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2012 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Vienna, Austria

Performance of Ground Enhancing Compounds

During the Year

V. P. Androvitsaneas*, I. F. Gonos, I. A. Stathopulos

High Voltage Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Politechniou Street, Zografou Campus, Athens 15780, Greece

Abstract— Grounding resistance could be reduced significantly reducing the grounding resistance value and preserving it in
with the usage of ground enhancing compounds in lightning low levels [5-13]. Due to the fact that the expansion of an
protection systems. This paper presents the results of a series of existing grounding system, with the installation of additional
field measurements on commercially-available ground enhancing electrodes, either is much expensive or in many cases is
compounds. It is the aim of this study to assess the behavior of impossible, an alternative with soil enriching is widely used
ground enhancing compounds, which are widely used in by installing ground enhancing compounds around the
grounding systems, in order to decrease the grounding resistance grounding electrodes.
value. It is well known that most of the rise of potential of the
grounding rod is determined by the soil resistivity surrounding II. GROUND ENHANCING COMPOUNDS
the grounding rod and the magnitude of the applied current. As a
result, the lowest feasible grounding resistance value is desirable, The usage of ground enhancing compounds is usually
in order to provide the lowest impede path for fault currents to recommended, especially in rocky soil, which is a usual
be dispersed into the earth, in the shortest time possible. For this attribute on many sites in Greece, due to the large number of
purpose, five grounding rods were driven, each one of them, in rocky mountains. These materials are laid inside the trench,
different ground enhancing compounds. The measurement where the grounding electrode is installed and mixed with the
results are presented in relation to time and to rainfall. natural soil. In this way, a soil resistivity decrease is achieved,
Furthermore, several thoughts, comments and proposals are nearby the electrode, which results in a corresponding
presented about: a) the use feasibility of ground enhancing decrease of grounding resistance value.
compounds, b) the choice of the suitable compound, in relation
with the cost and the achieved grounding resistance value, c) the Several studies have been carried out on natural and
time and weather conditions influence on ground enhancing chemical ground enhancing compounds in the last decades. In
compound behavior. the beginning, research addressed to bentonite and his
properties. Kutter and Lange [5] and Mc Gowan [6] studied
Keywords-grounding system, soil resistivity, grounding the bentonite properties, by comparing the soil resistivity
resistance, ground enhancing compounds. achieved using bentonite as ground enhancing compound, to
the initial soil resistivity of natural soil, under towers of
I. INTRODUCTION transmission lines. In early ‘80s, Warren R. Jones [7]
Grounding plays an important role in transmission and suggested an installation method using bentonite rods. In his
distribution network for the safety operation of any electrical experiment, bentonite rods were field tested against driven
installation. A grounding system in order to be effective, its rods, at three sites with different soil texture. The results
grounding resistance must be maintained in low levels during revealed a significant decrease on grounding resistance, up to
the whole year [1-2]. This is not possible all the time, as long 36% and the result was consistent during the year. In 1999,
as several times there is a lack of space for the installation of Kostic et al. [8] experimented on bentonite suspension,
grounding system, or in case there is sufficient space for the bentonite powder and waste drilling mud by using them as
construction, the cost maybe prohibitive. enhancing compounds for the improvement of the electrical
properties of grounding loops. The measurements were
Furthermore, besides the grounding system array, the soil performed at two sites and the results showed a restrain in the
type plays a major role in determining the grounding variations of the grounding resistance of the loops covered
resistance value, in which the system is about to be installed, with these compounds. Moreover, the outcome was quite
due to its high possible soil resistivity, or its particularly encouraging for the bentonite powder, as it could equally
corrosive environment. The variable weather conditions on treated, as enhancing compound, to bentonite suspension. Yet,
grounding system site also compose a complex factor, because due to the high cost of this material in many countries, other
of the alteration in the soil resistivity value they may cause materials were studied as close substitutes to bentonite, in
during the year [3-4]. order to be used as ground enhancing compounds, with a
For this reason, several techniques are developed for lower cost and an equal or even greater performance.
I 2008 N. Kuumarasinghe [9], and in 20 009 G. Edufull and Air
J. E. Cole [10] inntroduced nattural materials such as cocconut Ground surface
coir peat, paddy dust and Palm m Kernel Oill Cake as bacckfill
mateerials and thhe results weere compared d with one uusing
benttonite. Experim
mental resultss showed thatt these compoounds Natural soil
presented remarkaable capabilityy of retaining g the soil moiisture
and reducing grouunding resistannce substantiaally, without bbeing l
Ground enha
lost by rainfall. T
Two years latter, in 2010, J. J Jasni et al. [11] compounnd
expeerimented on bentonite, cooconut coir peat, p planting -clay
soil and paddy duust. In this projject, planting--clay soil has been
ntified as thhe most efffective enhan ncing compoound, Grounding rod
commpared to the others, as it i gives the lowest grounnding
resisstance during the project peeriod and, gennerally, the higghest
percentage reducttion of it.
I the same yeear (2010), A. D. Galván et al. [12] and WW. F.
Wan n Ahmad et aal. [13] preseented the exp perimental ressults,
m experimentss they carriedd out in Méx xico and Malaaysia
Natural soil
respectively, onn chemical-powder com mpounds. T These
commpounds added in the viccinity of grou unding rods, also . . .
demmonstrated a siignificant deccrease on grounding resistaance. G.E.C. Grounding rod
Howwever, the usaage of some chemical-powd
c der materials (e.g.
n E.U., becausse of
Na2S2O3, NH4Cl etc.) is totallyy restricted in
the serious envirronmental daamage they causec in soil and
nts, so this ppaper deals with
w bentonitte basis chemmical

