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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151

Residual stresses in welded structures

R.H. Leggatt
TWI, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge, UK


The nature of residual stresses in welded structures is discussed in terms of their magnitude, directionality, spatial distribution, range
and variability. The effects of the following factors on the residual stresses are considered: material properties, material manufacture,
structural geometry, fabrication procedure, welding procedure, post-weld treatments and service conditions.
Examples are given of residual stress distributions in plate butt welds, circumferential butt welds and weld cladding. These illustrate
the different magnitudes and distributions of residual stress that can be found in different joint geometries, and demonstrate the effects of
the mechanical, thermal and metallurgical properties of the constituent materials and the sensitivity of residual stresses to pass sequence
and to the restraints applied during welding. Further examples for the common case of circumferential butt welds in pipes and pressure
vessels are used to illustrate the extent of residual stresses as a function of distance from the weld and the effects of post-weld heat
Measurements or analytical predictions of residual stresses are often subject to significant scatter or variability. This scatter may be due
to systematic factors such as variability in measurement location or material properties, or to experimental error in measured data,
erroneous assumptions in analytical modelling or unknown factors such as pre-existing residual stresses, inadequately documented
welding or fabrication procedures or unrecorded local repairs. Improved prediction and reduction of uncertainty of residual stresses will
require better recording of the whole manufacturing and service history of the welded structure and its component materials and better
understanding and analysis of the many processes that may affect the residual stresses.
r 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Residual stress; Welding; Post-weld heat treatment

1. Introduction welding or tacking to other component parts of the

The principal factors that determine what residual  The welding procedure, including the weld preparation,
stresses are present in a welded structure are as follows: the welding conditions and the pass sequence in multi-
pass welds.
 Residual stresses present in the parts being joined before  Residual stresses generated or relaxed by manufacturing
welding, resulting from the processes used to manufac- operations after welding or by thermal or mechanical
ture the component materials, and fabrication opera- loading during service life.
tions prior to welding.
 The material properties of the weld and parent The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of how
materials, including composition, microstructure, ther- the above factors affect the magnitude, directionality and
mal properties and mechanical properties. distribution of residual stresses in welded joints and
 The geometry of the parts being joined. structures.
 The restraints applied to the parts being welded by the
application of external fixtures such as welding jigs 2. Residual stresses before welding
or local alignment fixtures, or by their attachment by
Within the fusion zone, the heat-affected zone (HAZ)
E-mail address: and the adjacent parent material where the thermal

0308-0161/$ - see front matter r 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151 145

