Approved Minutes BBCC 20th November 2018

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 &  Broomielaw  Community  Council  

Meeting  Details:  20th  Nov.    2018,  19h30  at  200  West  Regent  St.,  G2.  
V2:  Corrects  copy/paste  error  for  McAleer  &  Rushe  meeting  with  objectors.  
-­‐ Irene  Loudon  (Chair),    
-­‐ Christopher  Collins  (Secretary),    
-­‐ Alistair  McCusker  (Treasurer),    
-­‐ Les  Willox  (Member),      
-­‐ Gillian  Daniel  (Member),  
-­‐ Alex  Cheung  (Member),  
-­‐ Steph  Stewart  (Member),  
-­‐ Adrian  Nairn  (Associate  &  Garnethill  Displaced  Residents  Group  Spokesperson),  
-­‐ Gill  Hutchison  (Associate  &  Sauchiehall  St.  Inner  Cordon  Businesses)  
-­‐ David  Hutchison  (Biggars  Music),  
-­‐ Daniele  Lapi  (Police  Scotland),  
-­‐ Baillie  Christy  Mearns  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Cllr.  Angus  Millar  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Jane  Sutherland  (Garnethill  CC),  
-­‐ Rhi  McCrorie  (Garnethill  CC),  
-­‐ Jennifer  Brooks  (Iron  Horse  PH),  
-­‐ Harriet  Simms  (GSoA).  
Apologies  from:    
-­‐ Donna  Pope  (Member),    
-­‐ Reshmee  Cheung  (Member),  
-­‐ Cllr.  Philip  Braat  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Lord  Provost  Eva  Bolander  (Ex-­‐officio),  
Chair’s  Items:  
-­‐ N/A  as  dealt  with  inside  AGM  immediately  prior.  
Review  of  September  minutes:  
-­‐ No  amendments,  thus  minutes  proposed  by  Alistair  M.,  and  seconded  by  Alex  C.,  then  approved.  
Police  matters.  
-­‐ There  has  been  an  upturn  in  disorder  to  the  south  of  B&B:  
o An  attempted  murder  on  Cadogan  St.,  suspects  arrested  and  brought  before  court.  
o Typically  youths  involved  in  the  disorder,  using  the  seating  area  on  Broomielaw.  
o Police  are  aware,  and  keeping  an  eye  on  matters.  
-­‐ Operation  Substance  running  to  address  drug  crimes.  
o Has  166  arrests,  66  for  dealing  offences.  
o Problem  confirming  drugs  are  illegal;  easy  for  some  class-­‐A  drugs,  but  for  others,  the  labs  are  
very  slow  (6m  -­‐1year  before  results  obtained!).  
o There  is  a  focus  on  “wraparound  service”  to  try  to  address  issues,  but  the  current  strategy  
does  not  work.  
o PC  Lapi  and  others  felt  that  a  Neighbourhood  Watch  scheme  would  be  hard  to  implement.  

