Management Plan For Solid Waste in Construction Sites

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-12, Dec- 2018] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Management Plan for Solid Waste in

Construction Sites
Cleydiane de Jesus Pereira Aguiar1, Ráysson Ferreira Teles2, Ângelo Ricardo
Balduino 3, Viviane Pereira Nascimento 4
1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tocantinense Institute President Antonio Carlos, Porto Nacional, BRA
2 CEUB Research and Development Institute, University Center of Brasília, Brasília, BRA

3 Researching Teacher, Master in Environmental Sciences –Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, BRA

4 University Center Unieuro, Brasília, BRA


Abstract— The fast urbanization and densification cheaper and practical ways to mitigate the waste of
processes in the cities have been causing serious materials, diminishing the volume of the generated
environmental problems, like the disposal and wastes.
management of solid waste generated during the The author Marques Neto (2005) states that it is
construction, demolition and renovation of buildings. The estimated in Brazil that, for each ton of urban waste
present work develops a study on the Management of collected, two tons of rubble are collected from the civil
Solid Waste in Construction Site. This study investigates construction area. According to the citation, it is possible
the method and procedures of waste planning at to minimize the volume of waste generated by each
construction sites and the disposal of these same residues, construction company, so that they can reuse it in the
with the objective to create conditions for the proper construction sites when is possible, as well as reducing
economy, standardization and increased safety in the the waste of materials. Construction and demolition waste
construction sites and facilitation of waste disposal. A constitute a large proportion of s olid waste. In Brazil,
theoretical framework was created regarding the 59% of landfills are composed of materials from the
provisions of construction waste at construction sites. construction industry (CARNEIRO, 2005, apud VIANA,
Based on the results, management actions are being 2009 p.16).
proposed for greater sustainability, with benefits like the Taking as a reference basis the technology applied in
better use of the construction site with improvements in the civil construction in Brazil, it is clear the lack of
its operation and cleaning, as a direct consequence of efficiency in the execution of the construction works.
good solid wastes management. When comparing the volume of waste generated in new
Keywords — Solid Waste, Civil Construction, building constructions in Brazil to developed countries, it
Construction Site, Disposal. is evident that Brazil generates three times the number of
wastes in comparison to the quantities generated in
I. INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT developed countries, 300 kg/m² built (MONTEIRO,
In this article, we approach the study, classification 2001).
and appropriate treatment of solid waste in the Civil Finally, our purpose is to present in this study
Construction Industry through a Management Plan. This management actions with the intention to reach the
issue is not much discussed and is vital for the economy, sustainability and correct destination of the
preservation of the environment, where it is primarily (RSCD) Demolition and Construction Solid Wastes,
intended to prevent solid wastes generated in construction significantly contributing with the environment.
sites through initial construction, demolition, renovation One of the reasons for the decreasing in natural
and expansion, to be deposited in the nature, avoiding resources is the waste and misuse of raw materials. The
degradation. exploration and inappropriate disposal are matters of
The focus is to bring awareness to the readers for the concern and the reason to bring awareness for good daily
importance of each type of waste, taking in consideration practices in civil construction.
its classification and final treatment, as well as pointing Page | 274

