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The Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale: How Does It Compare

with a “Gold Standard”?
Zeev N. Kain, MD?, Linda C. Mayes, MDt$, Domenic V. Cicchetti, PhDt,
Andrea L. Bagnall, MSW*, Jessica D. Finley, BS*, and Maura B. Hofstadter, PhD*
Departments of *Anesthesiology, tl’ediatrics, and $Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven
Children’s Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut

Evaluating the effectivenessof interventions directed intraobserver weighted K ranged from 0.63to 0.90.Con-
toward the treatment of preoperative anxiety in chil- current validity between the YPAS and the STAIC was
dren hasbeenhindered by the absenceof a statistically acceptable(P = 0.01, r = 0.79).Construct validity was
valid measurementtool. In a previous investigation, we high asassessed by increasedm-YPAS scoresfrom the
developed an instrument (Yale Preoperative Anxiety preoperative holding area(28 2 8) to entering the oper-
Scale[YPAS]) that can be usedto assess anxiety in chil- ating room (35 f 12),to introduction of the anesthesia
dren undergoing induction of anesthesia.The purpose mask(43 + 15;F [1,36] = 0.6,P = O.OOl].Showing good
of the present investigation was to modify and expand to excellent observer reliability and high concurrent
the applicability of the instrument to the preoperative and construct validity, the m-YPAS proved to be an ap-
holding area and to validate the modified instrument propriate tool for assessingchildren’s anxiety during
(m-YPAS) againsta recognized “gold standard” (State- the perioperative period. Implications: The absenceof
Trait Anxiety Inventory for Childrens [STAIC]). Video- a statistically valid measurementtool that can be ap-
tapes of children in a preoperative holding area were plied easily in perioperative settingshinders the evalu-
analyzed by the investigators. The existing five catego- ation of interventions directed toward treatment of pre-
ries of the YPAS were found to reflect most of the be- operative anxiety in children. The authors describethe
haviors observed. Several items, however, were modi- development of sucha tool, the modified Yale Preoper-
fied to describe new behaviors observed. Reliability ative Anxiety Scale.
analysisusing weighted K statisticsrevealed that inter-
observer agreementranged from 0.68to 0.86,whereas (Anesth Analg 1997;85:783-8)

P reoperative anxiety is characterized by subjec- has been suggested to correlate with increased post-
tive feelings of tension, apprehension, nervous- operative pain, increased postoperative analgesic re-
ness, and worry. Although some investigators quirements, and prolonged recovery and hospital stay
suggest that mild to moderate preoperative anxiety is (2).
associated with improved postoperative behavioral Currently, the “gold standard” for anxiety evalua-
recovery in adults (l), others disagree (2). Most inves- tion is Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
tigators suggest that a high preoperative anxiety state (STAI). This instrument has both an adult version
is associated with both psychologically and physiolog- (STAI) (5) and a pediatric version (STAIC) (6) that can
ically adverse outcomes (2-4). In children, preopera- be used with children over the age of five years. To
tive anxiety is reported to result in postoperative neg- date, more than 1000 studies involving research using
ative psychological effects, including nightmares, the STAI and the STAIC have been published in peer-
separation anxiety, eating problems, and increased reviewed literature (7). Although most of this research
fear of doctors (3,4). In adults, preoperative anxiety has been conducted by psychologists, these instru-
ments have also been extensively used by investiga-
Thiswork was supportedin part by the Yale ChildrenClinical tors from disciplines such as anesthesiology (8,9). Be-
ResearchCenter Grant MOlRR06022,GeneralClinical Research fore adopting the STAIC for routine use in
CentersProgram,NationalCenterfor Research Resources,National
Institutesof Health. investigations related to perioperative anxiety, how-
Acceptedfor publicationJune23, 1997. ever, its limitations should be recognized. First, it
Addresscorrespondence and reprint requeststo ZeevN. Kain, takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the
MD, Departmentof Anesthesiology, YaleUniversity Schoolof Med-
icine,333CedarSt.,New Haven,CT 06510-8051. Addresse-mailto questionnaire. This may not be feasible in busy oper- ating room settings. Second, the STAIC can be used

