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<h1 class="entry-headline title single-title entry-title"><span class="entry-
headline-text">IObit Smart Defrag 6.1.5 Key + Crack Free Working 100%</span></h1>
<p class="post-meta">
<span class="post-info-author vcard author">Author: <span class="fn"><a
title="Posts by procrackfree" href=""
<span class="post-info-date post_date date updated">December 2, 2018</span>
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smart-defrag-key-working-full/#respond">0 Comments</a></span>
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<h1>IObit Smart Defrag 6.1.5 Key + Crack Free Working 100%</h1>
<p><strong>IObit Smart Defrag 6.1.5 Key</strong>&nbsp;is a free, light, smart and
secure disc defragmenter that provides users with useful defragmentation and
optimization of hard drives to boost disc stability and PC functionality. Trusted
by over 25 million users that the newest version includes Windows Metro App, a
characteristic only for Windows 8 and Windows 10/8.1 users, concentrates on the
defragmentation of Windows Store Metro App, that�s the first on the market to boost
the gaining speed of Windows 10/8 Windows Store Modern or Metro programs and disc
stability at no cost.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><img width="249" height="335" class="alignnone size-
full wp-image-369" alt="IObit Smart Defrag 6.1.5 Key + Crack Free Working 100%"
Key-Crack-Free-Working-100.png" srcset="
Key-Crack-Free-Working-100-223x300.png 223w" sizes="(max-width: 249px) 100vw,
<h2>IObit Smart Defrag 6.1.5 Crack</h2>
<p><strong>IObit Smart Defrag Key</strong> helps defragment your hard disk
efficiently because Disk fragmentation is usually the leading cause of shaky and
slow computer performance. Smart Defrag key not just defragments computer
profoundly but optimizes disk functionality. With�put in it and forget it�
attribute, Smart Defrag key works automatically and gently in the background on
your computer, keeping your hard disk operating in its speediest. Smart Defrag key
is entirely free for home, business, and company.</p>
<p><strong>IObit Smart Defrag Crack</strong> has a brand new disk to lookup engine
which accelerates defragmentation rate by 50% as compared to previous versions. The
defragmentation of all Windows 8 Metro App, by defraying the log files generated by
consumers� regular usage, is tailored for Windows 8 users to quicken the obtaining
speed of Windows 8 subway programs.</p>
<h2>Key Features:</h2>
<li>Smart Defrag supports Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and
Windows XP.</li>
<li>Supports Scheduling and Running a defrag in a reboot.</li>
<li>Moves Widely used Documents to Quicker parts of This disk for Faster
<li>The choice to replace the default Windows Disk Defragmenter Application.</li>
<li>A Mobile version of Smart Defrag May also available.</li>
<li>When a defrag Finishes, Smart Defrag Reveals a detailed Record of Each file
that Has defragmented.</li>
<li>The choice to shut down, sleep, hibernate, or reboot the computer once a defrag
has Finished.</li>
<li>Can Eliminate several Distinct Kinds of junk files before Beginning a
<li>Can defrag individual Files and Folders Rather than the Complete hard
<h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff0000;">IObit Smart Defrag
Crack With Working Serial Key Torrent Full</span></h3>
<p><strong>Smart Defrag 6 key</strong> together with the enhanced IObit disk drive,
not just defrags your HDD but also trims your SSD to speed disc access speed and
improve disc durability. Smart Defrag 6 can be specially optimized into the
document company algorithm on Windows 10. To make it even more useful, Smart Defrag
6 provides other helpful features that comprise; Boot Time Defrag that may defrag
the Windows registry to launch more RAM and guarantee system stability. You can
also customize Boot Time Defrag according to your requirements. And auto Defrag and
Scheduled Defrag to make sure your discs are optimized for their best performance,
and much more.</p>
<h3>IObit Smart Defrag Keys working 100%</h3>
<pre>License Key: UIOP9-ZAR5Y-7IKNB-87656-GFR56

Serial Key: YHGFT-6789I-OKJY7-7UZAQ-23456

Product Key: 90OPK-JHUY7-890OP-89OKJ-HUY78

Activation Key: U6IOK-JNHY6-69IOK-JHYG7-8CFVK