o Adrian  N.  raised  the    use/existence  of  “drug  safe-­‐rooms”,  but  PC  Lapi  said  that  the  legalities  
make  it  hard  to  implement.    
o Cllr.  Millar  noted  that  the  UK  Govt.  have  refused  to  make  amendments  to  UK  drug  laws,  
despite  unanimous  support  at  City-­‐Council  level.  Allison  Thewlis  has  been  active  on  the  
Westminster  front  in  this  regard.  
o Needle  exchanges  are  not  operating  according  to  PC  Lapi,  and  probably  as  a  result,  there  
is  more  paraphernalia  in  public  places.    
o If  needles  are  found,  uplift  can  be  arranged  by  GCC  via  their  website.    Police  Scotland  
can  also  help.  
o PC  Lapi  also  responded  to  Steph  S.’s  worry  about  a  possible  rise  in  deaths;  in  fact  that  has  
not  been  observed  but  people  often  do  call  in  concerned  for  the  safety  of  vulnerable  persons.  
• PC  Lapi  explained  that  some  people  try  to  gain  an  income  whilst  sleeping,  and  for  
many  of  that  category,  drug  addiction  is  a  key  problem.  
• Background  services  e,g,  Simon  Community,  City  Mission,  Hamish  Allen,  are  coming  
in  to  help,  but  many  of  the  affected/vulnerable  people  do  not  want  to  get  involved  
typically  due  to  their  addiction.  
o The  Simon  Community,  according  to  PC  Lapi,  try  to  check  on  every  homeless  person  in  the  
City  Centre  on  a  daily  basis.  
o Housing  First  is  a  charity  which  tries  to  house  people  initially,  then  try  to  solve  their  
problems,  instead  of  placing  hoops  in  front  of  them  to  get  through  before  being  housed.  
-­‐ Graffiti  (Sectarian)  in  The  Merchant  Pub  upper  floors  –  Will  hopefully  be  dealt  with.      
o ACTION:  revisit  at  next  meeting.  
-­‐ Boy  Racers  –  seems  to  be  fairly  quiet;    
-­‐ Litter  –  Steph  S.  reports  some  improvement  in  West  Regent  St.,  after  action  by  PC  Lapi.  
o Community  Safety  Wardens  can  issue  fixed  penalties  for  littering,  and  it  is  enforced  
according  to  Cllr.  Millar,  and  he  is  keen  to  be  informed  about  litter  hotspots.  
o  Dumping  from  cars  –  please  note  the  Registration  Numbers,  and  pass  to  PC  Lapi.  
Matters  Arising  –  Nothing  to  report.  
GSoA  Fire  Aftermath  
-­‐ Gill  Hutchison  gave  an  impassioned  summary  of  the  plight  of  businesses  affected  by  the  GSoA  fire.    A  
more  complete  summary  is  given  in  Appendix  A.    Basic  points  raised:    
• The  businesses  are  struggling  desperately.    
• Several  remain  unable  to  trade  for  various  reasons.  
• No   certainty   for   the   future   of   the   Campus/O2/Jumping   jack   block   -­‐   demolish/   rebuild/  
what  purpose  will  these  new  or  repaired    buildings  have?;  A  number  of  businesses  rely  on  
the  O2  being  a  venue  and    have  located  there  specifically  to  feed  off  the  O2  ABC.  
• No  definitive  timelines  for  the  Avenues  project  to  complete  Douglas  St./Pitt  St.  block  
• No  definitive  timelines  for  when  traffic  will  resume  a  “normal”  flow.  
• Parking   issues   –   originally   it   was   promised   that   roughly   the   same   amount   of   on-­‐street  
parking  would  be  available  after  the  Avenues  Project  when  side-­‐streets  were  considered,  
but  a  change  to  the  plan  by  LES  without  consultation  means  that  all  parking  on  Sauchiehall  
St.  will  be  lost  together  with  several  spaces  in  the  side  streets.  
• Lanes  -­‐  Council  likely  will  not  adopt  lanes  -­‐  standard  of  resurfacing  work  not  good  enough  
and   they   wish   the   businesses   to   pay   for   the   work   in   the   lanes   to   bring   them   up   to   the  
required   standard   for   the   Council   to   take   over   maintenance.   Timing   of   addressing   this  
issue  could  not  be  worse.    
• Bin  arrangements  for  first  floor  businesses  continue  to  perplex  the  owners  looking  to  find  
a  viable  permanent  solution.    

