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Eleven long-term goal areas are identified in this book. A list of all long­

term goals and SS general objective areas is provided as a quick reference on

pages 33-36, along with 648 specific objectives.

Briefly stated, the long-term goal areas are:

Pages 41-48 LTG 1 Sensory processing-Objectives dealing with ac-

commodation, awareness, tolerance, discrimina­

tion, and organization of touch, movement, and

auditory and olfactory stimuli.

Pages 49-54 LTG 2 Postura! control-Objectives dealing with co-con-

traction, protective responses, and balance and

equilibrium reactions.

Pages 55-75 LTG 3 Upper-extremity control and fine motor skills-

Objectives dealing with reach, release, grasp-and­

pinch pattems, dominance, lateralization, midrange

control, and grading of force, strength, isolated

finger control, in-hand manipulation, scissor use,

and range of motion.

Pages 77-84 LTG 4 Motor planning-Objectives dealing with proprio-

ception/kinesthesis, ideation, and planning and

execution of motor tasks.

Pages 85-91 LTG 5 Bilateral motor coordination-Objectives dealing

with crossing of midline; and movements which

are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and reciprocal.

Pages 93-98 LTG 6 Ocular motor control-Objectives dealing with

visual skills of focusing, tracking, scanning, and


Pages 99 - 1 1 1 LTG 7 Perceptual motor skills-Objectives dealing with

body awareness, spatial awareness, and the visual

perceptual skills of sequencing, figure-ground dis­

crimina tion, and closure.

Pages 1 1 3 - 1 2 0 LTG 8 Written communication-Objectives dealing with

prewriting and writing, using classroom tools,

and keyboarding skills.

Pages 121-125 LTG 9 Self-care skills--Objectives dealing with eating,

dressing, and hygiene and grooming skills.

Pages 127-135 LTG 10 Work behaviors--Objectives dealing with ability

to function in a group, attending skills, and self­

coping and task-coping skills.

Pages 137-139 LTG 11 Endurance-Objectives dealing with ability to sus­

tain participation in tasks for appropriate lengths

of time.

Toe objectives are designed to allow a great deal of flexibility and individu­

alization for each client. Within each objective, there are choices to be made by

the therapist, based upon the child's current skill level and expected level of

improvement. These choices are referred to as "qualifiers." They are designed

to expedite and individualize the therapist's formulation of objectives. They

also allow the objectives to be graded in terms of skill level difficulty. See pages

37-38 for a listing of all qualifiers. For ease in using OT GOALs, however, rel­

evant qualifiers also are listed on the left-hand side of the individual objectives

pages. These lists contain only those qualifiers which apply to the objectives on

that page.


Using OT GOALs is a simple process.

1. The first step is to assess the child, determining strengths and weak­

nesses and identifying areas of need.

2. Select long-tenn goal areas corresponding to identified areas of need.

(For example, if a child is found to have difficulty with fine motor

skills and midline crossing, then long-tenn goals 3 and 5 would be

selected.) See pages 21-22 and 33-36 for the long-tenn goals referred

to in this book.

3. Once long-tenn goals are selected, review the general objectives listed

under each long-term goal. Select those objectives which will most ef­

ficiently measure progress toward the long-term goals. See pages 33-

36 for a list of objective areas referred to in this book.

4. Specific objectives are listed following each long-tenn and general

goal. Select specific objectives which will most efficiently produce

progress toward the long-term goals and general objectives. Severa}

specific objectives may be used simultaneously.

S. Have the child attempt the selected specific objectives, establishing

baselines of performance. Once baselines are determined, each objec­

tive can be tailored to the individual child by selecting specific qualifi­

ers and appropriate means of measurement. See pages 37-38 for a list

of all qualifiers referred to in this book; or use the quick reference list

of qualifiers provided on each objectives page.

6. lf the goals and objectives provided in OT GOALs do not appear to

meet the needs of a specific child, the therapist may need to create

customized goals. To assist in writing original goals, see "Cuide for

Developing Customized Goals and Objectives" (pages 24-25).

7. Appropriate and behavioral long-term goals and objectives now have

been set. Documentation of the chosen goals and objectives can be ac­

complished by hand-writing them in detail; or you can use one of the

OT GOALs worksheets (pages 28 or 30) to speed the process. Refer to

pages 26-27 for instructions on how to use the worksheets, and see

the samples on pages 29 and 3 1 .




While 55 general and 648 specific objectives are provided in OT GOALs,

there may be times when totally customized, original objectives are needed.

The fallowing guide is provided to assist therapists in producing effective be­

havioral objectives.

Long-tenn goals identify the general area to be addressed, as well as explain

the functional importance of that area. Far many children, a long-term goal

may remain appropriate far an extended period of time.

Objectives are specific isolated skills, measured by tasks and activities,

which will assist in the acquisition and development of the long-term goal.

By definition, behavioral objectives must be observable and measurable,

and any therapist must be able to reproduce them. They must be written in

understandable terms that promote teacher-parent comprehension. Each objec­

tive should measure, as m u c h a s possible, only one isolated skill component.

Objectives should be attainable within one year. Several objectives may be

used simultaneously.

Each objective should include an answer to the fallowing five questions:

l. Who? Who is to perform the skill?

2. What? What action is being performed, or what skill is being mea­


3. Hoto? What material is being used to measure the skill? How is the

material or skill being qualified? (See page 40 far a list of materials

referred to in this book, and pages 37-38 far a list of the qualifiers

referred to here.)

4. Where? In what position or location is the skill being perfarmed?

5. When? How frequently or how many times is the skill being per­

farmed? (See page 39 far a list of ratios and percentages.)

After writing the objective, review it far clarity and ease of understanding.

A void the use of professional jargon and terms which may not be easily under­

stood by others. Check the objective far reproducibility; that is, whether an­

other therapist or tester will clearly understand what is being tested and how

to accomplish the objective.

The fallowing chart shows construction of two customized objectives.




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The OT GOALs worksheets are meant to be timesaving tools in the proc­

ess of organizing, denoting, and customizing the long-term goals and objectives

chosen for each client. They allow the therapist to do this quickly by using only

a few letters and numbers. Later, this information can easily be transposed (by

a secretary or by the therapist) onto the final document (for example, the IEP or

treatment plan) by referring to the pages and sections of OT GOALs indicated

on the worksheet. This eliminates the need for the therapist to hand-write each

goal and objective in its entirety, only to rewrite or type it on the final docu­

ment later. The worksheets themselves are not meani to be placed into the final docu­

mentation! Therapists also may find the worksheets helpful as a quick reference

on those goals and objectives which have been selected for a client, or to denote

improvements and changes over time.

Worksheet A (see page 28) is designed to record only long-term goals and

objectives, with their appropriate qualifiers. This type of goal writing may be

most appropriate for treatment plans.

Worksheet B (see page 30) can be used when additional information is

required. The form provides space for indicating goal and objective methods,

strategies, materials, evaluators, and types of evaluations. This type of goal

writing may be more appropriate for IEPs, since these areas usually are re­

ferred to in the Instructional Guide section of the IEP.

Choose the worksheet that best meets your needs and is most appropriate

for your school's requirements. Please note that the number of goals and objec­

tives needed for each client may and should vary, depending upon the client' s

needs and school requirements. Worksheet A contains space for listing 10 goals

and objectives, and Worksheet B has space for 6 listings. These numbers are not

intended to indicate that all should be used or that more cannot be used. Re­

produce the worksheets and use as many for each client as you deem necessary.


(As you read this section, it is important to refer to the sample worksheets

provided on pages 29 and 31.)

l. Choose Worksheet A or B, according to your needs.

2. Select the first long-term goal area to be addressed. (See pages 21-22

for a quick reference to all long-term goals included in OT GOALs.)

On the worksheet, write the number of that long-term goal in the

space after the first LTG. (For example, if the goal is to improve arm

and hand control, select LTG 3.)

3. Select the first general objective area to be addressed. (See pages 33-36

for a quick reference to all general objective areas included in OT

GOALs.) On the worksheet, write the letter of that general objective in

the space after OBJ. (For example, if arm strength and stability are

needed, select letter G under Long-Term Goal 3.)

4. Refer to the pages indicated next to each general objective area listed

on pages 33-36. (For example, the listing for Objective G indicates

pages 64-65.) Tum to those pages, and review the list of specific objec­

tives. Select the objective that is most appropriate for the client. These

specific objectives are numbered. Write the corresponding number on

the worksheet. (In the examples on pages 29 and 31, we used #9, "us­

ing an overhand method to throw .")

5. Within the specific objective, one or more blanks must be filled in.

These are referred to as "qualifiers." The qualifier category is named.

(In #9, for example, "Type of Ball" must be filled in.) On the Goals

and Objectives page, choices are listed in the left-hand column. Locate

the appropriate category, and choose the qualifier that is most appro­

priate for the client. Write the qualifier (or its corresponding letter) in

the space after "Qualifiers" on the worksheet. (In the example, in the

"Type of Ball" category, we selected "a. volley" and wrote "a." in the

"Qualifiers" space on the worksheet.)

In sorne objectives (such as #9, which we are using in our example), a

number must be determined. There are no number qualifiers listed to the left;

the therapist must determine the number that is appropriate for the client. (In

the example, we decided to require the volleyball to be thrown a distance of

five feet, and we wrote "5" in the "Qualifiers" space.)

If you are using Worksheet A, repeat the process of selecting goals and

objectives until ali therapist-determined areas are completed.

If you are using Worksheet B, a few additional steps are needed.

6. The methods of how the goal will be addressed must be listed. See

page 14 for a list of methods. Select one or more, and place the corre­

sponding numbers after "Methods" on the worksheet. (In the ex­

ample, we selected #1, "Individual occupational therapy interven­

tion," and #6, "Occupational therapy consultation with the classroom


teacher." On the worksheet, we wrote "I, 6 after "Methods.")

7. Select "Strategies" (see pages 1 5 - 1 6), and write the corresponding

number on the worksheet.

8. Select "Materials" (see pages 1 6 -1 7 ), and write the corresponding

number on the worksheet.

9. Select who will be responsible for assessing and implementing the

goal (see "Who," page 1 7 ), and write the corresponding number on

the worksheet.

10 . Select "Evaluations," or how the goal will be assessed (see page 18),

and write the corresponding number on the worksheet.

Repeat steps 1 - 10 until all therapist-determined areas are completed.


Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives 19__ -19__

Name: � Therapist: _

Date: _ District: _


LTG = Long-Term Goal

OBJ = Objective

# = Number of Objective

Qualifiers = (Fill in from Qualifiers list)

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # -----�· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # ...J

. Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # -----�· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # __,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # · Qualifiers

__, _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # .: Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # -----�· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # __,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # _____,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG ____; OBJ ____; # ___,· Qualifiers _

© 1992 by Partners in GOALS.



Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives 19�-19-2:!Í

:e� -...
-� =-"'
-.... Á
........""'.e""'e..__. Therapist: 7é! � 1
O T/!.

Date: 9-.,.t l. - 93 District: � � �


LTG = Long-Term Goal

OBJ = Objective

# = Number of Objective

Qualifiers = (Fill in from Qualifiers list)

Page b5' LTG � OBJ L # �

9'. .: Qualifiers a_ / 5

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers -------------

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _

Page __ LTG _______; OBJ _______; # _,· Qualifiers _


Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives 19__ -19__

Name: Therapist:

Date: District:


LTG = Long-Term Goal # = Number of Objective

OBJ = Objective Qualifiers = (Fill in from Qualifiers list)

Page LTG · OBJ · # · Qualifiers

Methods · Strategies · Materials

Who · Evaluations

Page LTG · OBJ · # · Qualifiers

Methods · Strategies · Materials

Who · Evaluations

Page LTG · OBJ · # · Qualifiers

Methods · Strategies · Materials

Who · Evaluations

Page LTG · OBJ · # · Qualifiers

Methods · Strategies · Materials

Who · Evaluations

Page LTG · OBJ · # · Qualifiers

Methods · Strategies · Materials

Who · Evaluations

Page LTG · OBJ · # · Qualifiers

Methods · Strategies · Materials

Who · Evaluations

© 1 9 9 2 by Partners in GOALS.


� Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives 19-2.,,L-19�

Name: ,� ¿_¿. Therapíst: .¿ r«A,4 i!!T;f

Date, 2-..Z�-&'.3 District; ,.,L��


LTG = Long-Terrn Goal # = Number of Objective

OBJ = Objective Qualifiers = (Fill in from Qualifiers list)

Page t:,5 LTG ...,,3 ; OBJ _

¿__.: # CJ.,___�; Qualifiers á , 5

Methods IJ � : Strategies--'-/--<7 ___J Materials �Á

� ::.__ _J

Who�-----�· Evaluations --+-i----


Page _ LTG _J
. OBJ _,· # __ _J
. Qualifiers �

Methods ------�· Strategies ------�· Materials ___J

Who �· Evaluations _

Page _ LTG ---�· OBJ __,· # ____,· Qualifiers �

Methods __,· Strategies ------�· Materials --------J

Who �· Evaluations _

Page _ LTG __,· OBJ ---�· # __ _J

. Qualifiers _,

Methods _,· Strategies _,· Materials __,

Who �· Evaluations _

Page _ LTG ---�· OBJ __,· # --�· Qualifiers �

Methods __,· Strategies ------�· Materials ___J

Who �·Evaluations _

Page _ LTG _,· OBJ ---�· # ___,· Qualifiers �_,

Methods __,· Strategies __,· Materials __,

Who �· Evaluations _




41 Long-Term Goal 1: To improve ability to use sensory information to

understand and effectively interact with people and objects in school

and home environments.

43 Objective A: To demonstrate improved accommodation to

touch sensations.

44 Objective B: To demonstrate improved accommodation to

movement sensations.

45 Objective C: To demonstrate improved awareness and discrimi­

nation of touch sensations.

46 Objective D: To demonstrate improved organization of auditory


47 Objective E: To demonstrate improved awareness and tolerance

of olfactory (smell) stimuli.

48 Objective F: To demonstrate improved ability to calm self and

inhibit nonpurposeful movements.

49 Long-Term Goal 2: To improve postura} control to provide a stable

base of support needed to facilitate better hand use for manipulation

of classroom materials, posture while working or playing, and mo­

bility in school and home environments.

51-52 Objective A: To demonstrate improved balance between flexor

and extensor musculature (cocontraction).

53 Objective B: To improve spontaneous use of protective re­


54 Objective C: To improve balance and equilibrium reactions.


55 Long-Term Goal 3: To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand

control for greater success with fine motor tasks and classroom and

home manipulatives.

57 Objective A: To demonstrate purposeful and accurate reach to­

ward objects.

58 Objective B: To demonstrate appropriate release pattems.

59 Objective C: To demonstrate appropriate grasp or pinch pattern.

60 Objective D: To demonstrate a hand preference or dominance.

61 Objective E: To demonstrate internalized awareness of the dif­

ference between two sides of the body (lateralization).

62-63 Objective F: To demonstrate arm midrange control/grading of

movement, using appropriate force and accuracy, in order to

perform physical education, art, and classroom activities with

control and precision.

64-65 Objective G: To demonstrate improved arm strength and stabil­

ity, which are needed as a foundation for controlled movement.

66-67 Objective H: To demonstrate isolated finger control.

68-69 Objective I: To demonstrate in-hand manipulation.

70 Objective J: To demonstrate prescissor skills.

71-72 Objective K: To develop and refine scissor skills using appro­

priate hand positioning.

73 Objective L: To maintain or improve passive range of motion,

needed for activities such as reaching and self-help tasks.

74 Objective M: To maintain or improve active range of motion,

needed for activities such as reaching and self-help tasks.

75 Objective N: To maintain or improve functional range of motion.

77 Long-Term Goal 4: To improve motor planning to enhance quality

of movement and efficient organization of self for effective participa­

tion in school and home activities.

79-80 Objective A: To demonstrate improved awareness of positions

and movements of body parts (proprioception/kinesthesia).

81 Objective B: To demonstrate the ability to generate (think of)

ideas for action.

82 Objective C: To demonstrate the improved ability to plan a

course of action.


83-84 Objective D: To demonstrate the improved ability to execute


85 Long-Term Goal 5: To improve bilateral coordination to enhance

movement efficiency and functional participation in school and

home activities.

87 Objective A: To demonstrate efficient crossing midline of the


88-89 Objective B: To demonstrate the ability to simultaneously use

both sides of the body to perform the same movements (sym­


90 Objective C: To demonstrate the ability to simultaneously use

both hands/ sides of the body to perform different movements


91 Objective D: To demonstrate ability to simultaneously use both

sides of the body to perform rhythmical reciprocal movements.

93 Long-Term Goal 6: To improve ocular motor control for greater suc­

cess in reading, writing, copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks.

95 Objective A: To demonstrate visual focusing skills.

96 Objective B: To demonstrate visual tracking.

97 Objective C: To demonstrate visual scanning abilities.

98 Objective D: To demonstrate functional visual localization.

99 Long-Term Goal 7: To improve visual perception and/or perceptual

motor skills for greater success in academics and written work.

101-102 Objective A: To demonstrate improved body awareness.

103-104 Objective B: To demonstrate improved spatial awareness of self

in space and the relationship of self to objects and the environ­


105-107 Objective C: To demonstrate improved awareness of forms and

spatial relations of objects to each other.

108 Objective D: To demonstrate improved visual sequencing and

visual memory.

109 Objective E: To demonstrate improved visual figure-ground


110 Objective F: To demonstrate improved discrimination of the vi­

sual properties of objects or pictures.

111 Objective G: To demonstrate improved visual closure abilities.


113 Long-Term Goal 8: To improve written communication skills for

greater proficiency when using writing implements and/or a key­


115 Objective A: To demonstrate motor control needed for

prewriting tasks.

116 Objective B: To demonstrate intrinsic muscle control for pencil


117-118 Objective C: To demonstrate motor control necessary for writ­

ing tasks.

119 Objective D: To demonstrate motor control necessary for using

classroom tools associated with the pencil.

120 Objective E: To demonstrate motor control necessary for effec­

tive use of a keyboard.

121 Long-Term Goal 9: To improve self-care skills for greater indepen­

dence in school and home environments.

123 Objective A: To demonstrate functional lunch and snack skills.

124 Objective B: To demonstrate functional dressing skills.

125 Objective C: To demonstrate functional hygiene and grooming


127 Long-Term Goal 10: To improve work behaviors for greater task ori­

entation in the classroom or vocational environment.

129 Objective A: To demonstrate the ability to cooperatively func­

tion within a group.

130 Objective B: To demonstrate functional attending skills.

131-133 Objective C: To demonstrate effective self-coping skills.

134-135 Objective D: To demonstrate effective task coping skills.

137 Long-Term Goal 11: To improve or sustain participation in a task or

activity for an age-appropriate length of time.

139 Objective: To demonstrate improved endurance.



Sizes Duration Dressing

a. small a. seconds a. coa ts / sw ea ters

b. medium b. minutes b. hat

c. large c. repetitions c. gloves / mittens

d. -inch d. boots
e. shoes

Accuracy Grasps f. socks

a. in ches a. lateral g. button-down

b. feet b. three-point smock/ shirt

c. only _ errors c. two-point h. pullover smock/

d. within a _-inch d. típ-típ shirt

space e. opposition i. belt

e. _degrees j. braces/ orthotics

f. deviation k. clothes

Hand/Foot Usage Plane Fasteners

a. preferred a. horizontal a. large bu ttons

b. nonpreferred b. vertical b. small buttons

c. bilateral c. diagonal c. separating zipper

d. both d. circular d. nonsepara ting

e. right e. rotary zipper

f. left f. pendular e. snaps

g. unilateral g. linear f. buckle

h. symmetrical(ly) h. forward g. Velero®

i. asymmetrical(ly) i. backward

j. reciproca} j. sideways Spatial Concepts

k. alternate(ly)(ing) k. forward, backward, a. in/out of

l. stabilizer and sideways b. on/off of

m. gross assist l. multidirectional c. under/over

n. functional assist d. in front of/

o. active assist Graphomotor in back of

p. one a. manuscript e. next to /beside

q. (any combination of b. cursi ve f. through

bilateral, unilateral, c. upper g. up/down

symmetrical, d. lower h. behind

asymmetrical, e. A toZ

reciproca} altemates)

Velero® Is o reglstered lrodemork of Velero U.SA., lne.

