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1. A case study about belgain dairy industry. To increase the price of milk the belgain politics
want to make milk powder out of milk and send it to DC as food aid. Is this a good idea or
not? Why?

2. What are transaction costs and what is the influence on the farmers production?

3. What is your paper about?


1. What is the poverty trap? Give examples for rurale households. Additional questions about
'sell-low-buy-high paradox, how poverty can be inherited (mother tot baby) and
measurements for undernourishment (weight-for-age,...).

2. Women in developing countries can grow cassave on their own plot. Why does this lead to
economic inefficiencies and more gender inequality?

3. What is the difference between risk management and risk coping? + give examples.

14/1/2014: 2 vragen, 15 min voorbereiden, 15 min mondeling:

Vraag 1 (10 punten): Poor farmers are often the victim of credit rationing. Credit rationing is
often embedded in problems of asymmetric information. Explain why and why poor people
are affected most. => Adverse selection en Moral Hazard, ... Bijvraag: Hoe wordt dit opgelost
bij micro-financing programs?

Vraag 2 (5 punten): What does the theory of comparative advantage say.

Bijvraag: Who gains most? What can you say about equality and trade? (both gains, rich gain
more, gap widens...)

Vraag 3 (Niet voor te bereiden): What is the relation or difference between food security and
food self-sufficiency?

Vraag 4 (Moeilijkste van al): What was your paper about and what were your main findings?
Was the paper useful?

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