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S7 Energy Efficiency

Monitor for Machines

WinCC Comfort/Advanced V15, SIMATIC S7-1500,

STEP 7 Professional V15 Industry
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S7 EE Monitor
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Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Principle of operation............................................................................ 4
1.2.1 Blocks ................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Visualization of energy data ................................................................. 7
1.3 Components used ................................................................................ 8
1.4 Providing data ...................................................................................... 8
2 Engineering PLC .............................................................................................. 10
2.1 Hardware setup (example) ................................................................. 10
2.2 Project Planning ................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Requirements ..................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Handling the library ............................................................................ 11
2.2.3 Configuring the data block " EnS_EEm_OEM" .................................. 15
2.2.4 "EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO" communication block............................. 17
2.2.5 Configuration in the data block ........................................................... 18
2.3 Troubleshooting .................................................................................. 22
3 Engineering HMI .............................................................................................. 23
3.1 Procedure ........................................................................................... 23
3.2 Visualization of "EE@Industry Profile" ............................................... 29
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4 Example project ............................................................................................... 31

4.1 Commissioning the example project .................................................. 31
5 Operation .......................................................................................................... 32
5.1 Overview screen ................................................................................. 32
5.2 Taking measurements ........................................................................ 33
5.3 Energy efficiency display .................................................................... 33
5.3.1 Configuration of the efficiency display and the productive
energy................................................................................................. 34
5.4 Displaying measurement results graphically ...................................... 36
5.5 Visualization of "EE@Industry Profile" ............................................... 37
6 Energy efficiency reports................................................................................ 38
6.1 Requirements ..................................................................................... 38
6.2 Saving the CSV file ............................................................................ 39
6.3 Generating an energy log based on the Excel template .................... 40
6.4 Notes on using the Excel template ..................................................... 41
7 Useful information ........................................................................................... 42
7.1 Energy efficiency factor ...................................................................... 42
7.2 Energetic states of a production machine: ......................................... 42
7.3 Energy efficiency analysis in the Energy Manager PRO ................... 43
7.3.1 Display of the data in the machine dashboard ................................... 43
7.4 Additional information ......................................................................... 43
8 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 44
8.1 Service and Support ........................................................................... 44
8.2 Links and Literature ............................................................................ 45
8.3 Change documentation ...................................................................... 45

S7 EE Monitor
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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
Energy efficiency plays an important role in today's world. Using the S7 energy
efficiency monitor (S7 EE-monitor for short), you can record and analyze the
consumption of the media used (compressed air, electrical energy or heating gas)
by your machine with a SIMATIC controller. The S7 EE-monitor calculates the
average power and actual value, the distribution of energy and the requirements of
the media used per produced piece good for each machine state.
This enables you to detect potential for savings and to improve processes. By
saving resources, you can save money and protect the environment.
This application example shows you how to set up the S7 energy efficiency monitor
and display the evaluation on an HMI device.

1.2 Principle of operation

The "EnS_EEm_Calc" block is responsible for recording and calculating state-
related energy data.
The "EnS_EEm_Report" block uses the measured values to generate an efficiency
report for detailed evaluation and documentation.
The "EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO" block establishes the connection to the central
energy management system SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO and transmits the
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status-related energy counters cyclically (1min).

1.2.1 Blocks

The following blocks are provided in the SIMATIC Energy Suite V15 for recording
energy efficiency:
 "EnS_EEm_Calc"
 "Ens_EEm_Report"
The blocks are available in the TIA Portal under "Instructions:"
Figure 1-1 Energy Efficiency Blocks

S7 EE Monitor
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1 Introduction

Machine manufacturers can integrate this function into their machines to automate
the generation of the energy and media requirements as an acceptance form in
SIMATIC HMI and Excel.

Note The blocks can be integrated preliminarily into the program without a license.

The block records the energy and media requirements for the energetic modes
"off", "standby", "powering up", "operational" and "working".

