '1· ~ir1 cwll'O W'Q, Idn"" fl'!l:!II..f,( t.lI'oQwd'B'd ~ [iii.r.,o, 'O!I'L~ r O(!! rn. '!o\WtJ at "','ilia i;Jlld "Nt'! ",0'1 ~o ~~~lli'

~, r- L!I;I;~y ~~,u·~ 't 'W':0j!I~ (II 1W1'i!a1 • f'l~ ~ ~., W~1."'" 'i liliu d if;D i.'II1t! dll"_

o. WaH&;, bi] I.Ur';,a! btd(! L?

. Whi) W'Q f iL!I'iii: 1-'''1 NIU\!I":l:'!,,"!

9', W'h~il~1 'f' ~ ,j'!;'I'~,J~, I'iJl.~ 1:"11 I¥!I I ijli§o:~~~ I' ~ fi~u!l.l'!;! bdrgw ~~d ~n

~f - J'lI~ '~~'lJIilI,eJ ~lf''f~ ..:; 1n Q r,r;'.! i;'! =~(H ~l~'5' o;lF ~ ,tJ:gJ,old t~ ~~ik pileu?

i!tI! $] i!'IIl ~1I11 ~i(jj'-gr~ ~? h- Jcck il1:~ Ripp,IU'? r.; <;'J ~·~Iln 'BHgl'\1'

1,0. (U PI~1';i: ~.;;:; j~'~ ;nen. 'I' ·ni fi,1Y~C!'''. !ufI~~~.;tio"","ll1""r'i"

'~~,: 'r "J,"(Q_.r.1~;"_: 'I~' ""_1111- ~'WIIII Oil i"tltlE' flill;.!,' bu~dh,~




~!IIjG~~' h..rQ dC{l;f _,('-$ .. 1fl1;1!l]I'oM I~ !,i!1~tt)! d;(b~SiR'-C ~ PI liE; rC"~v(ji !~ '~WO' 11!J !"r<iIi~? lW-Oif __ . ih'j~ G'I;!! I' aI9ie:'bI'Qj~ Iy.,

~ l , U ,the W-r:i!9~ I ,[tr"~,~hei"~' 'hgd fa'fer:,!?~fL ~I~~ 1.i.t'F,?' ,p'~ ~!'i IQ.\ill ~U,gO '::!O~' 'I';!' ...... ~uidJ -'hoy h;n,v~ gOn '": Qh~od tHlid ;!j:'j'v~~~e,~ 1-:rI'HIi' '!l!!I~In"pllillil!~~ ItlIII ~lw~ r?

1 :2. ~ Thi's. q~ tfsHi,il'Ii '!'!Jir ~~~;~ (~~!'(li~S who, h~'\I'e !e};:.(IOP ~

HIO j;jj,~:II.y J9'i',li·~ d' IITI'iti,!:'ri'I Q.tq·~!;\.), W I~ ~ II ,~~ ~,I''to'1 tJ_ F~y D~:y?

:b, ,Fr·~~'IGiJc.g'nl?'

c. WOj'nI!'~;·~

d. Sk'~f;?

'I :::t. (Put on ygur' Irhi1ti:k;1ing c~p~ pod 'I;j:i;~ yci'Ulf ,.:10",,, IP''Ij 'ta'f"~ f,c r, '! M,~ '~~'~O'·. ~I ,11~ ~! IT' WCis, n~i II~ ~ ,(;)I (<ii,IiTr'i,p~ai!i~ in~tld,\t!li9 ~'J ,0 d~i!"e~!ll I!:.l! j d~ rore of 1 ,~o ~ .~~,.h!~ 101 ~d ~':I ~if!lo1hoj" B1 ~1 L,g I. ,3;6 dBiJtttli: ~ NO'-I"d~ iLo~g. l':2 'II Chi:,~ii1'iil:'~::i' Y;i\a;5.~I.lf. _ 'Y'~ll'g ~'1iI1 ,al ,oo!illlJ)~&!S, rn ~(jJd.h~g of 'i SO dlR91"~e~ ,Q . - he .-~~'~ ~I' 1 ,>'PO niIi.p. b. b::d'n 'l:I~, tiM,:' :I:l(:j~"il:l' Qdt',il',wdi~. ,H,@w i'I"i,~r~y ·~'~·iJJ"""f.!fil·r ci'g(:lr,,!.U1,e e:g~~:5 '~.Qu'~~ bo mQd~ IY'f' ~ he ~!:J ~'¥~9!!:-1?

,~ I'~ro'? -

b. Til r!ire1

ro' _ ~ ~",,'d!;t'

'.,I,.~" ~ ,. ~6J"1"5C'7 c6 ~ 66d16iQ ~ ~ A '~~

W,i en d~~ ,I'h~

':5 W\=<H ~uid if 0'-". do wh!lJ'fI jrilJ;ur 11'I1";,'r.u~l\Or ~D).II "'r ~H./ V-I]. {1,!a'11 i,I:·'1'

iLl' -:L lie, ':i

iIII; n !Ir 'lflilO $,,1 1'1;.

b;. (gil 'nV('f" 'I'I"IIC' i ",I~i"-phucn'e-. ,!tmd ~!jJ1l I~; It 1 y@u do~,(,t w.~:n~: III~

-: .. Su.l.~ 0 DO~,'iOIi'?

'~,tI;. I" !V~!!l;'ii"i;C~ '1 'i!lWf' ~ Q lil:}fni'II' :OJ II ()jill:, wh~l! ~i<I ;¢~!),o!~' p!llil ~

!ilI,iri';~ J'!I? .... Y'~V' (I il:\w!fj!';- w~ U bn: ~. 1;,'l/h'17'

~J. '~·Ir. \J p n" ~ ci!!. t 'tC~11 '~ JI m ~,.

'I 7, A "~,fCl!f.'(!!"· hi,.!

n! 'Tho lMng 1'I~iOiT HI",;) "" ViI i,h ",. p~'I'; ~. A :5;11J; ~,=Ir. ~! r Ini' ylJliJ~' ~~.

It."; lrni~Jllri Il;f;IC. 11'Jj",,' i i!i.::!Ie~· ~';f:O. II_


1.1 D












Sh,.uJi!!!lrd ,OAiClil:!:\lifi. '~ho, gove !J!lp ,~nuna nd~ il~, ~I'I~G r 'bIl'Q!lt'Iil!:: h,&'~, (:)If '~'~e Se'I'ii'ke "~Q tlfu~~' I!:c'ul_~d' w1'~ t~~i:r W;'lrll;S w"Hh '~he ;;II;:!,~;~ Qt J2'~J ~Fe' p.le,fJt,.fro~ here. BOii:'k rQW ~Gh 10 d,~'h tc:: ~ ~'WII iJ 1'li,5~1 ,P. 'C,." 1 '5,~ U" I' 'r~~¢ I!!fj g:~" w, s., :2'I)I~ u" J

Reli'id\. J. Po" 21'1(1 U.~ Owei'lS~ F" 'D~! 2nd Lt',iIMu~u~ .. J.IR,~ 2"!i1:di t"" ,t:::'r.'i!e~I'~nel~ A~'i1'1IESOD'l~ ~. [P', ... 'I d U.i' ,LO'iI'"d~ 5,. (. ~2 n el. .Lf.; Cr@l:g'" J" W'.,;, " sr h.;' ;S h Il'V'C ~y_, J, li"i' :2 F'I:d b.~. eg,11: If'! ~I ,Mii", 'W',~ W,g:F"F,l!;1'nf Offi(:(;!,r"

,Pic;hJt' ··AliI hl'li"le fl!r"QRl I,ii;f't II'D'ngh,t gr'!! nle cNr,e~['I"OIi" Ilnd: OU~II'taAI' dl~I'iC''''~Ui' 01 fi'l'hle'l:i~'~1 U U' " .. It ,E. H:a~gflg\l"C ''[1111·-_ S rgepifiill B'I BIi'!l.1nzan"

