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Barachiel is an archangel known as the angel of blessings and this angel is also

the chief of all of the guardian angels. Barachiel (who is also often known as
"Barakiel") means "God's blessings." Other spellings include Barchiel, Baraqiel,
Barkiel, Barbiel, Barakel, Baraqel, Pachriel, and Varachiel.

Barachiel intercedes in prayer before God for people in need, asking God to give
them blessings in all areas of their lives, from their relationships with family and
friends to their work. People ask for Barachiel's help pursuing success in their
pursuits. Since Barachiel is also the chief of all guardian angels, people
sometimes ask for Barachiel's help delivering a blessing through one of their
personal guardian angels.

Symbols of Archangel Barachiel

In art, Barachiel is usually depicted scattering rose petals that represent God's
sweet blessings showering down on people, or holding a white rose (which also
symbolizes blessings) to his chest. However, sometimes images of Barachiel show
him holding either a basket that's overflowing with bread, or a staff, both of
which symbolize the blessings of producing children that God bestows on

Barachiel sometimes appears in feminine form in paintings that emphasize

Barachiel's nurturing work delivering blessings. Like all archangels, Barachiel
doesn't have a specific gender and can manifest as either a male or a female,
according to what works best in a given situation.

Energy Color

Green is the angel color for Barachiel. It represents healing and prosperity and is
also associated with Archangel Raphael.

Role in Religious Texts

The third Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish text, describes archangel Barachiel as
one of the angels who serve as great and honored angelic princes in heaven. The
text mentions that Barachiel leads 496,000 other angels who work with him.
Barachiel is part of the seraphim rank of angels who guard God's throne, as well
as the leader of all the guardian angels who work with humans during their
earthly lifetimes.

Other Religious Roles

Barachiel is an official saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and he is also

venerated as a saint by some members of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholic
tradition says that Barachiel is the patron saint of marriage and family life. He
may be shown carrying a book representing the Bible and Papal encyclicals that
direct the faithful on how to conduct their marital and family life. He also
traditionally has dominion over lightning and storms and also sees to the needs
of converts.

Barachiel is one of the few angels that made it into the Lutheran liturgical

In astrology, Barachiel rules the planet Jupiter and is linked to the Pisces and
Scorpio zodiacal signs. Barachiel is traditionally said to inspire a sense of
humor in people who encounter God's blessings through him.

Barachiel is mentioned in the Almadel of Solomon, a book dating from the

Middle Ages on how to contact angels by means of a wax tablet.

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