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Aclnufudgcrunts u
Pnfaoc t,
Intmdrction t7

krt L Thc landnpe of tifr

l. BasicPremiscs lg
2. Sgace,Time and Bounderies 24

hrt 2: thcJouncy

3.The Ascendentand the First House t7
4.The Sc<ondHouse 4'
,.The Third House 48
6.The knum Coeli end the bunh House ,4
7.The Fifth Housc 60
8.The Sinh Housc 6'
9.The Dcscendantand the SqrenthHousc 7l
10. The Eighth House 76
ll. The Ninth House 82
12. The Midhcarcn and the Tcnth House 87
lr. The Elcsmth House 92
14. The Trrclfth Housc 98
lt. Grcuping the Houses 108

Manypeopleharahelped,supponedandtoleratedme throughthe
agonyand ecstasy of writing this bookandmy sincercappreciation
ortendsto dl of thern.
In panicular,an eqpecidlyheardelt thanl$ goesto Max Hafler
for dl vrcsharedandfor pushingmein the bcginning;andto Roben
tVdkerfor pushingmethroughthe middleandcnd,for hisorccllent
advice,criticismand zuggestions, his patient suppon through my
moredifticult periods,andjust for beingtherewhenI neededhelp.
My appreciationalsogoesto MaryAnn Ephgrarafor her adcpt
uanscriptionof the Seminar';to ChristineMurdockfor her
orpert and much neededhclp, guidanceand encoutagement;to
ksley C,otuill for hcr profesiond advice;and to SheilaSasponas
for her warm suppon.
I am naturallyindebtedto dl thoscpeoplewhoharcsharedtheir
knmrledgewith mc overthe years.Specidacknowledgements go
to MaharishiMaheshYogifor his inraluableteachingand for the
orpericnccof meditation and what it openedup for mq to Darby
C.ostellofor titillating me with her Geminian insighs and for
inuoducing me to asuologycay backwhen; to my first astrology
teachers, BettyCaulfieldandIsabelHickey;to EanBeggfor helping
me to begin to understandmyselfa little better; to lan Gordon-
Brorn, BarbaraSomersand Diana Whitmore for the enornous
amount I leamedfrom thcm; toJudy Hdl for her generousand
to Liz Greenewhoseinsightandgraceasa goodfricnd, teachcrand
asuologicdcolleaguchara left a decp mark on all my *ork.
Tcromore pcople descrvespecidmention. Ifords can't orpress
my ftelingp of apprcciationto a ceftainDona Margarita,Our lady
of C"omera,for sharingwith mc the porrcrof her lconine lorc and
spirit andfor providingmc with anidyllic atmospherc(in dl senscs)
to begin writing..And-last,-butccnainly nor least,I am especially
grateful toJaquelincClarc for being a true friend through al of this
and for the impeccablediagramsshe so caringly produced.


The hpuscsof the horoscopcform oneof the basicbuilding-blocls

with whicharcrystudentof asuologymustleamto *ork attheoutset
ofany scriousstudyofthc subjcct.Becauscthe houscsarcbasic,it
isoften assumed that thercforetheyaresimple- pcrhapsthe most
simple and accesiblcof the uinity of planet-sign-houscwhich
comprisesthe foundationof horoscopeandysis.And bccauscthc
housesareoften consideredsosimple and accesible,theyarcalso
bclierredto bethe leastwonhyof anyin-depth perusalin the body
of asuologicdliteraturc.
I harrcfound in my orrn orpcricnce,however,that thc housesare
nosimplerthantheplancaandrigto, andpcrhapsevenmoresubde.
How could theynot be so,whenaftcr all e€ryone bom on a givrn
day will harrcthe sameplanetsin the samesigns,whilc planetary
placemcntsinthehouses aredepcndentupon that mostindividud
of hctors,the moment of binh? Bccausc aresorrcryindividual,
th.y ponoy a m1p of a rrcryindividud dcstiny,and ere*onhy of
much more onensiveinterpretationand andysisthan is usudly
offercdin asuologicdtortbools. Thereis a luge and unfomrnate
gepin this areaof the snrdy,and cenainlyno pzlstauthorhasdone
full justice to this apparentlyrc simple yet difficult issueof thc
'spheresof lift'.
I am thereforcdclighted to be ablc to write a prefaccto a boolr
which I ftel not only fills thir gapin curent astrologicdliterature,
but dso ortends the understandingof astrologyitself. Hward
Sasponashasmanagcdto do this without either violating thosc
Tpc1tsof- asuologicdtradition *-hi.h herrcprorcn to be rzlid, or
ignoring asso manyauthorsdo - the curent urgent needto
bring pqrchologicdunderstandhginto a snrdywhich hasfor fu
too long bcen purely prognosticatirrcand behaviouralin its
interpretations.This book seemsto me to be unique dso in that,
dthough it is 'psychologicd astrology'at ir best,it doesnot hide confrontation,which I harrcalmys ftlt to bc thc chidcriterion for
behind psphologicd jargon,and its languagcspeaksboth to the anypcrmnmnting to tab up thc responsibility of counrlling othen
begrnngran{the orperienccdpractitiorrcr.q"itty clearly. in eny *zy. Thc pqrchcis obviouslye rcdity to the euthor, and
The issueof 'pryrhologicdasuology'appears-to bea ratherthomy thcreforehe is ablc to communicateits rcality and its subtletiesto
one-in somerespects,because many asuologers who harastudicd thc readerthrough the asuologicdmodel. Gcnuinc authority of
in oldertraditionsfeelthat thcir language,*hich hasstoodthe tcsr this kind cannotbGfrted, dthough nurnetousasuologicdwriters
of qan-ycenturies,is bcing encroachedupon by the languageof lppclu to oftr mellent thcorieswhich havt ncrrcrbeenput to the
psphology,and that astrology,in thesehands,is no longlr .furc, tcst in lift. No one obscrvingthc &cts of a panicular planet in
but .is.bccoming an ortension of thc hclping profesions. But a paniorlar housecanredly undcrstandthc complor isuc of hon'
psychologicdasuologyin the wayit is appfiedin Hocard,sbook an individud unconsciously creetes,brick by brick, thc apparently
is not an erosionof the beautyand comp[iencssof the asrrological buter' reality whidr he or shc eocounte$unles there is somc
mgdel.It cmbodies,rathcr,onclpparendyrrcrysimplcconceptlthc reletionshipwith the unconscious. Otherwisethc interpretationsare
redity of the psyche.That an individud's iift is charactedstiiofthe dcscriptionsof behaviour,which learrcsus backwhcrewe stancd.
individud oughtto bcobrvious, but it isoccedhgly difficult to fully I?hen thishappens,thecre*ftre,teleologicaldimensionofasuology
graspunlcs one'sovmpspheisarealityto onesclf.Theinterprctation - its epacity to olrcn doorsto 1lrcrsonand dlow that perrcn to
of the houscsthat Ho*zrd oftn in such depth in this'book is seehowan enitude might beshapingoutcrlift and thereforehos,
in the mostprofoundsense,ncrr.^_use implicit in otry someconsciousness of that anitude might shepea diftrent qudity
chaptcris rhe obsenationthat an individud hasceriainkinds oi of lifr - c.onot be prescnt.Asuologythen ceases to be creatirrc,
:pyd*.f l1rapanicularsphcrcoflifr because that ishowthepc5rhe and becomcsquitc poindesscrccptasa methodof justifring issues
o.{theindividud pcrceirrcs, reacrstq and interprea that spfeie of for which the individud doesnot wish to take rcsponsibility.
lift. The author phrascsthis rary eloqucntlyG ttr. first chaptcr: As a lcarningtqtbook, Hwad's book is inrzlueblc, becauscit
prcmiscuponwhichpsphological b.gitu at thc beginningwith hasicprinciplesand takesthc reader
fh9 nhilosonhicd asrologyisbascd
isthetaperrcn's rediryspringpoutrzrdlromhisorhcrinncriandscape funher andfunhcr into thc complodtiesof interprcdngthe houses
of thoughs,feelings,orpcctations andbclic6. whilc rctaining throughout an essentidclarity of writing and a
This.iscenainly.asuology, disciplinedstrucnre.I harcnodoubtthat it will becomeanessentid
and not an qtension of anythingelsc;
bgt it rpa3 astrologywhichprcsenes tortbook for anyscrioussnrdert of astrologywishingto derrclophis
the escntialdigniil'-{ot"e or heruodetstanding. Asa stement ofwhat pqrchological astrology
of the individud psychc,and in which the houses,io lcs than thc
isreallyabout,it isdsoirmrluable,becausc it couldnot put thc point
signsand planets,areinsideaswell asoutside,end becomcfull of
more dearly. kychological asuologyis not about abandoning
pemTq fo-{$. individud ratherthan remainingstatic,placcs,or
'earnts' astrologyto pqrchotherepy, but abouta wayof understandingand
in lift which harc no connectionto the-soul. both inner
rcadingthe synrbolsofthe horoscopewhich encompasscs
. TF. lgpo"d o<pcrience of astrologywhichis o,ident throughout points *zy to thc esentid
and outer lerclsof orpcricncc,and the
the book is ortensirrcand impressirrc. I harrchad manyoccasi6ns to houscs are
pattenr which undcrlie both. Usually thc
lcam from and have my (mn asuologicd inrigha enhancedby
confirsingbccauscof the epFuent divcrsity of themes which often
Hoqard'swork,asweharrcjointly foundedandco-directthc Ccnui
for Psychologicd occur undcr one umbrclla. br onmple, thc profirndities and
Astrologyin Londonwhichisfocussed on precirly
thisapproachto asuology. mystcricsof deathrrc conjoincdwith lifr insurancepoliciesin the
I cantherchreraommcnd Howzrd'sbooi
not only for thc clarity and depth of its content,but dso beceuse eighth, end thc complcxiticsof the rclationshipbetweenbodyand
'smdl animals'in the sixth.Houard'sbook
I am well awarethat the interpretationswhich he oftn arc built spirit arcmircd up with
prwidcs the esntid meaningwhichuoderlicsdl thescepparendy
upon manyycanof directorpericncc,and not mcrelyupon clcrrcr
intellecnrd theorizing. Also implicit in thc book is a persond dispamtethcmesconoectedwith one housc,which thercbyallws
commitmenr to the asuologcr'sovm devclopment anl inner thc rcadcrto understandwhydl thcsebuter' cfurum.ttenccatcpart
ofone core.Thlskind ofinsight is rareendcennotbeorrcrestimetcd
in ia relue.
It isthereforewith greatpleastuethat I canintroducea bookwhich provideanimponantanduniquecontributionro
the body of astrologicdliterarure.



Manisaskedto makeof himsclfwhatheiszupposcdto become,

to fulfil his destinv.

All around us in nature, life unfolds according to certain inner

designs.A rosebudopensinto a rose,an acorn growsinto an oak,
and a cateqpillar emergesas a bunerfly from its cocoon. Is it
unreasonableto assumethat human bcingssharethis quality with
the restof creation- that we,too, unfold accordingto an inner plan?
The concept that each of us has a unique set of potentialities
ycarning to be redized is an ancient one. St Augustine wrote that
is one within me who is rnore myselfthan my self.'I Aristotle
usedthe word enteleclryto referro the errcludonand full blossoming
of something originally in a stateof potendd. Along with anteleclry,
Aristotle also spokcof essenceas those qualities which one could
not lose without ceasingto be oneself. In like manner, Eastern
philosopy appliesthe term dharrra to denote the intrinsic identity
and latent life-pattern presentfrom binh in dl of us. ltbthe dbarnza
of a fly to buzz, a lion to roar, and an aftistic personto create.Each
of these patterns has its own kind of truth and dignity.
Modem pslrchologyanachesmany different namesto the pcrennid
quest bc that selfwhich one truly is'2 - the individuation process,
self-redization, sclf-acnralizadon,sclf-dorclopment, etc.By whatever
label it is cdled, the underlying meaning is clear: all of us possess
ccnain inuinsic porentials and capabilities.\Vhar's more, somewhere
deep within us there is a primordial knowledge or preconscious
percepdon of our true narure, our destiny,our abilities, and our
in life. Not only do we havea panicula( path to follow, but
on some instinctive level, we know what that is.
Our fulfilment, happines and well-being hinge on discovering
this. pattcm and co-olrrating with its realization. The Danish
philosopherKie-rkegaard obscircdthat rhe most commonform of
despar s that of not
deeperforS gf_despeir P.i"g *\o weredly are,adding that an errcn
semsfrom choosingto be;;;.;oth;;
TT oT.sett., Ihe pqrchologist RolloMaywrote,.I7hen the oersor,
clenlesh'' potentidities,failsto fulfil them,hisconditionis suilt.,.
Thcologians ha'e interpretedthefounh cardinal,i,,j,irt-*Iiir, Pz\RTI:
as'the sinof failing to do with onet lift all that onekno*r one.odi
oo.' nur howcanweconnectto that part of ourselvrswhichknoc6 THE LANDSCAPEOF LITE
what wecouldbe?Hon,canwefind ihe path tir"
lost the "g"in,-r"-..," ilIi
l,^y? Is thereanymap thar cxists'which'i;'g"id.; 1.
to ourselves?
The asrologicalbirthchanissucha map.A picnrreof thehea'ens
asit appearedat one'splaceandtime of binh, ihe ch* rr.b.ri*lr;
po_nra)'s our ownuniquereality,innatepattemand inncr desisn.
A knowledgeof the chanenablesusro perceir*h;A;;r-;f;i;
wewouldnarunlly bedoing,if*c hadnot b*";Jfi-di;: One may indced say that it is not thc event which heppcns
socrety and,perhapsmostcrucidly,b1tbc ambfualcnces oforroui to the pcnon, but the personwhich happc*Jl:iffi
. Our beingis not o-nlygivento us but demandedof us, and it
rsup to us to makeof ourselrcswhat *c afemeanrto bccome.ln There are three basic ingredients which combine to make up an
the end,wedone areresponsibre forwhat weao witt ourlG rri asuologicd chan - plonets, igns arrd,boues. Planets represent
$e dgSree to which we aCcept or rejecrorrrtrue narure,purposcand panicular psphologicd drircs, urges and motirntions. Uke verbs,
identity.The binhchanis ihe bestguidewe harrc,o'rtiur-u.* they depict a cenain acdon which is goitrg on - for orample, Mars
to ourseh'es. Eachplacementin thelhan reraalsthe most;";; 4lscrts,Yenusbarnonizcs, Jupitet cxpands, Sal;ttmresfiicts,etc. The
and,appropriare wayro unfold whoandwhatwcarc.SThynot listen signs represent tweha qudities of being or attitudes tocnxrdslife.
to the cluesthe chan hasto offer? The drirc of,aplanet iso<presedthrough thesign inwhich theplanet
is placed. Mars can assenin an Arien w:ry or lburean way; Venus
HovanoSasponras can harmonize in a.Geminian or Cancerian fuhion, and so on.
Hotses, hm,errct, show the specific areasof crrcrydaylift or fields
of orperience in which dl this is occuring. Mars in Dunrs will assen
itself in a slow and steady manner, but its placement by housc
determines the exactareaof life in which this sloc,and steadyaction
canmost obviously be obserrred- whether it is in the pcrson'scdecr
that he or sheactsthat way,or in his or her rclationships, or at school,
etc. Put very simply, the planea shourubat is happening, the signs
ltout it is happcning, and the housesubcre it is happening.
Servingasthe lensto focusand perrcndize the planetaryblueprint
onto the landscapeof actud life, the housesbring thc chart docrn
to eanh. And yct the meaningpand functions of the welrrc houses
are usually thc least understood of all the basicastrologicd factors.
It is the purpose of this book to oamine how a propcr appreciation

of the signsand planetsin cachof the twelra housescanguide us hc, himself, is responsiblefor creadng.His difficulty relating with
to our-trueidentity, ill-uminatingthe path of self-discorcry and the companionsis the surhcc manifestation of something much deepcr:
unfoldmentof our life-plan. his fear of orpanding his boundaricsto includc somcthing other than
Thereare a few reasonswhy the full significanceof the houses himsclf. He cants to becomegreaterthan he alreadyis - to identifr
hasbeensooften ornrlookcd.Mostasuologicaltortbools dcrcllon with somcthing beyond his otisting senseof self - and yet he is
the traditiond buter' meaningof eachhouseand ncglectim more afnid of endangcring the identity he already has. The llth house
subtlcor basicunderlyingprinciplc.Unles the coremeaningof a urgcshim to encompassa greaterredity but Saturn says on,
houseis grasped,the true essencJof thar houseis 6st. br inst-ance, preservewhat you arealreadyfamiliar with.' Understood in this way,
the llth houseisnormallyknownasthe 'Houscof Friends,Groups, it is not friendship which restric$ him, but bis oun restictiozr which
Hopesand\Tishes'.At first thismayseemstnnge- whatdo friends limit his friendships. The astrologerwho points out this dilemma
ald groupsharreto do with hopesandwishcs? rUfhyarethesethings ushersthe man into the vestihule of changc. Confronting thesc
dl lumped togetherunder the samehouse?Hoylerrcr,when tie apprehensions,oamining their origins, and looking at the posible
deeper,most basicprinciple of the houseis orplained, then the waysof deding with his fean, are the kep which open the door to
connecdonbecomes clear.Thekernelof the llth houseis ,theurge funhcr growth and derrclopment. rUflhenappreciated in the contoc
to becomesomethinggreaterthan we alreadyare'.\UCe do this 5y of unfolding his potentid and realizing his life-plan, this man's
connectingto somethinggr-eaterrhan our separateseh,es- by difficulties with friends becomcsa necessaryand productive phasc
digning oursehaswith friendsandsocidcircles,byjoining groupi oforperiencc. Gnppling with Satum in the llth, rathcr than arniding
byidentifringwith causes whic-hlift usout of ourscl# andencompass it or blaming it on others, is one way he of himself what he
usin a rasterschcme of thingp.But thc desireto becomesomettring is supposed to becorne'. How infinitely more beneficid this
grearcrthanvrcalreadyaremustdso bc accompanied bythecapacity interpretation of an llth houseSaturn is than old chap,your
to envisionnewand differentposibilities.In otherwords,hoping friends are no goodJ
and-wishingfor somethingmovesus beyondo<istingimagejand In his book TlteAstrclogl ofPernnality, Dane Rudhpr, a pioneer
modelsof ounelrrcs.!(e must hara a dreambeforewe.ariharrc a of perrcn-cenued astrology,proposcsthat reading the chan is to read
dreamcometrue.Understoodin thecontoctof thc desireto ortend rhedbarna ofthe person. I In a later wo rk, TbeAstrclogical Houses,
our dready eristing sphercof orperience,the llth houselabelsof he elaboratesmore fully on this, emphasizingthat thc planetsand
'friends, 'celestid
instructions'on how a personcan
groups, hopesand wishes' begin to make senscin signsin cachhouseoffer
relationshipro one another. most naturally unfold his or her life-plan in that areaof existence.2
Theconrcntiondwayin whichthe influenceofplanea andsigns fu far aspossible,this book interprets the planer and signsthrough
in the houscshas been interpretcd is another bbstacleto frlly the housesin this pcrspective.Howcrrcr,besidesjust indicating the
appreciating thesignificanceof eachhouse.krceiving orcntsaspurcly most authentic way to fulfil our inuinsic potcntidities, the house
ortemd cirom$anceswhfuhbcfallus,traditiond astrology int-rprca placements dso show our innate predispositioa to perceive the
placements in thc chanin a deterministicand htalist[fight, and orperiencesassociatedwith eachhousein the context of the signs
fr$r,9 comprehcndthe pan we play in shapingand coniituting and planets found there. For orample, a woman with Pluto in the
what happensto us. An 'errcnt-orientated' a*rologer,for instanci 7th houseis ptedisposedfrom binh to o(pect Pluto in connection
Tjght_s.ay t-o a man with Saturn in the llth housJsomethinglike with the affairsof that'smore, becausePluto is what
fricndswill restrictanddisappointpu.' Thismaybc trui but she is orpecting there, Plurc is prcciselywhat she will find.
w@ gogd doessuchan interpretationdo for anyone? What we scein life is coloured by what we el(Pectto see.Tvanty-
. Thc philosophicdpremiseupon which psychoiogicdastrology cight snrdentswere askedto describewhat they sawwhen a deck
5 basedis that a person'srcdity springpoutwardfrom his or hii of playing catdswasflashedone-by-oneonto a screen.Their basic
inner landscapeof thoughts,fteling;s,orpectationsand beliefs.For orpectation (or orienting paradigm) wasthe preconceptionthat a
the man with Satumin the llth, uoubh with friends is only rhe packof cardsconsisaof four suits:mo black(spadesand clubs)and
tip of the iceberg- the outer manifesrationof rcmething *U.h two red suits (hearts and diamonds). However, when the

o(perimentcnslippeda ray'sixof spadesinto thc deck,manyof thc snduallvoqanding itsbordcrsto dlon'for otherdtematives.Bcaring
snrdenusimplyrefuscdtheo'idenceof theiron'nelcsand torn'ened' ?iir-i" there"ader.anuscrhisbookboth asa tool for personal
;;l;;.;; "ii".[ andasa guidefor chaninterpretadon'Thesuggested
the red spadcto blackin their descriptions.In other uords, when
the red six of spadeswasflashcdonto the scrcen,they didn't even ;;;;;f pt""".t and sign throgsl the housesis intended
notice the card'sincongruityto their opectationsof what a sixof ;;;;t; broadandgencnl6utfine,hgnetutlvinspiringtunhcr
spadesshouldlook like. Theysawonly what they orpectcdro see, thousht and rdlcttion on thc natute of eachplacement'
Mv nrscotionsshouldnot betekcnu gospclor'cookbook' applredtoo-n$dy'
not what wasrcnally there.s the tormat.
.na f apiEcire for theinherent limiations of
Similarly,our archetypalorpecadons,asseenthrough thc signs chan can only bc fully
M;ifi- da"f is that orcry factor in the
and planets in the houses,prccondition us to cenain yraysof Funhermore' the
in the light of the whole chan'
o<periencing life. Thewomanbom with Plutoin thc 7th, then, will is contingent on the
.ff;;;;f -y phcJment in the horoscopc
filter issuesrelatingto pannershipthroughthe lensof that planet. for whom it is drawn.
of the entity
In this sense,sheis 'stuck'with Pluto in that dimensionof lift, just i:fi.,"i.f ,n letciof onscio'sncs
asan acotnissruckwith becoming.anoak.Nothing shecando will A *oman might be bom at the sametime' placeand date asher
changethat planet bcing therc.But onceshebecomcsconsciotsly Detfrog, and-thet*o charts*ould look oecdythe samc'But
itog o;t o.t the binh mep according toits level of awareness' and
awarethtt Pluto is the contort in which sheviewsthc 7th house, plays
Ji."*ri* .oorai"g to hcri. Because our lerclof consciousncss
a few altetnathrcsopen to her which didn't ocistpreviously. butcome' and mcaning of
;.h ii dctermining thc
To begin with, shccanaskherselfwhat purposethe 7th housc ";.i"1rolc -y one factor
;ffi;io,tr. chan, no rigidintcrpretetion 9f
Pluto serves in the ovcrdl unfoldmentof her lift-plan. In this uay,
sheaccepts andbeginsto co-operate with herinbomnatue. Sccondly, iarr u. nria. zuh of * is moie than the sum of the PuF of.the
.rr*. g*t, of us hasthe potentid for greatetawareness, freedom
insteadof blaminglife or otherpeoplefor the stateof affairsin that
house,shecanry to understandthe roleshehasplayedin creating and fulfilment.
the circumstances there.Bydoing this, sheimbuesthe orpcrienccs
in her life with greatermeaningand significance- they iue not
just randomeventswhich 'happen'to her.FinallS if shecan 'use'
Pluto in its mostconstructircconnotations,sheis les likely to have
to suffleria gruelling sideanylongerthan necesary.On one levcl,
Pluto impliesthe tearingdorvnofforms andthe collapscof oristing
suucnrres. But on anotherleral,Plutoreprescnatran$rmadon and
rebinh into a whole new wey of being. Through altering the
perspectira in whichsheviewswhatishappening,shecanundcr$and
Plutosuphearalsasnocessary oppomrnitiesfor grwth andchange.
Byfacingandcomingto tcrmswith the kindsof traumasasrcciatcd
with thisplanet,she'shifis'lerrcls andfindsthat Plutohasawholc
-that 'theto oftr. Shelearnswhat
other dimensionof orperience
obserrrdso long agq deity which btingpthe illnessalso
bringsthe cute.'
Awarenessbrings change. Through oramining thc house
placementsin our chafts,wenot only aregircn clucsasto thc bcst
w:ry to meet lift in that area,but we alsogdn insight into thc
undcrlying archetypdoqrectationsopenting within us. Oncc*r
becomeawarethat wehavt an inborn biasto scethingpin a ccnain
context,wecanbeginto workconstructirclywithin that fizrncnork,