 Record typical power consumption as reference values for the energetic states.
 Record energy and media requirements for each mode.
 Calculate energy performance indicators (EnPI).
The operation as well as the individual functions of the "S7 EE-Monitor" are
explained in chapter 5.

Power ranges:
The block calculates the energy requirement and average power of the respective
mode as well as the total energy requirement for up to eight operating modes. A
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

maximum of ten measuring points can be configured.

The visualization on the "SIMATIC TP 900 Comfort Panel" is designed for up to
four measuring points, but can be extended as required by copying the
visualization elements.

Note Additional information on the energetic states of a production machine and the
energy performance indicators can be found in chapter 7.

By request, the "EnS_EEm_Report" block creates a log file with the average power
values as a CSV file. The file is saved on the SIMATIC memory card of the
You can use the "EnS_EEm_report.xlsx" (Figure 1-2) measurement log to evaluate
the .csv file and create a measurement log that complies with the technical rules of
VDMA 34179.

Note To use the blocks, you need the following license. See chapter 1.3.

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1 Introduction

Figure 1-2 Energy efficiency log

The block establishes communication with the "Energy Manager PRO". In this way,
the processed energy data can be archived higher in the "Energy Manager Pro".
Chapter 2.2.4 explains the functionality and the engineering.
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Figure 1-3

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1 Introduction

1.2.2 Visualization of energy data

The energy data is visualized on a "SIMATIC TP900 Comfort Panel" in this

example. The TIA Portal library "EnS_EEm_VISU" provides a pre-made
visualization, which you can copy onto your HMI device with just a few clicks.
The visualization is designed for reusability and can easily be integrated into an
existing project.
Figure 1-4
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To see how to configure visualization on your HMI device, please refer to chapter

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1 Introduction

1.3 Components used

This application example was created with the following hardware and software
Table 1-1
Components Quantity Item number Note
SIMATIC S7 1512SP-1 6ES7 512-1DK01-0AB0 from firmware version
PN V2.1,
S7-1200 from firmware
SIMATIC TP900 Comfort 1 6ES7822-1..05-.. The HMI visualization is
Panel intended for 9 inch
STEP 7 Professional V15 1 6ES7822-1..05-.. from update 3

SIMATIC WinCC Comfort 1 6AV2101-0AA05-0AH5 from update 3

S7-EE-Monitor license 1 6AV2108-1CF00-0BB0 Download
One license is required
for each machine.
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The following components are provided on the entry page for this application
Table 1-2
Components File name Note
Example project 109753230_S7EEmVisu_V15.zip Example project to test
the S7 EE-monitor
Library 109753230_LS7EEmVisu_V15.zip The library includes the
Documentation 109753230_S7EE-Monitor_Doc_de.pdf This documentation
Excel template 109753230_S7EEm_EnergyReport.xlsm Template for creating
"Report" the energy efficiency

1.4 Providing data

In the sample project, the data for the energy efficiency monitor is concentrated in
the "EnS_EEm_OEM" block. This block carries out all further calculations so that
only the inputs of this block must be interconnected.
The following blocks are accessed in the "Ens_EEm_OEM" block:
 "EnS_EEm_Calc"
 "EnS_EEm_Report"
 "EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO"
As soon as you have interconnected the inputs of the "EnS_EEm_OEM" block, all
blocks are active.
The block is accessed cyclically in the example project in OB30 (100 ms) and is
interconnected with simulated data.

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1 Introduction

Figure 1-5 FB "Ens_EEm_OEM"

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2 Engineering PLC

2 Engineering PLC
2.1 Hardware setup (example)
The example system consists of various devices that can output and store energy
values. By using an AI Energy Meter 480V, it is possible to measure energy
consumption through distributed I/Os.
This application example makes use of the following process tags:
Table 2-1
No. Process tag Medium

1. Electrical Energy (EM 480V) electrical (W)

2. Compressed Air air (m³)
3. CoolingWater liquid (m³)
4. SpeedAxis electrical (W)
(e.g.: SINAMICS G120D)

Figure 2-1 Example process tags

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ElectricalEnergy CompressedAir


