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To fulfill the SGDT 4013 Innovation and Technology course requirements in education,

we are given an assignment to participate in the ICEGE 2018 conference program. This

project is guided by Dr. Siti Nazuar and Dr. Farah for PGDE students in implementing

this project. For the Major Moral group, my group chose to do innovative projects on

awareness campaigns through ICT innovation entitled Sunshine VS Rainbow on the

current issue of "LGBT". At first, our group took time in selecting titles and games to be

implemented. However, the outcome of the idea and discussion, we stick with the tittle.

For each stage in the project preparation is going well as each of our groups

divides their assignments. However, problems arise when we stuck in which application

of the technology should be use to represent our question through this campaign. After all

the discussion and brainstorming, our group finally decided to use the Kahoot app to

represent questions. As a result of group collaboration, we have earned a silver medal for

this project. We also received good feedback from the participants who came, praising

that the outcome of the questions and the videos on display was very clear and easy to

understand and effective to create awareness of the audience. Finally, through this project,

I am more vulnerable to innovation and technology in educating and educating students. I

am so glad I was given the opportunity to go through something like this.

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