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TDT1 Task 3 Process Essay

TDT1 Task 3 Process Essay

Michael A. Garcia


Ginny Huckaba

Assessment Code: TDT1

December 27, 2018

TDT1 Task 3 Process Essay

Instructional purpose

The purpose of the images of the red leafed plant is to teach student about the parts of a

leaf. The audience would be most appropriate for elementary level students or even a freshman

biology/environmental class. It’s important for students to have some background information

such as know the different parts of a leaf so they better understand the steps of the growing

process of plants in-general.

Given the parts of a leaf, students will label at least 4 out of the 6 parts of a leaf

(Mager Style Objective).

Step process for task 3

1. Open Microsoft Word

2. Think of images that would relate to the video
3. Chose images that helped create my video
4. A few of the images are images that are actually used in the video
5. Record a video of instruction on labeling a leaf
6. Upload to youtube
7. Go to my weebly website
8. Click on multimedia
9. Click on add youtube video
10. Copy and paste link so that it embeds onto my page

Justification of software

Using the video recording feature on my Samsun Galaxy S9, I was able to record a 2

minute instructional video on the different parts of a leaf. After I finished recording, I opened up

the YouTube application on my Galaxy S9, logged onto my YouTube account using my WGU

Gmail account, clicked on “My Channel” then clicked on the video icon which prompted me to

either record or upload, clicked on upload, titled my video TDT1, opened Weebly webpage,

clicked on “add YouTube video” then I copy and pasted the link of my video to the portal on my


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