2. Ceusnrl

A humanbeingis pan of the whole,cdled by us 'Universe';

a part limited in time and space'
Alben Einstein

According to the Bible, God beganHis great work by creatingthe

universe and then dividing it into different pans. i{e madi the
heavenssepararefrom the eanh, light separatefrom darkncss,and
day separatefrom night. In an attempt to manage,undersrandand
make senseof exisrence,human beingsorhibit this sametendency
to divide the wholenes of life into variouscornponent parts and
phases.Similarly, the binhchan, rhe map ofan individud's oristence,
reflectsthis slicing of life into different sections- rhe sum total
of which make a whole.
The Division of Space
No matter how haphazardthe universemight seemar times, it is, Tne DlvlslorrOr SPnce
nonetheles, fairly orderly.Cplic and prediaable, the cclestid bodies
manageto keepon their parhsand adhereto their proper motion. approximately8 or 9 degreeson cither sidcof what is knownasthe
Perhapsin an artempt to ascribemeaning and order to their lives, i'tOtn - th; apperenipath of the Sunaroundthe Eanh - and
our early human ancestorsobserrcd a relationship betweencclestid is caneatheh4irc Bclt.l\e eclipticis then dividedinto twelrc
ex'ents(the movementsof the Sun, Moon and planets) and life on signsof thiny degceseach,stardngwith 0 degrees of Aries,thepoint
earth. But they neededto havea frame of referincc or backdropby * the Sun'Jpath intenectsthe celestid equator (the.Eanh's
which to plot and pinpoint the positionsof thesemoving lighrs in equatorprojeaed- into space)at the SpringEquingx. k $i 53sc'
the sky.In order to do this, spacewasdividcd into different sictions thesigttsof theZodiac(Aries,flurus, C'cmini,etc.)i aresrMivisions
and labelled. of thl ediptic, thc apparcntyearlyrnorrcmcntof thc Sun around
- Modern astrologersare faced with the sameproblem - how to the Eanh (sceFiguri i;' the posiiionsof the planctsarcmappcd
divide spacgto createa frame of refcrcnceby which to identifr the
positions of the cclestial bodies. It so happens,from a geocenuic but due to a
* The sigrs bcarthe sarnenlmesasthe constelladons,
point of view, that the Sun, Moon and planets all appearro moue phenominonknwn as thePrcccstion of thc Eqtinws, thc signsand
in a broad circular path around the ianh. This-path cxtends no longercoincide.
againstthesedivisionsof theeclipdc,showingwharsigneachplanet narure of the sign in which it is placed.
lappensto bepassingthroughon anypaniculardayof theyear(see
Figure2). The Division of Time
-.The plane6,eachar its ownrare,conrinudlymorarhroughthc The word borcscopecomes from thc Greek word
differentsigns.Th_eSun takesapproximately-one month 6 p.r, meaning tonsideration of the hour' or
of the asccnding
througha sign,and roughlyoneyearto makea full circleof alfthe degree'.In other words, the horoscopeis literally a
signsalongthe ecliptic.The Moonspendsabout2th daysin each dividing the spacein the heavensinto signs,the early astrologers
sign and tekes27vedap ro passthrough dl sweh,esigns.Uranus were able to plot the position of the planets in the sky. But they
takesapproximercly7 ycarsto passthrough a signand roughly g4 soonrealizedthat somethingmore qasneeded- a frame of reference
yearsto makea full circle.Asstatedin Chaprerl, a planetdis.ribes to link the planetarypattern to a pafticular personborn at a ceftain
a panicular kind of activitywhich o(presses
iaelf accordingto the time and placc.
Besidesthe movementcausedby thc apparent revolution of the
Sun, Moon and the planetsaround the Eanh, there is another rype
of morrementwhich thc horoscopemust take into consideration:the
daifi rctation of tbe furtb on itsoumaxis.The earlyastrologershad
to find some way to correlatethe celestialphenomena of planets
moving through thc signsto the terestrid phenomenon of the daily
rotation of the Eanh on its own axis.
The most obviouswayof doing this wasto divide the twenty-four-
hour rotation of the Eanh into sectionsbasedon how long it took
the Sun to morrefrom its position at dawn to its position at noon,
and from its noon point to its sunsetpoint, etc. Becauseat cenain
times of the yearthc Sun would spend longer abovethe horizon,
thesedivisions would not alwaysbe equal.
Manin Freeman,in his book Hou to Interpret a Binb Cltartt,
helps the beginning student of astrologyconceptualizethe kind of
movementcausedby the rotation of the Eanh. He suggeststhat we
imagine a day in earlyspring. From the point of view of the Eanh,
the Sun in earlyspring is situated in that pan of thc Zodiacal Belt
which is known asAries. At sunriseon the day in question,the Sun
and the sign of Aries will be scenappearing ovet the easternhorizon
of the observeron Eanh. By noon of that day,however,the Sun and
Aries areno longer due east- they harremorad to aposition more
Fq.z or les orrcrhsadof the obscrrcqand a different sign, probably Cancer,
is on the eastemhorizon. By sunset,the Sun and Aries will be seen
to be setting orcr the westemhorizon, and thc opposite sign of Libra
(180degreesaray from Aries) will be rising oar the eastemhorizon.
PLANETSMAPPEDAGAINST At sunrise the nort day, thc Sun and Aries will again be seenin the
east, but the Sun would hara morad approximatcly one degree
THE ECLIPTIC funher along in the sign of Aries. Thus, due to the daily rotation
FOR JANUARYIst. I9B5 of the Eanh on ia own axis,the position of the signs(and anyplancts
which happcn to be in them) changesin relation to the horizon.
The Division of the Chan into Anglcs of dividing thesecatches into the twelve housesof the horoscopc.
lb understand housesit is csendd to remember that we aredealine Rrfthermore, they had derrelopcda conespondencebetweenrarious
with tqo kinds of morcmenr - that of the Eanh and the other phnd typesof human activity and the different watchesor houses.In this
around rhe Sun, but also the morrcmentof the Eanh on iis ois. vay, the housesbecamethe frame of referencethrough which the
The division of the mundanc sphere into what ercnrually bccame poicntialitics of a planet and sign combination could bc related to
known asthe housesaroscout of a need to relate the axiai rotarion the ectual qrcnts and concernsof life. !flithout the structure of the
of the Eanh with the mo'ement of the planets in the sky. Ifhile houses,astrologerscannot bring the significanceof celestialsvents
signsaresubdivisionsof the apparcnt renLlution of the Sun, Moon down to eafth.
and planets around rhc Eanh, housesaresubdivisions of rhc Eanh,s It is an easystep from the four watchcsto the four points in thc
diurnd (daily) rotation on its own a:<is. chart known u tlte Angles (seeFigure 3). From the point of view
. TbeAstological Hoases,Dane Rudhyar orpands Cyril hgan's of an obscrver'sposition on eafth, at any tirne of day, a cenain sign
view that what we now refer to as houses*ere oiiginallyperiods of will be sc'ento be rising in thc eastwhilc its oppositesign (180degrees
time called 'watches'.\Tatcheswerebasedon thehoramint of the auay) will be seento bc sening in the west. The degree of the sign
Sun as it rose in the ebst, passedoverheadof the obsener, and sct occupying the easternrnostpoint in the sky is callcd rhe Asecnding
in the west. Each watch corared approximately six hours of time, Dcgrec and the sign it is in is cdled the Asccndant or Riitg Sign.
marking-the points of sunrise,noon, sunsetand midnight. By the Asuonomicdly, the Ascendantmark the intersectionof the ecliptic
advent of the Renaissance,asuologershad do'ised -.thods with rhe obsener'shorizon - in othct cDrds, thc meeting of heatrcn
MrDnEvEi and eanh. The opposite poht to the Asccndant is the Descdnfunt,
il€D|uil Co€Ll thc sign seaing in the west.The line connecting the Asccndant and
M.C. Descendant is called thc am of tbc horizon.
Lilcewise,at anytime of the dayfor an obsen'eron eanh, a panicular
dcgreeof a cenain sign will be at the upper meridian,
thi point due south of the place in question. This is called the
Midhcaun or lfC an abbro'iation for the latin rcrm Mediam Cocli
the of the heavens'.The opposite point to the Midheaven
is cdled the Imam Coeli or IC, an abbreviation for lomst
heavens'.Thc line connecting the Midhearrcn to the Imum C-ocli
is cdtcd the ocis of tbc meridian.
These four poina are determined asuonomicdly. Collectively
AscCr{DArt cilled tbe Anghs, the signsfound on thesepoints reveala great ded
about an individual's orientation to basicorperiencesin lift. Their
significanceis more fully discusscdin later chapters.The interscrdon
of the a:risof the horizon and the axis of thc meridian give rise to
the four Qaadrants of the chan. Ottiog to thc tilt of the Eanh, the
sizeof the quadmnts arising from this fourfold division arescldom
equal, and will rary according to the latitude and time of year of
l.c. the binh.
The Division of thc Four Anglcs into the Twclrc Houscs
While determining the anglesdoes not raise too many problems,
f'g.3 Tnt Foun"Axeues the manner in which the four angles should (or should not) be
trisectedto form the tcth'e houscsis amajorconuocrsy inasuology.

On the whole, there seemsto be generalagreementthat the line reasoning hclps us to appreciate the fact that the meaning and
of the horizon - the Ascendant-Derendant oris - is the basisupon relevenceof eachhousc follons on logicdly from the previous one.
whidr the division of the chan into housesshould rest.ln orhervords, More will bc said on the cyclic processof the houses later.
most astrologersagreethat the Ascendantshould mark the caspor The houscs are traditionally counted anti-clockn'ise from the
beginning point (or lcading cdge) of rhe lst house and the Ascendant. The lst and 7th housesare alwaysopposite onc anoth€r
Descendantshould mark the cusp or beginning poinr of the 7th - this meansthat the sign on the 7th housccuspwill bc the opposite
house.After that, astrologersdispersein all directions..Thosewho sign to the one on ttte lst house cusp, dthough thc actud degree
suppoft the Equal HouseSystemof house-divisionprovide the least on the cusp will stay the same.This samerule apPlies to the other
complicated soludon. Cdling the Ascendant the cusp of the lst pairsof oppositehouses:thc 2nd and 8th, thc 3rd and 9th, the 4th
house,they simply divide the ecliptic into twelvecqual-sizedhouses and toth. the )th and ttth and the 6th and 12th.
of thirry degreeseach.So,if the Ascendantqcre 13degreesof Cancer, Manin Freemanmakesthc relationship between the signsof the
then the 2nd housewould be 13 degreesof Iro, the 3rd house 13 zodiac and the melvdold division of the housesclearerby picturing
degrccsofVirgo, etc.ln the cascofEqud Housechafis,the Midhearrcn the zodiac asa wheel surounding the eanh along whoserim
does not necessarilycoincide with any house cusp. the planets move'.This whecl is fixed againstthe background of the
However,in Quadrant sptems of housc-division,the four points hea'rcns,and the signsaremarked dong the edge.The twelrrchouscs
of thc anglesall correspondto housecusps:the Ascendantbecomes are like thc of a moving wheel superimposed on the greater
the lst house cusp, the IC becomesthe 4th house cusp, the wheel'. The spokcsof thc housesrotate a full circlc every twenty-
Descendant becomesthe 7th house cusp, and the Midheaven four hours in line with the daily rotation of the Eanh. The panicular
becomesthe 10th housecusp.But how the intermediate housecusps way the wheel of the housesis related to the wheel of the zodiac
(that is, the cuspsof the 2nd, ]rd, trh, 6th, 8th, 9rh, urh and tzth at the time and place of binh is what makesthe chan unique for
houses)should be cdculated raisesmany questions.In someof these each individud.3
systems,sprceis divided to determine thesecusps;in other systems Since the Eanh rotates once everytwenty-four hours, the t'welve
time isthehctor upon which the division is made. A fuller discussion signsand ten planea passthrough thc twelrc housesin that period.
of the question of house-division is included in Appendix 2. The binhchan is a frozen moment in time which shovmthc panicular
Personally,and fot reasonsorplained in the Appendix, I favour dignmcnt of planets, signs and housesfor the time and place of
Quadrant systemsorrerthe Equd House Systcmand for the purposes bifth. Turopeople may be born on the sameday and havethesame
of this book, will gcnerallyrelate the cuspof the 10th houseto the sign positions of the planets, but becauscthey are born in a different
Midheaven, and the cusp of thc 4th house to the Imam Cocli. placc or at a diffcrent time, thc planetary pattem will be seenin
One way or another, we want to end up with rwelra houses.Why a different area of the hearan. i.e. in diffcrent houses.
twelve?The most obvious reasonfor this is that astrologersbelieved So fir we havc divided spaccinto signs, divided time into four
that the division of the mundane sphereinto housesshould mirror quadrants, and divided four quadrants into twelrrc houses.That's
the division of the ecliptic into twelvesigns.Rudhyaroffersa more enough dividing for nor', It's time to assignmeaning to the houses,
philosophical answer.He arguesthat eachquafter of the chan (as and consider thcir relationship to one another, and to our lives.
defincd by the Ascendant,IC, Descendantand Midheaven)should
'each The Natural Tdn c
be divided into three housesbecausc opemtion of lift is hasically
thredold, including action, reaction, and the result of both.'2 In Since the housesare determined by thc line of the horizon (where
his opinion, then, thc 2nd and 3rd housescarryout the significance hearrcn and eanh meet), they relate the activitics and cnergics
of the Ascendantand lst house;the lth and 6th housesfulfil what synrbolizcd by thc planea in thc signs (cclcstial oents) to actud
is begun by the IC and 4th house;the 8th and 9th housescontinue lift on eanh (tencsuid crrcna). ln othcr words, thc housesshont
what is staned by the Descendantand 7th house;and the llth and specific arcasof crrcrydayorperiencc through which the operations
12th housescomplete what cas initiated by the Midhearan and tOth cf ttre sigrs ana phncs manifot. Eachof the t*chc houscsrcprcsens
house. Besidesjusti$ing the need for twelrrc houses,Rudhyar's a diftrcnt dcpanment of lift - a paniorler phascofwhat Rudhyar
cdls spcctrum of agedencc'.'
But we still havethe problem ofassigning meaning to the diftrent boasesin aperson'sc/tart uill almost neaera/igntltemseltesin sac/t

iil|l houses.Generdly, the meaning of eachhousemirrors the meaning an eract conespondence uitb tbe signs as in tbe Nataral Zodiac,

of the tweh,esigns of the zodiac Aries is considcred similar to the The coupling of 0 degrecsof Arieswith the Ascendantdoesmake
lst house,fhurus is consideredsimilar to the 2nd house,and so on sense,however,becauseborh Aries and the Ascendant(cuspof the
right through to the connection of Pisceswith the l2th housc. ln 1sthouse)arebeginning points in their respectivecycles.The yearly
what is cdled the Notaral Zodiac (seeFigure 4), rhe first degree of cycleof the Sun'sapparenrmovementaround the Earrh bcginswith
Arics is placed on the Ascendant, the firsr degreeof llurus is placed 0 degreesof Aries- the point wherethe celestialequatorinrersecrs
i on the cusp of the 2nd house, the fint degree of Gcmini is placcd the ecliptic at the Spring Equinox. The daily cycleof the Sun ttuough
on the cusp of the 3rd house, etc. The Natural Tndiec is symbolic, the housessymbolicallybeginswith the Ascendant- the point where

iLr and its main purpose is to hclp the student gun ^ deepcr
under*anding of what the housessignrS. In rctaal prrcticc, tbc
the horizon of the observeron eanh inrersecrsthe ecliptic. Since
Aries and the Asccndant both connore beginnings, it is
understandablethat they should sharea similar meaning. Aries is
a sign which implies 'initiation', fresh srafts,and the first impulse
1l to act. The Ascendantand lst houseare associaredwith birth and
the wayin which we meet life. The ruler of Aries, Mars,alsodenores
initiatory energy,the will-ro-be, and the urge to make an impact
Ll on the environment.
Zipporh Dobyns, in Tlte Astrologer's CasebooL,5describes

lir astrologyas a symbolic languagein which the signs, planets and

housesform the alphabet. She fecls that astrologydepicts rwelve
wap of being in the world, or melvesidesof life. Theserwelveaspecrs

l of the totality of life can be written in different ways,just as in the

English alphabet we have upper case,lower caseand italic letters.
Signs symbolize one form of the lerters of the alphabet, planets
another,and housesanotherstill. Signs,planetsand houses,in other
words, representdifferent ways in which rhe same rwelve basic
principlcs can be expressed.More spccifically,Aries, Marsand the
lst houserepresentone letter; Taurus,Venusand thc 2nd house
another;Gemini, Mercuryand the 3rd houserepresenta third letter,
etc. It must be remembered,however,that any planet or any sign
canbe locatedin anyhousedependingon the exacttime, placeand
ilr date of binh. Therefore,the factorssymbolizedby a sign, planet
or house will be found to be mixed.

The Houses as Ficlds of Experience

In many textbooks, each house is generally allotted a field of
experience,dcrribing a panicular setof circumstancesin a person's
Fi9..4 life. For instance, one traditional meaningof the 4th houseis 'the
'long journeys',
home',of the 9th houseis and oneof the areascorrred
by thc 12th houseis Texrstell us that if we want to
Txe NaruRn Zoonc know what a person'shome is like, we should examinethat person's
4th house.If wewant to know what will happen ro a personon long
journgls, we shouldanalysethe 9th house;and if we cant to find closeto naturein small socialgroups,and perceivedtheir own needs
out honrsomeonewill fue in hospitalsor prisonsweshouldconsider assubordinate to thoseof the community. Natural sciencehad its
the placemenain the l2th. \flhile rcmetimesquite accurate,this basis in reason and faith, and the material and spiritual were
wayof interpreting housesis flat, boring and not rrcryhelpful. In inextricablylinked. By the seventeenthcentury this world view had
Chapter1, I cmphasizedthat the coremcaningof thc housemust changeddramatically.The senseof an organic,spiritual universewas
be grasped- that essentialinner meaningfrom which springdl replaced by a different notion: the world as a machine, which
the endles associations and possibilitiesconnectedto that housc. functioned on the basisof mechanicallaws, and which could bc
'the homc' for a reason,
The 4th houseis rcferredto asthe houscof cxplaincd in termsof the movemcntand arrangementof its rarious
and that reasonshouldbc understood.The 9th houseis associated pans. The eanh wasno longerthe Great Mother, sentientand alive,
with 'longjoumqls' because travelisjust onewaythat a moregeneral but a mechanism,reducibleto bia and pieceslike a clock.Descanes'
'Hospials 'Cogito,
processassociated with the 9th housecanbe lircd out. famousstatement, ergosam'- I think, therdore I am -
and prisons'hardly scratchthe surfaceof the 12th housc.In hrt heralded a major split bctncen mind and matter. Peoplemovedinto
2 of this book, we crackthe shell of eachhouscin an attempt to their headsand ldt the rest of their bodiesbehind. Fragmentation
'get at' the meaty,archerypdkemel.
cut through dl its layersand becamethe rule of the day, and continues to reign even though
Planetsand signsin a houserertedmuch more than iust what twentieth-centuryphysicshasshownthetrelationsbip is eaerytbing
might bewaiting 'out there'for us.Placemensin a housedcscribe - that notbing can be understood isolated from its context.
the inner landscape - the inborn imageswccarrywithin whichare Ironically, astrology,the study of nature'scyclesand movements,
'projeaed'ontothat sphere.\Ufle filter whatishappcningoutsidc alsolost its senseof processand its fceling for thc organicwholeness
through the subjcctivelensof thc sign(s)or planct(s)in a house. of lifc. The mechanisticworld view led to a belidthat nature could
'nice' someonedoes
If Pluto is in the 4th house,errensomething and should be controlled, dominated and cxploited. SimilarlS
for us in our home might be pcrceivedasdangerous,underhand astrologycameto cmphasizcprediction and outcome at the orpense
and threatening.But, most imponantly, the signsand planetsin of an understanding of the dceper significanceof things. Houses
a housesuggestthe bestand most naturd mannet in which we weredescribedby keywordsand meaningswhich made them seem
'should' meet that areaof life in order to unfold and realizeour asif they wereunrelated to one another,or only looselyconnected.
'eachhouscof the lD0hyis rhe 2nd houseof 'money, resourcesand posesions' follovrcd
inherentpotentiditics. AsDaneRudhyarwrites,
chan symbolizesa spccidisedaspectof [our] dbarrna.'6 by the 3rd houseof mind, immediate environment, and brothers
and sisters'?rWhyis the 6th houseof hedth and small animds'
The HouscsasProcess spawnedby the Jth houseof self-o<pression,hobbics and
ln a lectureentided'Creatinga SacredPqr-hology',t theps:rchologist spare-timeactivities'?Surely,just assummerfollons spring and day
JeanHoustonrelatedan anecdoteaboutthc life of MargatetMead. turns into night, there must be somefundamental reasonwhy one
As a child, Margaretaskedher mother to tcachhcr how to makc house leads on to the nexr.
'Yes,dear,but.1'ouaregoingto hara
cheese. Her motherreplied, Houses are not separate,isolated, dangling segmentsof life.
to watchthe calf being born.'Fromthc cdf being bom to making Conceived in their totality, they unfold a processof supreme
cheese - MargaretMeadwastaughtasachild to do entircp(xesscs, significance- the story of the emergenceand developmentof a
from bcginning,to middle, to end. human being. Staning at birth from the Asccndant,we arenot even
'age of
Dr Houston laments that we are thc victims of an awareof ourselvesasdistinct from anything else.Gradually, house
intcrrupted proces'.!7e tum on a switchand the world is sct in by house,through a scriesofsteps, phases,dancesand changeswe
motion. Wc knowa litdc about thc bcginning of thingp;*t knm, build an identity which can ultimately expand to include all of
alitde aboutthc endof thingp;but nt harrcno idcaaboutthemiddle. creadon.\?'eei-,ergeout of an amorphoussea,takeshape,and then
It/c harrclost the senseof the nanrral rhythmsof lift. merge back again. Unlessappreciatedzrsa processof unfoldment,
Our curent culnrrc is insufferably imbalanced. Bcforc thc both lifc and the housesforfeit their essentialmeaning. Processis
sixteenthcenturythc dominantyorld vicwrzs orguric.Pcoplelircd embedded in the very root of human experience.Division is only

