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Name : Nurul Syuhada Binti Hassan

Matrix No. : 824726

Reflection on Assignment 2
1. Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are
they mostly positive or negative?
My first thought was worried. At first, I was thinking this is too much for me
to manage all task given and have to understand each topic in syllabus. Overall of
this project is quite tough for me because it is about mathematics term especially
for item analysis project and the syllabus using English language made me have
to study twice and make translation. But, I realized this is very important subject
for me, all the knowledge in syllabus can help me in my education profession in
future. So I have to work hard for this. Since, lecturer help us a lot to understand
each topic and for sure my team member and classmate gave their hand to help
each other. So, all projects are completed well. Yes, for me they are mostly
positive especially when we are going to create some questions for examination
and to test whether the item was quality or not in future.

2. If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative?

Positive thing that comes to my mind especially about getting knowledge on
how to create questions, scoring rubric, SPSS that help us to know which item
was good and not. All about items difficulty, discriminate, reliability, types of
assessment and types of items. All this input pretty sure my specifically great and
new input for me. I am felt confident to create a question to my future students
3. What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on
this project? About the problem? About myself? About others?
Since, two of my group members are guys and they are staying outside the
hostel, we decided to discuss about this projects after class end and the worst part
we tend to discuss in short time. So, to make sure the work smooth I decided that
we separate the work to make sure the work in progress. One of my group
member and me, create a construct, marking, rubric, and using SPSS to develop
data. After that, both of guys complete their task with doing difficulty,
discrimination, and reliability of item analysis. In between the progress, we met
and trying to help each other to complete the task. We are refer again the
guideline that lecturer have gave us before and see the given examples. We also
ask other group member on how they are analysing the item base on rubric given.
Every one is very cooperative and willing to spend their time to come out to
accomplish our project, so our project can be handed over on time.

4. What would I do differently if I were to approach the same problem again?

If we meet the same problem, we will meet with lecturer to get further
information and get guidance from lecturer. We have to give more contribution
and opinion toward this project. Each of us should have their own encourage to
play a role in complete this task.

5. What were some of my most challenging moments and what made them so?
Because of my laptop had some technical problem, so, I can‟t install SPSS.
Same goes to all my group members. They had the same problem too. Because of
this problem, I‟m asking others group to help me. We took a lot of time to
understand how to insert the data from excel to SPSS, all the technical part has
delayed us in continued to do the analysis. The most challenging moment is when
I have to create rubric for subjective question. Since, a question is about Malay
Linguistic, I have to carefully state which and why marks not given even the
answer was true, but there is some others reason why no mark given. The others
are develops the item, and item analysis (SPSS part). So for them, because we are
divide the task, all the most challenging moments must be different. But, we tend
to help each other with doing a lot of discussion and reference.

6. What were some of my most powerful learning moments and what made
them so?
The most powerful learning moments is when we are learning a theory in
syllabus „get the input (knowledge) from lecturer‟, „doing a project (practical)‟
and get the output (learning outcome) on this project. So, for an example the
objective stated that students will use SPSS to develop the data and learning
outcome student manage to use SPSS to develop data has achieved. So, this
powerful learning can be more effectively when we tend to discuss and give share
our ideas and thought about to complete this project. In the same time we are
sharing the knowledge and made us more remember everything that we have

7. What is the most important thing I learned personally?

The most important thing I learned personally is I learned how to develop
items, rubric, use the SPSS software, and learned how to analysis the item by
using data come out from SPSS.

8. How did I incorporate the concepts that I have learned so far in the SGDE
4013: Assessment in Learning class, in the Assignment? Which specific
I did incorporate the concepts that I have learned so far in the SGDE 4013
was in the assignment. Starting from the concept of “Discrimination Index”,
“Difficulty Index”, “Validity” and “reliability”. After doing the project, finally I
can relate this topic after applying it.

9. How often did I need to revisit lecture notes, textbook, other course materials
for the SGDE 4013: Assessment in Learning, when doing the Assignment?
Are the materials readily accessible? Are the materials that I needed to work
on are sufficiently covered in the course?
I often revisit more than five times especially slide presentation mostly for
index topic for difficulty index and discrimination index. But, the slide given in
this course was the first thing that we refer.