01997 by the International Anesthesia Research Society

0003-2999/97/$5.00 Anestb Analg 1997;85:783-8 783

only in children over the age of five years, and, in fact, scale. Total scores for situational and baseline ques-
it must be read to most children under the age of eight tions separately range from 20 to 60, with higher
years. Thus, preschool children who are particularly scores denoting higher levels of anxiety. The norma-
vulnerable to preoperative anxiety cannot benefit tive data for the STAIC are based on two large sam-
from this instrument. ples of elementary school children: 456 male and 453
In a previous investigation, we developed an obser- female elementary school students drawn from three
vational instrument (Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale different schools in Bradenton and Manatee Counties,
[YPAS]) that can be used to assess anxiety in children FL (6).
during induction of anesthesia (10). This instrument On the day of surgery in the operating room, anes-
can be used for children aged two to six years, can be thesia was induced using O,/N,O and halothane ad-
completed in less than one minute, and has good inter- ministered via a scented mask. The child’s anxiety
and intraobserver reliability data (K~ = 0.66-0.91). during induction was assessed using the m-YPAS. The
The objectives of the present investigation were (a) to rating was performed at two points: entering the op-
expand the applicability of the YPAS to the preoper- erating room and introduction of the anesthesia mask
ative holding area by modifying its original descrip- to the child.
tors, (b) to obtain reliability data for the modified The videotapes (n = 51) were analyzed separately
instrument in children aged 5-12 years, and (c) to and independently by a naive observer (anesthesiolo-
validate the modified instrument against a recognized gist) and an experienced observer (psychologist). Re-
gold standard for anxiety assessment (STAIC). liability between and within the two observers was
assessed using weighted K statistics for overall chance-
corrected agreement (K~). Calculations were per-
Methods formed using the computer program Rater Agreement
Categorical Data (RATCAT) (11). Output from this
Phase 1: Scale Development program consists of observed agreement (PO), chance
After receiving institutional review board approval, a agreement (PC), and chance-corrected agreement
research team composed of two anesthesiologists and ( K~). In addition, this program also assigns the appro-
two psychologists examined videotapes of children priate clinical significance to individual weighted K
taken in a preoperative holding area (n = 12). During values: K~ CO.40 = poor, 0.40-0.59 = fair, 0.60-
multiple group sessions, the original YPAS was exam- 0.74 = good, and 0.75-1.00 = excellent (12).
ined for applicability to the new perioperative situa- To assess concurrent validity (how a scale compares
tion. The existing five categories (activity, emotional with a recognized gold standard), we determined the
expressivity, state of arousal, vocalization, use of par- correlation coefficient (Y) for the m-YPAS against the
ents) and 22 items of the YPAS were found to reflect STAIC. We hypothesized a priori that the m-YPAS
most of the behaviors observed in the preoperative should correlate highly (>0.65) with the STAIC. To
holding area. Nine items within the five categories, assess construct validity (whether a scale accurately
however, had to be modified to describe new behav- measures that which it is intended to measure), the
iors observed. After the development of the modified m-YPAS was examined by comparing scores obtained
YPAS (m-YPAS), reliability and validity analyses were under increasing stress conditions. That is, comparing
performed. the anxiety of children in the preoperative holding
area (Tl) to the anxiety of children during Phase 1 (T2)
Phase 2: Reliability and Validity Analysis and Phase 2 (T3) of induction of anesthesia. This
method was also used by Spielberger, who evaluated
The study population for this phase was drawn from the STAIC by administering it to students under high-
children aged 5-12 yr who were about to undergo and low-stress conditions (5). Statistical analysis over
elective surgery (n = 51). To avoid blinding issues, the three time points (i.e., Tl-T3) was performed using
children who participated in Phase 1 were excluded repeated-measures analysis of covariance with trait
from participation in Phase 2 of the study. Also, chil- anxiety as a co-variable. Post hoc analysis was per-
dren with developmental delay or who did not speak formed using paired t-tests with Bonferroni’s correc-
English were excluded from the study. tion for multiple comparisons indicating significance
On the day of surgery in the preoperative holding at P < 0.0125.
area, demographic data, such as age, gender, and his- Finally, by using the STAIC as a gold standard, we
tory of previous surgery, were collected, and all chil- identified a m-YPAS score that indicates high anxiety
dren and parents were videotaped for 2 min. Next, all in children undergoing surgery. The cutoff score for
children completed the STAIC. This questionnaire high anxiety was derived from Spielberger’s manual
contains two separate, 20-item self-report rating scales (6) which provides normative data for children aged
for measuring trait (baseline) and state (situational) 5-17 yr. The mean anxiety score for the normative
anxiety. Children were asked to respond on a 3-point group was 31 + 6, and we defined the high-anxiety