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of origin', the family into which we were born. Planetsand signs much more obviousto the child than the father. The maternity-of
in the 4th revealthe atmospherewe felt in that home, and the kind
'scripting' ,ii. frtiia ir a clear fact - up front and publicly recognizable
ofconditioning or we receivedthere - the psychological the lgth house.Paternity iimore speculative, sometimes hidden
family inheritance.Delving evendeeper,the 4th denotesqualities and perhaps€',iry and theiefore maybe better correlated
we carry stemming from our racial or ethnic origins: those aspects ro the mori hidden and mysteriousIC point and the 4th housc.
of the accumulatedhistory and evolution of our racewhich reside i; V.;tem societyat leasi, the mothir'nay-sayer' is usuallv the.*ildt qt{t'
within us. For example,Saturn in the 4th or Capricorn on the IC socidizing influence. she is the great ot childhood, tne
sometimesderribes a home atmospherewhich wasfelt ascold, strict onc with ihom we spendthe most time and whoserole tt tsto
what is good and
or unloving, or a backgroundof a long line of staunchconservatives; ov€r us and teach us the difference berween
It is normdly the mother
while Venusin the 4th or Libra on the IC will likely be more attuned *.fpoUi. -d what is bad and not dloqad'
to the love and harmony within the early home, and may feel an *tro'.it..-rrains thc child - the frst major adjustment we.have
affinity and appreciationfor thc tradition out of which it hascome. ro makein orderto conformto societdstandards(saturn' capricorn
The Moon or Cancerthere blend easilyinto the home environmenr, -and the l0th house).
whereasUranus orAquarius in this position often feclslike a suanger ia*'J.[era that ir is possibleto fix a view that the 4th isalways
in a strangeland, curiously wondering how it 'ended up' in that f;;;;Jil io,ft ir alwaysrnother or vice versa.It is saferand
'shapingparent' - the one
panicularfamily. MarcelProust,who in TbeRememberanceofTbings perhapsmore accurateto saythat the
Past uplorcd in unsurpasseddetail his early life and innermost *ittt *ttom thc child spendsthe most time and who has the most
feelings,and thc workingsof memory iaelf, wasbom with the Sun, ttte child to soci.e-ty - should bc associatcd
i"fil;;;"a"pting 'hidden
Mercury Jupiter and Uranus all in Cancei in the 4th. with the t0th house;iandrhe more Parent" the one who
The influence parental figures hara on us is normally amributed is les visible and who is not so much of a known quanttly-'should
to the 4th-10th house axis.Tiaditiondly it has dways made sense b. .orrrr.o.d to the 4th house.In practice, after tdking with a client
to associatethe 4th house(naturdly ruled by the Moon and Cancer) th..rttolog.r can formulate an educatcd guess as to which Pgelt
with the Mother, and the 10thhouse(naturally ruled by Saturnand"st ,o'*hi.h house.For instance,if I ascenainthat the
Capticorn) with the Father.Most astrologersw€recontenr with this Afi;;";;Gemini with an Aquarius Moon and I find Gemini on
classfication,but the work of Uz Greenehasshedsomeambiguity ,ft. Ji."i't fC and Uranus in the 4th house, it would -se5m-lifely
in this area.Shc has found from hcr considcrableenperienceand ,rr", ,rr. 4th house,in this case,is an aPt descriptionof the father.
orpertise asan astrologicd consultanrrhat her clients' description Not all charts make it this easy,howerrcr'
(be it
of the relationship to their mothers seemedto corelate more closely It is imponant to remembei that placemens in the 4th
the'ay the.parcnt actudly was
with the 10th house,while the image of father worked better with *oitt.t or'father) may not describe
way in which the child experienced the
thc 4th.2 as a person,but iarhir the
There aresolid cascsfor and againstboth schoolsof thought. Since o"r.'n, - the
what is known u'liaditional parent-imago, the child's 4 t"??
the 4th houseis linked to Cancerand the Moon, then it would seem ittUo. i-rge of the parent. ps'ychology.normdlfupn3ys
reasonableto assignit to the mother. Her womb wesour origind the view thlt if somithing goeswrong betweenthe parent and
6y .o"trast' pqrchological asuology places
home, and in infancy we aremore responsiveto the mother's moods .nita, i it ,fte parent'sfiuli;
and feelingsthan to the father's. The father is rhen connectedto at leasrhalf oithe rcsponsibility on the child for orperiencmg
the 10th house,Saturn and Capricorn: after dl, he is normdly the panicularrrray. For orample (assuming 4$ house to
o"t.", in a 4t
girt *ittt Situm in the 4th will be most
breadwinnerand the one out More the public, and it used to be f,..6; fathcr;, a little
thc practice that the son follovrcd the father's profesion. Howwer, ;.-rp""ri; ;.'the Saturiine side of her father's nature. Hc
qualities other than those associated with
the opposing argumentsare equdly convincing. Thc Moon is not or6U"Ut, orhibit many,ypJ
just mothcr; it is also our brigins' and we inherit our name from pri".rpt., but thechildin quesdonwillselcctitely-
the f*her. In this vay, he can be associated with the 4th house.The ;;;;t*;;;y'th.Sr'r.r-traits.Thefatheimayut-"^T--{!lj
'scrrcnty-firrc per cent tol
l0th houseis much more obvious than the 4rh. and the mother is Per cent of the time, but the twenty-tive
l j
which he is cold and critical will be what the daughter registers. quietly
^ andpeacefully, whileMarsandUranus out witha bang''
More often that not there is a collusion betweenthe parentd image 1.friatn aisosuggeits thc conditionssu'ounding thesecond halt
in thc child's chan and key placementsin the chan of the parcnt. of lift. !0hat is riJst deepwithin us comes out at the end' lvlany
Forinstance, the chan of the girl's fathcr with Saturnin the 4th may ;i;; tft;it; or rotin and perhapsmovedbv the deathof a
"i. ofour monaliryandconscious
show the Sun in Capricorn, Capricorn ascending,or a Sun-Saurn '6;il;. , *itt U*otie in r.asinglyavare
conjunction. Howwer, errenif her father's chan is not that closea "*.ri tr litt ti-.,o *"t,i. bn thisbasis,wemaywillingly.makl
descriptionof the placemenc in lrer 4th house,the predilectionto morespacein our livesto express 4ndventour innermostneedsencl
seea parent in a panicular w:ryoften hasthe effect of turning the"g'r. Funhermore,she&orperience of life is a prercquisitefor
personinto what is being projectedonto him. If shekeepsreacting ;|f-J;;ty, soit isnotzurprisingth1 9urdeepcstandmostintimate
to her father asif he is an unkind persone\rcnwhen he is displaying motiradonsmay not emirge until the later years'One,extreme
love and generosity,erantudly he might become so frustrated that illustrationof this is the dcath-bedcontessron, rn whrcnPeoPre
he turns sour toqrardsher or giras up and aroids hcr altogether. And ;;;i."llydisclose-truths aboutthemselves which theyhavekept
then the little girl saysto herself, cad - I knew he waslike guardedfor decades.
that all along.' But washe? "-*y.toan.rapy, self-reflecrion, rariousforms of meditation-
lWeare born with rhc barebonesofcenain innatepredispositions -rrfrit s whichtakesus into ourselves bring4th housegnergies
and orpectations, but the orperienceswe harrcaschildren add layers to'the *.f".. and can makethesemorcconsctortsl! aveiltDleto
upon layersof flesh to these.\U(/e interpret the environment in a cerain ;;;.k;;[er in life. Ratherthan neglecting what's.down there'
way and then form concreteattitudes about oursehasand life but i, i, to dealwith difficult placements in this house sooner
there' in generd bascdon theseperceptions.The litde girl we harrc "a"ir"Ute
;;;;,t; hter. The 4th house,iikt our Pa$, dwayscatches up
been discussingwith Saturnin the 4th dready hasa few oristentid with us.
life-statementscoming to the fore 'hther doesn'tlorc me' and 'Pather
is a cad',to narne but rwo. Shewill caffy thescinside her evenafter
she hasdepaned from the parenral home where they will blossom
into more full-blown attitudessuchas, find mc unwonhy and
unlouble' and men arecads'.Becomingconsciousof the origins
of these attitudes allowsfor the posibility of changing them, or
finding other waysof organizing orperience.Delving into the 4th
house,which showsthe archetypesacti%ted in the earlyhome life
berweenourselvesand the parent in question, can grcatly aid this
The 4th house, in addition to describingour inherited origins
and that which residesdeep within us, is associatedwith the home
basein generd. What kind of atmospheredo we createin the homc?
\7hat do we aftract to ourselvesthere?What qualities in thehomc
environment do we most naturdly resonatewith? Thesequestions
can be answeredby oramining thc planea and signs in the 4th.
T. S.Eliot writesthat my beginning is my end.' The 4th house.
depictsour origins but it is alsoassociated with how we end thingp.
The manner in which qleultimately resolrcan issueor a closure'
will bc related to placementsin the 4th. Venus there ends things
neatly and fairly, all tied up in a pretty bundle. Saturnmay prolong
or bcgrudge an ending. The Moon and Neptune often slip away


Tiuly,I sayto you,unlessyouturn andbccomelikc children,
you will neverenterthe kingdomof heaven'
Embedded deep in our psyches,and rwerberating througtrout

lrl In thc 4th, we discoverour own discrereidentity, but in the 1th we

revel in it. The fire of the lst house burns without evenknowing
it is buming; the fue of the 5th ragesconriously and isjoyfully fanned
As childrcn, we believethat the
captirating we ate, the more
be recognizedfor our spe-cialnes.
the ith houscis an-innatedisire to'curer'

ot rnore spell-binding and
will Mother want to loveand
p[i..i us]Enslavingand enchanting othcrsvith our unique rahrc
by the sclf. The nature of life is to grow, and this house(naturally caredfor'
lrrd *onh is one way of cnsuring *I ar. fed, protected,
associatedwith Iro and the Sun) rcflectsour urge to expand, to
-and therefore more likely to stay alive.
becomemore and more. and ro radiate out into life like the Sun.
By thc time we reachthe 5th house,we nov/ know that we are not ilotlr;r k ynoteof the Jth is ginerativity - which simply de{ined
'a ability to produce'ITheserwo principles, the

everything;but we arenot contentjust to be somegns'- qrernusl means
be a specialJorTueone, lWeare not all there is, but we can try to be be lorad for our specidnessand the desire to createtrom rnslde
ourselves,underfiimost of the traditional associations with thc lth
the most important rhing there is.

I The function of the Sun in our solarsyscemis rwofold: it shines,

giving warmth, heat and life to the eanh, but it alsoservesas the
centralorganizingprinciple around which the planea orbit. In this
The lth housc is the area of the chart attributed to creatira

most obviously with anistic.endea\tours,although the
,ne lth neednt be just painting a picture or performing

IL sense,the Sun is like thc personal ego or the the centre of .rJ",i"iry
a dance.'scientistsor mathematicianscanapply themsehres to ther
consciousness around which the diffcrent aspectsof the selfrevolve. 'lhe
work with as great ananistry or plTion as a Picassoor Pavlom'
Individualswith strongplacemenr in the )th panakeof the qudities
of the Sun. They need to shine and createfrom inside themselves; ;[;;;Jpt"it." i" thelth stridtigtrto."+: posible""'!",-!1
I they need to feel influential; and they need to feel that othersare crltira orprcsion. Mcrcury or C'emini in thc 5th may denote a talent
revolving around them. To some this meansliterally alwaysbeing for writing or public speaking;Neptune or Piscesmay be absorbed
;i,h ;;i?, d.,ry, phbtogr"ihyoidance.Cancer andraurusmight

the cenrreof attention - a cravingto be worshippedlikc thc Sun.
One woman I kncv with the Sun and Marsin the 5th couldn't tolerate JiUii a fliir foi iookiig;'*ftil. Virgoin this positioncanbe
orccptionallyadeptat sewingandhandiwork'Hon'ever' morethan
being in the sameroom with the televisionon, becauseit meant placementshere
that othersin the room might focuson it rather than her. We must a.*iiUitg Jnich creativeouil.t,the
susqestti.- *oort, md stylewith whichit is pursued'-A pteceot
remember that the Sun, although vitally central and imponant, is

.i not the only Sun in the galaxy- it is just one of many.The words
of a popular song remind us that
is a star'. comcstraightfrom the hean (Moon or Neptune)'
.iii. ."n be an intellerti^l' too, deforce(Mercury Uranus)

producespontaneously and joyfully,while otherssufferextraordinary reassuringand sad$es deeply embedded*yi*l insdnca, (Corypare
binh pangs.Above and beyondpurely creariveexpression, this is this to thl gth - where weseek to transcend our personal boundarics
the houseof the actor,and depictsthe way in which we tacklethe through intimacy.)
an of living. One client with an obviouslth houseslantdescribed Allitris leadsio one of the main representationsof the lth
'professional children, crearionsof the body and thl physicalextensionsof the
herselfasa person'- and shedid not intend this solely
in terms of career. self. Most people primarily exPresstheir creative drives (and
The creativeoutlets associatedwith the lth also include spons symbolically cniure-thcir survival; through generating offspring'
and recreation.Forsomeit is the challengcof athletics,the contesr riznl. thc 4th and toth housesindicate how we view our parents,

lli and competition, thc joysof winning and coming first. For orhers,
it is the sheerecstasyof orenion and the pitting of the self againsr
placementsin the 5th describethe arche-types
ourselncsand our
progeny mean to
us. In
here reflectwhat our
from other houses,

the elements or odds. Similarly, gambling and speculation are
assignedto the lth aswell - wherewetestour wit and imaginadon pl".".-.ttrt in this house can be a varietyofways'-For
against fate and chance. Jupiter in the 'th may literally produceJupiterian.children
The lth house is more broadly associatedwith hobbies, - thoseLoin ,rnder the sign of Sagittariusor wirh Saginariusrising
arnusementsand spare-timepleasures.Theseall soundteribly low- orJupiter conjunctat angl. or thi Sun, etc.Or we canunderstand
keyfor a houscruled by the Sun and [ao. Hoqr\rcr, upon oraminarion, ;upiter in the lth to mean our prcdispositionto

I they are more imponant than they first appear.Thc lth describes
activitieswhich makeusfeel good about ourselvesand makeus glad
to be alive. Hobbics and spare-time amusemenrs afford the
to register
of life: we
Planets in tihe

onto our
than any
or are prone
their other
the role of
I opponunity to panicipate in what we want and like to do. Through parenr. satum there may be tenified of the responsibilityof parcnting
thesepursuitswe feel the joy of beingfully inaolaed in somcthing. that they won't be good at it. Uranus' idea of bringing
""a "ft"ia may embracethe most new and avant-gardetheories
i Unfonunately, many of us havecareersor jobs which do not entail
this degree of engagcment. There is a great danger that our
the subject.
enthusiasmand vitality rrould run dry unlesswe had spare-time More than just describingexternalchildren, thc lth housecould

- that pan
inteteststo rechargeand reinvigorateourselrres. In this lighr, hobbies aptly be called the house of out own Inner Child 9f
and amusementsharrc an almost therapeutic effcct. The word ui *tti.h lovesto play and which dwaysstayseterndtf f9t"tg.. trttt*
literally meansto make new, to revitalize and inspire us all is rporrt"tt.orrs, natural child who cravesto be lovedfor his
with life and encrgy.Planes and signsin the Jrh suggestthe types or her own^" specialnesand uniqueness.However,aschildren, this
of spare-timepursuits we might ocplore,and thc manner in which pan of us is often quashed.lbobften, we are lovedfor conforming
this is undenaken. and matching np to our parents'orpectationsand standards,rather
Romancefinds its wayunder the heading of the 5th house.Besides than for bein-gwho *. In this way,we losefaith in our budding
I being exciting, passionate,heart-wrenchingor whatever,romantic
encountersenhanceour senseof specialness. lWebecomethe main
individuality-"nd b..o-e what liansactional Analysisrefersto as
adapted child'. Inrnriably, we will Pfoject the state of our own
'the daryag-ed
inner child onto our actual offspring. \fe can heal
ri focus of attention for somcbodyelse'sfeelings and we can display
our very speciallove to someoneelse.Placementsin the lth reveal
the way in which we
romance'- the archetypalprinciple(s)
child, in ourselvesby giving the tb'e and acceptancewe weredenied
aschildren to our own progenyor other young peoPlewe encounter'
most likely activatedin thescsituations- aswell assomethingabout Howerrcrwe do it, it is nevertoo late to hara a hapPy chtldhood'

ili thc kind of person who ignites us.

Sexual expressionis also linked to the 5th. A good sexrd
relationshipcontributesto our rnse of povrcrand qronh,highlighting
both our ability to give pleasureand the capacityto aftract others
to us. This powerto enchantand hold the atrention of othersis very
sre augmenr and enhanceour unique identityand orerciseour
*,tr pdt
through the creativeoutpbutings.of tlre tth' As a,b.y-
we may errcngeneratesrunning works of art, wofthwhile
books and-ideas,1r interesting children who in somc way
conuibute to society.Bcnefiting society,howerrcr,is not the main

concernof this house.\Titnes the reluctancemany people harrcto
releasingeither thcir worksof an or their children into the world.
In the 5th, wc createprimarily for ourselves,becausethe self takes
joy and pride in doing so,and becauseit is in the nature of the self
to create.


A monk toldJoshu:'l havejusrcnteredthe monastcry.

asked: 'Haveyouearenyour
Joshu riceporridge?'
The monk replied:'l haveeaten.'
'Then you
Joshusaid: had betterwashyour bowl.'
A Zen story

The main problem with the 5th houseis a tendencyro 'go overthe
top'. lWedelight in self-expresion,but we don't know when to stop.
In the ith housewe no longer believeweore everything,but westill
think wc canbe or do znything. The 6th housefollowsthe Jth and
reminds us of our natural boundariesand the need for clearerself-
definition. Like the philosophy of Zen, the 6th houseasksthat we
respectand regain the of our original nature',I that we
becomewhat we aloneare(no more, no less),and that we live this
in our everydaylives. Our true vocation is to be ourselves.

Thc 6th house shakcsa finger at the lth and retons: boundaries.No matter how divine or wonderful we think we ate,
wc sdll have to eat, brush our teeth, pay bills and cope with the
Very well, it's wonderful to give orpressionto your creativeflair, necessitiesof cveryday,mundane redity. Funhermore, eachof us
but haveyou really done it thar cleverly?That painting is not hasa panicular body, a pafticular mind, and somepanicular task
quite right yet and you've orhausted yourselfstaying up rwo to perform. lUTeare in a cenain way to servea PurPose
nights working on it. or function specificd in our own individud make-up and nature.
or Nobody canfulfil that purposebetter than ourselves.We servebest
by being who we are. Through the necessaryadjustments and
Sure, you are having quite a sizzling romance, but have you refinements of the 6th house,we becomewhat we done can be.
examincd the practicalitiesof this asa long-term relationship 'work
Somebodyonce said that is the rent wc Pay for lifc.' For
- not to mention the fact you can't stand the after-shavehe many of us, work is something ue baaeto do in order to suPport
wears? daily existence. Daily employment also implies roudne and
or adjustment. \7c have to arive there more or lesson time, and we
cannot be asfree and spontaneousaswe might like with our lives
Congratulations, you've had a baby girl. Now adjust your if we know the alarm clock is set to ring at seventhe next morning.
scheduleand life to her and keep thosecleannappiescoming. rUTehave to structure our dme, establish priorities, and make
or dispensations.In one way,the need to follow a rigid schedulehelps
to order and pattern life. We escapethc existentialanxiety which
Rememberthat pany lastweekwhereyou really let yoursclfgo? freedomof choicemight provoke:wehavea job and we know where
tVhcn you look back,don't you think you might haveoffended
we must be.
that shyboy in the cornerwho didn't errcnharrea chanceto spcak Idealljt, however,the work-forceis composedof raried individuals
becauseyou monopolized the conversation? eachperforming thc panicular skills they havedevelopcdbest.The
end result is a perfectlyfinished product or the maintenanceof the
The time hascomero takestockof ourselves,to dirriminate between proper functioning of society.Planes and signsin the 6th describe
priorities, to assessthe use we are making of our power and isues reladng to work and employment, and suggestthe tasksthat
capabilities,and aboveall, to recognizethe limits and truth of our wecan potentidly do most well. Placementsin this housemay rwed
own nature and humanity. the natureof our jobs -Jupiter or Sagittariuscould be a uarcl agent,
Tiry,r it may, a pear seedcan neverbecomean apple tree. Nor the Moon or Cancerlook aftcr children, and Neptune or Piscesdraw
should it, if we believeas Kieikegaarddid, that 'to will to be the pints at thc local pub. But much more than describingthe type of
self which one truly is, is indeed the oppositeof dcspair.'2The 6th employment, the placementshere suggestthe way in which we
houseis all about stickingto our plan and blossominginto precisely approach(or should approach)doing the iob - not just ubat we
what we are meant to bc. Doing this feelsright and good. But the do, but hou we do it. For instance,thosewith Saturn or Capricorn
consequences for not respectingthe truths of our own nature ale here may prefer a stablejob with clearlydefined requirements,at
stress,frustration and dis-easemessengers tclling us that somcthing which they can work slowly and steadily;while thosewith Uranus
is awry and needsto bc oramined. and Aquarius in this housenormally hate to punch a clockand would
has both a "within" and a "without".'3 The 6th house much rather work without a bosslooking over them.
exploresthe relationship ber,weenwhat we are inside and what The nature of relationshipswith co-workcrsis alsoshownby 6th
surroundsus on the outside - the correlation betweenthe inner houseplacements.Venusor Ubra heremay fall in lora with someone
world of mind and feelings and the outer world of form and the at work, while Pluto or Scorpio stirs up intrigues and complo<
body. The traditional6th houselabels, 'health, work, service,and encounters.The 6th houseis
squared' the 3rd (seepage
adjustment to necessity',all stem from this bodymind connection. 'unfinished around sibling and early pcer
121) and business'
It is a basic fact of existencethat life has to be lived within relationshipsmay resurfacewith co-workers.

ThLroughemployment situations,we find ourch'es in relationships proficiencyappliesto issuesof health aswell aswork. Optimally the
of inequality. Thiny peoplemay bc working under us, and wemay, body i, fineiy mned mechanismwherethe different cellswork for

i in turn, be subordinateto thiny others.How wecopewith dispcnsing the good " of the largerorganism.Eachcell is an entity in itself and
yetCachone is pan of alargu system.Each-cell must
its thing'

authority, and how we managein the more subservienrposition is
shown by the 6th. It is a kind of rehearsalfor the reladonshipsof Lut each must;bo submii to the demands of the greater whole'
equality we form in the 7th house. In a healthy person (as in a healthy society) each. individual
The 6th house also describesour relationship to the mechanic componenrassensrmelfand yet worksin harmony with the other
who works on our car, our doctor and his or her receptionist,the,t. The 6th houseasksthat we bring our different pans
milkman - in fact anyonewho is servingusin someq/ay.Conrrrsely, - that is,our mind, body and feelings- into a harmoniousworking
our own qualities as server'and our deeperfeelingsand attitudes rclationship.
regarding serviceare shown by placementshcre. This is not to be Many individuals with 6th house placementsare especially
taken lighdy, asmany peopleview humiliw and serviceCIthe pinnade interesiedin health and fitness,some to an obsessive degree'In
of human endeavour- asthe path to God and more enlightened extremecases,specialdiets and techniquesfor maintaining.the
statesof being. optimal functioning of the body dominareand structurethe life,
The way we use our time and the kind of atmospherewe need liaving litde time for anyrhingelse. Horrever,many-orcellentttealers
in order to function happily in daily life is shownby the 6th. Signs havea 6rh houseemphasis,and ir canbe associated with traditional
and planets in this housecolour the energieswe bring (or should medicineaswell in homoeopathy, osteopathy, herbalism,
bring) into everydaytasks and how we approach the rituals of massage,etc.
mundane existence. Marsin the 6th may cleanthe houselike a It hL aheadybeenmentionedthat the body,mind-andemotions
tornado',while Neptune is still trying to rememberwhereit left the operateas a unit. \fhat we think and feel will affect the body'
moP. Conversely, the stateof the body will influencehow we think and
Pets- who arearound us in our everydaylife - aredso assigned feel. Psyihe (mind) and sonza(body) are inextricably linked'
to the 6th house.This may seema trivial considerationand yet a physiologicaland chemicalimbalances,give rise to psychological
good number of peopleareprofoundly affcctedby their experience proUt.,,'i, while emotional and mental turmoil can manifestin
of caring for animals. Pets can be the for any variety of physical
'unh"rryi"g symptoms.The 6th housemay revealsomethingabout the
projectionsand for somepeople their_relationshipto their dog or p^rychologicalsignificance of i9Tai" illneses.Sarurncould
cat is asimponant aswith anyhuman. In cenain cases,pets:rssuage indicaic in meeting everydayhje, aswell asarthritis. Mars
what would otherwisebe an unbearablesenseof lonelines or feelings "ligiaity
in the 6th nrihesinto life, *or1*' itseif to a frazzlc,only to bediagnoscd
of uselesness. The lossor deathof a belovedanimd canrigger many later with high blood-pressure.However,it is an over-srmplficadon
psychologicaland philosophical issues. to referto rh16th houseonly in relationro health. TheAmerican
Thereis an obviousrelationbetweenwork and health - the other Book of Natrition ond Medical Astrology by Eileen ftly"ll
major concernof the 6th house.Although the dominant work ethic (publis'hedby Astro Compudng Services, San Diego, California)
of rVesternculture may seemextremeor easilyabused,nonetheless ir"-in.t medical in great depth, and is highly
the need to be productive and useful is somehowbasicto human recommended.
nature. Overworkstrainsthe hedth, while too little work can leave Through 6th houscissueswe refine, p!{ect and purify ourselves,
'channel'for being who.weare'\We
us listlessand lethargic.Redundancynot only deprivcsusof a source and ultiriately becomea better
of income, but alsoa sourceof a senseofwonh and purpose.Studies could be rhe mosrwonderfullyinspiredartisr(1th house)b_utunless
haveshownthat the number of rcported illnessesincreascsin areas we learn the toolsof the craft (6th [ouse) - the right useof brushes,
where the uncmployment rate is rising. Conversely,some people paints and canvas- we won't be able to concretizeor realizeour
'techniqueis the liberationof thc
will use illnessas a way of escapingfrom a job they hate or which iosibiliries. Ir hasbeensaidthat
doesn't suit them. imaginadon'.Theseare true watchwordsfor the 6th house'
The 6th houseconcernforcraftsmanship,perfectionand technicd \fie embarkon life unconscious of our unique individuality and
by the end of the 6th houscwe harc a much more dcfined sensc
ofour on'npanicularidentity andpurpose.Likethe 3rd house,the
$h houy.emplqn the left brainactivityof reducingthingsto parr.
The problem with the 6th is that we end up seeingthe-worldroo
mrclt in termsof 'what is me' and 'whet-isnot-me'.IThen we
characterize oursehres by thoscfeatureswhich distinguishus from 9.
- our weight,height, skin colour,job, car,hJuse- weare
left with the feeling that there is an absoiutedistinction between THE DESCEI\DANTAND
who we areand who other pcople arc. !flhile it is thc purposeof
thefirstsixhouses to makeusmorefullya*are ofourselrts^as*pmt.
individuals,it remainsfor the lastsixhouses(the 7th to the Uth;
to reunite us with othcn again.Otherwisclift is aurfullyloncly.'
Dri,ren by the forceof lovethe fragments o{the world seekeach
'rhe personalhouses"
The 6th houseis the last of what is known as
and representsthe refinementof the individual personalityttTo$\
work, scrvice,humility and amendonto crrcrydaylifc and th9 Rhnicd
body. tking a microscopeto lifc, thc 6th housc analysesand
categorizesiI into diffcrent parts, giving.each.panits app.rop.riate
placc and purpose. \7e now know preciselyhow we difter trom
and everything else.But, by thc end of the 6th house,
we have grown t.p"t"ti from one another as life will allow, and
wehavea-newlcsson-ro learn:that nothing existsin isolation.\rhcn
we arrive at the Descendant,the westernmostpoint in the chan,
we turn a sharpcornerand find ourselvesheading backagainto the
point whereit all staned.It will be thc work of the 7th to 12thhouses
ro reconnecrusoncemore to the lost senseof our unity with all life .
The Descendantis the cuspof the 7th houseand thc point oPposlte 'point
the Ascendant.Traditiondln the Ascendantis considered the
'the point of
of self-awareness' and rhe bescendant is considered
awareness of others'.It describesour approachto relationshipsand
the qualities(alongwith the planetsin the-7th)that wea-relooking
for in a parrner.Michael Meylr in z{ Handboohfor the Hu.manistic
Astologer also writes rhat the Descendant(and .the 7th house)
denoreithe kindsof activitiesthat givethe individud the experiences
'he needsin order to realisethe significanceof others'''
Similarly, the lst house is traditio-nallyknown as house of
'. from the lst, is labelled
the self The 7th house,which is the fanhcst 'the
,rhe '. as house of marriage'
houseof the not-self It is alsoknown
,the houseof open enemies'.Marriagehereis taken
and curiouslyas

