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To configure Hebrew Reports please follow the steps below:

1) You must edit the uifont.ali file to map the Hebrew fonts.

In general there should be 3 uifont.ali files on your report server. They are located:

If you do not have these 3. You MUST copy the uifont.ali to each of these 3 locations.
PLEASE NOTE: If you replace the Report 11g R2 uifont.ali file with one copied from Reports 10g you
will get a server crash running Hebrew reports with error - REP-56048: Engine rwEng-0 crashed

Use the original 11.1.2 uifont.ali file and just add your own font mappings under the section
[ PDF:Subset ] For example it could look like this:

[ PDF:Subset ]
Arial..Italic.Bold.. = "arialbi.ttf"
Arial..Italic... = "ariali.ttf"
Arial..... = "mriamc.ttf"

PLEASE NOTE: Font names are CASE SENSATIVE so Please copy the name from the font properties

Step 2) Ensure the Hebrew fonts you are mapping to exist in c:\Windows\Fonts

How can you find the official name of the fonts you need to map :

1. Go to Fonts directory c:\windows\fonts

2. Right click the mouse on the font
3. Click on the properties menu item as seen below

As you can see here the font name will be ARIALUNI.TTF in all caps including the file extension.
But here the font name will be mriamc.ttf in small letters including the file extension.

Step 3) You must edit the registry (regedit) of the Report server machine

Please ensure the following environment variables are fond in your registry.


"REPORTS_PATH"=c:\\windows\\fonts;<Path to your reports>;
Remove the NLS_DISPLAY variable from here !!

PLEASE NOTE: You must restart the Report server for changes to take effect.
Step 4 ) To run reports from Forms you will need to edit the <default>.env file

You will need to edit the environment file associated with your Oracle Forms system configuration.
If you have not edited the default it will be a file called defualt.env. The file is found in folder:


Edit the file in notepad ++ and ensure that the values in yellow are correct


NLS_DISPLAY=<your NLS_DISPLAY if exists>
REPORTS_PATH=c:\windows\fonts;<Path to your RDF’s>

Step 5 ) You can run reports in Hebrew!

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