In this example, the system has a total of 4 process tags. The measured data of
the process tags 2-4 is provided in form of a data block. In this application
example, the data is collected in the data block "EnS_EEm_OEM".
The individual process tags are assigned random values for demonstration
The consumption of used media should be evaluated and the energy efficiency
displayed. A 9-inch "SIMATIC Comfort Panel" is used for the visualization.
In a "SIMATIC S7 CPU 1512", the "S7 EE-Monitor" will collect the required data
and transfer it to the SIMATIC Panel. Energy efficiency is displayed via the "S7 EE-
Monitor" visualization.
This chapter describes how you have to parameterize the controller in order to
commission and configure the "S7 EE-monitor".

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2 Engineering PLC

The energy data can, for example, be taken from energy objects from the "Energy
Suite". However, the "SIMATIC Energy Suite" is not a prerequisite for using the "S7

Note For an introduction to the Energy Suite, refer to the article

"SIMATIC Energy Suite Getting Started".

2.2 Project Planning

The configuration refers to the use of the library "LS7EEmVisu". No further
configuration is necessary for the example project on the entry page.
The example project serves to illustrate the functionality.

2.2.1 Requirements

 SIMATIC CPU 1512 has been created

 HMI Comfort Panel TP900

2.2.2 Handling the library

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Using the supplied library, you can import the visualization into your existing
WinCC HMI device. Follow these steps:
1. Download the library from the article page.
2. Open the library "LS7EEmVisu_V15" in the TIA Portal.
3. Copy the control program from the "Copy templates> S7EE-Monitor> 01_PLC"
folder to the "Program blocks" folder of your controller using drag & drop.
Figure 2-2

4. Open the "Cyclic interrupt" block in the project navigation [OB30]

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2 Engineering PLC

Figure 2-3

5. The OB30 contains 2 networks.

The connection of the data to the "S7 EEM Calc" block is configured in network 1.
The "EE@Industry" profile is copied to a structure tag of the controller in network 2.
Remove network 2 if you do not want to use the "EE@Industry" profile.
(Info: The "EE@Industry Profile" is a measurement data profile that already allows for a
uniform data structure at the measurement device level.

Figure 2-4 Setup of EE@Industry Profile

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2 Engineering PLC

Figure 2-5 View of the OB30

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2 Engineering PLC

6. Interconnect the inputs of the "EnS_EEm_OEMDB" block in network 1 with the

energy and power values of the process tags as described in the following
Table 2-2
Input Description Type
EnergyMeas1 Current energy values der process tags LReal

produced pieces Number of units produced LReal
state State of the production machine Int
Default values: 1: Off / 2: Standby /
3: Operational / 4: Working / 5: Powering up /
6: Powering down

The states can be freely defined

Note The blocks for calculating as well as generating the report can be found directly
in the "S7 instructions" in the TIA Portal as of TIA Portal Version V15.
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The blocks are already included in the FB "EnS_EEm_OEM" and do not have to
be added additionally.

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2 Engineering PLC

2.2.3 Configuring the data block " EnS_EEm_OEM"

Open the data block "EnS_EEm_OEMDB".

Data type EnS_EEM_typeConfig

1. Collapse the individual array elements.

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2. Enter the information of your machine and the 20 digit license key. (Item 1)

Note The block does not function without a valid license.

3. In the eStateName array (item 2), default values are preset for the states. To
change these, assign different values for the individual states in the DB.
For information on the energetic states according to "VDMA", please refer to
chapter 7.2.

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2 Engineering PLC

"typeMeasConfig" data type

1. Collapse the structure "Array [0..x] of typeMeasConfig" (item 1 + 2).
2. Each array element "statConfigMeasurement" stands for a process tag.
3. Enter the data of a process tag into the individual array elements of
EnS_EEm_typeMeasConfig (item 1) (name, medium, count unit and actual
value unit). This example has four process tags.
Figure 2-6
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More information about the tags is provided in the comments field or in the TIA
Portal help.

