Ghosh 1988

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Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society

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An Optimum Firing Schedule of a Standardized

Bone-china Ware
a a
Gautam Ghosh & B. N. Samaddar
College of Ceramic Technology Calcutta-700 010
Published online: 06 May 2014.

To cite this article: Gautam Ghosh & B. N. Samaddar (1988) An Optimum Firing Schedule of a Standardized Bone-china
Ware, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 47:1, 16-19, DOI: 10.1080/0371750X.1988.10822875

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An Optimum Firing Schedule of a Standardized
Bone-china Ware

College of Ceramic Technology

Calcutta-700 010

From an analysis of translucency vs. soaking time data at different given bone-china ware. An attempt has been made in
temperatures and translucency-temperature curves for different the present paper to use this relationship for an accept-
soaking times in case of a standardized bone-china body, an
"optimum" value of the translucency has been suggested by taking
able value of translucency to decide upon an optimum
into consideration the conditions of bloating. It is suggested that the firing schedule for a standardized bone-china body.
curves showing translucency vs. temperature at various times of The result reported in this paper involved unglazed
soaking can be utilized for quality control for almost any standard bone-china body. However, for glazed bodies the result
bone-china body with minor adjustments. would not be substantially affected (Table I).
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Introduction Experimental
Bone-china wares are the most popular among the The standardized composition of the bone-china ware
quality crockery products for their whiteness and trans- was as follows: China clay (Rajmahal) 38 %, felspar
lucency, and the scope they offer for varieties of deco- 17 %, bone ash 40% and quartz 5 %. The analyses of
ration. The aesthetic quality of bone-china depends the raw materials used have already been reported. 1
mainly on its translucency and whiteness. The tFanslu- Square plates of length 2.5 em were cast, dried and
cency is dependent on the thickness of the wares, 1 • 2 as fired in a muffle furnace (± I oq between II50° and
also on the amount of glass formed during firing. 3
1250°C for 20-400 mins of soaking.
The change of translucency as a function of thickness
The composition of the glaze used was as follows:
at different firing temperatures and soaking times has
Frit mixture-red lead 23 %, borax I9 %, quartz 26 %,
already been reported1 by the present authors; the
translucency did not show a significant variation with whiting 9 %, felspal' 23 %. Mill mixture-frit 84 %,
thickness at any given firing temperature fop any given felspa11 9%, kaolin (China clay) 7%.
soaking time. The sample thickness ranged from about The translucency was measlll'ed in a standard trans-
1.1 mm to about 2.2 mm. For this range of thickness, lucency meter reported earlier. 1 The meter used was
the relationship of translucency with firing temperatme calibrated between I 00% transmission when there was
and soaking time was expected to throw light on the no sample in the sample holder (i.e. air) and zero trans-
quality control aspects in terms of a firing schedule of a mission when the light source was completely blocked.

Table I: Translucency of both biscuit and glazed bodies for a biscuit firing at 1250' C
(Glost firing, 1050°C)

Soaking time, 20 mins Soaking time, 50 mins Soaking time, 100 ruins

Biscuit body Glazed body Biscuit body Glazed body Biscuit body Glazed body
Thick- Translu- Thick- Translu- Thick- Translu- Thick- Translu- Thick- Translu- Thick- Translu-
ness cency ness cency ness cency ness cency ness cency ness cency
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1.10 3.20 1.36 3.10 1.11 9.50 1.34 9.50 1.10 11.90 1.33 11.90
1.52 2.90 1.79 2.90 1.50 9.30 1.76 9.30 1.54 11.80 1.77 11.80
1.68 2.90 1.90 2.80 1.66 9.30 1.94 9.20 1.62 11.80 1.85 11.70
1.78 2.80 2.14 2.70 1.70 9.20 2.00 9.10 1.78 11.70 2.01 11.70
1.86 2.80 2.26 2.60 1.84 9.20 2.16 9.10 1.88 11.70 2.11 11.70
2.18 2.60 2.64 2.40 2.18 9.00 2.52 8.90 2.19 11.60 2.42 11.60