softening and thermal strains caused by the heat flow from after welding. These tensile residual stresses will be of
the weld are sufficient to cause yielding during welding, the approximately yield magnitude if two conditions are met,
residual stress field will be dominated by the weld-induced namely that
residual stresses. At greater distances from the weld, the
residual stresses after welding will be a function of the  there is restraint against the free thermal contraction of
superimposition of the weld-induced residual stresses and the heated material.
any pre-existing residual stresses in the parts being joined.  The thermal contraction strain from the softening
This superimposition may be in the linear elastic or non- temperature to ambient or pre-heat temperature is
linear elastic plastic or creep range, depending on greater than the yield strain of the material.
combined magnitude of the residual stresses and the
mechanical properties of the parent material. The first condition is a function of the geometry and
Residual stresses before welding may be caused by stiffness of the parts being joined, which will be discussed
thermal or mechanical processes during materials manu- in a subsequent section of this paper. The second condition
facture or fabrication operations. Material- or product- is a function of the material properties, which will be
manufacturing operations that cause significant residual discussed in the next section.
stresses include casting, forging, rolling, heat treatments,
quenching, straightening and carburisation. Significant 4. Material properties
pre-welding fabrication processes include flame, plasma
or laser cutting, bending, machining, jigging and correction Yield magnitude residual stresses may occur if the
of misalignment. thermal strain during cooling after welding is greater than
In many material-manufacturing or fabrication opera- the yield strain, that is if
tions, there is a rebalancing of the residual stresses during
or after the application of the process, and the magnitude aðT s  T o ÞXsY =E, (1)
of the final residual stresses is often less than half the yield where a is the coefficient of thermal expansion; Ts the
strength of the material. Some operations, such as heat softening temperature, defined here as the temperature at
treatment with slow cooling, may relax the stresses caused which the yield strength drops to 10% of its value at
by previous operations. But processes such as machining or ambient temperature; To the ambient or uniform pre-heat
rapid quenching which cause localised yielding at the temperature; E the Young’s modulus; sY the yield strength
surface may leave yield magnitude stresses near the surface, at ambient or pre-heat temperature.
possibly with enhanced yield strength due to work Typical values of the relevant material properties for
hardening. Type 316 austenitic stainless steel, carbon manganese steel,
The possibility of pre-existing residual stresses should a titanium alloy and a high strength polymer, polyether-
always be considered when the residual stresses in welded imide (PEI), are given in Table 1.
structures are being evaluated. In programmes to measure Yield magnitude residual stresses are likely to occur
residual stresses in welded components, it is advisable to where the contraction strain in the penultimate column is
measure the residual stresses in regions not affected by greater than the yield strain in the last column. This is the
welding, or in piece parts before welding, in order to case in all austenitic stainless steels, as for example in type
determine the magnitude of pre-existing residual stresses. 316, where the thermal strain is more than ten times greater
than yield strain, and residual stress up to the 1.0% proof
3. Magnitude of residual stresses in welds stress can occur. In C–Mn steels the thermal contraction
strain is about five times greater than the yield strain, and
The simple assumption is often made that the magnitude yield magnitude residual stresses usually result. However,
of the maximum tensile residual stress in a weld in the as- because of the high yield strength and low Young’s
welded condition is equal to the yield strength of the weld modulus in Ti–6Al–4V, the contraction strain is not
or parent material [1]. This is a reasonable assumption in sufficient to generate yield magnitude residual stresses.
many but not all materials. Tensile residual stresses are There is an even greater discrepancy in high strength
generated at welds due to the thermal contraction of the polymers. Fig. 1 shows the variation of longitudinal
weld metal and the adjacent heated parent during cooling residual stresses across the weld in hot-plate welded

Table 1
Contraction strain and yield strain in various materials (To ¼ 20 1C)

Material a (1Cl) Ts (1C) sY (MPa) E (MPa) a(Ts–To) (%) eY ¼ sY/E (%)

Type 316 18  10 1050 300 193,000 1.85 0.16
C–Mn 12  106 X650 350 207,000 X0.76 0.17
Ti–6Al–4V 7.3  106 875 950 106,000 0.62 0.89
PEI 56  106 219 90 3000 1.11 3.00
146 R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151

Fig. 1. Residual stresses in hot-plate welded high strength polymers [2].

Fig. 3. Predicted through-thickness distribution of residual stresses in low

alloy steel clad with austenitic stainless steel. Calculated with (T.P.) and
without (N.T.P.) transformation plasticity [4].

increase rapidly, reaching a value approaching the yield

strength of the 2.25Cr1Mo steel at room temperature, but
only reaching a low value in the 9Cr1Mo. If a general pre-
Fig. 2. Effect of phase change on accumulation of stresses during heat is applied, for example at about 200 1C as shown by
cooling [3]. the dotted line in Fig. 2, then there is no further
accumulation of stress in the weld after the temperatures
samples of three different polymers [2]. The maximum in the weldment equalise at the pre-heat temperature, and
stress in the PEI was 15 MPa, about one-sixth of the yield the final residual stress is given by the intercept with the
strength. The longitudinal residual stress decreases with dotted line.
distance from the weld, proportionately to the peak Fig. 3 shows the predicted through thickness distribution
temperature reached during welding. of residual stresses in A508 Cl.3 low alloy steel clad with
Another material property that may affect the residual 316 stainless steel [4]. High-tensile residual stresses are
stresses in welded joints is phase change, particularly where predicted in the cladding and in the parent metal adjacent
this occurs at low temperatures during cooling after to the HAZ, due to the shrinkage of the heated region,
welding. Fig. 2 shows the accumulation of stresses during resisted by the stiffness of the 100 mm thick parent metal.
cooling in restrained tensile specimens subject to simulated However, compressive residual stresses are predicted to
HAZ thermal cycles [3]. Tests were made with samples of occur in the HAZ, due to the effect of low temperature
type 316 austenitic stainless steel and two low alloy ferritic phase change during cooling. The predictions illustrate the
steels, 2.25Cr1Mo and 9Cr1Mo. effect of transformation plasticity, which causes a loss of
The type 316 austenitic stainless steel has no phase strength during transformation. Very large compressive
changes, and the stress accumulates steadily as the material stresses (600 MPa) are predicted in the HAZ if transfor-
cools under restraint from 1300 1C to room temperature. mation plasticity is ignored. If transformation plasticity is
The stress at any temperature is approximately equal to the included, then lower compressive stresses are predicted.
yield strength at that temperature. The low alloy steels have
phase changes between 600 and 400 1C in the 2.25Cr1Mo, 5. Restraint
and between 500 and 300 1C in the 9Cr1Mo. The
temperatures at which the phase change starts and ends The restraint at a welded joint may be described as the
are sensitive to the rate of cooling, which is fast in the resistance to the free thermal expansion and contraction of
HAZ, giving phase changes at relatively low temperatures. the heated material. It sounds like a simple concept, but in
During the phase change, the crystal lattice expands, and fact is complex: it varies with direction and position in the
the accumulated stresses are relaxed to a small negative weld and it changes continuously during the fabrication of
value. After the phase change is complete, the stresses a welded component or structure. It is affected by a wide
R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151 147

