Anything (Assignment)

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"We can see “ANYTHING” and everything in our refrigerator”

“ANYTHING” provides service to recreate the refrigerator from the manufacturer and
customer with a touch-screen enabling 1080p display, food scanning technology, voice
recognition, health care program and a free companion app to stay in touch with the
refrigerator’s inventory wherever, whenever you need.

Contact us: 03-123456789

Jalan Teknologi 5, Taman Teknologi Malaysia, 57000 Kuala Lumpur,

Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur


Executive Summary:

Refrigeration has grown to become the most essential food storage technique in developed
countries. As key features of any kitchen, refrigerators and freezers form an integral part of the
home appliances market. Many people have complained that they must keep on opening their
fridge to have a look at what is in the fridge.

Due to that “ANYTHING” has come up with a product which will help not only in not having
to open the fridge to have a look inside the fridge but to have an app that shows what is in the
fridge and what is not in the fridge that users want to buy whenever they are at the supermarket.

We are a third-party company which supplies a system with a built-in application to companies
which produces fridges such as “Samsung”, “LG”, “BOSCH”, “Hisense” and “Electrolux”

“ANYTHING” is the newest refrigerator modification in a growing market eager for inventive
new products and upgrades. We at “ANYTHING” believe that our product will create a new
wave of users who will have a much easier and a stress-free life.


Table of Contents
Company Description: ............................................................................................................. 5
Business Objectives: ............................................................................................................. 5
Mission Statement: ............................................................................................................... 5
Description of the business: ................................................................................................. 5
Industry Analysis: .................................................................................................................... 6
Market Analysis (Internal Environment): ......................................................................... 6
Competitive Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) ..................................................................... 7
Marketing: ................................................................................................................................ 9
1.0 Market segmentation and target market: ............................................................... 9
2.0 Marketing strategy:...................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Marketing strategy (Promotion): ................................................................................ 10
2.2 Advertising: ............................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Social media Advertisement: ................................................................................ 10
3.1 Price skimming: ........................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Bundle pricing: ......................................................................................................... 11
4.0 Distribution policy: ...................................................................................................... 12
5.0 Service support policy: ................................................................................................ 13
5.1 Online support: ......................................................................................................... 13
5.1.1 Automated customer service: ............................................................................... 13
Management: .......................................................................................................................... 14
President: ............................................................................................................................ 15
Vice President: .................................................................................................................... 15
Accountant: ......................................................................................................................... 15
Marketing Manager: .......................................................................................................... 15
Business Manager: ............................................................................................................. 16
Financial analyst: ............................................................................................................... 16
Human resources manager: .............................................................................................. 16
Customer service manager: ............................................................................................... 16
Product Manager: .............................................................................................................. 17
Financial Requirements: ....................................................................................................... 18
Business Set Up: ..................................................................................................................... 19
Customer Service: .............................................................................................................. 19
Advertising:......................................................................................................................... 19
Promotions: ......................................................................................................................... 19


Overview of business sales: ................................................................................................... 20

Income Statement: ................................................................................................................. 21
Business limitations: .............................................................................................................. 22
References ............................................................................................................................... 24


Company Description:

Business Objectives:

The business objectives of “ANYTHING” company is a statement of purpose. Business

objectives are the stated, measurable targets of how to achieve business aim. The objectives of
“ANYTHING” company is make people convenient in the usage of their refrigerators.
Furthermore, this company supports the concept of ‘Save The Earth’ by allowing customers to
save electricity by this company’s product. Today, the technology has drastically developed,
along with that “ANYTHING” makes a simple refrigerator a step better by using technology.

Mission Statement:

The mission statement is to allow people to make their job easier in this hurry world today and
provide good service by using technology. “ANYTHING” is a company which supply
refrigerator doors that has a screen to see what is inside the refrigerator. Not just this, but it will
relate to the customer’s smartphones via internet system. This will allow users to check what’s
left in the refrigerator while they go shopping.

Description of the business:

“ANYTHING” works a third person to provide this service to those who wants to upgrade the
feature of their refrigerator to high-tech system with an affordable price. “ANYTHING” also
concerns about the price of the service provided because majority people are middle-classed in
this society. Analysing the economic value “ANYTHING” provides the service with best deals.