Sample process tag data for this application example:

Table 2-3
Process tag 1 2 3 4
name Electrical Compressed Cooling Speed Axis
Energy Air Water
name short EL01 DL01 CO01 AX01
media electrical air '' electrical
unitCounterNumber 0 0 0 0
unitCounterText Wh m³ m³ Wh
unitActValueNumber 0 0 0 0
unitActValueText W m³/h m³/h W

inputType (int) 1 1 1 1

inputType – values
 1: Energy counter value
 2: Power value

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2 Engineering PLC

2.2.4 "EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO" communication block

The "S7 EE-monitor" allows you to pass certain counter values and additional
information regularly to an Energy Manager Pro server via the
"EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO" block.
The block is "know-how protected".

Note The communication block is already accessed in the "EnS_EEm_OEM" FB. If

you use this block, you do not have to access the communication block again.

In the control program, the block "EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO" must be accessed
with an instance DB "EnS_EEm_ComEnMPRO_DB" in a cyclic OB (OB30) and
interconnected as follows:

Figure 2-7
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The block on the line-side, has the same parameters as the "EnS_EEm_Calc"
block. In addition, it has two parameters required for communication and data

Table 2-4 Interconnection of the block

Input Tag type
machineConfiguration "EnS_EEm_typeConfig", interconnection as with "Calc" block
machineOperation "EnS_EEm_typeOperation", interconnection with "Calc" block
measConfiguration Array of "EnS_EEm_typeMeasConfig",
interconnection with "Calc" block
measOperation Array of "EnS_EEm_typeMeasOperation", interconnection with
"Calc" block
commData "EnS_EEm_typeEnMProComm"
dataBuffer Array [0..1647] of bytes (with max. 7 process tags)

The size of the array is calculated as follows:

(Number of process tags x 210) + 178
For example: (7 * 210) + 178 = 1648

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2 Engineering PLC

To set up the communication, the following information must be specified:

 "Enable-Bit" is true
 IP address ("EnMPro") is set
 Port for communication is defined

2.2.5 Configuration in the data block

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1. Under "localPort", select the port address used on the S7-CPU for the
connection in the valid value range from 1 to 49151 (16#BFFF), preferably
2. Under "remotePort", select the port address used on the EnMPRO server for
the connection in the valid value range from 1 to 49151, preferably 3000.
3. Enter the hardware ID of the local interface under "interfaceID", e.g. for a CPU
S7-1500 64 when connected via port X1.
Note: The hardware interface can be seen in the properties of the CPU under
system constants. It differs depending on the port used.

4. Under "connectionID", set the connection reference on the S7-CPU in the valid
value range from 1 to 4095.
Note: Several connections on an S7-CPU must receive different values.

Optional: Selection of data to be transferred

The variable "comStateEnable" describes which data should be transferred to the

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2 Engineering PLC

By default, all process tag data is transferred to the "Energy Manager Pro".
If you want to restrict the data to be transferred, change the value of the
"comStateEnable" tag as follows:
Figure 2-8 "comStateEnable" assignment

measOperation[m].energyCounter [0]

measOperation[m].energyCounter [8]


The corresponding value (e.g. energyCounter) is transmitted with a "1". In this

case, all energy meters are transmitted.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Optional: Specify IP address

The input of the connection parameters is required to establish communication with
the "Energy Manager Pro".
Enter the IP address of the Energy Manager Pro directly into the DB as the default
Figure 2-9

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Tag path: "EnS_EEm_OEMDB > statConfigEnMPROComm > communication >

serverIP[1] = 192
serverIP[2] = 168
serverIP[3] = 0
serverIP[4] = 200.

Activate communication
You can use the "enableCommunication" tag to enable or disable the block.
By default, the block is active.

Changing configuration in runtime

You can set the parameter settings for communication with the "Energy Manager
Pro" at any time in the HMI device as follows:
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1. Click on the "Config" button in the sub-navigation of the "Energy Efficiency

2. On the left side you can set the communication to the "Energy Manager Pro".
3. As soon as these 3 properties are defined, the communication block
establishes a connection to the "Energy Manager Pro".