Serial Number: JHYG6-69OKJ-NHYU7-806OK-JH786

License Number: OK2BG-FT67Y-GDSER-FDXSA-Q3W4E

Activation Code: R1ZSA-W3W45-6TYHG-T6T78-9OKJ1

Registration Key: 7G181O-PKJH6-Y78GO-KJHGT-6765G</pre>

<h3>How to Install?</h3>
<li>Uninstall the Previous Version With&nbsp;<strong>IObit
<li>Turn Off Your Virus Guard</li>
<li>Install Program &amp; Don�t Run It</li>
<li>Run Crack</li>
<li>Click On Crack</li>
<li>That�s all, All Done</li>

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1.31 1.537 v 5.1 c -0.218 0.035 -0.42 0.112 -0.598 0.23 L 9.93 8.204 c 0.213 -0.268
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0 11.45 5.138 11.45 11.45 c 0 6.318 -5.136 11.458 -11.45 11.458 Z" /><path d="M
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0 Z M 15.998 3 c -4.368 0 -3.664 5.23 -2.013 7.886 a 5.53 5.53 0 0 1 4.023 0 C
19.66 8.23 20.366 3 15.998 3 Z M 9.255 8.294 c -1.108 -0.64 -2.42 -0.918 -3.49
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9.545 -4.142 c 0.566 -0.312 0.566 -0.818 0 -1.157 Z m 0 5.796 l -2.1 -0.876 l -7.44
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2.28 c 1.366 1.67 3.08 2.88 5.055 3.7 c 0.4 0.166 0.73 0.25 1.01 0.25 c 0.685 0
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0.75 0.747 1.12 1.66 1.12 2.737 c 0 1.105 -0.392 2.045 -1.183 2.817 l 1.186 1.186 c
0.774 -0.79 1.708 -1.186 2.805 -1.186 c 1.078 0 1.995 0.377 2.75 1.132 l 2.804
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16 Z M 16 21.39 A 5.392 5.392 0 0 1 10.61 16 A 5.403 5.403 0 0 1 16 10.61 A 5.393
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16 C 4.192 9.48 9.48 4.193 16 4.193 c 3.92 0 7.392 1.91 9.54 4.85 h -8.308 s -2.863
0.397 -3.18 2.544 c -0.34 2.293 -1.988 2.465 -1.988 2.465 h -4.69 v 1.51 h 9.74 a
2.343 2.343 0 1 1 4.605 0.001 h 1.633 v 0.874 H 21.72 a 2.348 2.348 0 0 1 -2.304
1.91 c -1.147 0 -2.1 -0.823 -2.306 -1.91 H 7.37 v 1.59 h 4.69 s 1.67 0 1.988 2.464
c 0.304 2.357 3.18 2.55 3.18 2.55 h 8.25 a 11.786 11.786 0 0 1 -9.48 4.77 Z"
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-5.953 -1.933 L 6 15.57 l 5.95 1.934 l -3.677 5.063 l 4.046 2.942 L 16 20.44 l 3.68
5.064 l 4.047 -2.943 L 20.05 17.5 L 26 15.57 l -1.545 -4.755 l -5.953 1.933 V 6.49
h -5.004 Z" /></svg></span>Diaspora </a><a class="a2a_i" href="/#digg"
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10.504 H 5.497 V 13.9 H 7.07 v 4.726 Z m 3.678 -6.826 h 2.626 v 8.927 h -2.626 Z m
0 -3.678 h 2.626 v 2.626 h -2.626 Z m 3.677 3.678 v 8.927 h 4.2 v 1.05 h -4.2 v
2.102 h 6.827 V 11.8 h -6.827 Z m 4.2 6.826 H 17.05 V 13.9 h 1.577 v 4.726 Z m
3.677 -6.826 v 8.927 h 4.202 v 1.05 h -4.202 v 2.102 h 6.828 V 11.8 h -6.828 Z m
4.202 6.826 H 24.93 V 13.9 h 1.574 v 4.726 Z" /></svg></span>Digg </a><a
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202);"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"
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23.81 4.5 c 0.012 0.198 0.035 0.396 0.035 0.593 c 0 4.807 0.026 9.615 -0.01 14.422
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-0.76 -5.517 3.747 -9.56 8.682 -9.018 c 1.114 0.12 2.16 0.5 3.134 1.07 c 0.517 0.3
0.527 0.294 0.53 -0.29 c 0.007 -2.7 0.01 -5.4 0.014 -8.104 h 3.22 Z m -7.914 19.97
c 2.608 0.068 4.82 -2.025 4.954 -4.552 c 0.138 -2.626 -1.89 -5.074 -4.727 -5.145 c
-2.7 -0.067 -4.867 2 -4.973 4.71 c -0.107 2.72 2.13 5.008 4.746 4.988 Z"
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2.04 l 1.93 4.29 h -5.78 v 2.51 h 21.85 v -2.51 l -6.18 -0.01 Z m -10.74 -6.95 v
-4.88 h 11.68 v 4.88 h -11.68 Z m 7.99 6.95 h -4.37 l -1.93 -4.29 h 8.24 l -1.94
4.29 Z" /></svg></span>Douban </a><a class="a2a_i" href="/#draugiem"
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0.188 -0.89 0.28 a 24.866 24.866 0 0 1 -4.05 0.814 c -0.464 0.043 -0.91 0.078 -1.35
0.085 c -2.97 0.077 -5.205 -0.74 -5.93 -2.474 c -0.88 -2.077 0.9 -4.976 4.454
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1.108 c 0.76 2.41 4.333 3.533 8.884 3.13 c 0.446 -0.036 0.892 -0.092 1.352 -0.16 c
0.66 -0.1 1.337 -0.23 2.027 -0.39 a 35.76 35.76 0 0 0 2.02 -0.558 c 0.154 -0.056
0.3 -0.098 0.454 -0.153 c 0.31 -0.094 0.608 -0.2 0.9 -0.31 c 3.945 -1.436 6.87
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0.662 -0.167 0.983 -0.87 1.01 -1.7 c 0.028 -0.885 -0.286 -1.624 -1.01 -1.728 c
