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Cervical Status Numerical Scoring

0 1 2 3
Position Posterior Mid-position Anterior ---
Consistency Firm Medium Soft ---
0-30 % 40 - 50 % 60 - 70 % >80 %
Dilation (cm) Closed 1 - 2 cm 3 - 4 cm >5 cm
Station -3 -2 -1 +1, +2

Generally speaking, a total score of 9 or greater indicates greater likelihood of a successful induction for a first
time mom, greater than 5 for a second time mom. It does not predict in any way whether an induction will in
fact work or not, it is merely a tool (one of many) used to help determine if induction is an appropriate choice.

You would most likely need to ask your OB or Midwife for all of the answers to the cervical indicators (what
is my cervical position, consistency, percentage of effacement, dilation, and the baby’s station) BEFORE
having a cervical exam so you can figure out for yourself what your score would be. You could of course also
ask them what your score is, but they don’t always assess every aspect closely when doing a vaginal exam.

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