• Businesses   have   been   sent   a   backdated   NDR   bill   for   full   rates   to   the   time   of   re-­‐
accessing  their  businesses  after  the  fire.  Application  for  hardship  fund  rates  relief  can  be  
made  but  this  is  not  a  straightforward  process  and  is  subject  to  assessment.  
• You   may   well   be   aware   of   the   aggressive   attack   by   the   City   Council   a   few   weeks   back  
which   now   forms   the   basis   for,   amongst   other   things,   a   complaint   to   the   Standards  
Committee    -­‐    these  actions  have  been  very  destructive  to  relations  between  the  business  
community  and  the  Council  
• Council  comms  continue  to  be  sporadic.  The  last  official  Fire  Recovery  update  was  on  
19th   Oct.   Since   then   a   number   of   significant   milestones   have   passed   without   any  
information   being   officially   communicated   including   the   commencement   of   the  
investigation  process.  
• We   have   heard   that   a   number   of   key   issues   for   the   whole   community   are   imminently  
being  considered    all  without  meaningful  information  being  disseminated  to  the  business  
• Reps   of   SSICB   met   with   Derek   Mackay   Finance   Minister   of   the   Scottish   Government  
last  month  and  this  raised  a  number  of  matters.  
o He  was  most  amenable  to  rates  relief  for  the  inner  cordon  businesses  as  he  was  
prepared  to  fund  it.    
o He  appeared  to  appreciate  the  significance  of  the  O2  ABC  as  a  venue  to  other  local  
businesses  and  was  prepared  to  consider  using  government  levers  to  ensure  this.  
• It  is  absolutely  not  business  as  usual  and  there  is  a  great  deal  of  work  to  be  done.  Our  
local  MSPs  have  been  invaluable  in  their  support    
• The  businesses  would  be  most  if  you  could  continue  to  consider  these  matters  as  a  
priority  for  the  recovery  process  of  the  area.  
-­‐ Adrian  Nairn    representing  the  fire-­‐displaced  residents  group.  He  explained  that:-­‐  
• Residents  want  to  understand  the  cause  of  the  fire  to  get  closure.  
• He  has  raised  the  status  of  the  Fire  Investigation  consistently,  recently  writing  letters  to  
SFRS  and  Parliament;  he  is  yet  to  receive  even  an  acknowledgement  of  receipt  from  SFRS.    
• Four  months  on,  there  are  still  no  answers.    
• Dalhousie  St.  is  currently  being  used  as  a  car-­‐parking  space  for  a  security  guard,  whilst  
there  is  no  vehicular  access  for  rubbish  collection,  disabled  persons  etc.  
• Has  visited  Parliamentary  Culture  Committee  and  wishes  to  thank  MSP’s  Pauline  McNeill  
and  Sandra  White  for  their  support.  
Treasurer’s  Report:  
-­‐ Bank  account  Balance  £404.52    
-­‐ Deductions  to  come  (cheques  written):  £0.  
-­‐ Expected  balance:  £404.52  
-­‐ B&B  CC  looks  forward  to  receiving  next  year’s  administrative  allowance.  
Secretary’s  report:  
1. Next Area Partnerships meeting on 22nd November, 2pm, City Chambers.
-­‐ There are 23 APs, with elected members, and a budget for local grants.
-­‐ see:
-­‐ Our AP is Anderston, City & Yorkhill, chaired by Cllr. Millar.
-­‐ It has 6 “residents” places, all currently filled.
-­‐ Cllr. Millar will hopefully get an extra seat for a member from this CC.
-­‐ Adrian and I went to Augustʼs meeting; Irene and I tried to go to October mtg.
-­‐ Public meeting, so feel free to get in touch or simply attend.
2. Sauchiehall St. Task Force.
-­‐ September was cancelled due to weather, long delay until October 31.
-­‐ Feeling of inaction, proposed format change to operational subgroups.
-­‐ Myself, Adrian and Gill attended along with Cllr. Millar on October 31st.
-­‐ Not public meetings & no date for next meeting yet.
3. Community Council Development Session.
-­‐ Next CCDS 1st December, aiming at 5-6 meetings per year.
-­‐ Last CCDS was held on 10th Nov. (Saturday morning); was quite useful.
i. Opt-in list exists for parades & marches notification. There are Licensing debrief
meetings after regular/annual processions.
ii. Boundaries – Sauchiehall St. / Dundasvale – Dem. Svcs recommended no
change. Also Anderston ʻnotchʼ to B&BCC. Formal decision 13th Dec.
iii. There will be a trial to allow Nightclubs to open until 4am! (history of established
complaints used to decide if a venue can open).
-­‐ Next meeting, representatives asked for GDPR training, a City Planner to be present,
& maybe set up a mock Licensing Board hearing, as a tuition exercise.
-­‐ Open to CCʼers; contact Steven Dowling
-­‐ Notify Steven by 27th Nov. if attending.
4. Avenues Project – Irene, myself & Alistair went to a presentation on the future of
Cambridge/Sauchiehall St.
-­‐ We will have a presentation in Decemberʼs meeting for Argyle St.
5. Email received from GoBike – regarding cycle access/route in CharingX area.
-­‐ Not had time to assimilate, but sent acknowledgement.
6. Boundaries: City Admin. Ctte. No change to Dundasvale/Sauchiehall. Anderston okʼd.
Planning & Licensing Lists:
18/03300/CON (was: 18/01806/PAN) 109 West Nile St. (Blue Lagoon, Iron Horse PH etc.).
• Complete demolition of historic building in a conservation area.
• Consent to Demolish is now in; looks like proposal would be ~15 storeys.
• Pub on site of “The Iron Horse” since 1872 – it hosts clubs & societies, incl. a Fishing Club.
• I can see no input from Historic Environment Scotland on the planning application.
• Closing date for comments: 29th November..
• Not technically inside B&B CC, but close to our boundary with no active CC.

