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Application of FEM in Structural Engineering Problem










4.1 Triangular versus Rectangular Element 6

4.2 Plane Stress versus Plane Strain Problem 7
4.2.1 Stress-Plane Stress versus Stress-Plane Strain 8
4.2.2 Stress-Plane Stress versus Stress- Plane Strain 10
4.2.3 Strain-Plane Stress versus Strain- Plane Strain 12
4.2.4 Strain-Plane Stress versus Strain- Plane Strain 14





A finite element can be visualized as a small portion of a continuum. The word “finite”
distinguish such a portion from the infinitesimal element of a differential calculus. The
geometry of the continuum is considered to be formed by the assembly of a collection of non-
overlapping domains with simple geometry termed finite elements. Triangle and quadrilateral
in 2 dimensions (2D) are typically chosen to represent the element. It is usually said that a
mesh of a finite element “discretizes” the continuum. Finite element analysis is a method of
solving certain problem in engineering or science. It is used mainly for problems for which
no exact solution, expressible in some mathematical form, is available. As such, it is a
numerical rather than an analytical method. Methods of this type are needed because
analytical methods cannot cope with the real, complicated problems that are met with in
engineering. One of the first applications of FEA was, indeed, to find the stresses and strains
in engineering components under load. FEA, when applied to any realistic model of an
engineering component, requires an enormous amount of computation and the development
of the method has depended on the availability of suitable digital computers for it to run on.
The method is now applied to problems involving a wide range of phenomena, including
vibrations, heat conduction, fluid mechanics and electrostatics, and a wide range of material
properties, such as linear-elastic behaviour and behaviour involving deviation from Hooke's
law (for example, plasticity or rubber-elasticity).

The objective of this assignment are:

a) To discuss the number of element between triangular versus rectangular element.

b) To discuss the plane strain and plane stress problem by using different type of element
with same mesh.
c) To compare results of same element in plane stress and plane strain with different
meshing size.


In modeling process LUSAS is the software that has been used to stimulate the analysis.
There are a few step that need to be taken into consideration during modeling process.

a) Define the coordinate

The coordinate for rectangular element is define at each direction X, Y and Z.

Figure 1: Define coordinate

b) Make a line & Form a Surface

Make a line at each joint to make it become a rectangular shape. After form a surface
by select a line and click it as a new surface as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3

Figure 2: Make a line Figure 3: Form a surface

c) Surface Meshing

Next the surface meshing will be defined. In this assignment triangular and
rectangular meshing are applied for plate model at surface. The meshing is change
from 0.005mm, 0.01mm, 0.15mm, and 0.02mm for each analysis as shown Figure 4.
The plate model surface mesh was then setup with line partition in both direction in x
and y axis.

Figure 4: Surface Mesh

d) Form a circle

After that make a circle at the centre of the plate by assign the coordinate at circle and
end of the circle as shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5: Form a circle

e) Form a surface
Splitting the point at the circle as shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. The circle is divide into
8 and make a line for each joint then form a surface as in Fig. 8.

Figure 6: Splitting the point Figure 7: Make a line

Figure 8: Form a surface

f) Define material
Define Material Properties can be defined with select in the existing database. Use
Young Modulus 200E9, Poisson ratio is 0.3. after that Define Boundary Condition
and continued to define a loading. In order to obtain the result the model have to
imposed with the loading, in this assignment, the model has been imposed with
500N/mm2 uniformed distributed load. And attribute a point

Figure 9: Attribute a point

a) The mesh is done. Change the mesh size for each analysis for both element type at the
properties at left side.

Figure 10: Meshing Model


4.1 Triangular Versus Rectangular Element

Mesh size: 0.01


Total Element 1576 elements


Total Element 844 elements


Table 1 shows the total number of element for Triangular element and Rectangular element
for 0.01mm mesh size. Based on the result obtained, Triangular element give the higher
number of element (1576) compared to Rectangular element (844). It is because for
triangular element it has 3 vertices and 3 sides compare to rectangular element it has 4
vertices and 4 sides. Therefore, triangular element will formed more element and increase in
nodes. According to Finite Element Theory the higher the number of element, the higher the
accuracy of the result.

4.2 Plane Stress Versus Plane Strain Problem

Table 2 shows the result obtained for maximum value of stress for Plane Stress and Plane
Strain for Triangular and Rectangular element. The highest maximum stress for triangular
element is 136.84x106 N/m2 (Sx-component) while the highest value for rectangular element
is 153.46x106 N/m2 (Sx-component). From the analysis it’s show that rectangular element
give the higher value for stress compare to triangular element. By comparing Plane Stress
with Plane strain, Plane Stress give the higher value compare to Plane strain for Sx, Sy and
Sxy for the stress value.