T'h'e 9 e,n I ~ Ii! rna 1111 w hiD Ie ptc!ll~ r'elll 0'1' e Itj) i !I,P le :tl~ I fIl'l '1'~:H~l Up Pi t ~I~',~, .Ii flnl . 4i:,(!UrM,_ If o.1F I~h b PI~'9 e ~ I'\C! mo,t in'ku m a n, Tlh, '~ ~. Q ''1# - ;'1: ell n ~ s jU!1111 as ltil ''', ,'Iormai IP" r o,n. T;hese Ime.n ICOn, 'l'it"~· mile d'ir,d1_: r:51f1!i:p- tilf lour'I't1hlemh: t ,f.t'inin'g land a p 'r'I'If,'i,_ is! in r,;rb1l'11 J>eil!' 11'0 i'1' that no< ~Jg,d ,', '-11 'en, ~'fom the ,ho.rri,bie. resf!jJhs Hf dl~t-'riO[lr~, ~QI1 CalJ -,'e,~ Ib'r '~IO'O much lfellilxol'I!liQ"I~ Ou t 0 f' 'I he ,il U II ~ k liJ~ d n.e!'i ~ of 'Ilh,e i I' ~eQitm' flh,ey' (III ve' bee n know n 10 rlemol'" ;; 1.-IGe'nHemen,,, WEi' i!"Q~Ii-zl , r' 15. ,Oflll e :ee'_, UdnDII'I WI~I'.ffiir' f;[l!lIr~, amd 1-'I'e'r'efc'le 1,n ph:u: ' of 'I he U !l.Il: 'fD -'t'y 4e p. :,' I1L_' - Ib _ mnll~ ),'Oi./J to, e,ld do 13li1i y 1],'lf'y-mi'n, '#/~ II,)I uyou mefl ,- ern]o'! ~he' h,FJJlrr I~lj'f l!iln l_xlul,cU'Q1~ ~n~9 dill', in the Iccall ICClilliii'DI i1Qd@)i''' It 'W~IU Ib~ filiiu:e_$al!iV'~, how,'ye~, f,g,r' 'v,aiU '~DI I'lH1!fiIJ(;d1[~1"i' in +t' 'wttde,r u;n1'il "'O~ -lre' min iililn'mediol'f rn '_,d e,f' Cilrri'fi I: iQ i Ii'le 5p i ro tio,". ~ f.

~~IN'ow _I~ m p "'F.-to t he, 'D,~lO f1I ~ (:lI frilid d'o,p ~IO'U.r hi and'I, a vel Vll Y.' h ~g,d'~, , 0 1J1t; hi YO,Ul hJle l, re I r yo Uf h ip!!il, (bOlt' ~,J I~ h .1li'N1), t; w ~t: yo u . ,e . ,rll~ 1n'~w iump ,clow n, Th,e' I!'H~~~ I I,' ~'f[ ~i~'-! 'w~i_Ii be "0 'tC:Uou:h VC,U" ',hi"!;, wl'th, HI

bQ c k of VO UJr h,ea' - hn I, . h'l' C. If\llfll~ 'e ~ e'rc:i:~~,dol Y9'~ fl'. I dUl'1

,,[II'e';~,u e--= I!·hro III:~ '~Dod ~Q r you, Po r "0 D 1'11, nt Ie "I "0 tho. r, !l'u:Ur 91#

I. i' .,djl ',.II I~ ~"'bl" - _j1'1 -" -IlL L d-'

Cn!liC~,mg I'~und~~; !'_I,~ me,re'll, ICIII!1 laiUg! :-'_i!1!: H1J;!!';iIIIC, hon 'fll1~d' ')!OIU,r DO ,. I ~ S

D Ii ~ b eii'ftllrml i ng mOFi - p lid b,l'e. U

Com p fO_n?Ji ~ii in 9 'W ,ilth f h e' h ~I'm UII!'QIU ~ a n -I~e' ,e;'F t'h hi PQ r-~';,cut" ~!fI n 'D'f Qlur 'I'follillin,g PII"Dg, 'CI'mlll Wifl hDne~'I'II, l~oJd ifil 'gf~~!t: Id 'Q Glf re5pell'" DncCil Cildfmlb'o,'Uon For Lm :u., Ha1fgr~Y . and Mr'. irron%tln. lit i's w:!II'h d .. Pi

11'191 ,e~ ~h,~ ~ W !Er goodb')f , "c, ':I'WD Q': '1'Ti,,:,' tUm rlil!9Ui,~~fI\' 'fe.IDtCfW. irn

11;- .erv'!:ce~he, II'I,a ,e ~dt,e-d lUll, 0 0, 10 ny'- il1g Il'hey wO'llJldn"f do hcrrn~h~eli

'y iI!)!J ,de n I, i 110 ~,k .'ilifed - ,n ~u g 11 ~

.,(i)~JI,d b Ji~[eill"'--Q' oi'c,iljod III he lob~ltac,l_

• ~ j

1;0. U r:5l., Ell g'tilfill,.


1'0 our ground s~,hocri lnstruet ... ers we, Ir'G! p rese nfi 'oleo rnrtcrnt se u ree of, g,mg~·lelm,e.nt] How Qf~'le!n be .. ,

"w'ee'n elosses h a ve the'y bJleen seen f,o rla~' ~ e t], e m' reyes hJ h e'CI v,e n al~nd cry IOU't, inl o,ng ulshed pCI'in", N'O- ," IU I - - =i ;l ~b - - II L d L

'nl ..,Ci!i'1gJ' "IIrH!iY corr r Ule ICIS!' u:mCI

as ,they ,s,e,em!"~

T'he men lof A,2~J bei'ing .0 well d: isci p,1 i~ ned, eoe r'd i na'h~,dl 9 rou p,~ nOh.H'lan., canno" under~,h:lnd -ony ,of the cbove 'crUii'hJ d eJSr cln,d 'W'O hove therefore come to ,tJ'he eon~d!us~Qn whet +he ,ol~ly true, unb[cs-

'ei,d C'p i n:10 n i~~, thcd ,crf 'i'he 'P'D'S't' ICh'gp,lci'nJ" wlho p'~c·tur'e's us st'riel!ly lOS Ht,t'lle wing'ad eheru bs whose ~llal'~O' Qif ,g:lol~dl fel lows us wh'lS' re'er

- #:1


Ex a,( '-. ~)I' w h a '~' Is OJ n ,A vi [11', ion C'o a,e't? Whart CI re hi"s d utles, W~'ClJ. do,es he ',SI'C nd ,foil"? (ble C;IC use I~H! h 'Q:S:ri~ f if; m e '~O :Sil'~1 ICOI'W n), h w'o IIlJ I d be'· (;'1'11' cd m g,S'~ i'lmp,olssilble 't'aslk te an, .. sWer I'h,e 'cbo,ve ques,Ii rei ns ,d u e to tl~1 e 'f Cn:;:'! '1+. ed I' h e Ire cl_Ir"'le' S:OI m 10 n y vi:ews Ion t'he subj'ect To be't-te,r i'nform' n"U!

U nk now i IjH~ pu b [iC:':I

l'Q'w'eve',r~, we 5 h a,U

~'Qke t'his opportul!1Hy

hil pries,s n" so m e, U 1111, ..

_ wlaste,d 10 pin i'O~IS".,


To out A.thh~,fi,c Directoi WGJ are ccU crversize,do!, t'hllbb,y ~ 'I oese 10 i Inl ',e d W'lEHJ, k I i rrg,;s,; w'h;o ,s, pen Id 10 u r n ~i gi,h 'ts i ,-_ hIE! k:u:u'rocks weu·k i'lng 0 l.J't, f'CH~ m ~ I as. feu'" QIS"t'f"i "19 0 ~f, of lc:r~hl~enC.S f'he f'oilIQwi~nQ da]'y~

To begi,n w'it't'h \ve' ore eonsldered I"an-d 0 .i't'e"," t'oo) b'), our 'CldlmiMi's'frafive IO'ffiiC9rs, ias, CI'uf'omat0IJ15 wHI~ aU 'the pleJ'lr'llona~l'ty ,c"nd c,h CIIrDIC:'~ie{is'Hc;s o'f 'CI pcu::ket w'oh:h,., :1 rll :t'lhewlr' ey,esl we; lotle 'Sel,e!i1 as ,maya b leu n,jls Q:n'd. S hi 0.01 I td :SJh~I"Y t' h la'~' w'a y eel "I s:'h~ln f' I Y'i

Ou I~ lustrIe u s fi 'i 9,~~ '" i Flsff'lJeto rs I"'e'g'o rd us ImEH"'ledy' os' Ie u"r iDS fJ n d p iQ1 Y a s III ltrle (3' tt'fu'rt lo n CHi IPIO:s's,i b I 'e hJ' us,

~ . ... ~ d-' ~ "1 j . Ii iii" Ib

,~X ee p ~ ,~m mec IJ) Il~:<" y p r I 0'11"' , 10 '0 e re iSi,S,~ CCIU In 'Ui' r y '~t'r I p 'W ~Il e n

"1ey look, UFJon us fU"e'nd·is.h~y a's pDha'rn,ti'c~' crrses g'f bee'[""

101 cu~ T'oc1'iccJ O'Fflc,e'~r we a,fle ,ne,',-hling: mere '~'ho"

h' L '"d'i ,....! it ..JI f..J ., d""

c ,aM !l;JermlO 1:-_ S c:nllQ ore m erl .'e'~1 I~olrr g,e-merT 'e" ~ ~ ral

'terms ,of: how wen we 'Clan mOl1k'e' Q bed.,

I I': ,j fll ig ~1 ~ Celli'!i"! mU ,cl J'

u s t C- 'd

Ih.'~' ~l ." , ,II;' o'y Se'eil ' ' ,

in ~ _kp-il~~, tn1l,d ~,i Ant LI'~ J. A I [1,qf(;n'iI~Ir.