There   was   a   short   discussion   involving   the   principal   tenant   of   the   building,   who   explained   that   the  
owners  of  the  site  were  effectively  forcing  viable  businesses  out,  and  the  group  of  businesses  involved  
wished  to  object.      
• The  support  of  B&B  CC  members  and  guests  would  be  welcomed  by  the  businesses  
• A   petition   is   running   at   to   “save   the   Iron   Horse   Bar”,   and   has   almost   1000  
signatures  in  just  two  days.    Please  consider  signing  it.  
• The  building  is  in  good  condition,  contrary  to  other  reports.  
Cllrs.  Mearns  and  Millar  were  able  to  assist  with  knowledge  of  the  City  Development  Plan  as  grounds  for  
• CDP1  (Placemaking)  and  CDP9  (Historic  Environment)  were  primary  arguments  for  
• Listing  status  of  the  building  was  discussed.      
• The  building  is  inside  a  Conservation  Area.  
• Closing  date  for  comments  is  29th  Nov.  (only    ~one  week  away!).  

Planning & Licensing Lists CONTʼd:

 Union St. / Oswald St. bus priority gate & car/motorcycle exclusion, 7am-7pm.
Closing date for comments 21st Dec.
email & see
Wish to organically grow ideas like this, not have them imposed for objections.
Meeting L.E.S. on 26th Nov, 9am. Let me know before noon on 22nd if youʼd like to come.
 Robertson/ Argyle/ York St. proposal (18/02917/FUL) - Worth mentioning a meeting on 24th
October, held with the architects/developers. Site was part of a Compulsory Purchase Order,
now a 15 storey office is proposed, with complete demolition of listed buildings. Multiple
objections/comments – thanks to all those who contributed.
 72 Broomielaw demolition of ex public house 18/02171/CON &18/02170/FUL was to be
used as a car-park. Period for comments was to expire before our next meeting.
GCCʼs decision was to refuse consent for this application. Thanks to all who commented.
 4am trial for nightclubs: there is to be a trial of opening-hours extension from 3am to 4am.
Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, so it is important to register your noise
complaints etc. before the trial begins. Gillian D. reported that phone-line personnel at GCC can
be a bit dismissive, even slightly rude.
 NB: With regard to antisocial hours for bottle-emptying, Jennifer Brooks commented that
the best-bar-none awards reflect the social/antisocial nature of their candidates they consider by
awarding/subtracting points based on complaints about such items.
 New 3am Licence application received for 4a West Regent St. (basement) [GC2358].
Objections or comments based on public nuisance, waste, noise and nearby residences must
be received by 29th Nov.

- - - - - Further Planning / Licensing Items Included on Prior Reports Omitted - - - - -

Councillor’s  reports  :    
 Baillie Christy Mearns:
o A  student  accommodation  evidence  session  at  City  Chambers  was  cancelled,  however  
the  replacement  event  will  look  deeply  at  over-­‐concentration  and  how  the  policy  will  be  
o Bins  on  Sauchiehall  Lane:  some  success  and  no  more  reports  of  fires  since  lockable  bins  
o West   Regent   St.   littering/smoking   –   culprits   from   a   local   office   identified,   and   some  
progress  has  been  made.
o Open   Space   Strategy:   Baillie   Mearns   passed   on   information   regarding   the   “Open   Space  
Strategy”  which  is  still  open  for  consultation  and  individual  comments  would  be  welcome  
at  :
-­‐ NB:  GCC’s  “Open  Space  Strategy”  –  vacant  or  derelict  land  can  be  designated  as  open  
space,  and  the  strategy  covers  how  it  should  be  protected.    
-­‐ Consultation  ends  10th  Dec.  
o Rates   Relief   (Sauchiehall   Street   Task   Force)   –   given   the   underspend   in   the   hardship  
fund,   there   was   some   hope   the   rest   of   the   money   could   be   used   to   the   benefit   of  
businesses   affected   most   severely   by   the   fires     on   Sauchiehall   St.,   Baillie   Mearns   will   be  
putting  the  case  for  this.
o Subgroups   in   the   Sauchiehall   Street   Task   Force:-­‐   this   will   be   pushed   for,   to   enable  
businesses  and  residents  to  be  more  directly  involved  with  local  government  officers.
o On-street bicycle storage:- there is a pilot scheme to identify 50 locations in “high
density areas”, please consider letting Christy Mearns know your location suggestions.
o Lane adoption: update to follow. Some debate about lane adoption and ownership;
if the lanes can be kept in private ownership but also upgraded or adopted then the
benefits of the space being brought up to scratch, yet still independently run.

