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OM Nursing Academy

Anil Kantiwal

Introduction :-

 Colostomy = Colon ( Large intestine )

Stoma ( Opening )
 Colostomy यह एक Surgical Procedure ह जसम
Anterior Abdominal wall क तरफ Colon म एक
artificial opening बनाई जाती ह जसक सहायता से
Faeces एवं flatus को शरीर से
बाहर नकाला जा सके

Indication for Colostomy :-

 Obstruction in Large intestine

 Inflammatory Bowel disease ( Chrons disease & Ulcerative colitis ).

 Birth defect ( eg. an Imperforate Anus )

 Serious infection ( Diverticulitis )

 Colon and Rectal Cancer

Types :-

Types According to Duration :-

1. Temporary Colostomy :- for a Short Period ( Few Weeks and Months ) eg. In an
Bowel Obstruction or अगर Bowel Part म कोई Injury or Inflammation हो गया ह तो उ से
Heal करने
केलए ।

2. Permanent Colostomy :- For life time eg. Sigmoid Colon or Rectum Resection के
case म ।

Types According to Stoma Number :-

1. Double Barrelled Colostomy
2. Loop Colostomy
3. End Colostomy

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

1. Double Barrelled Colostomy :-

 Double Barrelled Colostomy म Colon के दोन loops को

Abdominal wall से बाहर नकाल ले
तेह । जसम 2 Opening पायी
जाती ह, Right Proximal Opening एवंLeft Distal Opening.

 Right Side Proximal Opening से Stool एवंFlatus passout

करने हे
तूएवं Left Side Distal Openings जो non-functioning
Part है
, को Rest एवं Heal होनेकेलए छोड़ देतेह।

 यह Temporary एवं
Permanant हो सकती ह ( depends upon disease Present ).

2. Loop Colostomy :-

 यह Double barrelled colostomy के

similar ही ह, इसम एक colon के
लूप को बाहर नकाल
कर Abdominal Wall एवं Skin के
साथ Sutured कर दे ते
ह औऱ यह colon म opening करनेसे

 इसम भी 2 Opening रखी जाती ह, जसम एक Opening सेFaeces Passout केलये

व other
non-functioning part को Mucous Secreation केलयेछोड़ दया जाता ह

 यह सामा यतया Emergency एवं

Temporary Case म काम म ले

3. End Colostomy :-

 End Colostomy or Single barrelled colostomy यह एक Permanent colostomy है

जसम एक ही Stoma होता ह य क distal part को completely remove कर दया जाता है

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

Types According to Sides :-

 Wet Colostomy

 Dry Colostomy

1. Wet Colostomy :-

 Performed in Right Side

 Fecal content is liquid, due to Urine and faeces are Excreted because of the
Transplantation of uterus in the colon.

2. Dry Colostomy :-

 Performed in Left Side.

 Discharge from the Stoma usually Soft and Formed Fecal content.

Care of The Patient with Colostomy :-

Skin Care - Colostomy करनेके बाद अगर कोई भी Pouch System नह लगाया गया हो तो, Stoma को
moist रखने केलए इस पर Petrolium jelly का gauze लगाते
ह व इसे
dry sterile dressing सेcover
कर दे
तेह । और उसके बाद जतनी ज द हो सके stoma पर Pouch system लगाये ।

 Normal stoma color is Red or Pink ( indicates high Vascularity ) Aiims Delhi 2018

 Pale Pink Stoma indicates - Low Hb and Hematocrit Hematocrit levels.

 Instrument that is Purple-black in colour indicates compromised circulation,

require immediate HCP notification.


Colostomy Irrigation :-

 In Colostomy Irrigation, An Enema is Given through the Stoma to Stimulate bowel


General Instruction in Colostomy:-

 Solution :-
 Solution Type :- Luke-Warm Tap water
 Solution Volume :- 500 - 1000 ml
 Solution Temperature :- 37.8° - 40.6℃
 Use Soft Catheter With Water Soluble Jelly .

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

 Do not Insert a Catheter more than 4 Inch ( 10 cm ). Aiims 2018 & BHU

 1 दन म एक सेयादा बार irrigate ना कर ।

 Height of Irrigating Cane should not more than 12 - 18 inch Above the Colostomy

 Colostomy beg सही कार से

ड़ ा होना चा हये
, Beg 1/3 भर जाने
पर खाली कया जाना चा हए ।

 The Average daily Output of a Colostomy is about 500ml/day , with a range of

200-700 ml.

Anil Kantiwal ( OM Nursing Academy )

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