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Istoria lit engleze

1. Hamlet calls the world...

a) a valley of sorrows b) an unweeded garden c) an inaccessible mountain
d) a polluted river
2. To whom does Hamlet say: Assume a virtue, if you have it not?
a) Ophelia b) Claudius c) Gertrude d) Laertes
3. What is, in Hamlet’s opinion, that which makes cowards of us all?
a) fear b) shame c) solicitude d) conscience
4. Who says these words: Being but heavy, I will bear the light. ?
a) Richard III b) Hamlet c) Romeo d) Claudius
5. The dialogue between Romeo and Juliet when they first meet is in the form
a) a sonnet b) a limerick c) a ballad d) an acrostic
6. Who characterizes himself as “subtle, false and treacherous”?
a) Claudius b) Polonius c) Richard d) Buckingham
7. What never leaves Richard in his plots, stratagems and in the midst of his
bloody devices?
a) his ambition b) his courage c) his humour d) his pride
Întrebãri din anii trecuþi:
5. "While Thomas Kyd was influenced by Senecan tragedy, Shakespeare was
influenced by "
Senecan rhetoric Senecan poetry Senecan philosophy Senecan
7. "Polonius tells Hamlet that in his youth he played, as an actor, the role of "
Brutus Mark Antony Julius Caesar Octavius Augustus
13.Shakespeare s predecessor who most strongly influenced him in the portrayal
of female characters was
Thomas Nashe Robert Greene John Lyly Christopher Marlowe
25. "Despite his negative features of personality, Polonius from Hamlet appears
to be a good "
Spy statesman villain father
29. "The English playwright who composed the famous Eulogy, To The Beloved
Author for the 1623 posthumous Folio edition of Shakespeare s plays was "
Ben Jonson Thomas Heywood Thomas Dekker John Webster
35. "For Gertrude, the Ghost is just the coinage of Hamlet s " Madness
fantasy imagination brain
38. Hamlet thinks that actors... should not improvise but stick to the text
of the play
should prove the spectators that they can improvise easily
should be able to play a role even without a script // should be whipped in
public places as vagabonds
45. In Hamlet, Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy
rest are words spoken by:
Horatio Ophelia Fortinbras Gertrude
47. One of the dramatic genres Shakespeare never tried his hand at was ;
the high romantic comedy the city comedy the dark comedy the
55. Before stabbing Polonius, Hamlet wants to: set up a glass so that his
mother may see herself in it
ask his mother to get a divorce from Claudius / remind his mother what a good
person his father was
make his mother understand that Claudius is the murderer of his father
60. "The five types of Shakespearean masculinity described by Bruce R. Smith
are the saucy jack, the prince merchant, the chivalric knight and the humanist
man of……
modern identity self-reflection overhearing moderation
71. Harold Bloom has called the Shakespearean characters habit of analyzing
their own emotions and motives... self-reflection introspection
overhearing self-overhearing
72. When Claudius asks Hamlet how he feels in Act Three, Scene Two, Hamlet
answers that he eats from the " chameleon` s dish chameleon` s plate
chameleon` s table chameleon`s food
82. The holistic approach to a Shakespeare play means:
"the discussion of holy, religious matters in the play" the wholesomeness
of the play
the discussion of the play as an organic entity the discussion of
characters and action
99. The play-within-the play in Hamlet is called: The Danish Trap The
The Exposed Murderer The Son
s Revenge
106 "The first Elizabethan allusion to a play titled Hamlet occurs in 1589, long
before the premiere of Shakespeare s Hamlet, in a preface written by" Robert
Greene/Thomas Lodge/George Peele/Thomas Nashe
111 "In Hamlet, shortly before the beginning of the play-within-the play, in a
speech to the First Player, Hamlet..." praises the quality of the Danish actors
complains about the excesses of bad acting
tells him what play he wants to stage at court
asks him for help in his attempt to expose Claudius as a murderer
124 There is some method in this..., says Polonius about Hamlet` s strange
Conduct fancy madness sadness
126. "Hamlet, being aware that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern spy on him, calls
the former "
an asshole a flute a serpent a sponge