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-12, Dec- 2018] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
The construction waste has the property of its final adoption, if possible, of measures capable of minimizing
volume being very large, so if the generation of waste is the generation of waste and its reuse or recycling, or,
accelerated, it causes the fast filling of reserved spaces in when inviable, that they are allocated in a segregated
sanitary landfills. Thus, in order to minimize the potential manner for posterior use.
for generating economic, social and environmental On chapter VI, Art. 225, regarding the environment,
impacts, we will use simple management and reuse tools the Constitution stablishes that: “Everyone has the right to
at the construction site. an eco-balanced environment, which is a right of common
use of the people and essential to a healthy life quality,
II. DEVELOPMENT imposing to the government and the collectivity the duty
The solid wastes of construction and demolition to defend it and preserve it for the present and future
(RSCD) are those generated in construction sites, coming generations.” (CONAMA, 2002).
from constructions, reforms and demolitions, like bricks, The following chart (01) shows the responsible parties
ceramic blocs and concrete in general, etc. The RSCDs (agents) and the main responsibilities in the management
are the leftovers of the construction process of RSCD.
(BLUMENSCHEIN, 2007). Chart 1 - Main responsibilities in the management of the
According to Zordan (1997), all the activities RSCD.
performed in the civil construction area have huge Agent Responsibilities
potential to generate waste. As for the production, the Introduction of means for direct and
main responsible for the RCD are the volumes of material economic regulation to regulate the
lost. In the constructions, the demolition process does not management of the collection process.
relate the applied processes or quality of the area, but Stablishing of monitoring standards and
instead the permanent and invariable existence of each use of debris for grounding;
product of the process. Consolidation of recycling activities
Among the negative impacts to the environment, we Stablishing of goals for the reduction of
have the (RSCD), Demolition and Civil Construction the use of sparse natural resources
Solid Wastes, originated through construction processes Incentives for the use of waste from
and also known as Civil Construction Wastes (RCC), construction and demolition
being a strong polluting source inserted in the Prohibition of sand and gravel
construction sites if not properly treated. In Brazil, the extraction;
amount of losses in corporative construction materials Consolidation of the production of
(residential construction in buildings) has a variable recycled aggregates
between 20% and 30%, an index considered higher then Stablishing of legal areas for solid waste
the ones found in Developed countries (SCHNEIDER, disposal.
2003 apud PINTO, 2003) Reduction of losses and waste
“According to Law 12.305/10, the management of generation through the adoption of
solid waste can be defined as a conjunct of direct constructive and rational methods.
and indirect actions during the steps of collect, Management of solid waste during the
transportation, transshipment, treatment and the construction process;
environmental-friendly final destination of solid Generators Awareness of the necessity to use
waste and rejects, according to the municipal plan recycled materials, to consolidate
of integrated management of solid waste or with recycling activities and to reassure the
the management plan of solid waste, demanded in quality of the segregated waste.
the Law.” (BRASIL, 2010). Investments in Research and
Due to the large volume of Solid Waste generated in Development.
the civil construction business, it was approved the Stablishing of specification criteria for
Resolution nº 307, from 07/05/2002, by the National the use of recycled materials and the
Environmental Council – CONAMA, which defined the Entrepreneur adoption of sustainability principles;
responsibilities and duties and make mandatory in all the Clients, Demanding the adoption of a waste
municipalities of the country and in the Federal District architects, management system in construction
the implementation by the local government of Integrated engineers sites;
Plans of Civil Construction Waste Management, to and Definition of rationalization and
eliminate the environmental impact resulting from the consultants standardization criteria in the definition
activities related to the generation, transportation and of construction methods to produce
destination of these materials. It also determines the flexible buildings of simple demolition Page | 275

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-12, Dec- 2018] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
capacities. p.25), among the several factors that contribute to the
Demanding the exercise of the generation of the rubble, it is worth mentioning:
transporting activity in a conscious and • insufficient definition and detailing, in architectural
responsible manner, taking the waste to projects, structure, forms, facilities, among others;
the areas designated by the city; • lower quality of construction materials and components
Warning the drivers about the impacts available on the market;
caused by the illegally disposed waste; • unskilled labor;
Contribution to the program of control • lack of operational procedures and enforcement and
and monitoring of the volume and inspection control mechanisms.
characteristics of the produced waste. Chart 2 shows the sources and causes of the
Wastes Reassuring the quality of the recycling occurrence of construction waste.
Processors aggregates Chart 2 - Sources and Causes of Occurrence of
Universities Implementation of labs, development of Construction Waste.
and applied research, parliamentary SOURCE CAUSE
Research consultancy, courses, consultation, Errors in the contracts;
Institutes integration of agents, among others. Project Incomplete contracts;
Project Modifications.
Source: Adapted from Blumenschein, R., 2004. Extracted
Wrong orders, absence or
from: Technical Manual - Management of Solid Waste in
Construction Sites (Blumenschein, 2007, p.8). Intervention excess of orders;
Supply errors.
2.1. RSCD Generation
A civil construction site involves many different Material Damage during transport;
organizations, such as entrepreneurs, builders, planners, Handling Inappropriate stock.
financiers, engineers, architects, labor, suppliers, among Errors of the workers;
others. The lack of planning, coordination, monitoring, Equipment malfunction;
inefficient or incomplete information of technical Inappropriate
documents and lack of communication between these environment;
areas results in delays, high costs and wastes that increase Damage caused by
losses and generation of waste (BLUMENSCHEIN, 2007, previous and subsequent
p. 9). work;
In figure (1) below we see characteristics of a linear, Uses of incorrect
traditional, schematic production process. The phases materials in substitution;
work in a disintegrated fashion from each other, which Cutting remains;
does not allow the exchange of information to make Waste from the
compatible the technical information and the necessary application process.
corrections before beginning the construction, avoiding Vandalism and theft;
errors and reworking. Others Lack of material control
and waste management.
Source: Pontes (2008, p.25). Excerpted from VIANA,
(2009, P.26)
2.2. Management of RSCD In Construction Sites
For Kartam et al (2004) apud Tavaves (2007), the
term management can be defined as the prudent use of
means to achieve an end. Therefore, this term
"management" has not been used correctly when applied
in civil construction activities relating to solid was te
generating activities, whose actions are reckless as a rule,
and in most of the activities the ends are not achieved to
the fullest.
Fig.1: Traditional Construction Process The work of RCD management must begin well before
Source: Blumenschein, R., 2004. Extracted from: the execution of the work, appearing already in the first
Technical Manual - Management of Solid Waste in planning stages, since the definition of the constructive
Construction Sites (Blumenschein, 2007, p.9). technology to be used is crucial so that there is no waste
According to the Federal University of Bahia at the construction site (SANTOS, 2012)
Publisher (EDUFBA, 2001, p.66, apud VIANA, 2009, Page | 276