Table 2: Maximum Stress (Plane Stress and Plane Strain)

Max. Stress (N/m2)

Element Plane stress Plane Strain
Sx Sy Sxy Sx Sy Sxy
6 6 6 6 3
Triangular 136.84x10 30.58x10 37.94x10 1.36x10 354.56x10 385.24x103

Rectangular 153.46x106 35.51x106 43.89x106 1.52x106 395.74x103 450.57x103

Table 3 shows the result obtained for maximum value of strain for Plane Stress and
Plane Strain for Triangular and Rectangular element. The highest maximum stress for
triangular element is 136.84x106 (Sx-component) while the highest value for rectangular
element is 0.75x10-3 N/m2 (Sx-component). From the analysis it’s show that rectangular
element give the higher value for stress compare to triangular element. By comparing Plane
Stress with Plane strain, Plane Stress give the higher value compare to Plane strain for Ex, Ey
and Exy for the strain value.

Table 3: Maximum Strain (Plane Stress and Plane Strain)

Max. Strain
Plane Stress Plane Strain
Ex Ey Exy Ex Ey Exy
-3 -6 -3 -6 -6
Triangular 0.66 x10 91.32x10 0.49x10 5.89x10 1.12x10 5.01x10-6
Rectangular 0.75x10-3 0.11x10-3 0.57x10-3 6.67x10-6 1.17x10-6 5.86x10-6

4.2.1 Stress-Plane Stress Versus Stress-Plane Strain (X-Component)
a) Stress-Plane Stress (X-Component)

Figure 1: Triangular Element

Figure 2: Rectangular Element


Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the contour result for Stress-Plane Stress (Sx-component). The
contour shows a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value for Triangular
element is 136.84x106 N/m2 (node 248), while the maximum value for Rectangular element
is 153.46 x106 N/m2 (node 242). The maximum stress for both element shows that the critical
part of the plate is located at the circular hole region. From the contour it shows that the
distribution of minimum value for Rectangular element is wider than Triangular element.

b) Stress-Plane Strain (X-Component)

Figure 3: Triangular

Figure 4: Rectangular


Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the contour result for Stress-Plane Strain (Sx-component). The

contour shows a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value for Triangular

element is 1.36x106 N/m2 (node 246), while the maximum value for Rectangular element is

1.52 x106 N/m2 (node 241). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical part

of the plate located at above and bottom circular hole region. From the contour it shows that

the distribution of minimum value for Rectangular element is wider than Triangular element.

4.2.2 Stress-Plane Stress Versus Stress-Plane Strain (Y-Component)

a) Stress-Plane Stress (Y-Component)

Figure 5: Triangular Element

Figure 6: Rectangular Element


Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the contour result for Stress-Plane Stress in (Sy-component). The
contour shows a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value of Triangular
element is 30.58x106 N/m2 (node 557), while the maximum value for Rectangular element is
35.51 x106 N/m2 (node 529). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical
part of the plate located at the circular hole region, above and below plate. From the contour,
it shows that the distribution of minimum value for Triangular element is higher and wider
than Rectangular element.

10 | P a g e
b) Stress-Plane Strain (Y-Component)

Figure 7: Triangular Element

Figure 8: Rectangular Element


Figure 7 and Figure 8 show Stress-Plane Strain in (Sy-component). The contour shows a
similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value for Triangular element is
354.56x103N/m2 (node 552), while the maximum value for Rectangular element is 395.74
x103N/m2 (node 531). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical part of the
plate located at the circular hole region.

11 | P a g e
4.2.3 Strain-Plane Stress Versus Strain-Plane Strain (X-Component)

a) Strain-Plane Stress (X-Component)

Figure 9: Triangular Element

Figure 10: Rectangular Element


Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the contour result for Strain-Plane Stress in (Ex-component).
The contour shows a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value of Triangular
element is 0.66x10-3 (node 248), while the maximum value for Rectangular element is 0.75
x106 (node 242). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical part of the plate
located at the above and below the circular hole region. From the contour it shows that the
area distribution for minimum value of Rectangular element is wider than Triangular

12 | P a g e
b) Strain-Plane Strain (X-Component)

Figure 11: Triangular Element

Figure 12: Rectangular Element

Figure 11 and Figure 12 show contour result for Strain-Plane Strain in (Ex-component). The
contour show a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value for Triangular
element is 5.89x10-6 (node 248), while the maximum value for Rectangular element is 6.67
x10-6(node 241). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical part of the plate
located at above and below the circular hole region. While minimum value is located at left
and right the circular hole.