Table 1. Characteristicsof Children Studied 33 t 7. There were no statistically significant relation-

Study subjects ships among history of previous surgery, gender, age,
(n = 51) type of surgery, and the scores on the m-YPAS or
Age (yr) (mean ? SD) 8 -c 1.5
Gender (F/M) (%) 43/57
Race(%) Phase 2: Reliability and Validity Analysis
Caucasian 84
African-American 8 Table 2 presents the agreement between observers
Other 8
(chance-corrected weighted K) for the m-YPAS. In the
Parental education (%)
>High school 67 preoperative holding area, the agreement between ob-
<High school 33 servers ranged from 0.68 (emotional expressivity,
Preparation program (%) good clinical significance) to 0.86 (vocalization, excel-
No 31 lent clinical significance). Intraobserver weighted K
Yes 69
agreement ranged from 0.63 (state of arousal, good
PPIA (%)
No 80 reliability) to 0.90 (vocalization, excellent reliability) in
Yes 20 the preoperative holding area (Table 3).
Concurrent validity as assessedby the correlation
APIA = parental presence during induction of anesthesia
between the m-YPAS total score and the STAIC was
good (P = 0.01, Y = 0.79). Construct validity was
state at 1 SD above the normative mean. That is, chil- assessedby comparing the m-YPAS scores at three
dren who scored more than 37 on the STAIC would be increasingly stressful points (i.e., preoperative hold-
classified in our study as high-anxiety cases.Next, the ing, induction Phase 1, and induction Phase 2). There
sensitivity (proportion of correctly identified high- were significant differences in m-YPAS scores over the
anxiety cases), the specificity (proportion of correctly three stress points (28 + 8 vs 35 2 12 vs 43 2 15;
identified noncases), and the positive predictive value F[1,36] = 0.6, P = 0.001). Post hoc analysis indicated
(probability of a high m-YPAS score indicating a high- that m-YPAS scores during Phase 2 of induction were
anxiety case) were examined for different cutoff points significantly higher than m-YPAS scores during Phase
on the m-YPAS in relation to the STAIC (gold 1 (P = 0.01) and in the preoperative holding area (P =
standard). 0.01). Similarly, scores obtained in Phase 1 of induc-
tion were significantly higher than scores obtained in
the preoperative holding area (P = 0.01).
Results As discussed above, a score of 37 on the STAIC was
Phase 1: Scale Development chosen as a reference point to define high-anxiety
cases in the preoperative holding area. Using this ref-
The m-YPAS was administered to 51 children under- erence point, the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive
going general anesthesia and surgery. The mean age value were calculated at different cutoff points on the
of the 27 male and 24 female patients was 8 -+ 1.5 yr. m-YPAS. Table 4 shows that the cutoff point of 30 on
Sixty-seven percent of the children had experienced the m-YPAS leads to a balance in which the sensitivity
previous surgery or hospitalization (Table 1). Opera-
and specificity are high and the predictive value is
tions included a wide variety of surgical procedures,
79%. At this score, only five patients were misclassi-
such as herniorrhaphy, tonsillectomy and adenoidec-
fied: three patients (6%) were anxious on the m-YPAS
tomy, and myringotomy tube placement. The m-YPAS
but not on the STAIC (false positives), and two pa-
consists of 22 items in five categories (activity, emo-
tional expressivity, state of arousal, vocalization, and tients (4%) were classified as not highly anxious on the
use of parents) (see Appendix 1). The highest behav- m-YPAS, although they were on the STAIC (false neg-
ioral level observed in each of the five m-YPAS cate- atives). If we chose a lower cutoff point, sensitivity
gories is the score for that category. Because each increased, but because of the lower specificity, the
category of the m-YPAS has a different number of predictive value was lower, resulting in a higher num-
items (either four or six), partial weights were calcu- ber of patients who are anxious on the m-YPAS but
lated and then added to a total score that ranged from not on the STAIC (false positives) (Table 4). In con-
0 to 100. For example, for two categories containing trast, when the cutoff score was raised to 35, the
four and six items, with a score of 1 in each category, specificity increased, but because of the lower sensi-
the calculation is: (1/4 + ?k) X loo/2 = total adjusted tivity, the number of false-negative patients increased.
score. In the preoperative holding area, the m-YPAS Using the score of 37 on the STAIC as a reference
score ranged from 23 to 59, with a median of 23 and a point, the prevalence of high-anxiety cases in the pre-
mean +- SD of 28 + 8; the mean + SD STAIC score was operative holding area was 24%.