range of factors, including the geometry of the parts being the upper face, balanced by compression at mid-thickness
joined, the use of fabrication aids such as tacks, cleats and and tension at the lower surface. In this case, the mean
jigs, the pass sequence for multipass welds and the welding transverse stress through the thickness is tensile. This is
sequence for structures with more than one weld. The usually the case in butt-welded plates where the length and
effects of internal and external restraints on the residual width are of the same order. There is reduced transverse
stresses acting in different directions in a welded joint is shrinkage at the ends of the welds, causing mean transverse
discussed below with reference to results from measure- compressive stresses at the ends of the weld and mean
ment or modelling of residual stresses for various weld tensile stresses at mid-length. The through-thickness
geometries and procedures. residual stresses were entirely compressive. Each pass is
Fig. 4 shows the convention used in this paper for free to shrink in the through-thickness direction when it is
describing the directions relative to a straight weld in a flat deposited, so no residual stresses are generated in that
plate. Fig. 5 shows the through-wall distribution of direction initially. However, when the central region is
longitudinal, transverse and through-thickness residual compressed in the transverse direction by the shrinkage of
stresses measured on the centre line of the weld in a the near-surface passes, compressive stresses in the
multi-pass butt weld in a 60-mm-thick steel plate with no through-thickness direction are generated.
external restraint [5]. Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the effects of restraint on
It can be seen in Fig. 5 that the residual stresses in the transverse residual stresses in multipass welds in 50 mm
three orthogonal directions are completely different. This is thick type 316L stainless steel [6]. If bending restraint is
caused by the different restraints acting in the three applied to resist the angular distortion at the weld caused
directions. Longitudinal shrinkage of the weld is strongly by the transverse shrinkage of successive weld passes, then
resisted by the parts being joined, so high tensile residual a net bending stress can be generated at the weld. Results
stresses are generated throughout the thickness of the weld. from two welds are shown in Fig. 6. With low bending
The transverse shrinkage of the final weld passes on the restraint and a balanced pass sequence which gave low final
upper surface of the plate is resisted by the passes deposited angular distortion, the through wall distribution of
previously, so tensile residual stresses are generated near transverse stresses was balanced, with compressive stresses
at mid-depth in equilibrium with tensile stresses near the
surfaces. In a more highly restrained plate with an
unbalanced welding sequence, the compressive zone was
nearer the lower face, and the tensile stresses were increased
at the top face and decreased at the lower face, giving a net
bending stress through the thickness.
When in-plane or membrane restraint is applied to resist
the mean transverse shrinkage at the weld, then net
membrane stresses are generated across the weld. Distribu-
tions of transverse residual stresses are shown in Fig. 7 for

Fig. 4. Nomenclature for directions relative to weld. sx longitudinal; sy

transverse; sz through-thickness.