charactet,and then breathing a sigh of relief settledown safelywith
Saturn. Or, if sheis somewhatmore psychologicallymatute, shecan
marry Saturn and find ways which are unthreatening to the
relationshipto satis$ her needfor Uranus,or evenderalop it more
in herself.Orshe canmarry aUranian man and provide the Saturnian
securityherself in the pannership.
More than just describingthc nanrre of the Paftner, signs and
planets in the 7th suggestthe conditions of the relationship: thc
archetypesconstellatedby the union itself. Saum therecould indicate
a union basedon duty and obligation. Marsin the 7th is prone to
'love' into mariage, tempestuous.battles,
ar first sight, -$i"g
passionatereunions,and then more battlesagain.Anhur Rimbaud,
the Frenchpoet shot by his lorrcrVerlaine,had o<plosivePluto and
7+n Uranus both in the 7th house.RexHartison, with six marriagesto
his name, wasborn with abundant Jupiter thcre.
:o q:a" anyimpoftant relationshipbasedon murual commitment, As stated earlier, a planet or sign in a house suggeststhe
legally contractedor orherwise.I'the 7th house,rwo people come predispositionto meet that archetypd principle through the area
togerherfor a purpose - ro enhancethe quality or in.ii lives by of life in question. Placementsin the 7th arewhat we o(Pectto find
joining with one another,to producea famity ind g.;in grearer
security in closepannershipsand thereforeindicate thoseatuibutes we notice
and stability, and to assuagelonelinessand isJatio"n most in the other person.Inrariably, something in our pamner'schaft
Most.astrologicaltortbooks teach that the planets and signsin will colludc with planetsand signsin our 7th house,and more often
thc 7th housedescribethe ma'iage panner,or 'ihe significant6ther'. than not, the panner's chanuncanm/yreflectsour 7th. br instance,
This is rrue asfar as it goes.plaiements in the Tttioften indicate a woman who hasMars,Saturn and Pluto in the 7th may r,erywell
the.kindofpanner(s)towhom we instance,, -"n find a husband who has Mars, Saturn and Pluto in the lst or
with the Moon in the 7th may '.ek a pannerwho reflectsthe qualiriis something like an Aries Sun (rdlecdng her 7th houseMars),a Scorpio
of the Moon: someonewho is re.epiiue,compassionat. Moon (rdlecdng hcr 7th housePluto), and *uee planes in Capricom
A wornan with Mars in the 7rh rrny be attraited ,o p*n., "nd."tirr!.
*lio (reflecting hcr 7th house Sarurn).
1eflec-ts the qualities of Mars: someone "
who is assenivi,direct and Thc psychologicalmechanism of projcction must again be
forceful. Shemay be looking for someoneto make decisionsfor her mentioned in respectto the Descendantand 7th house.lnRehting
and to tell her what to do.- Liz Greenesuggeststhat the Descendantand the 7th houseplanets
If there area number of planetsor different signs(asin rhe case 'belong
rcpresent qualities which to the individual, but are
of an interceptedhouse)in the 7th, the issueian'be.o-. u.ry 'through
unconscious'and which we try to live out a Panner, ot
confusing.becausewe are looking for so many different kinds o? through the kinds of experiencesthe rclationship brings'.2 kt's
anributes in apaftner. br e.xample,should a woman harreboth Sarum explore what she means by this.
and uranus in the 7th, sheis.scekingsomeoneto offlerstability and The Descendant - the westernmostpoint in the chan -
security(saturn) and yet at the sami rime sheneedssomeonewho disappearsfrom view aswe arebcing born. In this sense,it describes
is unpredictablc,orciring and highly individualistic(Uranus).These what is hidden in us, what we feel doesn'tbelong to us becausewe
rwo setsof qualitieshardly live comfonably togethei in oneierson.
can't or won't see it in ourselves.Diametrically opposed to the
she may marry Saturn first, becomedreadfufy restressand bored, Ascendant and lst house, the Descendantand 7th house teveal
meet someoneUranian and file for a divorce.or she mav remain quditics in ourselveswhich we have the most difficulty bwning',
married to Saturnand harc an affair with Uranus.Or sh. -"y -".ry
bcing responsiblefor, and accepting.However,asJungpoints out,
uranus first, di'orce him on accounr of his unstable and'erratic 'when
an inner situation is not made conscious,it happensoutside,

asfate.' If we are unconsciousof something in ourselvesthen 'the inrolrrcdin thc helpingor caringproftsions.harrca heavyemphasis
world must perforceact out the conflict and bc rorn into opposite onthe7th. Theyrequireanalmoircontinualflow of closeorchange
to 'siphonoff' a packed
halves.'3In other words, what we are unawareof in ourselves,we tr*." ttt.-t.lrr.t *d others' It iswiscr
inrariably attrac to us through others. Thditiondly the Descendant 7th houscin this way,and relievea one-to-onePaftnershlP ot the
and 7th houseare describedasrhosequdities we seekin a panner; - brunt
-full of many Planea thcrc'
but on a deeper level they represenrthose qualities hidden in us The'lmrcr.o.r.t' i6o nndertheheadingof the7th' Social
which we need to consciouslyintegnte into our awareness ro become morescome into being "pp..n
to-counter--effect rhe orcesses of rampant
whole - what Liz Greene calls 'the inner panncr'. If wc have inai"ia"Airy and to .ir,rt. some degree o{fairngs and iusticein
suppressedthese attributes in ourselrresbecausewe find them the behaviour of members of society. Should these laws be
disagreeableor unacceptable,then it is not surprisingthat we won't uansgresed, then an ouFide force must intervene to redres the
like them when thcy aremirored backto us through anotherperson. balarice. Hon,wefarein counsof this kind is shownby placements
Hence, the connotation of the 7th house as the sphere of open in the 7th.
enemies. The 7th house,naturdly associated with LibraandVenus,is the
Howerrer,we dso tend to inhibit or 'dis-own'potentially positira sphere in which we learn greater co-operadon with others'It poses
traits aswcll and thesemay be the very attribures which dlure or dil.--" *ith the lst housc:howmuchdo I co-operate (7th)rrcrsus
exciteus when we meet them in others.rWefall in lovewirh rhose " muchdo I assenmywm way(lsQ?On theonehand'the9anger
people who openly exhibit thesetraits becausethey make us feel is givingor blendingroo muchandsacrificingone'so*'n identity.
more complete. We i^pon thesequalities into our livesby marrying Oi the"other,*..oild demandrhatothersadapttoo muchto us,
them. Ideally,the paftner may serveasa kind of role model for rhese -a J.pti* them of their individuality. The problem.t"t :l:itl{
energies,which evenrudly permircus ro consciouslyintegratethem oor.rr.d bv a RabbiHillel: I am not for mysel( who will bc?
back into our own nanrre.All too often, though, we remain reliant trid if I am only for myself,what am I?'a The 7th housesetsthe
on the other personto supply them. r$(/epolarize with the panncr t*t of encount;ringanotherpersonand bdancingboth endsof
and stayonly half a person. the scale.
It should be made clearthat projection is not something which
is purely pathological. A projected image is a porcntid locked up
within the self.Whcn rhereis the needfor this image to makeitself
known, thc first step is perceivingit in someoneelse.Then, hopefullX
we realize that it has something to do wirh us and we consciously
take it back. For examole.a woman with Mars in the 7th mav not
be in touch with her o*n po*., and assertirrcness. Therefori shc
looks for those qualities in a man. She finds a paftner with a
prominent Mars,one who is dominant and sclf-ccnued,and shouts
orders at her. Through him, she has brought Mars inro her life.
Howewr, when shecanno longertoleratehim that way,it may dawn
on her that she has a right to make demands as well. Shc begins
to fight back,to make a standfor hcrself, and in this wayshediscorars
Mars in her own nature.
Once we have,to somedegree,reintegraredqualiriesin rhe 7th
houseinto our own idcntity, we servero exposethoseprinciples to
societyat large.Therefore,a personwith Marsin rhe 7th might be
someonewho rousesother people to action. Someonewith Saturn
there could funcdon asa teacheror mentor for orhers.Manypeople
-- I

many planetsin the 8th in careersinvolving other people'smoney:

bankeis.stockbrokers,investment analystsand accountants'
However,the 8th house is much rnore than iust other people's
'that which is shared'and the manner in which
money.It describes
*e fuie or unite wirh others' Elaborating and expanding on what
hasbegunin the 7th, the 8th houscisthe nitty-grittyof relationships:
10. what f,appenswhen two people - each.with his or her own
TT{EEIGHTH HOUSE temperament, resources,taluelystem, needsand biologicd tlo,tt<
- a$empr ro merge. A whole piethora of questionsand conflicts
are aPt to ensue:

I have somemoney and you have somemoney' How-shall we

! devilsareto leaveme, I am afraidmy angelswill take
flight aswell. spend it? How much shall we try to saveeach month?
Rilke or
The 8th househas many labels.since it is opposirethe 2nd house I like sexthreedmesa weekand you seemto needit everynight'
wltich 'nnl,ralues',it is commonly calred'the houseofother peoplei Vho wins?
mlues'. This can be taken quite iiterally. Signsand planei i"'rh; or
8th.suggest how we fare financially in miriage, int.rit-.. -
businesspannerships.For.lnstance, You bclievethat to sparethe rod is to spoil the child, but I insist
Jupiter th.i. -ay ;*ry ;;;
money,receivea good windf.dl *r^ough a legacy,escapelightly fro- that no child of mine is to be hit' Who's right?
the tax inspector,and form beneficialbusiiesi A poorlv or
aspectedSaturnin thc 8th, on rhe other hand, may "tr*i"t.r]
marry soil;;
who declaresbanftruptcythe pc d_ay, inherit ia nort-oct in'r"np"iJ I don't know hm, you canbe friends with thal cgup-IgThey pall.f
debts, be scrupulouslyinvestigatedby the mx inspe*or, and ch'oose irritate me. I'd ratiler wevisit my friendstonight. \7hose friends
crrsastrousbuslnesspaftners.Nor is it unusud to find people with do they end uP visiting?

The aisleintended to lead to the path of wcdded blissseemsto have

i-t Ji",o arrgingbattlefield and thereiswhat lookslike a funerd
' uP ahead.
Thc gth house,naturallyassociated with Pluto and scorpio,is dso
'the house of sex,death and regeneration''In the myth'
tt e maide" Persephoneis abducted into the underworld by Pluto,
th. god of Death. Shemaries him there and returns to the upper
pcrson, no longer a li"]: gtl' but awoman' Reladng
J..pfV with"anoiher personenrails1 k*d of death, the letting
down oiour ego-boundaries and tightly knit identity.
'I' 'lWe''
\$7e dic tl.p"t"t. and are reborn as
Li[e "sPersepLone,through relationship we are.plungcd into
pars of
another's*oitd. In so<and"intimacy'we exPoseand share
ourselueswhich are normally kcpt hidden.-Sex can be considered
Bttt j";;;;U. * remporarily makcsus feel better; or through
to discover
the sexualact, we may orperiencea form of self-ranscendence,a relationships we derend into the depthsof our being rage'
the envy' grecd' iealousy'
union with anothcr self. In thc hcights of ecstasy,we forget and or"tttia i*drr.n J inhcriance 'nd control aswell asthe
abandon ourselrcsto mctge with another.The Elizabethansreferred "rr
;.,"#;"t^d;t=' ,h.;;ig;pt*tt
'the the1o1t r":Tl fu*::
to the orgasmas little death'. Much about our scx.rd nanrre de*ructivefanusia wnictiil ili berr*th 'the beast'in us that
is shown by placcmentsin the 8th. It is only throught tognitini and accepting
Relationships are the catalystsfor change.The 8th housecleanses il;;: ilo#r-.a'-v/t t""oot changcanvthinswedon't know
'We wecondimn' Thedarker
and regeneratesth'rough drawing to the surface(usudly via a presenr isthere. cannot*""tfo* *tethi{S
relationship) unresolrredissuesfrom previousrelationships,eqpecially sideof our natu* -* bt;;;;il; tJgttl utrtre wecanbccleanscd'
early bonding problemswith mother and father The first relationship regenerated or born again'
stifled a rast
inour life, that with thc mother or mother-substitute,is the most
""P;i;tly, ili;"yfi ;;-his darkcrsidewemavhave
"t"tigy' However' acfnowledging our
highly charged.This is not surprising asour survival dcpends on reservoirof psychic meancathaning
her. lWe are allborn into this world potential victims: unles there vindictirrcness' cruelty,*'t'gZ'n9t 79' necessatilv
is the caring lorc and protection of sorneonebigger and more adept 'actingout' thcsettotio"' indiscriminatelv'Suchbehaviour
or thanwewish'
than us, our chancesof surviral areveryslim. Thc lossof a rnorher's cnpendsthc energy 'owning' dt"toyttt"h more
"J;;ibiy and ya gontainingthcsc exPlosive
love doesnot simply mean the lossof a personcloseto us: it could Ra$er,the keyliesin encrgv eKPrcssmg
mean abandonment and death. Many of uscontinue to projcrt ther ilil;. iht;Ljh ,..ont"t$q :9 the fou.ntof
and hJlding9ll1o. it insidc us'sreevenflrauy
sameinfantile concernsonto later reladonships.The fear that our itsclfasoutragecrnstrncrs
panner doesn'tlorc usanymoreor is posibly betraying uswill rigger release this en.rgyr,o']'-tit-i"t,,, it has
backinto thc psyche'more
or reawakenthe primd fearsof the lossof thc original love-object. diraned,it canbeconscio*lyi"ttgtated
It then feelsasif our very survivaldependson the presermtion of productirrcly orchannclledinto constructive outlets'Stewingin the
tlrL.t to shift is not rcry
the presentrelationship.Plcasand outcriessuchas you leaveme, .i pii;a .*otiott until they arc readv
'l 8th houseit t^I1 .^,^-
I'll die' and can'tlivewithout you' rerrcdthe chargedundercurents oleasant,but who n*?t' t"ia-tf i'tttt
from early bonding difficultics infiltrating the realiryof the current ""fri,'.il h";yi.r* trtt oppomrniryto re-oaminethc conncruon
situation. Tiue, aschildren we might havedied if Mother ldt, but betweenPresentrelationshipissucs andthoscproblemsenc"t"j:fl
more likcly than not, as adults we are quite capableof managing ;rh;h.'-*hcr and fathei early life' Bascdon our
opinions abouiwhat kind
our os/n surviral needs.Through exposingthese unresolvedand of thc cnvironment;.htid;;;form for us. Thesc belids
hidden fears,the trials and tribulations in the 8rh househelp us ofperson we.r. *aiir"iilild',-,h.t.; ii tit
'scripts' .orr,-.tJ 'i- optt"tt' often unconsciously' far into
to shcd attitudes which are obsoleteand cumbersome.Not everv or 'father cad'grows
oTTii:,l#,T3*il;",,"na1fears, ;|"ilffi. ,n. i-i,,"f*fi" U.ti."a.that
oftheanger into thecomantitltf;;Pry i"go;td ttnsc.that'n -:1I::*'
weharrca mysteriousand
and outrage we sometimesfeel and unleashon our paftner can be Due to the lawsorp'lJit'attertrinisl'
back' to infancy and childhood. Children are not all uncannyability,o o"i ri*t 'ttt *rv peopleandsituations
'goo' ""li'i"t If not' we will probablv
siqrcetness, and light. The work of the psychologistMclanie Klein which suPPort,hJ;il;;-p'it"t'.
tr; ,h", ;;; -v t"tt' rne aim of a comploristo prorrc
hasdepictedanothersideto the baby'snature.Bccauseof ia oftreme ;;il
helplesnes, the smdl child orpericncesenormousfrustrationwhen tS:Ti", in the 8th
his or her needsare not bcing understoodand met. Eventhe most and rubble from chjrdhoodare excavated
adept mother cannot alwaysinterpret prcciselywhat a screaming house.Our more Pt"bl;;; anddeeperoristentid life-staternents
,"rr* inpre^scnt rclationshipcrises.vith
babywants,and inrariably the child's frusration eruptsinto violent areuncovcred "lJ-ti*irrg' of living besly'11t;x'
hosdlity. Sinceearly expcriencesleavesuch a deep impression,all thc added-"to,ityl"d "'itaJ- ttt"1 rtlt the past'whrchnas
.,p' *-i of the residue from
of us have a'raginginfent' buried inside. A presentpartner thwans ;;'.1;
ourperspecuve on life' oursilvesandothers'
us in somewayand the screamingchild may be awakenedyet again. colouredandobscured andsclf'mastery
Like Persephone's abduction into the underworld, in veryintense ffifr|"f ;. i f, frour" isgreaiersclf-knon'ledge
freeing us to conrinue our journey renewed,les encumbered bv
Uranus may end it all rather suddenly.
unnecessarybryg gr.
Howc\cr, in the spanof one life-time, weorperiencemany different
Should vrcfail at amempts-at merging and ,working through' rhe psychologicaldeaths. If we have been deriving our identity from
rolatile isues which the 8th house eiokes, rhen *,i .* ,if., ro
a panicular relationship and it should finish, then this is a kind of
plT-....lq !r:r. to gain a senseof what the dirorce proceedingsmight death of who we havebcen. Likewise,if we havegained our sense
be likc. Difficult planetary aspecrsto the gth narn of trl.rmiti.
of vitality or meaning in lifc from a cenain professionand then are
separationsand 'mesy' dirorce settlements.The two 'raging infants'
made redundant, we dso die aswe knew ourselves,Childhood dies
and their respectirrclawyersare lefr to carry out the SattL in the
and adolescenceis born. Adolcscencepassesand we die into
adulthood. A bimh requiresa death; and a death requiresa birth.
All levelsof sharedexperienceare describedby the gth house.
Signsand planetsin the 8th indicate the manner in which we meet
In addition ro the redm of joint finance and rhemerging of mo
zuchphasetransitions.Individuals with a srong 8th houseslant often
individuals inro one, this househasa broaderecorogicil ,lZot. wi
experiencethcir livesasa book containing many diffcrent chaptets,
all hara to shareour planet and its resources.The high_powered
or a long play with distinct changcsof scene.Theseendings and
entrepreneurwho indiscriminately y lerrels
forestsfor hiJ own profit
hiJown orofir new bcginnings may be thrust on us or we might assumea mote inhabitants of the forest, aswen asdepriving a acdverole in tearing dovrnold structuresto make room for something
fellow human being of an areaof natural beaury -a intiir"tiJ".
I n5n""p sensitivityto theseisues will be mi'oied by placements In mythology, the gods createthe world, decide they don't like
in the 8th.
it, destroy what they harrcbuilt, and createanother. Death is an
The house dso denotes our relationship to what esoreric
ongoing proccssin nature. There is alsothe image of the dying and
philosophersc4l 'the.astrd plane'. A strong ehotion, though not
reviving god, who is desroyed in one form but then reappearsagain
necesarily visible,will nonetheles penadc thc atmosphereiound
uansformed. Christ is crucified and then resurected. Dionysusis
yt. Th.:.esrrd plane_is that level of oristence where seemingly dismembered,but Athene, the goddes of\$?isdom,rerues his he,an
intangible but porrcrful emotions and feeling;scollect and circulaiJ.
and he is born again. Like the Phoenix, we may temporarily be
T.h9pore rationdlyminded may doubt the ciedibility ofsomerhing
reducedto ashes,but we canriseoncemore, renewed.Form can be
which cannor be seenor measured.And yet, almosi all of us havE
destroyed,but essenceremainsto flourish again in someother form.
lt"d t: orpe{9nc9 of enrering on. peisor,'s home and feeling The German poet Goethe wrote, long as you do not die and
immcdiately 'hit' by something unpleasant, while walkins irrti
riseagain,You area strangerto the dark eanh.' On somedeep level,
another person'shouse and feeling uplifted and spirited. planets
anv survivorof the 8th house'sraumas and tensionsknows this.
and.signsin the 8th showrhe panicular kinds of energies'ho'ering;
in the astrd realm to which we are most sensitiue.Someone*ifir
Marsin the 8th will more easily'pick up on' angerin the atmosphere
than someonewith Venustherl who quickly-senscswhen ,lo* i,
in the air'. In this capacity,the waterygth houseis akin to the other
water houses,the 4th and thc l2th. Expcriencesof thc psychicor
occult sphereare shownin the 8th, ar *.ll asthe degre. of irrr.r.o
or fascination we harc for thar which is hidden,"mysterious or
underlying the surfacelevel of existence.
Death, asshown by placemens in the gth, can be taken literallv
to mean the manner or o(enuating circumstancesof our physical
death. saturn there may be reluctant to die, fcarful of lies
belon{ corporealoristence.Neptune may die from drugs, ",trat
poisoning or drowning, or gradually dijengage itself i-n a coma.