Table 2. Interobserver Agreement on the m-YPAS

Observed Chance
agreement agreement Weighted Clinical
m-YPAS category (PO) (PC) K (‘%I) significance”
Vocalization 0,99 0.95 0.86 Excellent
Use of parent 0.98 0.87 0.82 Excellent
Activity 0.97 0.89 0.75 Excellent
State of arousal 0.96 0.86 0.70 Good
Emotional expressivitv 0.97 0.90 0.68 Good
m-YPAS = modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale.
a Clinical significance was assigned by using the RATCAT (Rater Agreement Categorical Data) computer program (Heavens, 1978)

Table 3. Intraobserver Agreement on the m-YPAS

Observed Chance
agreement agreement Weighted Clinical
m-YPAS category (PO) (PC) K (4~) significance”
Observer 1
Vocalization 0.99 0.95 0.90 Excellent
Activity 0.99 0.93 0.88 Excellent
Use of parent 0.98 0.86 0.86 Excellent
State of arousal 0.98 0.93 0.78 Excellent
Emotional expressivity 0.97 0.87 0.76 Excellent
Observer 2
Vocalization 0.99 0.93 0.86 Excellent
Emotional expressivity 0.96 0.86 0.76 Excellent
Use of parent 0.95 0.8 0.75 Excellent
Activity 0.95 0.81 0.74 Good
State of arousal 0.94 0.85 0.63 Good
m-Yl’AS = modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale.
’ Clinical significance was assigned by using the RATCAT (Rater Agreement Categorical Data) computer program (Heavens, 1978).

Table 4. Identifying the High-Anxiety Group measure children’s anxiety during the perioperative
Cutoff score on the period include self-report (e.g., STAIC) and observa-
m-YPAS tional (e.g., YPAS) assessment tools. Although self-
report tools are used extensively in the general med-
25 30 35 ical literature, their use in the perioperative settings is
Sensitivity 92 85 78 limited for several reasons. First, self-report of anxiety
Specificity 65 92 95 is based on the ability of the child to respond verbally
Positive predictive value 48 79 78 to an instrument (13). Young children, however, are
Negative predictive value 38 54 14 unable to communicate verbally because of their de-
False positives 25 6 4
velopmental level. Second, all structured self-report
False negatives 2 4 12
instruments require at least 5-10 minutes to complete.
Data are expressed as percentages. This may not be feasible in a busy operating room
Statistical data of the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (m-YPAS)
at different cutoff points with a score of 37 on the State-Trait Anxiety Inven- setting. Thus, an observational rather than a self-
tory for Children as a reference point (n = 51). report measure of anxiety may be the preferred instru-
ment, both because it takes less time to administer and
because it can be used for children of all ages. Current
Discussion studies in the preoperative preparation and anesthesia
As part of continuing investigations toward evaluat- literature use observational global ratings of 3-7
ing perioperative anxiety, we have modified an anxi- points or visual analog scales (14,15). Rarely are issues
ety assessment instrument that can be used for chil- such as inter- and intraobserver reliability reported for
dren aged two years and older. This instrument has these types of scales, and none has been validated
good to excellent observer reliability, and good valid- against a recognized gold standard such as the STAIC.
ity compared with a gold standard. In addition to having good reliability and validity
The m-YPAS can be used to assess the effectiveness data, the m-YPAS has several other important fea-
of anxiety reduction interventions for children under- tures. First, it can be applied to all children older than
going surgery. To date, available instruments that two years of age in less than one minute. Second,

