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Class: 11th Time: 2hrs 30mins


Q 1. a) Read the following extract and answer the questions:
My friend, I have a favour to ask of you!’ he said to the doctor. ‘The fact is . . .
they want me to get hitched at all costs. To avoid this calamity, I have decided
to feign insanity . . . Hamlet’s device, after a fashion . . .’
i) Who is the friend being spoken to?
ii) Why has the speaker gone to his friend?
iii) The extract has been taken from the story titled ____________ written by
____________ (1x3)
b) Read the stanza and answer the questions:
I gazed – and gazed – but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
i) What is the ‘wealth’ that the poet is referring to in these lines?
ii) When does the poet feel blissful?
iii) What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? (1x3)
Q 2. Answer any one in about 150-200 words.
Discuss Appa-mam as an enigmatic character.
The Listeners is a narrative poem centering around a traveler’s encounter with
the supernatural. Discuss in detail. (6)
Q 3. Answer any three.
a) Do you think Rafferty had a story? Why?
b) What is personification. Give three examples from the poem The Daffodils.
c) On one occasion, the shoemaker offered to take back the narrator’s shoe. Why
did he do so?
d) What according to the writer is crucial to the success of democracy?
e) What is bio-piracy? How does it affect a country? (3x4)
Q 4. Write an essay of about 300 words on any one.
Indiscipline in Today’s generation.
Carrier Counselling at Schools. (6)
Q 5. Write a letter to the newspaper editor reflecting on reckless driving and
repercussions thereof.
Write a letter to your mother from a boarding school telling her how you dislike
the life there. (5)
Q 6. a) Draft a poster of pulse polio immunization campaign.
b) Write a sms to your friend enquiring about his recovery after accident. (3)
Q 7. i) In this tower sat the poet gazing on the sea. (Change into compound sentence)
ii) He bought his uncle’s library. (Change into complex sentence)
iii) He ____________ asleep when he was driving. (fell, has fallen, falls)
iv) He (need, dare, would) not ask for a rise, for the fear of losing his job.
v) A man drew this portrait. He is coming here to lecture the students. (Join
using relative pronoun)
vi) He will join the school __________ tomorrow. (Use appropriate preposition)

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