A. Installation
I annd Experimenttal Array
I this work, several grounnd enhancing compounds were
In d=117mm
evalu uated in fielld conditionss. Five main grounding rods,
St/e--Cu type A, ddimensioned 17x1500mm, with a minim mum
coppper thickness 254μm, have been driven, each one of tthem Figure 1. Groundin
ng rod arrangemennt with ground en
nhancing compouund.
in diifferent grounnd enhancing compounds,
c as
a shown in Fiig. 1.
Aparrt from the fi five main rodss, another onee has been drriven
direcctly to natuural soil as a referencee electrode. The
instaallation procedure is presennted in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. The
distaance between two successsive rods is 10m,1 as show
wn in
Fig. 4, and they wwere tagged as follows:
 G1: natural soil
 G2: conductiive concrete
 G3: bentonitee
 G4: chemicall compound A
 G5: chemicall compound B
 G6: chemicall compound C Figure 2. Insta
allation of groundding systems at NTUA
N Campus.

A seventeen auuxiliary electro
odes, of the ssame
type with the m main one, butt 0.5m lengtth, were insttalled
manently, at different sppots, for soiil resistivity and
grouunding resistaance measureements (Fig. 4). Gi,d auxiiliary
electtrodes are used for the groun nding resisttance
measurements, w where subscript (i) ind dicates the m main
grouunding rod to be measured, and subscrip pt (d) the disttance
of thhe Gi,d electrode from thee correspondin ng rod Gi. Inn the
samee way, Ad aauxiliary elecctrodes are used u for the soil
resisstivity measuurements at several distances (Weenner
meth hod), where ssubscript (d) indicates
i the distance
d of thhe Ad
electtrode from thee grounding rood G1. gure 3. Installatio
Fig on of grounding rood with ground enhancing
e compouund.
Tech hnical Univerrsity Campus.. The rainfalll measuremennt has
beenn performed automatically
a every 10 minnutes a day, within
the whole year, by b special sennsors. The ex
xperimental reesults
for soil resistiviity and rainnfall height measurements
m s are
pressented in Fig. 5.
T 3-pole method,
m also kknown as the fall of poteential
meth hod, was ussed to accurrately measurre the grounnding
resisstance of eacch main rod, using two au uxiliary electrrodes
ven into the soil at the distannces of 20m and
driv a 40m from main
rod, respectively. The experim mental resultss are presenteed in
Fig. 6 for natu ural soil andd Fig. 7 forr the rest off the
enhaancement com mpounds.