Quality Type of Ball Body Parts

a. without a. volley a. chest

hyperextension b. beach b. abdomen

b. with wrist held c. _-inch playground c. knees

in neutral or d. _-inch therapy d. hips

extended position e. hard e. shoulder

c. without overflow f. ten nis f. ankle

d. without fixing g. basket g. thigh

e. with rhythm h. -inch foam h. thumb

f. with fluidity i. base i. index finger

g. using mature j. medicine j. long/rniddle finger

pattems k. racket k. ring finger

h. grading l. Wiffle® l. little (pinky) finger

i. directed m. cage

j. tirning Shapes

Classroom Tools a. vertical line

Strength a. standard classroom b. horizontal line

(Manual Muscle Test) scissors c. circle

a. lbs. b. squeeze or easy-grip d. crossed lines

b. fair scissors e. X

c. fair + c. adapted scissors f. square

d. good - d. sharp scissors g. triangle

e. good e. ruler h. vertical diamond

f. good + f. stapler i. horizontal diamond

g. normal g. compass

h. hole punch School-Re lated

Body Movements i. pencil sharpener Activities

a. flexion j. one-inch blade a. physical education

b. extension scissors b. playground

c. abduction k. tape dispenser c. classroom

d. adduction d. fine motor

e. extemal rotation Type of Assistance e. gross motor

f. internal rotation a. assistance f. postural

g. ulnar deviation b. supervision g. desk top

h. radial deviation c. guidance h. (any specific activity

i. prona tion/ prona ted d. prompt of your choice)

j. supination/ e. demonstra tion

supinated f. cues Degree of Assistance

k. opposition/ opposed g. in functional a. minimum(ly)

l. neutral activities b. moderate(ly)

m. (any combination h. independently c. maximum(ly)

of above) i. with gravity d. verbal

(assisted) e. hand-over-hand

j. gravity eliminated f. physical

k. against gravity g. tactile

l. with facilitation h. auditory

to i. visual

m. with adapted j. no

devices k. (any combination

n. passive of above)

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination

of above)

Wiffle@ is a registered trademark of Toe Wiffle Ball, lnc., Shelton, CT.



Throughout the manual, every objective is measurable and utilizes either

ratios (such as 3 out of 4 times) or percentages (such as 75%). Toe following

grid may be useful in completing the objectives. lt states frequently used ratios

and their equivalents in percentages.

Ratio Percentage

1 out of 2 50%

3 out of 5 60%

2 out of 3 67%

3 out of 4 75%

4 out of 5 80%

17 out of 20 85%

6 out of 7 86%

9 out of 10 90%

(1 out of 1) 5 out of 5 100%




/2 -gallon container cotton balls putty (color coded)
2 -pint milk carton crayons puzzles

balance beam cubes (one-inch) racquet/paddle

balancing blocks cup/glass ring toss/horseshoes

balloons deck of cards rope

balls desk/work surface . rubber bands

beads (pop type) dominoes ruler

beads (stringing type) doors sand

beanbags eraser (chalkboard) scissor tongs

belt eraser (pencil) scissors

bike (foot-driven) finger paints scooterboard

bike (hand-driven) finger-pump spray screws with nuts

bike (mobile) bottle shape cards

bike (stationary) fork shapes, linking

blocks (balancing) glass/cup shirt (button type)

blocks (one-inch) gloves/mittens shirt (pullover type)

bolster glue shoes with laces

books glue bottle small objects

boots hole punch (one-hole) socks

bottle (finger-pump jacket spoon

spray type) jar with lid spray bottle (finger-

bottle (squeeze type) jump rope pump type)

bottle (trigger spray knife spray bottle (trigger

type) laces type)

bowl and spoon linking monkeys straws

braces linking shapes streamers

car (foot-driven) marbles swing

car (hand-driven) mat tactile objects (sand,

car (mobile) milk carton clay, glue, finger

car (stationary) mittens / gloves paints)

cards, color monkeys (linking) tape and tape recorder

cards, deck of 52 multiplane track (for therapy ball

cards, pattern (with cars or marbles) tissues

parquetry blocks) netswing toilet

cards, picture nuts and bolts tongs

cards, shape one-inch blocks/cubes trigger spray bottle

cha ir paddle/racquet tweezers

chalkboard and chalk paper typewriter

clay parquetry blocks with washcloth

clay dough pattem cards water faucet

clothespins pegboard water gun

coat pegs of various sizes Wiffle® ball

color cards pencil wind-up toy

computer keyboard pencil sharpener work surface/ desk

containers (used as picture cards zipper garment

targets) pop beads

Wlffie@ Is a reglstered trademark of The Wlffle Ball, lnc .• Shelton. CT.


To improve ability to use sensory information to under­

stand and effectively interact with people and objects in

school and home environments.


Hand/Foot Usage

a. preferred
e. right
Long- Term Goal 1
f. left To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effectively

interact with people and objects in school and home environments.


Objective A
To demonstrate improved accommodation to touch sensations,

-------------- (child's name) will:

"l. Accept anticipated touch during a group activity, _ out of _ times.

"2. Accept hands-on assistance during task performance without showing

signs of discomfort, for _ seconds.

3. Accept unexpected touch without behavioral overreactions, _% of the


*4. Sit or stand in a group without behavioral overreactions, _% of the


*5. Participate in various tactile activities (such as sand, clay, glue, finger

painting, food preparation, and finger feeding) without behavioral

overreactions, _% of the time.

*6. Participate in school activities without engaging in nonpurposeful

bumping, banging, and crashing behaviors, _% of the time.

7. Recognize familiar small objects placed i n _ (Hand/Foot Usage) hand,

using sense of touch only, _% of the time.

8. Recognize shapes or lines "drawn" on back of _ (Hand/Foot Usage)

hand, when vision was occluded, _ out of _ times.

9. Indica te which finger was touched on back of _ (Hand/Foot Usage)

hand, when vision was occluded, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especíally

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


School-Related Activities

a. physical education

b. playground
Long-Term Goal 1
c. classroom To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effectively

d. fine motor interact with people and objects in school and home environments.
e. gross motor

f. postura!

g. desk top Objective B

h. (any specific activity
To demonstrate improved accommodation to movement sensations,
of your choice)
____________ (child's name) will:

l. Initiate participation in a _ (School-Related Activity) activity (slides,
a. horizontal
climbing, etc.) involving self-ímposed movement on an immobile surface
b. vertical

c. diagonal in a _ (Plane) plane for _ minutes.

d. circular

e. rotary 2. Initiate participation in a _ (Schaol-Related Activity) activity involving

f. pendular self-imposed movement on a movable surface in a _ (Plane) plane for
g. linear
h. forward

i. backward
3. Partidpate in a functional activity involving imposed movement in a _
j. sideways
(Plane) plane for _ minutes.
k. forward, backward,

and sideways

l. multidirectional 4. Participate in a _ (School-Relaied Activity) activity involving imposed

movement on a movable surface in a _ (Plane) plane for _ minutes.


5. Maintain partidpation in group movement activities involving changing

planes, directions, and rhythms for _ minutes, _ out of _ sessions.

Customized objectives:



a. small

b. medium
Long-Term Goal 1
c. large To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effectively
d. __ -inch interact with people and objects in school and home environments.


Objective e
To demonstrate improved awareness and discrimination of touch sensations,

----------- (child' s name) will:

l. Find _ (number) _ (Size) objects hidden in a container of textured

material (rice, sand, beans), within _ minutes, with vision occluded.

2. Differentiate between safe and dangerous touching of objects, _% of

the time.

3. Differentiate between necessary and unnecessary touching of objects

and/or people, _% of the time.

*4. Inhibit unnecessary touching of objects and/or people for _ minutes.

5. Point to the place on fingers that was touched lightly when vision was

occluded, within _ centimeters of accuracy.

6. Point to the place on arm or hand that was touched lightly when vision

was occluded, within _ centimeters of accuracy.

7. Feel shape placed in hand, with vision occluded, and identify corre­

sponding object, given _ (number) choices, _ out of _ times.

8. Feel shape placed in hand, with vision occluded, and identify corre­

sponding picture given, _ (number) choices, _ out of _ times.

9. Identify familiar, common objects placed in hand, with vision occluded,

out of times.

10. Match_ (number) out of _ (number) shapes, with vision occluded.

11. Match_ (number) out of _ (number) items by size, with vision


12. Match_ (number) out of _ (number) textures, with vision occluded.

13. Point to the picture of a shape that matches the one "drawn" on hand

while vision was occluded, _ out of _ times.

14. Feel, with vision occluded, among many shapes and find the one preví­

ously designated, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 1
To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effectively

interact with people and objects in school and home environments.

Objective D
To demonstrate improved organization of auditory input _

(child' s name) will:

"l , Consistently stop activity and/or look up when appropriate (for ex­

ample, in response to teacher, fire alarm, intercom).

"2. Remain seated and calm in a classroom while sounds (such as class bell,

car, airplane, or buzzer, etc.) occur, _% of the time.

*3. Continuously engage in an activity for _ minutes, with auditory


"'4. Discriminate between relevant and irrelevant auditory stimuli as evi­

denced by the ability to attend in the classroom, gym, and auditorium

for _ minutes, in the presence of auditory distractions.

5. Discriminate volume of sound by accurately describing i t a s loud, soft,

etc.,_ out of _ times.

"'6. Identify the location of sound, _ out of _ times.

"7. Identify and attend to sounds and warnings of potential harm within

environment, _% of the time.

"8. Follow _ (number) -step verbal directions without use of visual cues or

gestures, _% of the time.

9. Accurately repeat a _ (number) -step direction.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 1
To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effectively

interact with people and objects in school and home environments.

Objective E
To demonstrate improved awareness and tolerance of olfactory (smell)

stimuli, (child' s name) will:

"l , Alert or respond when a scent has been introduced, _% of the time.

2. Identify and attend to potentially harmful odors within the environrnent,

_% of the time.

"3. Continue working in the presence of environmental odors (for example,

food, cleaning agents, perfume) _% of the time.

"'4. Engage in activities involving a scent (for exarnple, playing with clay

dough, cooking, gluing) for _ minutes, without adverse reactions or

undue distress.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)

b. moderate(ly)
Long-Term Goal 1
c. maximumOy) To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effectively

d. verbal interact with people and objects in school and home environments.
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective F
h. auditory
To demonstrate improved ability to calm self and inhibit nonpurposeful
i. visual
movements, (child' s name) will:
j. no

k. (any combination of
"l. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance) participate in a
stationary activity, with less than _ (number) extraneous movements,

Type of Assistance within minutes.

a. assistance

b. supervision "2. Participate in a stationary activity, with less than _ (number) extrane­
c. guidance ous movements, within _ minutes.
d. prompt

e. demonstration
*3. Perform a desk-top activity for _ minutes, with less than _ (number)
f. cues
movement breaks.
g. in functional activi­


h. independently
*4. Participate in a motor activity, with less than _ (number) extraneous

i. with gravity (as- movements, within _ minutes.


j. gravity eliminated Customized objectives:

k. against gravity

l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of

abo ve)


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


To irnprove postural control to provide a stable base of

support needed to facilitate better hand use for manipu­

lation of classroom materials, posture while working or

playing, and mobility in school and home environments.


Body Parts

a. chest

b. abdomen
Long- Term Goal 2
c. knees To improve postural control to provide a stable base of support needed to
d. hips facilitate better hand use for manipulation of classroom materials, posture
e. shoulder
while working or playing, and mobility in school and home environments.
f. ankle

g. thigh

h. thumb Objective A
i. index finger
To demonstrate improved balance between flexor and extensor musculature
j. long/middle finger
(cocontraction), (child's name) will:
k. ring finger

l. little (pinky) finger

l. Maintain a lifted and extended posture of the head and upper body

NOTES from a prone position (on stomach), for _ seconds.

2. Maintain a lifted and extended posture of the legs, with the legs straight

and the thighs slightly off the floor, from a prone position (on stomach),

for seconds.

3. Maintain a lifted and extended posture of the entire body, from a prone

position (on stomach), for _ seconds.

4. Maintain an extended trunk and head position

with arms outstretched to the sides for

seconds, while lifted with support pro­

vided at the _ (Body Parts) and the legs

wrapped around therapist's waist.

S. Maintain a lifted and curled position

of the neck and shoulders, with arms

crossed over chest, from a supine

position (on back), for _ seconds.

6. Maintain a lifted position of the knees into Objective A-4

the chest from a supine position (on back),

for seconds.

7. Maintain a lifted and curled posture of the entire body, with arms

crossed over chest, from a supine position (on back), for _ seconds.

8. While lifted, maintain grasp on

a dowel held parallel to body

when supine, with legs hooked

over dowel and head main­

tained approximately _ inches

from dowel, for _ seconds.

9. Maintain a lifted and extended

posture of the head, upper body,

and legs while propelling a Objective A-8

scooterboard, in prone position (on

stomach), for a distance of _ feet.


Long-Term Goal 2, Objective A (continued)

10. Hold onto a bolster with arms and legs

wrapped around it and with back

positioned toward ceiling while bolster

is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees from

the floor, for _ seconds.

11. Hold onto a bolster with arms and legs

wrapped around it and with back toward

floor while bolster is tilted at an angle of

45 degrees from the floor, for _ seconds.

*12. Maintain a functional sitting posture with

upright head and trunk, hips at 90 degrees,

and feet flat on the floor, without support

from arms, during a fine motor activity, Objective A-10

for minutes.

*13. Maintain a functional sitting posture with upright head and trunk, hips

at 90 degrees, and feet flat on the floor, without support from arms,

during classroom fine motor activities, _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


a. horizontal

b. vertical
Long-Term Goal 2
c. diagonal To irnprove postura} control to provide a stable base of support needed to
d. circular facilitate better hand use for manipulation of classroom materials, posture
e. rotary
while working or playíng, and mobility in school and home environments.
f. pendular

g. linear

h. forward Objective B
í, backward
To improve spontaneous use of protective responses, _
j. sideways
(child' s name) will:
k. forward, backward,

and sideways

L multidirectional 1. Demonstrate a protective response (including extension of the arms)

when moved quickly forward while prone (on stomach) o v e r a large

NOTES ball, _ out of _ times.

"2. Demonstrate a protective response (including extension of the arms)

when shifted off balance in a _ (Plane) direction while sitting on the

floor, _ out of _ times.

3. Demonstrate a protective response (including extension of the arms)

when shifted off balance in a _ (Plane) direction while sitting in a

chair, _ out of _ times.

Custornized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Hand/Foot Usage

a. preferred

b. nonpreferred
Long-Term Goal 2
e. right To improve postura! control to provide a stable base of support needed to

f. left facilitate better hand use for manipulation of classroom materials, posture

while working or playing, and mobility in school and home environments.


Objective e
To improve balance/equilibrium reactions, (child's name)


1. Respond with trunk, arm, and leg movement of one side when shifted

to the opposite side, while kneeling, _ out of _ times.

2. Respond with trunk, arm, and leg movement of one side when shifted

to the opposite side, while half kneeling, _ out of _ times.

"3. Respond with trunk, arm, and leg movement of one side when shifted

to the opposite side, while standing, _ out of _ times.

"4. Maintain sitting in a chair, without holding on, when shifted off balance

in any plane, _ out of _ times.

5. Maintain half-kneeling when shifted off balance in all planes, _ out of


6. Maintain standing when shifted off balance in ali planes,_ out of _


"lr'J. Maintain posture or position during functional activities while in sitting,

for minutes.

"8 . Maintain posture or position during functional activities while in stand­

ing, for _ minutes.

"9 . Adapt posture as challenged by playground activities and/or equipment,

_% of the time.

10. Stand still on _ (Hand/Foot Usage) foot, with eyes open and arms

crossed over chest, for _ seconds.

11. Stand still on _ (Hand/Foot Usage) foot, with eyes closed and arms

crossed over chest, for _ seconds.

12. Walk on a _-inch wide balance beam for _ feet, _ out of _ times.

13. Walk on a _-inch wide balance beam using a heel-toe pattern for _

feet, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand

control for greater success with fine motor tasks

and classroom and home manipulatives.


Hand/Foot Usage

c. bilateral

g. unila teral Long-Term Goal 3

To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
Body Movements
with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.
i. prona tion/ prona ted

j. supina tion/ supina ted

l. neutral Objective A
To demonstrate purposeful and accurate reach toward objects,
__________ (child' s name) will:

1. Use a visually directed _·_ (Hand/Foot Usage) approach in any direction,

out of times.

2. Use an auditorially directed _ (Hand/Foot Usage) approach in any

direction, _ out of _ times. ·

3. Use an appropriate _ (Body Mavement) forearm reach pattern, _ out

of times.

4. Use an appropriate reach pattem, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:



a. small

b. medium Long-Term Goal 3

c. large
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
d. _-inch
with fine motor tasks and dassroom and home manipulatives.


Objective B
To demonstrate appropriate release patterns, (child' s name) will:

1. Purposefully use surface to assist in the release of an object, _ out of


2. Utilize controlled release of an object above a _ (Size) container with

wrist extension, _ out of _ times.

3. Release a small object from a pincer grasp with wrist extension, _ out

of times.

4. Tower _ (number) _-inch blocks, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:


Long-Term Goal 3
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and dassroom and home manipulatives.

Objective e
To demonstrate appropriate grasp or pinch pattem, _

(child' s name) will:

"l , Use voluntary flexion of fingers only against surface to grasp (rake)

object(s), _ out of _ times.

*2. Use flexion of fingers against object pressed into palm with thumb

adduction to grasp (palmar) object(s), _ out of _ times.

*3. Use flexion of fingers against object pressed into thumb side of palm

with thumb opposition to grasp (radial palmar) object(s), _ out of _


*4. Hold object between opposed thumb and pads of fingers with no palm

involvement (radial digital grasp), _ out of _ times.

*S. Hold object between adducted thumb and side of index finger (lateral

pinch), _ out of _ times.

*6. Hold object between thumb and index finger (inferior pincer grasp), _

out of times.

*7. Hold object between pads of opposed thumb, index and long/middle

fingers (three-point grasp), _ out of _ times.

"8. Hold object between pads of opposed thumb and index finger with

thumb and finger slightly flexed (neat pincer), _ out of _ times.

"9. Hold object between tips of opposed thumb and index finger (fine

pincer), _ out of _ times.

*10. Use static tripod grasp when writing with a pencil, _% of the time.

*11. Use dynamic tripod grasp when writing with a pencil, _% of the time.

*12. Grasp presented objects using a functional or compensatory pattem, _

out of times.

*13. Use adaptive equipment to grasp presented objects, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Hand/Foot Usage

a. preferred

e. right Long-Term Goal 3

f. left
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.

School-Related Activities

a. physical education

b. playground
Objective D
c. classroom
To demonstrate a hand preference or dominance, (child's
d. fine motor

e. gross motor
name) will:

f. postura!

g. desk top l. Reach for and grasp objects with _ (Hand/Foot Usage) hand, _ out o

h. (any specific activity times.

of your choice)

2. Reach for an object and manipulate it with the same hand, _% of the
Degree of Assistance
a. minimum(ly)

b. moderate(ly)
3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), initiate and
c. maximum(ly)
complete an activity consistently using the same hand, _% of the time.
d. verbal

e. hand-over-hand

f. physical 4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use nonpreferred

g. tactile hand only a s a n assisting hand during bimanual tasks, _% of the time.
h. auditory

i. visual
*5. Use drawing/writing implement with only _ (Hand/Foot Usage) hand,
j. no
_% of the time.
k. (any combination of

*6. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), initiate and

complete a _ (School-Related Activity) using _ (Hand/Foot Usage) hand,

Type of Assistance

a. assistance _% of the time.

b. supervision

c. guidance 7. Perform most activities using a _ (Hand/Foot Usage) dominant pattem,

d. prompt _% of the time.

e. demons tra tion

f. cues
"8. Cut with scissors with dominant hand while other hand assists by
g. in functional
turning paper, _% of the time.

h. independently
"9. Hold ruler in place with assisting hand while making pencil line with
i. with gravity

(assisted) dominant hand, _ out of _ times.

j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity *10. With preferred hand, successfully use a spoon with _ (Degree of
l. with facilitation Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.

m. with adapted devices

*11. With preferred hand, successfully use a fork with _ (Degree of Assis­
n. passive
tance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.
o. active

p. adaptive techniques
Customized objectives:
q. (any combination of


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Hand/Foot Usage

e. right

f. left Long-Term Goal 3

To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
with fine motor tasks and dassroom and home manipulatives.