~'~ r1fiil1g CUll wing.

na'l FI1gh r COl111rfron de I, L~. IH. ,''Ii C'ruhe, ondl A,ut. tr. I':, W. ~IOp lns


°10" flli~glhf C,o.mmlJnd' _,r I L '4' W, P. Eby', I rd1'"s 'j' W. J. Fll10rQI

S,t~ ~ e 'C.o.,I111"1 D n d €l r '~. G,. IH ru b brCllred lIJ m,d Ii il5, n,t. ~'t. C. A. B ckm,gn

II C ~J '-I t9 ~ 1 CCH'1FI1 m'~m d,e,ji".. U. J. __ 'Do\il ~~, o i1d h j,5 A$~t r, R,. (~ Be'nn _,n

~;. A:" flight gf' "t~e e'lol:S:S, D'f 4,,2~J~ k.iI'lo,wn to ,~,om~' ~I .r~t hili! [':H~J'5 wU,1fJ 'i'lle ffllt@r·!flIlc" ive 'gli!lndsJ1"~ ~It:ne' ny-ing, gic.n ' /~ Dr to ih, Fllslrl' IC,ommiCln .er'

a'"" 11,-1 iii h ,t d ""'.'ilIl i - - h' -, f f ".., Iii r~ 16. ."j t .-lII

_ ~, '~'1. II' ~', .'!!,;IJ .... 'fiIlC:' res 0 ·cn .. ~ ''!I'llgJ Il'", no$." QlnQ'gfl(J I 0. g,r'~l!:Ju,~,t

,'rom Da le, All who kfie,W af (j A'~ flil91ht 091"',- d 1~1~lt i'1 WIOS, I~ combirU:I,ic'j11 ,~'f dlUmlb lue and 1p']~~!1 goO'od for·tDrH~,~ fg 'so.'y rUlHiling cd Ihe ~ClM!.IIlI'tl~@ru h'Q.lll;lr~ '0 und1yililg pOfH~r1ii:e' en ne p~,rl' err .o,UI 'iii' r., ~apabL· b.5,'trU'cto.,ts .. Scm 0, u! will mo''', on 10 m'ldh~E!lI1,e[ln ' Sdigo.!~ ~gme J'C [plu[r'5llJi" and senile 'Dthelr~ of th,o i~Hcd Pilot~~ 'Jfl'a:de~ly 'w,i1JIII be gmY rU'r~h,e'I" ~'raii~ung h:;, b,elfOl'rtll ~ fl' ~'I,nJt'Jor~~ A d{e~,c:1; lOf ~he HI,"s cf cur nigh~' '~II' ,i:lW I~

We h~d wi~h us ~I'N ri(ID,dc 'euf ve,r), r~'glillll;;lll,~ Sh.u::i, n 'Qfflil:: rs wh'l\) won "he re~~1 :lirf Cllf """_'f'Y IlHlfi! in d~e' FnGh~JI! bo h cu, OM.:: rs an,d Q'S Pilii;.iV;Sl.. Thoy w. r'l ; fln~ lieuf,&nan' W. 'S~ 'ThD,If1'ClS' Ga~d·f'!la.1uill"ed Lii~IJ!'tnai!ll~ J~ :E., ,s', 'iY'I~]y w'ho, se '0 9 D· _e,I' Q'm,bil ~on wa'l I.:. fl'1 ~ P~38,~, and WO'l!mllFlf IOm'~liH ", 'W. CoU'j'n~t tn'l! 011,:111 t'iFl,CIifI hl I e 'Flig,h'l w'ihc.;.1 n,e.e,d'Dd 'I'wrc ,piU~Wjij f,O illJy' I'h,e iT. - t ey gav,~ UI Imc,n':l pal~'~hn'~ I~n M~ Uory- c'[IIl,d it WIOHi'I'III'~'t Ib,ecallue Wlif ,Ud'fiI~,t n ed them. 'w" cUd.

M,e fil'nO n tn ~1:s.11 be mOld e o,ft D IIJ f ~ i'51I:~ ~ y C!J L! II~ d' .Q rtd Ii CIl b ~e g'lr,ou P' ,of Cad,Ef: ollme' r • 'w II1g,d F:llr!t' CaFdQlh, ,J. W. Kelly W~lO wore TEN !Chevrons '01nd ~Qv;6dl ,~o. maUQIil5 Qi 0, kind and film fDllll ho.!lJn~ Tn~Ec' WC]'1i, C'fJlph:l,in 'It L (p055 Jle m,~.dH~~d Ipa ffleu) P 1'_rS~:FII. • G,"ou'p Adji!JtDnt D. T. fbli'rnd:'L'flyer) ,S-rnij'tl"ll • ~ • Lie,yl'. I~. l, MlcDDnt)ldI~ t, Ie! d,og '_~nglhting 'Cirt~5 II end 'he n~'vel".II:'~·'be- "!).f:'Qi:!!It:ton t'Sar;c~j W. Ill. (W'lefl' WUli,tl Wig~li' , . WhlD FiLl'1 gil' h bQ',s hl be,d 'wfl'h el ka55 an .I'IQ'W ~hem up 'he e~J morning ,¥!(Uh serne mi,ghry unkin,d ph CiIlseologl as. OUIi": 111~u:u'ftks w n'l fo erll Ihr,U@ -"QUa,n.~' Cal~ 1'~'or keeping YJ ,ctll :'he bCi111.

No 'Srtory @j' ~~ A" F~;~ h~ wculldl b,~ ~ompl,e'I'e unless h' ~'o~d er' ,i In'8

'CrolMlmo nd,elii" J. ;~ _ t (0'5 illnlO V'C ~ ,H,o s I u If.l ,01 n,d h'DW h, II (Hj , 'fa r'm e io I ,of I.TI"$ 0[1'1 0 wi! rid 'l'hr~ugh '1'111'6 TiI~8'hr wh'e'll1 "!,e'y ili!cu;IY'~rh1l'1'!1~'II"r Iloo,:k U,p ,p-O$II'I,jions en hil' wing,s al~ 111'he ~~ke·o" 1'1 WQ:5 "Commend: r" Has]llJpl 'n,: - p'eri,e,. CI! w~ II~ nligl:h'r fatlin'HQn f1Y'h19 o'od ~,' ~IU!i_e·. D

£JT' ,alit deCl'11 ~f 'IilmVle[iirilll!HfI ' when h'~'~ voice' Cli:]n~ ~I¥ell": he r~'dhl IICI'yin'Q he had '.'iii) pi~ 'ur!S C111fl hh, gil Dllild cculd,· f ;N~'t rie of '11~'u"'m. ~~,A u PUght', C'ornmanderf L.i'l!Il. Md:i:lY'ji (d' 'k _ Il'ililcrophonll' in tthe 'o,w~'r was ~I1Cllly IOIJbh:;: 'I'D 1"\~:SCI.lh;'1 Hrul:up and! Il'o'hHWI h 'lSi ~wo 'fDI~,llowe'lf '1'0 I'~ei.r' lin rliJ~'tDft' .. I' was ,M. S. (S,hJIW R,oll)) I<Jn'ney whcl IIjlIWDr"~ u~e. ' 10 s'aVI' I~ 1'1' de 1i'I'~ hl!Jr~ H 'c'ne' ,to 'Oy 'j I [~h;iJSi WCl:¥ 5.,0 he gJ~!I i~ ~he

_ .. ~I

., ed~d .10 lTIO' ilrnum goarr IDliI,d he nev,er qul't 'M 'W~rli t flr~

b'IJ.uJ. d ~e.fHl'e/" bur '~'i had 1,0 set 'e.') dow~i'I ~n.. he ~'& d tD_' ~ quill red when ~omecn,e ~~~~'c~ Ih~m aboutl ~t K~rU'H~'r also b - Ln~ed to I~"II~ , ".> P IOf~ n c'~ub whi( W(lII5i, 'f.g,rmed Q ,dl heQdE'di I· - I. 8\ (Wcncl:ering (0).t) 'W eJJu r W~1 ~ r~il'U,~d T rO e . A h IP D 11"'1 !O FI ' de r b l.lIl'l fou n1 dOli! e ill! 'S'. ,[is B'oed a~ Li¥err'rl~rc, Wa he mi::alif"tUledH I,ll WQ' e:._'ClY'" ll,elclU . noth~t fH"o.,milru:m" fflC!mber W!! E. J. (S'nl~of) PQwe I~ h· C,jO~:S·