-0.063 -0.014 -0.125 -0.014 -0.195 -0.014 c -0.578 0 -0.955 0.348 -1.157 0.857 c
-0.094 0.265 -0.16 0.564 -0.163 0.885 c -0.014 0.383 0.034 0.745 0.167 1.038 c
0.196 0.418 0.53 0.697 1.046 0.697 Z m -0.014 0.292 c -0.293 0 -0.544 0.028 -0.76
0.084 l 0.063 0.084 l 0.11 0.202 l 0.092 0.21 l 0.077 0.215 l 0.056 0.223 l 0.035
0.223 l 0.02 0.23 l 0.008 0.223 v 0.237 l -0.014 0.23 l -0.018 0.23 l -0.028 0.23 l
-0.028 0.23 l -0.043 0.23 l -0.042 0.23 l -0.04 0.223 l -0.056 0.223 l -0.042 0.212
l -0.056 0.21 l -0.057 0.2 l -0.057 0.196 l -0.042 0.19 l -0.04 0.18 l -0.02 0.11 l
-0.03 0.125 l -0.028 0.132 l -0.02 0.14 l -0.03 0.152 l -0.02 0.124 v 0.03 l -0.028
0.166 l -0.056 0.21 l -0.02 0.172 l -0.03 0.18 l -0.02 0.182 l -0.03 0.18 l -0.02
0.19 l -0.03 0.18 l -0.02 0.188 l -0.02 0.188 l -0.02 0.19 v 0.007 c 0.04 0.537
0.082 0.997 0.103 1.26 c 0.02 0.3 0.085 0.517 0.18 0.663 c 0.14 0.215 0.378 0.292
0.706 0.32 c 0.28 -0.028 0.487 -0.084 0.647 -0.23 c 0.153 -0.14 0.237 -0.376 0.3
-0.753 c 0.118 -0.774 0.467 -3.31 0.767 -4.397 c 0.425 -1.568 1.456 -4.418 -1.066
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-0.008 1.436 -0.9 1.436 -1.994 s -0.46 -1.993 -1.436 -2 h -0.014 c -0.99 0 -1.45
0.9 -1.45 2 s 0.46 1.993 1.45 1.993 Z m -2.013 4.626 c 0.09 0.383 0.18 0.732 0.254
1.052 c 0.307 1.254 0.606 4.16 0.718 5.038 c 0.105 0.885 0.418 1.073 1.052 1.136 c
0.62 -0.063 0.94 -0.25 1.045 -1.136 c 0.105 -0.878 0.41 -3.79 0.71 -5.038 c 0.08
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0 3.366 Z m -1.35 -4.153 c 0.1 0.02 0.196 0.035 0.308 0.035 c 0.516 0 0.857 -0.28
1.045 -0.704 c 0.118 -0.293 0.174 -0.655 0.167 -1.038 a 2.96 2.96 0 0 0 -0.167
-0.885 c -0.202 -0.51 -0.585 -0.857 -1.157 -0.857 c -0.07 0 -0.134 0 -0.197 0.014 c
-0.725 0.105 -1.045 0.843 -1.01 1.728 c 0.02 0.836 0.35 1.54 1.01 1.707 Z m -0.3
9.373 c 0.057 0.376 0.154 0.606 0.3 0.753 c 0.16 0.157 0.37 0.206 0.65 0.23 c 0.33
-0.024 0.557 -0.1 0.704 -0.32 c 0.09 -0.14 0.153 -0.36 0.18 -0.66 c 0.022 -0.264
0.064 -0.72 0.106 -1.253 v -0.014 l -0.02 -0.187 l -0.02 -0.188 l -0.03 -0.188 l
-0.02 -0.18 l -0.02 -0.19 l -0.03 -0.18 l -0.02 -0.18 l -0.03 -0.183 l -0.025
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-0.028 -0.14
l -0.024 -0.13 l -0.028 -0.125 l -0.03 -0.11 l -0.034 -0.184 l -0.056 -0.188 l
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-0.008 -0.237 v -0.23 l 0.007 -0.223 l 0.02 -0.23 l 0.034 -0.223 l 0.056 -0.222 l
0.07 -0.216 l 0.1 -0.21 l 0.11 -0.2 l 0.065 -0.085 a 3.128 3.128 0 0 0 -0.76 -0.083
c -0.11 0 -0.216 0 -0.32 0.014 c -2.524 0.216 -1.492 3.066 -1.067 4.634 c 0.262
1.054 0.603 3.59 0.728 4.364 Z" /></svg></span>Draugiem </a><a class="a2a_i"
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2.047 c 0.933 1.23 1.4 2.81 1.4 4.73 c 0 1.486 -0.277 2.83 -0.828 4.028 c -0.97
2.12 -2.64 3.18 -5.007 3.18 H 4 V 9.007 Z m 5.22 12.367 c 0.626 0 1.14 -0.066 1.544
-0.2 c 0.72 -0.247 1.31 -0.724 1.768 -1.428 c 0.367 -0.565 0.63 -1.29 0.792 -2.17 c
0.094 -0.527 0.14 -1.016 0.14 -1.466 c 0 -1.732 -0.336 -3.078 -1.01 -4.037 c -0.674
-0.958 -1.758 -1.438 -3.254 -1.438 H 5.913 v 10.74 H 9.22 Z" /></svg></span>DZone
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4.385 a 0.044 0.044 0 0 0 -0.017 0.026 c 0.09 -0.046 0.215 -0.107 0.233 -0.115 c
0.387 -0.175 0.85 -0.27 1.41 -0.27 Z m 17.704 -0.477 c -0.18 -0.968 -0.755 -1.444
-1.275 -1.632 c -0.56 -0.203 -1.698 -0.413 -3.127 -0.58 c -1.15 -0.137 -2.504
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-0.428 -4.13 -0.272 c -0.442 0.125 -0.932 0.378 -1.205 0.768 c -0.183 0.262 -0.302
0.595 -0.302 1.062 c 0 0.265 0.007 0.886 0.015 1.44 l 0.014 1.054 c 0 0.494 -0.4
0.896 -0.896 0.897 H 7.99 c -0.485 0 -0.856 0.082 -1.14 0.21 a 1.572 1.572 0 0 0
-0.636 0.508 c -0.304 0.408 -0.357 0.912 -0.355 1.426 c 0 0 0 0.415 0.1 1.23 c
0.085 0.63 0.768 5.02 1.415 6.355 c 0.25 0.522 0.42 0.736 0.912 0.966 c 1.1 0.47
3.61 0.995 4.787 1.147 c 1.174 0.15 1.912 0.466 2.35 -0.457 c 0.002 0 0.088 -0.227
0.208 -0.56 c 0.382 -1.156 0.435 -2.18 0.435 -2.924 c 0 -0.076 0.11 -0.078 0.11 0 c
0 0.524 -0.1 2.38 1.303 2.875 c 0.554 0.198 1.7 0.374 2.864 0.51 c 1.055 0.12 1.82
0.538 1.82 3.24 c 0 1.646 -0.346 1.87 -2.152 1.87 c -1.464 0 -2.02 0.04 -2.02