Industry Analysis:
Market Analysis (Internal Environment):
Internal Analysis is a component of Situational Analysis and the strategic marketing plan. The
outcome of the analysis serves as input for SWOT. Where the external part of the Situation
Analysis (competition, industry, distribution and customer analysis) takes care of opportunities
and threats, the strong and weak points stem from the Internal Analysis. Internal Analysis is
thus of essential importance in formulating a business’s strategy (Edwin Muilwijk, n.d.).


We as the supplier of fridge door with embedded device for fridge factories. Our target is those
who are average income family and our aim is to provide an affordable fridge with embedded
tablet to public to ensure peoples experience easy life. We will build a system in the device
which can shows the entire goods within the fridge. The fridge will be connected to the phone
so that peoples can browse through their device to look for what do they lack.


We as the newly start-up company, the technology is not mature enough, therefore it might be
system break up problem. The capital cost of our company may be insufficient to hire an
engineer to build the system or the amount of system built will be limited. Other than that,
those factories will hesitate to corporate with us for they might think we are not trustworthy to
be their supplier. As the brand of our company is too fresh and unfamiliar to masses, people
will tend to buy the fridge with embedded tablet from those branded companies.


Competitive Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces)

Figure 1: Porter’s Five Force (Mindtools, n.d.)

1. Supplier Power
Supplier power refers to the pressure suppliers can exert on business by increasing the prices
of the product and lower down the quality of the product. (Wilkinson, 2013).
2. Buyer Power
Buyer power refers to the pressure consumers can exert on businesses by providing the quality
of the products higher, better customer service, and lower down the prices of the products.
(Wilkinson, 2013).
3. Competitive Rivalry
The intensity of rivalry among competitors in an industry refers to the extent to which firms
within an industry like Toshiba give pressure and limit the profit potential of each other.
(Wilkinson, 2013)
4. The Threat of Substitution
Threat of substitutes refer to the consumer are available to purchase the product and not the
industry’s product. A substitute product is a product from another industry that provide
similar benefits to the consumer like air-conditioner as the product produced by the firms
within the industry. (Wilkinson, 2013)
5. The Threat of New Entry
Threat of new entrants refers to the threat new competitors pose to existing competitors in an
industry. An industry that have been make a lot of profit like Panasonic will attract more
competitors looking to achieve profits like them. (Wilkinson, 2013)


Products and Services:

“ANYTHING” is a technology-based small medium enterprise who offers build-in
systems services directly to manufacturers of refrigerators. “ANYTHING”. In product wise,
this system was designed and programmed in a complex device which has a touch-screen for
functional purposes. This device looks similarly to the device in the airplanes seat back

The prime function of this device is to notify users about the domestic items and
products that the refrigerator contains at the very moment. The concept of this idea was
inspired to save both time and energy of users. Therefore, this would hinder users from not
checking their refrigerators every minute or two, looking for their desired domestic products.
Besides that, this device acts as a thoughtful individual who reminds users about the datelines
of the products they bought previously. Hence, this further saves users’ money and resources
from any sort of wastage.

Since this device is pretty like Apple’s iPad, the materials used to manufacture this
device also consists elements and compounds of Silicon, Aluminium, Copper and Oxygen.
For this device to work tremendously and at the same time occupying minimal space, silicon
and silica microchips and transistors must be implemented. As for wiring the series and
parallel circuits, copper wire must be used because it saves cost and electrical energy. On the
other hand, the casing of this device is made up of an alloy magnalium which consists a
mixture of magnesium and aluminium for higher tensile strength. Tin material was used in
the mechanics of touch screen. The screen was made of tempered glass which are silicon and

“ANYTHING” gets his electronic supplies from Mouser Electronics Malaysia, a

company who supplies cheap electronic compartments. While the glass compartments are
obtained from Alibaba at a fair price. As for the delivery of goods and services,
“ANYTHING” does not provide any transportation for the transition of refrigerators to these
manufacturers. Thus, manufacturers must deliver their refrigerators to us. But “ANYTHING”
provides free logistic services for those who ordered and chose to build-in themselves.
“ANYTHING” will provide a website for manufacturers to place order and custom made
their ideal device.



