Remarkable Andrew Snozcumber: A Short Story by Scrooge Mcduck

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Remarkable Andrew

A Short Story
 Scrooge McDuck
Andrew Snozcumber looked at the
silver hat in his hands and felt relaxed.

He walked over to the window and

reflected on his cold surroundings. He
had alway
s loved idy
llic Newton Abbot
with its wet, wooden waters. It was a
place that encouraged his tendency
feel relaxed.

Then he saw something in the

distance, or rather someone. It was
the figure of Chloe Malkovich. Chloe
was a thoughtful writer with hairy

arms and short toenails.

Andrew gulped. He glanced at his own

reflection. He was a remarkable,
admirable, cocoa drinker with brown
arms and dirty
 toenails. His friends
saw him as a jolly
, joy
ous juggler.
Once, he had even saved a disturbed
kitten that was stuck in a drain.

But not even a remarkable person who

had once saved a disturbed kitten that
was stuck in a drain, was prepared for
what Chloe had in store today

The moon shone like talking lizards,

making Andrew lonely

As Andrew stepped outside and Chloe

came closer, he could see the
whispering glint in her ey

"Look Andrew," growled Chloe, with a

violent glare that reminded Andrew of
thoughtful rats. "It's not that I don't
love y
ou, but I want a kiss. You owe me
3948 pounds."

Andrew looked back, even more lonely

and still fingering the silver hat.
"Chloe, get out of my
 house," he

 looked at each other with cross

feelings, like two hollow, horrible
humming birds laughing at a very

intuitive snow storm, which had piano
music play
ing in the background and
two admirable uncles boating to the

, Chloe lunged forward and

tried to punch Andrew in the face.
, Andrew grabbed the silver hat
and brought it down on Chloe's skull.

Chloe's hairy
 arms trembled and her

short toenails wobbled. She looked
anxious, her wallet raw like a broad,
brave blade.

Then she let out an agonising groan

and collapsed onto the ground.
Moments later Chloe Malkovich was

Andrew Snozcumber went back inside

and made himself a nice mug of cocoa.

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