Literature Review

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2.1 Human Resource Management

Managing people is one of the most critical aspects of organizational management

in the 21st Century. No matter whether an organization is a non-profit, start-up enterprise,
or mature business employees are crucial to achieving objectives, delivering results and
being successful. The activity once known as personnel and now more commonly
described as human resource management (HRM) is a fundamental aspect of successful

The most important HRM practices are :

1) HR planning (i.e. to forecast and foresee the future business and employee
needs and plan for them)

2) Recruitment and selection job descriptions, selection tools, background checks,


3) Compensation (i.e. methods, consistency, market)

4) Employee relations(i.e. labor agreements, performance management,

disciplinary procedures, employee recognition)

5) Mandated benefits (i.e. social security, unemployment insurance, worker's

compensation, COBRA/HIPPA)

6) Optional group benefits (i.e. insurance, time off benefits, flexible benefits,
retirement plans, employee assistance programs, perks)

7) Payroll (i.e. internal vs. external options, compliance)

8) Recordkeeping (i.e. HRIS, personnel files, confidential records, I-9, other forms)
9) Training and development (i.e. new employee orientation, staff development,
technical and safety, leadership, tuition reimbursement, career planning)
10) Employee communications (i.e. handbook, newsletter, recognition programs,
announcements, electronic communication)

11) Internal communications (i.e. policies and procedures, management

development, management reporting)

2.2 Recruitment and Selection

The Recruitment and Selection process promotes successful hiring decisions that
can truly impact the success of a department or faculty.

The selection of a candidate with the right combination of education, work experience, ,
and creativity will not only increase the quality and stability of the workforce, it will also
play a large role in bringing management strategies and planning to fruition. Important
steps of the process are:

Initiating The Recruitment Process

 In initiating the recruitment process following matters should be

Clarification of the scope and skill sets required to successfully perform
the duties of the position

 Review of the Job Fact Sheet or Position Description to ensure that the
skills and abilities required coincide with the current expectations of the
position. If they do not, then a position evaluation should be

 Review of the compensation available to the position (i.e. salary and

benefit plans, etc.)

 Analysis of the impact that the hiring will have on the budget.

Screening Applicants

Managing The Applications

The following steps should be completed when screening the applications,

both for organizational:
 Record the names of all applicants who submitted applications/resumes
 Specify the short-list criteria
 Record All Short-Listed Applicants Selecting the Interview Panel
 Research shows that the panel or team interviewing approach produces
more reliable results than does any other type of interviewing process.

A panel of 2-4 interviewers is usually recommended, composed of a variety

of direct and indirect members. Consideration might be given to including a group
made up of some of the following:
 Direct supervisor of the position
 Departmental Personnel Administrator
 Vacating incumbent
 Subject matter expert from another department
 Senior co-worker that interacts closely with the position

Interview Scheduling And The Interview Environment

 Schedule the interviews within as short a time frame as possible. Allow

approximately 10-15 minutes between interviews to record your
 Arrange for interview space where there will be no interruptions.
 Configure the furniture in the interview room in a way that will enhance
dialogue and interaction, such as at a round table.

Making The Selection Decision

Candidate Evaluation

Each member of the selection committee should carefully review each

candidate’s resume, any notes made during the interviews, and the completed
Candidate Rating forms, to determine which of the candidates should proceed to the
next step of the Selection process, where reference interviews are conducted.

Discussion should be held about each candidates’ qualifications in regard to:

 Education
 Experience
 Knowledge and Technical skills
 Problem-solving abilities
 Oral and written communication skills
 Personal Effectiveness
 Evidence of Team working abilities

These factors should be considered against not only the position

requirements, but its environment as well.

Once the panel has completed its discussion a member should be chosen to
conduct the reference interviews on the candidates most likely to be offered the

Reference Checking

A reference check is an essential tool in the employment selection process —

be it a new appointment, or a transfer or promotion within the organization. It provides
the opportunity to verify and gain information in addition to that received directly from
the applicant.

2.3 Training and Development

Training involves an expert working with learners to transfer to them certain areas
of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs. Development is a broad, ongoing
multi-faceted set of activities (training activities among them) to bring someone or an
organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or new
role in the future.

Training And Development Goals

The types of training and development goals identified will depend on the
personal and organizational objectives identified through the strategic planning
process and the agreed appraisal procedure. In any event the goals shall, as a
minimum standard, take account of the following:
 The Mission
 The Values
 The strategic objectives of the company
 Equal Opportunities Policy
 Requirements for core competencies
 Continuing personal and professional development
 Requirements for professional and vocational qualifications in further
 Requirements for professional, vocational and workplace updating
 Requirements for organizational change
 The operational objectives of the schools / faculties / departments / units
 Operational performance requirements
 Personal performance requirements
 Team performance requirements
 Self assessment and action planning

Types Of Training And Development Support

The following facilities should be provided to the staff:

 All employees shall have access to the staff development program. They
shall also have the full opportunity to attend courses and conferences to
develop their professional expertise relevant to the fulfillment of the
requirements of their job. The induction procedures shall be fully
integrated into the training and development program for new
 The agreed Appraisal Scheme shall be applied equally to all employees.
 All employees shall be given opportunities to attend meetings to the
fulfillment for the requirements of their job, e.g. team meeting and course
development meetings.
 Managers shall endeavor to arrange such meetings at times, which are
mutually convenient to all employees..
 There should be clear procedures whereby employees may apply for
training and development opportunities, and are given clear reasons for
the acceptance or rejection of their applications

Workplace Learning

For the work place training following points should be kept in consideration:
 All employees shall be encouraged to learn regularly and rigorously from
their workplace activities and share their learning experiences and
outcomes with their peers.
 Mentoring of new, existing employees and job changers is recognized
as a valuable means of achieving shared workplace experience and
promoting excellence in the workplace.