1.0 Market segmentation and target market:

In segmenting, targeting and positioning strategies, companies firstly decide the types of
customer that exists. Secondly, it decides on the customers that they want to serve and lastly
communicating the company’s products and services to chosen market segments (Hassan and
Craft, 2012). Segmentation is involved grouping consumer in a similar segment that may have
similar characteristics and may respond to marketing actions in a similar way. The various
segments in a market are demographics, psychographics and behavioural. Once, the
segmentation is done the next step is targeting. Developing specific marketing strategies for
the segment market is very important (Boone, and Kurtz, 2013).

The “ANYTHING” demographic segmentation includes both genders i.e. male and female who
are from middle-class families. The consumer incomes segment markets of “ANYTHING” are
the consumers with the average income to experience upper class lifestyle as our team sell this
product in a more affordable price. However, to achieve the stated marketing objectives, the
company must segment consumers who has an average income. Also, “ANYTHING” should
aim to target consumers who are busy city dwellers as our product and companion app helps
to save time and letting our customers know what’s in their inventory. “ANYTHING” should
aim to target the consumers who are thinkers and achievers who are high on innovation and


2.0 Marketing strategy:

“ANYTHING” intends to succeed by giving people their best service to make life easier
with a technology themed refrigerator in an environment. Moreover, “ANYTHING” is
aggressive to gain more places in the market and establish this service further. We will focus
on establishing an identity-oriented marketing strategy in our community because we are new
venture in the market and people in Malaysia must know that this kind of service existed.
Furthermore, we can achieve these goals by using the following strategy:

2.1 Marketing strategy (Promotion):

The strategies that can be adopted by “ANYTHING” are promoting and advertising
strategies. This excellent strategy can be implemented to upsurge the awareness about this
service and gain identity. Additionally, customers will be attracted and have feel of the service
before they come and visit to recreate or modify the refrigerator. The promotional strategies
used are influenced by many kinds of factors including the market characteristics, company
policy and customer trends (, 2018).

2.2 Advertising:
Higher percentage of the promotion budget will be used for advertising. For example, through
newsletter, commercial breaks in television, Social medias, Google my Business, Google
advertisement and Coupon deal sites (blair, 2016).

2.2.1 Social media Advertisement:

Social medias such as Facebook and Instagram can also be an advertisement agent which can
be advertised very easily and in an efficient way. If we advertised “ANYTHING” in YouTube,
we can reach over 1 billion customers depending on the contract made by “ANYTHING” and

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3.0 Price policy:

“ANYTHING” adopted various kind of pricing strategies to satisfy customers and

manufacturers needs to make life easier. This can be done by introducing discounts, changing
credit policies and arranging financing. The following are the pricing strategy which is adopted
by “ANYTHING”. We provide the service to recreate the refrigerator from the manufacturer
and customer with touchscreen enabled 1080p display, food scanning technology, Voice
recognition, Health care program, companion app to stay in touch with the refrigerator
wherever, whenever you needed. “ANYTHING” uses android system for our software as an
honorable sponsorship, android the above features comes with a friendly and base price RM500.
With customization options, customers can increase the size of the screen for RM200, add
custom colors for RM200.

3.1 Price skimming:

Price skimming is often used when a product or a service enters the new market in another
word new venture. It is a way where “ANYTHING” sets a high price for the new high-end
service. Moreover, when the goal is accomplished which is obtaining high income from the
market before competitors appear, we can lower the price to gain attention of the low-end
buyers (pricing, 2018). The purpose of this strategy is to enhance the survival of “ANYTHING”
in a market.

3.2 Bundle pricing:

Bundle pricing is a form of promotional price adjustment that offers discounted pricing when
customers or manufacturers purchase several service or custom doors at the same time (pricing,
2018). The more the customers buys the lesser the price will be. For example, when a company
buys 10 of our recreated refrigerators, they will get a 10% discounted price.

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4.0 Distribution policy:

“ANYTHING” follows different distribution channel for a different set of customers and
services. It uses retailers, and e-commerce and agency distributors to make their services
available to end customers (Conroy, 2018). Manufacturers of refrigerators can be a partnership
or teamed with “ANYTHING” and can place our logo on their manufacturers product. This
helps to become the most recognizable refrigerator system. “ANYTHING” can operate in the
business markets and sells its system to leading refrigerator manufacturers like Samsung, LG
and Sony. The following distribution strategy is adopted by “ANYTHING”.