Figure 2-10

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Optional: Use outputs

The block provides status information and an error output for analysis.
The outputs "error" and "status" can be further processed in the program.
The output "error" is a bool value. This becomes "True" if a program error occurs
within the communication block.
The output "status" describes the status of the communication block. The individual
states can be found in the following table:
Table 2-5: States status
Value Status
0 without error or warning.
1 The counter values cannot be updated.
"triggerRecalcOutput" has been set elsewhere.
2 The buffer "dataBuffer" is occupied for a "Logon" or "EnergyData"
3 Error 1 and 2 combined.
>3 Status output of TCON, TDISCON, TSEND, TRCV, (see
information system of the TIA Portal).
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2.3 Troubleshooting
1. No test can be performed in the HMI.
 Verify that you have entered a valid license key and an "overflow".

 Check the configuration of the process tags in the "OEM" DB. Possible cause:
"inputType" or "Type1Counter" are not defined.
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

2. No process tags are displayed in the HMI.

 Verify that you have entered a valid license key.
 Check the configuration of the process tags in the "OEM" DB.

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3 Engineering HMI

3 Engineering HMI
The prerequisite for using the visualization is a fully configured controller according
to chapter 2.
With the ready-made visualization, you can make use of all the functions of the S7
EE-monitor. The visualization for the HMI device can be found in the library

 The "S7 EE-monitor" is already configured on a "SIMATIC S7-1500" or
"SIMATIC S7-1200" controller.
 A "SIMATIC TP900 Comfort Panel" has been configured.
 An HMI connection to the controller has been configured.

Note The "HMI Template Suite" must be used as template for the HMI device. If this
template is not used, more custom design customization is needed.

You can download the template for your HMI at the following link:
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3.1 Procedure
The visualization is zipped into a library so you can easily integrate it into a project
of your choice.
1. Download the library from the entry page.
2. Open your project in the TIA Portal.
3. Open the library "LS7EEmVisu" with the TIA Portal.
The library contains a folder for controller elements and a folder for the HMI.
Open the folder "Copy templates> S7EE-Monitor> 02_HMI".

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3 Engineering HMI

Figure 3-1 Library "LS7EEmVISU"

4. Copy the objects contained in the "02_HMI" folder to the appropriate position in
your HMI device using drag & drop.
Note: For standardization reasons, some sub-folders may be empty. You do
not have to copy these.

Figure 3-2
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3 Engineering HMI

5. To start the tool, copy the button labeled "btnEEm" to any HMI screen.
This button opens the overview page of the tool ("11_EEmOverview").

If you have multiple tools or applications, you can use the "90_ToolsOverview"
summary page. This is in the folder "01_Screens" in the library.
6. Open the "EEmMandatory" table with the tag editor.
7. Click on the "..." button in the "Connection" column and select your connection
to CPU 1512.
8. Do this for all HMI tags in this table.
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Note: If required, synchronize your HMI variables with the controller.

Figure 3-3 Synchronizing the HMI variables

9. Compile and download the program on the HMI device.

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10. Start the simulation or load the project onto your HMI device.
11. Click the button to start the "S7 EE-monitor".

Optional: Adapt visualization for less than four process tags

The visualization is designed for four process tags. If you want to visualize fewer
process tags, proceed as follows:
1. At the FB "EnS_EEm_OEM", enter "-1.0" for the unused process tags in the
cyclic OB. 2 process tags are used in the next figure.

Figure 3-4
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2. In engineering, open the HMI screen "11_EEmOverview".

3. Delete the third and fourth overview elements.

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3 Engineering HMI

Figure 3-5

4. Open the template "TemplateSubNavTextDeviation".

The process tags are listed on the left side. Delete the buttons for the process
tag three and four.
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5. Follow the same procedure for the template "TemplateSubNavTextEfficiency".

