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Malta Allied Airgunners Club

PO Box 38 Naxxar
Website: E-mail:

Enrollment Form 2008/2009

For Licence holders but without TS-B (Air gun) Licence.

Section 1: Applicant Details and Declaration

Title Name Surname


Town Post Code I.D. Card

Home Phone Mobile Phone


I, the undersigned, hereby apply to join MAAC. My application form is two passport-sized photographs, copy of your fire arm
licences TS-A and/or CL-A and or CL-B licence for 2008, copy of the insurance policy for 2008 if available, copy of the Malta ID
card (both sides), copy of your current club ID (both sides) and a non-refundable application fee of €5.00 plus payment as listed
in section 2. I agree and accept that the MAAC Administrative Committee’s decision is final and that I shall not contest it in the
event that my application is refused. I agree and accept that during my first six (6) months I must attend 4 MAAC activities, training
or competitions to obtain full membership. Membership may be terminated unless I follow this procedure successfully. If I am do
not have a Target Shooter B license then I must attend and pass the Airgun Safety and Introduction Course (ASIC) deemed
necessary for my membership and LOR from MAAC. As a member of MAAC I shall abide by the terms of Club statute and policies
established by the MAAC Administrative Committee. I agree and accept that the MAAC Administrative Committee shall process
and file my details in accordance with the Data Protection Act and that I shall notify the MAAC Administrative Committee in the
event of any changes in my personal details.

Signature Date

Section 2: Applicant Membership Fee.

a. Enrollment Fee in MAAC (one time non refundable) € 5 □
b. Membership fee Adult in MAAC for year 2008/2009 € 15 □
c. Membership fee Junior (14-18years) in MAAC for year 2008/2009 € 5 □
d. 3 Years Membership Adult in MAAC for years 2008 – 2011 € 40 □
e. Target Shooter insurance for year 2009 € ? □
TOTAL € __________

Payment by cash / cheque (Bank & No.________________) received by:__________________________

Section 3: Additional Information.
Please indicate your airgun sporting discipline interests.

Air Rifle Field Target □

Air Rifle Bench Rest □
Air Pistol Practical Shooting □
Other Please Describe.

Do you have the following Police License for airgun use according to Arms Act LN177

Target Shooter – A YES □ NO □

Target Shooter – B ( shotgun ) YES □ NO □ T
Target Shooter – A ( airgun ) YES □ NO □

Collector Licence – A YES □ NO □

Collector Licence – B YES □ NO □



District Police Office:


If not what do you have?

Do you have a Target Shooting Insurance Policy ?

YES □ NO □

I hereby declare that the information submitted is true and correct.

Applicant’ Signature: _________________________Date: _____________________________

Section 4: Applicants Receipt – Applicants Copy.
Received from: ...................................................…………......………….
ID No: ……..................…… Date: ..................................
Received: € .………..…… Cash/Chq: ………...………..
Recipient: ………... …………………………………………………………
Member No.: ………..………
Signature: ………………………………...…….………….
Thank you for submitting your application to join MAAC. Make sure you have entered all the information requested and other requirements. Contact
details (telephone, mobile phone numbers and e-mail) are essential for good communication. Your application will be treated within the shortest
time possible. Please keep this receipt in a safe place.
The MAAC Administrative Committee.

Malta Allied Aurgunners Club PO Box 38 Naxxar Malta.

Website: E-mail:

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