 Cllr. Angus Millar:

o Area  Partnership  -­‐  Cllr.  Millar  will  continue  to  try  to  get  a  space  on  the  Area  Partnership  
for  B&B  CC,  but  we  should  think  what  could  be  applied  for.
o Temporary Road Closures – we are all aware of how many times roads have been
closed in recent months for e.g. filming, European Championships etc. there is a pilot
consultation to engage Community Councils for the “Santa Dash” (Santa Dash occurs
on Sunday 9th Dec.). The consultation for this fairly non-contentious event will be a
kind of trial-run for potentially more challenging events. Engagement meeting Wed.
28th Nov., 6pm at City Chambers.
o Cllr Millar and other objectors met with McAleer & Rushe regarding the proposal for an
hotel plus student accommodation at Renfield/Renfrew St. Following the meeting, Cllr
Millar reports that a request was made for objections to be withdrawn. The next
iteration of the plan reportedly shows the use as “Hotel + TBA”.
Questions  from  the  floor.  
 Harriet Simms from GSoA staff introduced herself: Stated aim: to focus on the liaison between
GSoA and the local community.
Due  to  time  considerations  the  Agenda  was  postponed  from  this  point  onwards.  
Chair  declared  date/time  of  next  meeting:  
-­‐ Tues.  18th  December,  7.15pm.  
-­‐ At  the  200  West  Regent  St.  Venue.  

