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Hubert K. Rampersad

A strong personal brand is an important asset in today’s online, virtual, and individual age. As
a human performance technology (HPT) professional, you should take control of your brand and
the message it sends. This article introduces an authentic personal branding model that will help
HPT professionals build an effective personal brand that they can project in everything they do.

IN LIFE, AS IN BUSINESS, branding is more effective, Your personal brand is the synthesis of all the expecta-
powerful, and sustainable than marketing and sales and tions, images, and perceptions it creates in the minds of
an effective way to eliminate competitors. It’s about influ- others when they see or hear your name.
encing others by creating a brand identity that associates
• When we think Oprah Winfrey, we think of warmth
certain perceptions and feelings with that identity.
and women’s empowerment.
Successful personal branding entails managing percep-
tions effectively and controlling and influencing how oth- • Bill Gates brings to mind gadgets, geeks, and philan-
ers perceive you and think of you. Having a strong thropy.
personal brand is an important asset in today’s online, • J. K. Rowling is the professional writer behind the
virtual, and individual age. It is becoming increasingly Harry Potter series.
essential and is the key to personal success. It is the posi- • Einstein was a great and gentle genius.
tioning strategy behind some of the world’s most success-
ful people: Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, • Mother Teresa brings to mind helping the poor and
Donald Trump, Richard Branson, and Bill Gates, for saintly behaviors.
example. It is, therefore, important to be your own brand • Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player today.
and thereby become the CEO of your life. • Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer in the world.
Everyone has a personal brand, but most people are
not aware of this and do not manage it strategically, con- Your personal brand should be authentic; reflect your
sistently, and effectively. As a human performance tech- true character; and be built on your values, strengths,
nology (HPT) professional, you should take control of uniqueness, and genius. If you are branded in this
your brand and the message it sends because it affects organic, authentic, and holistic way, your personal brand
how others perceive you. This will help you to grow and will be strong, clear, complete, and valuable to others.
distinguish yourself as an exceptional professional. Most Love is an important element in this personal brand-
traditional personal branding concepts focus mainly on ing equation. It is about loving yourself (self-love), loving
personal marketing, image building, selling, packaging, others, and loving what you do. You should love yourself
outward appearances, promoting yourself, and becoming in at least equal measure to others or things.
famous, which can turn into an ego trip and cause you to In this article I introduce an organic, holistic, and
be perceived as egocentric and selfish. These concepts authentic personal branding model that will help you
define personal branding from a personal marketing unlock your potential and build a trusted image of your-
(selling) point of view. In fact, personal branding is more self that you want to project in everything you do and is
than marketing and promoting yourself. about your true values, beliefs, dream, and genius.
Performance Improvement, vol. 47, no.6, July 2008
©2008 International Society for Performance Improvement
34 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( • DOI: 10.1002/pfi.20007
An organic, holistic, and stand for, what makes you unique and special, why you
are different from others, what your values are, and iden-
authentic personal branding tifying your genius, incorporating an introduced breath-
ing and silence exercise. You are almost twice as likely to
model . . . will help you accomplish your brand if you write this down.
2. Define and formulate your personal brand.
unlock your potential and Define and formulate an authentic, distinctive, relevant,
consistent, concise, meaningful, and persuasive personal
build a trusted image of brand promise, and use it as the focal point of your
yourself that you want to behavior and actions. To develop your personal brand
statement, perform a personal SWOT analysis (strengths,
project in everything you do. weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and evaluate
yourself. These should also be related to four key perspec-
tives: internal, external, knowledge and learning, and
financial (see Figure 2).
As an HPT professional, it is at this point that you need
to determine your specialization, concentrating on a sin-
AN AUTHENTIC PERSONAL BRANDING gle core talent. Define your main specific services, your
MODEL key characteristics, and your single leading and most
powerful attribute. Finally, determine who your audience
Building an authentic personal brand is an evolutionary
(domain) is and what their greatest needs are. Your per-
and organic process consisting of four phases (see Figure 1):
sonal brand statement entails the total of your personal
1. Define and formulate your personal ambition. ambition, brand objectives, specialty, service dominant
This phase involves defining and formulating your per- attribute, and domain. It also includes your unique value
sonal ambition in an exciting and persuasive manner and proposition. The next step in this second stage is to define
making it visible. It is about identifying yourself and fig- your personal brand story, which is the essence of what
uring out what your dreams are, who you are, what you you want to say about your personal brand to produce a