Objective E
To demonstrate intemalized awareness of the difference between two sides of

the body, (child's name) will:

l. Indicate which hand was weighted during an activity, within _ (num­

ber) seconds after completing task, _ out of _ times.

"2. Identify right and left body sides/hands on self, within _ (number)

seconds, _ out of _ times. ·

*3. Identify right and left sides of an object, within _ (number) seconds,

out of times.

*4. Identify right and left sides of paper, within _ (number) seconds, _

out of times.

5. Move to the _ (Hand/Foot Usage) direction, within _ (number) seconds

when verbally cued, _ out of _ times.

*6. Identify right and left body parts during a motor activity such as

"Hokey Pokey," _ out of _ times.

*7. Identify the right or left sides of the paper, _% of the time.

"8. Form horizontal line on paper moving from left to right, with verbal

cues only, _ out of _ times.

"9. Form left-to-right and right-to-left diagonal lines on paper, with verbal

cues only, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



1/2-inch Long- Term Goal 3

To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
1 inch (2 inches, etc.)
with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.


Objective F
To demonstrate arm midrange control/ grading of movement, using

appropriate force and accuracy, in order to perform physical education, art,

and classroom activities with control and precision, _

(child' s name) will:

l. Throw a beanbag into a _-inch container from _ (number) feet away,

out of times.

2. Throw a _-inch ball into a _-inch container or hoop from _ (num­

ber) feet away, _ out of _ times.

3. Toss rings or horseshoes to hit a game stick from _ (number) feet

away, _ out of _ times.

4. Throw any ball against a wall from a distance of _ (number) feet with

appropriate force for it to return safely, within _ (number) attempts.

S. Consecutively hit a balloon to eye level with hand while maintaining

elbow at side, _ out of _ times.

6. Place and balance a beanbag on a paddle or racket, toss it up approxi­

mately _ (number) inches, and recatch it using only the paddle, _ out

of times.

7. Pla ce_ (number) sized pegs into a board without undershooting or

overshooting the holes, _ out of _ times.

"8. Color a simple _-inch shape, staying within _ (Fraction) of the


>liJ. Stack _ (number) one-inch cubes without arm resting on table.

10. Hook _ (number) monkey or shape pieces together to f o rm a sus­

pended chain.

11. Stack _ (number) pieces of a balancing block game without arm resting

on the table.

*12. Accurately pour liquid from a 1 /2-pint milk container into a small

plastic drinking cup, _% of the time.

13. Accurately pour liquid from a 1/2-gallon container into an 8-ounce

glass, _% of the time.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

14. Rest _ (number) marbles on holes of a large pegboard without jarring
any other marbles while working.

15. Place the second triangular parquetry piece onto a square or diamond
outline without displacing the first piece, within _ (number) attempts.

1 inch (2 inches, etc.)

*16. Place four one-inch cubes together to f o r m a large square without

Degree of Assistance displacing the other cubes while working, within _ (number) attempts.

a. minimumfly)

b. moderate(ly) *17. Place parquetry blocks onto _ (number)-block design card without
c. maximumOy)
displacing previously placed blocks more than _ times.
d. verbal

e. hand-over-hand
18. Stand_ (number) dorninoes vertically, approximately one inch apart, to
f. physical
forro a chain without any falling.
g. tactile

h. auditory

i. visual *19. Press computer or electric typewriter keys with appropriate pressure to

j. no type only one character for each touch, _ out of _ times.

k. (any combination of

above) "20. Effectively remove from and/or insert tape recorder cassette i n _

(number) attemptís).
Type of Assistance

a. assistance
"2 1 . Maintain adequate pressure on glue bottle to evenly cover a _
b. supervision
(Fraction)-long line.
c. guidance

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion "22. Squeeze and release a standard glue bottle to f o rro _ (number) small

f. cues glue dots, within _ (number) attempts.

g. in functional

activities "23. Grasp objects (for example, homework paper, sandwich) without
h. independently
crushing, _% of the time.
i. with gravity

"24. Successfully use a spoon with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of
j. gravity eliminated
Assistance), _% of the time.
k. against gravity

l. with facilita tion

to Custornized objectives:

m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of

abo ve)

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroorn setting. They rnay be especíally

useful in the total tearn-generated IEP rnodels.


Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 3

c. maximum(ly)
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
d. verbal
with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile
Objective G
h. auditory
To demonstrate improved arm strength and stability, which are needed as a
i. visual
foundation for controlled movement, (child' s name) will:
j. no

k. (any combination of

above) 1. Reach with alternating hands while propped on forearms in prone (on

stomach), for _ (number) minutes (for example, while turning pages of

Type of Assistance a book/ assembling puzzles).
a. assistance

b. s u p e r v i s i ó n
2. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _· (Type of Assistance), reach with free
c. guidance
hand while supported on other forearm in side-sit position, for _
d. prompt
(number) minutes on each side (for example, while stacking blocks/
e. demons tra tion
playing board game).
f. cues

g. in functional

activities 3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), reach with free

h. independently hand across midline while supported on an extended arm in side-sit

i. with gravity (assisted) position, for _ (number) minutes on each side (for example, while
j. gravity eliminated
assembling puzzles/playing with pegboard).
k. against gravity

l. with facilitation
4. With _ IDegree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), reach with alter­
nating hands while maintaining quadriped (hands and knees), for _
m. with adapted devices
(number) minutes (for example, while rolling a ball).
n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques 5. Reach with alternating hands while prone on extended arms o v e r a _

q. (any combination of (Size) bolster (diameter larger than child's arm length) which is placed
abo ve) under the _ (Body Part), for _ (number) minutes.

6. Reach with alternating hands while prone on extended arms over a _
a. small
(Size) ball (diameter larger than child's arm length) which is placed
b. medium
under the _ (Body Part), for _ (number) minutes.
c. large

7. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), reach with alter­

Body Parts

a. chest nating hands across midline while leaning back on extemally rotated

b. abdomen and extended arms in a long-sitting position, for _ (number) minutes

c. knees (for example, while throwing beanbags at a target).

d. hips

e. shoulder
8. Push off from a wall using hands while prone (on stomach) on a
f. ankle
scooterboard, ending with hands at least _ (number) feet from the wall, ·
g. thigh
h. thumb

i. index finger

j. long/middle finger

k. ring finger

l. little (pinky) finger


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be espec.�

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

"9. Use an overhand method to throw a _ (Type of Ball) ball for a distance
of (number) feet.
Body Parts

a. chest
10. Propel a scooterboard while prone (on stomach) for _ (number) feet,
b. abdomen
using hands only.
c. knees

d. hips

e. shoulder 11. Wheelbarrow-walk for a distance of _ (number) feet, with support

f. ankle provided at the _ (Body Part).

g. thigh

h. thumb *12. Participate in a _ (School-Related Activity) activity, for _ (number)

i. index finger
minutes, with _ (number) rest periods.
j. long/middle finger

k, ring finger
13. Pull along a rope using a hand-over-hand pattern, while prone (on
l. little (pinky) finger
stomach) on a scooterboard, for a distance of _ (number) feet.

Type of Ball

a. volley
14. Pull along a _ (number)-foot rope, using a hand-over-hand pattem,

b. beach while prone (on stomach) in a netswing.

c. _-inch playground

d. _-inch therapy *15. Independently _ (push/pull) open a school lavatory and/or exit <loor.
e. hard

f. tennis
*16. Pull a wagon which h a s _ (number) child(ren) in it for a distance of
g. basket
_ (number) feet.
h. _-inch foam

i. base
*17. Push a classroom desk a distance of (number) feet.
j. medicine

k. racket

l. Wiffle® 18. Move self forward and back _ (number) times while sitting tailor­

m. cage fashion on a scooter and _ (pushing/pulling) while holding onto adult's

School-Related Activities

a. physical education
*19. Carry mealtime items with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assis­
b. playground
tance), _% of the time.
c. classroom

d. fine motor
*20. Pour liquids without spilling with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of
e. gross motor
Assistance), _% of the time.
f. postura!

g. desk top

h. (any specific activity Customized objectives:

of your choice)

Degree of Assistance

Type of Assistance

(see page 64)

iffle® is a registered

trademark of The Wiffle Ball,

lnc., Shelton, CT. • These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Body Parts

a. chest

b. abdomen Long-Term Goal 3

c. knees
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
d. hips
with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.
e. shoulder

f. ankle

g. thigh Objective H
h. thumb
To demonstrate isolated finger control, (child's name) will:
i. index finger

j. long/middle finger

k. ring finger *1. Extend each finger consecutively as in counting, _% of the time.

l. little (pinky) finger

*2. Point or poke with index finger, keeping all other fingers flexed, _% of

NOTES the time.

*3. Trace desired form with one extended finger, _ out of _ times.

*4. Trace desired form with one extended finger keeping all others flexed,

out of times.

5. Abduct and adduct extended fingers, _ (number) times, within

(number) seconds.

6. Consistently touch thumb to each finger one at a time, as in finger


7. Consecutively touch thumb to each fingertip one a t a time (opposition),

out of times.

8. Flick marble with thumb and _ (Body Part) finger, within _ (number)


9. Flick marble with each finger consecutively, within _ (number)


*10. Depress intended keyboard characters with only extended _ (Body

Part) finger, _ out of _ times.

*11. Reach keyboard characters with an individual finger while maintaining

other fingers in home-row position, _% of the time.

*12. Use appropriate fingers to produce recognizable signs for communicat­

ing in sign language, _% of the time.

*13. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting two parallel lines which are

_ (number) inches apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out

of times.

*14. Draw _ (number) circles between two parallel lines which are

_ (number) inches apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out

of times.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

*15. Draw _ (number) connected loops between two parallel lines which are
_ (number) inches apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out
of times.
a. manuscript

b. cursive
*16. Use isolated finger movements to write the alphabet i n _ (upperliouier)­
c. upper
case __ (manuscript/cursive) writing, for _ (number) of the 26 letters.
d. lower

NOTES Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 3
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.

Objective I
To demonstrate in-hand manipulation, (child' s name) wil l:

"l , Forro a spaghetti-like strand of clay or dough by rolling the clay

between the thumb and first two fingertips, _ out of _ times.

2. Forro a ball from a _-inch piece of paper with one hand, _ out of


3. Grasp and then place a _-inch peg using only the same hand for any

change in orientation, _ out of _ times.

4. P i c k u p _ (number) small pegs, one a t a time, and retain them in the

palm of same hand, _ out of _ times.

5. Move a rubber band from around finger MCP joints

(knuckles) to the fingertips and thumb, using thumb

and finger movements only, _ out of _ times.

6. Move a rubber band from around index and middle

finger MCP joints (knuckles) to fingertips and thumb,

using thumb and finger movements only, _ out of


7. Hold and then move a coin or chip from palm of

hand to fingertips, using same hand, _ out of

times. Objective I-5

"8. Hold and sort _ (number) cards, one a t a time, with one hand, _ out

of times.

"9. Hold and sort _ (number) coins, one a t a time, with one hand, _ out

of times.

*10 . Altemately sort _ (number) paper clips and _ (number) pennies from

the palm of the same hand, within _ (number) attempts.

11. Hold _ (number) pegs in palm of hand and, using same hand, place

pegs one a t a time into pegboard without dropping any, _ out of _


12. Spin a small top or jack, _ out of _ times.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

*13. Twist an object (for example, a tube cap, knob, screw, or combination
lock) using only thumb and finger movements, _% of the time.

*14. Hold pencil in the air with tripod grasp and walk fingers up and down

pencil shaft _ (number) times, using _ (number) steps.

*15. Hold pencil in air with tripod grasp and fully rotate so that markings on

pencil shaft move in a clockwise direction, then counterclockwise, _

(number) consecutive times each.

*16. Twirl pencil in a complete circular pattern, passing it end-over-end using

only thumb, index, and middle fingers, _ (number) consecutive times.

*17. Reposition pencil from writing position to erasing position, using only

one hand, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 3
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.

Objective J
To demonstrate prescissor skills, (child' s name) will:

l. Use squeeze tongs to pickup and release _ (number) cotton balls.

2. Use squeeze tongs to p i c k u p and release _ (number) one-ínch blocks.

3. Use squeeze tongs to pickup and .release _ (number) marbles.

4. Use squeeze tongs to p i c k u p and release _ (number) small objects.

5. Use scissor tongs to pickup and release _ (number) cotton balls.

6. Use scissor tongs to p i c k u p and release _ (number) one-inch blocks.

7. Use scissor tongs to p i ck u p and release _ (number) marbles.

8. Use scissor tongs to p i c k u p and release _ (number) small items.

9. Use tweezers to p i c k u p and release _ (number) small objects.

*10. Use a hole punch to punch _ (number) holes on dots.

11. Use tongs to pickup and release items (for example, food from salad


Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especia.Ily

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Classroom Tools

a. standard classroom

scissors Long-Term Goal 3

b. squeeze or easy-grip
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success
with fine motor tasks and dassroom and home manipulatives.
c. adapted scissors

d. sharp scissors

e. ruler
Objective K
f. stapler
Objectives 1 through 13 are task oriented. Objectives 14 through 21 are
g. compass

h. hole punch quality oriented. Objectives from both areas are recommended.

i. pencil sharpener

j. one-inch blade To develop and refine scissor skills using appropriate hand positioning,
scissors ___________ (child's name) will:
k. tape dispenser

Task-Oriented Objectives:
"l , Use one hand to open and close _ (Classroom Tool) _ times


*2. Snip edge of paper _ times, using _ (Classroom Tool).

>13. Cut off pieces of paper, using _ (Classroom Tool).

*4. Cut paper with _ (number) consecutive movements, using

(Classroom Tool).

*5. Cut completely across a _-inch paper, using _ (Classroom Tool).

*6. Cut along a _-inch line, within _-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom


*7. Cut along a _-inch zigzag line containing _ (number) diagonals,

within _-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom Tool).

"8. Cut along a _-inch 5-curved line, with _-inch accuracy, using _

(Classroom Tool).

"9. Cut out a _-inch square, with _-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom


*10. Cut out a _-inch triangle, with _-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom


*11. Cut out a _-inch circle, with _-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom


*12. Cut out a simple _-inch form containing angles and curves, with

_-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom Tool).

*13. Cut out a complex _-inch form containing angles and curves, with

_-inch accuracy, using _ (Classroom Tool).


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

Long-Term Goal 3, Objective K (continued)

Classroom Tools
Quality-Oriented Objectives:
a. standard classroom
*14. Cut using a neutral (thumbs up) approach with both hands, _% of the
time, using _ (Classroom Tool),
b. squeeze or easy-grip


c. adapted scissors *15. Reposition the paper-holding hand while cutting, _% of the time.

d. sharp scissors

e. ruler *16. Attend to details such as sharp comers or rounded edges when cutting,
f. stapler
_% of the time.
g. compass

h. hole punch
*17. Cut, using a balance of thumb and finger flexion and extension, _% of
i. pencil sharpener
the time, using _ (Classroom Tool).
j. one-inch blade


k. tape dispenser
*18. Cut, grasping the scissors with the thumb and first two fingers, _% of

the time, using _ (Classroom Tool).


*19. Cut, grasping the scissors with the thumb and middle or index finger,

_% of the time, using _ (Classroom Tool).

"20. Cut paper, opening and closing

scissor blades only halfway, _%

of the time.

"2 1 . Cut, with scissor holes maintained

at the middle of the thumb and

fingers, _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

Objective K-20

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Hand/Foot Usage

c. bilateral

e. right Long-Term Goal 3

f. Jeft
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.

Body Parts

i. index finger

j. Jong/middle finger
Objective L
k. ring finger
To maintain or improve passive range of motion, needed for activities such
l. little (pinky) finger
as reaching and self-help tasks, (child' s name) will:

Body Movements

a. flexion l. Allow /tolerate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) shoulder

b. extension _ (Body Movement).

c. abduction

d. adduction
2. Allow /tolerate _ (number) degrees _of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) elbow
e. externa! rotation
_ (Body Movement).
f. interna! rotation

g. ulnar deviation
3. Allow /tolerate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) forearm
h. radial deviation
_ (Body Movement).
i. prona tion/ prona ted

j. supina tion/ supina ted

k. opposi tion/ opposed 4. Allow /tolerate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) wrist

l. neutral _ (Body Movement).

m. (any combination of

5. Allow /tolerate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) thumb

_ (Body Movement).

6. Allow /tolerate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) _ (Body

Part) finger _ (Body Movement).

Customized objectives:


Hand/Foot Usage

c. hila teral

e. right Long-Term Goal 3

f. left
To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.

Body Parts

i. index finger

j. long/middle finger
Objective M
k. ring finger
To maintain or improve active range of motion, needed for activities such as
l. little (pinky) finger
reaching and self-help tasks, (child' s name) will:

Body Movements

a. flexion l. Demonstrate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) shoulder

b. extension _ (Body Movement).

c. abduction

d. adduction
2. Demonstrate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) elbow
e. external rotation
_ (Body Movement). ·
f. internal rotation

g. ulnar deviation
3. Demonstrate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) forearm
h. radial deviation
_ (Body Movement).
i. pronation/pronated

j. supination/supinated

k. opposi tion/ opposed 4. Demonstrate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) wrist

l. neutral _ (Body Movement).

m. (any combination of

5. Demonstrate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) thumb

_ (Body Movement).

6. Demonstrate _ (number) degrees of _ (Hand/Foot Usage) _ (Body

Part) finger _ (Body Movement).

Customized objectives:


Long- Term Goal 3

To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives.

Objective N
To maintain or improve functional range of motion, tchild' s

name) will:

1. Extend involved arm(s) over head as in raising hand to answer a


2. Extend involved arm(s) out to the front (for example, reach for a pencil

at top of desk).

3. Extend involved arm(s) to the sides (for example, to space self arm's

distance apart for group activity).

4. Place hand(s) across chest, to touch opposite shoulder(s) (for example, to

adjust coat).

5. Touch hand(s) to shoulder(s) on the same side.

6. Place hands behind the neck with elbows out to the side (for example,

to adjust collar).

7. Put hands behind the back with the elbows out to the side, at waist

level (for example, to tuck shirt into pants).

8. Turn palms up and down while keeping elbows flexed at sides (for

example, to turn paper over and back).

9. Place palms together and raise elbows until forearms are horizontal

across chest, for wrist extension (as if a seal clapping).

10. Move hand side to side, up and down at wrist, in a waving motion.

11. Make a tightly closed fist (for exarnple, to crumple paper).

12. Open hand cornpletely and spread fingers (for exarnple, to trace hand).

Custornized objectives:



To improve motor planning to enhance quality of move­

ment and efficient organization of self for effective partici­

pation in school and home activities.