Tffil* 9ttr
The 8th houseinrariablyimpliessomedegreeof pain, crisesand meaning or purposein life. Regardless of whether it is true or not,
suffering.$opefu,lly,in survivingthesedifiicult times,weemerge 'out
we are comfoned by the belief that there is something greater
tencwed,cleansed,and wiserabout ourselrasand life in generd. there': that a coherentpattern existsand that eachof us has some
Havingdescended into the depthsand rcmehon'managedto find panicular role to play in that design.Whether it is ultimatcly up
our wayup again,an overviewis gainedwhichdlowsusto conceirrc to us to createour own meaning in life or whether it is our task to
of life asa joumeyandprocess of unfoldment.Thefiery 9th house, discoverGod'splan and intention, the searchfor guidelines,goals
naturdly associated withJupiter and Sagittarius,followsupon the and a senseof purpose forms the crux of the 9th house.
troubled watersof the 8th and offersa broaderpe$pectiveon all The 9th housesignifieswhat is known as higher mind' -
that hasoccurredup to nos'.Enoughorperiencehasblen gathered that pan of the mind linked to the faculty of abstractionand the
to attempt formulating someconclusionsabout the meaningand inruitive process- ascomparedto the concretemind shownby the
purposcof our sojoum. 3rd house.Mercury,the natural rulcr of the 3rd and 6th housesis
The 9th is the areaof the chan most directly concemedwith a fact-gatherer;whileJupiter, the naturalruler of the 9th denotes
philosophyandrcligion- questions aboutrhe'whp andwherdores' the symbol-makingcapacityof the psyche,the tendencyto imbue
of ocistence. h isherethat weseckrheTiuth, endearouringto fathom a particulareventor happeningwith meaningor significance . Facts
theunderlyingpaaems andbasiclac/swhichgoramlift. In onesense, arecollectedin the 3rd. but in the 9th conclusions aredrawnfrom
thesufferingincurredin the 8th compelsusin this direcdonbecause them: isolatedfactsareorganizcdwithin the frameworkof a larger
pain is moreeasilyborncifwe canenvisionsomepurposefor having schemeof things or seen as the inevitable offspring of higher
to endurc it. In addition, if sufferingis in any urat linked with i organizingprinciples.
failure to live in accordance to rhe lawsor rrutbsof oristehce,rhen tDThilethe lrd and 6th housesareanalogousto the analyticaland
discovering and adhcringto theseguidelinesmight decrease the companmentalizingleft brain,the processes associated with the 9th
amountof pain we needincur. house(and the 12th)correlateto the activityof the right brain. The
Human_beings seemto requiremeaning.We apparentlyneed right brain can identify a shapewhich is suggestedbv only a few
absolutes, firm idealstmardswhichqrecanaspire,andprecepswhich lines.The poins arementallywoven togetherinto a panern.Synthedc
serveto steerour lives.lU7ithoutmeaning,thereisoftenthc fteling and holistic,the right brain thinks in images,seeswholes,and detects
that we havenothing to live for, norhing to hopefor, no reasont; 'the
pattcrns.As MarilynRrgusonwrites, left [brain] takessnapshots,
strugglefor anything,and no directionin life. Manypsychologisa the right watchesmovies."
believethat much of modern-dayneurosisis relatedto a lackof Thc 9th houseoften believesthat eventshavea message conceded

in them.Jupiter or Venusin the 9th, for instance,may givethc feeling be the view of the world afforded the astronautre-enteringthe eanh's
that everything that happens is ultimately positive and to one's atmosphere.There,at a glance,is-the.wholepicrure- our P.lanct
advantage,as if there werea benign Higher Intelligenceat work seen as an entity in reladon to limitlcs space.One's ordinary,
guiding our unfoldment. Saturnor Capricornin the 9th could have mundaneand everydayconcernsassumea different proponion after
more difiiculty perceiving meaning in an event, or elseinterpret suchan orperiencc.JohnGlenn, the first Americantoorbit the eanh,
the meaning in a negative light. Albert Camus, the French had both Neptune and Jupiter in his 9th house.
existentialistphilosopherand writer, had Saturnin Gemini in this Placementsin the 9th designatethe archetypd principles we
housc:he believedthat eventshaveno higher or absolutemeaning encounteron our travels,and may evenreved somethingabout the
other than that which human beingsattribute to them. natureof the culture or culturesto which wearedrawn. br instance,
Placementsin the 9th describesomethingabout the stylewith Saturn there may experiencedifficulties or delayson journeys,or
which we pursue religious and philosophical issues,as well as ffavelmore specficallyfor a practicalpu{Pose,suchaswork or study.
zuggcstingthe kind of God weworshipor the nature of the philosophy Hcnry Kisinger, the American foreign ambassadorunder Nixon,
in lifc weformulate.Fore.xample,Mercuryor Gemini theremay lead hasCapricornon the cuspof the 9th, and Saurn, its ruler, in Libra,
one to try and graspGod intellectuallywhile Neptune or Pisces the signof diplomacy.If Pluto or Scorpiois in the 9th, wemay aftract
predisposcs one to embracethe deiry through heardelt devodon, experiencesin another country which profoundly transform us, or
to zunenderthe self. Marssuggestsa dogmatic and fanaticd approach we may be drawn to a counily with Pluto or Scorpiostrong in its
to religiouspursuitscomparedto the greatertoleranceand flexibility national chan. Admiral Richard Byrd, the first man to fly to the
exhibited by Venusin thesematters.The God-imagc is alsoshown North Pole, had innonativeUranus in this house.
by planets and signshere. Saturn or Capricorn might conceiveof Returning much closerto home, 9th houseplacementsindicate
a harsh,punishing, critical and paternalisticGod, who must be relationshipswith one's in-laws.Just as the third housefrom the
obeyedat all costs.Neptuneor Pisces in thc 9th, on the otherhand, Ascendant describcsour own rclatives,the third house from the
envisionsa compassionate and loving God, inclined to leniencyand Descendant(the 9th), describcsthe panner'srelatirts. rVhethersuch
forgiveness. relationshipsare cordial or stormy will be shown here. An in-law
The 3rd houserulesthe immediate environment and that which might reflect a planet in the 9th housc, or receivethe projection
is discoveredby exploring what is at hand. The 9th describesthe of that principlc. SomepeoplewithJupiter in the 9th seethe unirarsc
perspectivewe gain standing back and viewing life at a distance.In in a grain of sand, whilc others might perceive it in their
this way, the 9th is linked to travelsand long journeys.Tiavelling mother-in-law.
can be taken literally to mean journeysto other lands and cultures, Journeysof the mind aredescribedin the 9th, which is alsoknown
or it can be understoodmore symbolicallyasjourneysof the mind asthe houseof highcr education. The chosenfield of study or the
or spirit - the broadenedhorizons gained from extensivereading nature of the collegeor university experiencein gencrd is shown
or the insights gained through meditation and cosmicreflection. by placementshere.Foro<ample,Neptunc in the 9th may concentrate
Understoodmore literally, through trarrcllingand mixing with people on-a degreein an or music. However,that same Neptune could
rearedon traditions different from our own, our oudook on life is indicatc confusionand vacillationin the choiccof a courseof study
expanded. The taste and style of somecultures may appeal to us or disappointmentand disillusionmentduring the stayat unirrcrsity.
more than others, but nonetheless,other facetsof the myriad Uranui may rebel againsttraditional systemsof highcr educadon,
possibilitiesof life areglimpsedand comparedwith our own. Tiavel or pursue a degreein someunusual or newly rising field, or bc the
enablesus to view the world from a different perspective.I may be firs1 person to securea place at Offord at the age of seven.
'I '\fe
involvedin a complicatedrelationshipin london about which I feel The lst houseis am' while the oppositehouse,the 7th is
'I '\fle
confuscdand uncenain; yet, when I uarrclto SanFranciscoand reflea are'. The 2nd is have' and its opposite, the 8th is have'.
'l '\we
on this relationship, somehowthe added distanceof 6,000 miles Correspondingly,the 3rd is think' and thc 9th is think'. The
helps me to understandit more clearlythan when the relationship 9rh describesthought structureswhich are codified on a collective
is right in front of me. The cpitome of a 9th houseexperiencemight level. These include not only the religious, philosophicaland
cducational sy$cmsasdready discussed,but alsolegd systemsand
thc body of law. The 7th house is the lower courrs, but the 9th
representsthe higher coufts - the supremelaw of the land which
governsthe actions of the individud within the broadest socid
context. In the 3rd, we learn about ourselvesin reladon to those
in our immediate environmenr, but in the 9th a senseof our t2.
relationship to the collectiveasa whole is kindled. Thc 9th is also
associatcdwith the publishing profession, in which ideas are
discminated on a large scalc. TI{E TENTH HOUSE
Traditionally, planets in the 10th are associaredwith careerand
profcsion. The researchby M. and F. Gauquelin, however,has
establisheda correlation berweencenain planetary placementsin
the 9th and people who have achievedsuccessin fields related to Nerrcrmeasurctheheightof amountain,until youharrcreached
thc naure of theseplanets.A discussionof thesefindings is found the top' Then youwill seehow lw tt
on pages118-119. S;, Hammarskj<ild
In the 3rd house,we oramine that which is immediate and direcdv
in front of us; in the 9th, we glimpse that which is not only fanher !7hat the 9th houseenvisions,the 10th house brings to eanh' In
'up -
aray but also and coming'. Suongplacementsin this houseconfer Quadrant systernsof house-division,the Midheaven !h. de-gree
an unusual degreeof intuition and foresighr- the abilityto sense olthe cclipiic which reachesits highestpoint at the meridian of any
the direction in which someoneor something is heading. Thc 9th place - mark the cusp of the 10th house.The Midheavenis the
'tunes most elerated point in the chan, and symbolically speaking,
house in' to the pulseof a situation,quickly regisering rends 'stand
and cwrents in rhe aun-osphere.Jules Veme,the scieniefiction writer placementshere out' aboveall othersin the horoscope.Thc
with a remarkablegift for anticipating furure discorrries,wasborn qudities of any sign or planet in this position correspondto what
'standsout' in
with Uranus in the 9th house.On one leral, the fth givesthe prophct in us is most visible and accessibleto others, what
and visionary,while on another it denotesthe public relationspersonJ us. the IC and 4th house (the oppositc housc) rePresent
or the promoter intent on opening new vistasfor othcrs. Energies what we arelike prirately and how we behaveat home behind closed
in thc 9th can be expressedthrough rhe travel agent picking out doors,the MC and 10thhouse(naturdly associated with Saturnand
'just Capricorn)indicatethe waywe bcharrc publically,the imagewewish
the right holiday for you'; the entrepreneurconfiding to you 'step
to pr.settt to the world the kinds ofclotheswe don when we
the latest sure-fire investment; the proponent of the most recent
psl,chotechnologyto hit tm'n which promisesinstant cnlightenmenr o,ri'. Lir Greenecallsthc MC and 10thhouseour'socialshonhand'
in one weekcnd; the coachgiving his team a pep-ralk bdore the - how we would most like to be seenby othersand how we describe
big game;the tipster advisingon the winning horse;or the anistic, ourselvesto them.
literary or theatrical agent discoveringthe next big new tdent. In keeping with the elcrated position of thc Midheaven,
In the 8th, we dug into the past and dredged up thc remnanrs placemenisin this areaof thechan suggestthoscqualitiesfor which
of our primordial and instinctual nature. In the 9th, we look to the i. *"nt to be admired, lauded, looked up to and respected.It is
fururc and what is yet to unfold. Depending on the planes and through the signs and planets here that we hope to attain
signs there and aspectsto these,we may seea future full of hope achierrment, honour and recognition. Placementsin the 10th denote
and new promise or one in which the bogeymanlurks around the what we would most like to be rememberedashaving contributed
cornerjust waiting for us to be foolish enough ro passthat way.In to the world. This is the houseof ambition, behind which lurks the
cither case,it might be useful to reflect on something which St pressingurge and compulsion to be esteemedand acknowledged.
'dl ih. believedthat if you performed a truly noble or
Catherine once observed,namelv that the wav to hearcn is
heroic deed, you were rewardedby being made a constellation in
11' l

l the hea*ns for dl to seefor all eternity. Besidesthe recognition
fTs u:, bcing famousmeensw€ li* inpeopl.t -ina, for'*.r.-ft.
it likely follow the letterof the law than the judge with Uranusthere,
whosereadingswould be moreindividualistic,unconventional, and
$orated ego, so teartul of its own finitenes, finds this idea
rcrv shocking to others.
reassuring. '
The kinds of energieswe exhibit or encounterin the pursuit of
The narureof our contribudon ro societyand our status
and prace a vocationarealsosuggestedby placementsin the lOth. Saturnor
in the world areshownby the signon ,t. uiar,."".i.-ilJ"
- Capricorntheremay work long and patientlyto reachthe top; Mars
the 10thhouse,*d srudies ('r;;;;s;;
l-18-19) T t:$"q":lin Gg;;; or Aries is aggressive and impatient in this sphereof life, while
' anyplanetson the 9thhousesideof theMC.Tfrephne, ;fir; Neptune or Pisces may be vagueor confusedasto its rolein society.
I the signon the Midhea'enand im placemcniby ;;;:'il*
;e The 10thhousecould alsodescribewhatwe representor symbolize
I aspectalsoshedslighr on careerandrocadon.rro:*si.r, oth.r
ot rhechaftdsohaveconsiderabre
(suchasrhc 6th house,2nd house,
bearingon theissueof proftssion
areas to others.Marsmight be seenasa bully or the pinnacleof courage
and strength; Neptune as a saint or maftyr, champion of the
ro the Sr",;;il,-;;;
l q. fqh Tap asawholemust TpC"cts
becarefuilyassesscd r;;il;;;;
downtroddcn,or the victim himself; and Venuscould symbolize
the epitome of style,tasteor beauty.
wiselyin this respect.
If the 4th houscis associated with the father,then the 10thhouse
. In somecases, rhe signsand planeain the lOth and on th.
housesideof the Midheao, *"y literallya.r..iU. if,. ;";;;;i 9th is assignedto the mother.In the beginningof life, sheis the whole
world to us. Early bonding patternsestablishedwith her will be
the individual' instanie,satuin therecouldfii;;;;
reflectedlaterin life in how we relateto the externalworld in general.
teacher,iu.dg9or scientist; Ju-piteran acror,pfriforopfr.i;;;;;j In otherwords,the natureof what passes berweenmotherand child
agent;and the Moon a profesionalchildminderir i""t..p.i.
(asshown by the MC and placementsin the 10th) resurfaces at a
ThomlsMann,theacdaimedGermanwrite.,h"a tlr..o--il;ti;
laterstageof dwelopmentasour wayof connectingwith societyand
signof Geminion theMg 'out
the Austriancornposer, Td Mercuryin the t0th. F;; S;hril, the world there' as a whole. If we found mother threatening
hadmusicalpisceson rheMidhea'en,anl and potentiallydestructive(suchasa difficultly aspectedPluto in
Neptune,rts ruler, in the lth, the houseof creativeorpresion.
the 10thmight suggest)then lateron the world will seeman unsafe
Howerrcr,it issaferro assumetharthepositionsn."r rh. l,tC*a placeand wewill attemptto defendourselves accordingly.If mother
I in the 10thsuggesr not somuchtheactuarprofessi* ur, i"trr..,rrl wasexperiencedassupponiveand helpful (well-aspected placements
approacha personhasto thecareer- themannerin whichthc *ork
in the 10th), we carryan expectacionthat the world will treat us
ishandledorpackaged. Thejudgewith sa*n in the rothwili moii similarly - what Erik Erikson callsbasictrust,
If we associate the l0th housewith both mother (the shaping
parent) and career,then the choiceof vocationmay somehowbe
influenced by our experienceof her. Forinstance,if Marsis in the
10ththe mother may havebeenexperienced aspushyand assertive.
The child, therefore,harboursresentmentand angeragainsther,
and growsup with the desireto actualizea position of power and
' autonomy in the world so he or she won't be around' in
thc samewayasin earlylife. Fightingwith the mothercreates a pattern
i of fighting with the world.
Sometimesit is the desireto win lovefrom the mother (thereby
ensuringour survival)which underliesour choiceof profession.For
example,if Mercuryis in the 10thhouse,the mother may havebeen
experiencedasexpresiveand intelligent.The child then feelsthat

l lOth
this is what Mother valuesand appreciates,and so strivesto gain
her love and suppon by developing such traits. An expectationis

established that excelling in this way earns recognition, and others may rebel againstit, often becoming the exactopposite of
accordingly,later in life, a careeris sought which brings Mercurial what the parent(s)hoPed.
qudities to the fore. The toih houic extinds bcyond the mother or shaping PTelt
In some cases,it may bc competition with the mother which to dcsignateour relationshipwith authority figuresin generd: EIly
nudgcsus in the direction of a cenain career.If Venusis in the 10th, angero-rhun at beingsupprcssed or mistreatedby a pa5lt wlll often
the mother may have been seenasglamorousand beautiful. In a disiort the reality oflaterlnteracdons with other symbolsojnowgr.
sense,Venushasbcen projected onto thc mother. In order to reclaim The revoludonary may have a true and just cause,but the style'
his or her on n Venusianqudities, the child may later seeka profesion manner or intensity in which he or she esPouses convlctlonsmay
in which he or shecan be admired asbeautiful, elegantor tasteful. *irr.., from a reductionist point of view, rhe contamination of earlier
At its most simple, the 10th house describesthose qualities of irru., *.*ing from the rcgime of rhe parcnts. This is not to bclitde
the mother (or parent in question)which arein us aswell, whether or judge those iho obiect tJ that which is unfair in society, bYt tfel
we like it or not. The isue is complicated,however,by the possibility ro considertheir 10th house,and its psychological
that placementsin rhe lOth often denote aspectsof the mother's "rJ ",.l-"auised
implications. Throwing a punch ar one'sbossor eggsat thc prime
'angry child' in us but may not be
personalitywhich were 'unlived' - attribures and traits which the -ilir,., is a way of veriting the
mother did not consciouslyoeress or representin the child's grwing- the most cffectiveway to promote eventhe most neededt!"tg9t'
up years.Planetsand signsin this housemay describethe way the Presidingoverthe ,op of tt. chan, the 10th housesignificsthe
motler would haveliked to hara been if only shehad dlowed herself fulfilment"of the individual personality through thc personal
the opponunity to do so. A child who is acutely sensitiveto the satisfactiongained in using our abilities and talents to serveand
mother's psycheand undercurrentsin the home atmosphercwill influence ii.,y. Some may even earn aPplause and public
be receptivenot only to what she manifestsoumardly but alsoto recognition of their great value 1qd wo1h.
'live travelled from the lst house to the l0th'
what sheis denyingor suppressing.The child may bc swayedto i"lo.rg way has bC'en
out' the mother's shadon,side, as if mother is made more whole In the bt: we were riot e,,en consciousof ourselrres asseparateentiti€s,
or redeemedin this way.The mother of a child with Uranusin the no,.*r, of ourown individual cxistence. By thc timethe l0th
"*. 'incamated' sufficiendy
lfth, for instance, may harreappearcd extremely conventional, is reached, howerrer, we have dercloped and
straight-lacedand restrainedon the outsidc,whilst under the zurface not only to harrca more solid and concretesenseof who we ate, but
lurked explosivefeelings and the desirc for space,freedom and also to be held in esteemfor it'
loose'. In some way this unvented Uranian side is
communicatedto the child, who growsup with a compulsionto
enact just those qualities to which the mother has not allowcd
The placementof many planets in the 10th usually suggesc
someonewho is ambitiousand desirousof recognition,statusand
prestige.Men are normallvgiven more permissionto pursuethese
needsthan women.It may be easierfor a womanwith a strongl0th
houseto seeka pannerwho ispowerfulor famousand thereby impon
a position in the world in thatway. Shemay evenbe the one who
pusheshim on to fame and prestige.Ultimately,however,shemay
feelresentfulthat it isher husbandreceivingthe acclaimratherthan
herself,and consciously or unconsciously devisewaysof punishing
him for this. Likewise,eitheror both parentswith a stronglOth house
may displaceunfulfilled achievementand recognitionneedsonto
a child. Somechildren may co-operatewith the projection,while


In the heavenoflndra, thereissaidto bea nerworkofpearls,

so arranged,that if you look at one you seeall the others I ltfl
reflectedin it'
A Hindu sutra is a social,national,politicalor religiousgroup,enhances thc sense
of who we areand girasa feeling of safery in numbers. some extent,
From being oblivious of being anybody,to winning recognition as this is exploitive,iince the rest of the world is used in the service
a somcbody:this hasbeen the route from the lsr houseto the 10th of augminting or bolstering the identity. Eridence of this is most
house.But now that the egohasbeenfirmly establishedand duly clearl!seenin thosewho are bverly concerned with having the .'right'
acknowledged,what happcns next? 'right' places,and aligning the self
friends, being noticed in the
At ia deepestlevel, the llth house(associatedwith the sign of 'right' beliefs.2The most negativeface of this Saturn
with the
Aquariusand co-ruledby Sarurnand Uranus)represents the anempt undercurrenl of the llth manifestswhen a grouP is threatenedby
to go beyondour ego-identity and becomesomething greaterthan anothergroup - suchasblaclsmoving into a white area'orJungians
what we alreadyarc. The main way of achievingthis is to identify movinglnto-a predominantly Freudian neighbourlogdr -
with something larger than the self - such as a circle of friends, The-Uranian-sideof the llth houserepresentsthe kind of group
a group, a belief systemor an ideology. consciousness which spirirual teachers,mysticsand visionariesfrom
Accordingto GeneralSystems Theory nothing canbe understood all different cultures and times haverepeatedlyespoused.Instead
in isolation but must be comprehendedas part of a system.The 'me-in-here'versus'you-out-there'par{1igm or self-
of the typical
componensof the sptem and their aruibutesareviewedasfuncdons model,'theyspeakof the individual'sunity with all of life, that we
of the total system.The behaviourand expressionof eachvariable arepart of a gieatcrwhole, interconnectedwith thc restof creation.
influencesand is influencedby all the others.In what is known as Mirioring ttre mysticd perception of the unity of all life, recent
a synergy'society,the goalsof the individual are in harmony scientific- breakthroughl demonstrate the wcb of relationship
with the needsof the systemasa whole. In a synergy'system,' undcrlying cverythinf in the universe.For instance,David Bohm,
thc rndividuals,in fulfilling their own needs,do not necessarily act a British plysicist, thiorizes that the universemust be understood
for thc good of the wholc.' How we function as part of a system as singie undivided whole in which separateand indcpendent
is shown by the llth house. pans haie no fundamental status'.3A thorough analysis9f thq
In keeping with its dual rulership, the concept of group parallclsbetweenmodern physicsand Easternmysticismis f9u1d
consciousness implied by the llth canbe understoodin rwo distinct inTbe Trc ofPltysicsby Fritjof Capra,an eminent researcher in high-
ways.Saturnsecksgreatersecurityand a more solid senseof identity cnergyphysics.Someof the paraflclshe tecountsaresostriking-that
ttrrough belonging to a group - what psychologistslabel it is almbsrimposiblc to determinewhether cenain satemen6 about
identification'.Being a member of a panicular group, whether it the narure of life hauebeen made by modern scientistsor by Eastern