10. Could I teach item development and analyses to someone else easily? Why or
why not?

For me, practise make perfect. For reading the data output from SPSS such as
analyses difficulty and discrimination, I believe that I can teach them easily. But
for item development, based on the cognitive structure based on bloom taxonomy
I can say that I am not expert on it. I still have to refer someone else that expert to
make sure what I am teaching was true. For sure, lecturer has teaches us very well
in item development and item analyses. She also provided us a lot of information
such as you tube link and guide us in classroom. But, to teach them both item
development analyses quite difficult for me. I need a guidance at first from
expertise and do a lot of exercise and for sure experience in doing a lot of project
like this may help me more understanding and can teach others easily.

11. How well did I and my team communicate overall?

My team and I are communicate very well, everyone gave their opinion and
we respect each other, if there is any misunderstanding, we tried to solve it in that
time. Everyone discuss first before doing any decision so, no issue occur.

12. When did my collaborative communications fall short of the group’s

expectations, if ever?
Sometimes, they are not responding when I‟m asking in a group WhatsApp.
They tend to discuss face to face but not in media social.

13. What were some things my teammates did that helped me to learn or
overcome obstacles?
They help to refine the problem completely. My group member helps me to
list the problem happen completely. They start the discussion by take a minute or
two to actually define the problem. Identify what the problem isolate what the
problem is about. When we understand the problem thoroughly, we discussed the

14. How did I help others during this process? How do I feel I may have
hindered others?
Take notes and record the progress. First of all, I make sure to list the date
submission and types of the rubric that we need to write in the project. After
divide the task, I will make sure to record all the progress happen and keep asking
them if there are stuck in their progress. All this recording was created using
planner calendar. So everyone will know when the progress date and alert. This
thing may not be immediately obvious at the time, so record the progress and
ensure you can trace back to the things you have tried and what the results were.
But, I may have hindered others with keep pushing them to follow the time limit
to achieve the progress. So, for this issue we can keep negotiate and make sure
they have some progress.

15. What could I do differently from a personal standpoint the next time I work
with the same group or a different one?

Be honest and realistic. One of the key risks we have in problem solving is
believing in a solution more than the facts reveal. We need to be honest with
ourselves and ideas. If I think that I had done a lot of task, I have to said to them
and separately equal not just doing the task. So, everyone will do it as fair and
16. How can I better support and encourage my teammates on future projects?
Trust yourself, trust your teammates, and stand by one another when issues or
mistakes arise. Recognize and respect the efforts and ideas of others. So,
everyone can focus the on the project without hard feeling to share their ideas and
contribute in each discussion. Because everyone accepting each other.

17. Were my milestones and goals mostly met, and how much did I deviate from
them if any?
My goal is to set own deadline and done task earlier before lecturer deadline
set by lecturer. So that i can show it to lecturer and get his or her opinion before
real submission deadline. If find out any error, i can edit my task and make it
more perfect.

18. What did I learn were my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for
My greatest strength, I‟m very collaborative and passionate in doing my task.
I tend to make sure everyone have to collaborate as equal so it was called as team
work. So, for improvement I will make sure myself be a good leader that can
managed to know their group member strength and weakness, so that everyone
can contribute based on their strength.

19. What moments was I most proud of my efforts?

The proudest moments when I was managed to create a TOS, subjective
item, marking, create a rubric, and using SPSS. For creating rubric it took 3 day
for me to complete this, this is because I have no experience so it quite
complicated for me to make sure which answer will accepted.

20. What’s the one thing about myself above all others I would like to work to
I would exchange the "impatient" side of me for the ability to make sure the
progress smooth. I‟m kind of impatient when it is come to deadlines. I want all
the progress quickly settle before the deadline but, if always push them to limit
there is no quality in the task.

21. How will I use what I’ve learned in the future?

First of all, I managed to understand how to develop and analysis item. So, it
will help me to be a great teacher that can value my student performance based on
question given and how to test based on their cognitive level. Second, this
knowledge will help me to recognise why the result of my future students not
reliable and not keep give judgement to them. Last one, applying this knowledge
will help me to be a better teacher with full of assessment knowledge.

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