[)o'il:ll'1l'frr, I~id<! wh,a salt~, h .51."JW noth.i.ngl 1'~H"uPI 'D~Dkn hh mt,~,t~~k~'I'S BQ,k·efsr.'e~dl "O'f eli) ,'CtlfQ;ln. 1.'0 ~, A. {S "MauU;, McNuf i ='1 d ,n,~i,h'g

JM,c'Nut'~lli, wa,~ Dln,,, -he ~od 'W h,o gQ~ : ]m:fi' '~f !Slighl"J Ics,'1 an "I'~ W'~r 1',01 Cocdinga Dne day, and h# [l ~e all h s "1i'i~luw mem,ben.", efllc:h b Q IJ 9 h t p ,CC'Se 0 f· b,- er '0.1' ~ h e i'n_ t nJ d,!I'l,lts. A IF ~I e, eel ['1-1 C!"Q'J,i5 it'OIIJ fill rry (, 1-1"e wus' uuu!llly on ' fI" I'Wo' Cadehi W'~~!CI Ibougl'd I~ Ii~Uf!i u,dwlais:~r.

114. n~11 g~ tnes wh'Ci Wieri' ~e"!I.'5l !,ectll,CliJI~r I'h'~r.l tllO~E!' i'u~'t. m n~ Hon'ed burl w!hol 'wren [ ... ~, 'eli w'~rthy wl~lUld IUT ~,b, hlf1!iild,&d 'by M, L ,SndIURy) Smlith. IIFII always w~lre h'hgrhl:r p,olll~'~he, boat1J; Of I d:J!"d inS

C~d_ 81 'H'~ 011

Cioni Il'l!iJ,nd til J. W. KaU'1

bu~ IcoliJldn'~' :s-hlY inl ~*e 1 10, lave, h~$ III~ 'e" 1 "e, ~ne-w h;J, airliP,llo' es, Ithtj ug~, CUi d Cl:i U IdJ n', ~ n',~ '00. T I'll a"I' 00 I l'c'Oln ill'S. fQ elll, 1 hOil1 01 ~ I c,rDu n el goa: lDIl~ C. D. {)lQIIlJ ~,hauhf(ll ~tyC ~ !CIlr~u!~d~ w,' ggt CJ!1'C,1 er box rei ice crecm) Jlc,UeV W:O ICH"l of U'~. Jo.~~e _ 1f.V~5 ~~p.o.l'i _ ~blg. for "nO:!!l.t 10 ,F' H~ e h UIIll'O'I!"' iln 'f~ I!. IllJ b rc~J~o iii. T here! Wei's C h Q f le~ S ~ 'WClIf'I' who I' h,DU'gl'l BfHlI IPrl, W'OIt 10lul ,~f ~ 1~ lead e ~d vice ·,ena. rnle 1- ~ -in WClI!5 HI' bG)!' W he ph:ked ~Ip- ~ " ,'Dn h,om ,Me,li Me-o'ker Itll~ 2,5; 0 'nt's, per Ier a~,ilng 'DC fo.l3t. ' el WaJ!i, in the bu~k SeD: alking ~,c, &nie ~IV Irlne lin" frinOi'ne •. , Elr r' l- ougf1IJ' ~! WiCJl'S Ik~ ~'o,welrr' CI"ji'lj1 'WOSI I; ifl' rn Dd! I~ l. F. it: WO'lil e lin 111'e rr W g S ~I g rleat pll\"D b Ii rn h:J' 0 UHF- Me.'1 era fa I'O~"V t,e,o !thQr j UE!UI'_ Poulill . ~ . Ihe ['Duld O~I. he l'o'Ughest qU'e~11'9n5,., J. li·t CIi~J1!JI! A" R. litz,l~ JI' R~ C. B,ec II'i ,~I J. S. P'hj~'~ip~" r. C. tI.~thl rtlilncl J, N. Hanco·e'k: wer~ r,'HDb~em'- 'CiO • ~ • d1ey '['~uldlii'T ,ttUy (I,wake.

T~, e ill 'I h'~r,e WQ:$ _~ P to pag til' do M,~ ",i ;i'h::rl r E. E~ W . n~.~ w hQ 'Ilil"i ow eXOrC; 'Iy whe . 'w'e WQ,y,~dI 9a. pdlcl" . her,,,, wei '_::Dvld reo for- CJdval!'ited~,

1'1: " G," dl W'C.5! a !i10 ~d' rn en ~o h 0 'V e fI r~ U Hid. 'W ~ 'W; rt W,'(j Q-d row W; I iVO n 1 Sn .;k W'C1E5 pra,b~blv Une cn~y' m~1I'I in '1'~8' IA.lrr fcr"'_ wine w,~u !it,m u~ililg 11r, EL'!C'pen,s;e 'CiI~t(;H.U'lrl' which he ~QrgJ;;:rt' '0, f!:1Ic5.e wh 'fli he ~eft cn'vU~~rc!i1 I;f .. '~fiII ,cu mfJd..s YoI'a,s' H.~ S (h~v4elrl C;'h~mfll.e5.~j wh~ pro\i', I

hhTlIJI's..e f ~QI be absolfut,- h~ feo1r11 S50 • j, ~ h eQ mClffl"ierdl dUI,i"119 h;i f!r~11

we ", ~rl! al I~!ii,e. We wi'll ~'H~ver fo,rg' j Ilh _' ~e(:uJUf'LlI :iiJJjl,b!J.fnr Q'!I'I R" II, !fr;illfng'swort'h . • • 'W. I. Hoi'! whe hnJ his ,mc'lps en hi Ir~~ -cr05~~eiO'Y'n1ty fHghf'.r bUlt c;Qn1fimJle _ on 10l' yw,ory ~ ., • f. T. (lanky) Ken 'hf 'y,J 11~lo,. ~ po 1'1 t c' ~o ~ of L lli; I~'i m·~ I rIi flit e !ii 1rN:~WIIE't' h::~ II"d r'itrgl 1'0 ,S. ,M~ n~,II,o n d y. ~ Boyd ~ ~ ~ j~Bl(Jna.r·8,tl!lllo B~lbbil!1ghQ"1 W1111'h t 11 htlln{e_, eh 11' in '~AH F~ fl' 'hf ., ~ . Sun E. (Rlopid COI!'i:;U IlaiD' ~ Le, 'W ih 0' ~o,d a ~echni~ol ~ll1lgly-

,i!!, for I v.el'V s.irtu,CI'HICiI'ill* lhl.fla W~:5! Ill. IE. (T,Cll_ IE! II of I~g'~e h) l,e~lv~tt

.... d L d . 16 • III • ~ Jl: IL ... • i!:" .

'W Ol~ I~: w'g:5 -\II m Qlill' 0 , n.o g 1 iii r _ e :9 I r,'s W (I .,t'~ n9 'TO f' n m In ~I!'lifr - 1m I ~II!;J

ev~ J S~t1iiJrdcy. Il"Iiig-1h,! ••• J. Mil ~Old M.fHlI IpJI'OO!1j, whe'!.9 l'1oill' flUrned '91 I"E Y' mill grtnJndl ~lriJnDo~ •• j, 'E. 'fEr (Arky) H·!ll Wha ~cnd ~1'e Iid 'jBe'(gu~ II'iF ... 1 'ClhQndelle~jJ ••• W. I" lD'odd') R~rmond whQ iLl! t· t;(:UJlldlfill ~~ill' to 19Hi!'1 ti,ff i'," I~.c, 511 0 n W,~ i?'k,-e Ad~, i ,0 ~,~,~ !, ,i~, W il~ e dow In 'I n S,U 1I"!~i n1 ~ Oil m'B. All ,'h![;J'1 C,lrH'iI be sQ~'d crf It IE., (Ba'billou 'KrCji~.n" :~,5 ~Iha~' ~n rl'Q()$'e Is~' f

W ek5, = I Mer'ii: d1 F'eld~ he· CO!.l!ld quiih!.rleq!JliB'n'~Iy. be ~'EHlH11 by.r~ing '~'he midlnigh'l >on ~II hi ~iype-wrH 'r wllil l[ry~'n~1 to 9 :1 OIliJ I M., ~t,rI~lll'i .. (~j' ian" '0 Ed~ or Kr,gu"~ wen'l! QlH'" he-c- y and ~,inc'~~e' I,:h-cll'il,k,s~ Of -hB :aQ'If " ~e'm~ln~n~ Clt!lidl_~~·S. o.~ A u '~li'9h1' 1c15 'r'~"~'·I:'Ii' icneld~ lo'nly "hi~ (gn be "aid: They '\V'or .,ed hflrld'l : id much, anal :5olid liUle~ Th -,v': ' re

, I~

E. 'D (SlhH,,1 P'~'~r~Q :1; c=. F:. (Qui I' P~e'Cl5e) Wi "IF!I1ef,1 E~ 5.. (eddi,e) SIJIf'rOI"!;

C:~ R ( H D m) H'~I'iiTI m C Ifld ~ '.', (Wi fII 9 M til n,J D I",ndap I Ra h ~ r J _ O!~a. dt,e n le \I' ~~ ~:tId C. H', tHiPfn,' HueM!Il:h.