Figure 44. Experimental field

f and electrodes array.
Figure 5. Soil resistivityy versus time and
d rainfall.
T mean parrticle size fracction resulting g from the texxture
ysis on samplles at the expeerimental field
d [14] is preseented
on Table
T 1:


Soil Typee M
Mean Particle Sizze Fraction %
Cobbles and graveel 54.8
Saand 39.5
Siilt-Clay 5.7

B. Results
R and Discussion
A the measuurements werre performed according too [2], Figure 6. Grounding resista
tance versus time and raifall.
whicch provides complete deescription of the methodds of
measuring groundding resistancce, instrumen
ntation and s afety
precautions whiile making ground teests. The field
measurements, whhich have beeen performed in daily basiis for
one year, are:
 soil resistivitty.
 grounding reesistance of grrounding rods.
 rainfall, air ttemperature, air
a humidity an
nd soil humidiity.
S resistivityy was measuured by usin ng the 4-electtrode
meth hod (Wenner method), at different disttances (α), off 2m,
4m, 8m, 12m andd 16m. The deviced used too measure thee soil
resisstivity and thee grounding reesistance, in this
t project, wwas a
Meg gger DET2/2 auto earth teester, while the t rainfall hheight
gure 7. Grounding
g resistance of gro
round enhancemeent compounds veersus
data have beenn collected from the database of the time andd rainfall.
meteeorological sttation which is installed inside
i the Atthens
F 6 and 7 confirm that soil moisturee, which is cloosely
relatted to rainfaall, plays a major
m role on
o the grounnding
resisstance variatioon. In winter months, when n rainfall heigght is
conssiderable and ssoil is constanntly wet, enhaancement mateerials
main ntain groundinng resistance in low valuess and, moreovver, a
remaarkable stabiility is obseerved. In summer, whenn air
temp perature is coonstantly too high (over 35˚C) for a long
periood of time annd drought is the main chaaracteristic off this
season in Greecee, the groundding resistance of the systtems,
undeer test, rises considerablyy. Thus, the capability off the
enhaancing compoounds to retainn the soil moiisture, particuularly
in suummer monthhs, is the mainn consideratio on to be takenn into
accoount when choosing differeent types of ground enhanncing
Figure 10. Coompound loss.
Ennhancing com mpounds perfoormance can be b defined as their Besides
B rainffall and soiil humidity, the perform mance
capaability of reduucing the grouunding resistaance value. Heence, decrrease is prrobably assoociated with the comppound
the relative
r efficieency factor maay be formulaated as: absoorbance by the soil, which is great or sm mall, dependent on
commpound type. ForF example, it is noticed that,
t from Julyy and
beyo ond, compoun nd C presenteed a remarkab ble decrease ofo its
 R  (1) perfformance and the corresponnding efficien ncy factor receeived
ni  1  i 
 R1  negaative values, an
a indication that the grounnding resistannce of
the rod (G6), surrounded by this material, m increeased
Ri: grounding resistance of grounding
g rod
ds trem
mendously over the corresp sponding valu ues of naturall soil
R1: grounding resistance of reference rod (G1).
) This negative efficiencyy factor is attrributed to maaterial
shrinnk and finallly its loss, probably due to the lacck of
F 8 shows that, at the beginning of th
Fig. he experimennt, all moisture, which resulted in thhe formation of large air gaps
the enhancing ccompounds present a significantly
s high ween the elecctrode and thee surrounding
betw g ground (Figg. 9).
formance, whiich diminishees as time paasses by. Forr this The electrode sittuation, after the compoun nd loss, is cllearly
reasoon, compounnds like bentoonite, conductive concretee and depiictured in Fig g. 10. Appareently, instead of decreasingg the
chemmical compouund B, which demonstrate high perform mance grouunding resistaance, the use of this materrial has led to the
at firrst, have the advantage agaainst the otheer materials teested. oppo osite result.
At thhis point, it iis important to
t mention that, the conduuctive
conccrete tested inn this experiment is the same type ass the The
T first arrow w (July 2011)), in Fig. 7, in
ndicates the staart of
conccrete used on bbuilding foundations, in ord der to have a mmore the period
p when ana apparent mmaterial shrink k was observedd and
practical evaluatioon of this mateerial. the second arrow w (January 20112) indicates the date wheen the
ditchh of G6 rod (compound
( C) was supplemented with extra
quan ntity of material. Obvioussly, beyond the last mentiioned
datee in January 2012,
2 a noticeeable decreasee in the grounnding
resisstance value of G6 sysstem is obsserved, whicch is
accoompanied by y a correspponding imp provement inn its
efficciency factor, as shown in FFig. 8.
T performance of the enh nhancement co ompounds preesents
no consistency throughout
t thhe year; on the contrary, it’s
stronngly dependeent on rainfa fall and soil humidity. These