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-12, Dec- 2018] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
The resolution of CONAMA No. 307/02 calls waste may have properties such as: biodegradability,
attention to an aspect of high importance, which is the combustibility or solubility in water.
solution found for the abolition of the well-known • Class II B waste - Inert:
"disposals" practices of the rubble of the civil Any wastes that, when sampled in a representative
construction. If there is no viability in establishing waste manner, according to ABNT NBR 10007, and subjected
recycling from urban construction, the continuation of to a dynamic and static contact with distilled or deionized
this highly polluting practice should be abolished water, at ambient temperature, according to ABNT NBR
(COSTA, 2005). 10006, do not have any of their constituents solubilized at
We cannot have in short-term high rates of RCD higher concentrations to water potability standards,
return to the productive cycle, but we can adopt practices except for appearance, color, turbidity, hardness and taste.
that respect these materials as nonrenewable natural The classification of wastes as to their origin,
resources (PINTO, 2004). chemical composition, presence of moisture and toxicity
In general, solid waste is one of the main determinants is presented by (LINS et al 2008, apud VIANA, 2009,
of environmental degradation, due to the volume of its p.21) as follows:
treatment and its inadequate disposal. The main problems Regarding the origin:
of its management must be solved by the government and • Residential – waste originated from the daily life of the
municipal authorities (COSTA, 2003). residences.
It is important to emphas ize that no society can • Commercial - waste coming from several commercial
achieve sustainable development without the civil establishments and services
construction that supports it, undergoing through • Public - originated from the services of urban public
profound changes (FILHO, 2005 apud POLILLO, 2001). cleaning (cleaning of public roads, beaches, galleries,
streams and lands, remnants of pruning of trees, etc.), and
2.3. Composition of Solid Waste cleaning of fairground areas.
According to Silva and Fernandes (2012), the civil • Of health services – they constitute the septic waste.
construction industry is one of the largest generators of • From ports, airports, road and rail terminals – they
solid waste today, and the waste originated during constitute the septic wastes, which contain or may
construction or demolition processes is of extreme potentially contain pathogenic germs, brought to ports,
importance in the total amount produced in urban centers. airports, road and rail terminals.
According to Law No. 12.305/10, which establishes • Industrial - those originated in the activities of the
the National Solid Waste Policy, the objective is the several branches of the metallurgical industry, chemical,
prevention and reduction of solid waste generation, petrochemical, paper, food, among others.
aiming at sustainable consumption, increased recycling • Agricultural - solid waste from agricultural activities
and reuse of solid waste generated and its correct and livestock.
destination (BRAZIL, 2010). • Rubble - construction waste, such as demolitions and
Classification of Solid Wastes debris from works, excavation grounds, among others.
ABNT NBR 10004/2004 classifies for standardization Regarding their Chemical Composition:
effects the waste in: • Organic - paper, newspapers, magazines, plastics,
a) Class I waste - Hazardous; packaging, rubber, tires, gloves, medicines, food scraps,
b) Class II waste - Non-hazardous; crop residues, among others.
– class II A waste - Not inert. • Inorganic - metals, glass, ceramics, sand and stones.
– class II B waste - Inert. Regarding the Presence of Humidity::
• Class I waste - Hazardous: • Dry - apparently without humidity.
Waste that present dangerousness and risk to public • Wet - visibly wet.
health, causing mortality, incidence of diseases or Regarding their Toxicity
accentuation of their rates and risks to the environment • Class I - hazardous, which may be flammable, corrosive,
when the waste is improperly managed. It may also reactive, toxic and pathogenic.
present: flammability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity or • Class II - non-hazardous, subdivided into:
pathogenicity. • Class II A- not inert. They pose no risk to public health
• Class II Residues - Non-Hazardous: or the environment and may be biodegradable, such as
Waste that do not fit into Class I. untreated and paintless wood, plaster, paper and others.
• Class II A waste - Not inert.: • Class II B- inert. For instance, hardened concrete and
Waste that do not fit into the classifications of class I- mortars, masonry, ceramic and concrete components, tile,
Hazardous or class II B - Inert. Class II A - Non-inert aluminum, glass, copper and plastic, among others. Page | 277