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-0.576 0.36 -0.91 0.02 -0.918 c -2.384 -0.065 -3.786 -0.004 -3.786 2.978 c 0 2.706
1.036 3.208 4.418 3.208 c 2.65 0 3.588 -0.086 4.682 -3.483 c 0.22 -0.67 0.742 -2.72
1.06 -6.155 c 0.197 -2.173 -0.194 -8.732 -0.502 -10.388 Z m -4.622 7.25 a 4.915
4.915 0 0 0 -0.937 0.056 c 0.08 -0.667 0.352 -1.488 1.33 -1.453 c 1.08 0.032 1.23
1.055 1.238 1.75 a 4.402 4.402 0 0 0 -1.635 -0.358 Z" /></svg></span>Evernote
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0.425 3.128 0.425 c 6.014 0 10.89 -4.56 10.89 -10.183 S 22.013 5 16 5 Z m 1.147
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6 Z" /><path d="M 13 25 H 7 V 7 h 6 v 18 Z" /></g></svg></span>Flipboard </a><a
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0.972 c 1.197 -0.444 0.245 -1.354 0.99 -2.085 c 1.134 -0.14 1.386 0.59 1.697 1.255
c -0.267 0.247 -0.936 0.102 -1.415 0.14 c -0.26 0.208 -0.333 0.6 -0.565 0.833 c
0.258 0.58 0.96 0.724 1.133 1.39 a 52.822 52.822 0 0 1 4.526 -0.973 c 0.41 -0.43
0.317 -1.356 0.99 -1.53 c 1.104 0.213 1.46 1.16 1.556 2.363 c -0.586 1.043 -2.1
0.605 -2.546 -0.277 c -1.465 0.227 -2.867 0.52 -4.245 0.833 c -0.11 0.325 0.1 1.263
-0.145 1.81 c 0.926 0.625 1.29 -0.49 2.122 -0.42 c 0.48 0.503 0.495 2.374 -0.566
2.224 c -0.603 -0.053 -0.673 -0.634 -0.707 -1.25 c -0.432 0.1 -0.515 -0.143 -0.85
-0.14 c -0.646 0.383 -0.97 1.083 -1.695 1.39 c 0.094 1.236 1.462 0.38 2.12 0.974 c
-0.057 1.01 -0.8 1.346 -1.838 1.39 c -0.066 -0.835 0.216 -1.502 -0.707 -1.944 c
-0.94 0.142 -1.37 0.782 -2.264 0.973 c -0.014 0.43 0.174 0.663 0.283 0.97 c 0.248
0.17 1.165 -0.21 1.415 0.28 c -0.01 1.074 -1.473 1.827 -2.264 1.25 c -0.063 -0.617
0.382 -0.735 0.565 -1.11 c -0.268 -0.294 -0.406 -0.714 -0.565 -1.113 c -0.878 0.342
-1.665 0.773 -2.83 0.834 c 0.004 0.328 -0.243 0.41 -0.14 0.834 c -0.056 0.518 0.68
0.26 0.706 0.696 c 0.24 1.26 -1.776 1.455 -2.12 0.555 c -0.03 -0.86 1.034 -0.65
0.707 -1.808 c -0.713 -0.274 -1.917 -0.063 -2.55 -0.417 c -0.374 0.14 -0.382 0.644
-0.706 0.835 c 0.066 0.4 0.5 0.436 0.426 0.974 c -0.925 0.36 -2.313 0.07 -2.12
-1.115 c 0.533 -0.615 1.49 -0.076 1.835 -0.973 c -0.556 -0.656 -1.165 -1.263 -1.412
-2.223 c -2.124 0.463 -3.843 1.322 -5.8 1.946 c -0.187 0.467 -0.196 1.107 -0.566
1.39 c -0.59 0.148 -0.625 0.036 -1.273 0 c -0.56 -0.854 -0.258 -2.7 0.85 -2.78 c
0.61 -0.135 0.41 0.523 0.85 0.557 c 2.015 -0.472 3.78 -1.195 5.8 -1.667 c -0.434
-2.485 3.205 -4.233 -0.85 -3.893 c -0.397 -1.225 0.372 -2.164 1.13 -2.085 c 1.272
0.132 0.284 1.725 1.272 2.224 c 0.908 -0.498 1.543 -1.263 2.69 -1.53 c 0.08 -0.45
-0.097 -0.646 -0.143 -0.972 c -0.09 -0.33 -0.87 0.02 -0.99 -0.28 v -0.97 c 0.46
-0.426 1.662 -0.355 1.98 0.138 c 0.113 0.623 -0.25 0.773 -0.707 0.834 c 0.037 0.427
0.308 0.626 0.424 0.972 c 0.9 -0.37 2.268 -0.273 3.538 -0.277 c 0.2 -0.17 0.266
-0.48 0.28 -0.836 c 0.108 -0.52 -0.75 -0.094 -0.564 -0.693 c 0.157 -1.48 2.126
-0.633 2.12 0.416 Z m 1.132 6.256 c 0.652 -0.378 0.368 -1.677 0.424 -2.64 c -1.742
-1.426 -2.885 2.7 -0.424 2.64 Z m -6.224 1.53 c 1.3 0.173 3.114 -1.23 2.97 -2.502 c
-0.14 -1.227 -2.55 -2.332 -3.96 -1.67 c -1.815 0.858 -0.44 3.98 0.99 4.17 Z"
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c 0 5.827 -3.91 9.97 -9.796 9.97 C 10.572 26.204 6 21.632 6 16 S 10.572 5.796
16.204 5.796 c 2.755 0 5.06 1.01 6.827 2.663 l -2.894 2.812 c -0.734 -0.694 -2.02
-1.51 -3.93 -1.51 c -3.376 0 -6.13 2.805 -6.13 6.243 s 2.754 6.244 6.13 6.244 c
3.91 0 5.348 -2.704 5.613 -4.306 h -5.623 v -0.007 Z" /></svg></span>Google
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0 0 3.334 Z M 22.333 18 c -1.928 0 -4 0.946 -4 2.117 v 1.217 h 8 v -1.217 c 0 -1.17
-2.072 -2.117 -4 -2.117 Z m -13 -1.333 a 1.668 1.668 0 1 0 -0.002 -3.336 a 1.668
1.668 0 0 0 0.002 3.336 Z M 9.667 18 c -1.928 0 -4 0.946 -4 2.117 v 1.217 h 8 v
-1.217 c 0 -1.17 -2.072 -2.117 -4 -2.117 Z" /><path d="M 15.335 15.333 A 2.332
2.332 0 1 0 13 13 a 2.333 2.333 0 0 0 2.335 2.333 Z m 0.332 1.334 c -2.572 0 -5.333
1.392 -5.333 3.11 v 1.557 H 21 v -1.556 c 0 -1.72 -2.762 -3.11 -5.333 -3.11 Z m 3
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3.584 v 9.58 h -3.584 Z" /><circle cx="23.005" cy="21.635" r="2.036"
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1.012 -0.067 1.258 -0.203 c 0.246 -0.135 0.424 -0.33 0.533 -0.587 c 0.11 -0.256