And $:~ i~1 W'Ef'n~I,~, 'A,~~ Flh'Jhl " c'ar· r D' IBClSirt: is now ~ "UI'y~ At l'ilD I ,[oiuld bava bee'lI'1 5iC'!Id' ,g," "'-:!Ii WO~ 51' ,AU t'lher i:cliJld hay b~ ·'In. den' 'Ftu IU.s WQS cl!(!!i,J'h,o. AJ ~'bl!!l, V',fii't'lin9c1i we ariEl otl'ilborJ:nEllI ~n t~he la I~ mH il' our trQ;in:nIQ CU'l1 J 'When ,,~ A I IFBglIiJI' Ill: n t1uall. di15 Hike II£JJ

the ,mit' h-lil ~hh ;re,al '5.'I'r-Y,~Ml~e, we havra '0 1f~1't '!'hi!!!, t·~ 'Q':f': -E N, EM Y BfWARE!

'~'AII rigl'H' _i'f!J~ Piiglf"',, reveill.e in nve miniJ1',IE'!)~' Wi!h j"h6'~'~ word,~ r'~ngin!9J in our 8C11r'S. uB,I FHgh t 0 Fn~,e Itll' mee~ eOh:T1I ~'d"~l:§, 'i',orskJi'l h rofs ,~t'1d e'rFO,FS,r and B'i'o,fh@r w~rjfli H"e~e' e,;,'r~n.? ~, m,l,Is,:t be !r1Iclmi'l'lh::!d it w~~ !.om£ii'ITme~ '~'Y ~ng J'D. be Ii' An EE:I,ger 8e~)~,~ (' ,~'IQr b, '~r'g ,CjW~ k,e h,(D,I'f Ih~ n lsI, I b~,'fo!!rC'1 ~ y i !'l.g, gr dQin'9 Iii 1'F;i£~ i~ I'h~,

li B~J ~q;9~hf' 1"1 ad the, so W,~ 'I'I'fiO lUI g 1"1 t, !.«]"d' ~{JIle fo' I~H9' e s !d,g F'~ed' 'I'h,e fOr"FIfIIl.'I!!'io'~1 Lilrea ,dir~f:'lly fiie,tJr~'h fllB Comlfil;(~ndCi!n'tr!ii, wh,d,ow~ 'hl!;;'n.c,~ '~h e 9'lr 0' Y ~:;Hi! ~,~,g f1'~ 119 'I h e IN e C' ~ r I a ~H' Sh,e {d' w@ wee· ~ fI.H 11' hj~' [iI:5 hu'g e' (] s the ibunc,h '5,I:gnin'9 1',I,e PC!l4jj~ Boal~ hn week~'li1d in tow rI.

0" "OUr'M~' 1'here 'Yle'rr~ "irI'H~'S, w I'~n i~' S.@0!i1'H~j,d Codc,t J. Datley cOlJ Id, h,t;:! ve mCi,de 'Hu~ drificuh ~'{i.p, firam I"he s.eC!l)Fld ~oor 0,," fhe biEH'rc(:k~ ,~t:l, 'I'h'e e Fee In linll,e ,to n'!lg!k,~ '~h,~, ~DE"mo[:H'~o~"t. It; ·f-o.c1 C(j'mpt:m,~ (',OiiI1F1 ~ mon.der, 'Cc.det 11'011. once. re~ngrke,d~ (-tDCi,~~E'Y';I' jU!H '~fY te ole !i'l!ex I I'D h::~.!i~: for ill cho i'1gl~I'1 DYli' 1"0 the U 1''Idirjll',g ~'fforts. of OlLlir CCide~' OifllcersH'!I;!T~~j H~"l~YI Kcil, I, cIFlld McNe'i,1 i Mi'!iI~er'~ J. DDII~·y ... Cr~v[!:! r'Ii e.nd tlO~d M'Li n" Ham'El n Li ~uCllly m(']d~ ~'he. 'f~rnrlc"'~on bs,'F'o"'e h imov'ed off Otlt Df si:~ihd'

I !Cl S h' u cto rs of JJ IB~~ F:11 ~g h L 501''I'QRl !fOW, I'e"'!' lo ri'gh,I': tr, F. ,N, McCGi,~~ornij, u, J. F,. WeU:s" L 1'._ L E. '8 e rg' ~'i' Fe.S,Se-r'" 1'1.. IR. .F. 'Po FH1l; , Lt. L W" IHcp:liin:! (A{u'L H~,rg]l:I' CA').), Lt. C~ 1(+ fo,s'i'i!!J'm lBi'~J!!:; k rc W ;I' I eH '~'a r I,g h i': L 1', C. p~ TUlrl"!er~ Mr, Cij[~,'mpbe'U, LI'; G~ W. M,[Con'l i5S'~ L'!',. O. J. IG'n")U" Lt. R, J. SaHba ... Lt. F. S"

BDd!~fi1e L'I'. ~" D. Pe,mblti'F'.,

Oh yiP.:~'! t~~,' ~ ~II tg~1!' 1iloo fh GoJd Bri~k~,. iIH~r'~ W@.t:e'll no d~IU:b'1'" '~€! 'ii~!"1IJ! I of our bo,y,s, IN hO!1IE itom'bi~~d ~'IfQ.r '!I, 'C:'o,uld ~t1v,e .prrodilj(ilEd [J iii' ~ r 11 ,[ e IHcu-k {] b I E ~Te cd! ~~' O!1 lre v« t a til, ~ 0 i d .A 'l'h.l,e I',~ es, OIF 111~, Q'1f 1CI,,!'1 Y otner f,C! n~'l.Iin9 dlufy 'Qf ocl'i v i I'y I ~,!, migh I we',U be l~n~'UI~d~ ~.rHow te tm:J,~k E'f~g~ r W i'I'h [I he b~'c'!iot P!O;uible E'ff'od. II Ho'w,1E ver, it 'f,TII;:I'U b~ ~d~;1 i n~d ~'hat .'he .beys ho~ 'I'D be itOfl 'I'hf!' baH" (;:Islh~i'!i .,gfla'd'iJa~i'o"F1 hom 'B'L:J'~rli: cU Mer'~ed f i'eJd i'§j, proof ~ff ",h,ot

The .. ;!·.iI pC!tF'~ of fliT)' !:klly W{j~ ~'h(i1 i'im,~ :flPend lOt! i'r-,e nigh I' BIi1'~~ ~h IS; 'Ci.Tte,:r a II W!C's; 'I'~~e' f'lri"'l'l'ie'. p:LJr'p~:s'e ~,f" CiUI!' -be'i!["j,oP3' ~'l!',~'rre- TI~e: 'I'rel'!i:en'do us 1"1'\1' ii:!!l. t III e n 'I r'e!!'p,r,e, ~e.:n I'e d by I·h B ~ il V ~ II"'! 9 'tI' u C1 r'tre Ir '51 (i'd m 'I"n I i!d rCI'I' re n"[~~!!lItH1J,e·j (mid 'AY'in'9 'f[I(_IIIili~~ W'OlS donte' whh ~'he' I!!,d't~mcl'~'<e p~r· T~o~e !JJ [~'ecN:h ll1g' ua to fly. When IOIlll§' :~d'op.p@<dl t.o, call !ilk;Li:1!W' '~+IiI:~ l'lrwe 'OJ o~ d 'e!I,llo ~"I' t".lt pie nd'ed r r II 0 to! r b'e h ~I I f 1 1;1 rna de. r,),ne p ro'u d +c be' s.el e ~'~'e d '1'.0 t:Qlrlfy on i'lre fjfje' trodit~o fl'$ CH'i,d id!®(i~s 01' U1Ie A,~M Y' All R '('DRIP,S.