Fig. 6. Effect of bending restraint on transverse residual stresses in multi-

Fig. 5. Residual stresses in multipass butt weld in thick steel plate [5]. pass butt weld in austenitic stainless-steel plate [6].
148 R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151

three levels of membrane restraint. As the restraint resisted by tensile stresses transmitted through the plates to
increases, the tensile stresses generated by the transverse the restraints, so the compressive stresses at mid-depth are
shrinkage of the near-surface passes also increases, and are reduced and become tensile under high restraint. Where the
membrane restraint is very high, for example at the ends of
a full depth repair, the transverse residual stresses are
tensile and approaching yield magnitude over the full
thickness of the plate.
Fig. 8 shows the variation of the net transverse bending
stress generated by multipass butt welds in 50 mm thick-
type 316L stainless-steel plate as a function of the bending
restraint coefficient for a single-sided weld and two double-
sided welds with different pass sequences [6]. These results
were obtained by computer modelling of the deposition of
the weld passes, with experimental validation at two levels
of restraint. The bending restraint coefficient is a measure
of the rotational stiffness of the plates at the joint, and is
defined as the bending stress at the weld divided by the
relative rotation of the plate edges in radians and by the
plate thickness.
In a single-sided weld, angular distortion builds up
continuously as successive weld passes are deposited,
causing high bending stresses across the weld, which
increase as the restraint increases. Two different pass
Fig. 7. Effect of membrane restraint on transverse residual stresses in sequences were considered for a double-sided weld with a
1 2
multi-pass butt weld in austenitic stainless-steel plate [6]. 3 : 3 preparation depth ratio. The ‘‘typical’’ pass sequence

Fig. 8. Bending stress at multipass welds in 50 mm austenitic stainless steel as a function of bending restraint coefficient, weld preparation and pass
sequence [6].
R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151 149

consists of half filling the 23 preparation with passes 1–6, circumferential membrane stresses and axial bending
then filling the 13 preparation with passes 7–13 and finally stresses, which are both functions of the radial displace-
filling the remainder of the 23 preparation with passes 14–20. ment of the pipe wall.
This sequence gives low angular distortion and low Fig. 9 shows the variation of hoop (circumferential) and
bending stress at low levels of bending restraint, but it axial residual stresses with distance from the centre of a
gives significant angular distortion and high bending circumferential butt weld in a 16 mm thick, 600 mm OD
stresses at high levels of restraint. Lower bending stresses (outside diameter) API-XL-X65 pipe [7]. Three sets of
were obtained using the ‘‘balanced’’ welding sequence, in results are given: the surface residual stresses measured by
which passes 1–10 were deposited in the 23 preparation, the hole drilling method (symbols), the linear components
passes 11–17 in the 13 preparation and finally passes 18–20 (i.e. the sum of the net membrane and bending components
in the 23 preparation. The number of passes in the final of the through-wall stress distributions) measured by
block was just sufficient to counteract the angular removal of strain gauged blocks (dashed lines), and the
distortion and negative bending stress resulting from the linear components obtained from the theory of the elastic
previous passes, without going too far and building up behaviour of thin cylinders as a function of the circumfer-
large distortion and bending stress with the opposite sign. ential shrinkage force and angular distortion at the weld
(solid lines).
6. Circumferential welds in pipes The measured and theoretical values of the linear
components were in good agreement in the elastic region
For circumferential welds, it is convenient to describe the beyond about 25 mm from the weld centreline. The effect
stress directions in terms of the component coordinates, i.e. of the circumferential yielding and shrinkage of the weld is
in terms of the circumferential, axial and radial directions represented in the theory as an external circumferential
(corresponding to longitudinal, transverse and through shrinkage force acting on the weld centre line, and hence
thickness directions at butt welds in flat plate). Circumfer- the tensile hoop stresses in the plastically deformed zone at
ential butt welds in cylindrical components such as pipes or the weld are not included in the theoretical distribution. It
pressure vessels are subject to bending restraint across the has been shown [8] that the half width of the plastic zone at
weld due to the curvature of the parts being joined. In a weld in steel is equal to w/2 +O(122(q/v)/sy), where w is
addition, they are subject to interaction between the the width of the weld, q/v is the heat input of the largest

Fig. 9. Variation of hoop and axial residual stresses with distance from the centreline of a circumferential butt weld in a 16 mm  600 mm steel pipe [7].
150 R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151

weld bead and sy is the yield strength of the parent metal.