0.166 -0.75 0.166 -1.483 V 9.112 c 0 -0.776 -0.06 -1.3 -0.17 -1.567 a 1.108 1.108 0
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0.018 0.022 l 2.774 2.975 s 0.136 0.137 0.246 0.163 c 0.126 0.03 0.27 0.032 0.368
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2.374 2.374 0 0 0 -3.362 0 l -4.262 4.263 V 7.267 A 2.378 2.378 0 0 0 6 7.263 V
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0.03 -0.68 0.1 -0.826 a 0.698 0.698 0 0 1 0.34 -0.34 c 0.1 -0.053 0.363 -0.076 0.78
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0.073 0.225 0.19 0.286 0.343 c 0.06 0.154 0.082 0.455 0.082 0.91 v 8.37 c 0 0.478
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19.02 l 2.065 -2.012 l 2.4 3.84 c 0.2 0.333 0.3 0.54 0.3 0.626 c 0 0.077 -0.054
0.147 -0.162 0.2 c -0.108 0.055 -0.417 0.078 -0.918 0.078 h -0.278 v 2.12 h 6.89 v
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0.08 0.778 0.04 1.084 l -0.172 1.028 c -0.05 0.303 -0.24 1.187 1.04 0.647 s 6.91
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0.631 0.631 0 0 1 -0.63 -0.63 V 12.1 a 0.63 0.63 0 0 1 1.26 0.002 v 4.14 h 1.754 c
0.35 0 0.63 0.28 0.63 0.628 a 0.63 0.63 0 0 1 -0.63 0.63 Z m 2.467 -0.63 a 0.631
0.631 0 0 1 -0.63 0.628 a 0.629 0.629 0 0 1 -0.63 -0.63 V 12.1 a 0.63 0.63 0 1 1
1.26 0 v 4.77 Z m 5.74 0 a 0.632 0.632 0 0 1 -1.137 0.378 l -2.443 -3.33 v 2.95 a
0.631 0.631 0 0 1 -1.26 0 V 12.1 a 0.634 0.634 0 0 1 0.63 -0.63 a 0.63 0.63 0 0 1
0.504 0.252 l 2.444 3.328 V 12.1 a 0.63 0.63 0 0 1 1.26 0 v 4.77 Z m 3.853 -3.014 a
0.63 0.63 0 1 1 0 1.258 H 21.61 v 1.126 h 1.755 a 0.63 0.63 0 1 1 0 1.258 H 20.98 a
0.63 0.63 0 0 1 -0.628 -0.63 V 12.1 a 0.63 0.63 0 0 1 0.63 -0.628 h 2.384 a 0.63
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11.24 11.24 11.24 S 28 22.98 28 16.77 c 0 -6.206 -5.033 -11.24 -11.24 -11.24 Z m
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4.298 c 2.58 0 4.275 -1.89 4.4 -4.127 l -0.003 -0.514 Z m -4.372 -6.346 c 1.756 0
3.408 0.776 4.62 1.993 v 0.008 c 0 -0.584 0.396 -1.024 0.94 -1.024 h 0.14 c 0.852 0
1.026 0.808 1.026 1.063 v 9.08 c -0.06 0.595 0.614 0.9 0.99 0.52 c 1.457 -1.497
3.203 -7.702 -0.907 -11.295 c -3.83 -3.35 -8.967 -2.8 -11.7 -0.915 c -2.904 2
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1.608 0.72 2.356 c -2.66 1.132 -10.065 1.02 -13.524 -4.972 c -2.34 -4.046 -2.214
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11.82 -0.138 14.817 c -1.742 1.36 -4.326 0.035 -4.312 -1.947 l -0.02 -0.65 a 6.456
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5 12 v 4 c 0.12 5 0.92 9.93 5.54 11.16 a 17.67 17.67 0 0 0 5.44 0.6 a 10.88 10.88 0
0 0 4.18 -0.95 l -0.09 -1.95 a 13.36 13.36 0 0 1 -4.07 0.54 c -2.12 -0.07 -4.37
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26.76 26.76 0 0 0 4.68 -0.28 c 3 -0.35 5.53 -2.17 5.85 -3.83 A 39.25 39.25 0 0 0 27
12 Z m -3.95 6.59 h -2.46 v -6 c 0 -1.27 -0.53 -1.91 -1.6 -1.91 s -1.77 0.76 -1.77
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1 2.84 1.44 l 0.61 1 l 0.61 -1 a 3.17 3.17 0 0 1 2.84 -1.44 a 3.39 3.39 0 0 1 2.63
1.12 a 4.49 4.49 0 0 1 1 3 Z" /></svg></span>Mastodon </a><a class="a2a_i"
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-10.71 -0.085 a 2.556 2.556 0 0 1 -2.445 -2.57 c 0.01 -1.46 1.15 -2.567 2.61 -2.54
c 1.47 0.026 2.57 1.177 2.52 2.627 a 2.568 2.568 0 0 1 -2.682 2.483 Z"
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2.764 -0.68 3.712 c -0.658 0.667 -1.562 1.052 -2.437 1.425 c -1.208 0.51 -2.456
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0.812 1.687 1.77 2.585 2.92 2.745 c 0.31 0.046 0.62 0.07 0.925 0.07 c 1.04 0 1.977
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0.314 1.577 0.314 c 0.62 0 1.083 -0.226 1.374 -0.66 c 0.27 -0.32 0.3 -1.006 0.176
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0.048 0.444 -0.11 0.938 -0.397 1.256 a 0.96 0.96 0 0 1 -0.714 0.34 c -0.09 0 -0.187
-0.014 -0.29 -0.043 c -0.53 -0.124 -1.044 -0.35 -1.54 -0.57 c -0.18 -0.08 -0.363
-0.16 -0.54 -0.232 c -1.76 -0.91 -3.38 -1.352 -4.944 -1.352 c -0.61 0 -1.22 0.07
-1.805 0.207 c -1.19 0.22 -2.786 0.9 -3.693 2.137 c -0.9 1.074 -1.16 2.65 -0.738
4.122 l -0.16 0.132 l -0.467 0.38 c -0.704 0.563 -1.367 1.096 -2.01 2.02 c -1.097
1.726 -2.3 4.013 -1.868 6.39 c 0.404 2.53 2.847 4.146 5.05 4.434 c 1.068 0.125 2.18