because it is a structured instrument that consists of Not exploring or playing, may look down,
five domains of anxiety, it is much more sensitive to fidget with hands, or suck thumb (blanket); may
changes in anxiety levels than global instruments. sit close to parent while waiting, or play has a
Third, this tool can be applied both in the preoperative definite manic quality
holding area and during induction of anesthesia. Most Moving from toy to parent in unfocused man-
previous investigations that evaluated interventions ner, non-activity-derived movements; frenetic/
directed to reduce preoperative anxiety in children frenzied movement or play; squirming, moving
assessed the control and treatment groups at baseline on table; may push mask away or cling to
and after an intervention. The assessment tools that parent
have been used at these time points, however, may Actively trying to get away, pushes with feet
have been different, and the baseline data were usu- and arms, may move whole body; in waiting
ally used only to demonstrate that the groups were room, running around unfocused, not looking
similar at the onset of the study. The most common at toys, will not separate from parent, desperate
statistical analysis performed to investigate the effect clinging
of the intervention is Student’s t-test. We propose that
such studies should be analyzed by means of repeated
measures. That is, by using a similar assessment in- 1. Reading (nonvocalizing appropriate to activity),
strument pre- and postintervention, investigators may asking questions, making comments, babbling,
take advantage of the additional statistical power laughing, readily answers questions but may be
gained with repeated measures in the same subject. generally quiet; child too young to talk in social
Finally, it is important to note several important situations or too engrossed in play to respond
methodological issues related to this study. First, al- 2. Responding to adults but whispers, “baby talk,”
though this tool has good reliability data for children only head nodding
aged 2-12 years (lo), it was validated against a gold 3. Quiet, no sounds or responses to adults
standard only appropriate for children aged 5-12 4. Whimpering, moaning, groaning, silently
years. This is because there is no gold standard for crying
anxiety evaluation in the younger child. In our previ- 5. Crying or may be screaming “no”
ous investigation, however, we validated the YPAS for 6. Crying, screaming loudly, sustained (audible
the younger age group against other global measures through mask)
of anxiety with good results. Second, the m-YPAS was Emotional expressivity
validated against a gold standard only for the preop-
1. Manifestly happy, smiling, or concentrating on
erative holding area and not for induction of anesthe-
sia. Obviously, no self-report instrument can be used play
2. Neutral, no visible expression on face
during induction of anesthesia, and validation of the
3. Worried (sad) to frightened, sad, worried, or
m-YPAS against the STAIC at that point is not possi-
tearful eyes
ble. Again, in our previous investigation, we validated
4. Distressed, crying, extreme upset, may have
the YPAS during induction of anesthesia against other
wide eyes
global measures of anxiety with good results.
In conclusion, showing good to excellent observer State of apparent arousal
reliability and good concurrent and construct validity, 1. Alert, looks around occasionally, notices or
the m-YPAS proves to be an excellent tool for assess- watches what anesthesiologist does (could be
ing children’s anxiety during the perioperative period. relaxed)
The m-YPAS should be of particular value to anesthe- 2. Withdrawn, sitting still and quiet, may be suck-
siologists for evaluating new interventions directed ing on thumb or have face turned into adult
toward reducing anxiety in children undergoing an- 3. Vigilant, looking quickly all around, may startle
esthesia and surgery. to sounds, eyes wide, body tense
4. Panicked whimpering, may be crying or push-
Appendix 1 ing others away, turns away

The m-YPAS Use of parents

1. Busy playing, sitting idle, or engaged in age-
Activity appropriate behavior and doesn’t need parent;
1. Looking around, curious, playing with toys, may interact with parent if parent initiates the
reading (or other age-appropriate behavior); interaction
moves around holding area/treatment room to 2. Reaches out to parent (approaches parent and
get toys or to go to parent; may move toward speaks to otherwise silent parent), seeks and
operating room equipment accepts comfort, may lean against parent

3. Looks to parent quietly, apparently watches ac- 6. Spielberger CD. Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
for children. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press,
tions, doesn’t seek contact or comfort, accepts it
if offered or clings to parent 7. Spielberger CD. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory: a comprehensive
4. Keeps parent at distance or may actively with- bibliography. Palo Alto, CA: Mind Garden, 1989.
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Anesthesiology 1996;84:1060-7.
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detection and contributing factors. Can J Anaesth 1990;37:444-7.
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The authors thank Paul G. Barash, MD, for his critical review of this
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scale. Child Neuropsychol 1995;1:203-10.
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put. Proc Am Stat Assoc 1978:366-70.
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