Long-Term Goal 4

a. horizontal To improve motor planning to enhance quality of movement and efficient

b. vertical organization of self for effective participation in school and home activities.

c. diagonal

d. circular

e. rotary
Objective A
f. pendular To demonstrate improved awareness of positions and movements of body
g. linear parts (proprioception/k.inesthesia), (child' s name) will:
h. forward

i. backward
1. With eyes closed, accurately duplicate an imposed position on self (as
j. sideways
placed by therapist) on the opposite side of the body, executing
k. forward, backward,
_ (number) positions.
and sideways

l. multidirectional

2. With eyes closed, duplicate an imposed movement and accurately

Graphomotor execute the same movement on the 'opposite side of body, performing

a. manuscript (number) movements.

b. cursive

c. upper
*3. Trace a single _-inch line _ times and then, with eyes closed, draw
d. lower
the same length line, within _-inch accuracy.
e. A to Z

*4. Draw _ (Plane) line on a chalkboard with eyes closed, correctly


a. vertical line imitating the previously demonstrated visual and physical movement,

b. horizontal line out of times.

c. circle

d. crossed lines *S. Draw a _ (Plane) line on paper with eyes closed, correctly imitating
e. X
the previously demonstrated visual and physical movement, _ out of
f. square
g. triangle

h. vertical diamond
*6. Form _ (upper/lawer)-case letter _ ( A t o Z), using _ (manuscript/
i. horizontal diamond
cursive) writing on the chalkboard, with eyes closed, correctly imitating

NOTES the previously demonstrated visual and physical movement, _ out of


"14'!. Form _ (upper/lawer)-case letter _ (A to Z), using _ (manuscript/

cursive) writing on paper, with eyes closed, correctly imitating the

previously demonstrated visual and physical movement, _ out of _


"8. Write own name on paper, using _ (manuscript/cursíve) writing, with

eyes closed, correctly imitating the previously demonstrated visual and

physical movement, _ out of _ times.

"9. Imitate a _ (Shape) recognizably, _ out of _ times.

*10. Grade pressure applied when writing or coloring so as not to break the

implement or wrinkle or rip the paper, _% of the time.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

Long-Term Goal 4, Objective A (continued)

*11. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting two parallel lines which are
a. manuscript
_ inches apart, within _-inch accuracy.
b. cursive

c. upper

d. lower *12. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting parallel lines _ inches

e. A to Z apart, using a top-to-bottom orientation, _ out of _ times.

NOTES *13. Copy _ (upper/lower)-case letter(s)_ (A to Z), i n _ (manuscript,

cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _ out of

times .

*14. Copy the letters _ (A to Z), with proper formation, orientation, and

closure, _ out of _ times.

*15. Form (upper/lower)-case letter(s) _ (A to Z), on request, i n _ (manu­

script/cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _

out of times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especiail

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 4
To improve motor planning to enhance quality of movement and efficient

organization of self for effective participation in school and home activities.

Objective B
To demonstrate the ability to generate (think of) ideas for action,

___________ (child' s name) will:

"l. Physically or verbally communicate _ (number) ideas for play or work

activities without cues.

"2. Physically or verbally communicate -._ (number) ideas for play or work

activities with _ (number) cues by therapist.

"3. Physically or verbally communicate _ (number) ideas for play or work

activities when presented with _ (number) choices.

Custornized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 4
To improve motor planning to enhance quality of movement and efficient

organization of self for effective participation in school and home activities.

To demonstrate the improved ability to plan a course of action, _

(child' s name) will:

"l . Specify at least _ (number) steps needed to correctly sequence the

movements required to perform a given task.

"2. Communicate _ (number) ideas of how to motorically interact with

_ (specify object).

*3. Specify how to accomplish _ (number) components of an obstacle

course consisting of _ (specify objects).

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especia.Il

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 4
To improve motor planning to enhance quality of movement and efficient

organization of self for effective participation in school and home activities.

Objective D
To demonstrate the improved ability to execute movement(s), _

(child' s name) will:

l. Assume _ (number) postures that involve movement of only one arm

or leg, within _ (number) seconds of demonstration.

2. Assume _ (number) symmetrical postures, within _ (number) seconds

of each demonstration (for example, raise both hands above head at the

same time).

3. Assume _ (number) asymmetrical postures involving _ (number) body

parts, within _ (number) seconds of each demonstration (for example,

simultaneously cross ankles, touch head and hip).

*4. Perform _ (number) continuous movements of only one arm or leg,

within (number) seconds of demonstration and sustain the move-

ments for _ (number) seconds (for example, tum handle of pencil

sharpener, diadokokinesis).

*5. Perform _ (number) continuous symmetrical movements, within _

(number) seconds of the demonstration and sustain the movement for

(number) seconds (for example, jumping, clapping, doing jumping jacks).

*6. Catch a bounced _-inch ball outside of arm's reach, requiring a

postura! adjustrnent, _ out of _ times.

7. Perform _ (number) continuous asymmetrical movements involving

_ (number) body parts, within _ (number) seconds o f ñ

demonstration and sustain for (number) seconds '

(for example, hopping, bilateral finger-nose test). �

8. Perform _ (number) simultaneous reciproca} move­

ments involving _ (number) body parts, within

_ (number) seconds of demonstration, and sustain

for _ (number) seconds (for example, skipping,

alternating fists).

>l<J . Join both sides of jacket zipper and zip coat,

within _ (number) attempts.

*10. Independently open milk carton without



Objective D-8

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

Long-Term Goal 4, Objective D (continued)

Hand/Foot Usage
*11. Independently open milk carton without
c. bila tera 1
spilling, within _ (number) seconds.
g. unilateral

h. syrnmetrical(ly)

i. asymmetrical(ly) *12. Independently place a rubber band around a variety of objects to keep

j. reciproca! them closed or bound, _ out of _ times.

k. alternate(ly)(ing)

q. (any combination of 13. Independently pump a swing after an initial push, sustaining the
bilateral, unilateral,
swing's motion for _ minutes.
syrnmetrical, asyrn­

metrical, reciproca!
14. lndependently move a swing using a pumping action from a stopped
alterna tes)
position, sustaining the swing's motion for _ minutes.

Degree of Assistance
15. Jump rope _ consecutive times.
a. minimum(ly)

b. moderate(ly)

c. maximum(ly) *16. Execute a _ (number)-step _ (Hand/Foot Usage) task, given only verbal

d. verbal direction, within _ (number) seconds.

e. hand-over-hand

f. physical *17. Complete a specific _ (number)-step activity as demonstrated (for

g. tactile
example, packing a book bag, completing an obstacle course, folding a
h. auditory
paper airplane).
i. visual

j. no
*18. Complete a specific _ (number)-step activity following verbal directions
k. (any combination of

above) (for example, packing a book bag, completing an obstacle course, folding

a paper airplane).

Type of Assistance

a. assistance *19. Complete a specific _ (number)-step activity with only initial directions
b. supervision (for example, packing a book bag, completing an obstacle course, folding
c. guidance
a paper airplane).
d. prompt

e. demons tra tion

*20. Complete a specific _ (number)-step activity without direction (for
f. cues
example, packing a book bag, completing an obstacle course, folding a
g. in functional

activities paper airplane).

h. independently

i. with gravity *2 1 . Follow a _ (number)-step direction with _ (Degree of Assistance) _

(assisted) (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.

j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity
Customized objectives:
l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


To improve bilateral coordination to enhance movement

efficiency and functional participation in school and home


Long- Term Goal 5

To improve bilateral coordination to enhance movement efficiency and

functional participation in school and home activities.

Objective A
To demonstrate efficient crossing midline of the body, (child's

name) will:

*l. Use one hand to retrieve and/or place_ (number) objects on the

opposite side of the body.

2. Trace over a _-inch horizontal

figure-8 pattem _ times, while

sitting a t a desk, with minimal

displacement or tuming of body

from midline no more than

_ time(s).

3. Trace over a -inch horizontal

figure-8 pattem _ times, while

standing, with minimal dis­

placement or turning of body

from the midline no more than

_ time(s).

4. Complete_ (number) consecutive

crossover patterns of a clapping

Objective A-5
hand song (for example, patty cake),

within (number) seconds.

5. Stand with feet straddling a line and use only a

foot-over-foot pattern to walk forward while

stepping over the line for _ (number) feet.

6. Use only a foot-over-foot pattern to walk sideways

along a _-foot long line and retum while facing

in the same direction.

7. Spontaneously cross midline when appropriate

to the task, _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Type of Ball

a. volley

b. beach Long-Term Goal 5

c. _-inch playground
To improve bilateral coordination to enhance movement efficiency and
d. _-inch therapy
functional participation in school and home activities.
e. hard

f. tennis

g. basket
Objective B
h. _-inch foam
To demonstrate the ability to simultaneously use both sides of the body to
i. base
perform the same movements (symmetrical), (child's name) will:
j. medicine

k. racket

l. Wiffle® l. Push a rolling _ (Type of Ball) ball to wall or partner _ (number)

m. cage consecutive times.

"2. Throw a _-inch ball from midline of body to within 20 degrees of
a. small
partner, or target, _ out of _·times.
b. medium

c. large
*3. Catch a _-inch ball with hands, _ out of _ times.
d. -inch

4. Jump up and land with both feet together, _ (number) consecutive


5. Jump forward with both feet together, _ (number) consecutive times,

within (number) seconds.

*6. Pull apart _ (number) _ (Size) pop-beads.

*7. Push together _ (number) _ (Size) pop-beads.

"8. Scoop u p a quantity of small objects or sand with the hands, and trans­

fer into a container which i s _ inches away, without separating hands

until reaching the container.

9. Remove _ (number) pairs of _-inch pegs from a pegboard, with both

hands, and place into a container at midline.

10. Propel self forward, using hands symmetrically _ (number) times while

prone on a scooterboard, _ out of _ times.

11. Propel self forward, using feet symmetrically, _ (number) times, while

sitting on a scooterboard, _ out of _ times.

12. Drop a _-inch ball from midline and, after one bounce, catch it with

both hands, _ out of _ times.

13. Hit a _ (Type of Ball) ball against a wall _ (number) consecutive

times, using hands symmetrically.

14. Kick a rolled _ (Type of Ball) ball with both feet _ (number) consecu­

tive times while sitting on floor and leaning back on extended arms.

Wiffle® is a registered

trademark of The Wiffle Ball,

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially
Inc., Shelton, CT.
useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

""15. Carry lunch tray with both hands successfully.

16. Simultaneously draw _ (number) pairs of _ (Plane) lines on chalk­

board, using both hands.

17. Simultaneously draw _ (number) pairs of _ (Plane) lines on paper,

using both hands.

18. Move two streamers away from the body, using arms in a circular

pattem starting at midline, _ (number) consecutive times.

19. Perform _ (number) jumping jacks, within _ (number) seconds.
forward, backward,

and sideways
Customized objectives:


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



a. small

b. medium Long-Term Goal 5

c. large
To improve bilateral coordination to enhance movement efficiency and
d. -inch
functional participation in school and home activities.

Degree of Assistance

a. minimum(ly) Objective e
b. moderate(ly)
To demonstrate the ability to simultaneously use both hands/sides of the
c. maximum(ly)
body to perform different movements (asymmetrical), (child's
d. verbal

e. hand-over-hand name) will:

f. physical

g. tactile l. Use involved extremity as a functional assist, _% of the time.

h. auditory

i. visual *2. Consistently stabilize a bowl with one hand while stirring or scooping
j. no
food with a spoon held in the other hand.
k. (any combination of

abo ve)
*3. Successfully open a _-inch jar, using one hand to stabilize the jar and

the other to unscrew the lid, _ out of _ times.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance

b. supervision *4. Open door with one arm while holding objects in other arm, _ out of

c. guidance times.

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion *5. Stabilize paper with one hand while coloring or writing with the other,
f. cues
_% of the time.
g. in functional

6. String _ (number) _-inch beads, using one hand to p i c k u p and
h. independently
manipulate the bead and the other hand to manage the string.
i. with gravity


j. gravity eliminated 7. Successfully unscrew a nut from a _-inch bolt or screw, _ out of

k. against gravity times.

l. with facilitation

to "8. Open a 1 /2-pint milk carton, using both hands, _ out of _ times.
m. with adapted devices

n. passive
"9. Accurately pour liquid from a 1/2-pint container into a small drinking
o. active
cup held in the other hand, _% of the time.
p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of
*10. Successfully sharpen a pencil, using a manual classroom pencil sharp­
ener, _% of the time.


*11. Hold ruler in place with one hand (nondominant) while drawing a

straight line along the ruler edge with the other hand (dominant), _

out of times.

*12. Completely erase pencil markings without wrinkling or ripping the

paper, _% of the time.

*13. Hold a stencil in place while drawing along the stencil edges, with fewer

than _ (number) slips.

*14. Tie shoelaces in a bow with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assis­

tance), _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total tearn-generated IEP rnodels.



a. small

b. medium Long-Term Goal 5

c. large
To improve bilateral coordination to enhance movement efficiency and
d. _-inch
functional participation in school and home activities.

Degree of Assistance

a. minimum(ly) Objective e
b. moderate(ly)
To demonstrate the ability to simultaneously use both hands/sides of the
c. maximum(ly)
body to perform different movements (asymmetrical), (child's
d. verbal
name) will:
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile l. Use involved extremity as a functional assist, _% of the time.

h. auditory

i. visual *2. Consistently stabilize a bowl with one hand while stirring or scooping
j. no
food with a spoon held in the other hand.
k. (any combination of

abo ve)
"3. Successfully open a _-inch jar, using one hand to stabilize the jar and

the other to unscrew the lid, _ out of _ times.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance

b. supervision *4. Open door with one arm while holding objects in other arm, _ out of

c. guidance times.

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion *5. Stabilize paper with one hand while coloring or writing with the other,
f. cues
_% of the time.
g. in functional

activi ties
6. String _ (number) _-inch beads, using one hand to p i c k u p and
h. independently
manipulate the bead and the other hand to manage the string.
i. with gravity


j. gravity eliminated 7. Successfully unscrew a nut from a _-inch bolt or screw, _ out of

k. against gravity times.

l. with facilitation

to "8. Open a 1 /2-pint milk carton, using both hands, _ out of _ times.
m. with adapted devices

n. passive
"9. Accurately pour liquid from a 1/2-pint container into a small drinking
o. active
cup held in the other hand, _% of the time.
p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of
*10. Successfully sharpen a pencil, using a manual classroom pencil sharp­
ener, _% of the time.


*11. Hold ruler in place with one hand (nondominant) while drawing a

straight line along the ruler edge with the other hand (dominant), _

out of times.

*12. Completely erase pencil markings without wrinkling or ripping the

paper, _% of the time.

*13. Hold a stencil in place while drawing along the stencil edges, with fewer

than _ (number) slips.

*14. Tie shoelaces in a bow with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assis­

tance), _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the dassroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

Long-Term Goal 5
playground To improve bilateral coordination to enhance movement efficiency and
functional participation in school and home activities.

Objective D
To demonstrate ability to simultaneously use both sides of the body to

perform rhythmical reciprocal movements, (child' s name) will:

1. Crawl on hands and knees for a distance of (number) feet.

2. Propel self forward, using feet in a walking pattem, for a distance of

NOTES _ (number) feet, while sitting on a scooterboard.

3. Propel self forward, using hands altemately, for a distance of

_ (number) feet, while prone on a scooterboard.

*4. Ascend _ (number) steps, placing only one foot on each step. (Hand

support permitted.)

*5. Descend _ (number) steps, placing only one foot on each step. (Hand

support permitted.)

6. Use a foot-driven stationary or mobile car or bike, for _ (number)


7. Use a hand-driven stationary or mobile car or bike, for _ (number)


8. Pull _ (number) feet of rope to self, using a hand-over-hand pattern,

while sitting.

9. Wring or twist a washcloth _ times.

10. Hit a balloon into the air, using hands in alternating pattem, _ (num­

ber) consecutive times.

11. Bounce a _ (Type of Ball) hall, using hands in alternating pattem,

(number) consecutive times.

12. Open the fingers of one fisted hand while forming a fist with the other

hand, _ times, altemating fists.

13. Altemately tap isolated index fingers while wrists are stabilized, for

(number) sets.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



To improve ocular motor control for greater success in

reading, writing, copying, and eye-hand coordination



a. seconds

b. minutes Long-Term Goal 6

c. repetitions
To improve ocular motor control for greater success in reading, writing,

copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks.

Degree of Assistance

a. minimum(ly)

b. moderate(ly)
Objective A
c. maximum(ly)
To demonstrate visual focusing skills, (child' s name) will:
d. verbal

e. hand-over-hand

f. physical
"I. Focus for _ seconds on the face of the person speaking.

g. tactile

h. auditory "2. Focus for _ seconds on an object being held or manipulated.

i. visual

j. no *3. Maintain visual focus on task for _ (number) _ (Duration) with _

k, (any combination of
(Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance) _% of the time.

Customized objectives:
Type of Assistance

a. assistance

b. supervision

c. guidance

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion

f. cues

g. in functional


h. independently

i. with gravity


j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity

l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n, passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of



• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



a. horizontal

b. vertical Long-Term Goal 6

c. diagonal
To improve ocular motor control for greater success in reading, writing,
d. circular
copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks.
e. rotary

f. pendular

g. linear
Objective B
h. forward
To demonstrate visual tracking, (child' s name) will:
i. backward

j. sideways

k. forward, backward, l. Maintain visual contact with a descending balloon from _ (number) feet

and sideways above head to the floor.

l. multidirectional

2. Successfully follow a Wiffle® ball suspended from a _ (number)-foot

NOTES string as it swings horizontally at eye level, for _ (number) seconds.

3. Follow a brightly colored object placed 12 inches from face in a

_ (Plane) plane, using binocular coordination, _ out of _ times.

4. Maintain visual contact for _ (number) seconds with a car or marble as

it races through a multiplane track.

*S. Disassociate eye movements from the head during functional activities,

_% of the time.

6. Use disassociated eye movements from the head to successfully follow a

Wiffle® ball suspended from a _ (number)-foot string as it swings

horizontally at eye level, for _ (number) seconds.

7. Use disassociated eye from head movements to maintain visual contact

with a variable speed and direction wind-up toy, for _ (number)

seconds. - 1

8. Use disassociated eye movements from the head to maintain visual

contact with a car or marble as it races through a multiplane track, for

(number) seconds. 1

*9. Maintain visual contact while the teacher is moving about the room,

_% of the time.

*10. Follow the second hand of a classroom dock for _ (number) seconds

and correctly indicate as it passes over each number, successfully track­

ing for _ (number) seconds.

11. Maintain visual contact with a variable speed and direction wind-up toy,

for (number) seconds.

Customized objectives:
Wiffle® is a registered trademark of The Wiffle Ball, Inc., Shelton, CT.

• These


in the

skills to be

observed within

IEP models.
the classroom setting. They may be especially -

Long-Term Goal 6
To improve ocular motor control for greater success in reading, writing,
copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks.

Objective e
To demonstrate visual scanning abilities, (child' s name) will:

"l , Locate a named object from a shelf or closet, within _ (number)

seconds .

"2. Locate _ (number) indicated pictures or numbers on a bingo card,

within (number) seconds.

*3. Locate the letters _ (A to Z) from _ (number) standard typed lines,

with _% accuracy, i n _ (number) seconds.

*4. Locate the number(s) _ from _ (number) vertical columns comprised

of 10 numbers each, spaced _ inches apart, with _% accuracy, in

(number) seconds.

*5. Locate alphabet keys on keyboard by typing alphabet, within _ (num­

ber) seconds.

*6. Draw a straight line within a _-inch wide path without touching sides

for a distance of inches.

*'7. Draw a line within a _-inch wide 5-inch long horizontal S-curved path

without touching the sides.

"8. Trace along a _-inch _ (Shape) with _-inch accuracy.

"9. Trace along a _-inch zigzag line consisting of _ (number) diagonals,

with _-inch accuracy.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 6
To improve ocular motor control for greater success in reading, writing,

copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks.

Objective D
To demonstrate functional visual localization, (child's name) will:

"l , Connect _ (number) dots which a r e _ inches apart, using straight

lines, within _-inch accuracy from the side of the dots.

*2. Sequentially connect a picture or design composed of _ (number) dots,

within _-inch accuracy, i n _ (number) seconds.

*3. Connect a picture or design composed of _ (number) dots, within

_-inch accuracy, i n _ (number) seconds.

*4. Copy _ (number) letters or numbers from a paper, with _% accuracy,

in (number) seconds.

*5. Copy _ (number) letters or numbers from the chalkboard, with _%

accuracy, i n _ (number) seconds.