One recenttheoryproposedby a British plant physiologist,Rupcn it may be that at somestagehuman beingswill integratc themsehas
Shcldrake, ispanicularly rele\rantto the llth house.Sheldrakesuggess into someform of globd super-organism.Evenon a Sarurnianlcrrcl,
the possibilityof invisibleorganizingfieldswhich regulatethe life the interdependenceand interconnectivityof life on the planet is
of a system.In 1920,Villiam McDougall of HarvardUniversitywas bccoming increasinglyobvious. Communications technology has
studyinghow quickly ratslearnedto escape from^maze filled with dramaticallyenhancedthe speedofglobd interaction and Marshall
water: meanwhile.other researchers in Scotlandand Australia who Mcluhan's conceptof the world asa village' is nearto being
wererepeating theseexperimentsfound that their first generadon an actuality.Multinational corporationsand conglomerateslink the
of rats,bred from a different strainto the McDougdl rats,pcrformed economiesof thc world inextricably togcther. The collapseof the
the taskwith the samedegrceofability asMcDougall'slastgeneration. monetary systemof one country would havea disastrousrippling
'picked effecton a host of others. Isoladonismand nationdism areno longer
The skill wasin someway up on' by other ratseventhough
they were in another pan of the world. Such occurrenceshaveled practically viable. On another level, small groups, nerworls,
Sheldraketo theorizethat if one memberof a biologicd species learns movementsand suppon systemsareproliferating all overthe wodd,
a new behaviour,the invisibleorganizingfield (morphogeneticfield) gatheringpeopletogetherto promote common causes.In shon, much
for that specieschanges.The ratswho masteredthe task made it in the samewaythat our own body changesand develops,the larger
possiblefor other ra$, manymilesaway,to do rhe same.5On some body of humanity is alsogrowing and cvolving. The way in which
deep lcvel, we are all linked together. Sheldrake'stheory is nicely wemight panicipate in and servethe evolution and progressof this
summed up in a remark oncemade by theJesuitpricst Piere Teilhard collectiveSelf is shown by placementsin the llth house.
de Chardin, born with MercuryJupiterand Saturnin the llth: A In the 5th house,our energyis usedto distinguishourselvesfrom
truth once seen,even by a single mind, alwayscnds by imposing others,and to augment the senseof our own individual worth and
itself on the totality of human consciousness.'6 specidness;in the llth, our energycan be investedin promoting
lnTlte Aquarian Conspirrclt,Marilyn Rrgusonwrites,'Youcannot and fulfilling the identity, purposeand causeof anygroup to which
understanda cell, a rat, a brain srructure,a family or a culrure if we belong - whether this is understood to be the whole human
you isolateit from its context." Similarly,Carl Rogers,one of the raceor a particular segmentof it. In the lth, we do what we want
foundersof humanisticpsychology, onceremarkedthat the deepcr to do for our own sake.In the llth, we may chooseto relinquish
the individual delvesinro his or her own identity the more he or or compromisesomeof our preciouspersonalurges,inclinationsand
shediscovers the wholehuman race.Our identity hasa much wider idiosyncraciesfor thc sakeof adhering to what the group decides
membershipthan the 'skin-encapsulated ego'iscapableof admining. is best.
In this light, the developmentofgroup consciousness asseenin rhe Socid consciousness is a keynoteofthe llttr. A society(10thhouse)
llth houseis not solelyfor the purposeof aggrandizingor bolstering is structured on cenain lawsand principles (9th house).laws and
the ego-identity.Rather,the awareness of being part of somcthing societyeasilybecomeboth crystallizedand turgid, and invariably
largerenablesus to ffanscendthe limits and boundariesof individual cenain elemcntsof societyarefavoured by the systemwhile others
separateness and experienceourselvesasa cell in rhe larger body of areoppressed.Groupswhich feel neglectedor betrayedby the odsting
humanity.Out of this realizationgrowsa senseof brotherhoodand lawscan find a voice through the kinds of reformsassociatedwith
sisterhoodwith the co-inhabitants of the planet far beyond the the llth house. Often, those with strong placementshere work
obligatoryties of family, nation or church. through humanitarian orpoliticd groupsto implement neededsocid
Syntropy- the tendencyof life-energyto moverowardsgrearer changes.However,it is just zrscommon to find otherswith an llth
association, communicadon,co-operationand awareness - is the houseemphasisjockeyingbackand fofth from one socialengagement
main principle upon which the llth house operates.Having to the next - Ascotthis week,centrecoun at Wimblcdon the next,
recognizedourselvesasseparateand distinct individuals there is the and then a day at Henley's before going off to the opera at
call to reconnectwith everything from which we have previously Glyndebourne.
differentiated ourselves.Just asmatter organized itself into living In somecases,placementsin the 1lth may signify the soruof groups
cells,and living cellsgatheredtogetherinto multi-cellularorganisms, toqardswhich we insance, Neprune could be interested
in musicsocieties,spiritualistor psychicgroups;Uranuswith asuology Venusmay make friends easily,but prefers to keep things light
groupsi and Marswith the local rugby club. However,rather than (althoughshemay expectfriendsto 'live up to' ratherhigh ideals).
just describingthe type of group, it is more likely that signsand Pluto suggestsintense and complicated associarionswhich
planetsin the 1lth symbolizeour styleof behavingand interacting significantlytransformusor in which issuesof betrayal,intrigue and
in group situations.The Sunor ko theremay haveto be the leader, treacherycome into play.
dcriving a good propoftion of its worth and identity from group In the llth house,thereis the desircto transcendor movebeyond
involvement.Mercuryor Gemini in this housemight appearasthe existingimagesand models of ourselves.!7e yearnfor a more ideal
secretaryof the group or as one of its most cleverspokespeople. selfor a more utopian society. Therefore, this areaof the chan has
Someonehasto makethe tea, and the Moon or Cancertheremay beenlabelledthe houseof hopes,goals,wishesand objectivcs.The
be happy to providenot only theseservices but its home asa meeting desireto becomesomethinggreaterthan we aremust be accompanied
place as well. Funhermore,the llth house givesa senseof how by the capacityto envisionnewand different posibilities. Morethan
comfortablewe feel in group situations.Venusor Libra may blend anyother species,the largehuman brain and evolvedcerebralcomor
in easilyand makemanynewfriendsthrough joining a group. Saturn endowshuman beingswith the capacityto imagine a wide range
or Capricornis more likely ro hold back in the group, and feel of alternatives,choicesand outcomes.The manner in which we
awkwardor lumpish mixing with the others.OscarVilde, who rose envisionpossibilitiesand proceedtoward realizingthesehopesand
to the heightsof success in london's anisticand socialcircles,had wishesis shownby placementsin the llth. Forinstance,Sarurnrhere
the Moon in lro in the llth. PaulJosephGoebbels,the official may havedfficulry in forming positiveimagesof the future or may
propagandist of the Nazi party who controlled public encounter blocks, delays or obstructions on the way to finally
communicationsand rhe media, had Pluto conjunct Neptune in grounding its goalsand objectives.Marssetsa goal and rushesafter
Gemini in this house. it, while Neptune may be confusedabout what it really wanrsor
Friendshipclearlyfits into the llth houseidcd of becominggreater merely fantasizesand daydrcamsabour unrealistic aims. In rhis
than what we already are. People are linked together through context, it is helpful to remember that the more clearly we can
friendship,personalboundariesirc cxpanded,and both the nceds imagine a possibiliry,the closer we bring it to actualization.
and resourcesof others become interwoven with our own. \ile Encouragingpositivevisionsof the future aidsthe proces of moving
introduce our friends to new ideasand interestsand, likewisc,we in a more positive direction.
are broadened by what they have to share. Evolution pushestovrardsgreaterand greaterlevelsofcomplority,
Planetsand signsin the llth often describethe kinds of friends organizationand connectivity.In the first air house(rhe 3rd) vrcgain
to whom we gravitate.Forexample,a man with Marsin this house the ability *rough languageto distinguishsubjectfrom object.Our
may be attracted to those people who exhibit obvious Manian own mind is developedas we relate to others in the immediate
qualities, such as dynamism, drivc and directness. However, environment. In the secondair house (the 7th) we grow through
placementsin the llth may dso showthosequalitiesin ourselves the close encounter of our own awarenesswith another person's
which wc ouflardly and meet externallythrough awareness. Subjectand object, differentiatcd in the 3rd, meet face
friends. If the man with Marsin the llth hasnot developcdhis own to facein the 7th. In the last air house(the llth) our individual minds
'Mars' 'get
side, and lacksthat cenain up and go', his friends will are connectednot just to the minds of thosecloseto us bur to all
then provide that energyfor him - they stimulate and push him othcr minds. Eleventhhouseplanerssensitizea personto the ideas
into action. He may evenpossess an uncanny ability to evokesuch and thoughrs circuladng on rhe level of the group-mind. It is not
qualitiesin his closeassociates, who in most other situationsand such an unusual phenomenon for somebody in San Franciscq
with other people might be normally more placid and withdrawn. somebodyin london, and anotherpersoninJapan ro 'flash' on rhe
The llth housealsosuggeststhe way in which we make friends. samebright newidea independendyof one anotherwithin a relatirrly
Marscould rush impulsivclyinto fricndship,while Saturnis more closespan of time. In the 1lth, we discoverour relatednessnor just
awkward,shyor cautiousin this respect.How we behaveand what to our family, friends,countryor lorrd ones,but to the wholehuman
energieswe awakenin friendship is alsoshown by placementshere. race.




If the doorsof perceptionwerecleansed, would


appearto man asit is' infinite' tZttr
v'liam Brake
went. From e rcductionist pqrchology- perspectirre, the desireto
Commencingwith the lst housc,growthhasentaileddistinguishing reconncrtwith the lostscnscof origind wholeness canbc understmd

til ourselvesfrom the unbounded and universalmatrix of life out of asa regressionbackto the pre-binh state;but in spiritual teffns,
which we first emerged.Howevet,aswe have seenin the llth, the thissameurgeuanslatesinto e mptical longingfor union with our
distinction berween ourselvesand others is chdlenged by the soruceand e direct otpcrienceof being pan of somethinggreater
then ourselves.It is a kind of divine homesicknes.t

understandingthat eachpan of a rystemisrelatedand interconnected
with the other paru. Mysticsand scientistsalike tell us that we are In oncreqpcct, thc proqpcctof a renrmto that statesoundsblisfirl,
not so sepdate after all. Who we are is influenced by others, and ccstaticandserenelypeaceful.And ytt, somethingelsein us- the
others are influenced by who we aJe.Our minds are linked and ego'sdesireto preseneitsclfandthc ftar of is ovmdemise- contends
directly affectedSone another.The notion thatwe orist asanisolated wittr this longing. Thc egohasfought hardto win a sliceof lifc for

il entity is quickly losing ground to a more collectiveor broadersense

of sclf. In the 12th housc, the rwin processes of the dissolution of
the individud ego and the merging wirh something greaterthan
the self is felt and o<perienced,not via the mind or intellect as in
the llth, but with our hean and soul. Or as Christopher Fry puts
itself:whyshouldit relinquishthis?In thc glyph of Pisces,the sign
ascietod with thc l2th house,tc,ofishessf im in oppositedirections.
Human b.i"gF are fucd with e fundamentd dilemma,with two
contrastingpuUs.fach personuantsto losea senseof isoladonand
tnnscendhis or her individud seParateness and yct eachpersonis
it, human heaft can go to the lengths of God.' terrified of disintcgrationand&cads thc los of the separatgself.2
The poet \Talter de la Mare writesthat bur dreamsaretalestold -
This aistendd double bind wanting wholeness and yetfcaring
in a dim Eden.'On is most underlying lercl, the 12thhouse,naturally and rcsistingit - is thc major predicament of the l2th house.
associatedwith watery Piscesand the planet Neptune, represents Because thedissolutionof theego-identiry isso frightening, people
rhe urge for dissolution which cxists in each of us - the yeaming sceksubstitutegratifications an in attemPt to satiS the yearning
for sclf-transcendence. One strategyfor reconnectingto unity is

to rcturn to the undiftrentiated uaten of the comb, to the otiginal 'If
stateof unity. Freud,Jung, Piaget, Klcin and a host ofother modem through sor and lorc: I am lorrcd,held or included, thcn I go
psychologistsagreethat the infant's first strucnrre of consciousnes bqpnl my scpafirteness.' Anothcr ploy to rcgain a lost senseof
is pre-subjcct/object,ignorant of boundaries,spaceand time. Early omnipotenceand omniprescnceis through wielding porrcr and
memoriescut the most deeply.On rcme deep lerrcl,aneryindividud prestigc 'If I canortend my tcrritory of influenceorrcrmore and
intuits that his or her innermost nanrre is unbounded. infinitc and more things, then the restof lifc is connectedto me.' Immcrsion
etemd. Thc redirorrcry of this wholenes is our greatestnecd end in dcohol or drugpis anothcr*zy to breakdwn boundariesand
i rigidities. suicidal urgesand variousother forms of self-destructive
behaviour often cloak the dcsire to rerurn ro a more blissful state
suppositionthat the individual is redeemedthrough self-sacrifice,
through offering the self up to somethinggreater.This is true in
of non-differentiated being. others '.ek tranrendence more directlv sofar aswemust, to someextent,let go of a senseof an autonomous

llil through meditarion, prayerand devotion to God. The l2th housc

may raisc any of theseissues.
Hoycvel it is approached,the l2th housede-srrucures',engulfs,
and separateself to mergewith the all-embracingwhole. While
sacrificeand sufferingoften serveto soften the ego and give rise to
greaterempathyand spiritualawareness, the valueof pain and the
i .
absorbsor inflatesindividual identity. Irtting go of the 'me-in-icrei
versus'you-out-there' paradigm meansthat the borders berween
natureof sacrificeare too easilydistortedinto haveto sufferto
find God' or Anything that might constitutepersonalsatisfaction
ourselvesand others become blurred. For this reason, a sffong must be givenup.' Howwer,perhapsit is not thingsthemselves which
emphasison this housecanindicatepeoplewho hara greatdifiicult! must be sacrificed,but ratherour attacblneflt to them. 1b the degree
in forming clearlydefined identitiei. They ar. *y.1 by whatevei thar we derive our identity or fulfilment from such things as
they arearound, or whoeverthey makeconracrwith. others diston relationships,possessions, ideologiesor beliefsystems,welosetouch

il their pcrsonalidentitiesdramaticdly out of proponion. Ratherthan

sacrificethe ego ro merge with somethingn'minous and divine,
with our deeperand most basicunbounded nature.
Somepeoplemay evenmanageto acquircor achievetheir llth

trill a personmay rry to imbue the egoitself with rhosequalities.Instead

of secking to_reconnectto God, the persontries ro play God - a
form of inflation related to whai Abraham Masiow called
housedreamsand wishesonly to discover, in the 12th,that theystill
feelcheatedof a morecompletehappiness.\(rhat theythought would
givethem ultimate satisfactionjust wasn'tenough,or didn't turn

out to be everything.The Romanshad a saying hoc ad
Along with thc l2th houseconfusionabout who we areoften comes 'What
aeternitatem?'meaning is this comparedwith eternitv?'
a lack of a.nyconcretedircction in life. On some level, there may Similarly,the 12th houseis a constantreminderthat all joyslong
i be th.efceling that sinceevcrything is all the sameanlnley,whatt
the difference?As soonasa dear identiry isdisdnguishcdbt rt .n r.
for infinity.
the 12thhouse(alongwith the other waterhouses

rii is imposed_onthe life,something happenswhiih pulls the" rugfrom

under rhe feet and nebulousnes reignssupremiagain. As i,on as
the individual thinks he or shchas.aptured somethlg upon which
- the 4th and the 8th) revealspatterns,drirrcs,urgesand compulsions
which operatefrom below the level of consciousawareness and yet
i to hang the senseof 'I', it mysteriouslyslipsavay ot diipiears. The
significantlyinfluenceour choices,attitudesand directionsin life.

itlr capacityto hold things togetheror funhlr thcir own pirsonal ends
is somehorvsubservienrto a much greaterdissolvingpd€r orrcrwhich
there is little contiol.
The obscuring of boundariesberweenthe self and othcrs may
Storedin our unconscious

In somecases,
memory pa$ experiences colourthe way
we seeand meet the world. But from how far back do thesepast

planetsand signsin the l2th may relateto what

psychologistscall 'the umbilical ef[ect'.According to this concept,

createconfusion about_wherewe begin and other people end, bui the developingembryo is receptivenot just to physicalsubstances
it dso confersa greaterdegreeof empathy and compassionfor thosc which rhe mother ingests, but is also affected by her overall
with whom we sharethe Eanh. So-overwhelmedby the suffering psychologicalstateduring-the gestationperiod. Her attitudes and
around them, somepcople with a-strongl2th housewill seekan! experiences areransmitted through the umbilical connectionto the
m3ary of gscapingor withdrawing from tlrc world altogether.Othen 'passed
foetus in the womb. The nature of what is on' to thc child
who feel the pain 'out rhere' asthiir own will naturalliwork in some
l. way-to_relieve that pain. 1b rnrying degrees,the tzth housedescribcs
in this way is shown by placementsin the 12th. If Pluto is there,
the mother might have endured a traumatic time during the

the helper, 'fixer',rescuer,martyr or siviour who ,takeson' the needs
and causesofothers.
The original meaning of the word sacrificeis ,to make sacred'.
Somethingwasmade sacredby offering it to the godsor the higher
pregnancy.The child is then born with a senseof the dangerof life
and a nagging apprehensionthat doom is only around the corner.
There is no consciousmemory of thc sourceof this attitude: only
a rague feeling that this is what life is about. Forexample, I recently

iiiil forces.Rippling through all the lcveh Jfmeaninfof the tzth iirhe came acrossthe caseof a pregnant mother who wasdiagnosedas

laving.a brain tumour. Her babydaughter*zs bom with pluto in rhecollectiveunconscious:the endre memory of the whole human
'the prccondition
the 12th and the mother died shonly after her binh. race.Jung defined the collectiveunconsciousas
\U7har aboutfunher backthan the womb?Manyasrologenreftr of eaitr inlividud psyche,just asthc scais the carrierof thc individud
the 12th
to the 12thas the 'house
asthe 'house
lzrrna'. Reincamationisr
of lzrna'. Reincamationisrbefs'e that wave'.3In someway,asshownby the 12thhouse,eachof usis linked
the immond human soulis on a journcyof perfection-i r.* to the past,carryingrecordsof experiencesfar bcyondwhat we havc
to irs sourcethat cannot be accomplishedin one shon liftspan.
Definite laws, rather rhan chancl, operareto determine^the Besidesthe residueof the past,hovrever,the collecti'rcunconscious
circumstances of erarylifetimeor eachsiageof the sojourn.with isdrc the storehouseof latent potentids waiting to be tapped. Colin
eachnew incarnadon,we bring with us tfre har'esr 'the
!(ilson writes that unconsciousmind may includc all man'spast
from pro'io's liras,aswellaslatint capaciries "i*p;ri.;;; t
awairingderclopment. but it dso includes his fururel The unconsciousmind is more than
causesserin motion in prior odstences affecrwhat-we-..i in th. just a reserroirof represed or buricd thougha, impulscs an{ wishel
presenrone.Thercul chooses a cenaintime to bebornbecause thc - it isalsothe sourceof 'potentiditiesfor knm'ing and operiencing'
asrrologicdpaftemfits the oqxriencesneededfor the presenr$age which the individual hasyet to contact.5The 12th house' in othcr
o{Browth.In this sense, theentircchandepictsou,Ao*ro boih words, containsour future aswell .rsour Past.
what hasaccruedasa resuhof pastactions-andalrc what we need Somcpcoplc with 12th houscplacementsserveasthe mcdiators
to.avakento proceedfunher.Morespecift"lly,the r2th housesho*s and transmittersof universd, mythic and archetypalimagess'wirling
yl"l ate bringing over'from rhe pastwhich will operarcthis about on the leral of the colleaira unconscious.1b %rying dcgrees,
"" on eitherrhe debir
lifetime or creditiide of ou, cenain artists,writers, comPosersr actors,religiousleaders,healers,
Difficuh placemen$in the 12thmayindicareold 'trouble
"..ouirt. mptics and modern-day piophea tap into this realm and become
spots' 'tuned into'.
andenergieswhichc/emisusedin earliir li'es andsdll needto llcarn the vehicles for inspiring others with what thcy have
to handle-wisely in this9y. Fo.siti'eplacements in rhishousesuggest They touch the appropriate chord which then resonates with
ingrainedgyalitiesyhich will senrcusadmntageousty this riftifine something insidc us, and we are able to share thcir orprcrience'
asa resultof 'work' doneon them in thepast.nehtirrcio *ris theory Numeroui oramplesof chaftswith 12th houseplacementsillusffate
someastrologers labelthe l2th thc houseof'self-sustainm.ttt o, t li- this phenomenon: the comPoserClaude D9b9sy with sensuous
undoing'. Forinstance,if Marsor Aries is there, it could bc thar Venus in ko in the 12th; tUfliUiamBlakc with the imaginative and
selfishnes,impulsirrcncs,or rashneshasbcena problcmin th; fteling Moon in C:ncer in this housc;the poet Byron whoseopansira
ppt agd a continuadonof suchbehaviour-"y bi rhe causeof a and playful use of word, rhyme and form invigorated,the whole
in this lift. on theotherhand,aurcll-aspected tzth house Rom-anticmo\€ment hadJupiter in Gcmini in the 12th; and the
Mars-suggesa that positiveMarsqudities suchario,rrag., strenqth visionaryPierreTeilhard de Chardin with the Sun, Neptung, Vequs,
and fonhrightnessha'e alreadybeenlcamedand wilisustain ihe Pluto and thc Moon all in the 12th, are just a few casesin point.
natirrcthrough d4ql. times, comingro the fore just when they It is asif energiesin thc 12th housc are not intended to be used

l aremo$ needed.rWithmixedaspec$to placements

the effectof tl,ratplanel _orenergysomehowhangsin thc balance,
p if.*q arebeing.testedfor howwehandlethat piinciple. If *c use
ig wSly
sig_n_in ",.411
in thc l2th,

be rccruded;if wc run amock-withthe planct or

atelikely to be serrcre.
wereftr to 'the umbilicaleftct' orio thc theoryof karma
solelyfor personalends.lVe may be askcdto o(Pressthat principle
for tLe sakeof others, not iust for ourselrts. For instance,if Man
is there we may take on the role of fighting a battle or causefot other
people.In thij sense,wegiveour Marsaway,or bffer it-up' to others.
Mercury in the 12th may speakother people'sthoughts or servcas
a spokespersonfor others.
and reincamation,placements in thc l2th describcinfluenceswhich Somepeople, through 12thhouseplacements,lead what might
harrecomedwn to us from crusesand sourceswhich we cannot 'sy-Uoti. lives'.Their individual life issuesrcflect rends
be called
obviouslylcmeqrberor see.Through the mtery 4th we i"h.tii ot or dilemmas in thc collectiveatmosphere.For orample, Mahatma
rctain rrcsdge.s of our ancestrdpast.In the l2th, it is posible thet Gandhi, with the Sun in Libra in the 12th, became the living
wr arcreceptirre to ancrtn largerpoolor mcmory- whitJung c2[ed cmbodiment of a Libnn principle of pcacefulco-oristencefor millions
of people. Uranus in the 12th houseof Hirler's chan renderedhim
under the *rain of life or fdl prey to powerful unconsciouscomplores
orceptionallyopen to ideologieswhich may have been in the air at
which erupt ro the surface,resulting in the need to bc looked after
that dme. Bob Dylan has Sagimariuson the 12th housecusp an<i 'put
and contained. Others are away' becausethey are considered
is rulerJupiter in the ith, the areaof the chan related ro creative
dangeroustothe well-being of society.In anyof thesecases,the will
orpresion. Through his music he was both the mouthpiece and
of a higher authoriry is forced on them, congruent with the 12th
inspiration for many of the trends of the 1960scounter-culture.A
houseprinciple of the individual submitting to something greater
blackwomanwith Uranusin Cancerin the 12thwasborn and raiscd
than the self. Hospitdization or a pcriod of withdrawal from life
in a pan of England where rhere were hardly any non-whites. In
may be neededto re-establishpsychologicaland physicalbalance,
having to integrateherselfinto the life of the townshe wasnot onrv
thus making a personultole again- another 12th houseprinciplc.
dealing with her own personaldilemma but fighdng the causeoi
Experiencesin orphanages,hospicesand homesfor thc disablcd also
many other black people as well.
appear via the l2th.
The 12thhousehasbecn calledthe houseof 'secretenemies'and
'behind It is not uncommon to find people with placementsin this house
rhe scenesactivity'. This could bc taken literally to mean
people who plot or-conspireagainstus. However,it is more likcly working within suchinstitutions. Servingothersles fonunate than
to penain to hidden weaknessesor forces in ourselveswhich the self is the pracdcaloeresion of compassionand empathywhich
undermine the realizationof our consciousgoalsand objectirres.In the 12th houseconftrs. Thc Church, rariouscharities,or the monasdc
life will be other sphcreswhich absorbthe personwho feelsit is his
brid, unconsciousdrivcsand compu.lsionsassho*n by the izth ho,se
placementscan thwart the achievementof our consciousaims. br or her calling to sacrificeor dedicatethe life to God or the welfare
instance,if a man hasthe Moon and Venusin the 7th house,there of others. Rcincarnationistsbelievethat past karma' can be
is -a strong urge to be close to another person in an intimate cleared through goodwill and serviceof this kind.
relationship.Burif this man alsohasUranusin the 12th,it suggesa fu alreadymentioned, thc 12th housegivesaccesto the collective
that unconsciously there may be such a suong desire for frellom archirre of aperience passed on generation after generation.
and independencethat he will somehowsaboage any amempt ro Therefore,it is not surprisingthat the keepersof this storehouse-
form binding ties. Generdly, in any contest bctwein conscious-aims thosewho work for museumsand libraries- often hara 12thhouse
and unconsciousaims, it is usudly the unconsciouswhich wins. In
this casc,-hemay habirudly be attractedonly to thosewomen who It would not be appropriate to discus the l2th house without
are not free to marry or who, for rcme reason, do not wish to mcntioning again the researchdonc by Michel and FranEoisc
reciprocatehis adrances.In this way,the unconsciouscompulsion Gauquelin.6 They analysedthe careersof succesful sponspeople
to remain independent (uranus in rhc 12th) is vicroriouso'er thc and found a corelation with Mars in the 12th housesectorof the
more consciousneeds.If we are consciousof urgesin ourselves,we dran. Similarly,rienti*s and physicianstended to harrcSatum there,
can do something to regulate and dter thesc if we so wish. If we writen the Moon, and aconJupiter. Basedon their snrdies,it appears
ate unconsciousof cenain patterns or drircs, thesehave a way of that planets in the l2th (and to somecxtent the 9th, 6th and 3rd)
dominadng and conmolling us. \tr(/harwe are unconsciousoi in significantly determine the characterand professionof the natirc.
ourselrashasa knack of coming up from behind and hitting usover This surprisedmany astrologerswho assumedthat placementsin
thehcad. Therefore,if no matieihow hard vrc rry somec6nscious the lst or 10th housesshould be strongerin this respect.
god is condnudly blockcd, we might oamine the l2th housefor Howerrcr, are their findings so strange in thc light of what we
clues why. understand thc 12th houseto be? If there is an urge to auray'
The linking of the l2th housewith instirutions makessensein whateveris in the 12thto other people, then it follonrsthat we could
the light of the rarious connotations of this house discused so far. make a careerout of the principles there. Also, if the 12th house
Thc 12th shmn what is hidden or in the backgroundjust ashospitals indicates energiesin the collectivc atmosphere to which w€ are
'stored sensitirc, then it is likely that our characterand o<presion will reflect
1nd prisonsare,itr p"n, placeswherecenaln people are iwey'
thesc.Sporupcople capturethe collectirr urge to competeand be
from society.Thoscwith difficult placementsin the l2th may track'
first (Mars);writerstune into the collcctiraimagination (Moon) and
scientistsservethe collectiveneed to classifrand structure(Saturn). unbounded. Uldmately, the uick is to swim in the cretersof the 12th
Sincethe 12threlatesto reconnectingwith somethingnuminous housewithout dtowning in it.
and divine, an individual may experiencea planet there asthe key 'we
emergcout of the-universalmatrix of life, establishourselrrcs
or path to greatnes and self-ranscendence.Naurally, he or sheqould asindividuil entities, and then find that after all w€ are redly one
want to developit. On somelevel, they may belicrrcthat the doors with all creadon.\urhether our connecrionwith the greaterwhole
to heaven are opened through orcelling at whaterrcrptinciple is in is consciouslyorperienced or not through the 12th house, it is
the 12th. The deep longing for wholenes and immondity which inevitable that oir phpical bodieswill die and disintegrate Ybtl
existsin all of us is the enticement which modrates achierament the body dies, so dbesthe senseof our having a seParatephysical
through 12th house planets. way or another, we return to the collectiveground
For some people, e.L2th house emphasisconuibutes to the lack out ofwhich wehavecome.vhat wastherein the beginningis there
of a clear identity nebulousnes, directionles lirres,victimization, at the end. V'e arrive back at the Ascendantto begin again on a
the orperience of being overwhelmed by unconscious drircs or new lerrclof the spird.
undercurrenm at loose in the atmosphere, and a distoned senseof
the value of suffering and self-sacrifice.On thc other hand, the 12th
houseconceptof zurendering the senscof being a separatedfgirres
rise to true empathy and compassion, selfles service, anistic
inspiration, and ultimately the capacityto merge with the grcrter
In the lkh house,we theorizeon the unity and interconncrtednes
of all life. It is acknowledgedin principle. In the 12th, the mystery
of our onenesswith the rest of creation is pcrceirrcd dircctly with
errcrycell of the body. All of o<istenceis felt aspan of ounelves, just
asportions of our body are pan of us. \7ith such an awarenes, it
would be asdifiicult to heedlesslyharm another personasit would
be to cut offone of our fingers. Conrrcrsely, what we felt servedour
own individud well-being would inrnariablyserrr the good of the
An old story illustrates the positirc side to the 12th housc. A man
is allocrcdto visit Hearcn and Hell. In Hell, he seesa largegathering
of peoplc sitting around a long table set with rich and delectable
food. And yet these peoplc are miserableand starving. He soon
discoversthat the reiuon for their dreadful state is that the spoons
and forksprovided for them arelongerthan their arms.As a result,
they areunable to bring the food to their mouths and fted themsclrres.
Then the man is shown Heaven. He finds the sametable set out
there, with the same extra-long eating utensils. But, in Hearrcn,
insteadof just trying to feed their own selrrcs,eachpersonuseshis
or her spoonand fork to feedonc another.They aredl well-fedand
While notfully losing our own personalidentity or scnseof out
own unique individuality, we need to orperience, acknwledge,
honour, and connect to, that pan of us which is unirrcrsaland
i ffi;;;

