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Design Document for

Performance Management for Northcentral Technical College faculty and the alignment with the 7 Principles of Good Teaching model
By Dianne Carroll

Purpose of the The purpose of the project is to provide a complete understanding of the model being used in faculty
Course (M1) performance management reviews at NTC. Bringing awareness and understanding of the 7 Principles of
Good Teaching will as an end result improve learner satisfaction and course quality.

Audience The primary target audience for this project would be all faculty at NTC including both full-time and adjunct
Description (M1) faculty. In addition, deans, associate deans, managers and supervisors administering performance
management reviews would also be included. It would also be available to any staff members who would
like to complete the training. The learners will be both males and females who are 24 and older with
anywhere from 1 day to 30+ years working in higher education. The faculty would be subject matter
experts with entry level or greater skills using computers, online learning and the NTC learning
management system, Canvas. Some of the target audience may be familiar with the 7 Principles model,
while for others this will be new information.
Major Course
Objectives Terminal Objective 1: Given the list of the stages of the 7 Principles of Good Teaching model,
(Terminal) (M1) Northcentral Technical College faculty will identify the indicators for each stage of the model –

Terminal Objective 2: Given the list of the criteria of the 7 Principles of Good Teaching model,
Northcentral Technical College faculty will prepare course content in Canvas using the criteria –

Terminal Objective 3: Given the Northcentral Technical College Performance Management Faculty
Review document, Northcentral Technical College faculty will self-assess skill levels meeting the criteria of
the 7 Principles of Good Teaching. (Cognitive/Applying)

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Course Enabling EO1: Identify and explain the 7 Principles of Good Teaching and the indicators for each. (Cognitive)
Objectives (M1) EO1: Illustrate examples of effective and ineffective utilization of each of the 7 Principles of Good Teaching criteria.

EO2: Develop Learning Activities (Cognitive)

EO2: Develop Assessment Activities (Cognitive)
EO2: Identify and explain which principle was met and to what level

EO3: Use Canvas (NTC Learning Management System) Instructor Insights tool and data to assess
faculty/student contact. (Psychomotor)
EO3: Evaluate expectations of Performance Management Faculty Review document. (Cognitive)

RLO Enabling
Objective (M2) EO1: Identify and explain the 7 Principles of Good Teaching and the indicators for each. (Cognitive)

Assessment for Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a digital badge.
Course (M1) There will be formative and summative assessments in the course.

Assessment for Quiz (Matching, Multiple Choice, True/False)
RLO (M2)

Instructional The instruction for this project will be delivered online, asynchronous. This delivery option was selected
Delivery method for because of the flexibility to deliver the content and ability for the target audience to spend time on sections
Course (overall) (M1) as needed. Moving through what they are already familiar with more quickly and spend more time on
newer concepts. This mode of delivery also ensures all of the target audience receives the exact same
message and it can be available at all times for flexible delivery.
Instructional 1. Tutorial
Strategy for RLO a. Present the purpose for the 7 Principles of Good Teaching
(M2) b. Share the 7 principles and indicators for each
c. Provide scenarios for the learner to practice and identify what principle is being addressed
d. Complete a quiz. (Matching, multiple choice, True/False)

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Media (M3)  Video

 Text and Audio *audio can be turned off by learner

 Text and Graphics

508 RLO will be designed to adhere to all of the standards of the Section 508 Rehabilitation Act.
(M3)  All images will have alternative text
 Videos will have synchronized captions
 Color will NOT be the only way to convey information
 Learner will have control over the timing of content changes
 Graphics, movies and objects will avoid strobing, flickering or flashing
 Per the US Department of Health & Human Services fonts choices will be limited to: Times New Roman,
Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, and Calibri.
 Normal text size of 12 to 14 point font will be utilized.
 Bold and italic text will be limited and not used to convey meaning
 Buttons will have a descriptive value

Course Structure There will be 8 Modules in the course.

Description (M2) Introduction Module and then 1 module for each of the 7 Principles.

Module 1: Introduction to the 7 Principles of Good Teaching

Module 2: Faculty/Student Contact
Module 3: Collaborative Learning
Module 4: Active Learning
Module 5: Prompt Feedback
Module 6: Time On Task
Module 7: High Expectations
Module 8: Diverse Learners

Seat Time of
Course (M1) 36 hours (1 credit equivalent)

Seat Time of RLO

(M4) Learner will spend approximately 15 – 20 minutes on the RLO

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RLO Outline (M2) Module 1: Introduction to the 7 Principles of Good Teaching

1.Title of RLO & Introduction

2. Why are the 7 Principles of Good Teaching Important at Northcentral Technical College?
a. Short video from Northcentral Technical College President (motivation)

3. Overview and identification of the 7 Principles of Good Teaching indicators

a. Faculty/Student Contact
b. Collaborative Learning
c. Active Learning
d. Prompt Feedback
e. Time On Task
f. High Expectations
g. Diverse Learners

4. MATCHING – RECALL (7 Principles of Good Teaching indicators)

5. Examples of instructor assessment (NTC Performance Management)

6. MATCHING – RECALL (NTC Performance Management)

7. Review & Overview

8. Quiz

9. Closing

10. Additional Resource Links

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RLO Flowchart (M3)

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Screens/Pages in
RLO (M4) There will be approximately 10 screens in the RLO

Knowledge Checks 8 Dichotomous (T/F, Y/N, etc.)

or Other
4 Multiple Choice
Assessments or
Practices for RLO 1/7 Drag and Drop **1 with 7 choices

Rollovers/click __8__Rollovers
events (M4)
__4__Click Events

RLO Navigation (M3) Navigation Buttons

Next, Back, Home, Exit

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Screen Layouts for
RLO (M4)

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Development Tools
for RLO (M5) PowerPoint, Panopto, Articulate Storyline 360

Ownership (M1) The course is being developed for Northcentral Technical College and designed by Dianne Carroll.
Updates and maintenance of the course will be completed by Dianne Carroll or NTC Curriculum &
Organizational Development.

Development Time Estimated time to develop the course approximately 134 hours
of entire course
and RLO (M2) Estimated time to develop the RLO approximately 20 hours

requirements for
RLO and course Subject Matter Expert (SME), Instructional Designer and project reviewer

Project Please sign below indicating agreement with the proposed course plan and approving start-up of the storyboard and
Sign-off [optional] development phases.

Instructional Designer Date

Project Manager/Sponsor Date

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