Performance Improvement • Volume 47 • Number 6 • DOI: 10.1002/pfi 35


positive emotional reaction. Finally you should design spiritual, and holistic function. One of the results of
your personal logo, a single graphical symbol that repre- applying this holistic and authentic personal branding
sents your personal brand. model along with the related introduced tools is the bal-
3. Formulate your personal balanced scorecard ance of the left and right sides of your brain and the
(PBSC). Personal ambition and personal brand have no balance of your heart and head.
value unless you take action to make them a reality. 4. Implement and cultivate your personal ambition,
Therefore, the emphasis in this stage is on developing an personal brand, and personal balanced scorecard.
integrated and well-balanced action plan based on your Personal ambition, personal brand, and the PBSC have
personal ambition and personal brand to reach your life no value unless you implement them to make them a
and brand objectives and eliminate any negative ele- reality. Therefore, the next step is to implement, main-
ments. This is about translating your personal ambition tain, and cultivate your ambition, brand, and PBSC effec-
and personal brand into your PBSC (action). Your PBSC tively. You have to articulate your personal brand with
translates your personal ambition and personal brand love and passion, be committed to change, and improve
into manageable and measurable personal objectives, your perceived value in the marketplace and yourself
milestones, and improvement actions in a holistic and continuously. In addition, try to build credibility and
balanced way. Your PBSC is needed to improve and man- become an expert in your field. Get the word out through
age yourself based on your personal ambition and brand. a variety of media channels, do work you love that is con-
It is an effective tool that you can use to manage and mas- sistent with your personal brand and values, gain experi-
ter yourself and your brand. You can use it to develop ence in areas of your brand in which you are weak,
improvement actions to achieve your objectives, keep promote yourself, market your brand frequently and
track of your progress, record key brand information, consistently, make conscious choices about the people
explore your life and brand, define new career paths, you associate with, build a strong network, deliver on
build a network of contacts, and quantify and report your your brand promise, and, in short, live according to your
key accomplishments, for example. Your personal ambi- brand promise.
tion and personal brand are related to your heart (emo- To guide you in this process, consider using the plan-
tions) and the right half of your brain. Your PBSC, deploy-act-challenge (PDAC) cycle, and follow it. The
however, is related to the left half of your brain, which has more you strengthen, maintain, protect, and cultivate
mainly an analytical, logical, and quantitative function. your brand, the more successful you will be. It needs con-
The right half of your brain has an intuitive, emotional, stant updating to reflect the new challenges you take, the

36 • DOI: 10.1002/pfi • JULY 2008

lessons you have learned, and your own growth and that SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS
of your brand.
This holistic personal branding framework will help you
As Figure 1 shows, the personal branding model consists build a trusted personal and professional image. As an
of four wheels, which are interrelated and need to turn in HPT professional, developing your personal brand will
the right direction to get the large personal branding wheel help improve your perceived value in the marketplace,
moving and evolving in the right direction. After the last build credibility and a solid reputation within your indus-
phase is complete, the cycle is again followed to fine-tune try, enrich your relationships, and unlock your perfor-
the personal ambition, personal brand, and PBSC with its mance potential. This approach has been proven in
surroundings on a continuous basis. By doing this, you will practice to produce sustainable results, not only for indi-
constantly improve your brand and performance. viduals but also for companies.

HUBERT K. RAMPERSAD, BS, MSc, PhD, is an internationally respected and recognized coach in the
field of organizational behavior, performance management, and personal branding. He is president
of TPS International in Miami Beach and the author of Total Performance Scorecard: Redefining
Management to Achieve Performance with Integrity (2003), Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way
to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness (2006), TPS-Lean Six
Sigma: Linking Human Capital to Lean Six Sigma—A New Blueprint for Creating High Performance
Companies (2007), and Effective Personal and Company Brand Management: A New Blueprint
for Powerful and Authentic Personal and Company Branding (2008). He has been selected by
the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management as one of the 35 distinguished thought leaders in the
field of leadership development. He may be reached at

Performance Improvement • Volume 47 • Number 6 • DOI: 10.1002/pfi 37

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