With w ¼ 16 mm, q ¼ 1000 J/mm and sy ¼ 510 MPa, the
half width of the plastic zone containing tensile hoop
stresses is predicted to be 23.5 mm, which agrees well with
the experimental results.
Outside the plastically deformed zone, the hoop stresses
varied in accordance with thin cylinder theory and tended
to a uniform bending stress of 760 MPa (tensile outside) at
about 175 mm from the weld. This uniform bending stress
was not caused by the weld: it was a pre-existing residual
stress resulting from the manufacture of the pipe. The axial
bending stresses were approximately zero at the weld, due
to the opposing effects of the angular distortion at the
weld, which causes tension at the outside surface, and the Fig. 10. Through-wall variation of residual stresses at a circumferential
circumferential shrinkage of the weld, which causes tension butt weld in a pipe [9], (a) as-welded, (b) after PWHT.
inside. Outside the weld, the axial bending stresses
increased to a peak value of about 7150 MPa at 50 mm
from the weld, before decreasing to a negligible value at Operations and processes during service life that may
about 175 mm from the weld. This distance corresponds to further modify the residual stresses include:
the half wave length of the exponential harmonic function
associated with axisymmetric bending in a thin-walled  Normal or exceptional service loads, causing plastic
cylinder, which is equal to 2.5ORt, where R ¼ radius ¼ straining, particularly in areas of stress concentration or
300 mm and t ¼ thickness ¼ 16 mm, giving a half wave high residual stress.
length ¼ 173 mm. These results show that residual stresses  Creep at operating temperatures within the creep range.
may be present at a considerable distance from the weld,  Irradiation.
and do not always decay rapidly within one or two plate  Contact stresses.
thicknesses, as is sometimes claimed.  In-service repairs.
 Loss of material due to corrosion.
7. Changes in residual stresses after welding
Fig. 10 shows the effect of PWHT on the through-wall
There is a wide range of factors that may modify the distribution of residual stresses on the centre-line of a
residual stresses after welding, either during subsequent circumferential butt weld in a 22 mm thick, 219 mm OD
stages of manufacture, or during the service life of the C-Mn steel pipe [9]. The hoop, axial and radial residual
welded structure. These factors should be considered when stresses were all reduced significantly after PWHT
the state of residual stress in a welded joint is being (Fig. 10b) compared with their magnitudes after welding
assessed. (Fig. 10a). The through-wall distributions are similar in
Manufacturing operations that may significantly modify shape before and after heat treatment, though the
the as-welded residual stresses include: reduction in residual stress is not proportional.

 Local weld repairs of defects found during NDE. 8. Variability and scatter
 Release of temporary fixtures.
 Subsequent welding operations, including fit-up and Measurements or analytical predictions of residual
welding of other structural components or attachments, stresses are often subject to significant scatter or variability.
and weld cladding. This may be caused by real variations in the residual
 Surface treatments, including peening and case hard- stresses, or to the limitations of the measurement or
ening. modelling methods. The residual stresses may have been
 Machining operations, which may cause redistribution affected by operations other than welding occurring during
of residual stresses due to material removal, and surface material manufacture, fabrication or service life. There
stresses on the machined faces. may be no record of some of these operations, even for
 Distortion correction by plastic deformation or flame components with demanding quality control requirements.
straightening. The residual stresses may be sensitive to small changes in
 Mechanical loading, such as proof testing or vibration the joint geometry, welding conditions, inter-pass time,
during transportation. ambient environment, bead lay-up, material composition
 Thermal treatments, including post-weld heat treatment and mechanical properties, within the permitted ranges for
(PWHT) applied in a furnace or by local heating. these parameters. They may also vary rapidly with position
 Mechanical treatments such as vibrational stress relief relative to the fusion boundary, such that measurements
or auto-frettage. are very sensitive to location and sampling volume.
R.H. Leggatt / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (2008) 144–151 151

Numerical modelling of the heat flow and evolution of tured and through all subsequent manufacturing opera-
stresses during welding can be used to obtain a detailed two- tions and service conditions. Welding is just one stage in
or three-dimensional distribution of the residual stresses at a this long process, in which many operations may not be
welded joint. Numerical modelling eliminates some of the fully recorded or fully understood. Until such time as
errors and uncertainties associated with experimental mea- computer-integrated manufacturing and operation be-
surements, but may introduce other errors due to limitations comes a reality, embracing recording and analysis of the
in the input data or modelling assumptions. The effects of whole history of the structure and its component materials,
operations other than welding may be ignored. the determination of residual stresses in real welded
The best approach for reliable determination of residual structures will remain an inexact science.
stresses is by a combination of measurements and
modelling. Distributions of residual stresses obtained by References
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