*6. Copy a sentence which is composed of _ (number) words from a paper

or book, with _% accuracy, i n _ (number) seconds.

*7. Copy a sentence which is composed of _ (number) words from the

chalkboard, with _% accuracy, i n _ (number) seconds.

Customized objectives:

* These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be �:,.:;...�

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor

skills for greater success in academics and written work.


• Long-Term Goal 7
To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater

success in academics and written work.

Objective A
To demonstrate improved body awareness, (child's name) will:

"l. Point t o _ (number) specified body parts on self.

*2. Point t o _ (number) specified body parts on others.

*3. Point t o _ (number) specified body parts on a doll.

*4. Point t o _ (number) specified body parts on self and others.

"5. Name _ (number) body parts on self.

*6. Name _ (number) body parts on others.

*7. Name _ (number) body parts on a doll.

"8. Name _ (number) body parts on self and others.

"9. Point to _ (number) specified joints on self.

*10. Point to _ (number) specified joints on others.

*11. Point t o _ (number) specified joints on self and others.

'''12. Name _ (number) specified joints on self.

*13. Name _ (number) specified joints on others.

*14. Name _ (number) specified joints on self and others.

*15. Indicate right/left side of body on self.

*16. lndicate right/left side of body on others.

*17. lndicate right/left side of body on self and others.

*18. Indicate _ (number) body parts, including right- or left-sidedness on

self, within _ (number) seconds.

*19. Indicate _ (number) body parts, including right- or left-sidedness on

others, within _ (númber) seconds.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the dassroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



of Assistance
Long-Term Goal 7, Objective A (continued)

"20. Indicate _ (number) body parts, including right- or left-sidedness on

a. minimum(ly)

b. moderate(ly)

c. maximum(ly)

d. verbal "2 1 .
self and others, within _ (number) seconds.

With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), touch one body


e. hand-over-hand part to another on self upon request, within _ (number) seconds. (For

f. physical example, "Put your elbow on your knee.") �

g. tactile
h. auditory
"22. Draw a person, with _ (number) body parts.
i. visual

j. no

k. (any

abo ve)
combination of
"23. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance),
body part and the side of another person when asked, "What is this?"
name the specified


Type of Assistance
_% of the time.

a. assistance

b. supervision

c. guidance
Customized objectives:

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion

f. cues

g. in functional


h. independently

i. with gravity


gravity eliminated ...

k. against

l. with


m. with adapted devices ""i

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive

q. (any

cornbination of
abo ve)

- 1


... •

... •


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be �y
.. •

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

102 ...


a. horizontal

b. vertical Long-Term Goal 7

c. diagonal
To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater
d. circular
success in academics and written work.
e. rotary

f. pendular

-.. g. linear

h. forward
Objective B
To demonstrate improved spatial awareness of self in space and the relation­
i. backward

... j. sideways
ship of self to objects and the environment, (child's name) will:

k. forward, backward,

and sideways *l. Move in _ (Plane) direction when verbally cued, _ out of _ times,

l. multidirectional



within (number) seconds .

With - (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), move self

_ (Spatial Concept) an object, _% of the time.

... b. moderate(ly)

c. maximum(ly)
*3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), move body part in
d. verbal

.. e. hand-over-hand

f. physical
(Plane h, i, j, k) direction, _% of the time.

.. g. tactile

h. auditory

i. visual
*4. With _ tDegree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), p l a c e a n object

_ (Spatial Concept e, d, e) self, _% of the time.

• j. no
*5. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), assemble a

k. (any combina tion of
_ (number)-piece body part puzzle within its frame, _% of the time.

... Type
abo ve)

of Assistance *6. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), assemble a

• a. assistance

b. s u p e r v i s i ó n
_ (number)-piece body part puzzle without a frame, _% of the time.

.. c. guidance

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion

*7. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), describe the

orientation of one body part to another, _% of the time. (For example,

eyes are above mouth.)
f. cues

g. in functional
..a "8. _% of the time, identify right/left side of body being touched, within

... h.


i. with gravity
(number) seconds .

• j.

gravity eliminated
"9. With _ tDegree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), touch ríght or left

side of person with back to self, _% of the time .

.. k. against

l. with


facilita tion
*10. Upon request, with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance),

touch right or left side of person facing self, _% of the time.

iiíl m. with adapted devices

n. passive
..a o. active
*11. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), name the specified

body part and the side of another person when asked "What is this?"
a p. adaptive techniques
_% of the time.
q. (any combination of



a a. in/out of

b. on/off of

.... c. under / over

d. in front of /

in back of

e. next to/beside

f. through

� g. up/down

h. behind
• These


in the

skills to be observed

team-generated IEP

models .
the dassroom setting. They may be especially

..... 103
Long-Term Goal 7, Objective B (continued)

""12. Put on _ (Dressing) in the appropriate orientation with _ (Degree of
a. horizontal
Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.
b. vertical

c. diagonal

d. circular *13. Demonstrate the ability to navigate to familiar places within the environ­

e. rotary ment, with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the

f. pendular time.
g. linear

h. forward
*14. Maneuver through the environment while maintaining the condition of
i. backward
self, materials, and surroundings, with _ (Degree of Assistance) _
j. sideways

k. forward, backward,
(Type of Assistance), _% of the time.

and sideways

l. multidirectional *15. Move i n _ (Plane) direction when verbally cued, _ out of _ times,

Degree of Assistance within (number) seconds.

a. minimum(ly)

b. moderate(ly) *16. Form horizontal line on paper, moving from left to right, _ out of
c. maximum(ly)
_ times, with verbal cues only.
d. verbal

e. hand-over-hand
*17. Form left-to-right and right-to-left diagonal lines on paper, _ out of
f. physical
_ times, with verbal cues only.
g. tactile

h. auditory

i. visual Customized objectives:

j. no

k. (any combination of


Type of Assistance

a. assistance

b. supervision

c. guidance

d. prompt

e. demons tra tion

f. cues

g. in functional


h. independentl y

i, with gravity


j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity

l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of



a. coats/sweaters

b. hat

c. gloves/mittens

d. boots

e. shoes

f. socks

g. button-down smock/


h. pullover smock/shirt

i. belt

j. braces/orthotics

k. clothes
• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be es¡:>etian,

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 04

Long-Term Goal 7
To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater

success in academics and written work.

Objective e
To demonstrate improved awareness of forms and spatial relations of objects

to each other, (child's name) will:

"l. Place (number) scattered forms into a

_ (number)-piece formboard, with

_ (number) attempt(s) per piece.

"2 . Complete_ (number)-piece noninter­

locking puzzles.

"3 . Complete_ (number)-piece interlocking

puzzles within a frame.

*4. Complete_ (number)-piece interlocking

puzzles without a frame.

Objective C-2

S. Imitate a 3- or 4-cube train, within

_ (number) attempts.

6. Copy a 3- or 4-cube train, within

_ (number) attempts.

7. Imitate a 3-cube bridge, within

_ (number) attempts.

8. Copy a 3�ube bridge, within

_ (number) attempts.

9. Imitate a 5-cube gate, within

_ (number) attempts.

10. Copy a 5-cube gate, within Objective C-3

_ (number) attempts.

11. Imitate a 6-cube step design, within

_ (number) attempts.

12. Copy a 6-cube step design, within

_ (number) attempts.

13. Imitate a 6-cube pyramid design, within

_ (number) attempts.

Objective C-4


,. These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

Long-Term Goal 7, Objective C (continued)

Spatial Concepts
14. Copy a 6-cube pyramid design, within _ (number) attempts.
a. in/out of

b. on/off of
15. Imitate a 10-cube step design, within _ (number) attempts.
c. under / over

d. in front of/

in back of 16. Copy a 10-cube step design, within _ (number) attempts.

e. next to/beside

f. through 17. Imitate a _ (number)-cube design, within _ (number) attempts.

g. up/down

h. behind
18. Copy a _ (number)-cube design, within _ (number) attempts.

School-Related Activities
19. Imitate age-appropriate cube designs, within _ (number) attempts.
a. physical education

b. playground

c. classroom
20. Copy age-appropriate cube designs, within _ (number) attempts.

d. fine motor

e. gross motor 21. Construct a _ (number)-cube desígn from a picture, within _ (number)

f. postura! attempts.
g. desk top

h. (any specific activity

22. Correctly orientan object/picture when it is displaced in space, within
of your choice)
_ (number) attempts.

"23. lndicate which stimulus is in a different spatíal orientation from the

other _ (number) presented, _ out of _ times.

"24. Placean object _ (Spatial Concept) another object, upon verbal com­

mand, within _ (number) attempts.

"25. [oin a picture divided into _ (number) pieces, within _ (number)


"26. Join a shape divided into _ (number) pieces, within _ (number)


"27. Identify the right or left side of the paper, _% of the time.

"28. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting parallel lines _ inches

apart, using a top-to-bottom orientation, _ out of _ times.

29. Participate in a _ (School-Relaied Activity) activity for _ (number)

minutes, with _ (number) rest periods.

"30. Form horizontal lines moving from left to right, _ out of _ times,

with verbal cues only.

"3 1 . Draw _ (number) circles between parallel lines which ar e _ inches

apart, using counterclockwise orientation, _ out of _ times.

"32. Draw _ (number) crossed lines between parallel lines which are

_ inches apart, using top-to-bottom, left-to-ríght orientation, _


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They ma

useful in the total team-generated JEP models.

1 06
"33. Form left-top-to-right-bottom and right-top-to-left-bottom diagonal lines,
_ out of _ times, with verbal cues only.

a. manuscript
"34. Form _ (upperlíoinerr-csse letter _ ( A t o Z) i n _ (manuscript/cursive)
b. cursive
writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _ out of _
c. upper

d. lower
times, after demonstration.

e . A t o Z
"35. Copy _ (upperltouieri-csse letter _ (A to Z) i n _ (manuscript/cursive)

NOTES writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _ out of _


*36. Copy the letters _ (A to Z) with proper formation, orientation, and

closure, _ out of _ times.

"37. On request, form _ (upperlunoen-cese letter _ ( A t o Z) i n _ (manu­

script/cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _

out of times.

"38. Uniformly space letters, words, and/or sentences when writing, _% of

the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



a. manuscript

b. cursive Long-Term Goal 7

c. upper
To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater
d. lower
success in academics and written work.
e. A to Z

NOTES Objective D
To demonstrate improved visual sequencing and visual memory,

________ (child's name) will:

*l. Indicate which one of _ (number) objects or pictures has been removed,

after viewing for _ (number) seconds.

"2. Look a t a picture and immediately recall _ (number) details.

*3. Look a t a picture, and after a _ (number)-second delay, recall

_ (number) details.

4. Imitate correctly a _ (number)-part sequence of silent finger tapping

immediately after presentation, _ out of _ times.

*S. Duplicate the correct sequence of a _ (number)-part visual stimulus

immediately after having viewed the model for _ (number) seconds,

out of times.

*6. Copy _ (number) letters from a page, using not more than _ (number)

visual fixations, _ out of _ times.

*'l. Copy _ (number) words from a sentence, using not more than

_ (number) visual fixations, _ out of _ times.

"8 . Form _ (upper/lawer)-case letter _ ( A t o Z) i n _ (manuscript/cursive)

writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, after demonstra­

tion, _ out of _ times.

"9 . On request, form _ (upper/lawer)-case letter _ (A to Z) i n _ (manu­

script/cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _

out of times.

*10. Uniformly space letters, words, and/or sentences when writing, _% of

the time.

*11. Copy a sentence with attention to details of letters, spacing, and punc­

tuation, with fewer than _ (number) omissions or errors.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be espeaaII •

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 7
To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater

success in academics and written work.

Objective E
To demonstrate improved visual figure ground abilities, (child's

name) will:

*l. Locate _ (number) named objects in the classroom environment, within

_ (number) seconds.

*2. Find a named object among a colléctíon of objects, within _ (number)


*3. Find a named object among a collection of similar objects, within

_ (number) seconds.

*4. Find a presented or named picture among a collection of pictures, within

(number) seconds.

*5. Find a presented or named shape among a collection of shapes, within

_ (number) seconds.

*6. Find a presented or named number or letter among a collection of

numbers or letters, within _ (number) seconds.

*7. Identify _ (number) out of _ (number) pictures hidden within the

background of a picture, within _ (number) seconds.

*8. Identify _ (number) out of _ (number) numbers hidden within the

background of a picture, within _ (number) seconds.

"9. ldentify _ (number) out of _ (number) letters hidden within the

background of a picture, within _ (number) seconds.

*10. Identify a letter or shape which has been outlined in dotted lines, within

_ (number) seconds, _ out of _ times.

*11. Demonstrate visual closure in tasks such as forming circles, letters, and

numbers, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.



a. manuscript

b. cursive Long-Term Goal 7

c. upper To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater
d. lower
success in academics and written work.
e. A to Z

NOTES Objective F
To demonstrate improved discrimination of the visual properties of objects or

pictures, (child' s name) will:

"l , Arrange graduated or nesting objects by size, within _ (number)


"2. Identify between big and little, _.out of _ times.

*3. Differentiate big, medium, and little, _ out of _ times.

*4. Identify between tall and short, _ out of _ times.

*S. Identify between longer and shorter, _ out of _ times.

*6. Indicate which stimulus is in a different spatial orientation from the

other _ (number) presented, _ out of _ times.

*7. Identify what letter or shape has been outlined in dotted lines, within

_ (number) seconds, _ out of _ times.

"8. Demonstrate visual closure in tasks such as forming circles, letters, and

numbers, _ out of _ times.

"9. Color a simple _-inch shape, within _ inch(es) of the boundary.

*10. Color an area not larger than 2 inches, using only finger movements,

_% of the time.

*11. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out of _


*12. Draw _ (number) circles between two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out of


*13. Draw _ (number) connected loops between two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out of _


*14. Trace _-inch high _ (upper/lawer)-case letter(s) _ ( A t o Z), using _

(manuscript/cursive) writing, within _-inch accuracy.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especíally

usefuJ in the total team-generated IEP models.


Long-Term Goal 7
To improve visual perception and/ or perceptual motor skills for greater

success in academics and written work.

Objective G
To demonstrate improved visual closure abilities, (child' s

name) will:

"l. Identify a letter or shape which has been outlined in dotted lines, within

_ (number) seconds, _ out of _ times.

"2. Mentally complete circles, letters, and/or numbers, given only minimal

outlines, _ out of _ times.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 1 1
Today is sunny end cold.


To irnprove written cornrnunication skills for greater pro­

ficiency when using writing irnplernents and/ or a key­


Long-Term Goal 8
To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when using

writing implements and/or a keyboard.

Objective A
To demonstrate motor control needed for prewriting tasks,
__________ (child's name) will:

,.1. Imitate a recognizable _ (Shape) in a _ (Plane) plane, _ out of _


pes "2. Color a simple _-inch shape, within _ inch(es) of the boundary in a
a vertí cal line
_ (Plane) plane. ·
rizontal line

c. arele
"3. Draw a straight line, within a _-inch wide path without touching sides
crossed lines
for a distance of _ inches in a _ (Plane) plane.
e. X

. square

..4. Draw a line, within a _-inch wide

vertical diamond 5-inch long, horizontal S-curved

horizontal diamond path without touching the sides

in a _ (Plane) plane.

�- Use wrist movements to vary the

direction of strokes when coloring,

rather than turning the paper,

_% of the time. Objective A-4

..6. Trace along a _-inch (Shape), with _-inch accuracy in a _ (Plane)


"7. Trace along a _-inch zigzag line consisting

of _ (number) diagonals. with _-inch

accuracy in a _ (Plane)

"8. Connect (number) dots which are

_ (number) inches apart, using

straight lines, within

_-inch accuracy from

the side of the dots in a

_ (Plane) plane.

"9. Color an area not larger than

Objectíve A-7
2 inches, using only finger movements,

_% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 1 5


a. manuscript

b. cursive Long-Term Goal 8

c. upper
To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when using
d. lower
writing implements and/or a keyboard.
e. A to Z

NOTES Objective B
To demonstrate intrinsic muscle control for pencil manipulation,

_________ (child' s name) will:

1. Hold pencil in the air with tripod grasp and walk fingers up and down

pencil shaft, _ (number) times, using _ (number) steps.

2. Hold pencil in air with tripod grasp and

fully rotate so that markings on pencil

shaft move in a clockwise and then

counterclockwise direction,

_ (number) consecutive times each.

3. Twirl pencil in a complete circular

pattem, passing it end-over-end

using only thumb, index, and

Objective B-2
middle fingers, _ (number)

consecutive times.

*4. Reposition pencil from writing position to erasing position, using only

one hand, _ out of _ times.

*5. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out of


*6. Draw _ (number) circles between two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out of


*7. Draw _ (number) connected loops between two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, using only isolated finger movements, _ out of


"8. Use isolated finger movements to write the alphabet i n _ (upper/lawer)­

case _ (manuscript/cursive) writing, for _ (number) of the 26 letters.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 1 6

School-Related Activities

a. physical education

b. playground Long-Term Goal 8

c.. classroom
To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when using
d. fine motor
writing implements and/or a keyboard.
e. gross motor

f. postura!

g. desk top
Objective e
h. (any specific activity
To demonstrate motor control necessary for writing tasks,
of your choice)
__________ (child' s name) will:


a. manuscript *l. Grade pressure applied when writing or coloring so as not to break the

b. cursive implement or wrinkle or rip the paper, _% of the time.

c. upper

d. lower
"2 . Erase pencil markings without wrinkling or ripping the paper, _% of
e. A to Z
the time.

*3. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting two parallel lines which are

_ inch(es) apart, within _-inch accuracy.

*4. Draw _ (number) vertical lines connecting parallel lines _ inch(es)

apart, using a top-to-bottom orientation, _ out of _ times.

*5. Participate in a _ (School-Related Activity) activity for _ (number)

minutes, with _ (number) rest periods.

*6. Draw _ (number) out of _ (number) vertical lines, using a top-to­

bottom orientation, in order to connect two parallel lines _ inches

apart, within _-inch accuracy.

*'l. Draw _ (number) circles between two parallel lines which are

_ (number) inch(es) apart, touching both top and bottom lines, with

_-inch accuracy.

"8. Draw _ (number) circles between parallel lines which a r e _ inches

apart, using counterclockwise orientation, _ out of _ times.

"9. Draw _ (number) crossed lines between parallel lines which are

_ inches apart, using top-to-bottom, left-to-right orientation, _ out of


*10. Trace _-inch high _ (upper/lower)-case letter(s) _ ( A t o Z), using _

(manuscript/cursive) writing, within _-inch accuracy.

*11. Form _ (upper/lower)-case letter(s) _ ( A t o Z) i n _ (manuscript/

cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, after

demonstration, _ out of _ times.

*12. Copy __ (upper/lower)-case letter(s) _ (A to Z) in __ (manuscript/

cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, _ out of



• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 1 7
Long-Term Goal 8, Objective C (continued)

*13. Copy _ ( A t o Z) legibly, within _ (number) (Duraiion).
a. seconds

b. minutes
*14. Copy the letter(s) _ ( A t o Z) with proper formation, orientation, and
c. repetitions
closure, _ out of _ times.


a. manuscript *15. Form _ (upper/lower)-case letter(s) _ ( A t o Z) on request i n _

b. cursive (manuscript/cursive) writing, using correct directionality of letter forma­

c. upper tion, _ out of _ times.
d. lower

e. A to Z
*16. Uniformly space letters, words, and/or sentences when writing, _% of

the time.

*17. Copy a sentence with attention to details of letters, spacing, and punc­

tuation, with fewer than _ (number) omissions or errors.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especíallj

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 1 8

Classroom Tools

a. standard classroom

scissors Long-Term Goal 8

b. squeeze or easy-grip
To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when using
writing implements and/or a keyboard.
c. adapted scissors

d. sharp scissors

e. ruler
Objective D
f. stapler
To demonstrate motor control necessary for using classroom tools associated
g. compass
with the pencil, (child' s name) will:
h. hole punch

i. pencil sharpener

j. one-inch blade "l , Completely erase pencil markings without wrinkling or ripping the

scissors paper, _% of the time.

k. tape dispenser

*2. Use a manual classroom pencil sharpener effectively and efficiently,

_% of the time. ·

*3. Hold a ruler in place while drawing a straight line along the ruler edge,

with fewer then _ (number) slips.