6. Update the HMI tags and adjust the variables if necessary.

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3 Engineering HMI

Figure 3-6 Synchronizing the HMI tags

7. Compile and load your HMI device.

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3 Engineering HMI

3.2 Visualization of "EE@Industry Profile"

The "EE@Industry Profile" is used, for example, by the "SIMATIC Energy Meter"
and provides a standardized interface to the recorded energy values.
You can use the HMI screen "15_EnergyEEIndustry" to display this data on your
HMI device. You can switch between the energy values with the tabs.
Figure 3-7
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Integration into the operator device

The screen is already integrated in the example project, which is provided on the
entry page. In the library you will find the screen under the following path: "Copy
templates> 02_HMI > 06_CopyManual > EEIndustryVisu":

Figure 3-8

Copy the element "15_EnergyEEIndustry" as well as the tag table "LiveData" into
your HMI device.

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3 Engineering HMI

Changing the data connection

The data connection has already been solved via the HMI tag "hmiEEIndustry".
View the energy data by adjusting the controller connection to your configuration:
1. Open the tags table "LiveData". (Item 1)
2. In the PLC tag column ("PLC tag"), select the tag from the controller (item 2)
that you want to visualize.
3. Confirm the selection dialog.
Figure 3-9

4. After you parameterize a valid connection, the data is displayed in the runtime
in the HMI screen "15_EnergyEEIndustry". You can use the visualization.
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4 Example project

4 Example project
To test the application example, you can commission the sample project. The
displayed values for the process tags are simulated for the demonstration.

4.1 Commissioning the example project

To commission the example project, proceed as follows:
1. Download the example project from the article page.
2. Unzip the project and open it with the TIA Portal.
You can find the software and the hardware components in chapter 1.3
3. You must enter a valid license in the "EnS_EEm_OEMDB" block. See chapter
4. Adjust the IP addresses to your devices.
5. Compile and load the controller.
6. Compile and load the HMI device.
7. Click on the "Energy Efficiency" symbol on the start screen to start the "S7 EE-

Figure 4-1
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8. You can now operate the "S7 EE-monitor". Energy data is simulated for the
process tags.
The simulation selects random values for the individual process tags. At the
same time, the produced quantity is counted up and automatically changed
between the individual machine states.
Note: All blocks required for the simulation can be found in the controller in the
folder "Program blocks> Simulation". If you no longer need the simulation,
delete the folder "Simulation".

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5 Operation

5 Operation
To evaluate the energy efficiency you need a valid reference measurement as well
as a load measurement. If both measurements are available, you can use this data
to determine the energy efficiency of your machine. You also get the opportunity to
create an energy efficiency log.

These three functions are described below:

1. How to take reference and load measurements
2. Displaying measurement results graphically
3. Calculating energy efficiency values

5.1 Overview screen

With the overview screen, you have the most important factors in view for all
process tags:
Figure 5-1
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Table 5-1 Legend

No. Display
1. Status indicator, energy efficiency indicator / EnPI
(Display from green to red)
2. Reference value EnPI value
3. Current value EnPI value
4. "Productive" energy percentage value
5. Main navigation through the tool

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5 Operation

5.2 Taking measurements

1. To perform a measurement, click on the "Test" button (item 1) in the main
navigation of the tool.
2. Select the measurement type (item 2) between the tab "Actual" and
3. In the "New Measurement" area, click on the "Start" button (item 3).
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

4. The measurement continues until you press the "Stop" button.

Note Values are only displayed after the measurement has been completed. While the
measurement is running, the status bar is colored green.

Note Once you have run both measurement types, you can evaluate and analyze the
Start with the reference measurement and then carry out the actual

5.3 Energy efficiency display

Click on the "Efficiency" button to access the HMI screen "13_EEMEnPI".

In this HMI screen, you can evaluate the energy efficiency and access the
configuration for efficiency:

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5 Operation

Click on the "Configuration" button to define the "productive energy" and the
Figure 5-2 Screen "13_EEMEnPI"

5.3.1 Configuration of the efficiency display and the productive energy

In this screen, you can set which states should be taken into account when
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

calculating efficiency and productive energy.