130. The First Clown in Hamlet took up his trade as a gravedigger on the day:
Gertrude married Old Hamlet Old Hamlet killed the Norwegian king
and Hamlet was born
Hamlet was sent to England by Claudius Hamlet went to study to Wittenberg
135. Claudius asks Hamlet if there is no in the play performed at court.
141. The wounded Laertes from Hamlet admits that he is justly killed with his
Sword treason treachery betrayal
145 The First Player recites at Hamlet s request Priam`s slaughter by: Ajax /
Pyrrhus / Achilles / Ulysses
148 The last words in Hamlet are spoken by: Hamlet Horatio Gertrude
149 The mirror as a symbol appears in Hamlet: once twice three times
Ferdinand kills Bosola
152 "When Claudius from Hamlet realizes that the play-within-the play is about
his own foul deed, he asks for : water medicine lights
a doctor
158 The[---] is out of joint in Hamlet s opinion. time
163 "One of Hamlet s famous speeches concludes with [---], thy name is
woman ." frailty
170 The English ambassadors announce at the end of Hamlet that Rosencrantz
and[---] are dead. Guildenstern
172 Gertrude from Hamlet is Claudius accomplice in his murder of King Hamlet.
173 Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. F
180 Shakespeare never mixes tragic and comic elements in one and the same
play. F
182 Shakespeare s characters never fall in love at first sight. F
186 Hamlet is aware that Laertes is faced with a situation similar to his own. F
189 Shakespeare s characters are not interested in money or other economic
matters. F
190 Shakespeare never borrowed the subject of his plays from contemporaries
like Robert Greene. F
192 "The clouds in Hamlet s speeches to Polonius take the shape of a camel, a
beaver and a whale." F
197 "All of Shakespeare s heroines are liberated, emancipated women." F
200 Hamlet speaks about plays as a flattering glass of humanity. F
din grila de anul trecut: 124, sub alta forma , am raspuns madness, correct
163-sub fm de intrebare cu var de rasp, exact invers decat intrebarea din grila,
raspunsul correct woman
din sinteza: la pagina 3 : A conversation according to William Archer, has no
bearing on the:correct theme
pg4: intreb era dspr chivalric code, nu o mai retin exact, R.corect era courses of
action in love and war
la pagina 5: Hamlet is a play about: raspuns corect: not Knowing for sure
la pag 8: intrebarea era despre nature in Hamlet, nu o mai retin exact, R.corect
era natural order of things
la pagina 9: intrebarea era despre Gertrude, raspunsul corect she rarely takes
any positive action
p16: intrebarea era despre cum a sarit Romeo in gradina Julietei, raspunsul
corect era love`s light wings
p16, intrebarea era pe ce nu l-a lasat Julieta pe Romeo sa jure, Raspuns corect
era the moon,
p17: intrebarea era despre al doilea sarut pe care i-l cere Romeo Julietei, R.corect
era give me my sin again
la pagina 18: intrebarea era cine a spus cele doua versuri:
With nimble sole; I have a soul of lead / So stakes me to the ground I cannot
move> R correct Romeo
la pagina 23: intrebarea era la ce face referire Richard cand vorbeste despre el,
sau cam asa ceva, raspunsul corect era his own powers and capacities
-ce fel de alegere i-a spus doica julietei ca a facut? raspunsul e simple choice.
-de ce se plangea doica ca o doare?raspunsul a am pus out of breath
si a fost gresit:))
-ce credea richard ca este potrivit pt el?raspunsul ceva de genu..the
mai stiu sigur...
-doica ii spune julietei ca ii s-a urcat sangele???/raspunsul in her cheeks...
-cui i-a devenit fidela ofelia?raspunsul nu stiu ca eu am pus her father si a fost
gresit...mai era variant the -king, her lover care cred ca este corecta....

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