*4. Hold a stencil in place while drawing along the stencil edges, with fewer

then _ (number) slips.

*S. Use a _ (Classroom Tool) effectively and efficiently, _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

1 1 9

Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 8

c. maximumOy)
To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when usin
d. verbal
writing implements and/or a keyboard.
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective E
h. auditory
To demonstrate motor control necessary for effective use of a keyboard,
i. visual
__________ (child' s name) will:
j. no

k. (any combination of

abo ve) "l. Isolate fingers, within _ (number) seconds, _% of the time, to depress

specific keys, using a hunt-and-peck technique.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance
*2. Isolate fingers, within _ (number) seconds, _% of the time, to depress
b. supervision
specific keys, using the touch typing technique.
c. guidance

d. prompt
*3. Isolate fingers to depress specific keys, using the touch-typing technique
e. demonstration
with rninimal glances at keys, _% of the time.
f. cues

g. in functional

activities *4. Recall (number) letters or words with one visual fixation on material

h. independently being copied.

i. with gravity

*5. Coordinate fingers to desired keys in order to type _ (number) letters
j. gravity eliminated
words per minute.
k. against gravity

l. with facilitation
*6. Coordinate fingers to desired keys in order to type the alphabet in less
than (number) (Duration).
m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active *7. Maintain elbows at sides and use only wrist and finger movements

p. adaptive techniques when depressing the keys, _ out of _ times observed.

q. (any combination of

abo ve)
"8. Utilize compensatory techniques and/or adaptive equipment to depress

keys, _ out of _ times observed.


a. seconds
"9. Turn on computer and/or printer, insert disc, use Save and Print func­
b. minutes
tions, and begin keyboarding with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type •
c. repetitions

*10. Turn on computer and/ or printer, insert disc, and use Save and Prin

functions, and begin keyboarding independently, _ out of _ times.

Custornized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be esp��

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

Before After


To improve self-care skills for greater independence in

school and home environments.


Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)

b. modera te(ly) Long- Term Goal 9

c. maximumOy) To improve self-care skills for greater independence in school and home
d, verbal
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective A
h. auditory
To demonstrate functional lunch and snack skills, (child' s
i. visual
name) will:
j. no

k, (any combination of

above) "l , With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), successfully use a

spoon, _% of the time.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance *2. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), sip a drink from a
b. supervision
cup or glass, _% of the time.
c. guidance

d. prompt
"3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), successfully use a
e. demons tra tion
fork, _% of the time.
f. cues

g. in functional

activities *4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use a knife for

h. independently spreading, _% of the time.

i. with gravity

(assisted) *5. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use a knife for
j. gravity eliminated
cutting, _% of the time.
k. against gravity

l. with facilitation
*6. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use adaptive
equipment needed to accomplish task, _% of the time.
m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active "7. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), carry mealtime

p. adaptive techniques items, _% of the time.

q. (any combination of

above) "8. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), pour liquids

without spilling, _% of the time.

Hand/Foot Usage

a. preferred
"9. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), open packages
e. right
and containers, _% of the time.
f. left

*10. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), follow mealtime

routine, _% of the time.

*11. Exhibit socially acceptable behaviors while eating, _% of the time.

*12. Exhibit socially acceptable performance while eating, _% of the time.

*13. Carry mealtime tray with _ (Hand/Foot Usage) hand(s) successfully.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 9

c. maximumOy)
To improve self-care skills for greater independence in school and home
d. verbal
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile
Objective B
h. auditory
To demonstrate functional dressing skills, (child's name) will:
i. visual

j. no

k. (any combination of "l. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), remove

above) _(Dressing),_% of the time.

Type of Assistance
"2 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), put on
a. assistance

b. supervision _(Dressing),_% of the time . .

c. guidance

d. prompt "3 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), adjust clothing for

e. demonstration toileting, _% of the time.

f. cues

g. in functional
*4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), put on
_ (Dressing) in the appropriate orientation, _% of the time.
h. independently

i. with gravity (assisted)

*S. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), open a
j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity
_(Fastener),_% of the time.

l. with facilitation

to *6. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), close a

m. with adapted devices _(Fastener),_% of the time.

n. passive

o. active
*7. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), untie shoelaces,
p. adaptive techniques
_% of the time.
q. (any combination of

"8. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), tie shoelaces in a
bow, _% of the time.
a. coats/sweaters

b. hat
"9 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _·_ (Type of Assistance), lace shoes
c. gloves/mittens
accurately, _% of the time.
d. boots

e. shoes

f. socks *10. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use adaptive

g. button-down smock/ technique or device to put on _ (Dressing).


h. pullover smock/shirt *11. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use adaptive
i. belt
technique or device to put on _ (Dressing).
j. braces / orthotics

k. clothes
*12. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), adjust

_ (Dressing) appropriately to maintain a socially acceptable appearance,

_% of the time.
a. large buttons

b. small buttons

c. separating zipper *13. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use adaptive

d. nonseparating zipper techniques or device to manipulate _(Fastener),_% of the time.

e. snaps

f. buckle
*14. Assume responsibility for appropriate personal appearance and hygiene
g. Velero®
with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.

Customized objectives:
Velero® is a registered trade­

mark of Velero U.S.A., Inc.

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Degree of Assistance

a. mirúmum(ly)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 9

c. max.imum(ly)
To improve self-care skills for greater independence in school and home
d. verbal
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective e
h. auditory
To demonstrate functional hygiene and grooming skills, (child's
i. visual
name) will:
j. no

k. (any combination of

above) ,.1. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use tissue to wipe

nose, _% of the time.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance
"2. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), indicate need to
b. supervision
use toilet, _% of the time. ·
c. guidance

d. prompt
"3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), get on and off
e. demons tra tion
toilet, _% of the time.
f. cues

g. in functional

activities ..4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), use toilet, _% of

h. independentl y the time.

i. with gravity

"5. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), tum water on and
j. gravity eliminated
off, _% of the time.
k. against gravity

l. with facilitation
..6. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), adjust water
temperature, _% of the time.
m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active -.+J. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), adjust water

p. adaptive techniques pressure, _% of the time.

q. (any combination of

abo ve) "8. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), wash hands and

face thoroughly, _% of the time.


"9. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), dry hands and

face thoroughly, _% of the time .

..10. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), exhibit socially

acceptable hair care, _% of the time.

,. 1 1 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), exhibit socially

acceptable and appropriate behaviors and appearance, _% of the time.

,.12. Assume responsibility for appropriate personal appearance and hygiene,

with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated JEP models.



To improve work behaviors for greater task orientation in

the classroom or vocational environment.


Degree of Assistance

a. minimum(ly)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 1O

c. maximum(ly)
To improve work behaviors for greater task orientation in the classroom or
d. verbal
vocational environment.
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective A
h. auditory
To demonstrate the ability to cooperatively function within a group,
i. visual
___________ (child's name) will:
j. no

k, (any combination of

above) "l , With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), participate in a

_ (Size) group activity, _% of the time.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance
*2. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), take tums as the
b. supervision
rules require, _% of the time.
c. guidance

d. prompt
"3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), share materials,
e. demonstration
_% of the time.
f. cues

g. in functional

activities *4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), change working

h. independently roles as needed to complete a group activity, _% of the time.

i. with gravity

*5. Exhibit socially acceptable behaviors while eating, _% of the time.
j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity
*6. Exhibit socially acceptable performance while eating, _% of the time.
l. with facilitation

Customized objectives:
m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of

abo ve)


a. small

b. medium

c. large

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Degree of Assistance

a. minimumíly)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 1O

c. maximumOy)
To improve work behaviors for greater task orientation in the classroom or
d. verbal
vocational environment.
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective B
h. auditory
To demonstrate functional attending skills, (child' s name)
i. visual
j. no

k. (any combination of

above) *l. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), maintain visual

focus on task for _ (number) _ (Duration), _% of the time.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance
"2. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), maintain socially
b. supervision
acceptable eye contact with peers and authority figures, _% of the
c. guidance
d. prompt

e. demons tra tion

*3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), sit for _ (num­
f. cues

g. in functional ber) _ (Duration) during a classroom or school activity, _% of the

activities time.

h. independently

i. with gravity *4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), follow a

_ (number)-step direction, _% of the time.
j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity
Customized objectives:
l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of

abo ve)


a. seconds

b. minutes

c. repetitions

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especiaI!y

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


- . um(ly)

erateOy) Long-Term Goal 1 O

To improve work behaviors for greater task orientation in the classroom or

vocational environment.

Objective e
To demonstrate effective self-coping skills, (child's name) will:

"I. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), cooperate when

demands and requests are made, _% of the time.

"2. Identify self by name, upon request, _% of the time.

"3. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), display orientation

to familiar places within the environment, _% of the time.

• cues
*4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), demonstrate the

in functional ability to navigate to familiar places within the environment, _% of the

activities time.
irdependentl y

,ith gra vi ty
*S. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), assume responsí­
a sisted)
bility for appropriate personal appearance and hygiene, _% of the
j. gravity eliminated
• agaínst gravity

-íth facilitation
*6. Participate in activities and tasks which are perceived as unfamiliar or

rith adapted devices challenging, _% of the time.


o. active *'l. Accept _ (Degree of Assistance) assistance during an activity as needed,

. adaptive techniques _% of the time.

any combination of

abo ve)
"8. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), adhere to rules

and regulations, _% of the time.


>19. Seek assistance only after making an effort to independently perform the

task, _% of the time.

*10. Seek assistance when necessary, _% of the time.

*11. Exhibit tolerance and respect for authority, _% of the time.

*12. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), show physical and

verbal respect for others, _% of the time.

*13. Accept demonstration and instruction before or during an activity, _%

of the time.

*14. Willingly change tasks, _% of the time.

*15. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), stay on task until

it is completed, _% of the time.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total tearn-generated IEP models.

Long-Term Goal 10, Objective C (continued)

Degree of Assistance
*16. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), exhibit a positive
a. minimumOy)
verbal or physical response after completing a task, _% of the time.
b. moderate(ly)

c. maximumOy)

d. verbal
*17. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), maneuver through

e. hand-over-hand the environment while maintaining self, materials, and surroundings,

f. physical _% of the time.

g. tactile

h. auditory *18. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), persevere in

i. visual
difficult activities, exhibiting a functional leve] of frustration tolerance,
j. no
% of the time.
k. (any combination of

*19. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), persevere in

Type of Assistance difficult activities, _% of the time.

a. assistance

b. supervision "20. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), wait for

c. guidance instructor's attention during an activity, _% of the time.

d. prompt

e. demonstration
"2 1 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), gather necessary
f. cues
materials for an activity or task, _% of the time.
g. in functional

"22. Assume responsibility for actions, _% of the time.
h. independently

i. with gravity

(assisted) "23. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), assume responsi­

j. gravity eliminated bility for personal belongings, including location and condition, _% of

k. against gravity the time.

l. with facilitation

"24. Make a decision, within _ (number) seconds when given a choice of
m. with adapted devices
(number) altematives.
n. passive

o. active
"25. Maintain socially acceptable eye contact with peers and authority figures
p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of
with _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), _% of the time.


"26. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), direct negative

NOTES feelings toward task rather than at self or others, _% of the time.

"27. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assisiance), express frustration

and/ or negative feelings in a socíally accepted manner, _% of the


"28. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), display good

sportsmanship, _% of the time.

"29. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), identify

_ (number) strengths and _ (number) weaknesses of self.

*30. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), indicate awareness

of limitations and strengths by making appropriate choices or judgmen

regarding participation in activities, _% of the time.

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be es;:,ec::1�

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

"3 1 . Participate in activities with a functional level of self-esteem and self­
confidence, _% of the time.

"32. Accept constructive criticism and feedback,_% of the time.

"33. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), exhibit assertive

behaviors to protect self from physical and emotional harm and to

maintain self-rights, _% of the time.

*34. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), follow a _

(number)-step direction, _% of the time.


any combination of
Customized objectives:
abo ve)

e of Assistance

a a sistance


c. guidance


e. demonstration


. in functional


h. independently

i. with gravity


j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity

l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n. passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of



• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)

b. moderate(ly) Long-Term Goal 1O

c. maximumOy)
To improve work behaviors for greater task orientation in the classroom/
d. verbal
vocational environment.
e. hand-over-hand

f. physical

g. tactile Objective D
h. auditory
To demonstrate effective task coping skills, (child' s name) will:
i. visual

j. no

k. (any combination of *1. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), follow a

abo ve) _ (number)-step direction, _% of the time.

Type of Assistance "2 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), follow procedures
a. assis tance
of the classroom or work place, _% of the time.
b. supervision

c. guidance
"3 . With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), locate necessary
d. prompt
materials to complete a task, _% of the time.
e. demonstration

f. cues

g. in functional *4. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), exhibit functional

activities organization of materials to complete a given activity in the allotted

h. independently time, _% of the time.

i. with gravity

*S. Exhibit functional organization during a given task by maintaining the
j. gravity eliminated
condition of all materials and the surrounding environment, _% of the
k. against gravity
l. with facilitation

*6. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), complete a given
m. with adapted devices

n. passive task within _ minutes, _% of the time.

o. active

p. adaptive techniques *7. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), complete a given

q. (any combination of task, with attention to all necessary details, _% of the time.

"8. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), complete a given

task, attending to neatness and details, _% of the time.

"9. Complete a given work assignment, attending to neatness and details,

within _ mi n u t e s , _ % of the time.

*10. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), complete work

assignments with a consistent level of speed and accuracy, _% of the


*11. Correct error(s) on own initiative, within _ (number) seconds of having

made the error(s), _ out of _ times.

*12. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), follow mealtime

routine, _% of the time.

*13. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), share materials,

% of the time.


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.

''14. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), change working
roles as needed to complete a group activity, _% of the time.
Degree of Assistance

a. minimumOy)
*15. Participate in activities and tasks which are perceived as unfamiliar or
b. moderate(ly)
challenging, _% of the time.
c. maximumOy)

d. verbal

e. hand-over-hand *16. Accept _ (Degree of Assistance) assistance during an activity as needed,

f. physical _% of the time.

g. tactile

h. auditory *17. With _ (Degree of Assistance) _ (Type of Assistance), adhere to rules

i. visual
and regulations, _% of the time.
j. no
k. (any combination of
*18. Seek assistance only after making an effort to perform the task, _% of
the time.

Type of Assistance

a. assistance *19. Seek assistance when necessary, _% of the time.

b. supervision

c. guidance "20. Exhibit tolerance and respect for authority, _% of the time.
d. prompt

e. demonstration
"2 1 . Participate in a _ (School-Related Activity) activity for _ minutes, with
f. cues
_ (number) rest periods.
g. in functional

Customized objectives:
h. independently

i. with gravity


j. gravity eliminated

k. against gravity

l. with facilitation


m. with adapted devices

n, passive

o. active

p. adaptive techniques

q. (any combination of


School-Related Activities

a. physical education

b. playground

c. classroom

d. fine motor

e. gross motor

f. postura!

g. desk top

h. (any specific activity

of your choice)


• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


1 1

To improve or sustain participation in a task or activity

for an age-appropriate length of time.


School-Related Activities

a. physical education

b. playground Long-Term Goal 1 1

c. classroom
To improve or sustain participation in a task or activity for an age­
d. fine motor
appropriate length of time.
e. gross motor

f. postural

g. desk top
h. (any specific activity
To demonstrate improved endurance, (child' s name) will:
of your choice)

"l , Participate in a physical education activity for _ minutes, with

_ (number) rest periods.

*2. Participate in a classroom activity for _ minutes, with _ (number) rest


"3. Participate in a desk-top activity for _ minutes, with _ (number) rest


*4. Participate in a writing activity for _ minutes, with _ (number) rest


*S. Participate in a playground activity for _ minutes, with _ (number)

rest periods.

*6. Participate in a _ (School-Related Activity) activity for _ minutes, with

_ (number) rest periods.

Customized objectives:

• These objectives are skills to be observed within the classroom setting. They may be especially

useful in the total team-generated IEP models.


Occupational therapy services can be provided in many ways, including

direct services (center-based, school-based, home-based), school and home con­

sultation, transdisciplinary consultation, and monitoring. The goals and objec­

tives and methods and strategies should reflect the model that is being used.

Toe case studies in this chapter are but a few exarnples of the practica!

applications of OT GOALs . Toe types of goals and the models of service deliv­

ery are determined by the needs of the child, family, and/or school. Although

OT GOALs allows for individualization of goals, objectives, methods, and strat­

egies, additional ones may need to be developed to address the individuality of

each child.


Peter is a four-year, two-month-old boy who attends a local integrated

preschool. He was referred for an occupational therapy evaluation by his

teacher, who stated concems in the areas of behavior and motor skills. He re­

ported that Peter prefers to play alone. Although Peter plays within the prox­

imity of other children, he becomes aggressive when children get too close to

him. Peter's teacher reports that he has difficulty drawing shapes and skillfully

manipulating toys like the other children his age. He stated that Peter "is often

tripping over his own two feet."

During the occupational therapy evaluation, Peter demonstrated an ap­

propriate concentration/attention span in a structured situation. He attempted

and persisted with ali tasks presented to him. However, Peter's play style

tended to be rigid and somewhat ritualistic.

Peter presented with deficits in sensory motor processing. This was eví­

denced by his lack of smooth, binocular visual tracking, the presence of tactile

defensiveness, and poor tactile discrimination. He also had a hyporesponsive

postrotary nystagmus following rotation or spinning activities. Peter did not

have a consistent eye-hand-foot dominance. He did not appear to have good

coordination between the two sides of his body.

Peter presented with poor postura! control secondary to low muscle tone.

He had difficulty with movements and positions against gravity, such as su­

pine flexion and prone extension, and his preferred floor-sitting position was

W-sitting. He presented with decreased shoulder stability in both weight-bear­

ing and nonweight-bearing positions. Peter lacked midrange control when

reaching for objects in space, and he used immature grasp-and-release pattems.

Subsequently, Peter's fine motor and visual motor seores were delayed.

Peter's self-help skills were mildly delayed. He was able to put on and

take off his pants, shirt, socks, coat, mittens, and hat; but he had difficulty with


The occupational therapy evaluation summary indicated that Peter had a

sensory integration deficit. His inability to process and organize sensory input

(such as touch, vision, and movement) were impacting on his behavior and

motor skills in the classroom.

Following the occupational therapy evaluation, Peter's parents and team

met to discuss his current needs. Goal areas were targeted. The following goals

and objectives (see the worksheets on pages 144 -145 and detail on pages

146-151) were formulated by the occupational therapist individually. How­

ever, these goals and objectives were directly related to Peter's classroom func­




Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives 19�-t9!J.!Í:...._

Name: __/¿ ¡-, 4 , Therapist: 72, � · ) OT;(;

Date: Cf - 1 .3 - � ..5 District: 71r«.¿,1 �


LTG = Long-Term Goal # = Number of Objective

OBJ = Objective Qualifiers = (Fill in from Qualifiers list)

Page �3 LTG __
/_�· OBJ A ; # / ; Qualifiers S d"úÍ 7 .S � U /

Methods I , .5, 17, 18 ; Strategies *, / t. , I f , .;l o ; Materials _3�---�

Who /, �, </, ; Evaluations � 7

*�� � � � � � . &L
� ¿. " � .e t;_¿;(_ � r:
Page LTG / · OBJ A ; # 3 ; Qualifiers �Si_l,>�%�º-------�

Methods /; .5, 1 7 '> Jf ; Strategies �rl¿> 11, ,2ó ; Materials �3�---�

Who 1 , 4' , :
. r : Evaluations � :J. , 7 � �. b � ,,.. e t L '-,.r
���#¿·��/ ÁL-4-

Page 4-5 LTG / · OBJ {;, · # .5 ; Qualifiers---'/;__ ___.J

Methods /? ,?, 12, ;¡ ; Strategies *, I&:, li'., .:lo ; Materials �3�---�

Wjl.o /, �.¿ 5 ; Evaluations /t. ,. 1, ,2 ., .;z__ H- � .i. : . _¿}f., .... J ..,

� ¿. � "' .. � �

Page 5/ LTG ;2. ; OBJ A · # / · Qualifiers S ;

Methods 1, .:r, 17;, I Y ; Strategies , 1'; J O :? 1 3, / t. ; Materials /

.2 , .:z. " , ; ;t;
"71«d,·, • ... ._. �

.$',/-� J
Who /, J./• 7 ; Evaluations I) ./ 7
� , ..5 1.