 The implementation of these guidelines should seek to encourage an

organizational culture in which learning thrives.
 Both sides recognize that high quality and appropriate training
opportunities support the achievement of the colleges’ strategic
objectives and empower employees to achieve high standards.

Typical Reasons For Employee Training And Development

Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an

employee or group of employees, e.g.
 When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is
 To "benchmark" the status of improvement so far in a performance
improvement effort
 As part of an overall professional development program
 As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a
planned change in role in the organization
 To "pilot", or test, the operation of a new performance management
 To train about a specific topic

Typical Topics Of Employee Training

1. Communications

The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a wide variety of

languages and customs.

2. Computer Skills

Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and office

3. Customer Service

Increased competition in today's global marketplace makes it critical that

employees understand and meet the needs of customers.

4. Diversity

Diversity training usually includes explanation about how people have

different perspectives and views, and includes techniques to value diversity

5. Ethics

Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate social

responsibility. Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and
morals to the workplace.

6. Human Relations

The increased stresses of today's workplace can include misunderstandings

and conflict. Training can people to get along in the workplace.

7. Quality Initiatives

Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality Circles, benchmarking,

etc., require basic training about quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality,

8. Safety

Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment , hazardous

chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with practical advice for
avoiding assaults, etc.
9. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment training usually includes careful description of the

organization's policies about sexual harassment, especially about what are
inappropriate behaviors.

General Benefits From Employee Training And Development

These reasons include:

1. Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees

2. Increased employee motivation

3. Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain

4. Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods

5. Increased innovation in strategies and products

6. Reduced employee turnover

7. Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good

reason for ethics training!)

8. Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity


2.4 Local Literature on Training and Development

In terms of local literature, I have found certain articles regarding the training and
employee skill development techniques from the Internet and from different sources

For instance an article was available regarding the health and safety and
environment training that was provided to employees. It claimed that Health Safety and
Environment (HSE) Department conducted a Fire fighting and emergency response
training session at MCB Tower's Auditorium on 13 October 2005, which was attended by
floor coordinators and staff of security department. Training was imparted to 37
employees. Anas Hammad Sr. Executive HSE & QA delivered the presentation and
describes the concept of fire and fire triangle, types of fire and use of fire fighting
equipments. He also briefed on the regarding importance of emergency response system
and types of emergencies.

Another article, concerning local literature, also published in October 2005, spoke
of Lotus Smart Suite training that was being undertaken by PSO in an attempt to develop
the skills of their employees regarding computers and software programs that have
become an essential skill that any employee should posses. It spoke of the training that
was given to 300 employees and also said that plans were being taken to expand the
training for employees working at up country locations

In addition, an article regarding WOW training for employees, so that the petrol
station attendants could learn more in terms of customer courtesies. It talked about T&OD
staff continuing their input at Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi/Islamabad. In October the
training teams concentrated on other divisions in N.W.F.P, Central and Southern Punjab
as well as Interior Sindh. The names of trainers were also provided in this article. Trainers
included Aftab Mirani,Ghulam Haider Marri, Kamal Magsi , Javed Bashir, Sikander Rind,
Nazir Sheikh, Zahid Memon, Aijaz Qazi, Mohammad Tahir and Fazal-e-Mansoor.

By looking at the summary of these articles, an idea can be gained on the different
and diverse types of training that are being undertaken by PSO

Amongst the other local literature sources that I have used are the material
provided to me by the management of PSO and any additional information I could gather
by the newspaper and magazines that provided any sort of information regarding the topic
I am researching on.

2.5 Foreign Literature on Training and Development

The greatest source to me of foreign literature was the Internet. I was able to gather
immense information regarding technical training and employee skill development not
only at PSO but what actually occurs in general around the world. This helped increase
my comprehension of the topic much more vastly.
An article on the Internet published on May 1st 2005, spoke of why creating formal
employee skill development and technical training strategies is essential for continual
success of one’s business. It spoke of the investment in training that should be made not
only in monetary terms but rather talking in non-monetary terms. Business owners
frequently send their people to training courses that seem right and sound good without
knowing what to expect in return. But without measurable results, it's almost impossible
to view training as anything more than an expense

Through this article I was able to compare the mistakes that management make
when they don’t properly attempt to understand the purpose of training and whether PSO
is actually making the same mistakes or not.

Similarly, in another article, it said:

“"We are entering a world where the old rules no longer apply." The opening quote
in the bestseller Rising Sun by Michael Crichton ( 1992) sums up how rapidly the future
is changing and becoming unpredictable. In response to calls for changes in the way
training has traditionally been done, many have responded by calling for redefining the
mission of training, renaming training (i.e., witness the recent movement to referring to
training and development professionals as "performance consultants"-- Robinson &
Robinson 1995), and even firing or getting rid of in-house training altogether because it
is not cost effective (see Furnham 1997 for a more detailed discussion of this last point).
In short, the pressure is on for trainers and training functions to reinvent, reengineer,
revitalize, remake, and improve what they do (Shandler 1996).”

Therefore, by looking at this piece of information present in this foreign article, I

was able to comprehend more and improve the quality of my study. Such articles not only
helped me in my study and research but also generally, proliferated my knowledge of
technical training and employee skill development today.

Other sources of foreign literature, were books, such as “ Human Resource

Management” by Gary Dessler, “Human Resource Mangement” by David A. Decenzo &
Stephen P. Robbins, “An Integrated Approach to Business Studies” by Bruce R. Jewell,
and “Business Studies” by Dave Hall

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