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Q1. Sulphur forms mainly Sulphur dioxide(SO 2 ) and sulphur trioxide(SO3) .

both of these are acidic oxides. SO 2 is a colourless, odourless with a sharp
choking smell of burning sulphur. It liquefies readily under reduced pressure
or by cooling in freezing mixture. In gas phase, SO 3has a plane triangular
structure. At room temperature, SO3 is solid. It is powerful oxidizing agent.

(i) Which is more acidic and powerful oxidizing agent out of SO 2 and
(ii) Draw structure of SO2.
(iii) Why do SO2 and SO3 cause air pollution?
(iv) How can we prevent air pollution due to SO 2 and SO3? What are
the values associated with it?

Q2. A man with a bag on his shoulder was moving on the road of a village . He
offered a chance to the villagers of cleaning and polishing their jewelleryata
cheap cost. A large crowd got interested to cash that opportunity. The man
used a magic liquid in which when gold ornament dipped it becomes more
shinyand after some time when that man finished his work and returned, a
womasn shouted and complained that her gold chain reduced to half on
cleaning . What was the reason behind that?

A. The magic liquid used by that man was AQUA REGIA which is a mixture of
con.HNO3 and con.HCl in a ratio of 1:3act as solvent for noble metals like

Q3. Sulphuric acid is manufactured by contact process.During the process the

following reactions takes place

2 S 02(g )+ O2(g ) ⇌ 2 S 03 (g)

This reaction is favoured by high pressure.However the pressure is not

increased beyond bar.Asa student of chemistry how will you ustify this?

A. Since the volume of the gaseous products is less than that of the gaseous
reactants,high pressure should favour the oxidation of sulphurdioxide.But a
very high pressure may cause the corrosion of the vessel in which the
oxidation is carried. Therefor a pressure of 2-3 bar is sufficient for the

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