0.185 3.4 0.185 h 0.002 c 1.088 0 2.25 -0.045 3.66 -0.147 l 0.037 -0.002 l 0.026
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-0.375 Z" /><path d="M 18.398 21.133 c -0.044 -0.124 -0.178 -0.502 -2.283 -0.502 c
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0.037 1.063 0.05 c 1.257 0.04 2.82 0.088 3.634 0.644 c 0.18 0.316 0.053 1.464 -0.05
2.39 c -0.11 1.004 -0.17 1.582 -0.044 1.77 l 0.02 0.03 l 0.034 0.01 a 0.279 0.279 0
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6.83 14.778 h -1.657 v -5.688 s -0.505 -1.586 -1.585 -1.586 c -0.9 0 -2.525 0.374
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1.564 -1.03 2.727 -1.03 c 1.224 0 2.092 0.434 2.606 1.282 a 4.484 4.484 0 0 1 3.082
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3.234 0 0 0 3.237 3.236 a 3.236 3.236 0 1 0 0.004 -6.473 Z m 7.586 10.62 c 0.647
1.3 -0.084 1.93 -1.735 2.99 c -1.395 0.9 -3.313 1.238 -4.564 1.368 l 1.048 1.05 l
3.877 3.88 c 0.59 0.59 0.59 1.543 0 2.133 l -0.177 0.18 c -0.59 0.59 -1.544 0.59
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0.936 0.173 1.677 0.53 2.22 c 0.345 0.546 0.81 0.82 1.38 0.82 c 0.59 0 1.053 -0.266
1.4 -0.795 c 0.342 -0.53 0.515 -1.266 0.515 -2.206 c 0 -0.984 -0.17 -1.744 -0.502
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16.362 3.428 V 2.33 L 2.123 5.5 Z m 10.95 14.387 c -0.693 0.91 -1.594 1.367 -2.706
1.367 c -1.082 0 -1.967 -0.442 -2.65 -1.324 c -0.68 -0.88 -1.02 -2.03 -1.02 -3.448
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22.777 l -4.974 -4.467 l -3.103 -2.787 c -1.361 -1.361 -1.319 -4.432 0.042 -5.792 l
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7.585 v 21 h 4.2 v -6.285 h 12.63 Z" /></svg></span>Plurk </a><a class="a2a_i"
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0.387 -0.393 0.7 -0.876 0.7 h -3.062" /><path fill="#fff" d="M 22.562 12.32 V 8.04
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0.393 -0.34 0.48 -0.898 0.534 l -7.187 0.807 c -0.66 0.064 -0.808 0.493 -0.327
0.952 l 5.64 5.184 c 0.266 0.25 0.27 0.355 0.195 0.697 l -1.447 7.61 c -0.124 0.65
0.247 0.915 0.82 0.58 l 6.44 -3.715 c 0.45 -0.284 0.87 -0.293 1.31 -0.018 l 6.47
3.734 c 0.575 0.334 0.948 0.07 0.826 -0.58 L 22.83 21.2 c 0.66 -0.226 1.305 -0.5
1.69 -0.81 l -0.156 0.03 c -2.29 0.547 -5.438 0.872 -8.355 0.872 c -1.08 0 -2.128
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0.49 l -0.118 -0.65 c -0.06 -0.38 0 -0.51 0.284 -0.78 l 5.478 -5.12 c 0.485 -0.455
0.34 -0.88 -0.318 -0.945 Z" /></svg></span>Qzone </a><a class="a2a_i"
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0.182 0 0 0 -0.182 -0.184 h -5.71 c -0.1 0 -0.183 0.082 -0.183 0.184 v 19.62 c 0
0.115 0.115 0.23 0.232 0.18 h 5.71 c 0.1 0 0.18 -0.08 0.18 -0.18 V 14.933 c 0
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8.91 0 0 1 16 25 c -4.95 0 -9 -4.05 -9 -9 s 4.05 -9 9 -9 s 9 4.05 9 9 a 8.912 8.912
0 0 1 -1.302 4.628 l 2.293 1.991 A 11.908 11.908 0 0 0 28 16 c 0 -6.6 -5.4 -12 -12
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29 c 3.595 -2.168 5.688 -4.736 7.69 -8.275 c 2 3.54 4.07 6.107 7.69 8.275 A 14.07
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0.005 a 0.858 0.858 0 1 0 1.63 0.528 a 3.345 3.345 0 0 0 -0.7 -3.28" /><path d="M
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0.644 m -1.375 1.76 c -0.417 0.666 -1.308 0.957 -1.98 0.65 c -0.66 -0.302 -0.855
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1.054 0.48 1.724 m 1.564 -4.7 c -2.047 -0.533 -4.364 0.49 -5.254 2.293 c -0.904
1.84 -0.028 3.884 2.04 4.552 c 2.144 0.69 4.67 -0.368 5.55 -2.354 c 0.865 -1.943
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0.232 -0.043 0.414 -0.13 0.547 c -0.086 0.13 -0.272 0.29 -0.56 0.48 c -0.333 0.224
-0.524 0.49 -0.573 0.794 c -0.05 0.3 -0.094 1.48 -0.134 3.54 c -0.018 1.99 -0.033
3.183 -0.048 3.58 c -0.015 0.4 -0.05 0.786 -0.107 1.16 c -0.167 1.1 -0.504 1.96
-1.01 2.583 c -0.414 0.51 -0.946 0.912 -1.596 1.205 c -0.65 0.293 -1.335 0.44
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-0.39 -0.315 -0.7 -0.74 -0.93 -1.278 a 4.326 4.326 0 0 1 -0.347 -1.72 c 0 -0.75
0.186 -1.37 0.548 -1.863 c 0.362 -0.49 0.816 -0.738 1.363 -0.738 c 0.535 0 0.99
0.207 1.363 0.62 c 0.375 0.42 0.56 0.938 0.56 1.555 c 0 0.155 -0.033 0.42 -0.102