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5.0 Service support policy:

Service support policy is also called as after sales service, which offers a service after a
customer has purchased a product. Service support is provided by a manufacturer, retailer or a
training provider. This service includes warranty service, manual or tutorial, repair, upgrade,
maintenance and other kind of services. The following are the strategies of service support to
the customers (Kendre, 2016).

5.1 Online support:

Real time online support plays a vital role in customers satisfaction when they face any problem
with the service or product. Online support consists of technical assistance for the refrigerator,
chat, forums, and a social media page. This also includes managing returns and repair. There
are 2 kind of online support to the customers.

5.1.1 Automated customer service:

Automated customer service is the service where customers can find solution to the most
frequent questions and even more complex questions that can be easily accessed by the
““ANYTHING”” companion app (Barbier, n.d). Customers should take feedback of the service
or product to ensure the changes made is convenient for the customers. (Kendre, 2016)

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As a member of “ANYTHING”, our organisation will be going as follows in picture 5.0.

Picture 5.0: Organizational Structure and Chart

Decision making in the company is by using the democratic process. The final decision will be
made by the majority role to be fair for all members in the company. In the same time, we will
be able to modify and voice up our opinions to change the idea to favour everyone’s idea. By
using this process, members will be able to understand each other and work for the company
more cooperatively since every other member are able to know what each other are thinking
and they will have the same aim to have a strong passion for the company.

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Veeloshana is the President of “ANYTHING”, she is an active, adaptive and calm
leader. She inspires other and able to adapt to situations. She can make the right decisions in
stressful situation. So that is why all members of “ANYTHING” choose Veeloshana as our
president. As a president, she will monitor all other members of “ANYTHING” and makes
sure everyone will do their work in the time given and everyone is not stressed and enjoying
their work. She will also give advices to other members of their mistakes and how to fix from

Vice President:
Pervind is the Vice President of “ANYTHING”, he is a good decision planner and a
thoughtful person, he always thinks about the consequences or outcomes of the decisions
before he makes it. He will act as vice president and lead the team when the president is busy.
He is the second head of this company. He will be an assistant for the president and his roles
in the company is like the president’s.

Ng Wang Shiang is the Accountant of “ANYTHING”, he is very precise with numbers
and a perfectionist. He always makes sure the income and outcome of the company is precise
and correct and makes sure that no money will be lost in the way. He has a natural talent in
maths and numbers, he learns and adapts quickly no matter what the problem is.

Marketing Manager:
Nityanantan is the Marketing Manager of “ANYTHING”. He is an extrovert and has a
talent in communication. He likes to go and understand each any every people in the company
and he has a lot of friends and he knows who to find regarding to the situation. He can execute
any task given well.

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Business Manager:
Cheng Yong is the Business Manager of “ANYTHING”. She will be mainly working
under the president and vice president. She will be encouraging employees and motivate them
to fulfil their task. She will be the one that checks all the projects and tasks of employees before
handling it to the president. She will be like a “checkpoint” for employees before giving it to
the president and vice president.

Financial analyst:
Marcus is the Financial Analyst of “ANYTHING”. He is detail-oriented and self-
motivated. He will help the company to prepare plans for the company for which company is
best for us to invest in or cooperate with. He will also check the company’s background before
we invest or cooperate “ANYTHING”. Furthermore, he will have to constantly to check for
any new news about financials such as new rules and regulations that will affect the company.

Human resources manager:

Evangeline is Human Resources Manager of “ANYTHING”. She is people-oriented
and has a talent in communication. She is understanding and able to motivates employees. She
is a quick thinker and she can make fast and correct decisions. She is a good teammate and
college to work with in the company. She will oversee employee relations and administering
employee’s payroll and benefits.

Customer service manager:

Rebecca is Customer Service Manager of “ANYTHING”. She has good listening skills,
problem-solving skills and communication skills. She has an ability to work well under
pressure and has a good personal presentation as well. She will be the company’s representative
is customers have any complaints or questions to ask about the system provided from our

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Product Manager:
Ven Jin is the Product Manager of “ANYTHING”. He has interpersonal skills,
analytical skills and has a good strategic thinking. He has software skills to help the company
in programming the system and software of our product. He will think about what is the most
suitable and what is the current trend or problems in the current era and implement as much in
the product as possible.