1. In the "Productive Energy" tab, select the states that you want to define as
On the right side, there are two predefined presets that you can select.
This definition affects the following display:
Figure 5-3

2. In the "EnPI" tab, you can select the states that are taken into account when
calculating the "EnPI" value.
3. Click the "Confirm" button to save the new settings.

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5 Operation

Figure 5-4 Settings for "Productive Energy" calculation

Figure 5-5 "EnPI" calculation settings

 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Note If you accept a new setting, the existing EnPI calculation will be reset. The old
EnPI values will be lost in the process.

4. In the "Target EnPI" tab, you specify an efficiency specification for each
individual process tag.
Figure 5-6

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5 Operation

The set values affect the following view:

Figure 5-7 Efficiency view

The efficiency display ranges from 90% (green) to 140% (red) of the setpoint. The
display is linear. A bar corresponds to a jump of 10%.

5.4 Displaying measurement results graphically

Showing the detail page

1. Click on the "Deviation" button in the menu bar.

Figure 5-8
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

2. The HMI screen "12_EEmDeviation" is opened.

In this HMI screen, you can see the detail evaluation of the measurement
results from a process tag.

 In the left selection list, you can select a process tag (item 1).
 In the lower area you can see the reference and actual values from the last
measurement. (Item 2).
 The percentage deviation is shown in the bar chart for each process tag. (Item

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5 Operation

5.5 Visualization of "EE@Industry Profile"

Note Only when using an "EE@Industry Profile".

Notes on configuration can be found in chapter 3.2.

Use the HMI screen "15_EnergyEEIndustry" to visualize the energy data from the
EE@Industry profile. Switch between the energy values with the tabs.
In "In-Screen Navigation", click on the respective tabs to display the energy or
power values.
Figure 5-9
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6 Energy efficiency reports

6 Energy efficiency reports

The "S7 EE-monitor" offers you the option of collecting the energy efficiency data
through the "Ens_EEm_Report" block and saving it as a CSV file on the "SIMATIC
memory card".
This CSV file contains machine information and data from the last reference and
load measurement.
In Microsoft Excel, you can generate an efficiency log from this CSV file by using
the following template:
Figure 6-1 Energy efficiency log
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

6.1 Requirements
Engineering of the PLC
In the control program, the "EnS_EEm_Report" block must be accessed and
interconnected in a cyclic OB (100ms).

Note The block is contained in the data block "EnS_EEm_OEM".

Figure 6-2 Accessing the report block in FB "EnS_EEm_OEM"

The block on the line-side, has the same parameters as the "EnS_EEm_Calc" block.

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6 Energy efficiency reports

Mode of operation of the block

If there is a rising signal edge at the "request" input, the block writes the energy
efficiency data to the "data log" on the SIMATIC memory card.
You can now copy the corresponding CSV file from the "SIMATIC memory card".
This is required for the subsequent steps.

6.2 Saving the CSV file

A reference and load measurement has been already taken and energy data is

1. Click on "Test" in the main navigation of the tool.
2. Click the field button on the right side of the screen.
3. Click on the "Create .CSV report" function.

Figure 6-3
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The name of the CSV file consists of the configured machine name and the

4. Copy the CSV file from the "SIMATIC memory card" to your computer, e.g. via
the web server of the controller:
5. To start the web server open a web browser and enter the IP address of your
controller (e.g. in the address field.

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6 Energy efficiency reports

Figure 6-4 Web server ET 200SP

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6. Save the generated CSV file.

6.3 Generating an energy log based on the Excel template

Note The Excel template is tested for the Microsoft version 2010.

1. Download the Excel template "EnergyReport" from the following page:

2. Open the Excel document.
The document contains macros. These facilitate the import of the CSV file into
the Excel document. The program code runs automatically and assumes the
following tasks:
In the csvData spreadsheet:
a. Delete the old data record.
b. Insert the new data with the "AddQueryTables" function.
c. Execute the function "Text in columns".
d. Delete unnecessary spaces in the imported data ("Find & replace"
3. Click the "Select csv-file" button.