which fdl belowthe
and lower(nonhern) hemispheres'The houses
most-directly with the
"rJ and stp"t^it idtntitv andthe basic
requirements p.*on "ililo.ttftift' Theseareknon'nasthe
.- "
{1r. fro"reswhichareabovethe horizon(houses7-12)
oi,nl individualwith others:on an intimate
the interconnection
;;;_;". level,in t.rm, of *.iety asa whole,and in relationto
L5. areknown astheCollectiacHotses(see
""Th. 5). the line of the horizoncutting-
of rhc meridiancrosses
"*1, in half' #;;l'ilg
thehorizon anotherdivisionof thewheelof
i-fr. fto"t.t, theFour Qaidrants(seeFigure6)'
Searchformeasurable elementsamongyourphenomena and
then searchfor relationsberweenthesemeasurcs.
Alfred Nonh Vhitehcad
(Scienceand the Modetz lYorld)

The twelvehousescan be subdividcd and classifiedunder different

headings.A knwledge of thescgroupingsenrichesan undcrstanding
of the meaning of eachhouseand the way in which one houseor EAST
sphereof life relatesto another.

Hemisphercs and Quadrants

Thc line of the horizon divides the chan inro the upper (southern)


Aotses 7-12 to takcshape
FAST WEST In Qaadranr/ (houses1-3) the individualbeeins
asa distinctentity.A t;;J"f ; t6;t
HOUSgS ;'ff'-t;;;i;;;"it'rrtit'r'"*;t:b"dvand'subsnn"^(?ldhouse)
matrixof life'
Houscs l-6 ;J;i;d 6rd house)-outof the unirrcrsal funherorpresion
ln Oadrantll(houscs 4-6) growthinrolvesthe
''-----' *,;';ffi ;;;;;il;Jlftr-Jn"riat.dself.tnthc4thhousc,_shaped
NORTH il;;il;it f".kg-;e*J -i.r,ta inheritance,
oi r,it or her own idcntity. \(iith this
mouldsa*i.I' in the
;; ilffid ;;?, ;ir; seels to o(press oumardly
Fq.5 1thhousc,anotnennrni.itp*iry, fine-^nrne and pcrftctirs

is describedby
nature, skills and capabilities(6th housc). other, but many others. A person'srole in socicty
are explorecl
In Quadranr 11l(houscs7-9) the individual expandsawareness the 10th house,rarious forms of group consclousness -.\is ortrer
through relationship with orher people. In the 7th house,thcre is r" ,h.-il h, and an individual's-spiritualidentiry
of the selt -
the closeencounterhtween one lrrson's reality and anotherperson's relationshipto rhat which is greaterand yet inclusive
redity. The 8th housedepica the breakingdown of the individud 12th.
" orplored in the
ego-identity through the processof merging with another. The Vhifilgro"pi"g of the housesby.quadranmmakessensein
subsequentbroadening, reauakening,and re-visioningof the self .;;;?rillSgical biundaries createdbythe crossof the horizon
is shown by the 9th housc. iJil. -.iiJL, i isposibleto subdividethewheelin yetanother
In QtdrantlZ{houscs 10-12)the main concemis the oganding ;; G; it*ie r1.-rt.i tn houses 1-4,theindividualisbornandbecomes
or transcendingof the boundariesof the selfto include not just oni ;;t;t;iilt' Ji o*n existence'bodv,mind' backgroundand
i;;iiilr. lhis phaseestablishes a sense of the
urge ,o op,.tt and share the-autonomous selfwith
l-iJlpi.. thi 'you-out-therc'.

.r(^s&,',mi.-in-h;' -..L

,.Ai,v. "r*,ich
In this
ln houses

9-12the task
i, i",.**ion, nor justwith'afewothers,but with society-at-large
*ti.r. we area paft: the devclopmenr.of
thc soarkandinoiration of a fieryhousc(lst' 5th and9th)
n'.* l.,ol of being;andeachphaseends with awatery
,h; L'*h il;
li,n, eth and tzth) desciibing the disolution'
no<t stage'
and transition which leads to the
Houses9-lz Ancular. Sucdcnt and Cadent
PHASEII T#h;r;;;aditionally to whethertheyare
angular,succedent or cadent'
Housess-B Angulat Houscs(Figuret)
, theAngalarHo.uses erethe
In Ouadrantryr,.-, of housc-division
T onei*hi.h fofiowimmediatclyupontherog alstll the lstnogs3
bcsinswith thc Ascendant, the4th housewtth thelu' tne /tn wltn
Housesl-4 .h$;;;;;; ;i,h. tbth with the MC' In the naturalzodiac'
,ft. tg"ft housescorrespond to thecardindsigl:f {i::!:.Rtl:F
eouinox), Cancer (summir solstite;'I ibra(autumnalcquinox)and
andrelease new
Lloli."li t*i"r.,,.lstice). cardinalsignsg€nerate
iililtt",tt -g.,i"tt'ot'* spurusinto acdon and rcprescnt
ffi J1iii *tfi .tt harrca strongimpacton our individualitv:
-Th;;ic*;;;t ielationships(7th) and career(lfth)'
of the cardindcros figuratiralysquareor oPPose one
the four angular hogses rePresent.tour sPneres
other' nn
of lift which are potcntially in cgn{llct wrth each
F'ry.7 il;;dt"; ,f,; f."a"*1 Td.di!r"-as presenred
ai[i.* -g,if", fr",rl *iU hclpin theinterpreiadon
will versuslove:how much
rwo housesgivesthe classicdilemma of
how much do we adjustto
do we assenour own ,rrJiuid""tity and
adiust too
*i"r-* need or r.q,rire. There is a fear that if we
ld€ntlty; but conversely'if we
much, then we loseour own seParate us'
and demanding' then others won't love

i Tlte 4th-tOtb oPPosition

Here. one oossible.o.rfli., is bctween staying
at home and
in the family unit (4th) versus-being
familv in order ro esnblisira carcer(1fth). The
from the
#..i;il;;tbti#t d*'not h"utihetimeto bewiththefamilv'
of life ' The woman
or sDaremorncntsto r.flttt on the deepermeaning
-,it-*p""fr* q*t" theserwohouses mavbetornbetween
thedesire for. prot"'iilL; 'ott "' " *tft ormother'Thechild-
in-us(4th) tnt'adult-like' behaviourexpected
.o,rld .o.,iiit*itf'
;; ;;"i;:it.;l [fe (10th). The businessman'for instance'
l.t#;;,;;;-; a ctientif the dealrhreatens to collapse
I -" the last mornent'
iri ri".l
ilr;itconditioning (4th) influenceshow wefunction laterin
as a child that we feel
society(10th). ff"u. *t Bttn so dcnigrated
the reiectedchild who
we have nothing to off.i'otitty?.Or itt *t
makea mark on the world? Have
ANCULAR. HOUSES i;;.;;i";d
piotected bv-oyr parentsthat we lack the
"r,i at dl ?Thcse
J. t-.8.:." ; ;nture out of tht familv home
Activatlry t Gewrar;Lng-
Enr;rgg ;tip;;;,
isues may ar$ert,n.t. oppttitions berween planets in the 4th
and toth houses.
t Tbe lst-4tb rqaare
(lst)' but t9
squaresand opposidons plenets may make to one anothet if pleced Ve arebom scparateand unique individuals *i:*fl,:'
h";Jrir. tarrtJ*pptnorquash
in rhese houses.r ;;;; rnl'eorn tne
ia; up thechanof a vgung.rnl"yh9hadJupttcr
Tbc lst-7tb opposiion i" tqttia to Neptunein Scorlioin the4th' His
containcd andrestricted
Somedegreeofpcrsonal identity and fuom (lst)must besacrificed andenthusiasm$"pii.ii" thti"ltt4 to be \0e might
r",r,cr(Neptunein the 4th)'
to funcrion in a relationship (7th). An opposition between these soasnot ro disrurb to smv
"r "in-"g
t;, -i fttt (lst), but.regresive.urges
itk ;;
t A squareis a 90 degreeanglebctwecnt*o planes; the oppcition is a withwhatissecureandalreadyknowninhibitus(4th).
180dcgrceanglc.A planet in thc lst may or m.y not opposca planct in
thc 7th. Hovcrrer.if thcy arein opposition,tensionariscsbctyiecnthcsc The4tb-lth sqa*re likelihood
o*o iueasof lift. Ewn if they do not form an oppositionaspcct,thc pull Vith squarcs berweenthe 4th and7th houses'thereisa
of,onchouscandthc pull of thcoppcitc trorc corld still prescntaproblcrn busines'around a parent (usually the
;il,:ffi;""n."rt.a life (4th) often
Thc semeeppliesto planetsin thoschouseswhic-h,figuntirrcly spcafing p*ttins elly
establishcd in
fathcr)onto a p""".L
et least,squaleone enother.
obscure our ability io ;;;;htt peopleclearly(zth;' Problemsin
establishinga home (4th) with a panner (7th) could ariseif planes
in thesehousessquareone another.The capacityto be objectiraand
fair with others is interfcred with becauseof childish needs and

Tbe Ttlt-tOth rqilare

Conflictscould surhce betweencareer(10th)and relationship(7th).
If we are so busypursuing a career,w€ may haveles time for close
pannerships.Our amractiveness to a panner (7th) may be contingent
on our statusin the world (10th). Or a panner may be sought who

ti enhancesone'ssocid standing. Isues with our morher caninterfere

with seeing a panner clearly.

Tbe 1st-10tb tqaare

Sclf-disciplineis neededto forge a career(10rh) and this inrnriably
limits our personal freedom and spontaneity (lst). \flhat sociery Fig.9SUCCEDENT HoU5E5
approvesof and ralidates (lOth) may imposc restrictionson what

Stabttt:rttlSu ConcretizlngWry
we arenaturdly inclined to do (lst). Somethingthe mother represents
(10th) may inhibit the orpresion of the lst houseplanet. One man
with Venusin Iro in the lst squaredto rhe Moon in Taurusin the in conflict with eachothcr'
10th wanted to be an anist (Venusin Iro in the lst) but his mother spheresof tift which are Potentially
insistedthat he choosea more practical carecr(Moon in Taurusin
the 10th). Often, we are labelled solelyby what we do in rhe world 'tii;;I,kK"#i"';natoneP'g,"ryY11.'.11'd^*trffi
Tbc znd-Atb oPPosition
(10th) rather than by other qudities we might possess(lst). Cbntlrctslrlscucrw'ssuw"rvr'v prcrrrrcs and
dear' Tht. ?n9 housc
Pcnxln holds
*r,", -o,rter
;H.ffiH;#.t; ;'ilh";""" uTq1* :::*'ffi
r-.- - aarrp nrrrr
SuccedentHouses (Figure 9)
The forcesset in motion in the angular housesare concenrrared, fr wLJ*s'lY ;;u""Jfi.'tTSl:::f#Y
fflHfr ff.*:S."
t0rsOmeuungrrsw' -
The 2n{ housc.scestttcry'*--,L-
embellished,utilized and derrclopedfunhcr rnrhe Saccc&nt Hotses:
f'$l.iTT$"ii#' ilil ""d;;$': 11ii:;t*fi
*iO.ttotft.(Srhl. hiidan
the 2nd, lth, 8th and ttth. Thesehousesare narurdly associated
with the fixcd signs of Taurus,Iro, Scorpioand Aquarius, which
ffi:."fi .ffi o g3inrna$eryorrcrinstirrnrelFoccsscs.
consolidatethe generativeenergyof cardinal signs.The succedent ffi;::J',r,.tii;*
2nd house adds substanceto the persond identity (1st) through
dcfining our posesions, resources,shape and boundary. In the Tbc oPPosiion
Stb-tttb oPPotttr:e-
TbcI'h-u'b such
f^. nrrt r.,n oenootrl satisfaction'
succedent5th house,weaffirm and suengthenthe senseof 'I' distilled I" rh. lth housc,wecreatefor oq1a1,q:f-- rmr. .''r enersy
ourownltion'r1,11-q. 19:
ar qclr''trurE vs v""
from the angular 4th by orpressing who we are and impresing
o"#t"ts, such asnl*i:
designing K:?:"9
on othen. Through the activiry of relating to othen (angular to something grelt:1t- rt- P*:t-:: "
r"" i',hi.h or helons. Anorher
7th house) we increaseour resoutcesand deh,edeeper into ourseh'es rcleasc our
our chi
childlen r o r u o*s
bc whether
whcther wc .t? *iiting to release
*. are
(thc zuccedent8th). hnicipating in the mainaining and functioning
of society (thc angular 10th) enhancesthe awarenessof ounelrrcsas
#fii'-ilii,q'ffi 11fff'ffi J*:
i'fl i'T)'ffi"fi:
d an ()ut) rnfo rnc Ytltuu \ rrur/l'
r r s!'----
d, iat, I am a mcmbcr.
I *tti l",ic end thc conscnsus
socid beingsand prwidcs the basisfor oganding our scnscof,idcntity m. ('ttr,fordo ^ rI acccpt thcgroup
- --^ii rh.,n,,rrrr
to encornpassbigger and broaderboundarics(the succedcntllrh). iffiffiffi;;;;"fo;o
Likc the angular houses, thc four succedent houscs reprcrcnt opinion (lkh)?
Tlte Znd-)tlt sqaare cotrld inhibit the eascwith which we rclateto the largerunit of society.
A numberof conflictscanbe stired if planetsin rhe 2nd square C.onflictscould arisebetweenour own humanitarian, political and
planetsin the Jth. Theneedfor securityanda regularincome(2nd) rccid ideals (llth) and those of our panner (8th).
could interfcrewith time spenton morecreativeand recreational
activities(lth). C.onrcrsc\ithestrugglingafti$ or 'resting'actor(5th) Tbc 11tb-2nd sqaarc
oftensuffersfrom the lackof a stableincome(2nd). Somepeoplc The llth house may ptoposc such liberd aims as the equd
with squares betweenthe 2nd and tth derivetheir senseof power, distributionof wealth,but the 2nd houscdesireto onn thingp
pcrrcndly couldcontradictthis. The 2nd houseneedto establish
(2nd). Children(lth) might be treatedas posesions(2nd) or clearindividualboundaries conflictswith the llth houseurgefor
orperiencedasa drain on one'sresources. 'out
a widcr group membership.Elcrrcnthhouscidealismmay be
of touch'with thedm,n-to-eanh2ndhousc.Problcmscouldensue
TlteStlt-8tb sqilare in financid dedings(2nd) with friends(11th).\U[ecould bccome
In the 5th house,welike to beseenasbright,positive,creativeand sostronglyanached(2nd) to achio,ingcenaingodsandobjectirres
special.Valueisplacedon thosethingswhichenhancethejoy and (llth), that orcesirrcforcccouldbe usedto obtainthese.\I7emay
dignity of life. Thc 8th dcpictsthe darker,more intenseand clingtoo tenaciously(2nd)to idcas(llth). Morepositiraly,theremay
destructiveelemcntslurking in the persondity.If weharrctheserwo bc the practicalscnseand ability(2nd)to realizehopesandwishes
housesaccentuated we may bc engagedin a fiercebattlebetween (nrh).
light and dark forcesin the psyche.Thc kinds of crisesassociated
with the 8th house can temporarilydisrupt the tth house's
spontaneiryandenthusiasmfor life. Insteadof feelingin chargeof
our lirrcs(lth), we may be drirrcnby unconscious complores(8th)
to actin waysorcrwhichweha'relittle conuol.Sorualconquestcould
be utilized asa meansof affrming our sclf-importance.Squares
betweenthc Jth and Bthhousescensomedmes manifestasintensc
conflictswith one'schildren.Perrcnalcreativity(5th) is associatid
with emotiondtensionandfrustration(8th).On the positircside,
periodsof psyctrological renewaland cleansing(8th) frec the life-
forceto express itself morepurely(lth). Creatiraorpresion(5th)
may be a way of clcaring something out of the system(8th).
Destructirrc ercesses(8th) may be glamorized(5th) asin the casc
of the tornrredFrenchpoet,Rimbaud,whohad Satumin the 8th
squaredto Neptuncin the Jth. Fig,toCADENT
Tbeail-ittb tqt drc
Thc llth housemayhaveavisionof a bettersociety, but hasit taken
Dist r [unting, Read;ivstul,g
into accountdeep-seated complocs(8th) in peoplewhichobscure
the ability to relateto othersfairlyandobjectirrcly?
needyinfant in us (8th) canwreakhavocin our relationships with Cadcnt Houscs(Figurc 10)
friendsor groups(llth). Thesocietalrdormerwith squaresbctween T?neCadentHottscs(the3rd,6th, 9th and 12th)areassociated with
the llth andthc 8th maybefiredwith suchconvictionthatanymeans the mutablesignsof Gemini, Virgo, and
Sagittarius r07hile
justifiesachievinghisor herends.Sexrdundercurents(8th)could angularhouscsgazalarcenetgyand succedenthousescorrccnrrotc
intrude on a fricndship(11th).In shon,highly chargedemotions enirgy,the cadenthovxs distribttc andrcorganizcenergy.Incach

cadenthor.tse, wereconsider, readjustor reorientateourselveson the Jupiter appearedmost frequently in cadenthousesin the chans
basisof what we harrcprwiouslyexperienced in the preceeding oflctors-playwrighr, politicians, military leaders,top orecutives
succedent house.In thecadent3rdhouse,weleammoreabourwho and journalists.
we are through comparingand contrastingourselves with rhosc 3. Saturnappearedmost frequently in cadenthousesin the chans
aroundus.As thementd capacities derclop,weenteravorld bcJnnd of scientisa and phpicians.
that of the bodilysensesandbiologicdnccds(2ndhouse).Thccadent 4. The Moon appcaredmost frequently in cadent housesin the
6th houscreflectson the useor misuseof thc outpouringof energy chans of writers and politicians.
in the 1th, andmakesadjustments accordingly. The intcrpersond ln the discusion of the 12thhouse,I haveotplained why I don't
explorations andstruggles of the8th areconducirrcto the9th house find theseresultsthat surprising(seepage 105).A similar rationale
reflectionsonthe deeperlawsand proceseswhichgorrcmodstence, can bc applicd to the other cadent houses.The 9th is where we look
and the patternswhichweaveus together.The perspectivc of rhe for truth and principles to guidc our lirrcs- therefore we will be
individud ego,alreadyreelingfrom the llth houseorperienccof highly motirated to developand give orpressionto the planetstherc
beingpan of a groupor largersystem,finally,in the cadentl2th, asl *ay of lending greatermeaning to our odstence.Both the 6th
topplesdowndtogetherfrom its positionasking of the mountain. and rhi lrd housei describcour effons to discernhow we differ ftom
Cadenthousesharcoftenbeendescribed asweakor insubstantid. other pcople. Therdore, dcrrclopingthe planets in thesehousesis
but the research doneby the Gauquelinssuggesathat placemens .n .i"l if *. areto diftrentiate ounelrrcsfully from othersand ddine
in thesehouses aremorepowerfulthanpreviouslybelierrcd. Michel ourseh'esasscparateindividuals. The urge to connect to something
Gauquelin and his wife FranEoise are both psychologists and greatcr than the sclf (as shown by the 12th and the 9th) and the
statisticianswhoharrcstudiedrhediumd disuibudonof thc plancts urge to estabtishand dramcterizeour or'n specificidcntities (asshown
in thousandsof accuratelytimed binhchans.In panicular,they bV,h. 3rd and the 6th) arethe two complementary principles which
analysedthc houseposition of planetsin the chafts of cenain form the crux of the human dilemma. Seenin this light, thc planets
profesions- actors,artists,doctors,businesorecutircs,politicians, in these housesassumee gtcr;t imponance.
scientists,soldicrs,sporuchampions,writersandothcrc.Theresults As in the cascof the four angular housesand the four succedent
of their researchshovrcdthat the planea naturallyassociated with houses, the four cadent housesfiguratively square or oPposeone
eachof theseproftssions(suchasMarsfor sporapeople,Satumfor another. Eachone representsa contrastingview of life and a different
scientists,etc.)appearedmoreoften in the cadenthousesthan in method of acquiring and processinginformation.
the angularhouses,astraditiond asuologywould hara orpccted.
br instance,Marsin the chartsof successful sponspeopleappeared
mostoftcn in the 12thand 9th houses:that is, justafterthe rising Tlte 3rd-9t/t opposition
and supcriorculminationof the planetratherthan just beforein The 3rd housedescribesthe nature of the analyticd and concrete
the lst or 10thhouses.The noc mostfrequenthouscpositionsof mind while the 9th house denotes more abstract and intuitive
Marsforthe sponspeople theytestedc/erethe6rh andthe 3rdhouscs. thought processes. The 3rd houseseesthe pans; the 9th looks first
Agarn,thesearejust dter the settingand infcrior culminadonof at thJwh-ole.\fhen planetsarefound in opposition berweenthese
theplanet,ratherthanbcforein thc 7thor 4thhouses. Thecondusion two houses,it could signifr a good balanccand integration berween
to be drawn from their surr€y is that cadent housesare more thc right and left hemispheresof the brain. Hwever, in cenain cases,
imponantfutors in determiningcharacterand careerthanprwiously the opposition might d.note a Personwho gathersfacts(3rd) and
suspected. then diaws the wrong conclusions(9th) from them. Mountains are
madeof mole-hills,oi conversely, a Pemonmay adhere to somebelief
Bridly recapitulated,they found thesecorrelations:I or truth (9th) and then intcrpret erarphing around them (3rd) solely
in the light of thcse principles. In other words, factsare distorted
1. Marsappearedmostfrequendyin cadenthouscsin thc cherts to pro'trc
a point. The Jrd house may labour for many weekspreparing
of physicians,military leaders,spons cha,mpionsand top a llcture, making surethat each word conveys the precisemeaning