13 | P a g e
4.2.4 Strain-Plane Stress Versus Strain-Plane Strain (Y-Component)

a) Strain-Plane Stress (Ey-Component)

Figure 13: Triangular Element

Figure 14: Rectangular Element


Figure 13 and 14 show the contour result Strain-Plane Stress in (Ey-component). The contour
show a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value of Triangular element is
91.32x10-6 (node 436), while the maximum value for Rectangular element is 0.11 x10-3(node
499). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical part of the plate located at
the circular hole region. From the contour it can be seen that the area distribution of
minimum value is less for both element.

14 | P a g e
b) Strain-Plane Strain (Ey-component)

Figure 15: Triangular Element

Figure 16: Rectangular Element


Figure 15 and Figure 16 show the contour result for Stress-Plane Strain in Y-direction. The
shape of the contour show a similar pattern for both element type. The maximum value for
Triangular element is 1.12x10-6 (node 432), while the maximum value for Rectangular
element is 1.17 x10-6 (node 410). The maximum value for both element shows that the critical
part of the plate located at the circular hole region. From the contour, it clearly seen that area
distribution of maximum strain value for Rectangular is wider than triangular element.

15 | P a g e
5. Meshing Size.

Table 4 shows the result obtained for maximum value of stress for Plane Stress with
different type of mesh in each stress and strain component. From the result obtained, the
value for stress and strain is decreased when the size of mesh is increased from 0.005mm,
0.01mm and 0.015mm. Meanwhile when the mesh size is increase to 0.02mm the value for
both stress and strain is suddenly increase, for each component. From the result for plane
stress obtained, the highest stress value is at Sx-component, meanwhile the highest value for
strain is at Ex-component. According to Finite Element Analysis Theory as the number of
element is increase the value of each element must be decrease. From this analysis it can be
state that the changes value for 0.02mm occurred it might be because of the software problem
while running the analysis. The effect of increasing the mesh size or the number of element is
obvious and the Finite Element solutions gradually approach the true distribution.

Table 4: Stress and Strain (Plane Stress)

Plane Stress
Mesh Size
Stress(N/m2) Strain
Sx Sy Sxy Ex Ey Exy
0.005 148.97x106 35.54x106 44.59x106 0.73x10-3 0.12x10-3 0.58x10-3
0.01 136.84x106 30.58x106 37.94x106 0.66x10-3 91.32x10-6 0.49x10-3
0.15 126.75x106 27.64x106 32.14x106 0.60x10-3 87.96x106 0.42x10-3
0.02 140.16x106 26.15x106 26.15x106 0.69x10-3 85.70x10-6 0.38x10-3

16 | P a g e

Finite element analysis is a tool to solved the complicated structure analysis by using
software such as LUSAS. As the conclusion, the Triangular element give the highest number
of element compare to Rectangular element. This is because the nodes in triangular element
is smaller compare to rectangular element thus triangular can formed more element. For the
stress results obtained, Plane Stress give the higher stress value compare to Plane strain for
Sx, Sy and Sxy component. Same goes to strain value, Plane Stress also give the higher
value compare to Plane strain for Ex, Ey and Exy component. For the meshing size, it can be
conclude that the increasing in meshing size will give a smaller value of stress and strain in
both plane. According to Finite Element Analysis Theory as the number of element is
increase the value of each element must be decrease. But because of the software problem
while running the analysis the value of stress and strain is different at 0.02mm mesh size.
From overall analysis, the type of element, meshing size of the element will affect the
analysis result and give the different magnitude and stress result for both plan. The accuracy
of the analysis increases with increasing element numbers. As the number of element
approach infinity, the model prediction will approach the exact solution.

17 | P a g e
a) Mesh size 0.005mm
Stress-Plane Stress

Figure 17: Sx-Component

Figure 18: Sxy-Component

Figure 19: Sy-Component

18 | P a g e
Strain-Plane Stress

Figure 20: Ex-Component

Figure 21: Exy-Component

Figure 22: Ey-Component

19 | P a g e
b) Mesh size 0.01mm
Stress-Plane Stress

Figure 23: Sx-Component

Figure 24: Sxy-Component

Figure 25: Sy-Component

20 | P a g e
Strain-Plane Stress

Figure 26: Ex-Component

Figure 27: Exy-Component

Figure 28: Ey-Component

21 | P a g e
a) Mesh size 0.015mm
Stress-Plane Stress

Figure 29: Sx-Component

Figure 30: Sxy-Component

Figure 31: Sy-Component

22 | P a g e
Strain-Plane Stress

Figure 17: Ex-Component

Figure 17: Exy-Component

Figure 17: Ey-Component

23 | P a g e
a) Mesh size 0.02mm
Stress-Plane Stress

Figure 17: Sx-Component

Figure 17: Sxy-Component

Figure 17: Sy-Component

24 | P a g e
Strain-Plane Stress

Figure 17: Ex-Component

Figure 17: Exy-Component

Figure 17: Ey-Component

25 | P a g e

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