Page 5/ LTG �.2.��; OBJ A ; # -� ; Qualifiers _/_.(}�----------'

M e t h od sI, ..:,-; I7J /'; ; Strategies .::,-, /o /3) ¡¿,, ; Materials 1} :z , U J

33 - __. ,c.d< � « , o <./ ,Á-r:&LL}

Who I, 4, 7 ; Evaluations I, �, 7 �'{ - - • ..,¿ ; , • •�

�' ..3¿,

Page 57 LTG ,_3 ; OBJ ____..

A __,__.: # .t./ ; Qualifiers q "'4i: tj 10 � ;

. .5, 7, 10, 11, . .:1, .Y, s, ,, ,�,

Methods �'..,,..,�6�----�; Strategíes NJ ¡�-, 1,, $/; Materials l'fJ -P..s, ;..e:, ;
3, ..3 1
Who 1
:11, 5' ; Evaluations __.1'-',.--4�---


/) Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives 19__ -19__

Narne: � Therapist: _

Date: _ District: _


LTG = Long-Term Goal # = Number of Objective

OBJ = Objective Qualifiers = (Fill in from Qualiffers list)

Page .5f LTG 3 : OBJ ___.

_¿,,_____,; # ;l. : Qualifiers 4-ma,V) Cf tUt 'f: /{) �,, :
. 5., 7, /a 7 /1) l 'Í, . s; '-1, :,·, l. ) 13,

Methods -�L-,�
.... .: Strategíes IS;, /�> .3 1 : Matenals 1-f, .;..:r, 6 &: 1 3J ;

� /

Who I, '-/ :S- l_,,___4

: Evaluations __ _

Page $9 LTG ..3 : OBJ ____,

; # 9 : Qualifiers /0 H.t.Z" H /� �
S, 7, /o, 11, 14, r :i} �, 5, 6. , 13,

Methods _....:.
5 '--___,· Strategies /� / t. � ..3/ Materials N, MP �k:, $,:

: Evaluations _...L14-.,_4....,__ _

Page ,,...,.5'9 LTG __,,_

, g__J; OBJ G ; # /O ; Qualifiers_.L7..5,,_,L__ _,

S, 71 lo, N1 l'-IJ :J 9, 5, �, IJ, 1 -V,


Methods __,_
/ ......
� ____,; Strategies
- 1�, 1, > .JI : Materials .:i.s, ,U', s, ...31 :

Who 1, J.J, ,:').... : Evaluations,._....L4 _

Page &,O LTG ..3 : OBJ ---L..>

Af "'--
; # / · Qualifiers q; .5 � d_ /() �u 1;

5, 7, /0.> /1, I</, � �, S, ¿, > 1�, /�>

Methods __/'-i
� .6
- -�: Strategies 1-:s-, 1�, ..?I : Materials .:1..6, P<i' � a, 3. 1 :

Who 1-, .ti, , :L : Evaluations __,/41-.....L�-----

Page � ,<. LTG 3 : OBJ J : # 9 : Qualifiers_...L.!.,�---------'

S, 7 /(), /1, I</, ..t , 4, s; �, 13, '')
Methods I, .:j- : Strategies 14; 1� JI Materials �s, ,
ü r, :5 , .3 1 :

Who __l
, 4. c...;

;, í"
- ._____,: Evaluations __l
� �'--
- --

Page ZJ./Cl LTG .,.3 : OBJ ;I ; # � · Qualifiers ___,.. _,

S, r, 10, 11, � �, e/, 5, ,, 13) l?J

Methods I Ó · Strategies 15", lt, ,3 1 Materials � ;u; s, 3J :

Who I i> 'i, !J : Evaluations I> '!{ ,

;\tí � � � � � � � ) � �

,?n�aL¿, a.Le/��,��.


Pe ter

September 13, 1993

Long-Term Goal 1:

To improve ability to use sensory information to understand and effec­

tively interact with people and objects in the school and home environments.

Objedive: To demonstrate improved accommodation to touch sensations,

Peter will accept anticipated touch during a group activity,

100% of the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate improved accommodation to touch sensations,

Peter will accept unexpected touch without behavioral over­

reactions, 50% of the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate improved awareness and discrimination of

touch sensations, Peter will point to the place on fingers that

was touched lightly, when vision was occluded, within 1 centi­

meter of accuracy.


l. Direct occupational therapist individual intervention

2. Occupational therapist consultation with the classroom teacher

3. Home-program suggestions

4. Parent/Caregiver intervention

S trate gie s:

1. Provide monitoring and collaborative consultation for teacher­

implemented program.

2. Cuide the child through the motions of a fine motor activity to pro­

vide tactile/proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.

3. Provide a multisensory approach as required.

4. Enhance the child's participation through high-interest activities.

Materials: Those used in tactile-stimulatory activities, such as:

Shaving cream

Finger paint

Clay dough

Pe ter

September 13, 1993

lnstructional Guide (continued)


1. Occupational therapist

2. Classroom teacher

3. Parent/Caregiver


l. Sensory testing

2. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

3. Classroom teacher's observations

4. Parent/Caregiver's observations

Long-Term Goal 2:

To improve postura} control to provide a stable base of support needed to

facilitate better hand use for manipulation of classroom materials, posture

while working and playing, and mobility in the school and home environ­


Objedive: To demonstrate improved balance between flexor and extensor

musculature (cocontraction), Peter will maintain a lifted and

extended posture of the head and upper body from a prone (on

stomach) position, for 5 seconds.

Objedive: To demonstrate improved balance between flexor and extensor

musculature (cocontraction), Peter will maintain a lifted and

curled position of the neck and shoulders, with arms crossed

over the chest, from a supine (on back) position, for 10 seconds.


l. Direct occupational therapist individual intervention

2. Occupational therapist consultation with the classroom teacher

3. Home-program suggestions

4. Parent/Caregiver intervention


l. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

2. Adapt fine motor activities as needed.

3. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

4. Guide the child through the motions of a gross motor activity to pro­

vide tactile/proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.

Pe ter

September 13, 1993

Instructional Guide (continued)

Materia Is:

Suspended equipment, such as netswings, platform swing


Obstacle courses

Medium-sized therapy ball

Medium-sized bolster

Balance-beam activities


1. Occupational therapist

2. Physical education teacher

3. Parent/Caregiver


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Physical education teacher's observations

3. Parent/Caregiver observations

Long-Term Goal 3:

To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom and home manipulatives

Objective: To demonstrate purposeful and accurate reach toward objects,

Peter will use an appropriate reach pattem, 9 out of 10 times.

Objective: To demonstrate appropriate release pattems, Peter will utilize

controlled release of an object above a small container with

wrist extension, 9 out of 10 times.

Objective: To demonstrate appropriate grasp or pinch pattem, Peter will

hold object between tips of opposed thumb and index finger

(fine pincer), 10 out of 10 times.

Objective: To demonstrate appropriate grasp or pinch pattem, Peter will

use a static tripod grasp when writing with a pencil, 75% of the


Objective: To demonstrate hand preference/ dominance, Peter will reach

for and grasp objects with preferred hand, 5 out of 10 times.

Objective: To demonstrate arm midrange control/grading of movement

using appropriate force and accuracy, in order to perform

physical education, art, and classroom activities with control

and precision, Peter will stack 10 one-inch cubes without arm

resting on table.

Pe ter

September 13, 1993

Instructional Guide (continued)

Objective: To demonstrate isolated finger control, Peter will manipulate

all fasteners during dressing tasks.

Objective: To demonstrate improved arm strength and stability needed as

a foundation for controlled movement, Peter will wheelbarrow

walk for a distance of 10 feet, with support provided at the



l. Direct occupational therapist individual intervention

2. Occupational therapist consultation with the classroom teacher


l. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

2. Present fine motor activities in developmental sequence.

3. Adapt fine motor activities as needed.

4. Grade fine motor activities as needed.

5. Adjust the child's positioning to improve performance.

6. Provide positive reinforcement.

7. Cuide child through the motions of a fine motor activity to provide

tactile/proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.

8. Utilize upper-extremity weight-bearing activities.

Materia Is:


Toys and materials requiring resistive squeeze and grasp, such as clay,

water pistols, tongs, tweezers

Toys and materials with small pieces, such as pegs, beads for stringing

Playground equipment

Cut-and-paste activities

Coloring activities

Toys requiring twisting and untwisting

Paper-and-pencil mazes

Finger painting

Pu tty exercises


l. Occupational therapist

2. Classroom teacher

3. Parent/Caregiver

Pe ter

September 13, 1993

lnstructional Guide (continued)


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Physical education teacher's observations

Long-Term Goal 4:

To improve ocular motor control for greater success in reading, writing,

copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks

Objedive: To demonstrate visual tracking, Peter will use disassociated eye

movements from the head to successfully follow a Wiffle® hall

suspended from a 3-foot string as it swings horizontally at eye

level, for 10 seconds.


1. Direct occupational therapist individual intervention

2. Parent/Caregiver intervention

S trate gie s:

1. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

2. Adjust the child's positioning to improve performance.

3. Enhance the child's participation through high-interest activities.


Target games

Specialized computer software

Hidden-picture games


1. Occupational therapist

2. Parent/Caregiver


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Parent/Caregiver's observations

Long-Term Goal 5:

To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when us­

ing writing implements and/or a keyboard

Objedive: To demonstrate motor control needed for prewriting tasks, Pe­

ter will imitate a circle and an X recognizably, 2 out of 3 times.

Wiffle® is a registered trademark of Toe Wiffle Ball, Inc., Shelton, CT.

1 50
Pe ter

September 13, 1993

lnstructional Guide (continued)


l. Direct individual intervention by occupational therapist

2. Occupational therapist consultation with the dassroom teacher

3. Home-program suggestions

4. Parent/Caregiver intervention


1. Provide verbal cues as needed.

2. Provide demonstration as needed.

3. Provide hand-over-hand assistance.

4. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

5. Guide child through motions of fine motor activity to provide tactile/

proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.

6. Provide a multisensory approach as required.

7. Present visual motor activities in developmental sequence.

Materia Is:

Toys incorporating shape concepts

Scissor activities

Specialized computer software

Cut-and-paste activities

Coloring activities

Painting with assorted paintbrushes

Clay dough activities


1. Occupational therapist

2. Classroom teacher

3. Parent/Caregiver


l. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Classroom teacher's observations

3. Parent/Caregiver's observations

4. Visual-motor evaluation


Laura is a five-year-old girl with a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy,

spastic diplegia. She has been receiving direct center-based occupational

therapy services since the age of eight months. She recently received a yearly

reevaluation to update her status and to set goals for the upcoming year. Pa­

rental concerns for her at this time include her awkward fine motor skills and

her limited self-help / ADL skills.

During the occupational therapy reevaluation, Laura demonstrated good

concentration and attention span. She attempted and persisted with all tasks

presented to her, no matter how difficult the task.

Laura presented with adequate sensory motor responses, which included

good oculomotor control, refined tactile discrimination, and accurate awareness

of limb positions and movements. She enjoyed both self-initiated and imposed

movements during scooterboard, netswing, and therapy ball activities.

Laura demonstrated moderately increased extensor and adductor tone in

both lower extremities. This increased muscle tone causes her legs to be very

stiff and in an excessively straíght position. lt is difficult for her to keep her

legs apart, which causes her feet to hit each other while she walks. She wears

bilateral ankle-foot orthoses and ambulates with a posterior walker. Muscle

tone in her trunk and upper extremities was low. Passive range of motion was

full throughout upper and lower limbs, trunk, and pelvis. Laura maintained

short-sitting in an adapted chair independently. In short-sitting, however, her

pelvis was posteriorly tilted, her back was rounded, and her shoulders were in

a position of internal rotation and protraction. Active reach was limited to 120

degrees of shoulder flexion and abduction; subsequently, her pectoral muscles

were tight due to muscle shortening.

Laura lacked many of the motor components required for age-appropriate

fine-motor skills. Her reaching patterns tended to be in a pronated fashion

(palm side of hand facing down), thus limiting her view of objects in her

hands. Her reach Iacked smooth control and she frequently overshot or under­

shot her target. Grasp patterns were delayed. She used an inferior pincer grasp

of small objects (thumb against the side of the index finger instead of the tip),

and a digital pronate grasp of a pencil (pencil held with the thumb and ali

fingers instead of a three-finger grasp).

Release of objects in a variety of sizes and shapes was accomplished by

using wrist flexion and/or surface contact (for example, bending the wrist

down to straighten the fingers, or pressing the object against a surface to assist

in release). Laura had much difficulty isolating finger movements, and she had

poor manipulation of objects within her hand. Fine motor skills and visual­

motor integration, as measured by appropriate assessment tools, were two

years delayed.

Visual-perceptual skills (nonmotor) also were assessed. This was an area

of strength for Laura; she presented with age-appropriate skills in all areas.

Laura demonstrated difficulties in the areas of self-help/ ADL. She was

unable to put on or take off elastic-waist pants or a pullover shirt. She was able

to put on or take off her coat, hat, and gloves, but not her shoes, socks, or

braces. She was not able to manipulate fasteners such as buttons, snaps, and

hooks. Laura was independent in toileting and most grooming and hygiene

tasks; however, she had much difficulty washing, combing, and styling her hair

d u e t o upper-extremity reaching limitations.

After reviewing the findings of the occupational therapy reevaluation

with Laura and her family, goal areas were jointly developed. The following

goals and objectives (see the worksheets on pages 155-156 and detail on pages

157-162) were developed from that process.

1 54



September 30, 1993

Long-Term Goal 1:

To improve postura} control to provide a stable base of support needed to

facititate better hand use for manipulation of classroom materials, posture

while working, and mobility in the home and school environments.

Objedive: To demonstrate improved balance between flexor and extensor

musculature, Laura will maintain a functional sitting posture

with upríght head and trunk, hips at 90 degrees and feet flat on

the floor, without support of the upper extremities, during

classroom activities, while positioned in an adaptive chair, for

10 minutes.


1. Direct service occupational therapy

2. Home-program suggestions

3. Parent/Caregiver intervention

4. Occupational therapy consultation with the physical therapist


l. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

2. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

3. Vary the child's positioning to improve performance.

4. Provide positive reinforcement.


Playground equipment

Adaptive equipment

Therapy balls in small, medium, and large sizes

Bolsters in small, medium, and large sizes


1. Occupational therapist

2. Physical therapist

3. Parent/Caregiver


September 30, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Parent/Caregiver's observations

Long-Term Goal 2:

To improve upper-extremity control and fine motor skills to enhance

classroom performance

Objedive: To demonstrate appropriate grasp or pinch pattern, Laura will

hold object between pads of the opposed fhumb and index fin­

ger with thumb and finger slightly flexed (neat pincer), 8 out of

10 times.


1. Direct service occupational therapy

2. Home-program suggestions

3. Parent/Caregiver intervention


1. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

2. Present fine motor activities in developmental sequence.

3. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

4. Provide positive reinforcement.

5. Cuide the child through the motions of a fine motor activity to pro­

vide tactile/proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.

6. Adapt fine motor activities as needed.

Materia Is:

Toys and materials requiring resistive grasp and squeeze, such as putty,

water pistols, tongs, tweezers

Toys and materials with small pieces, such as pegs, beads for stringing

Clay dough activities

Pu tty exercises


1. Occupational therapist

2. Parent/Caregiver


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Parent/Caregiver's observations

1 58

September 30, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)

Long-Term Goal 3:

To improve functional shoulder, arrn, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom manipulatives

Objedive: To maintain or irnprove functional range of motion, Laura will

extend involved arm(s) over head, as in raising hand to answer


Objective: To maintain or irnprove functional range of motion, Laura will

place hands behind her neck with elbows out to the side (for

example, to adjust collar).

Objedive: To demonstrate upper-extremíty rnidrange control/grading of

movement, in order to perforrn gyrn, art, and classroom activi­

ties with appropriate force and accuracy, Laura will stack 5

one-inch cubes without arm resting on table.

Objedive: To demonstrate upper-extremity rnidrange control/grading of

movement, in order to perforrn gyrn, art, and classroom activi­

ties with appropriate force and accuracy, Laura will place 6

large-sized pegs directly into a board without undershooting or

overshooting the holes, 3 out of 4 times without resting arrn or

hand on table.

Objedive: To demonstrate isolated finger control, Laura will point or poke

with index finger, keeping ali other fingers flexed, 75% of the


Objedive: To demonstrate isolated finger control, Laura will extend each

finger consecutively, as in counting, 75% of the time.

Objective: To demonstrate isolated nger control, Laura will depress in­


tended keyboard characters with only index finger extended, 3

out of 4 times.

Objedive: To demonstrate isolated finger control, aura will trace desired


forro with one extended finger, keeping ali others exed, 3 out

of 4 times.

M ethods:

l. D irect service oc cupational therapy

2 . O ccupational therapy consultation with the physical therapist

3 . Home-program suggestions

4 . Parent/Caregiver intervention


September 30, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)


1. Provide hand-over-hand assistance.

2. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

3. Present fine motor activities in developmental sequence.

4. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

5. Vary the child's positioning to improve performance.


Toys and materials requiring resistive grasp and squeeze, such as putty,

water pistols, tongs, tweezers

Toys and materials with small pieces, such as pegs

Stringing toys (beads, macaroni, sewing cards, spools)

Cut-and-paste activities

Coloring activities


1. Occupational therapist

2. Parent/Caregiver


1. Goniometric evaluation

2. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

Long-Term Goal 4:

To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when us­

ing writing implements and/or a keyboard

Objedive: To demonstrate motor control needed for prewriting tasks,

Laura will use wrist movements to vary the direction of strokes

when coloring, rather than turning the paper, 75% of the time.


1. Direct service occupational therapy

2. Home-program suggestions
3. Parent/Caregiver intervention

1 60

September 30, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)


1. Provide verbal cues as needed.

2. Provide demonstration as needed.

3. Provide hand-over-hand assistance.

4. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

5. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

6. Vary the child's positioning to improve performance.

7. Cuide the child through the motions of a fine motor activity to pro­

vide tactile/proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.

8. Provide a multisensory approach as required.

9. Utilize experimental learning techniques.

10. Provide adaptive equipment as needed.


Adaptive equipment

Dress-up costumes


1. Occupational therapist

2. Parent/Caregiver


l. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Appropriate fine motor evaluation

3. Parent/Caregiver's observations

Long-Term Goal 5:

To improve self-care skills for greater independence in school and home


Objedive: To demonstrate functional dressings skills, Laura will open a

Velero® fastener with no assistance, 75% of the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate functional dressing skills, Laura will close a

Velero® fastener with no assistance, 75% of the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate functional dressing skills, Laura will use an

adaptive technique/device to manipulate a nonseparating zip­

per, with no assistance, 75% of the time.

Velero® is a registered trademark of Velero U.S.A., lnc.


September 30, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)


l. Direct service occupational therapy

2. Home-program suggestions

3. Parent/Caregiver intervention


1. Provide verbal cues as needed.

2. Provide demonstration as needed.

3. Provide hand-over-hand assistance.

4. Teach compensatory techniques.

5. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

6. Vary the child's positioning to improve performance.

7. Provide positive reinforcement.

8. Require the child to specify an organizational plan before the task is


9. Provide adaptive equipment as needed.


1. Dress-up costumes

2. Clothing with Velero® closing


l. Occupational therapist

2. Parent/Caregiver

3. Teacher


l. Occupational therapist's observations

2. Parent's/Caregiver's report

3. Teacher's observation

Velero® is a registered trademark of Velero U.S.A., lnc.