intended. The 9th houselecturermay preferto wait to seewhat the to rheprocesesof the logicalandrationalleft brain.Thetendency
audicnce is like, trusting that he or she will intuitively know what ; f"" ,i. mind to onerJork.The 3rd housclikesto knowa little
tmething abouteverything, whilethe wantsto know
to saywhen the time comes.Sometimeswith the 3rd-9th opposition, and
there is a persistentfeeling that the grassis greenerfanher afield. ;;;;-h; p""lut. things'Put thesetwo tog.ether
"bo.r, "T.*
who wantsto knowasmuch as posibleabout
;ry.hfi. Vith ilanets in both the 3rdand6th, it
Tlte 6t lt-t Ztlt opposition somtthin! couldbe analysed oyt o{ existence'Thkento extremes'
The 6th house examinesthe myriad forms of relative existence, i;;;"iJ bEapersor, *ho insissthat theonlyrealdifference berween
scrutinizing in detail how one thing diffcrs from another.The 12th ,ir;;ht; OltbrttoandHamletis that the lettersof the alphabetare
house,howwer, embracesthe essenceof a thing - not how much - differentlyin eachplay.
it weigtrsor measures,but what it like. The 6th is dirriminating U."r. poritively,tirereisgerrcrilyth..pursuitof information(3rd)
and selective,carefullydefining boundaries;the 12this empathctic foi,t . ,.1"f.. of .tring it prictically'(6th).Therecanbe a greatdeal
and all-inclusive, and a boundary-dissolrar.The 6th house is ou.rd.i"i6 muc'hdiscussion aboutthepreciseand
pragmatic, logicd and concernedwith the errryday redities of lifc; "?Ui.t*l"g "nd Consequer.rtlx
;;;;;; ;d*mething shouldbe done' :-T:t- :::l
the 12th aspiresto transcendwhateveris mundane, and is awareof ihcjrd/6th housecombinationusuallydo not let othersescape
the elusive,unknoqrableand mysteriousnuancesof o<istence.Thc [.i"ni* abstract, whimsicalorrague'If I havesomeone with these
6th house plans life; the 12th flocNswith it. ;i;;:;;;;'-;.h;Juled
'h;;l;; for a chanrlading, I will allowanextrahalf-
Oppositions betweenthesctwo housesheighten ther contrasting ---Vlirf, q;.ttions at theend'('Vhat emctlyd9 yoqmeanby ' ' '?')
approachesto life, but afford a geater chanceof achievinga synthesis rif"*o betweenthesehouses,it isposible that hedth isues
of the rariousmodesof bcing. I haneseen6th-r2rh houseoppositions, (Otfri.o"ia afFect physical mobility T 1e[ asthe clearfunctionin-g
for instance,in the chansofspiritudly-minded people who alsohave il.t'. -i"a (3rd). urueso6ad conflictswith siblingp(3rd)
thcir fecr firmly on the ground. One wasa dendst with Moon in i.*f".. inihe'form of problemswith co-workers (6th)'
Capricorn in the 6th opposingJupitcr in Cancerin the l2th, who
wasa devout follower of an Indian guru. Another ws a carpentet Tbe 6tb-9tlt sqlare
who rolunteered his servicesto rain pcoplc inThird !7orld counries rt .."-ui.ation of theorpansive andtruth-seeking 9thhousewith
in his skill. He had three plancts in the 6th opposingUranusin the themundaneandpracticdly-minded 6th can produce aresdessou.
12th. whomovesfrom onepreoccupation to another ln a constant searcn
Oppositions between the 6th and tzth somedmesmanifest in il;;. Ji"g *ti.t ii totaly fulfilling..Thc catch is that they will
phpical ailmenr which arepqrchologicalin origin. Reincamationists ;*"iiy find"rharthc thirrg'upon which_all the hopes hara been
believethat ccnain health problems (6th) may be the consequences Whenthat fails'something
;i;;;A *-.rt * aus shonlf the mark'
of past-life behaviour (12th). For orample, if a man overindulged ilse is ferventlypursucdwith the sameabidingconvictionthat it
in food and drink in a prwious lifc, hc might be bom this lifc with 'werything'.Ratherthan.looking,to onethrng,to,be
allergiesto cenain foods,forcing him to pay more attention to what thewholetruth,theyshouldapproachitwiththeatutudethatlt
he put into his body. Or a person who habitudly looked down on mavoffersomeversionor anglcbf the truth' In otherwords'they
othersin apast lift couldfind himsclfabnormdlytdl in this lifttime. ,.d ,h;;;t;;;. oron. thinfto bewerything'Thqnthevcanfind
Or perhapshc would be born unusudly shon, sohe could orpcricnce ;;fi;;i;;;;ff.t bit of the truth andotherkindsof
what it felt like to be the one looked down upon. In any case,with "no,li.,
are not openingthemselves to complete
futfit*.rri. In thisway,they
6th-12th oppositions, the origins of ill health may be difficult to J6;iil.n, if o". focus of attintion doesn't deliver all the
diagnose,stemming from a sourcewhich is not obniousto fface. nourishmenttheYcrara.
rq""re beiweenthe 6rh and 9th canbe seenhistoricallyin
I Tbe 3rd-6th tqilare
Here we harrclinked together the two housesmost dirc'ctly rclated
thc conflictbetweeninductivemodesof rientific inrrcstig"Uql
-d tfrrf.i"d of kno"'int",hich arisesfrom religious faith and


(9th). 6th-9th tension also manifests in the kinds of theologicd Tltc ard-tztb tqaale
disputesthat areconcernedwith exactlyhow many angelscandance Broadlyspeaking,the 12this the unconscious mind and thc 3rd
on the head of a pin. Scriptures(9th) may be interprered in a thc consciour -iird. The t2rh is the domain of what is hiddenand
fundamentalist way: laws and rituals are to be followed exactlyto unseen,while the 3rd perceives what is immediate and at handin
ensurethat eran rhe most humble or ordinary aspecrsof existence the environment.An altion or starement can be apprcciated at its
(6th) panakeof the sacredor areperformedin accordanceto higher facenaluc(3rd)or may be felr to be cloaking less obvious feelings
law (9th). There is also the ability to perceivecosmicsignificance or moti\ations(12th).In psychology, this is known u the meta-
(9th) in the smdlest dctails of life (6th). On another level, health meaning.The 1rd houseobierves ihe actionsand makessenseof
problems (6th) could occur through travel (9th). Or rhere may be 'picksup on' andissensitive to other
theworIs, but thc l2th house
many differencesof opinions with in-laws(9th) orar rhe managemenr levelsof what is beingsaidoi done. The lrd/l2th combination
of daily affairs (6th). Derceives manylevelsof realityar once.Thisconferseitheruncanny
i*igt , into peopleandsituations oragreardealof mentdconfusion.
Tbe gtb-tztlt squore
Shouldtheybeiievewhattheyhearandseeor whattheysenseand
In this casewe havetwo housesof an orpansivenature in relationship arenoruncorrunonamongsiblings
Thesekindsof mixedmessages
to one another.Neither sphereis fond of boundariesand limitations, theyounger
(3rd).In general,oldersiblingsfeelambiralenttou/ards
and those with planets in both these housesmay nor fccl very to love the new baby,. but jedousy
it itd' ttt{ t theyaresupposcd
comfonablc within the confinesof a mundane exisrence.Usudly "*' The younger sibling perceives
an interest in philosophical or religious mamerspredominates: in
anddestructiveurgeiarerhiie aswell.
the older child aclingkindly towards him or her, and ye! fe.nse:
e:ftreme cases,they live in a world of symbols, dreams and images,
surviving from one peak orperience ro the noc, ofren totdly
somethinglcs pleasantpassingbemeenthemaswell.vhich lcvel
forgetting about having to go to the dentist. They may have an
shouldUelatci asred?A caselnquestionis a womanI knewwith
unending sourceof uanspersond inspiration but no vehiclesfor
Saturnand Pluto in the 12thsquaredto the Moon in Scorpioin
expressingor relating their vision to everydaylife. Not inclined to
the 3rd.Heroldcrsisterwasoutwerdlykind to her,but underneath
resentedthe intrusionof theyoungerchild. Iater !! lifc, the younger
andytical thinking, they may swallow a belid whole and lira it
fervendy until it is spat out again and something new is looked for
child grewinto a womanwho had enormousdifficulty trustingor
befiorlngin whatothcrssaidto her.lg'haterrer waso<pressed or done
to swallow.Somesidetracktoo fu with delusionsof being another if it was intended to threaten
wasinteforetedin a negativelight_as
Napoleon or Chri$, landing thcmsclrrcsin mentd insriturions (12th).
her.Shemysteriously blcamedeafin oneearandliveda lonelylife
More positively, thosewith a heavy9rh-12th emphasisserrato open (12th)with siblings
in isolationfromothers.unrerclrcdpastissues
other people's eyes to realities beyond the kcn of the rypicd in a natural vray with.thosearound
(3rd)prernntedherfrom relating
3rd-6th housc thinker. t*l and the capacityfor making
ii.t tr squares betweenrhetrh lrd,
There arediftrences in the 9th and t2rh houseapproachto 'higher percei'rc life may be_ distoned by
understanding'.The 9th housebelievesthat the basicpatternsand
dccisionsoi rhe ability to clearly
Jccp-rootedunconscibus .ompio,es. These need to be oramined
principleswhich governlife can be known and comprehended.The
andcleaned up througha comiousandpis (3-rd.) of theimages.ano
12th housefeelssomcthingwhich is often unfarhomable and bqpnd lerrcl of the psyche(12th)'
fantasieslurking beniath the surface
knowing. Th. 9th house is basicallyconcernedwith scding new
heighs; the 12th finds inspiration not only in the heights, but also Classi&ingthe Houscsby Elemcnts.
in the depths- ecstasyand pain, blis and suffering,areintimately Anotherfry,o grouptht housesis by_elements. Therearethree
connected.On a more mundane level, there may be strangeand fti fio* tfg, llr ani 9th); three eanh houscs (2nd,6th and tOth);
inexplicableyearningsto travel to different countriesand a danger tt[ee air houscs(3rd, 7th and ttth); and thrcewetethouses(4+,
of imprisonment (12th) in a foreign land (9th). gth and 12th).Ameaningfuland sequentidderrclopment canbc
obscned as we progressfrom the firsr houseassociatedwith a - the activity of releasingthe lif'e-force.The lst houseshowsthe
panicularelement,to the secondhouseof that element,and on
initial stiring of beinginsideus,the urgeto be a separateand distinct
to the third houseof the sameelement.In general,the first housc
person.Developingthe signsand planetsin the lst housevitalizes
associated with a panicularelementbringpthe natureof that element
and enlivensus.
into focusand personalizes it. The nen housealignedwith thet The secondfire houseis the 5th house.It is alsoa succedenthouse.
elementfunher differentiaces and definesrhat principle,usually Therefore the lth house combines the qualities associatedwith
tirough comparingour orpresionof it with that ofothers.Thethird with the elementof
succedenthousesand the qualitiesassociated
houserclatedto a panicularelementuniversdizes ir orpresion: stabilizeand utilize the energy
fre. Succedenthousesconcentrate,
that elementcanbeseento beoperatingon a broadcollectirnle.r'el.
generatedin angularhouses.In the caseofthe 5th house,the pure
ipirit of the lst houseis given focusand direction. \7e strengthen
orrrs.nre of identity (lst) by pursuing thoseoutlets and interests
which make us feel more alive, and by stamping our individuality
on what we do or create(1th).
The third fire house is the 9th house.It is also a cadent house.
Thereforethe 9th housecombinesthe qualitiesassociatedwith cadent
housesand the qualitiesassociated with the elcment of fire. Cadent
housesreconsidlr, readjust and reorientatethe way we focus our
energy.In the 9th house,we revamPour senseof identity through
viewing life and ourselvesin a broadercontoa' The fre we recognizcd
burning insideusin the lst and 5th houscshasnorvspreadto everyone
elsc we now perceive or spirit asa universd attribute existing
in everything around us. In the lth house, we orplore -our own
persond creaiivity,but in the 9th weglimpse the workingsof a cosmic
ireative intelligence which shapeslife in accordancewith cenain laws
and universalprinciples.
In the first fiic house(lst) our own identity is sparked.ln the second
fire house (5th) we strengthen,confirm and expressthat identity.
In the third fire house(9th) the creativenature of fire and the urge-
to-bc is seenexpressingitself impersondly through the archetypd
- which governand generateall of life.
ft; three fre liousessymbolicallytrine one another. Planetsin
the lst, )th or 9th housej may literally trine eachother - that is,
Fg,lf FlRg: Tlv.Trinlrt5 of Spr{f,. form 120degreeanglesto eachother (allowing an 8-10 degreeorb
or so). However,in finding irspectswe must alwayscount the actual
number of degrecsbetweln ihc two planets, not just the number
The Firc Houscs:The Tirinityof Spirit (Figurc U)
of houses.A planet in the lst doesnot automaticallytrinc aplanet
Fireisthg lift-forcewhichanimatesdl living forms.It isthe element
in the :th. and in some cases,due to the unequd size of houses
associatedwith thewill-to-be theurgeto orpresfrom insidetheseff.
in Quadrant systems,the rwo plan€tsmay evensquareone another.
The lst hous isthefirst fire house.h isalsoangularIfve combine
Nonetheless,it is helpful to understandthc basicaffinity between
the qualitiesof fire with the nanre of angulerhouscs(activiryand with the sameelement in the natural
placemena in houscsassociated
releascof encrgy)we arrivcat a good derription of the lsr house

Tbc lst-Jth tine

If a planct in thc lst housetrinesa planet in thc )th, then the lst
houseplanet finds a creativereleasethrough the 5th houseplanet.
For instance,if Mercury is in the lst house and trine to Jupiter in
the )th, the urge to communicate and exchangeinformation
symbolized by Mercury may have an outlet through someform of
anistic expression(Jupiterin the lth). In trine contacrslerween the
lst and the 1th, therc is a natural easeorflow in oumardly ogresing
who we are. The French author, Victor Hugo, who expresed his
humanitarian concerns*rough literature had sympatheticNeptune
in the lst trine to Mercurv in the )th.

Tlte )th-9tb tine

If a Jth houseplanet trinesa 9th houseplanet then whar we o(press
or create (lth) often influenccs and inspires other people (thc
orpansirrcnature of the 9th). It may seemasif crcativity flovn through
us from a higher sourceof inspiration or 'fired' vision. Iord Byron,
the English Romantic poet who orpressedhis acute sensitivity to
beauty through his work, had Vcnus in the 9th trine Neptune in
the Jth.

Tlte lst-9tb tine

Thosewith trines berweentheserwo housesnaturally acrin accord
with a broadened view of life. Their actions comply with trends
already in the atmosphere,and rhereforelessresistanceis met in EARIHzTlw Trinity of f{atter
achieving their aims. A wide scopeon oristence(9th) guides the
manner in which they meet the world (lst). The dangerwith this Therefore,thc 6th houscadjusaandreconsiders thc eanhprinciple.
trine is that it can too easilygive rise to the individual idenrifying In this housc,our resotucesandskillsarccomparedto otherpople's
the self with the Voiceof God, and justifring acrion on the basis rcsources and skills.Our specidabilitics arcrcfined and perftcted.
of a higher authority or guiding principle. For example,Francisco Thebodyasnall nee&attentionto functionefrciendyandill hcalth
Franco,the fascistdictator, had the Moon, Neptune and Pluto in canbc undentoodasthe bodytrying to readiustit-self.ln economic
thc 9th trine to Saturn in the lst. tenns, it reprcscntsthc labour force.
The thiril eanh houscis the 10th,which is en angularhousc.In
The Eanh Houses: The Thinity of Matter (Figure 12) this case,thcre is the needto ggnctatematter,i.e. productivity-ln
The elementof earth is associated
with the plane of material ocistence: oneseflicrthe lfth represenathc forccsof merugemcntwhoactively
the condensationof spirit into concreteforms. orgariizcand orrcneCceitd and labour.Morepcrsondly,it sho*s
The first eanh houseis the 2nd house.It is alsoa succedenrhouse. hw *l purposdrlly stnrcnre and dircrt our encrgyend $ili{cs
Therefore,the 2nd houserepresents macer trying to makeirelf more for the saleof concrctcand definite rcsuls. Hence,thc associetion
secureor stablc hencethe associadons of the 2nd housewith money, of thc lOth with cereettarnbition and the my rc likc to bc secn
possessions and resources.It showsthose things - including the by thc *orld. Morc broadly,the lfth houscdepica tlc rylc $c
body - which we like to callour own. In economictermsit is capitd. iiaviaU pUp in petpctuatingandrneinaining thc bodyof sociay
Thc secondearth houseis the 6th. which is alsoa cadenthouse. itself.
In the first earth house (2nd) the body and matter itself is
differentiated from the ouroboric wholenessof life. In the second
earth house(6th) our particular body and resources,differentiatcd
in the 2nd, aremore specificallydelineated.In the third eanh house
(10th) our own body and practical skills (differentiated in the 2nd
and more clearly defined in the 6th) come together with others to
form and maintain collectivematerial existence.
The three eanh housessymbolically trine one another,and planets
in these housesmay literally trine eachother.

Tbe 2nd-6tb trine

If a planet in the 2nd trinesa planet in the 6th, thc individual is
equippedwith resources and abilitieswhich he or shecanuseskilfully
and productirrcly,and usuallywith adequatefinancialremuneradon.
There isoften an efficient and adept handlingof the materialworld.

Tlte 6tb-l0tb tine

With this trine. there is the likelihood rhat a oerson'sskillsand stvle
of working are conduciveto successin a career.It is possiblethat
something inhcrited via the mother (10th) contributes to the
repenoireof tdents and abilitics(6th). The daughterof showbusincs
parenr, Candice Bergen makesgood use of both her beauty and
intelligencein her careersasan actressand photo-journalist.She
is born with VenusconjunctUranusin Gemini in the 6th trine to Fig.J3
Jupiter in Libra in the 10th.
AfR 7TlwTenrtS af Rela.tionrhip
Tlte znd-totb tine
In this case,the careeris usually well-suited to the remperament The first air housc is thc 3rd, wirich is alrc a cadent housc.
and abilities. Money and statuscan be earnedfrom what a person Morrcment,mental deralopmcnt and the advent of languagecnablc
naturally enjoys doing. Something of womh is inherited via the ts to readjustand reddine the rnorc concretesarscof rlfjust brming
mother or shaping parent (10th). Sir Harry Iauder, the comedian in thc lst and znd houses.Thc sccond air house is the 7th, which
and entertainer,had a wide public appealand wascspeciallyloved is angular. My mind and pcnpectivc on life (3rd) rneetsyour mind
for his Scottish dialect. He was born with Mercury (the planet of and pcrspcctivc on lifc (7th). The coming togethcr of two pcople
speech)in thc 2nd (resourccs)trine to Neptunc in the 10th. gcnerates1n enorrnousarnount ofenergy and the failure or succcss
of a relationship may affect hon'we feel about many other areasof
The Air Houses: The Thinity of Relationship (Figure 13) our livrs. The third air house (llth) is succedent.tU[estabilize and
Air is associatedwith the capacity to detach the self and view strengthcn our viewpoints by looking for other pcople (groups and
something objecdvelywith distanceand perspective. Oncewe have friends) who shareout ideas.Minds come together in the llth. Ideas
'fi:cd' 'isms'
separatedor distinguished ourselvesfrom the universalmatrix of a,re into ideologies and which are broadly applied to
lifc, then we canstart forming reladonshipswith what wefind. The society and up' by large numbers of people.
elementof aircorelates to the intellect and rhe communicationand The three air houscs symbolically trine one another, and planets
exchangeof ideas. in thcsc housesmay litcrdly trine each other.
130 HOUS$

Tlte 3rd-7th trine

The 3rdhouscis associated with communicationandif aplanetthere
trinesone in the 7th, thereis an easein communicatingwith closc
partners.\U(ecan makc oursclvcshcard as well CI being able to
understandor appreciateothers(intellcctudly at least).Thcre is
usudly a lively interestand fair degrecof perceptioninto the way
in which one petsonor thing interactsor relateswith anothcr.

Tlte 7tb-11tbtinc
A pannershipmayserveasa sourceof socialor intellecud orpansion.
It may be a friend (11th)who introducesthis pcrrcn to the future
rnarriagepanner(7th).Or animponantrelationship(7th) maybe
formed with someonethc person meets through a group or
organization(llth). Unrdly thepanner(7th)shares theperson's goals
and objectivesand is helpful in achievingthese.JeanHou$on, a
leadingfigurein humanisticpsychology hasJupiterin the 7th trine
to Pluto in the llth. Sheand her husband,RobenMastets,co-
foundedaninstirutefor mind research andhavetogctherderrcloped
numeroustechniquesto broadenawareness.

Tlte 3rd-11tbtrine
If a planetin the 3rd trinesa planetin the llth, thercis usudly an
easerelatingto groupsof people.Theremay be an intuitirrc grasp Ftg.l*
of hm, theindividud mind (3rd)islinkcdto othen(11th).Theperson
canspcakclearly(3rd)aboutbroadconcepcor thosethit gpwhich WATER:Ttrc Trtn;tty of Sout
heor sheenvisions (llth). Fricndsor goups (11th)inspireando<pand
thc thinking (3rd), and conrrcrsely, the perrcn'spoint of viewot influenceswithin the eerlyhomewhich shapcthc idcntity. In the
generdknowledgeaffecaothers.Albcn EinsteinhadUranusin the socondcaterhousc,thesuccedent 8th, ow ftelingparestrenglhened,
3rd trine to Neptune in the llth. His new discorrcries (Uranusin deepcnedandsdrrcdthroughdoscrelationshipwith anotherpc$on.
the 3rd)haveledto agreaterunderstanding of theinterconnectednes T*o pcople,eachwith their os'nfamily backgrounds andcmotiond
of dl life (11th).On anotherlerrcl,a 3rd-uth uine maymcanthat meke-upattempt to rnergeinto one.Greatersccurity(a succedent
neighbourhood groups(3rd)canbeformcdto promotenecdedsocid qudity) issoughtthrought*o pcoplelinking theirftelingpogether.
changes (llth), or a sibling(3rd)might introducetheperrcnto new In the 8th, our own ftelingp (differcntiatedand recognizedin the
fricnds,ideasor groups(llth). engular4th) floc, into anotherperrcn'sftelings. In the third weter
house,the cadent12th,we progressfrom union with a sclectfcs'
The \lhter Houses:Thc Trinity of Soul (Figure 14) (8th) to a scnscof unity with all life. S0eacknm'ledgethe collective
lVater is the elementassociated
with the fcelings.All threewater unconscious, the collectivEseaout of whichwedl emerge,and the
housesareconcerned with emotionswhichdwellbeneaththesurface background*r sharewith errcryone and everphing.
levelof consciousness.They alsodeal with the pastconditioned ln thc 4th houseweftel our frfn ioy -d pain; in the 8th weftel
tesponses which arenou,instincrual,unreflectirtcand inbred. thc joy and pain of a closcassociate; in the 12th,weftel thecorld's
Thefirst waterhouseisthe 4th, whichis drc angulat It describcs ioy -d pain. The scquentidderclopmentof thc cater houscs,as
feelingsactivedeepwithin us,aswell asthe family backgroundand with thc housesof the other elements,is a rnovcmentfrom the

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