16 Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society

The % transmission of bone-china samples, made to value at higher time of soaking at 1200°C. However,
size so as to fit the sample holder of the instrument, the level of translucency for a given soaking time was
has been actually measured; the data for only the increased with higher temperatures.
thinnest and thickest samples have been presented. Such At higher temperatures of firing, i.e. 1225° and
transmission data have been taken to represent the "% 1250°C, rate of increase of the translucency with soak-
translucency" of the samples in this work. ing time showed a very distinct feature. For these two
temper-atures, the rate of increase of translucency conti-
Results and Discussion nuously decreased with increasing soaking time, and
Translucency vs. soaking time: As has been mentioned finally it tended to stabilize at a limiting value. The
at the outset, the variation of translucency with thickness initial rate of increase of the translucency was also
was rather small for the above range of thickness. The faster at higher. temperatures.
effect of soaking time on translucency is presented in Since the plots are shown for both the thickest and
Figs. I and 2 at four different temperatures of firing. thinnest samples and since the tr-anslucency linearly
For the sake of clarity, out of the many samples ex- decreased with thickness within the range of 1-2 mm,
amined only the data for the thickest and thinnest as reported earlier1 the above discussion is valid for any
samples at each soaking time are presented. The range thickness within this range. In fact, the change of thick-
of thickness of samples varied from 1.1 to 2.2 mm. ness did not alter the character of the translucency vs.
It is seen from Fig. 1 that at 1150° and at 1200°C, the soaking time curves. Moreover, the diffeience of translu-
value of translucency went up linearly with increasing
cency between the thickest and the thinnest samples at
Downloaded by [UNSW Library] at 04:30 17 August 2015

soaking time. However, the rate of increase of the

any given soaking time at each temperature was
translucency with soaking time was slightly different in
the two cases. Both at 1150° and 1200°C, the translu- marginal.
cency increased smoothly up to 200 mins; then there was Translucency vs. firing temperature: The relation be-
a change of slope and it increased more rapidly up to tween translucency and firing temperature was found to
300 mins. While it still increased rapidly up to 400 mins be very significant. A clear idea of this can be obtained
at 1150°C, this rate was relatively less rapid at 1200°C. when the translucency is plotted against temperature at
In fact, the translucency tended to stabilize at a limiting different soaking times, as shown in Fig. 3. These data

9 14


6 10

»() 5 6
~ 4 6

4 1200'C
$ 1150'C

0 _ THINNEST(... \ I mm)
2 0 - THICKEST("'2.1 mm I
THINNESTc-vl.l mm l 2
THICKESH"2.1 mm l

1 ._----~------~----~~----~-----
0 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Soaking time (min)
Fig. 1-Translucency vs. soaking time at different temperatures.

Vol. 47 (1) January-February 1988 17

15 16

13 14 -

" 12


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0 - THINNEST (,,,J,Imm)
3 0- THINNEST(,.!. I mm) 4 0- THICKEST IN2,2mm)
0- THJCKEST[N2.1mm)

2 ~~--~----~------L------L------
0 50 100 150 200
Soaking time (min)
Fig. 2-Translucency vs. soaking time at different temperatures.

16 refer to the thinnest samples (of the order of about

200mln 1.1 mm).
For a soaking time of 20 mins the translucency slowly
14 increased from 1200° to 1250°C. For both 100 and 200
. --·....i-~-
I - - - , ,.coo min - , -
mins of soaking, the translucency increased slowly up
to 1200°C, followed by a very rapid increase at 1225°,
I 300ml / " after which there was again a slow increase, showing a
I I /

kind of saturation towards 1250°C. A very similar

5o min
I feature was also noted for 50 mins of soaking. Since no
sample was prepared at 1150° with 50 mins' soak, the

translucency has been assumed to follow the dotted

C) I I
';;! 8 I
line between 1150° and 1200°C. As shown in Fig. 3, it is
c<l likely from the behaviour of other samples at 1150°C
E!:: that the translucency for this soaking time would be
negligible. Therefore, for 50, 100 and 200 mins of
soaking, the translucency-temperature curves are typi-
cally S-shaped.
The data for 300 mins and 400 mins of soaking have
been obtained only for 1150° and 1200°C (Fig. 2). It is
seen that between 1150° and 1200°C, there was relatively
rapid increase of the translucency both at 300 mins and
400 mins soaking. Such a high time of soaking could
not be employed for higher temperatures (i.e. at 1225°
1200 1250
and at 1250°C) because of the possibility of bloating.
Temperature ("C) Quality control: It should be mentioned here that out
Fig. 3-Translucency vs. temperature at different of a total of 18 samples (the thinnest ones) studied at
soaking times. four different temperatures, three samples were bloated