0.787 c -0.01 0.075 -0.017 0.157 -0.017 0.247 c 0 0.24 0.066 0.437 0.2 0.587 c 0.13
0.15 0.307 0.227 0.524 0.227 c 0.386 0 0.696 -0.226 0.933 -0.677 c 0.233 -0.45 0.35
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c 0.247 -0.242 0.646 -0.44 1.198 -0.59 c 0.62 -0.17 1.254 -0.25 1.91 -0.25 Z M
10.202 8 c 0.593 0 1.37 0.19 2.33 0.574 a 0.785 0.785 0 0 0 0.275 0.068 c 0.058 0
0.23 -0.068 0.518 -0.203 c 0.093 -0.05 0.19 -0.07 0.294 -0.07 c 0.38 0 0.79 0.4
1.22 1.193 c 0.43 0.797 0.64 1.555 0.64 2.275 c 0 0.42 -0.097 0.775 -0.29 1.065 c
-0.19 0.288 -0.426 0.434 -0.7 0.434 c -0.23 0 -0.418 -0.06 -0.56 -0.18 c -0.146
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0 1.6 -0.5 2.907 -1.5 3.922 C 13.162 23.48 11.825 24 10.175 24 a 8.64 8.64 0 0 1
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0.143 -0.24 0.324 -0.36 0.543 -0.36 c 0.22 0 0.43 0.146 0.63 0.438 c 0.12 0.165
0.405 0.695 0.855 1.59 c 0.215 0.42 0.553 0.768 1.016 1.048 c 0.463 0.28 0.94 0.418
1.437 0.418 c 0.426 0 0.77 -0.104 1.035 -0.31 a 0.964 0.964 0 0 0 0.396 -0.794 c 0
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a 11.273 11.273 0 0 0 -2.43 -3.602 a 11.288 11.288 0 0 0 -8.012 -3.32 c -0.72 0
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6.67 6.67 0 0 0 -4.748 1.965 A 6.7 6.7 0 0 0 4 10.738 c 0 1.14 0.293 2.262 0.844
3.253 c 0.007 -0.04 0.012 -0.08 0.02 -0.12 l 0.04 0.238 l -0.06 -0.114 c -0.112
0.643 -0.17 1.3 -0.17 1.954 a 11.285 11.285 0 0 0 3.32 8.012 c 1.04 1.04 2.25 1.86
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-0.038 -0.02 -0.077 -0.04 -0.116 -0.063 l 0.242 0.04 c -0.046 0.01 -0.088 0.015
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6.666 0 0 0 28 21.26 c 0 -1.145 -0.295 -2.27 -0.85 -3.264 Z m -11.098 4.885 c
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1.277 2.474 4.49 2.474 c 1.647 0 2.556 -0.893 2.556 -1.808 c 0 -0.55 -0.27 -1.16
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2.865 -4.186 5.556 -4.186 c 2.478 0 5.4 1.37 5.4 3.192 c 0 0.783 -0.677 1.237 -1.45
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0.95 1.16 1.254 2.17 1.484 l 2.65 0.587 c 2.905 0.647 3.64 2.342 3.64 3.94 c 0 2.47
-1.895 4.318 -5.726 4.318 Z" /></svg></span>Skype </a><a class="a2a_i"
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8.21 c 1.71 1.565 1.542 4.08 -0.827 6.41 c 2.874 0 7.445 -1.698 8.462 -4.34 H 16 c
7.176 0 13 -4.605 13 -10.285 s -5.824 -10.29 -13 -10.29 Z M 9.045 17.376 c -0.73 0
-1.45 -0.19 -1.81 -0.388 l 0.294 -1.194 c 0.384 0.2 0.98 0.398 1.6 0.398 c 0.66 0
1.01 -0.275 1.01 -0.692 c 0 -0.398 -0.302 -0.625 -1.07 -0.9 c -1.06 -0.37 -1.753
-0.957 -1.753 -1.886 c 0 -1.09 0.91 -1.924 2.415 -1.924 c 0.72 0 1.25 0.152 1.63
0.322 l -0.322 1.166 a 3.037 3.037 0 0 0 -1.336 -0.303 c -0.625 0 -0.93 0.284 -0.93
0.616 c 0 0.41 0.36 0.59 1.186 0.9 c 1.127 0.42 1.658 1.01 1.658 1.91 c 0.003 1.07
-0.822 1.98 -2.575 1.98 Z m 9.053 -0.095 l -0.095 -2.44 a 72.993 72.993 0 0 1
-0.057 -2.626 h -0.028 a 35.41 35.41 0 0 1 -0.71 2.475 l -0.778 2.49 h -1.128 l
-0.682 -2.473 a 29.602 29.602 0 0 1 -0.578 -2.493 h -0.02 c -0.037 0.863 -0.065
1.85 -0.112 2.645 l -0.114 2.425 H 12.46 l 0.407 -6.386 h 1.924 l 0.63 2.13 c 0.2
0.74 0.397 1.536 0.54 2.285 h 0.027 a 52.9 52.9 0 0 1 0.607 -2.293 l 0.683 -2.12 h
1.886 l 0.35 6.386 H 18.1 Z m 4.09 0.1 c -0.73 0 -1.45 -0.19 -1.81 -0.39 l 0.293
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3.038 3.038 0 0 0 -1.337 -0.303 c -0.625 0 -0.93 0.284 -0.93 0.616 c 0 0.408 0.36
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-0.642 c 0.614 0 1.115 0.125 1.504 0.373 c 0.373 0.218 0.766 0.684 1.178 1.399 l
2.204 -1.306 c -1.166 -2.024 -2.788 -3.037 -4.863 -3.037 c -1.539 0 -2.828 0.459
-3.866 1.376 c -1.039 0.909 -1.559 2.039 -1.559 3.391 c 0 2.005 1.232 3.528 3.698
4.569 l 1.738 0.722 c 0.451 0.194 0.84 0.399 1.167 0.612 c 0.326 0.214 0.593 0.443
0.799 0.687 c 0.206 0.245 0.358 0.513 0.455 0.805 c 0.097 0.291 0.146 0.612 0.146
0.961 c 0 0.871 -0.28 1.59 -0.84 2.156 c -0.56 0.568 -1.263 0.851 -2.111 0.851 c
-1.073 0 -1.889 -0.389 -2.449 -1.166 c -0.311 -0.405 -0.529 -1.135 -0.653 -2.193 L
4 20.028 c 0.249 1.679 0.875 2.986 1.878 3.92 c 1.018 0.936 2.309 1.403 3.872 1.403
c 1.648 0 3.028 -0.544 4.139 -1.634 c 1.102 -1.082 1.653 -2.451 1.653 -4.109 c 0