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6 Energy efficiency reports

Figure 6-5

4. In the dialog box, select the saved CSV file with the energy data and click the
"Open" button.
5. The data is imported and is now available in the "csvData" spreadsheet.
6. The log is automatically supplied with the saved data from the "csvData" Excel

Note If you use the Excel template without macro function, you must perform the
aforementioned functions yourself and add the data from the CSV file to the
"csvData" spreadsheet, starting from cell "A1".
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

The first spreadsheet shows the content of the data read.
The table extends automatically depending on the imported data record. The report
can now be printed or saved.

6.4 Notes on using the Excel template

On the first spreadsheet, you should only make changes to the gray boxes.
If you change other values from the log, they will not be updated any more.
Figure 6-6 Text boxes that can be modified in Microsoft Excel.

Note Do not delete any rows or columns from the "csvData" spreadsheet because the
Excel document might no longer function properly.

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7 Useful information

7 Useful information
7.1 Energy efficiency factor
The EnPI (energy performance indicator) factor indicates the energy required to
produce a particular product.

Example: Tool creation

Energy, in the form of water, gas and electricity, are required for production. An
EnPI value can be calculated for each medium.

Table 7-1
Medium Consumption Quantity EnPI
Electricity [kWh] 17500 kWh 15000 1.17 kWh / unit
Water 49500 l 15000 3.30 l / unit
Gas 850 m³ 15000 0.06 m³ / unit

The "S7-Energy Efficiency monitor" calculates and displays EnPI factors

graphically so that the values can be used to estimate the required energy and
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

evaluate the quality of production.

By calculating a reference value for the EnPI factors, it is possible to measure the
current EnPI factors from the reference values.

Note The recalculation of the EnPI values is only performed when the piece count is

7.2 Energetic states of a production machine:

The VDMA 34179 technical rule defines the following energetic states for
production machines.
 Off
The machine is switched off
 Standby
Machine is in a "Standby mode"
for example. via PROFIenergy (SIOS entry ID 109478388)
 Powering Up
The energy needed by the machine to return to its ready state from
 Operational
Machinery is ready for operation
 Working
Machine is producing

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7 Useful information

The technical rule also specifies which energy and media values have to be
recorded and what has to be observed during the measurements.

7.3 Energy efficiency analysis in the Energy Manager PRO

The Energy Manager Pro is also provided for the analysis of energy data. The
Energy Manager Pro offers extensive functions:
 Analysis of the individual machines
 machine comparisons
 line cost center
 reporting

For comparison the advantages of the S7 EE monitor:

 local visualization
 acceptance report
 data preparation

7.3.1 Display of the data in the machine dashboard

The raw data and energy key figures can be individually displayed in the Energy
 Siemens AG 2018 All rights reserved

Manager PRO in reports or dashboards.

Figure 7-1

7.4 Additional information

For information on the structure of the data types used, compatibilities and working
methods of the blocks, refer to the "S7 Energy Efficiency Monitor for Machines"
programming guide.

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8 Appendix

8 Appendix
8.1 Service and Support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks:

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts. Please send queries
to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Training for Industry

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
 Plant data services
 Spare parts services
 Repair services
 On-site and maintenance services
 Retrofitting and modernization services
 Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
web page:

Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for Apple iOS, Android and Windows

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8 Appendix

8.2 Links and Literature

Table 8-1
No. Topic
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to the article page of the application example
\3\ Link to Getting Started and Energy Suite V15
\4\ Link to SIMATIC AI Energy Meter 400VAC ST manual
\5\ Link to SIMATIC Energy Manager Pro application example

8.3 Change documentation

Table 8-2
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Version Date Change

V1.0 01/2018 First version
V2.0 10/2018 Revised version of HMI visualization and communication
block (new)

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