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-5, Issue-12, Dec- 2018] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
According to the norm NBR 10004 (ABNT, 2004), In most Brazilian cities, the RCDs adopted as a
the classification of class II b-inert, of civil construction, management model are of the corrective type. This type
are defined as follows: of model has been shown to be unsuccessful, marked by
“Any wastes that, when sampled in a not including preventive, costly and periodic activities,
representative manner, subjected to a static or where there are no expected positive effects. This makes
dynamic contact with distilled or deionized it a practice without sustainability to the RCD.
water at room temperature, according to the (EDUFBA, 2001 apud TAVARES, 2007).
solubilization test, do not have any of their For the employees who work in the field, the
constituents solubilized in concentrations treatment, collection and improper disposition of solid
higher than water potability standards, except wastes have high social and economic impacts. Therefore,
for the patterns of appearance, color, turbidity, the negative impacts generated are of wide knowledge,
and taste. As an example of these materials, we and the issue of wastes has been neglected for many
have rocks, bricks, glasses and certain plastics times, reflecting these damages on future generations and
and rubbers which are not readily decomposed. potentiating the destructive occurrences (MENEZES and
" NBR 10004 (ABNT, 2004).] MENEZES, 1999).
Conama Resolution No. 307 defines classes according A considerable number of professionals working in
to their recyclable potential: construction do not recognize the amount of RCD they
• Class A - reusable or recyclable wastes as generate, and by understanding the environmental
aggregates, such as: pollution they are producing, they are usually not being
a) construction, demolition, alteration and guided by the conditions necessary to perform the correct
repair of paving and other infrastructure works, dumping of the volumes generated, like making use of the
including land from earthworks; reusable selection and being referred to external recycling
b) construction, demolition, renovation and process. These practices have a high contribution to the
repair of buildings: ceramic components environment, where the reduction of environmental
(bricks, blocks, tiles, flooring boards etc.), impacts caused by the sector is directly linked
mortar and concrete; (MARINHO and SILVA, 2012).
c) process of manufacture and/or demolition Also, according to CONAMA's resolution, Article
of precast concrete parts (blocks, tubes, 10, construction waste should be disposed as described in
bundles, etc.) produced at construction sites; Chart 3.
• Class B - recyclable wastes for other Chart 3 - Destination of the RCD according to the
destinations, such as: plastics, paper/ CONAMA resolution nº 307/2002.
cardboard, metals, glass, wood and others; Class Destination
• Class C - wastes for which no economically They must be reused or recycled in
viable technologies or applications have been the form of aggregates, or sent to
developed to enable their recycling/recovery, landfill sites of construction
such as products made of plaster; Class A wastes, being arranged to allow
• Class D - hazardous wastes from the their use or future recycling.
construction process, such as paints, solvents, They must be reused, recycled or
oils and others, or those contaminated from transported to temporary storage
demolition, remodeling and repair of Class B areas and disposed of in a way that
radiological clinics, industrial installations and allows them to be used or recycled
others (BRASIL, 2002). in the future.
They must be stored, transported
2.4. Environmental Impacts and Final Destination of Class C and destined in accordance with
RCD the specific technical standards.
One of the main sources of RCD generation considers
the high loss rate of the construction process in the They must be stored, transported,
reused and destined in accordance
industry. Most of the researchers say that the causes of
Class D with the specific technical
RCD generation are related to the losses. However, not
every loss within the construction sites necessarily
represents the generation of waste effectively. as the Source: CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002.
rubble responds to 50% of all wasted material (PINTO,
1989). It is well known that the irregular dumping of the
RCD culminates in larger issues faced by the Page | 278

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