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Rule #1 - Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Rule #2 - Treat yourself like you�re someone responsible for helping

Rule #3 - Make friends with those who want the best for you

Rule #4 - Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who others are today

Rule #5 - Don�t let your children do anything that makes you dislike them (mert
akkor m�sok is ut�lni fogj�k �ket)

Rule #6 - Put your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

Rule #7 - Do what is meaningful and not what is expedient (Csin�ld azt, aminek van
�rtelme, jelent�s�ge, ne azt ami c�lszer�.)

Rule #8 - Tell the truth, or at least don�t lie

Rule #9 - Assume that the person you�re listening to knows something you don�t

Rule #10 - Be precise in your speech

Rule #11 - Don�t bother children while they�re skateboarding (HAGYD �KET
k�s�rletezni az �let neh�zs�geivel)

Rule #12 - Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street (meditation on fragility,
what to do when you don't know what to do.) Ha neh�z az �let, akkor lehet hogy csak
h�napora, napokra vagy csak percekre tudsz j�l koncentr�lni, j�l v�gezni a dolgod
�s j�l �rezni magadat.

Akt�vit�s kell az �letbe, k�l�nben meghalunk. Ha nem j�tszol, meg�r�lsz. Ha nem

kapsz �rint�st, meghalsz. Ha nem vagy akt�v az �letben, akkor elsorvadsz. Az emberi
�let az aktivit�sra �p�l. A depresszi� �s a t�tlens�g meg�l.
Ha egy helyben �lsz s nem csin�ls semmit, akkor belehalsz, �s ez val�ban k�osz.

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