18 Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society

to some extent, i.e. the samples fired at 1200°C for 400 Therefore, Fig. 3 can be referred to as a "quality
mins, at 1225° for 200 mins and at 1250°C for 200 mins control guide" for this particular bone-china composi-
of soaking. Among these samples, the first one had the tion in order to decide upon the range of firing tempera-
lowest value of translucency (13 /~). The value of the ture, by taking into consideration the temperature vari-
translucency for the next sample, which was fired at ation in the furnace, with the objective of attaining the
1250° with 100 mins of soaking without being bloated highest firing temperature and lowest soaking time.
was 11.90%. Once the level of translucency could be set as a target,
Between these two values, i.e. at 12.5% translucency, an appropriate soaking time and temperatm e of firing
a line has been drawn (Fig. 3) to distinguish the bloated could be chosen.
and non-bloated samples for this bone-china composi- It appears from the above discussion that a firing
tion in this temperature range of firing (i.e. I 150°- schedule may be prescribed for bone-china manufactuPe
12500C). For 20 mins of soaking, the translucency value on the basis of this result. The level of translucency may
was very low at all the temperatures, and therefore this be set at 12.5%. The temperature range may be 1200°-
soaking time was not acceptable. For 50 mins' soaking 12500C. Soaking time is to be chosen in the range of a
it was found by extrapolation that a temperature of minimum of 2 hrs at 1250°C to six and a half hours at
1297°C might be used in order to obtain a translucency 1200°C. The constraints of manufacturing conditions,
value of I 2.5 %. At such a high temperature, there was e.g. the type of furnace used, the type of fuel etc would
again a risk of bloating and warpage of the body due dictate the exact time and temperature. The considera-
to the formation of excessive liquid phase if the soaking tion of energy conservation has already been high-
Downloaded by [UNSW Library] at 04:30 17 August 2015

time was exceeded during firing. Besides, a margin of lighted.

safety of the temperature range was to be maintained,
considering the possibility of temperature variation in Conclusions
most furnaces. Analysing the translucency-soaking time and the
For 100 mins' soaking, by extrapolating the curve translucency-temperature curves for a given sample
(Fig. 3) up to 12.5% translucency, it was found that thickness, an optimum value of the translucency is sug-
this limiting translucency value could be obtained if the gested as 12.5% by taking into consideration the pheno-
firing temperature was extrapolated up to 1264°C. Since menon of bloating. FFom this optimum value of the
no sample was made at this temperature for I 00 mins' translucency, a temperature range of 1200°-l250°C and
soaking to see if there was any bloating, it can be safely an app1 opriate soaking time around 2 hrs and above
assumed on the basis of available experimental results may be utilized to choose an actual firing schedule for
that the maximum firing temperature for this bone- the production of bone-china waFes with the de~ired
china composition should be 1250°C fo1• a soaking time aesthetic appeal. The actual thickness of the ware may
of I 00 mins for obtaining a value of translucency of be chosen on the premise that it is desirable to avoid
about 12%- For 200 mins' soaking, a lower firing tem- warpage rather than allowing a little increase of thick-
perature of I 221 oc could be used without bloating, in ness which may not adversely affect the translucency.
order to obtain a translucency value of 12.5 %. For 300
mins' soaking, a maximum firing temperature of 1210°C Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge the cooperation
<:ould be used without bloating, in order to get a kind extended by Dr. A. K. Bandyopadhyay of this College in preparing
the manuscript of the paper.
of limiting translucency of 12.5 %. For 400 mins' soak-
ing, however, it may be suggested that the maximum
firing temperature should be about 1196°C for obtain- I. Ghosh, Gautam and Samaddar, B. N., "A note on translucency
ing a translucency of 12.5% without bloating. of unglazed bone-china body," Trans. Ind. Ceram. Soc., 43 (5)
For the actual firing procedure. it may be mentioned 132-34 (1984).
that high temperature firing with short soaking time 2. Ratcliffe, S. W. and German, W. L., p. 212 in Ceramics: A
was the most desirable from the point of view of con- Symposium, Eds. A. T. Green and G. H. Stewart, British
Ceramic Society, Stoke-on-Trent (1953).
servation of fuel. The limit, of course, was the risk of 3. Dinsdale, A., Science of Ceramics, Vol. 3, pp. 323-33, Editor-
bloating and variation of temperature in the different in-Chief, G. H. Stewart, Academic Press, London and New
parts of the furnace. York (1967).

[MS received March 20, 1987; revised copy received January 8, 1988]

Vol. 47 (1) January-February 1988 19

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