variations cause great changees on ground ding resistancee, on
deveeloping step voltages
v and toouch voltages, as well as onn step
voltage and touch h voltage permrmissible limitts. Material shrink
Figure 8. Efficiiency Factor of ground
g enhancemeent compounds.
and its consequ uent loss haas to be tak ken severely into
conssideration in designing a ppower system m or any elecctrical
instaallation, as this fact couould lead to unpredicted and
parable damag ges into the gr
grounding systtem and, thereefore,
into the whole installation. It is well known k that these
undeesirable condditions may jeeopardize perrsonnel safetyy and
equiipment integriity.
A thoroug
gh investigatioon of Figs. 7 and 8, one could
gest that cond
ductive concreete and bentonnite, which arre the
Figure 9. Com
mpound shrink. cheaapest and moost frequently used materiaals, in compaare to
materials A, B and C, are still a quite reliable solution to high 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP 2006),
resistance problems, appeared in ground types with high soil Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 740–744, September 18th–22nd, 2006.
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measurements are needed to be obtained, for over a period of International Conference on Lighnting (APL 201), Chengdu, China, pp.
794–799, November 1st–4th, 2011.
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[5] H. Kutter and W. Lange, “Grounding improvement by using bentonite”,
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season and from year to year. This is very important for the [6] K. L. Mc Gowan, “Use of conductive backfills in reducing transmission
credibility of the comparison among the different materials tower surge impedance and footing resistance”, IEEE PES Summer
and in order to ensure safe conclusions. Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 1975, Paper A 75,
pp. 484–486,
In addition, more grounding systems with ground [7] Warren R. Jones, “Bentonite rods assure ground rod installation in
enhancing compounds must be installed in different soil types, problem soils”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
aiming an integrated evaluation of their performance under vol. PAS-99, (4), 1980, pp. 1343–1346.
various ground conditions. The investigation on compound [8] M. B. Kostic, Z. R. Radakovic, N. S. Radovanovic, and M. R.
performance in different soil types may provide valuable Tomasevic-Canovic, “Improvement of electrical properties of grounding
information about material shrink and loss and, more loops by using bentonite and waste drilling mud”, IEE Proc.-Generation
Transmission Distribution, vol. 146, (1), 1999, pp. 1–6.
specifically, about the factors that cause or even contribute to
[9] Nuwan Kumarasinghe, “A low cost lightning protection system and its
this phenomenon. Significant improvements could be effectiveness”, 20th International Lightning Detection Conference,
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such material failures and to achieve the most suitable [10] George Eduful and Joseph Ekow Cole, “Palm kernel oil cake as an
combination “soil type - enhancing compound” with the best alternative to earth resistance resistance-reducing agent”, Power Systems
possible results. Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Seattle, Wa, USA, March 15th–18th,
Laboratory tests must also be performed, in order to [11] J. Jasni, L. K. Siow, M. Z. A. Ab Kadir and W. F. Wan Ahmad, “Natural
investigate, the behavior of the substances under impulse materials as grounding filler for lightning protection system”, 30th
current and the possibility of degradation of their capability to International Conference on Lightning Protection-ICLP, Cagliari, Italy,
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impulse stress. [12] Arturo D. Galván, Gilberto G. Pretelin, and Enrique E. Gaona, “Practical
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Italy, September 13th–17th, 2010.
[13] W. F. Wan Ahmad, M. S. Abdul Rahman, J. Jasni, M. Z .A. Ab Kadir
[1] ANSI/IEEE Std 80-2000, “ΙΕΕΕ Guide for safety in AC substation and H. Hizam “Chemical enhancement materials for grounding
grounding”, 2000. purposes”, 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection-ICLP,
[2] ANSI/IEEE Std 81-1983, “IEEE guide for measuring earth resistivity, Cagliari, Italy, September 13th–17th, 2010.
ground impedance, and earth surface potentials of a ground system”, 11 [14] G. Fragogiannis, N. Papatheodorou, and S. Stamataki, “Evaluation of
March 1983. thermal performance of ground-source energy systems. A geophysics
[3] I. F. Gonos, A. X. Moronis, and I. A. Stathopulos: “Variation of soil supported approach”, World Renewable Energy Congress X and
resistivity and ground resistance during the year”, Proceedings of the Exhibition (WRECX), Glascow, Scotland, July 19th–25th, 2008.

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