; ~ B t f. 'f I i'9 h 1 Ih,Ci ~J ,,~ Ie' 9 oe d '~'o r l' u li'i!'~ h~ b e '~t;'5 'H:: iC! t~,d wit h 'w h'Cii,t w·~ b ~ II ~,~ 'it ~ W {'l1l"'1I! I ~l e fi Ii i1!~ fI g 1"'0 Y p of 'f! y ~ n'g; '~"ff~'1: e F"S 'hl ib~ fOYIl d. 'D'lII r F~jg hi' c.()'mmil;lnder'~ h. Druhej ably 'Ciu'i~t~d b y' :~t Hopkin':)l!' ,d id a splel11cHd job '0,.1 d'~f~~~'H rigl the 'I rQ'ill'i,irn'g end 'nying eduG:CilUof1l .of our Rilg I~l' I The y t,'eI''';,!' e 10 sre 'l'h er 'W ~ 'ill 0 ~ r' ~ I!"I: s h"'bJ'~h~'j I!'~ i fH~ ~i i Ue cl i FI us t'he:

"IN 'i III '01 nd k n O'W ~ e d 9 tE!1 1'10 fly (J n d fi 9 11''1''1' w ~ '1,19 e IlJ r c'i Fin o,,1i rLQ-~ hi 1 n g :lll,h,(jIr.I' of. p'ed~diQ 1',.

h ~~ i'nl::Ollce':I"~'oble HUl' 'whh ,4S er M)I Code·'t'5; "I~~'!,fing ,cl'nd :flyinig 10-' 'gl1!Uu:r 'W'OiF (;I p[e:dod Q'r ~u~drl wee,lk!ij the I' n"U~r~' ~'D~ld"i.1' b~ I] '~ew irnclid'en'l'.s thgt WQ!JJI,ld be remelnbelfecl CI$ ~, ig~,·,I'lgh~~, of em im,pOii"I'Clll'!'

riI"" .. : .... -!l - ,if - I. - II', ..... ~ j~lrnI,rl i!::!' - IL. ~ • IL - - ... _ .• " . -- d ... - . Fd~ ~"""Q O~· Ci'wr ~ ¥e ... ,., I~ I'-U 91'1'1 'II ~S, ~y no rII"I€iCU"i ~ (lilt'll IIir'Xeep'I,~,on" On· ";0

b@,Hl!!:v ~ i ~I fi IIi n ~ 'to ~~re f 'Q r'l h C! few o."~ ~'h e M In I' h I::S;t ""OU r' C ~ (] s,~ Bo 0 k_ ~ I

T h ijI aT 'D ~ i fl! i f':s E<! f l:Il" 0; b l\ec'~1 Ci F no I ~ ,~:,~ ~ e con 5i ~'TeT"ia,t io ,,,!' '~O' I'ho ~e 'crf ~.~ cof1hon !'ed by it f'!;!'~'I'~e fir~'t time. The.rtf!' ,ore o~1 ~~Oi'hi Qi~ f'o'Pnid'l;;:llbl~ look ~ngr gcn;ilge''fs 1'0 s.tlilre you rn 'l'h,e fiDce !I:1'I' Ilu:llt '~rst· meeHr-~g. rheshi,P i5it~, I h~~'ej big. :it.o'l id. P(HiIy"'B'rful~ and! e"fTlcient'. ~It' :s;eems, 'tQ d,[]IIl!i"~ yOy 'h~ nrh'l:5,~'er its mo'l1Y ~nobs,,1, ~~V(H!i;, :s.w;lcheSi~t1ndl l,rH~h'um,elfi'l fs,~ all, ·h,o'W ImlClny S.,i~1~ '0. ~e t'Ommihed in I'he n~m~ o'r' le'Clil",ning ,~C!,c'kp'il I' ro'ce d u r ~;? 00 ~ Ciliil" p.n~ p . I o,w- p i ~",d,; ,Ei r i!; il'r 1'1' h O!;. he! e n '01 f:1 e n w ~;;N'1Ide ire d h 0 'w Inlijll~i f'i'l i1 ec k s, . ~l'OJ Viili b~ H.r!I S:O ""!ad :b y a:' ,10 n'gl IrU n WCii Y'~ w h,fl' n .s.Qn~ e Coded N) o'k '0 H ,~n h ig,h P ~tc: h C! ,n d wi j' h ~ 0 na p- i.

Hugh-t, flyil'9 ll:,o!J'~ed ifi'O' IhUe. worry "a':F th~, men li"e:sp:O~il'si'b~e f,o" ~I~e sCilfe"~y "o~ 'I'he per$on'F'l!~1 cm.d '!!'qUli~w'f!f:'I1~ ~ ril t'h;eSF (o,re_ rhe:r,~'. ne"'lQIf !~eemi!}d 1'0 b!!, ~ ~!ll,ek '0" .cOrrh.u'slfCIil oV@I"' 'pr',e .'fjki~O'1i pdr,g'i:[!i3'th.J'Ir'c';. '0 s s.Jg n. 11111;8 n'~ 1'10 IOlfliila Sol S h; p: n u mb~If'S'i' ~'im e 0 F P e i' 1:0 d. ICDi'Ii'I:d 'ofh e r:s; ,"'10'0' III'HJU1~{!!rOU 5 ,toO m,e'fl~'lo':FI_ A"mol1g Il:1 fe W ,of ~h-~ 1ii,[g,h·1i9h'~'s we:r~: Mil!'., ~ 0 Rm'~ rn' ~ .5:o.beiJ; ,rJg;!'~ cu"l 'i 0 'I' h ~ ~Io,n'~' rIQ I 5,h TIP 'of I rl A ~ '~il ttlH!'te'r le'fo", Li! f'~ 1 a n:,~~ ,6'0 ~ e $Jl re D:5i ~ r r AJ '~D C cd d e't H., IE. Pre'~ 'I~c tri,:e'~, ~! ~ S t,e ~g ~,t inti

v'er., bo,red,.·whlh dlf.cllill voic;;e~, HSltf~ ~ ~m if; UP.PEJI ·o,mJ. iti~~" e- cd t2001 Ff-E I" .In wOl",ds 'n19~'t 11[likely' h) bo 1(3- ~~a~i:tlm'D~ W11rh n'~gl I'I: fly.~· ~:fig D l' M,e.i",~e,d ":N i II be· t l'Ui~ co 111 hO'D I :sJi i p ·s.'Cf'\j:l'c1fi1!'!l i 11 9 i jllGIEl I'O'U'R TAil, DO,'WN, GEl YOUR, TA,~L DOWN~ .:"K'rI1l t~)$-,

lerle 'werliii' Dth,gt' alTrlu'sing '1,"c;:ild'n'~'5 s'lucn d,: Cl:ld'e~ Jet JI .. i~lth:H"'~ Q fil~' '~'I'Lhn'cl r~d ~ ndl i'~1 .1' "f d g'li ' , ~ p P n"D ,~h ~o ~ h e r UI!!1 w~ y ~ I' (0'0 N," go, on our' 'Cr:O~f!l~!&lO'I!H'il'I\lf~ Aigh:U The 'c. Ile~fllCil,1 di·df'll'l hel,~,~ ,[lid ."1, H., J-'?' CCld~: D,o'M'J'~d] Hm;lV' g~' I son' cd ~jp~I!lY~,- lalsy~: _ Hh l,t. DIN,he 0'·, ,Ii' hh. (HC'YS)I flsh-bew] Itl'! The BHI(e ,'hot foUQwe,d WCI'S. t-o. ,the, Cd, m u S~ m EM 1'11.'1 D f II h~, rll!!~ 'I of' I~'h @ ~ ~ 8 ~ j F I i-g 1"11 t~lr',~ C::cl'~e I' H" Ifo UI ~ cl 1'0 his (h,cg in, Hllal I h is iJnf:cfg irv!t1,abl' '0 ' cne':Jj (,yes frlQn!lt f I I]ell.ld ship. w:~ lle : fli fQ~1'I~'iQ,",.