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28 7.023 H 17.037 v 2.571 h 4.14 v 15.425 h 2.695 V 9.594 H 28 Z"
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-0.688 0.87 -1.147 2.21 -1.387 3.04 c 0.26 0.11 0.51 0.24 0.76 0.38 c 2.13 1.19
2.83 2.92 3.04 3.72 Z m 0 0 c -0.22 -0.8 -0.91 -2.53 -3.04 -3.73 c -0.25 -0.14 -0.5
-0.26 -0.76 -0.38 c -2.27 -0.99 -4.73 -0.96 -4.73 -0.96 s 0 2.92 3.08 4.95 c 0.48
-0.17 1 -0.31 1.57 -0.42 c 1.81 -0.32 3.19 0.19 3.88 0.54 Z m -9.07 2.72 c -0.93
1.82 2.15 6.7 4.75 9.37 c 1.29 1.33 1.93 2.48 2.19 3.052 c 2.1 0.5 3.28 -0.29 3.42
-0.4 l 0.07 -0.12 c 0.93 -1.94 -1.46 -4.818 -3.19 -7.068 c -2.14 -2.78 -2.7 -4.832
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21.176 25.274 c -0.15 0.11 -1.32 0.9 -3.42 0.4 c -1.1 -0.26 -2.47 -0.88 -4.07 -2.15
c -2.31 -1.818 -4.03 -3.43 -5.2 -5.53 c -0.3 -0.528 -0.98 -0.568 -1.37 0.2 c -0.6
1.19 -0.67 4.5 0.7 6.44 c 0 0 -0.38 1.28 0.62 2.37 c 0.67 0.73 2.22 1.06 3.06 0.76
l 0.17 -0.07 s 1.73 1.302 4.37 0.813 c 2.64 -0.49 4.33 -1.73 5.18 -3.24 l -0.04
0.007 Z m 3.01 -11.4 s 0.38 -1.28 -0.62 -2.37 c -0.67 -0.73 -2.22 -1.06 -3.06 -0.76
l -0.12 0.05 l -0.04 0.02 s -0.17 -0.13 -0.48 -0.28 c -0.69 -0.36 -2.07 -0.87 -3.89
-0.53 c -0.57 0.102 -1.09 0.25 -1.57 0.42 c -1.68 0.59 -2.83 1.542 -3.51 2.66 l
-0.1 0.17 s 1.02 -1.59 4.53 -0.01 c 0.84 0.382 1.83 0.94 2.978 1.75 c 2.41 1.692
3.432 5.2 5.53 c 0.3 0.53 0.98 0.57 1.37 -0.198 c 0.612 -1.2 0.682 -4.512 -0.69
-6.45 Z" /></g></svg></span>Svejo </a><a class="a2a_i" href="/#symbaloo_bookmarks"
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v 4.5 h -4.5 Z M 7 13.75 h 4.5 v 4.5 H 7 Z m 6.75 0 h 4.5 v 4.5 h -4.5 Z m 6.75 0 H
25 v 4.5 h -4.5 Z M 7 20.5 h 4.5 V 25 H 7 Z m 6.75 0 h 4.5 V 25 h -4.5 Z m 6.75 0 H
25 V 25 h -4.5 Z" /></svg></span>Symbaloo Bookmarks </a><a class="a2a_i"
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3.467 0 m 12.667 0 a 1.734 1.734 0 1 1 -3.467 0 a 1.734 1.734 0 0 1 3.467 0 m
-6.334 0 a 1.734 1.734 0 1 1 -3.467 0 a 1.734 1.734 0 0 1 3.467 0 M 16.082 8.716 h
-0.262 c -0.886 0 -1.507 0.682 -1.507 1.568 v 2.015 h 3.372 v -2.015 c 0.001 -0.886
-0.718 -1.568 -1.603 -1.568 Z" /><path d="M 16 4.325 c -6.075 0 -11 3.752 -11 8.381
c 0 1.924 0.851 3.697 2.283 5.111 c 0.49 0.484 0.607 1.231 0.283 1.839 l -1.479
2.776 l 4.39 -1.384 a 6.183 6.183 0 0 1 1.863 -0.284 c 0.383 0 0.766 0.034 1.145
0.102 c 0.807 0.144 1.649 0.22 2.514 0.22 c 6.075 0 11 -3.752 11 -8.381 S 22.075
4.325 16 4.325 Z m 3.793 12.432 c 0 0.368 -0.409 0.6 -0.777 0.6 H 12.85 c -0.368 0
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-2.015 c 0 -1.585 1.187 -2.832 2.771 -2.832 h 0.262 c 1.583 0 2.868 1.247 2.868
2.832 v 2.015 h 0.066 c 0.368 0 0.777 0.357 0.777 0.725 v 3.733 Z"
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1.5 0 0 0 26.5 4 Z M 14.44 22.12 c 0 0.825 -0.675 1.5 -1.5 1.5 H 8.62 c -0.825 0
-1.5 -0.675 -1.5 -1.5 V 8.62 c 0 -0.825 0.675 -1.5 1.5 -1.5 h 4.32 c 0.825 0 1.5
0.675 1.5 1.5 v 13.5 Z m 10.44 -6 c 0 0.825 -0.675 1.5 -1.5 1.5 h -4.32 c -0.825 0
-1.5 -0.675 -1.5 -1.5 v -7.5 c 0 -0.825 0.675 -1.5 1.5 -1.5 h 4.32 c 0.825 0 1.5
0.675 1.5 1.5 v 7.5 Z" /></svg></span>Trello </a><a class="a2a_i" href="/#tuenti"
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-0.053 -7.497 a 2.394 2.394 0 0 1 -1.682 0.698 a 2.383 2.383 0 0 1 -2.378 -2.378 c
0 -0.626 0.255 -1.236 0.7 -1.68 c 0.885 -0.888 2.48 -0.888 3.36 0 c 0.442 0.444
0.696 1.054 0.696 1.68 c 0 0.626 -0.254 1.235 -0.696 1.68 Z m 9.834 7.17 a 16.055
16.055 0 0 1 -2.445 5.73 a 1.81 1.81 0 0 1 -2.522 0.478 a 1.815 1.815 0 0 1 -0.473
-2.52 a 12.532 12.532 0 0 0 1.896 -4.448 c 0.38 -1.775 0.38 -3.654 0 -5.432 a
12.506 12.506 0 0 0 -1.895 -4.445 a 1.82 1.82 0 0 1 0.48 -2.527 a 1.815 1.815 0 0 1
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3.533 l 9.63 9.625 l -1.187 1.183 l -9.624 -9.625 l 1.185 -1.183 Z"
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2.407 c 0.447 0.196 1.67 0.683 12.523 -3.836 c 0 0 -9.096 4.09 -9.83 5.85 c -0.253
0.605 2.154 2.627 8.52 2.627 c 6.626 0 12 -3.148 12 -7.125 s -5.374 -7.125 -12
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-3.396 -3.38 -7.242 Z m 4.15 8.483 s -1.48 -2.29 0.397 -4.18 c 0 0 0.658 -0.725
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