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In the Name of God the Compassionate; the Merciful

Greetings to Grand Mofti, All Imams and Muslim Leaders in Australia

Re: Human Unity a Pre-Requisite to Australian Society’s peace, security & stability

APM emphasizes importance of Human Unity. Humanity is one nation indeed. It is crucial
that Muslims (Sunni; Shia or else) not only unite with each other but they also should unite
with the greater Australian community at all levels (we owe our Australian society this
unqualified/unequivocal duty). This does not mean that we jeopardize our religious beliefs
but we need to act upon them as it seems we are very far from “true Islam”. Unfortunately
many Muslims fail to act on teachings of our true religion of Islam (and or are following or
keen to support an extreme/radical version of Islam that is counter-productive & to the
detriment of all; including good Muslims of this country). The current situation is no longer
tenable and APM no longer shall tolerate silence on wrongdoing of extreme Muslims in

Indeed APM is not only concerned with clear lack of unity within Muslim community itself
but also lack of Muslim’s engagement & unity with the Australian society. This is very
concerning and shows nothing but failure or shortcomings of Muslims’ co-existence within
the Australian Society; which now has undermined the validity of our Islamic faith and its co-
existence with other religions/cultures/nations. Not good at all.

APM is concerned with absence of Muslim leadership in Australia. Alternatively, APM is

concerned with the failure of any purported Muslim leadership in this country.
APM is also concerned with minority of Muslims and their religious leaders taking side with
Radical Islam and those who fund it (including Saudi Arabia; Qatar; Turkey governments in
Australia). These issues are very concerning & NOT acceptable.

APM is also concerned with clear evidence of frustration and disappointment of Australians
with Muslim community for reasons outlined above. APM is of the view that Muslims need to
reform and go back to true religious beliefs that tolerate other nations, other religions, other
sects and other human beings. Indeed, APM consider “Radical Islam” to be a falsified
version which has nothing to do with “true religion of Islam” as it lacks love, compassion
and respect to freedom of others.

Creation of ISIS and the continued support of extremists by some States (and their alliance
with Saudi Arabia) is done for dirty menial/political reasons of gains & dividing the Muslim
community, influencing the ideology of Muslims, and separating Muslims from the values of
true Islam and each other and to weaken Islam as a religion. It is time to wake up and go
back to the “true version of Islam that loves & respects every one”.

We all need to remember the Lord; clean our hearts and souls & be true brothers and sisters
to all human beings; including Australians and without any qualification as to their religion,
race, nationality, political opinions and else (I met many Non-Muslim Australians or
Christians who carry values & qualities of our true Islam – why not to do the right thing by
Indeed, APM encourages all Islamic centers/leaders/institutions to start process of cleansing
itself from any radical Islam teaching and or any extreme religious teacher/imam. This
should be done immediately & without any excuse.
APM also encourages Australian Muslims not to receive any foreign funding or donation (i.e.
from Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Turkey or else) that aids, abets and or strengthens extreme
version of Radical Islam in Australia.

APM also invites and encourages Australian Muslim Leaders/institutions to:

i) Stop trivial/unnecessary disputes;

ii) Stop fueling a feud within the community;
iii) Stop practicing virtual Islam rather than real/true Islam;
iv) Stop ignoring verses 3:103/ 6:159/ 45:27&28/ 30:32/21-92 of Quran; all of
which clearly instruct all Muslims not only to have human unity with others but
that they should be non-judgmental as “all humanity is one nation & only God
can judge others” (who are we to judge!)
v) Stop your political disagreements to be a reason for division;
vi) Live by and encourage Australian values of tolerance; democracy; freedoms of
religion to all your Muslim audience;
vii) Practice the True Islam: RADICAL ISLAM IS NOT “TRUE ISLAM”;
viii) Understand that principles of True Islam and Human Unity are consistent with
each other – they are indeed not optional (you can’t be a good Muslim if you are
not kind/humane/loving/caring towards the greater Australian community – this is
a MUST);
ix) Reflect Muslim & Human unity on every possible opportunity (we say we are good
Muslims but what have we truly done to better this country? (Other than taking
benefit from it?)- Isn’t it time to give love, respect, courtesy, unity to the
Australian nation – we must create bridges with the Australian society and do the
right thing at all times. Isolation and sitting and doing nothing (other than
business i.e. the current “Muslim institutions” that do nothing to better the
Muslims’ standing in this country) will not take us anywhere. We need to act.
x) Learn tolerance towards others’ points of views;
xi) Learn to criticize without hurting;
xii) Avoid taking strong positions on small issues;
xiii) Do not call any one infidel;
xiv) Reach out to all Australians beyond ethnic boundaries;
xv) Heed the advice found in Quran (chapter 49) which provides guidance on
excellent behavior of Muslims: apply the principles towards others; including the
Australian society (they haven’t seen any good from Muslims as yet – why should
they respect us!!!)
xvi) Share the above tips with wider/your audience;
xvii) Make prayers for unity and good of all human beings;
xviii) Do everything you can to promote love and unity amongst Muslims & Australians.
xix) Assist the Australian society (including Muslims) by acting upon the above
principles. We truly need some positive action in the name of true Islam that binds
the Australian & Muslim society together & this cannot be done unless through
“love” – “love your neighbor”.

APM also believes that over and above all our religious/human duties, Muslims should
realize that working toward unity (Ummah and greater Australian society) remains our top
priority which requires our collective work/efforts. Let’s not forget that unless Muslims unite
with each other and the greater Australian community, Muslims cannot be up to today’s

We sincerely & kindly appeal to all Muslims to be leaders by their actions of following the
“True Islam”; which will strengthen peace amongst Muslims and the Australian wider

We finally confirm that APM is keen, willing and ready to work with all Australians (and
Muslims) to promote harmony and peace within our beloved country “Australia”.

Thank you again & remain for all your attention, understanding and immediate action.

United we stand ------ Divided we fall

Unity is Strength ---- Division is Weakness

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