Appendix A:
Detailed submission by Gill Hutchison re the plight of businesses on Sauchiehall St.
I  am  delighted  to  have  been  allowed  the  privilege  of  becoming  an  associate  member  -­‐this    presents  a  
very    unique  opportunity  for  all  parties,  each  with  a  very  personal  interest  in  the  community  to  come  
together  and  work  for  its  benefit  .  
I  have  owned  the  building  at  273  Sauchiehall  Street  for  well  over  30  years  but  recent  events  have  seen  
the  community  make  a  positive  choice  to  pull  together  to  get  through  some  of  the  most  turbulent  times  
the  area  has  ever  seen.  On  behalf  of  the  fire  affected  businesses  I  want  to  thank  the  Blythswood  and  
Broomielaw  Community  for  your  support  and  friendship  which  have  been  invaluable.  Secretary  Chris  
Collins  has  been  quite  outstanding  in  his  service  to  the  community  as  has  your  Chair  Irene  Loudon.  I  am  
highly  delighted  to  see  that  Adrian  Nairn  has  also  associated  with  the  Council  and  together  these  3  
individuals  are  owed  a  huge  debt  of  gratitude  by  those  affected  by  the  fire.  
The  businesses  are  struggling  desperately  to  salvage  some  form  of  livelihood.  Several  remain  unable  to  
trade  for  various  reasons.  
A  number  of  problems  still  present  :  
The  north  and  south  sides  of  the  street  most  affected  by  the  Mack  Fire  are  in  limbo    
 No  certainty  for  the  future  of  the  Campus/O2/Jumping  jack  block  -­‐  demolish/  rebuild/  
what  purpose  will  these  new  or  repaired  buildings  have.  Muriel  Gray  Culture  Committee  
hearing  mentioned  a    “window  on  SS”    -­‐  they  do  have  a  window  at  present  -­‐  in  the  
McLellan  Galleries  building  but  does  the  O2  ABC  building  present  a  more  attractive  
proposition  to  them  ?  A  number  of  businesses  rely  on  it  being  a  venue  and  have  located  
there  specifically  to  feed  off  the  ABC  .  
 No  definitive  timelines  for  the  Avenues  project  to  complete  Douglas  Street/Pitt  Street  
 No  definitive  timelines  for  when  traffic  will  resume  a  “normal”  flow  
 Parking  issues  will  in  due  course  become  pressing  -­‐  the  original  intent  after  the  
consultations  was  that  diagonal  parking  in  Douglas,  Pitt,  Holland  and  Elmbank  streets  
would  compensate  roughly  for  the  loss  of  parking  on  SS.  A  change  to  the  plan  by  LES  
without  consultation  means  that  the  parking  in  these  side  streets  is  now  parallel  parking.  
Not  only  does  that  mean  the  loss  of  all  the  spaces  SS  provided  but  also  several  spaces  less  
per  side  street  to  accommodate  bin  lorry  turning  circles.  Presents  a    big  concern  for  
businesses  and  those  considering  locating  in  the  street.  An  estimate  of  the  number  of  
spaces  lost  is  roughly  50  spaces.  
 Lanes  -­‐  recent  visits  to  businesses  by  Ian  Elder  etc    indicate  Council  will  not  adopt  lanes  -­‐  
standard  of  resurfacing  work  not  good  enough  and  they  wish  the  businesses  to  pay  for  
the  work  in  the  lanes  to  bring  them  up  to  the  required  standard  for  the  Council  to  take  
over  maintenance.  Timing  of  addressing  this  issue  could  not  be  worse.    
Bin  arrangements  for  first  floor  businesses  continue  to  perplex  the  owners  looking  to  find  
a  viable  permanent  solution.    
 Businesses  have  in  the  last  week  been  sent  a  backdated  NDR  bill  for  full  rates  to  the  time  
of  re-­‐accessing  their  businesses  after  the  fire.  Application  for  hardship  fund  rates  relief  
can  be  made  but  this  is  not  a  straight  forward  process  and  is  subject  to  assessmenat.  
Looking  at  the  street  as  a  whole  but  at  the  Douglas  Street/  Pitt  Street  block  it’s  hard  to  
believe  that  anyone  would  feel  that  they  have  amenities  to  justify  a  full  rates  payment.  
You  may  well  be  aware  of  the  aggressive  attack  by  the  Council  a  few  weeks  back  which  
now  forms  the  basis  for,  amongst  other  things,  a  complaint  to  the  Standards  Committee    -­‐    
these  actions  have  been  very  destructive  to  relations  between  the  business  community  
and  the  Council  and  has  put  many  businesses  on  the  back  foot  and  made  them  unwilling  
to  engage  with  the  Council  on  this  matter  directly  which  is  very  concerning  as  businesses  
and  jobs  rest  on  a  properly  managed  recovery.  
 Council  comms  continue  to  be  sporadic.  Far  more  is  heard  by  rumour  and  word  of  mouth  
than  is  ever  directly  communicated.  The  last  official  Fire  Recovery  update  was  19/10.  
Since  then  a  number  of  significant  milestones  have  passed  without  any  information  being  
officially  communicated  including  the  commencement  of  the  investigation  process,  
assessment  of  the  O2  ABC  by  their  engineers  and  the    start  of  the  tree  planting  process  on  
the  Street.  We  have  heard  that    a  number  of  key  issues  for  the  whole  community  are  
imminently  being  considered    all  without  meaningful  information  being  disseminated  to  
the  business  community.  All  of  us  are  greatly  concerned  by  this  but  particularly  those  
businesses  immediately  neighbouring  the  O2  ABC  whose  future  rests  on  the  fate  of  this  
Reps  of  SSICB  met  with  Derek  Mackay  Finance  Minister  of  the  Scottish  Government  last  month  and  this  
raised  a  number  of  matters.  
1. He  was  most  amenable  to  rates  relief  for  the  inner  cordon  businesses  as  he  was  prepared  to  fund  
2. He  appeared  to  appreciate  the  significance  pf  the  O2  ABC  as  a  venue  to  other  local  businesses  
and  was  prepared  to  consider  using  government  levers  to  ensure  this.  
As  you  can  see  it  is  absolutely  not  business  as  usual  and  there  is  a  great  deal  of  work  to  be  done.  Our  
local  MSPs  have  been  invaluable  in  their  support  and  the  businesses  would  be  most  grateful,  in  
particular  those  in  the  fire  affected  section  within  our  Community  Council’s  boundary  if  you  could  
continue  to  consider  these  matters  as  a  priority  for  the  recovery  process  of  the  area.  


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