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Financial Requirements:

For the invention of refrigerator to have its minimum requirement of cost, we’ve gone
through several parties to get business loans and a few companies to cooperate with to allow
this new attached-system to be in the market.

First, in Malaysia there are several banks including RHB, ALLIANCE, AL-RAJHI,
CIMB, STANDARD CHARTERED and CITIBANK who’s offering loans for business. After
a throughout research among all the bank loans and interests, we are planning to have a loan
with Alliance Bank because they have the lowest interest rate compared to other banks which
is 3.99% P.A and RM 450 monthly repayment. Besides that, we’re also planning to get a
sponsorship from Android to have their latest software to run the touchscreen product that
includes food scanner, voice recognition and health care. Having Android as our company’s
sponsorship may be a little costly but if we have a chance to get Android to work with us, it
can make a good fortune as Android is having a very good fame of its software.

Finally, having this product on the market will be a big challenge. So, we came up with
a few famous refrigerator companies to propose our products to attach onto their refrigerator
doors. We are planning to have a cooperation starting off with Samsung first because Samsung
will be easier to convince as their mobile products are running under the same software system
which is Android. By accepting our product will bring us approximately RM10,000 profit
which will be good enough to return ¼ of the loan from the bank.

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Business Set Up:

Customer Service:
We at “ANYTHING” provide a very good customer service. We will directly send a
technician to your home to check with the system if it is faulty. They can call us up and our
customer service representative will answer when there is any problems or complaints or any

Sales Transaction:

The summary of all transactions is stored systematically. Our company will also prepare
balance sheet, income statement and the statement of cash flow. This makes our company
keep track of all the financial doings of the company

We at “ANYTHING” advertised our product with various ways. One of the ways is through
social media advertisement. Another way that we advertised is through show advertisement.
We also used print advertisement to advertise our product

For promotions we usually give when a company orders our products in bulks. We give an
average discount of 10% for the item.

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Overview of business sales:

In the FEP STUDENTS' FAIR on the 24th of August 2018 at Asia pacific University
Level 3, Atrium. We had created a booth to sell chocolates and hotdogs. Various promotions
were given to the customers and the sales for the booth looks amusing. According to our income
statement we had a 330% profit in the fair. We sold hotdogs for RM 4 each and chocolates for
RM2 each. The promotions were counted carefully to maximise profit and satisfy customers
for the food with the price. For example, our most sold promotion was “Buy 2 hotdogs free 2
chocolates” and the second would be “Buy 2 chocolates for RM3”. In the end the booth was a
great success, and everyone put in their best on that day.

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Income Statement:
Anything Hotdogs & Chocolates- Income Statement
August 24th, 2018
a) Revenue:
Gross Sales RM 177

b) Cost of Goods Sold: (RM 41)


c) Gross Profit: RM 136

d) Operating Expenses: (RM 0)

e) Net Income RM 136

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Business limitations:

In the business, there were a few limitations that was faced for our business. Firstly, the
budget that we had were minimal. We would like to cut down the cost as much as possible, so
we had a RM 50 as your limit for the fair. We couldn’t afford to create a large-scale business.

Secondly, our business is not very efficient. During those hectic lunch hours, our
business cannot cope up with the number of orders from customers. Furthermore, we do not
have enough people to promote and stay at the booth at the same time.

Thirdly, our business lack of name recognition. Our members or our business are not
famous enough to attract a lot of people to our booth.

Finally, there are talent gaps between members. For example, there are people that
knows what to do to finish their task but some of them have no clue what to do when given the
same task and requires aid from other team members.

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A few recommendations can be made to improve our sales or make our business more
efficient. Firstly, we can train members in our team to which have an idea what to do and how
to do when given any task. This can improve coordination and cooperation between members
and any given task can be fulfilled quickly with ease.

Secondly, we should have made some advertising a few days before the fair so that
people around that area will have knowledge that there is a fair and what are we selling on that
day so that customers will come if they wanted something from our booth during that day.

Thirdly, we should have more meetings between members so that we can discuss to
further improve our plan. Meetings can improve members to have more knowledge what is
going on that day and what should they do on that day. This can make sure that everyone is
on the same page and is able to help each other

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