Kelly is a three-year-old female with a diagnosis of Down syndrome. She

entered her local preschool program after receiving three years of early inter­

vention services. Kelly received an occupational therapy evaluation in her

school to determine current related service needs and to provide input to the

classroom teacher.

Kelly was attentive throughout the evaluation session. She followed

simple directions well, and she attempted and persisted with all activities pre­

sented. She demonstrated good concentration and attention span.

Kelly presented with good sensory motor responses in visual, tactile, pro­

prioceptive, kinesthetic, and vestibular (body awareness) skills. She enjoyed a

variety of tactile activities, such as finger painting, play with foam, and

beanbox play. She responded well to both imposed and self-initiated movement

activities, such as being on a scooterboard, in a netswing, a n d o n a therapy hall.

Kelly demonstrated low muscle tone throughout. However, she was able

to move through all transitional positions, including sitting, kneeling, half­

kneeling, standing, and running. Cross motor skills were near age level, with

the exception of one-foot balance and hopping. Slight difficulties were noted

with upper-extremity weight-bearing positions, such as wheelbarrow walking,

propelling a scooterboard, and opening and closing classroom doors.

Kelly demonstrated functional reach and release skills. She demonstrated

age-appropriate gross patterns, but grasp and pinch strength were weak.

Isolated finger control, in-hand manipulation, and dexterity were slightly

compromised, d u e t o K e l l y' stendency to use shoulder, wrist, and whole-hand

manipulation during fine motor tasks. Subsequently, her fine motor and per­

ceptual motor skills were delayed but approximated her cognitive level of 30

months. This was evidenced by difficulties using scissors, imitating strokes and

designs with a crayon, removing a small cap from a bottle, completing a

formboard, and unbuttoning large buttons.

Kelly had difficulties in the areas of self-help. Although she was able to

remove all clothing, she was unable to put on a pullover shirt, elastic-waist

pants, coat, hat, and gloves. She had much difficulty with ali fastenings. In the

areas of feeding, Kelly was able to finger feed, use a sipper cup, and use a fork.

She was unable to use a regular cup or to spoon feed due to spillage. She was

dependent in all areas of grooming and hygiene.

Evaluation results indicated the need for occupational therapy services.

Following the lndividualized Education Plan meeting, the team recommended

an initial perlad of direct service occupational therapy, to set up a classroom

program with the teacher and to investigate the need for adaptive techniques

and equipment for self-help skills. Once this program is established, consulta­

tion should be provided at the teacher's request to adapt and/or modify Kelly's

prograrn. The tearn determined goals together. However, the goals were not

stated in behavioral terms. The following goals and objectives (see the work­

sheets on pages 1 65 - 1 66 and detail on pages 167-170) were formulated by the

occupational therapist to support the tearn's goals.

1 64



January 10, 1994

Long-Term Goal 1:

To improve self-care skills for greater independence in school and home


Objedive: To demonstrate functional dressing skills, Kelly will put on

pants in the appropriate orientation, with minimum assistance,

100% of the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate functional dressing skills, Kelly will put on

coat in the appropriate orientation, with no assistance, 100% of

the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate functional lunch and snack skills, Kelly will

successfully use a spoon, with minimum assistance, 75% of the


Objedive: To demonstrate functional hygiene and grooming skills, Kelly

will wash hands and face thoroughly, with verbal cues, 100% of

the time.

Objedive: To demonstrate functional hygiene and grooming skills, Kelly

will dry hands and face thoroughly, with verbal cues, 100% of

the time.


1. Individual occupational therapist intervention

2. Occupational therapist consultation with teacher and/or classroom


3. Home-program suggestions

4. Parent/Caregiver intervention

5. Occupational therapist monitoring


1. Provide minimal assistance.

2. Provide verbal cues as needed.

3. Provide demonstration as needed.

4. Provide hand-over-hand assistance.

5. Teach compensatory techniques where necessary.

6. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

7. Provide positive reinforcement.

8. Guide the child through the motions of an activity to provide tactile/

proprioceptive and kinesthetic feedback.


January 10, 1994

Goals and Objectives (continued)


Dress-up costumes

Oversized clothing

Toys requiring twisting and untwisting


1. Occupational therapist

2. Classroom teacher

3. Classroom paraprofessional

4. Parent/Caregiver


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Classroom teacher's clinical observations

3. Classroom paraprofessional's clinical observations

4. Parent/Caregiver's clinical observations

Long-Term Goal 2:

To improve functional shoulder, arm, and hand control for greater success

with fine motor tasks and classroom manipulatives

Objective: To demonstrate improved arm strength and stability, needed as

a foundation for controlled movement, Kelly will wheelbarrow

walk for a distance of 10 feet, with support provided at the


Objective: To demonstrate improved arm strength and stability needed as

a foundation for controlled movement, Kelly will indepen­

dently push or pull open a school lavatory and/or exit door.

Objective: To demonstrate improved arm strength and stability needed as

a foundation for controlled movement, Kelly will pull along a

rope using a hand-over-hand pattem, while prone (on stomach)

on a scooterboard, for a distance of 15 feet.

Objective: To demonstrate isolated finger control, Kelly will extend each

finger consecutively, as in counting, 50% of the time.

Objective: To demonstrate prescissor skills, Kelly will use squeeze tongs

to pick up and release 5 small objects.

Objective: To develop and refine scissor skills, using appropriate position­

ing, Kelly will snip edge of paper 10 times, using small dass­

room scissors.

1 68

January 10, 1994

Goals and Objectives (continued)


l. Individual occupational therapy intervention

2. Occupational therapist consultation with classroom teacher

3. Occupational therapist consultation with classroom paraprofessional

4. Occupational therapist monitoring

S trate gie s:

1. Provide verbal cues as needed.

2. Provide demonstration as needed.

3. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

4. Present gross motor activities in developmental sequence.

5. Present fine motor activities in developmental sequence.

6. Provide positive reinforcement.

7. Utilize upper-extremity weight-bearing activities.



Toys and materials requiring resistive grasp and squeeze such as clay,

water pistols, tweezers


Cut-and-paste activities



Playground equipment

Clay dough activities


1. Occupational therapist

2. Classroom teacher

3. Classroom paraprofessional

4. Parent/Caregiver


l. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Classroom teacher's observations

3. Fine motor evaluation


January 10, 1994

Goals and Objectives (continued)

Long-Term Goal 3:

To improve postura} control to provide a stable base of support needed to

facilitate better hand use for manipulation of classroom materials, posture

while working, and mobility in school and home environments

Objedive: To improve balance/equilibrium reactions, Kelly will respond

with trunk, arm, and leg movement of one side when shifted to

the opposite side, while half kneeling, 3 out of 4 times.

Objedive: To improve balance/equilibrium reactions, Kelly will stand still

on preferred foot, with eyes open and arms crossed over chest,

for 2 seconds.


1. Individual occupational therapy intervention

2. Occupational therapist consultation with classroom teacher and/ or

para professional

3. Home-program suggestions

4. Occupational therapist monitoring


1. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

2. Present gross motor activities in developmental sequence.

3. Grade gross motor activities as needed.

4. Provide positive reinforcement.

Materia Is:

1. Suspended equipment, such as netswings, platform swing

2. Playground equipment

3. Therapy halls in small and medium sizes

4. Balance-beam activities

5. Medium-sized bolsters


1. Occupational therapist

2. Physical therapist

3. Classroom teacher /Paraprofessional

4. Parent/Caregiver


1. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

2. Classroom teacher's observations

3. Gross motor evaluation

4. Standardized testing


Casey is a seven-year-old boy in the second grade. He was referred for an

occupational therapy evaluation due to handwriting problems. His teacher re­

ported that he is very distractible and often has difficulty attending to tasks

and completing activities.

During the occupational therapy evaluation, Casey was quite fidgety in

his chair. He appeared to be distracted easily by visual and auditory stimula­

tion. Although he was able to sit for long periods, it was difficult for him to

focus on tasks presented.

Evaluation results indicated poor oculomotor control. 'He had much diffi­

culty isolating eye movements during visual tracking. He was unable to per­

form saccadic eye movements (quick shifts of gaze) between two moving tar­

gets. Testing of vestibular functioning (response to movement stimulation), as

measured by postrotary nystagmus following rotation, indicated a

hyporesponsiveness to movement stimulation. He appeared to crave spinning

movement; and, following this stimulation, he appeared to be calmer and more

organized in his behavior and approach to tasks. Tactile, proprioceptive, and

kinesthetic awareness (body awareness) responses were within normal limits.

Casey presented with the necessary motor components required for fine

motor skills. These components included normal muscle tone and functional

grasp, reach, and release pattems. However, d u e t o Casey's difficulty in focus­

ing on tasks, isolated finger movements were not well controlled, and he did

not persist with activities long enough to use varied manipulation strategies.

Casey presented with global delays in the area of nonmotor visual percep­

tion. Subsequently, he had much difficulty with visual perceptual motor tasks,

such as block and pegboard designs and design copying. Visual perceptual

deficits also impacted on his cursive writing skills, as evidenced by poor spac­

ing between letters and words. Letter sizes were distorted and letter formation

was poor, lacking adequate directionality.

After reviewing the findings of the occupational therapy evaluation with

Casey's parents and school team members, priorities were set for Casey's per­

formance in school. The classroom teacher felt that he could address Casey's

distractibility in the classroom, but he was interested in receiving input from

the occupational therapist. Both Casey's parents and teacher wanted assistance

with addressing handwriting difficulties. They wanted the final outcome to be

that Casey would keep up with his classmates with written work. They were

open to both remediation and/or compensation. To meet Casey's needs, the

occupational therapist developed more specific goals and objectives for his edu­

cational plan. These included:

Objective: To demonstrate visual focusing skills, Casey will focus for 5

minutes on an object being held or manipulated.

This objective was added to the teacher's goals and objectives for promot­

ing improved concentration and attention span.

The following long-term goals and objectives (see the worksheets on

pages 172-173 and detail on pages 174-177) were added to Casey's IEP.



Case y

September 9, 1993

Long-Term Goal 1:

To improve ocular motor control for greater success in reading, writing,

copying, and eye-hand coordination tasks

Objective: To demonstrate visual focusing skills, Casey will focus for 5

minutes on an object being held or manipulated.

Objectíve: To demonstrate visual tracking, Casey will follow the second

hand of a classroom dock for 60 seconds, and correctly indicate

as it passes over each number.

Objectíve: To demonstrate visual tracking, Casey will disassociate eye

movements from the head during functional activities, 75% of

the time.

Objectíve: To demonstrate visual tracking, Casey will maintain visual con­

tact while the teacher is moving about the room, 50% of the


Long-Term Goal 2:

To improve perceptual motor skills for greater success in academics and

written work

Objectíve: To demonstrate improved awareness of forms and spatial rela­

tions of objects to each other, Casey will copy age-appropriate

cube designs with 1 attempt.

Objectíve: To demonstrate improved awareness of forms and spatial rela­

tions of objects to each other, Casey will join a picture which

has been divided into 10 pieces.

Objective: To demonstrate improved awareness of forms and spatial rela­

tions of objects to each other, Casey will indicate which stimu­

lus is in a different spatial orientation from the others pre­

sented, 9 out of 10 times.

Long-Term Goal 3:

To improve written communication skills for greater proficiency when us­

ing writing instruments and/or a keyboard

Objectíve: To demonstrate motor control necessary for writing tasks,

Casey will uniforrnly space letters, words, and/ or sentences

when writing, 75% of the time.

Objectíve: To demonstrate motor control necessary for writing tasks,

Casey will form all upper- and lower-case letters in manuscript

writing, using correct directionality of letter formation, 75% of

the time.

Case y

September 9, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)


Goal #1

a. Occupational therapy consultation with the dassroom teacher

b. Individual occupational therapy intervention

c. Home-program suggestions

d. Parent/Caregiver intervention

e. Classroom teacher intervention

f. Special educator/Teacher intervention

Goal #2

a. Individual occupational therapy intervention

b. Occupational therapy consultation with classroom teacher

c. Occupational therapy consultation with the child's classroom parapro­


d. Parent/Caregiver intervention

Goal #3

a. Individual occupational therapy intervention

b. Occupational therapy consultation with the classroom teacher

c. Parent/Caregiver intervention


Goal #1

a. Provide positive reinforcement.

b. Enhance the child's participation through high-interest activities.

c. Provide moderate ongoing structure for task completion.

d. Provide decreasing structure for task completion.

e. Provide a work space with minimal distractions.

f. Utilize activities with increasing numbers of steps or sequences.

Goal #2

a. Utilize therapeutic preparatory techniques, with ongoing use of these

techniques as needed to facilitate adaptive responses.

b. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

e Adjust the child's positioning to improve performance.


September 9, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)

Goal #3

a. Provide verbal cues as needed.

b. Provide practice and repetition to reinforce skill development.

c. Provide a multisensory approach as required.

d. Provide minimal ongoing structure for task completion.

e. Provide decreasing structure for task completion.

f. Provide a workspace with minimal distractions.

g. Utilize experimental learning techniques.

h. Teach compensatory techniques.


Goal #1

a. Classroom assignments

b. Specialized computer software

c. Board games

d. Hidden-picture games

e. Paper-and-pencil mazes

f. Suspended equipment, such as netswings, platform swing

Goal #2

a. Toys incorporating size concepts

b. Toys incorporating shape concepts

c. Coloring activities

d. Tracing activities

e. Specialized computer software

f. Hidden-picture games

g. Paper-and-pencil mazes

h. Dot-to-dot sheets

Goal #3

a. Adaptive equipment

b. Cut-and-paste activities

c. Coloring activities

d. Tracing activities

e. Specialized computer software

f. Paper-and-pencil mazes

g. Dot-to-dot sheets

h. Painting with assorted paintbrushes

i. Clay dough activities

Case y

September 9, 1993

Goals and Objectives (continued)


Goal #1

a. Classroom teacher

b. Occupational therapist

c. Parent/Caregiver

Goal #2

a. Occupational therapist

b. Parent/Caregiver

c. Classroom teacher

Goal #3

a. Occupational therapist

b. Parent/Caregiver

c. Classroom teacher


Goal #1

a. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

b. Classroom teacher's observations

c. Parent/Caregiver's observations

Goal #2

a. Appropríate visual-motor evaluation

b. Appropriate visual perception evaluation

c. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

Goal #3

a. Occupational therapist's clinical observations

b. Classroom teacher's observations

c. Parent/Caregiver's observations

d. Appropriate visual-motor evaluation

e. Appropriate visual perception evaluation


Abduction: Movement away from the body's midline.

Active range of motion: Self-imposed movement of a body part through the

full excursion possible at a specific joint, using muscle contractions.

Adduction: Movement toward the body's midline.

Asymmetrical bilateral coordination: Simultaneously using both sides of the

body to perform different movements.

Balance and equilibrium responses: Refers to many compensatory automatic

movements used to regain midline stability; allows one to establish and re­

establish one's center of gravity.

Bilateral coordination: Refers to smooth purposeful action of muscles on both

sides of the body.

Cocontraction: Refers to the simultaneous activation of opposing muscle

groups around the joint(s), resulting in stabilization or holding of a position at

that point.

Crawl: Movement by pulling the body, using reciprocal arm and leg move­

ments with belly touching floor.

Creep: Movement in a quadruped position by alternating arm and leg move­


Directionality: Toe ability to perceive the directional relationship of object to

self and/or another object.

Dynamic tripod pencil grasp: Holding pencil between pads of opposed thumb

and index and side of middle finger's first joint, with ring and little finger

flexed arching the palm. Writing by moving the fingers with the wrist slightly


Extension: Straightening of a joint o r a body part, using muscle contraction.

Extensor(s): Refers to the musde(s) that straighten a joint or body part.

Fine pincer grasp: Holding an object between tips of opposed thumb and index


Flexion: Bending a joint or part of the body, using musde contraction.

Flexor(s): Refers to the muscle(s) that bend a joint or part of the body,

Half-kneel: Kneeling on one knee with other hip and knee flexed and foot flat

on floor.

Hand dominance: Establishment or consistent use of a preferred hand, which

becomes more skillful.

Inferior pincer grasp: Holding an object between the extended thumb and the

index finger, proximal to the pad.

In-hand manipulation: Ability to hold an object and move it into different

orientations, using only the thumb and fingers of one hand.

Intrinsic muscle control: Using the small muscles of the hand which are re­

sponsible for refined hand movements.

lsolated finger control: Ability to selectively move only a specified finger.

Kinesthesia: Refers to the awareness of joint movement through receptors in

and around the joint.

Lateralization: Toe ability of the brain to process certain types of information

on one side more efficiently than on the other side.

Lateral pinch grasp: Holding an object between adducted thumb and side of

index finger.

Midline: Refers to an imaginary line through the center of the body from head

to foot.

Midline crossing: Ability to reach across from the left side of the body to the

right side of the body and vice versa.

Mid-range control: Ability to grade the movement between full extension and

full flexion of specific muscle groups to smoothly perform an action.

Motor planning: Refers to one's ability to originate, plan, and execute a novel

motor activity.

Neat pincer grasp: Holding an object between pads of opposed thumb and in­

dex finger, with finger and thumb slightly flexed.

Ocular motor control: Ability to coordinate the extemal muscles of the eye,

produdng smooth eye movements in ali planes.

Opposition: Touching tips of thumb and finger(s) with rounded web space and

slightly flexed fingers.

Passive range of motion: Body part is moved through the full excursion pos­

sible at a specific joint, with movement externally imposed.

1 80
Perception: Ability to perceive, organize, and act upon information received

through the senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, feeling move­

ment, and position of the body in relation to self and to environment.

Perceptual motor: The ability to respond motorically to what is perceived.

Postura! control: Refers to the skill required to maintain stability and alignment

during daily activities.

Prone: Lying on stomach.

Proprioception: Refers to the awareness of the position of the body in space.

Information is obtained from receptors in the muscles and joints.

Protective responses: Refers to extension of the extremities toward the support­

ing surface in response to sudden shift in the center of gravity.

Quadruped: Positioned with weight bearing only on hands and knees.

Radial digital grasp: Holding an object between opposed thumb and pads of

fingers, with no palm involvement.

Radial palmar grasp: Flexion of fingers against an object pressing it into palm,

with no thumb participation.

Reciproca! bilateral coordination: Using both sides of the body to perform the

same movement in an altemating rhythmical pattem.

Síde-sit; Sitting with weight primarily on one buttock, and hips and knees bent

toward the weight-bearing side.

Spatial relations: Ability to see the position of objects in relation to self and in

relation to each other.

Static pencil tripod grasp: Holding a pencil between pads of opposed thumb

and index and side of middle finger's first joint, with ring and little fingers

only slightly flexed. Writing occurs by moving the whole hand or arm, rather

than the fingers.

Supine: Lying on back.

Symmetrical bilateral coordination: Performing the same action, using both

sides of the body simultaneously.

Three-point grasp (tripod): Holding an object between pad of opposed thumb

and pads of index and middle fingers.

Visual closure: Ability to mentally complete a letter, picture, or shape, given

only a minimal outline.


Visual discrimination: Ability to see differences and similarities between


Visual figure-ground: Ability to see and differentiate specific stimuli from

background stimuli.

Visual fixation: Ability to focus eyes on stimulus for an appropriate length of


Visual localization: Ability to use quick, effident eye movements to find specí­

fied stimuli.

Visual memory: Ability to see and remember a stimulus.

Visual sequencing: Ability to see and understand distinctions between objects

or symbols, and to order them in a specified way.

Visual tracking: Ability to smoothly coordinate eye movements in various

planes to follow a moving object.

Wheelbarrow walk: Walking on hands with elbows extended, and hips, knees,

and / or ankles supported by someone else.


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Clark, P. N., and A. S. Allen. 1985. Occupational Therapy for Children (Revised).

St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co.

DeQuiros, J., and O. Schrager. 1979. Neuropsychological Fundamentals in Learning

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