Some err us w il all\,jIj;I'DY~ I' Ce III i L. P" -':'If'Ii,ber I' Uhl.g 'U,S, hLo'w to fAy' '~h~ Ibii!iil3m. 1m,. Oe'! 5'0'1 ·-whQ~ like ~h i!5: uYQ'U 'will cUmh ~'Q appr(ud· frHJh:,ly ~OIl;II 'cltih,ad' where you win J8~em 'off~ The... 'irim IlH~ ~,h ~p 'in :SDm'e ,5Ieiffl,~i~rrl'c~ IOf' ,~trCi!'il:gl,~' 11l'ffl,d le'vei flIlg·!'1J'1'. "fcn.i! w"m rmlm'e,di(JIl' E'hr id 'ifr '~he Iqu'Qdro I'd yo~ ~,YI5;pe~t you IlOre in. 'Di5 l-h.~ or,e' bu', Ifour qjlUladrD ,J'~. ·.Ollli niJav 9ue5..s,~ Iflncl h 25 pe'!'" t,e,rd ri'g'lnt y,OUi wijllill l' I In t.'!~f'n '1''0 I'hle n e o,lie'!j,1' b i -·~e dQ r h e~dplnllg, N:c w YC'tIi w m fily ,ST ~ A ,~'G HT Q 5, CI~ (DI~f"'C'Wj! N:EVEI will you Y,Of't Mia, E ~'ho 'WENT¥ or 'Hn~fV d'e:gtH!iS, on.d. fill} II, $'ame 'Ii . e lho~,,- ing your D,I~'f'I"ude wVhif!i, THREE

lH 0 US·A, N D' F!; rr i i n h~ r5'ed 1 he beD rn CI fij,d' fo II OW it' ~IIO' I' he (0 iii e Q f silence. IUpon ~'nh)ursl@'c' '~Ing ·th,e eene o'f S:;'llffi'ilCe 'VOU v«. II exdmirn: "" '0 nd IEle,h'ill_ d.~ rn fi a fife' h'a ~ eorn - ;,~ p,a s:~ P I D n d s I.lIlr' e n,oiI:,J, . h i'l 'wiU have,"

We \1,,,,,11 !Jls'o, .'eltall It .. Nu;Ctll'il·dl.e'~:5 caijild h~i.5i 5gg,I(! ob~, IivQ'lhHn Ilhm::- I n ;-'0'1 i'lIlO lC1th~!'llfImiQIr.l to, 1'htd -nOlm,&! YO'u' See cQrn~]i19 OUlr 0.1' 'the .n'Eline ~HI ~tn!9 le'h 'sidle aft"er d!Ofk l't jJ,s hu- ile ex:nla~sll' tlFI,d dlO,e!i, nD. hcm,lI'm, B,IUT mif ['I' Q! P P eCir~ on. til e 'I,ef-t ~ i,de ,0 IJ ,A, REi n ,tll' DU b h~ ~;,;

1111 CI'O,;IilI. II, t U'S '16, 'h'Gl'- nil I Ifligh't 'I'D J he la!l,lI: mCH~, hDS 'Faund til pn-ofQY!,td r ",~~ecf hu' t'h~ Iprr.~'fllrm:·~ph~I' iii5.~illed i~ "Hi,1 IfIlnd 'i~ w'iII Ib,~ our lea{rrn~5,1' ~nd@ll;lvo ~DI cc'-;ry '~he5"J! ~i1'''I!L'lJJIIUDb~e r~qui5i,ile~ wi. h us ,tlh DU'g,.: OIUlt QU. A,m'r !S,erv~cle~

Ana·1, r' '1IW,t) , on h -'0 Id~ ,'"nS Ibu:i·" s!;· I as jp(J- d '~u~·d' f~li'id5 IU'S Q lin~· C·D,un 'H 't'rn. cA', PO'IS ",,~ d 0' ' " ~in'['i,n91 n'le olbolbM al'nd 0 lPo'~ii' Ih,pnd brU'~! r orl, h'D5 j!ICji IB911h~ 'f,oh'erod I ~ i'h I', :trm~·n,edi,o'n '.0 ,_,in ,1"11 ,;~ CQ'Y,: ~ ing:5l and A· P'iP"O'~' 'Cu.Ib'~ ,down 'n Ith'e. d,~~ rt, 'his I,' n,clI:Hv of pu pelStIl! WSi pe,c~alr:~lIi COl·" ," ndr~b~ Whl"_ YCHJI ,r: air 1i1]' I he, '·I.,mo:U "rn5up rOI·lle 0, ''I'fJd, W"V hod 'f~

ylr.,",Ou~m. Ira, cur l,Ci. 'r f'm" Iff) 'Ih; bec'IJ'rif!lJ~' des r" ~U~h ,r: Ifp, '0 ' ke p hotil Calde ;,n he!!', 101' row ,qui' I."") WI h6~'- 'UH' .iflW"- [I 5. a'cl\;lc I,

r "'rIiU ;. Scuu~do"f night bo.u'~ ~ C, I' ,. I'Q'~I~ n,i'~'lhl ~p hi. ha' _ltCHf"'i' 9 FifO'c~',.ure of '_ 1.1 n~od,tQIP ,drhr 1. 'ro IQ 'wi'fnming -,:jcil 'OJ. tlU'lIl!mreuy '!eld h>y fief I,~u ge'ilIftl',enl 01;' (01 Of. p-om' i'ifn:I, \ lin ~he dU~II[ 'f1DIIf ,Q

mn;spl,~c, d Iho I 'hu ~olrlm~lian AY'~'fl91 wh n w ,fie~ Uk Cli 'Cia, , ilffll g l'li iu,h. =;i[ G,,, n i'9 h 'I' f1 y'~n9 w - i,t· W' d'+ :!I-iCOlre d' ; 0 (HII!!' O1'1IT11lil;J::;r-;e rn B ~ _I 'iN cu 'r 'I,e :~flm cr,S dgy InV~fil'9'xc - pl1 you ,coulldf1!~ ~e g~IJI crf ilhesc.. ·'net rn;1'IIlu'clh mOire' W' r ta', ,Ill b·_ iI"Cilif fIl'"gtu .J1tght rrrn '5!hid os. ~"rw f n~w said when 're bl.Il'!;t,- dl h"!; ,bg~,· side ~\\"fil rg'!ng OJ' 'I' ICI paF\iOiiP- ,'II 00 M,e re dOl'~; Q,b r:i [iIlIlt: 'rt']IC,' ~

the CO'CIP, mUng logic of t~ IPI,eC:C'ltHng parogtcph IlI'CI,~, by ji"Hl'W~ un.d''"dly eaf.ltyiJn'i~ed' ~h go fill 1I11 £!"d O'f' He'; F ~gh~'s I xc ~If n'· _~ I, . Q'W VEllf silu:m' "e;' ~]g hi; is Il@ gr a1'er 'l'Jrion ~h :boyl '~COlJt" w,~'o. cO'rAplds:: h .. h .5. ,'llli'n - I -hal- "Ill hl_ f, ,and now 91;""" m: a9'0, petr:UHlCd rrn~M lion F,or gl @ol' p. ',ji"onlof ,!"ffcu"~


F~ ;n" ;"5:' UII c::f'Of'SJ ,of ~jIC~j f~i:g~1r-: ~'Cpl rew, ~Ie:f' I',~ righ,h IL i. JI.. 'c. JI~W' iii, L,I~'; R. C'. I :~rUiitll' (A!, [ • IFH ' h't C.OJ. tr. 1. C. IB,c,rge,~ IL, ,. C. G.

C·' . II l JI c 'T I Lie

' _- I' '-'"" " .. "

o \PI' C J ,.,. ,. - I (II f _'1:[11 Ii' .. I' • ._,QIV'"

C'9fi}O~QiIi u, J. t. DalY"1I1 "Bigl,t C o.), l.. 5;0 H~ G'I"\Q,ll '" t\ WI. ~ .: .. SmliJd~1 Mr~ E M H-dW\ ,[n~. 80. U',om rQiW: II. 1'. ~ B,~ Gay cud~ lI. D ,L-

by" Mr. E~ R!, DI,QW'nt,.

We' 'woul'd ~~k_ ,0. del' gut wt1'h IBob Burg." r tlnd I, hn d oU,r 'For~f'Uld appl'e~ia-Uon end p a'l· for his; fu~J'end~d kill.n lo!!ing fighl" '~'91 in "II h!rrri-lfic ph~ l~~OII hlonditdps ii' 101'11 would . ,~"e r(ulllf'lid CHII'Y crF ~I~~:; 'r"~ 0' us ·Iu',~win~ ~nl mhe [lowel a ICing tin,' clgg~ n lil sem - room w ' hal", S'":511h1 IPI 'elnd' lB'r'~'e'y; I'~I IeI'm f, w'hQCJ,d hhm"e~F 0" ~Qlci~1 n. 'h.~j~e' in MQd, 51~1 (' ~,pe'c:i'Cln}', Oll"ou,nld dlillil" f ri'rll1e) 'Qn,d ,t:he Illaln'er who i~ ~h,e ,01.1'1 'hOf"'i' ,p'e' :lonell W1lcmilr'Ul i(lln or 'I;hl· boy YCI..III"'d ~I~ ,e' .'01 h:oY- . " YOUlI' 'W'"Ag,. Acr,on, .he' ludlID r ''&i ,I,CI 11<' orney la-nd b,!IIQflld~ ':he ,BO' bs,ey '~flId iFiIU~,'lo, fy'ii:~ I'wi,nl, 'iN tak I'I~ ir lll'f'le Jg "an :!lie ~'U}W5' ,lboV, IBoJlond Muehl .. i , fHI',d Q ·111 r h,ill',· 'monc"r .s Ifrom "I[~li5, rcom and i" is mad al .rJ'ub ll'a(J.[nl' byl ,y,ell"', on-~' - HI' u'l" f _ ,tll!l{ ev . yo,n, 1'1.(1'1

,- oesn'd I a'v - e ,Qdi(\!, W'~lhou '~'Q 'F,n ,any ~rol~cnlged olll'gum "b as 'tel f·C',J trgl ~js., ".idl! we ' ou~d ~;I·lle ·0 e ' 'end ',h,o lauf'! II W,r- elfin '.'0 Do.l';;'S (I~' . ed ,of Hi II'oilJch, IUP photc[' ' or her '_ J~vo,Uon I'g ,Ballo r-.d 'hnp I. ',- in~~' m 0: - i hi of hh n ~ .,",1' 1'1' II .. cte rs.

'I 1m p(u,ill1·, till" ',hI f ',ibuL ~h'DUld' he ,ex'r ·n,d· ,ell '·0 au Q'm,e r:s:

POle~ lewh;!,iI; '~u'" ,and, Han v f'" We. "'er 'pQrr'I~C11J~olr:'l'. 'orllJln'CiI c ~n

• _I ~. I~"J IL " .-'11 . t, .. • ti~

: "II'~'nGI Orol u tr>llllis'I"Clf'!'aiul'g ,~-, S, wnC pe :,(lir'111ri~0I : 'ne' ~O,gl!

,den,'tbCUJ' '~:i V. , w Lh,o'lll hHlil m",'· IhCJrd~lhip Oll1' lUI" Wlh i'cl , iblll"'~'ng~, 'us

h~ ~I h ~ IC'Qmp :!ij'1'! \1', - , . O,m s, I Q't 'W . f,C- h, _ [lid 'h) ~ 'iN' h a ,. 'oul,d Ib 0' flew n ~ H.e. ~ mi~hCJrv I fm h - v,in·, llin) c'[mrnifl'cHo 1. ~.rh ,:ho '(Ui'r~ '1'lhiA k~n~d 'e\iOr~o.ii'g~l .. '~W~ltl' :Yll.Ph 9iJ'~' in ,th, . b,u1tf dtJ~lr [ Irc,1 ,rid; IQ,IIQnd~ liHoinUln ~Io'o : tl I ,/~ p Ihcutlll; ,cl1l~d ""~lr1i Y'OIIlJI'$tjl' ba,·~ y./~ 117('·'ClrJley' hadlhe to'w,· ~' mit!"ik, ~n J~1Ji 1l')C' fI1Ii1IS '~I,"d ,1.11 J'IDugh, 'I[ y w· ~et ell (;'~e,d ,For II' ~ illi' i'mpolf' '[;U' , posHian, 1· 11'0 nae!' CI" ~c:nl d 0"1' 'I'h'e, ~'I'U~ Fie.: oiinod I[,he' C'Offlnll,on '(!UllfChl, (Gol 10 Inh:, , -~ fOf" D ~o ,e?') lhe,n '1''h'Ii~

M,(:,llrdy'r W ~H'I "h'Q\Jgh'~; .h, Co.u,~dl p'llav p'Dol bu dis.cO'y ~ f'ed' ,- Q

B L Bb~hDP Society

C iltl ~~, ,; ~I' Iii.. 0 I iQ'

1. K. IIii' (l'II'ICJn !H~~pV

M~~w_ ukee, Wl

R. Sa 1i1eS Oownwind CUI51 - j W(.ulh.

J. IE I~O~~f!i1 J, " rFQI

s~ N~, 'BCilyd Slliru

GrDnd RQPi,d~'j .~i~h.

C."N1 sn 51 Canadg


T J. 811 U

P CI II a f1 T tll!"I' Lt5~gn~ O~; ,

J. A. Cloth LDng'~j~h~ A~~ml[!dD~ C Iii.

s, l t hc:mln,e" Sp@neo

S~nto Monrca C'c!~1 ',

L IF.. [(~,r'a n at" ~:~ ~e i' I J r, Cf1c1n',),

,SQI'!ir!ir1m! IQ fl!'g ~1!'i

J" 'W'~ Dalzell

[til .. c~ H e n C'V~ r',~ J II". H CI nlgo VeT r-c~,m'Cida, Ohic



C. C. Harrhi S,~iiJln

A~lhOlMbro, C''--'~:;f~

. _'

w ~ D. Hi,enrd tJifiu Dohl

o I' ~ 11':IJW,!t!J", [~Q!.w~,

W. N Hood CDS,:~OI' W'oh1rj!~,Do.:'I IQw.Q

J.·R Ho'o ve Ii" eur:~)'

C r :5oS,O'i!i!I.. -- eJ •

W. ~i HOl!'rn~he .' Wimic La. '. ns I 5~ e'Dlilf.

'V'. f HQlwl(:Ilf.d IGoltli'91 Si hl'lf" IMa'ywcod ~ II.

5~ f. IHlow '

oily W'oc d Cr~,d I~ ee ChttrleshJI'Lf'I W Y'~.

_.. - - . .

c H. 111' i;J e~::rt<d H~1Jb.sch

las. A,n9,clllr.:~" lc;aHt



", .~

R. F. HU~:~I' The' Kid p"D(t~~nd [Ore~

1(.. N. Hyle'lII :~ ut 'Tgth~ll"scl

S 1lI so 111 V ill I!j 'C~d i'F,j

c, f. ! r-~ltmQ ·fu,U-lh,oul(· ·chutik Ball' tfr~C ' , Md.

A. M. Iranl'fi~,MI

I~ FlGn'h. cd SOlUt·h.gene~ CaU' .



J" I' .' ii'!iI. n~~y'

• • " I~ c.


Spa 1"1, Ne - ,dli';J

'1. lI: i ~eo rrUi I'C1IIU·e~r"

Fiol "1' [h'l 'ge~ ~'Qw,'

!~ "'II'h, Jlr.

J _ lIli'Df H,orri~cn, Ot.iQ

I. E'. Lee'" Jr" ,A, in,frE I'y ~ i ~.{i~

E~'~n sto n, .1 L

I. W .. ~l~!g(1n B\ling

IBc,wlh~'~ Grecn~ K,~

R. J. 1~'DY\C ~tOy :If

~o·~! Arne'el~5',; C,tmli·f.

G,~ f., LUi: ~'11i 'I ,~,~d

:~'(Hl@, Nev.

J. IC. a;Jry


W'r:J1 iJi~ _ grD If'joll' ~ II ..

It ,M 'Nt-llbi N-iI:

GrCI~d R'cpids,j' Mich.

" 'G. N' WrH)1 COQ'!

'Lo'~ Angeie~, C.QIH·"

w c. · 'D~", rg Jr. Crec~

Spa ~i!:D 1!1 e~ W D'sh.

'. D O·son PO~.- i~ Du,lur\1, Minn ..

III Ol~' , ~'Q' 14 ngl(il,1 I'f Cal~:~f ~

G. 'W', Sreccrd Gorge~u~ KCJ~Ollf W'r5h j,

:w,- A-" Sb, d

_' ,'-" :_'n;l

Ism 'ihlll"li

t, F ShC'lrmg-n S'~'u~m,

S,g'lI1 CJ A If1 CI", Cia lit

IA". W~ S,~'e-gl~' ~ 51 ;'e g!1iiI'~ ,A,b~1Il! n

Sa., ff'lOIOCi'$lfQI,I! Call ~ •

M. l, Sm~I~' S'" _. "I Imb~del1~ Ar !

W. W. Sml,ck W~a'~I'r IL'DncQ;s'I'- r, 'O'h io

C. t wunalm iCgl~

E:5ic~n d i, a ~ c: g liif'

"' E~ ".1 JlnC:

'Wtllfl 1

'Blev,' r I ~ IMI'UI s C el i f..

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